Lived at 49 Mill St, Perth in 1841. (It is now the site of a Premier Inn.)
Portrait by Duncan as described in letter by Aunt Madge.
Letter to Alice Mary Goldie Hall nee Macmillan (Bee) from Margaret Jeffrey Rowe nee Reid (Aunt Madge)
April 25 1940
Dearest Bee,
Do forgive me if I have already written to you on the subject of an old ancestor Mrs James Thomas whose portrait was owned by cousin John Hill Thomas. He was cousin Carrie's brother & died shortly after Christmas. The portrait is now owned by his married daughter Frances Rimington. Cousin Carrie says that it is quite possible Frances may want to sell it, & she asked me if I would like her to put my name down as a possible purchaser but with no obligation to buy. Now everything considered I don't feel inclined to do so having no one to hand it on to. But you are different, and as Bill is also connected with the Thomases, a double interest. You remember the old lady in the 'mutch' in the photo picture of the original. The artist is the same - Duncan - who did Elsa's picture of your great grand mother & who was considered a coming artist then he died before establishing a great name, all the same he was represented by two pictures in the exhibition of Scottish artists shown last Spring in London. Many people have admired the old lady in my copy which hangs in the dining room here, along with the other photographed portraits. It is considered one of Duncan's best pictures. I have no idea what price it would fetch in open market - very little really, I should think. The artist not well known and the old lady of no public interest. I feel you as the right person to own it & I hope you will write to cousin Carrie & say you would (at least) like your name brought forward as a possible purchaser perhaps by private arrangement. At this present time it hardly seems the right moment to make purchases of that kind, on the other hand Frances Rimington may be in need of money later on. The War has made her live in this country and her husband as District Commissioner in Kenya is not allowed to come home, and two households to keep going is a difficulty. I suppose Peg has left you by this time. Hope you and Bill & family are all well. Uncle O. is quite fit and looking forward to fishing on the 1st May at Wishford on the Wye.
With much love, your affectionate Aunt Madge J. R.
Married her cousin, James Thomas.
Marriage entry:
Perth, the seventeenth day of June one thousand seven hundred and eighty five years. Contracted James Thomas, Brewer in Perth, and Jean Thomas in the Parish of Auchtergaven, daughter to Robert Thomas, farmer there.
Birth Ref: 1841 census: Burial ref: Large covered coffin 9/6 at Greyfriars, Perth
Will of THOMAS JEAN 15 October 1850
Thomas Duncan 1807-1845, Artist: Art UK: Wikipedia: