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John Macmillan
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J Macmillan
Betrag Aird
John Macmillan
Died: 1729
R Macmillan
Fined £360 for non conformity to Prelacy in 1662.

In 1645, Johne McMillane of Brockloch is named among
those who petitioned for the erection of a place of worship at
Carsefearne (Carsphairn) and the following is an extract of the
act passed in the Scottish Parliament :— “Anent supplications
Givine in to the estates of Parliament Quhairof the tennor
followes UNTO your Lords the honorable estates of Parliament
Humbly means and shows I your servitor Alexander Gordon of
Knockegray for my self and as commissioner and in name of
the remaining heritors of the lands underwritten that where we
be heritors’ tennants of be fourscore merk land following—viz.
The merk land of Bank. Tua merk half merk land of Marke
broke. The merkland of fermenstoun. The merke land of
Merke broke etc. The forty shilling land of Brokeloch perteaneing
to Johne McMillane of Brokeloch. The twenty shilling land
of Drumness and Craiglingell perteaneing to Cuthbert McMillane
heritor thereof. The halfe merkeland of Knockingirrot perteaneing
to Johne McMillane of Knockingirrot.

On 11th February 1659, Robert, son of Sir John Grierson
of Lag had retour of Brockloch, Longfurd, etc. and again, on
29th April 1669, Robert, son of Sir Robert Grierson, had retour
of the above, with Drumjoan (Drumjohn).
During those “killing times“ many Covenanters suffered
for their faith, including a number of MacMillans. Two of them,
Alexander* and James, were taken after the skirmish at Pentland
in 1666 and are among the martyrs belonging to Ayr. Four
years earlier, Johne McMillane of Brockloch was fined £360 for
non-conformity to Prelacy.
This accounts for the appearance of the Griersons and their
temporary possession of his land.
On 7th November 1663, ‘Bessie (Betrag), dochter to William
Aird’ and wife of Johne McMillane of Brockloch) had sasine
as portioner of half of her husband’s land.

Clan Macmillan by Somerled Macmillan (The House of Brockloch)

Database: stanwardine   Bridge Family Tree
Contact: William Bridge