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25 APR 1214 Poissy, France
MARGUERITE of Provence 27 MAY 1234 St. Etienne, Sens, France
Born: 3 APR 1245 Poissy, Yvelines, France
Died: 5 OCT 1285 Perpignan, Pyrenees-Orienta, France
Born: ABT 1255
Robert of France
Born: 1256
Born: ABT 1260 France
Died: 1327
25 AUG 1270 Tunis, Tunisia, Africa; died of the plague or on a crusade to Tunisia aged 56
Early life.
Louis was the fourth child of King Louis VIII and his queen, Blanche of Castile, but, since the first three died at an early age, Louis, who was to have seven more brothers and sisters, became heir to the throne. He was raised with particular care by his parents, especially his mother.
Experienced horsemen taught him riding and the fine points of hunting. Tutors taught him biblical history, geography, and ancient literature. His mother instructed him in religion herself and educated him as a sincere, unbigoted Christian. Louis was a boisterous adolescent, occasionally seized by fits of temper, which he made efforts to control.
When his father succeeded Philip II Augustus in 1223, the long struggle between the Capetian dynasty and the Plantagenets of England (who still had vast holdings in France) was still not settled, but there was a temporary lull, since the English king, Henry III, was in no position to resume the war. In the south of France the Albigensian heretics, who were in revolt against both church and state, had not been brought under control. Finally, there was ferment and the threat of revolt among the great nobles, who had been kept in line by the firm hand of Philip Augustus.
Louis VIII managed to bring these external and internal conflicts to an end. In 1226 Louis VIII turned his attention to quelling the Albigensian revolt, but he unfortunately died at Montpensier on Nov. 8, 1226, on returning from a victorious expedition. Louis IX, who was not yet 13, became king under the regency of his redoubtable mother.

Accession to the throne.
The Queen Mother's first concern was to take Louis to Reims to be crowned. Many of the most powerful nobles refrained from participating in the ceremony, but Blanche was not a woman to be discouraged by adversity. While continuing her son's education she vigorously attacked the rebellious barons, particularly Hugh of Lusignan and Peter of Dreux (Pierre Mauclerc), duke of Brittany. Without support from King Henry III of England the baronial coalition collapsed, and the Treaty of Vendôme gave Blanche a brief respite.
She took advantage of it to put an end to the Albigensian revolt. Louis's troops were sent into Languedoc, where they forced Raymond VII, count of Toulouse, to concede defeat. On April 11, 1229, the King imposed the Treaty of Paris on Raymond, in accordance with the terms of which Raymond's daughter was to marry the King's brother Alphonse, and, after their deaths, all of Languedoc would revert to the royal domain. As a political debut it was a magnificent success. When the students at the University of Paris revolted for a trivial reason, Louis, on his mother's advice, closed the university and ordered the students and professors to disperse, thereby strengthening the royal authority.
The problem of the Plantagenet holdings in France remained. Supported by Peter of Dreux, Henry III landed in Brittany and attempted an expedition in the west of France. Louis IX, though only 15, personally commanded the troops. He ordered the château at Angers to be rebuilt and pushed toward Nantes, where Henry was based. There was not even a battle, for, after a futile ride to Bordeaux, Henry withdrew. Truces were renewed, and Peter of Dreux submitted to Louis's authority.
When Blanche laid down the reins of government in 1234, the kingdom was temporarily at peace. Louis IX could now think about marriage. He was a splendid knight whose kindness and engaging manner made him popular. And he was a just king: although he exacted what was due him, he had no wish to wrong anyone, from the lowest peasant to the richest vassal. He often administered justice personally, either in the great hall of the Palais de la Cité, which he later endowed with a magnificent chapel, or in his Vincennes manor, where he assembled his subjects at the foot of an oak, a scene often recalled by his biographer Jean de Joinville, the seneschal of Champagne. He was also a pious king, the protector of the church and friend of those in holy orders. In 1228 he founded the noted Abbey of Royaumont. Although respectful of the pope, he staunchly resisted unreasonable papal demands and protected his clergy.
Blanche had selected Margaret, daughter of Raymond Berenger IV, the count of Provence, as Louis's wife. The marriage was celebrated at Sens, May 29, 1234, and Louis showed himself to be an eager and ardent husband, which made Blanche intensely jealous of her daughter-in-law. Louis and Margaret had 11 children.
After subduing Thibaut of Champagne, Louis IX had to set out again for Aquitaine. This time the rebel was Hugh of Lusignan, who had married the widowed mother of Henry III. Once again Henry descended on the Continent, this time at Royan, with a powerful force. The majority of the nobles in the west of France united with him. An almost bloodless encounter at the bridge of Taillebourg in 1242 resulted in defeat for the English, and Henry returned to London. With each truce slightly more progress was made toward gaining a peace that would put a permanent end to the Hundred Years' War between France and England.

