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III Thierry
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ABT 652 Liege, Belgium
II Clovis
I Chlotar
III Clovis
Born: ABT 673
Died: MAR 695
III Childebert
Born: 672
Died: 14 APR 711 St. Etienne, Loire, France
Bertrada Meroving
Born: ABT 676 Pruem, Phineland-Pfalz, Germany
696 France
Acceded 676 King of Neustria and Burgandy. Erkinoald, under the leadership of St. Léger (Leodegarius), Bishop of Autun, succeeded in overthrowing Ebroin, Erkinoald's successor as mayor of the palace. He and Theuderic who, in 670, had succeeded his brother Chlothar, were consigned to a convent, Childeric II, King of Austrasia, being, summoned to replace him. Once again monarchical unity was re-established, but it was not destined to last long. Wulfoald, mayor of Austrasia, was banished, also St. Léger. Childeric II was assassinated and for a short time general anarchy reigned. However, Wulfoald, who managed to return, proclaimed King of Austrasia young Dagobert II, who had come back from exile in Ireland, while St. Léger, reinstated in Neustria, upheld King Theuderic III. But Ebroin, who meanwhile had been forgotten, escaped from prison. He invaded Neustria, defeated the mayor Leudesius, Erkinoald's son, who, with the approval of St. Léger was governing this kingdom, reassumed the power, and maltreated the Bishop of Autun, whom he caused to be slain by hired assassins (678). He afterwards attacked Austrasia, banished Wulfoald, and had King Theuderic III acknowledged. The opposition shown Ebroin by the Austrasian nobles under the leadership of Pepin II (Pepin Martle) and Martin was broken at Laffaux (Latofao), where Martin perished, and Pepin disappeared for a while. Ebroin was then for some years real sovereign of the Frankish monarchy and exercised a degree of power that none save Chlodovech I and Chlothar I had possessed.

Database: stanwardine   Bridge Family Tree
Contact: William Bridge