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Humphrey VI BOHUN
 Relationship to John Malebisse Beckwith
ABT 1220
Humphrey V BOHUN
Maude LUSIGNAN or d' EU
Eleanor de BRAOSE ?; 6 ch. total
27 AUG 1265 ENG aged 45
He was a very distinguished person among the rebellious barons, in the reign of King Henry III. In 1257 he was among those who assisted his father to keep the marches between Montgomery and the lands of the Earl of Gloucester, and in 1263 was ordered to join his father at Hereford to defend the lands and fortify the castles on the marches against Llewellyn. He joined the barons against the king, and on July 23, 1264 had custody of the castle of Winchester, which he was ordered to surrender on June 3, 1265. In the 47th year of that monarch he was excommunicated, with Simon de Montfort, Earl of Leicester, and others, for plundering various churches and committing sacrilege. He was afterwards one of the commanders at the battle of Lewes, where the king was made prisoner, and was constituted Governor of Goodrich and Winchester Castles. In the year following he commanded the infantry at the battle of Evesham, where he fell into the hands of the royalists, and was sent prisoner to Beeston Castle in Cheshire, where he soon afterwards on October 27, 1265, died during his father's lifetime, leaving a son, Humphrey, by his wife, Eleanor (Alianore) Braose, daughter and co-heir of William de Braose, of Brecknock, Lord of Abergavenny, and co-heir of her mother Eve (Eva) Marshal, one of the five daughters and co-heirs of William Marshal, Earl of Pembroke, and sister of William Marshal, Surety to the Magna Charta. He was succeeded by his son, Humphrey.

Database: stanwardine   Bridge Family Tree
Contact: William Bridge