Birth Year:Birth Place:

A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   X   Y   Z   
NameBirth DateBirth PlaceDeath DateDeath PlaceDatabase
. Reidstanwardine
= Richardstanwardine
ADAM of AldithleyABT 1148stanwardine
AelfgifuABT 922Wessex, England944stanwardine
AElflaedaABT 878Wessex, England920stanwardine
A Agnesstanwardine
A Agnesstanwardine
Aleida of HollandABT 1226?; of 'S-Hertogenbosch, Noord Brabant, Neth.9 APR 1283Valenciennes, Nord, Francestanwardine
Alfonso de Molina of Castile1272stanwardine
ALFONSO IX15 AUG 1171Zamora, Leon, Spain24 SEP 1230Villaneuva de Sarria, Lugo, Spainstanwardine
Alfonso X of Castile23 NOV 1221Burgos, Castile, Spain4 APR 1284Seville, Spainstanwardine
A Alicestanwardine
A Annstanwardine
A Annastanwardine
Beatrix Berengar of Provence1234ABT JUL 1267Nocerastanwardine
Beatrix of SwabiaABT 12001235stanwardine
B Becsstanwardine
BERENGUELA of LeonABT 1199Leon, SpainABT 1245Spainstanwardine
BLANCHE d' ArtoisABT 1248?; of Arras, Pas-de-Calais, France2 MAY 1302Paris, Francestanwardine
Carlo or Charles II of Naples1254?; of Napoli, Napoli, Italy5 MAY 1309stanwardine
C Carolinestanwardine
C Augustastanwardine
Catherine of Aragón16 DEC 1485Alcala de Henares, Madrid, Spain7 JAN 1536Kimbolton Castle, Huntingdonshire, Englandstanwardine
Charles I Stephen of AnjouABT MAR 1225/12267 JAN 1284/1285Foggiestanwardine
Charles III of Valois12 MAR 1269/1270Vincennes, Val-De-Marne, France16 DEC 1325Nogent-le-Roi, Eure-et-Loire, Francestanwardine
Charles IV [R49]12941328stanwardine
C Colinstanwardine
Constanza of Castile12001242stanwardine
D Daphnestanwardine
Dinah1769Marsden, Yorkshirestanwardine
EalhswithABT 852Mercia, England5 DEC 905stanwardine
E Ecgthrythstanwardine
EdgivaABT 896Kent, England961stanwardine
E Edlastanwardine
EDMUND Plantagenet16 JAN 1244/1245London, Middlesex, ENG5 JUN 1296Bayonne, Pyrennes-Atlanti, Francestanwardine
Edmund PLANTAGENET of Kent5 AUG 1301Woodstock, Oxfordshire, ENG19 MAR 1329/1330Winchester, Hampshire, ENG; beheadedstanwardine
EDWARD I [Sb20] Plantagenet17 JUN 1239Westminster Palace, ENG7 JUL 1307Burgh-on-the-Sands (near Carlisle), Cumberland, ENGstanwardine
EDWARD II [O11; SB21; Y1] Plantagenet28 APR 1284Caernarvon Castle, Caernarvonshire, Wales21 SEP 1327Berkeley Castle, Berkeley, Gloucestershire, ENG; murderedstanwardine
ELEANOR (Leonor) [XD25] of CastileABT OCT 1241Castile, Spain28 NOV 1290Herdeby, Lincolnshire, ENGstanwardine
Eleanor Plantagenet4 MAY 1306Winchester, ENG1311Amesburystanwardine
ELEANORE (Leonor) [XD24] of ProvenceABT 1223?; of Aix-en-Provence, Bouches-du-Rhone, France24 JUN 1291Amesbury, Wiltshire, ENGstanwardine
E Elfeda965stanwardine
ElfridaABT 947Devonshire, England1000stanwardine
E Elizastanwardine
Elizabeth of KumaniaABT 1241stanwardine
E Elliestanwardine
E Ameilastanwardine
E Emmastanwardine
E Emmastanwardine
ENRIQUE (Henri) I of NavarreABT 1244?; of Troyes, Aube, France22 JUL 1274Pampeluna, Navarra, Spainstanwardine
E Estridstanwardine
E Evastanwardine
E Evastanwardine
FERNANDO III of Castile5 AUG 1201?; of Leon, Leon, Spain30 MAY 1252Sevilla, Sevilla, Spainstanwardine
F FlaadDol, Brittanystanwardine
F Francisstanwardine
G Gerbodstanwardine
G Gracestanwardine
Gundred27 MAY 1085Castle Acre, Norfolk, Englandstanwardine
H Helloestanwardine
Henri III of Luxembourg-MaasABT 1220of Luxembourgstanwardine
HENRY III [SB19] Plantagenet1 OCT 1207Winchester, Hampshire, ENG16 NOV 1272Westminster, Middlesex, ENGstanwardine
Isabel de Verdum21 MAR 1316/1317Amesbury, Wiltshire, ENG25 JUL 1349Groby, ENGstanwardine
Isabel of Gloucester14 OCT 1217stanwardine
Isabela of Valois131326 JUL 1383Parisstanwardine
I IsabellaScotlandstanwardine
ISABELLA of AragonABT 1247Montpellier, Herault, France or Aragon, Spain28 JAN 1270/1271Clermont, Auvergne, Fance or Cosenza, Calabria, Italystanwardine
Isabella TAILLEFER of AngoulemeABT 1188?; of Anglouleme, Charente, France31 MAY 1246Fontevrault Abbey, Fontevrault, Maine-et-Loire, Francestanwardine
ISABELLE (Valois) [XD26] of FranceABT 1291?; of Paris, Seine, France22 AUG 1358Castle Rising, Norfolk, ENGstanwardine
J Jackstanwardine
JacquettaABT 1436Chillingham, Northumberland, England26 SEP 1469stanwardine
James FitzJames21 AUG 1670Moulins, Allier, France1734Phillippsburgstanwardine
JAMES I of Aragon1 FEB 1207/1208Montpellier, County of Toulouse25 JUL 1276Valencia, Valenciastanwardine
J Janestanwardine
J Janestanwardine
JOAN or Margaret de MonmouthABT 1201?; of Raby with Keverstone, Staindrop, Durham, ENGAFT NOV 1247stanwardine
Joanna [XE9]12101238stanwardine
John I [O8] PLANTAGENET24 DEC 1166Kings Manor House, Oxford, Oxfordshire, ENG19 OCT 1216Newark-on-Kent, Newark Castle, Nottinghamshire, ENGstanwardine
JOHN II?; of Hainaut1304stanwardine
J Joscelinestanwardine
JUANA (Jeanne) I of NavarreJAN 1271/1272Bar-sur-Seine, Aube, France2 APR 1305Chateau De Vince, Val-De-Marne, Francestanwardine
K IIstanwardine
Leonor of Castile12021244stanwardine
LOUIS IX [R43]25 APR 1214Poissy, France25 AUG 1270Tunis, Tunisia, Africa; died of the plague or on a crusade to Tunisiastanwardine
L Evreuxstanwardine
Louis X [R46]12891316stanwardine
MAHAUT or Matilda (Maud) de BrabantABT 122429 SEP 1288stanwardine
