Living at Clough farm, Clough Lane, Prestwich in 1861 age 11.
Living at Highfield, Guest Road, Prestwich in 1891.
In 1891 had two servants:
Ann Harris - Servant - 17 - Cook, Domestic servant
Emma Street - Servant - 17 - Housemaid
In 1901 had two servants:
Amy Mason - Servant 26 Housemaid - Domestic
Elizabeth Jones - Servant 21 Cook - Domestic
Transcript of letter to Emma from her vicar on passing her examinations.
The Residence
Jan 22nd 1870
Dear Emma Knott,
I am very glad indeed to hear by your letter received this morning, that you have passed your examinations so successfully. It is very exciting both to yourself and Miss Hulme, and I sincerely hope that you may prosper during your residence at Warrington. You must try to maintain the honour of your native village, and to gain fresh distinction. That a much happier lot is yours than that of many girls, who at your time of life throw off all restraint, and think only of amusement and dress.
By God's helping a useful career is now before you. That he may vouchsafe his blessing, and keep you in the path of virtue, from that so many young women go astray, is the heartfelt wish of your rector,
Henry M Birch