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Margaret Tudor, Princess of England
 Relationship to Mary Elizabeth Wiltshire
28 NOV 1489 Westminster Palace, London, Middlesex, England
Henry VII Tudor, King of England
Elizabeth of York, Princess of England
18 OCT 1541 Methven Castle, Perth, Scotland aged 51
Lord Darnley's grandmother through 2nd husband
«i»"Thus this fair lady was conveyed with a great company of lords, ladies, knights, esquires and gentlemen until she came to Berwick and from there to a village called Lambton Kirk in Scotland where the King with the flower of Scotland was ready to receive her, to whom the Earl of Northumberland according to his commission delivered her.""Then this lady was taken to the town of Edinburgh, and there the day after King James IV in the presence of all his nobility married the said princess, and feasted the English lords, and showed them jousts and other pastimes, very honourably, after the fashion of this rude country. When all things were done and finished according to their commission the Earl of Surrey with all the English lords and ladies returned to their country, giving more praise to the manhood than to the good manner and nature of Scotland."
«/i»Margaret Tudor (1489-1541), queen of Scotland, and daughter of King Henry VII of England. She married King James IV of Scotland in 1503. In 1514, ayear after the king's death, she married Archibald Douglas, 6th earl ofAngus (1489-1557). Her great grandson, King James VI of Scotland, ascended
to the English throne as King James I in 1603.

Database: stanwardine   Bridge Family Tree
Contact: William Bridge