M Margaretstanwardine
MargaretBEF 17 MAR 1591stanwardine
Margaret [XE11]12401275stanwardine
Marguerite de Bourgogne12501308stanwardine
MARGUERITE of France1279France14 FEB 1317/1318Marlboro Castle, Wiltshire, ENGstanwardine
MARGUERITE of ProvenceABT 1221St. Maime, Alpes, France21 DEC 1295Paris, Francestanwardine
Marguerite of Sicily & NaplesABT 1274?; of Napoli, Napoli, Italy31 DEC 1299stanwardine
Maria of HungaryABT 1258?; of Buda, Pest, Hungary25 MAR 1323stanwardine
MARIE of BrabantABT 124512 JAN 1321/1322stanwardine
M Marthastanwardine
Matilda (Maud or Mahaud) of Chatilon1293?; of St. Pol3 OCT 1358stanwardine
P Patstanwardine
P Patricia?stanwardine
PEDRO (Peter) IABT 1334ABT 1369stanwardine
Peter or Pedro III of Aragon123911 NOV 1285Villafranca del Panades, Cataloniastanwardine
P Lancasterstanwardine
PHILIPPE III [R44]3 APR 1245Poissy, Yvelines, France5 OCT 1285Perpignan, Pyrenees-Orienta, Francestanwardine
PHILIPPE IV [R45]1268Fontainebleau, Seine-et-Marne, France29 NOV 1314Fontainebleau, Francestanwardine
Philippe V [R48]12931322stanwardine
Philippe VI of ValoisABT 129322 AUG 1350near Paris, Francestanwardine
RedburhABT 788Wessex, EnglandUNKNOWNstanwardine
R Cornwallstanwardine
ROBERT I of FranceSEP 1216Paris, Seine, France8 FEB 1249/1250Manssurah, Eygpt while on Crusadestanwardine
Robert of France1256stanwardine
R Ruthstanwardine
S Sallystanwardine
S Sarastanwardine
S Sarahstanwardine
S Sarahstanwardine
S Sarahstanwardine
S Storradastanwardine
Stephen V12396 AUG 1272stanwardine
S Suestanwardine
S Suthenstanwardine
T Tesselinstanwardine
THEOBALD II de Verdun8 SEP 127827 JUL 1316Alton, ENGstanwardine
Theobaldo I of NavarreABT 30 MAY 1201Troyes, France8 JUL 1253Pomplona, Navarre (now is Spain)stanwardine
Theobaldo IIABT 1270stanwardine
Thomas PLANTAGENET1 JUN 1300?; of Brotherton, Yorkshire, ENGAUG 1338stanwardine
T Beaufortstanwardine
TuroldNormandybef Christmas 1085stanwardine
U UNNAMEDstanwardine
U UNNAMEDstanwardine
U UNNAMEDstanwardine
U UNNAMEDstanwardine
U UNNAMEDstanwardine
U UNNAMEDstanwardine
U UNNAMEDstanwardine
U UNNAMEDstanwardine
U UNNAMEDstanwardine
U UNNAMEDstanwardine
U UNNAMEDstanwardine
W Williamstanwardine
WILLIAM I LongespeeABT 1174Woodstock Manor7 MAR 1225/1226Mansourah, Nilestanwardine
C Carrington-Smith1938stanwardine
K Carrington-Smith1940stanwardine
N Carrington-Smithstanwardine
D Kennedy-Moffat1957Hastings, Sussexstanwardine
I Kennedy-Moffat1968Dunscorestanwardine
P Kennedy-Moffat1934Chelsea, Londonstanwardine
R Kennedy-Moffatstanwardine
R Kennedy-Moffatstanwardine
T Kennedy-Moffatstanwardine
Janet MacKintosh1848Scotland28 FEB 1906London, Middlesex, United Kingdomstanwardine
Olive Ina Vera Richardson188621 APR 1920Christchurch, Hampshirestanwardine
William II 'Rufus' (King of England 1087-1100)ABT 1060Normandy, France2 AUG 1100New Forset While Huntingstanwardine
( (?)stanwardine
( (?)stanwardine
( (?)stanwardine
( (?)stanwardine
A (Blackley)stanwardine
Beatrice A L (Bridge)26 JUN 1884stanwardine
T (Castor)023AD (probably poisoned by Sejanus and Livillastanwardine
P (Crowe)stanwardine
Clara (Franks)1856stanwardine
Elizabeth (Hague)2 SEP 19226 JUN 2006]ohannesburgstanwardine
Elizabeth (Hall)1718stanwardine
A (Hardman)stanwardine
A (Hardwick)stanwardine
Eliza (Harthern)1835Audlem, Cheshire, Englandstanwardine
L (Helen)stanwardine
M (Johnson)stanwardine
D (Kenyon)stanwardine
Elizabeth (Lockyer)ABT 1789Old Basing, Hampshirestanwardine
Mary Ann (Lockyer)1842Gosportstanwardine
Alice (Ogden)ABT 1760stanwardine
Elizabeth (Ogden)ABT 1839Unsworth, Bury, Lancashire, Englandstanwardine
Martha (Percival)1804stanwardine
Martha (Percival)1779stanwardine
Sarah (Pridmore)1791Lincolnshirestanwardine
Catharine (Ramsden)178413 NOV 1880stanwardine
L (Reid)stanwardine
S (Rippin)stanwardine
Alice (Rippon)1826Wansford, Northsstanwardine
A (Rippon)stanwardine
C (Roberts)stanwardine
Harriet Lilian (Samuels)1861Wolverton, Warwickstanwardine
A (Thomas)stanwardine
Lelid (Weinberger)1887Hungarystanwardine
M (White)stanwardine
Sarah (White)1801stanwardine
A (Young)stanwardine
- -stanwardine
Robert 0de FerrersABT 1062of, Derby, England1139stanwardine
Beatrice ?ABT 1278Englandstanwardine
CECILY ?ABT 1352stanwardine
HELENA ?ABT 1325stanwardine
ISABEL ?ABT 1322stanwardine
ISABELLA ?ABT 1295stanwardine
ISOLDA ?ABT 1325stanwardine
JOAN ?1359AFT 1389stanwardine
JOAN ?ABT 1333stanwardine
Katherine ?1348stanwardine
MARGARET ?ABT 1380EnglandEnglandstanwardine
MARGERY ?ABT 1252stanwardine
MARGERY ?ABT 1300stanwardine
MARGERY ?1320stanwardine
MARY ?AFT 1283stanwardine
THOMASINE ?ABT 1344Raby, Durham, England20 JUL 1409stanwardine
A ??stanwardine
Adelheid ??983stanwardine
A ??stanwardine
B ??stanwardine
E ??stanwardine
E ??stanwardine
E ??stanwardine
H ??stanwardine
H ??stanwardine
L ??stanwardine
Mary ??AFT 1283stanwardine
Maud ??BEF 1168stanwardine
Melisande ??BEF 30 MAR 1087/1088stanwardine
P ??stanwardine
C Abbott1960stanwardine
Abraham (Ibrahim)ABT 2052 BCHebron, Palestine1877 BCHebron, Palestinestanwardine
A Absellstanwardine
M Abyssiniastanwardine
Adah1834 BCABT 1734 BCstanwardine
Robert Adair24 MAR 1921Montreal, Hochelaga, QC, Canada5 OCT 1981Montreal, Hochelaga, QC, Canadastanwardine
