BIOGRAPHICAL: and brother of Edward IV, King of England, born in Dublin. The title Duke of Clarence was revived for him in 1461 by Edward, and the following year he became Lord Lieutenant of Ireland. In 1469, in defiance of his brother, he married a daughter of Richard Neville, Earl of Warwick.
During the Wars of the Roses, Clarence first supported Warwick and the deposed Lancastrian king, Henry VI, against his brother Edward IV, but he later turned to aid Edward and the Yorkist faction. Suspected of seeking the crown, Clarence was imprisoned, convicted by Parliament, and murdered in the Tower of London. His only son, Edward, Earl of Warwick (1475-99), was imprisoned in the tower at the age of ten and was beheaded on the order of the Tudor King Henry VII. Shakespeare recounted the story of Clarence in Henry VI, Part III and Richard III.