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Joseph Greaves
 Relationship to Ermentrude of Lower Lorraine
18 OCT 1832
James Greaves
Mary Hilton
16 AUG 1834 Duck Pond near Home aged 1
Letter from James Greaves To Mrs Hannah Hall Re Death Drowning of his son Joseph in duck pond 17-Aug-1834

Dirtcar August 17th 1834
Dear Hannah,
I am extremely sorry to inform you that our dear little Joseph got out at the yard door between three to four oclock yesterday and went up towards Edward Hague's and as we think got through a hole in the gate and fell into a duck pond and was drowned.
There was two or three out seeking him when to our great surprise about 4 oclock Edward Hague's wife was cleaning the steps of her French door when she saw his head floating on top of the water.
We are very much depressed about it particularly as it has happened while his mother was from home. I cannot inform you when the funeral will take place.
You will hear from us again.
I am dear sister yours,
James Greaves

Database: stanwardine   Bridge Family Tree
Contact: William Bridge