Robert Alexander Shearer Adair8 AUG 1894Montreal, Hochelaga, QC, Canada12 AUG 1923Montreal, Hochelaga, QC, Canadastanwardine
AdamGarden of Edenstanwardine
B Addicoatstanwardine
George Adshead1784Stockport, Cheshire, England28 OCT 1859Saddleworthstanwardine
R Agerstanwardine
Agilulf of AgilofingABT 470Agilofing, Bavariastanwardine
Son AgilulfABT 450stanwardine
AgnesABT 1260France1327stanwardine
G Ahenobarbusstanwardine
G Ahenobarbusstanwardine
L AhenobarbusAfter 54 B.C.stanwardine
L Ahenobarbus25 A.D.stanwardine
Lylia Sophia Ainslie1861Ulverston, Lancashire25 MAY 1907Liverpoolstanwardine
Nancy Laurie Ainsworth16 AUG 1915Lahore, IndiaJUL 2000Preston and South Ribble, Lancashirestanwardine
Betrag Aird1666stanwardine
Iulus Ascanius King of AlbaLonga1137stanwardine
A Albanystanwardine
J Alba\Terentiastanwardine
L Alberga2014stanwardine
L Alberga2018stanwardine
Matilda De AlbiniABT 1153Belvoir Castle, Belvoir, Leicestershire, EnglandAFT 1210Strathearn, Perthshire, Scotlandstanwardine
Matilda De AlbiniABT 1153Belvoir Castle, Leicestershire, EnglandAFT 1210Strathearn, Perthshire, Scotlandstanwardine
M Albinistanwardine
William "Le Breton" De Albini1113Belvoir Castle, Belvoir, Leicestershire, England1168Belvoir Castle, Belvoir, Leicestershire, Englandstanwardine
William De AlbiniABT 1150Belvoir Castle, Belvoir, Leicestershire, England1 MAY 1236Castle, Belvoir, Leicestershire, Englandstanwardine
T Alderstanwardine
Mabel De Talvas D' Alencon1026Alencon, Eure, Normandy, France2 DEC 1079Bures Castlestanwardine
A Alexanderstanwardine
A Alexanderyoungstanwardine
Charles William Alexander9 DEC 1890stanwardine
J Alexanderstanwardine
J Alexanderstanwardine
James Duncuft Fettes Alexander6 DEC 1930Cheltenham, GloucestershireBEF 3 SEP 2007Spain (on Holiday)stanwardine
J Alexanderstanwardine
L Alexanderstanwardine
L Alexanderstanwardine
N Alexanderstanwardine
Nora Muriel Alexander4 DEC 1927Cheltenham, Gloucestershirestanwardine
P Alexanderstanwardine
S Alexanderstanwardine
W Alexanderstanwardine
A Alisonstanwardine
E Alisonstanwardine
Jean Beckett Allan12 FEB 1889AyrJUN 1950Londonstanwardine
D Allenstanwardine
Pamela Jane Allen23 APR 1916Bury, Lancashirestanwardine
P AllenTaunton, Somerset, Englandstanwardine
R Allenstanwardine
E Alleynestanwardine
H Alportstanwardine
Elizabeth d' AMORIEBEF 23 MAY 1318?; of Tutbury Castle, Staffordshire, ENGAFT 1360stanwardine
Roger d' AMORIEABT 1287?; of Bletchingham, Oxford, ENGABT 14 MAR 1321/1322ENGstanwardine
Elizabeth AmplettFour Ashes, Worcester1738stanwardine
Richard D' AmundevilleDECEASEDstanwardine
A Ancestry.comstanwardine
A Ancestry.comstanwardine
A Ancestry.comstanwardine
A Ancestry.comstanwardine
A Ancestry.comstanwardine
A Ancestry.comstanwardine
A Anchariastanwardine
A Andersonstanwardine
Augusta Anderson13 JUL 1933stanwardine
David Ebenezer Anderson1850stanwardine
Dorothy E Anderson1883stanwardine
J Andersonstanwardine
Kenneth Arthur Noel Anderson25 DEC 1891Madras, India29 APR 1959Gibraltarstanwardine
Marjorie Anderson18838 JUN 19716 Park Lodge, St Johns Wood, Londonstanwardine
M Andersonstanwardine
Anne Anderton?1715stanwardine
E Andrewsstanwardine
J Andrewsstanwardine
F Anfossi1980Savona, Italystanwardine
L Anfossi1980stanwardine
T Anfossistanwardine
Adelaide Of AngersABT 1112Normandy, Francestanwardine
L Anotniusstanwardine
Elizabeth Mildred Louisa Anstruther29 APR 189611 SEP 1932stanwardine
Gertrude Mary Anstruther9 MAR 190010 APR 1975stanwardine
Magdalen Janet Anstruther19 APR 188915 FEB 1953stanwardine
Margaret Christian Anstruther16 AUG 18878 SEP 1925stanwardine
Mary Rosamond Anstruther19 JUL 1958stanwardine
Ralph Hugo Anstruther13 JUN 192119 MAY 2002stanwardine
Ralph William Anstruther5 JUL 185830 SEP 1934stanwardine
Robert Edward Anstruther4 APR 189022 JUL 1921stanwardine
Sarah Katherine Anstruther28 SEP 189422 DEC 1952stanwardine
G Anthonystanwardine
M AnthonyAfter 97 B.C.stanwardine
M Anthony143 B.C.87 b.c.stanwardine
M Anthony69 B.C.stanwardine
AntipasABT 100 BCstanwardine
AntipaterABT 0080 BC0043 BCstanwardine
M Antoninusstanwardine
M Antoninusstanwardine
G Antoniusstanwardine
M Antonius143 BCstanwardine
M Antony83 BCAlexandria, Egypt in 31 BC (suicide following defeat)stanwardine
Antyllus31 BC (executed after father's death)stanwardine
Llewelyn II ap Iorwerth1173Dolyddelan, Wales11 APR 1240Aberconwy, Carnarvonshire, Walesstanwardine
F Llewellynstanwardine
G Llewellynstanwardine
G Llewellynstanwardine
I Llewellynstanwardine
T Llewellynstanwardine
Charlotte Appleton18021873stanwardine
D Appletonstanwardine
Eleanor of AquitaineABT 11221 APR 1204stanwardine
Mabel ArchbouldDEC 1870Burnham Thorpe, NorfolkJUN 1911Ormskirk, Lancashirestanwardine
ArletteABT 1012ABT 1050stanwardine
Bessie Adela Jeannette Armit16 FEB 1852Woolwich, Kent11 JUN 1912Elmhurst, Brookland Avenue, Cambridgestanwardine
L Armitstanwardine
M Armitagestanwardine
N Arnoldstanwardine
Maud D' ArquesABT 1072Arques-La-Bataille, Seine-Inferieure, Normandy, FranceDECEASEDstanwardine
F Arriastanwardine
Mariamne Arria0005043 ADstanwardine
F Arrianusstanwardine
Avice Daughter Of The Earl Of Arundel1176Axholme, Lincolnshire, EnglandDECEASEDstanwardine