Leadership of the Seventh Crusade.
After his victory over the English, Louis IX fell seriously ill with a form of malaria at Pontoise-lés-Noyon. It was then, in December 1244, that he decided to take up the cross and go to free the Holy Land, despite the lack of enthusiasm among his barons and his entourage. The situation in the Holy Land was critical; Jerusalem had fallen into Muslim hands on Aug. 23, 1244, and the armies of the Sultan of Egypt had seized Damascus. If aid from the West was not forthcoming, the Christian kingdom of the east would soon collapse. In Europe the times had never been more propitious for a crusade. There was a respite in the great struggle between the Holy Roman Empire and the papacy; moreover, Louis IX's forceful attitude toward the Holy Roman emperor, Frederick II, had dampened the latter's enthusiasm for war. The kingdom of France was at peace, and the barons agreed to accompany their sovereign in the Seventh Crusade.
The preparations were long and complex. After entrusting the regency to his mother, Louis IX finally embarked from Aigues-Mortes on Aug. 25, 1248. He took his wife and children with him, since he preferred not to leave the mother and daughter-in-law alone together. His fleet comprised about 100 ships carrying 35,000 men. Louis's objective was simple: he intended to land in Egypt, seize the principal towns of the country, and use them as hostages to be exchanged for Syrian cities.
The beginning was promising. After wintering in Cyprus, the expedition landed near Damietta, Egypt, in June 1249. The King was one of the first to leap onto land, where he planted the oriflamme of St. Denis on Muslim territory. The town and port of Damietta were strongly fortified, but on June 6 Louis IX was able to enter the city. He then pushed on toward Cairo, but the rain-swollen waters of the Nile and its canals stopped him for several months. It was necessary to capture the citadel of al-Mansurah. After several attempts, a pontoon bridge was finally built, and the battle took place on Feb. 8, 1250. The outcome of the struggle was for a long time undecided, and the King's brother Robert of Artois was killed. Louis finally gained control of the situation through his energy and self-possession.
But the army was exhausted. The Nile carried thousands of corpses away from al-Mansurah, and plague struck the survivors. The King had to issue orders for the agonizing retreat toward Damietta. Louis IX, stricken in turn, dragged himself along in the rear guard of his disintegrating force. The Egyptians harassed the fleeing army and finally captured it on April 7, 1250.
After long negotiations, the King and his principal barons were freed for a high ransom, and Louis rejoined his wife at Acre. The crusaders would have preferred to return to France, but the King decided instead to remain. In four years he was to transform a military defeat into a diplomatic success, conclude advantageous alliances, and fortify the Christian cities of Syria. He returned to his kingdom only upon learning of his mother's death.

Achievement of peace and administrative reforms.
The saintly Louis enjoyed immense prestige throughout western Christendom. He took advantage of this to open negotiations for a lasting peace with the English king, Henry III, who had become his brother-in-law. The discussions extended over several years, but the treaty was finally signed in Paris on May 28, 1258. The terms of the treaty were generous with regard to the Plantagenets. Although Louis could have stripped Henry III of all his continental holdings, he left him Aquitaine and some neighbouring territories. In return, the King of England acknowledged himself to be Louis's vassal. In Louis's eyes this was the most important point, for in the 13th century the power of a sovereign was measured less by the extent of his possessions than by the number and importance of his vassals. A just and equitable ruler, Louis also wanted to create goodwill between his children and those of the Plantagenets. The King's reputation for impartiality was so great that he was often called upon to arbitrate disputes outside France, as he once did in a violent dispute between Henry III and his barons.
He took advantage of his authority to reorganize the administration of his kingdom. Some of his officials, profiting by his absence, had abused their power. Louis IX appointed royal investigators charged with correcting abuses on sight and with hearing complaints. Two well-known ordinances, in 1254 and 1256, carefully outlined the duties and responsibilities of officials in the royal domain, and Louis closely supervised their activities. Royal officials were forbidden to frequent taverns or to gamble, and business activities such as the purchase of land or the marriage of their daughters could be carried out only with the King's consent. Further ordinances forbade prostitution, judicial duels, and ordeal by battle. The King imposed strict penalties on counterfeiting, stabilized the currency, and compelled the circulation of royal coinage. In general, his measures strengthened royal justice and administration and provided a firm base for French commercial growth.
Louis should not, however, be portrayed as a stained-glass figure. Like all men he had faults. He was quick-tempered and sometimes violent, and he had to struggle against his gluttony. He made his decisions alone but knew how to choose wise counsellors, and his sincere piety did not prevent him from curbing the abuses of the clergy, sometimes brutally.
The King devoted attention to the arts and to literature. He directed the construction of several buildings in Paris, Vincennes, Saint-Germain, and Corbeil (to house relics of the “True Cross”). He encouraged Vincent of Beauvais, his chaplain, to write the first great encyclopaedia, Speculum majus. During his reign foreign students and scholars flocked to the University of Paris.
The King was very high spirited. Nothing would be more inaccurate than to imagine him entirely steeped in piety. After meals he gladly descended into his gardens, surrounded by his intimates, and discussed diverse topics with them. There, each one indulged in quodlibet, or in talking about anything that pleased him.

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