Thomas Corbet was a friend of Non Conformist ministers.
1660 Indenture between Robert Corbet and his son, Thomas on February 13th5
1671 Philip Henry writes in his diary " July 12, 1671. With wife at Stanwardine. Much made of there, but little good done by reason of a vayn, unfixt, unfruitful heart. I accompanied them killing a buck in their own park, far from being taken with any great delight or pleasure in ye sport; they sent part of him to Broad-Oke after us".
William Tong was chaplain for two years to Thomas Corbet of Stanwardine and Rowland Hunt of Boreatton.
1680 Nov 3rd Indenture between Thomas Corbet on one part and John Smith and Benjamin Rogers on other part.
1690 July 18th Indenture of lease and release between Letitia Lee and Thomas Corbet, acquittance of Launcelot Lee, fishmonger, for 200 pounds.
1698 Feb 23rd Indenture between Thomas Corbet, Joseph Guidler, Leanor Hancock, Sampson Shelton Broughton and Michael Noble on one part and Sir John Wynn Baronet on other part.
1700 Thomas Corbet II was living in the county of Worcester after having sold, gambled away at cards or even allegedly losing Stanwardine in a snail race to Sir John Wynn of Watstay.
Stanwardine has since been used as a farmhouse