Cecily De ArundelABT 1140Arundel, Sussex, EnglandDECEASEDstanwardine
Matilda De ArundelABT 1244Besford, Tettenhall, Staffordshire, England1309stanwardine
T Arundellstanwardine
Constance Eleanor Ascroft27 DEC 1886Redfern, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia28 AUG 1924Marylebone, London, Englandstanwardine
Eleanor AscroftAPR 1853Oldham, Lancashire, England7 OCT 1905Ormskirk, Lancashire, Englandstanwardine
M Ashstanwardine
Eliza Ashworth18241900stanwardine
G Attwaterstanwardine
Agatha D' AubignyABT 1147Castl Arundel, Sussex, EnglandDECEASEDstanwardine
Agnes (Avice) De Aubigny1176Axholme, Lincolnshire, EnglandDECEASEDstanwardine
Aimee D' AubignyABT 1050St Martin D'aubigny, Manche, Normandy, FranceDECEASEDstanwardine
Alice D' Aubigny1137Casti Arundel, Sussex, England11 SEP 1188stanwardine
Cicely D' AubignyABT 1210Arundel, Sussex, EnglandAFT 1260stanwardine
G Aubignystanwardine
Godfrey D' AubignyABT 1143Castl Arundel, Sussex, EnglandDECEASEDstanwardine
Henry De AubignyABT 1151Castl Arundel, Sussex, EnglandDECEASEDstanwardine
Hugh De Aubigny1215Arundel, Sussex, England7 MAY 1243Spstanwardine
Isabel D' Aubigny1190Arundel, Sussex, EnglandAFT 1230Englandstanwardine
James De AubignyABT 1152Of Herefordshire, EnglandDECEASEDstanwardine
Matilda D' AubignyABT 1142Arundel, Sussex, EnglandDECEASEDstanwardine
Maud D' AubignyABT 1196Arundel, Sussex, EnglandBET 1238 AND 1242Sussex, Englandstanwardine
Miss De AubignyABT 1188Arundel, Sussex, EnglandDECEASEDstanwardine
Miss De AubignyABT 1100DECEASEDstanwardine
Nele D' AubignyABT 1072St. Martin D'aubigny, Manche, Normandy, FranceBET 21 AND 26 NOV 1129Montbrai Near St Lo, Manche, Normandystanwardine
Nichole D' AubignyABT 1193Barrow On Soar, Leicestershire, EnglandABT 1240Dudley Castle, Staffordshire, Englandstanwardine
Oliva D' AubignyABT 1047Aubigny-Sur-Nere, Normandy, FranceDECEASEDstanwardine
Olivia D' AubignyABT 1141Castl Arundel, Sussex, EnglandDECEASEDstanwardine
Rayner D' AubignyABT 1149Castl Arundel, Sussex, EnglandDECEASEDstanwardine
Roger D' AubignyABT 1040Aubigny, Normandy, FranceAFT 1084stanwardine
Rualoc D' AubignyABT 1072St Sauveur, Manche, Normandie, FranceDECEASEDstanwardine
Simon D' Aubigny1144Arundel, Sussex, England1206stanwardine
William "Strong Hand" D' AubignyABT 1103St Sauveur, Manche, Normandie, France12 OCT 1176Abbey, Waverley, Surrey, Englandstanwardine
William D' AubignyABT 1173Arundel, Sussex, England1 FEB 1220/1221Cainell Near Rome, Latium, Italystanwardine
William De AubignyABT 1010Aubigny, Normandy, FranceABT 1066stanwardine
William De AubignyABT 1000Dol, Brittany, FranceDECEASEDstanwardine
William De AubignyABT 1075Aubigny, Calvados, France1139stanwardine
William De Aubigny1136Arundel, Sussex, England24 DEC 1193Priory, Wymondham, Norfolk, Englandstanwardine
Colette De Aubigny (Albini)ABT 1211Arundel, Sussex, EnglandBEF 7 MAY 1243Unmarriedstanwardine
William "Earl Of Arundel" D' Aubigny (Albini)1200Of Arundel, Sussex, England7 AUG 1224Spstanwardine
Alice AudleyABT 1300Hadley, Staffordshire, England12 JAN 1373Greystoke, Cumberland, Englandstanwardine
Hugh AUDLEYABT 1267Stratton Audley, Oxfordshire, EnglandBEF MAR 1324/1325Wallingford Castle, Berkshire, Englandstanwardine
Hugh AUDLEYABT 1293?; of Stratton Audley, Oxfordshire, ENG10 NOV 1347Tonbridge Priory, ENG; or Francestanwardine
Nicholas AUDLEYABT 127028 AUG 1299stanwardine
James AUDLEY or ALDITHLEYABT 1215Heleigh, Staffordshire, England11 JUN 1276Ireland of Broken neckstanwardine
AudofledaABT 46530 APR 526Ravenna, Italystanwardine
M Augerstanwardine
G AugustusSeptember 23, 63 BC0014stanwardine
Marcus Aurelius26 APR 121Rome, Italy17 MAR 180Bononia on the Danube (possibly of the plague)stanwardine
Cassandra Elizabeth Austen17731845stanwardine
Charles John Austen17791852stanwardine
Francis William Austen17741865stanwardine
George Austen17311805stanwardine
George Austen17661838stanwardine
H Austenstanwardine
Henry Thomas Austen17711850stanwardine
James Austen17651819stanwardine
Jane Austen16 DEC 177518 JUL 1817stanwardine
L Austenstanwardine
Philadelphia Austen17301792stanwardine
William Austen17011737stanwardine
Jean I d' AvesnesAPR 1218Etroent, Luxembourg24 DEC 1257Valenciennes, Nord, Francestanwardine
Jean II d' AvesnesABT 1247Brabant, Brabant, Belgium22 AUG 1304Valenciennes, Nord, Francestanwardine
Willem III d' AVESNESABT 1280?; of Avesnes, Pas-De-Calais, France7 JUN 1337Valenciennes, Nord, Francestanwardine
Albreda D' AvranchesABT 1048Avranches, Normandy, FranceDECEASEDOkehampton, Devonshire, Englandstanwardine
Arbella De Loup AvranchesABT 1055Averanches, Normandy, FranceDECEASEDstanwardine
Hugh "Lupus" D' AvranchesABT 1047Normandy, France27 JUL 1101St Werburg's Abbey, Cheshire, England (As A Monk)stanwardine
Judith D' AvranchesABT 1048Avranches, Normandy, FranceDECEASEDstanwardine
Margaret D' AvranchesABT 1054Avranches, Normandy, FranceDECEASEDstanwardine
Maud D' AvranchesABT 1120Okehampton, Devonshire, England21 SEP 1173stanwardine
Richard Le Goz Viscount D' AvranchesABT 1014Avranches, Normandy, FranceAFT 1084stanwardine
Iorwerth ap AwrABT 1270Walesstanwardine
Dru De BaalonABT 1052Ballon, Maine, FranceDECEASEDstanwardine
Mrs. Dru 1052 BaalonDECEASEDstanwardine
