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 Relationship to Sarah Ann Barlow Hall
AUG 1231 ?; of Warren, Sussex, ENG
Alice LUSIGNAN 16 APR 1247 London, ENG
Born: 1251
William de WARENNE
Born: ABT 1256 Croydon, Surrey, ENG; of Warren, Sussex, ENG
Died: 15 DEC 1286 Croydon, ENG
27 SEP 1304 Michaelmas, Surrey, ENG aged 73
John de Warren (Plantaganet), Earl of Warren and Surrey. This nobleman was but five years old at the time of his father's decease, and was placed in ward with Peter de Savoy, the Queen's brother. When he attained majority, he attached himself zealously to King Henry III. in his conflicts ith the barons, and maintained the cause of the king with his sword at the battle of Lewes. He was a man of violent and imperious temper, and was often betrayed into acts of great intemperance; as in the instance of assaulting Sir Alan Zouch, and Roger, his son, in Westminster Hall, when he lmost killed the one and wounded the other. And again, when King Edward I. issued the first writs of Quo Warranto, he being questioned as to the title of his possessions, exhibited to the justices an old sword, and unsheathed it, said, "Behold, my lords, here is my warranty, my ancestors coming into this land with William the Bastard, did obtain their lands by the sword, and I am resolved with the sword to defend them, against whomsoever shall endeavor to dispossess me; for that king did not himself conquer the land, and subdue it, but our progenitors were sharers and assistants therein."
The earl was constituted, by King Edward, general of all his forces on the north of Trent, for the better restraining the insolence of the Scots; whereupon he marched into Scotland, and so terrified the inhabitants that they immediately sued for peace, and gave hostages for their future good onduct. But the war soon after breaking out afresh, he sustained a signal defeat at Strivelin, when his troops fled first to Berwick, and thence into England. He married (1) Alice Brun, daughter of Hugh de Brun, Count de la March, and half-sister by the mother of King Henry III., and (2) Joan owbray, daughter of William Mowbray, Lord Mowbray, from this second marriage there were no children. By the first marriage there was a son and two daughters.

("The Genealogy of Homer Beers James", V2, JANDA Consultants, c 1993 Homer James)

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Contact: William Bridge