Adelise Lucia De BaalunABT 1115EnglandDECEASEDstanwardine
Eunice De Baalun1050Gloucester, Gloucestershire, EnglandDECEASEDEnglandstanwardine
M Balbusstanwardine
M Balbusabout 106 BC48 BCstanwardine
Arthur Windham Baldwin22 MAR 19045 JUL 1976stanwardine
Diana Lucy Baldwin8 APR 18951982stanwardine
Esther Louisa Baldwin16 MAR 19021981stanwardine
Leonora Stanley Baldwin10 JUL 18961989stanwardine
Oliver Ridsdale Baldwin1 MAR 189910 AUG 1958stanwardine
Pamela Margaret Baldwin16 SEP 189714 AUG 1976stanwardine
Stanley Baldwin3 AUG 1867Bewdley, Worcestershire14 DEC 1947Stourport On Severn, Worcestershirestanwardine
Thomas Baldwyn1546OCT 1614Corvedale / Coverdale, Shroppshirestanwardine
William Bale1916stanwardine
Ada BaliolABT 1195Durham, Scotandstanwardine
A Ballstanwardine
A Ballinstanwardine
Ellen BALLIOLABT 12051281stanwardine
Ingram de BALLIOLABT 1178stanwardine
Emma De BallonABT 1070Ballon, Maine, Francestanwardine
M Balsostanwardine
Nancy Bamber1788Heights, Accrington, Lancashire11 MAR 18574, Chapel Street, Accringtonstanwardine
Marianne Augusta Bancroft13 NOV 182229 MAY 1891Beaufort House, Oxford-road, Gunnersbury, Chiswickstanwardine
Alexander Davidson Banks29 SEP 1889Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire, Scotland14 DEC 1962Dundee, Angus, Scotlandstanwardine
A Banks1961Aylesburystanwardine
E Banks1990Dundeestanwardine
Ernest Banks1949Dundee1983stanwardine
Ernest Roiall Banks1926Dundeestanwardine
M Banksstanwardine
P Banks2019Cambodiastanwardine
R Banks1995Dundeestanwardine
R Banks1955Dundeestanwardine
T Banks1960Dundeestanwardine
T Banks1992Dundeestanwardine
Hilary Richard David BannisterMAR 1907Leinthall Starkes, Elton Aston, Shropshire, England2 SEP 1993Great Ayton Middlesbroughstanwardine
J Bannister1944Shrewsbury, Shroppshirestanwardine
P Bannister1944Shrewsbury, Shropshire, Englandstanwardine
Marguerite de Bar MoussonABT 1220of Luxembourg25 NOV 1275stanwardine
Sophie De Bar-Le-DucABT 1019U-Lvvn, France1092stanwardine
M Barbatusstanwardine
M Barbatusstanwardine
Agnes Barber1825Balmaclellan, Kircudbright13 SEP 1863Millburn Lodge, Glencairnstanwardine
Ailsa Barber2 AUG 1902New Brighton, Cheshire9 JUN 1983Parkgate South Wirral Cheshire, Englandstanwardine
Anne McMillan Barber25 JUL 1891Glencairnstanwardine
D Barberstanwardine
David Alan Barber11 NOV 1906New Brighton, Cheshire14 AUG 1971Heswell, Wirral, Cheshire, Englandstanwardine
E Barberstanwardine
F Barberstanwardine
J Barberstanwardine
John Barber1818Balmaclellan, Kircudbright27 JAN 1873stanwardine
John Christian BarberOCT 1892New Brighton, Cheshire16 JUN 1915Hooge, near Ypres, West Flandersstanwardine
Margaret Barber1828Balmaclellan, Kircudbright19 NOV 1917stanwardine
Marie F Barber1897Glencairnstanwardine
Mary Goldie Barber1860Glencairn1 JUL 1909Terrerranstanwardine
N Barberstanwardine
N Barberstanwardine
R Barberstanwardine
Robert Barber1865Glencairn10 MAY 1929Liverpoolstanwardine
William Barber1824Balmaclellan, Kircudbrightstanwardine
William Barber1864Glencairnstanwardine
William BarberABT 179015 JAN 1844stanwardine
William Gleadell Barber29 DEC 1897New Brighton, CheshireJUN 1971Runcorn, Cheshire, Englandstanwardine
Adelaide De Barcelona990Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain1034stanwardine
Godeheut (Godehilde) BarcelonaABT 995Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain1079stanwardine
L Barclaystanwardine
I Bardoulstanwardine
Isabel BardoulABT 1034Broyes, Marne, FranceABT 1058stanwardine
Alexander Bardsley2 AUG 18603 MAY 1923stanwardine
Annie Bardsley1 MAR 1930stanwardine
A Bardsleystanwardine
Brenda Bardsley27 FEB 1895stanwardine
Charlotte Bardsley17 NOV 186229 DEC 1944stanwardine
Geoffrey Bardsley15 MAY 1904stanwardine
Jean Elizabeth Bardsley23 MAY 1927stanwardine
John G Bardsley17 JUN 18411912stanwardine
John James Bardsley16 FEB 1830stanwardine
John Vickers Bardsley22 SEP 1927stanwardine
Kathleen Bardsley1892stanwardine
Margaret Bardsley1927stanwardine
Martha Marion Bardsley27 SEP 188814 OCT 1962stanwardine
Mary Bardsley23 NOV 1864stanwardine
Mary Bardsley25 OCT 1898stanwardine
Mary Elizabeth Bardsley14 MAY 1929stanwardine
P Bardsleystanwardine
R Bardsleystanwardine
Robert Crawford BardsleyNOV 1895stanwardine
Robert Vickers Bardsley28 JUN 1890stanwardine
William Bardsley22 DEC 1887stanwardine
Margaret Baring18681906stanwardine
T Barkerstanwardine
T Barkerstanwardine
X Barker1973Lancashire, Englandstanwardine
S BarlowMacclesfieldstanwardine
Ellen Ann Barnes1851Accrington, Lancashire1911Salford, Lancashirestanwardine
Agnes Craig Barr26 MAR 1919stanwardine
A Barr1937stanwardine
Archibald Craig Barr15 APR 1912stanwardine
C Barr1940stanwardine
Gloria Rosemary Craig Barr26 JAN 1924stanwardine
James Craig Barr21 JUL 1929stanwardine
James Craig Barr20 SEP 1944stanwardine
M Barr1943stanwardine
William Barr27 SEP 1936stanwardine
William Craig Barr19 JAN 192218 JUL 1928stanwardine
W Barrington-Brownestanwardine
Elizabeth Sunter Barritt1838Salford, Lancashire6 JUN 1912stanwardine
David Barry10 MAR 1604/160529 SEP 1642stanwardine
David Barry10 MAR 1604/160529 SEP 1642stanwardine
E Barrystanwardine
Ellen Barry1631stanwardine
Alice BarsbyBEF 24 JUN 1776Thrussington, Leicestershirestanwardine
Anne Barsby1770Thrussington, Leicestershirestanwardine
Elizabeth Barsby1762Thrussington, Leicestershirestanwardine
Joyce Barsby1778Thrussington, Leicestershirestanwardine
Samuel Barsby1772Thrussington, Leicestershirestanwardine
Sarah Barsby1774Thrussington, Leicestershirestanwardine
Sarah Barsby1765Thrussington, Leicestershirestanwardine
William Barsby1735Thrussington, Leicestershire1813Thrussington, Leicestershirestanwardine
William Barsby17031764Thrussington, Leicestershirestanwardine
William Barsby1764Thrussington, Leicestershirestanwardine
Albert Barton30 MAY 1890Wigan, Lancashire, EnglandJUN 1978Barrow-in-Furness, Cumbria, Englandstanwardine
Alice Hall Barton29 NOV 1916Ulverston, Lancashire, England18 OCT 2013Winchester, UKstanwardine
Edmund Barton30 NOV 1918stanwardine
Jim Barton2 MAY 192127 DEC 1986Ulverston Cumbriastanwardine
J Bassastanwardine
Aline Aliva BASSETABT 1220?; of Wooten Basset, Wiltshire, ENGBEF 11 APR 1281stanwardine
Elizabeth Basset1 AUG 1372stanwardine
Isabel BassetBEF 1335stanwardine
Jane BassetABT 1378Glastonbury, Somerset, Englandstanwardine
Jane BassetABT 1368Glastonbury, Wells, Somerset, EnglandBEF 1394stanwardine
Ralph BassetABT 1329Basset, Staffordshire, England17 JUL 1378Bytham Castle, Lincolnshire, Englandstanwardine
Ralph* VIII BassetABT 1305Drayton Basset, Staffordshire, England1335stanwardine
E BASSETTstanwardine
Geoffrey Voltelin Bates2 OCT 1921Tattenhall, Cheshire, England13 FEB 2005Llanasa, Holywell, Flintshire, Walesstanwardine
BathildeABT 638Moselle, Lorraine, France30 JAN 685Monastere de Chelles, Ile- de -France, Francestanwardine
L Bathurststanwardine
L Bathurststanwardine
L Bathurststanwardine
L Bathurststanwardine
Isabelle Wittelsbach of Bavaria136924 SEP 1435stanwardine
Swanhilde of BavariaABT 691Bavaria, Germany741stanwardine
Miss BayeuxABT 1052Normandy, FranceDECEASEDstanwardine
Edward Hodson Bayley1841Accrington, Lancashire7 MAR 1938Peacehaven, Sussexstanwardine
J Bayleystanwardine
Jonathan Bayley22 JUL 1810Salford, Lancashire12 MAY 1886stanwardine
Maria BayleyABT 1844Oswaldtwistle, Lancsstanwardine
John Robert Laurie Emilius Bayley Bayley (Laurie)16 MAY 1823Bloomsbury, London4 DEC 1917Maxwelton House, Dumfriesshirestanwardine
John BeardABT 1717stanwardine
BEATRIX1201?; of Savoy, FranceBET 1266 AND 1267stanwardine
BEATRIXABT 1200?; of Burgundy, Francestanwardine
C Beattiestanwardine
John Donald Macfarlan Benny Beattie15 MAY 1896Montreal, Quebec, Canada1971Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotlandstanwardine
*Maude BeauchampABT 1335Warwickshire, ENGABT FEB 1402/1403Brougham Castle, Westmorland, ENGstanwardine
*Philippa de BEAUCHAMPABT 1340Warwick, Warwickshire, ENGBEF 6 AUG 1386stanwardine
*Sarah de BeauchampABT 1255Elmley Castle, ENGAFT JUL 1317stanwardine
*Thomas BEAUCHAMPBEF 16 MAR 1338/1339Warwichshire, ENG8 APR 1401Warwick, Warwickshire, ENGstanwardine
*William BeauchampABT 1358Warwickshire, ENG8 MAY 1411stanwardine
*William II de BEAUCHAMP1166Salwarpe, ENG1197Salwarpe, ENGstanwardine
*William III de BEAUCHAMP1197Salwarpe, ENGBEF 7 JAN 1267/1268Elmley Castle, Worcestershire, ENG; date will provedstanwardine
Agnes BeauchampUNKNOWNstanwardine
Alice BeauchampUNKNOWN1383stanwardine
Anne BeauchampABT SEP 1426BEF 20 SEP 1492stanwardine
Anne Beauchamp13 JUL 1429CaverslemBEF 20 SEP 1492stanwardine
Catherine BeauchampUNKNOWNstanwardine
Eleanor BeauchampABT 1407Eddgeoch, Warwick6 MAR 1467/1468Baynard's Castle, Londonstanwardine
Elizabeth BEAUCHAMP16 SEP 1415Hanley Castle, Worcester, ENG18 JUN 1448stanwardine
Elizabeth de BeauchampABT 1417BEF 2 OCT 1480stanwardine
Guy BeauchampUNKNOWN1360stanwardine
Guy BEAUCHAMPABT 127510 AUG 1315Warwick Castlestanwardine
Isabel BeauchampABT 13551416stanwardine
Isabel de BEAUCHAMPABT 1256?; of Stoke Bruern, Northampton, ENG or Warwick, Warwickshire, ENGABT 30 MAY 1306Elmley Castle, Worcestershire, ENGstanwardine
Isabel de BEAUCHAMP1241Elmley Castle, ENGFEB 1322/1323stanwardine
James BeauchampUNKNOWNstanwardine
Joan BeauchampUNKNOWNstanwardine
Joan BeauchampABT 1248?; of Elmley Castle, ENG1280stanwardine
Joan de BeauchampABT 1338Warwick, Warwickshire, Englandstanwardine
John BeauchampUNKNOWNstanwardine
John de Beauchamp1245?; of Elmley Castle, ENGstanwardine
Juliana BeauchampUNKNOWNstanwardine
Margaret BeauchampUNKNOWNstanwardine
Margaret Beauchamp1404Goodrest, Wedgnock Park, Warwickshire, ENG1467stanwardine
Margaret de Beauchamp1410Bletsoe, Bedfordshire, England8 AUG 1482Interred Winborne Minster, Dorset, Englandstanwardine
Maud BEAUCHAMPABT 1305stanwardine
Reynbrun BeauchampUNKNOWNstanwardine
Richard BEAUCHAMPBEF 28 JAN 1381/1382Salwarpe, Worcestershire, ENG30 APR 1439Rouen, Normandy, Francestanwardine
Richard de BeauchampABT 1397Abergavenny, Monmouthshire, ENG18 MAR 1421/1422Meaux, Francestanwardine
R Beauchampstanwardine
Roger BeauchampUNKNOWNstanwardine
Sibyl BeauchampABT 1251?; of Elmley Castle, ENGstanwardine
Thomas BeauchampABT 1247?; of Elmley Castle, ENGstanwardine
Thomas BEAUCHAMP14 FEB 1313/1314Warwick Castle, Warwickshire, ENG16 NOV 1369Calais, France; in an outbreak of plaguestanwardine
Walter de BEAUCHAMP1243?; of Elmley Castle, ENG16 FEB 1302/1303stanwardine
William IV de BEAUCHAMP1239?; of Elmley Castle, ENG9 JUN 1298Elmley Castle, ENGstanwardine
Henry I Beauclerc (King of England 1100-1135)SEP 1068Selby, Yorkshire, England1 DEC 1135Lyons-La-Foret, Normandy, Francestanwardine
Mary Beauclerk4 DEC 1743stanwardine
*John BeaufortABT 1373St. Catherine-by-the-Tower Hospital, ENG16 MAR 1409/1410Tower of London, ENGstanwardine
Eleanor Beaufort143116 AUG 1501stanwardine
Henry Beaufort1375, Château Beaufort, Meurthe-et-Moselle, France11 APR 1447, Winchester, Hampshire, Englandstanwardine
Henry BEAUFORTABT 1376Beaufort Castle, France1447stanwardine
Joan BEAUFORTABT 1370Beaufort Castle, Anjou, France13 NOV 1440Howden, Yorkshire, ENGstanwardine
Joan de BeaufortABT 1379Chateau de Beaufort, Maine-et-Loire, France13 NOV 1440Howden, Yorkshire, Englandstanwardine
Joan de Beaufort140615 JUL 1445Dunbar, East Lothian, Scotlandstanwardine
John BeaufortABT 1371, Pottersgate, Lincoln, England16 MAR 1410St. Catherine by the Tower Hospital, London, Middlesex, Englandstanwardine
Thomas BeaufortABT JAN 1377, Château Beaufort, Meurthe-et-Moselle, France31 DEC 1426Greenwich Palace, Greenwich, Kent, Englandstanwardine
Thomas BeaufortABT 13771427stanwardine
Adeline De BeaumontABT 1102Leicester, Leicestershire, EnglandDECEASEDEnglandstanwardine
Alice Dau Of Robert De Beaumont1105Beaumont, Sur-Oise, Normandy, France11 JUL 1191Rheims, Francestanwardine
Amicade De BeaumontABT 1112Leicestershire, EnglandDECEASEDstanwardine
Amice De BeaumontABT 1147Leicestershire, England3 SEP 1215stanwardine
Aubreye De BeaumontABT 1099Of Beaumont, Normandy, FranceDECEASEDstanwardine
Aubreye De BeaumontABT 1050Of Beaumont, Normandy, France1112stanwardine
Catherine Beaumont28 AUG 1435stanwardine
Daughter De BeaumontABT 1104Leicestershire, EnglandDECEASEDstanwardine
Eleanor De Beaumont1100Leicester, Leicestershire, EnglandDECEASEDstanwardine
Henry De BeaumontABT 1046Newbourg, Manche, France20 JUN 1123Newburgh, Warwick, Engstanwardine
Hugh De BeaumontABT 1106Leicestershire, EnglandDECEASEDstanwardine
Isabel (Elizabeth) De BeaumontABT 1094Leicester, Leicestershire, England6 JAN 1147/1148Carmarthen, Carmarthenshire, Walesstanwardine
Isabel de Beaumont1361Leicester Castle, Leicestershire, Englandstanwardine
Matilda (Maud) Beaumont3 JUL 1467Englandstanwardine
Maud De BeaumontABT 1116Meulan, Normandy, FranceAFT 1189Englandstanwardine
Robert BeaumontABT 1011Beaumont, FranceDECEASEDSpstanwardine
Robert "Bossu" "The Just* De Beaumont1104Beaumont, Normandy5 APR 1168Englandstanwardine
Robert I De Beaumont1046Beaumont-Le-Roger, Eure, Normandy, France5 JUN 1118Abbey Of Preaux, Normandy, Francestanwardine
Roger De Beaumont1015Beaumont-Le-Roger, Eure, Normandy, France29 NOV 1094Preaux, Normandy, Francestanwardine
Waleran de BEAUMONT1104Meulan, Ile de France, England10 APR 1166Abbey, Preaux, Normandy, Francestanwardine
Waleran Lord De Beaumont1104Beaumont, Normandy, France10 APR 1181Abbey, Preaux, Normandy, Francestanwardine
William De BeaumontABT 1047Of Neubourg, Manche, FranceDECEASEDstanwardine
Anne Claudia Beckwith31 DEC 19141917stanwardine
Isabel Pamela Ivy Beckwith23 APR 1908DECEASEDstanwardine
Jean Isabel Malebisse Beckwith23 APR 1906DECEASEDstanwardine
John Malebisse Beckwith18 MAR 19051969stanwardine
Veronica Helen Beckwith19111915stanwardine
William Malebisse Beckwith24 DEC 1954stanwardine
C Bedwellstanwardine
Elizabeth Florence Diana Bedwell18 JUN 190730 Chapel St SWstanwardine
Florence Eliza Bedwell14 APR 1900stanwardine
F Bedwellstanwardine
Gwendoline Emily Faith Bedwell27 FEB 1909St George Hanover Square, LondonMAR 1979Taunton, Somersetstanwardine
B Beersstanwardine
D Beers2005stanwardine
E Beers2005stanwardine
M Beevorstanwardine
Susan Margaret Beevor15 JUL 1927stanwardine
Agnes Eliza Begg12 AUG 1868Canada7 OCT 1913Waterville, Douglas, WAstanwardine
P Belistanwardine
AudreyJean Bennett23 APR 194119 APR 2018stanwardine
Charles Bennett7 DEC 1839St. George Hanover Square, Middlesex, England1909stanwardine
Charles H Bennett18741913stanwardine
C Bennettstanwardine
Clifford C Bennett22 MAR 1877Hornsey Rise1913stanwardine
Constance BennettJAN 1872Islington, Middlesex, England20 JUN 1947Peebles, Scotlandstanwardine
James Carthew Cavendish Bennett1969stanwardine
J Bennett1944stanwardine
L Bennettstanwardine
L Bennettstanwardine
L Bennettstanwardine
Mary Evelyn Bennett18691962stanwardine
S Bennettstanwardine
K Bensleystanwardine
Antonia Mary Roby Benson10 JUN 1903Staffordshire27 MAY 1982Warwickstanwardine
E Bensonstanwardine
Elsie Benson19 DEC 1894stanwardine
C Bentonstanwardine
Hugh Gordon Benton10 FEB 1931stanwardine
Raimond IV (or VI) BERENGARBET 1195 AND 1198?; of Provence, France19 AUG 1245stanwardine
Sanchia BERENGERABT 1220?; of Aix-en-Provence, Bouches-du-Rhone, France9 NOV 1261Berkhampsted, ENGstanwardine
BERENGUELAAUG 1181Segovia, Castile, Spain8 NOV 1246Burgos, Burgos, Spainstanwardine
Elizabeth BerkeleyABT 138628 DEC 1422stanwardine
M Berkeleystanwardine
Ms. de BERKELEYABT 1180stanwardine
Mary Alice Berners1868stanwardine
Ida (m) BertramABT 1210AFT MAY 1315stanwardine
Ranulph Vicomte Of Bessin1017Bayeux, Normandy, FranceDECEASEDstanwardine
Eberhard BeteauABT 1015FranceDECEASEDstanwardine
Mrs. Eberhard BeteauABT 1015DECEASEDstanwardine
J Bethunestanwardine
I Betrada720stanwardine
BETREDABT 1177?; of Chesterstanwardine
A Beverleystanwardine
Marjorie Grace Bidlake19 JUN 1902Edinburgh, Midlothian, ScotlandAUG 1981Upper Dunard, Rhu, Dunbartonshire, Scotlandstanwardine
Flora Bigelow18781964stanwardine
A Biggartstanwardine
Adelaide (Adelidis) (Nmn-Roger) BigodDECEASEDstanwardine
Cecily BigodABT 1090Belvoir Castle, Belvoir, Leicestershire, EnglandDECEASEDstanwardine
Gunnora BigodABT 1096Norfolkshire, EnglandEnglandstanwardine
Hugh Bigod1266stanwardine
Hugh BigodABT 1095Belvoir Castle, Belvoir, Leicestershire, EnglandABT 1177Thetford Church, Thetford, Norfolk, Englandstanwardine
Hugh BigodABT 1125Belvoir Castle, Belvoir, Leicestershire, EnglandBEF 6 MAR 1175/1176Palestinestanwardine
Hugh II BIGODBEF 1180Thetford, ENG11 FEB 1224/1225Thetford, ENGstanwardine
Isabel le BIGODABT 1200Therford, ENGABT 1239stanwardine
Jane BigodABT 1105Belvoir Castle, Belvoir, Leicestershire, EnglandDECEASEDEnglandstanwardine
Jane BigodABT 1105Belvoir Castle, Belvoir, Leicestershire, EnglandDECEASEDstanwardine
Mary BIGODABT 1186Menathorp, Yorks, ENGstanwardine
Maud BigodABT 1088Belvoir Castle, Belvoir, Leicestershire, EnglandBEF 1136stanwardine
Maud (Mary) BigodABT 1080Belvoir Castle, Belvoir, Leicestershire, EnglandBEF 1136Englandstanwardine
Maud (Nmn-Roger) BigodDECEASEDstanwardine
Robert BigodABT 1036Avranches, Normandy, France1071Malitot Loges, Chanon, Normandy, Francestanwardine
Roger BigodABT 1212Thetford, ENG4 JUL 1270Thetford, ENGstanwardine
Roger BigodABT 1065St. Saveur, Calvados, Normandy, France8 SEP 1107Evesham, Suffolk, England.stanwardine
S Bigodstanwardine
William BigodABT 1062Norfolkshire, EnglandDECEASEDstanwardine
Ida BillungABT 1033Saxony, Germany31 JUL 1102Namur, Belgiumstanwardine
Lavinia Bingham1831stanwardine
Ann Biram18051825stanwardine
Ann Biram1841stanwardine
Benjamin Biram10 FEB 1803Wentworth, Yorkshire31 JAN 1857Wentworthstanwardine
Benjamin Biram12 JAN 1709Longwood, Huddersfield27 NOV 1775Kirkheaton, West Yorkshirestanwardine
B Biramstanwardine
D Biramstanwardine
Eliza Biram18081808stanwardine
Elizabeth Biram17961802stanwardine
Ernest Frank Stuart Biram1865Wentworth, West Yorkshire4 MAY 1944Bournemouthstanwardine
Ethel Maud Biram1876Sheffieldstanwardine
Frances Biram1844stanwardine
Helen J Biram1864stanwardine
James Biram17491832stanwardine
Jane Biram1841stanwardine
John Biram18091826stanwardine
Joshua Biram1831Wentworth, West Yorkshirestanwardine
Joshua Biram25 NOV 1759Kirkheaton, Huddersfield7 JUN 1835Wentworth, West Yorkshirestanwardine
Marguerite Stuart BiramOCT 1898St Helens, Lancashirestanwardine
Mary Biram17991841stanwardine
Mary Biram18301902stanwardine
Sarah Biram1801stanwardine
William Biram1745stanwardine
Sarah Birch27 DEC 1742Whitefield, Prestwich, Lancashire23 JAN 1788Prestwich, Lancashirestanwardine
Christian BIRTLES1265Middlewich, Cheshire, England1334stanwardine
Anne BirtwistleABT 1737St James Church, Accrington3 MAY 1821stanwardine
Robert de Neville, Bishop of Durham-Sarum1404Raby Castle, Staindrop, Durham, Englandstanwardine
Henry Beaufort, Bishop of Winchester1375Beaufort Castle, Anjou, Rhône-Alpes, France11 APR 1447Wolvesey Palace, Winchester, Hampshire, Englandstanwardine
John Livingston BissellABT 1880MOAFT 1953Tacoma, WAstanwardine
I Bissetstanwardine
R Blackburnstanwardine
J Blackleystanwardine
Ann Blackstock5 NOV 1817Kirkmichael, Dumfriesshire, Scotland18 NOV 1901Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotlandstanwardine
Hannah Blakeley1777Manchester21 AUG 1814Manchesterstanwardine
BlancheABT 1339ABT 1365Medina Sidoniastanwardine
Isabel la Blanche1214stanwardine
G Blandusstanwardine
C Blasconstanwardine
Mary BleackleyBEF 14 JUN 1818Prestwich, Lancashire, EnglandBEF 26 FEB 1895Prestwich, Englandstanwardine
A Blennerhassettstanwardine
Agnes Blennerhassett2 MAY 1722Ballyseedy, Ballyseedy, KerryTralee Castle, Annagh, Kerrystanwardine
Anne Blennerhassett21 JAN 1694Castle Conway, Killorglin, County Kerry, Ireland & Sutton15 AUG 1765County Kerry, Irelandstanwardine
Arthur Blennerhassett1655stanwardine
E Blennerhassettstanwardine
John Blennerhassett1620Ballseedy Castle4 DEC 1677stanwardine
John Blennerhassett1657Ballyseedy, Ballyseedy1709Ballyseedy Castlestanwardine
John Blennerhassett1691Ballyseedy, Co Kerry1775Oak Park, Kerrystanwardine
John Blennerhassett1593Castle Conway, Killorglin, Co.Kerry1676stanwardine
John Blennerhassett1660Castle Conway, Killorglin, Co.Kerry, Ireland17 MAR 1737Castle Conway, Killorglin, County Kerry, Irelandstanwardine
R Blennerhassettstanwardine
Robert Blennerhassett1622Ballycarty, Tralee, County Kerry, Ireland & Sutton1702Castle Conway, Killorglin, County Kerry, Ireland & Suttonstanwardine
Ruth Blennerhassett1660Ballyseedy, Ballyseedystanwardine
A Bloisstanwardine
Emma Of BloisABT 1088Blois, Loir-Et-Cher, France1101stanwardine
Henri Stephen "Le Sage" Count Of Champagne Blois1045Blois, Loir-Et-Cher, France19 MAY 1102By Turks On Crusade Of 1101stanwardine
Henry (Bishop Of Winchester) BloisABT 1099stanwardine
M Bloisstanwardine
Maud Of BloisABT 1097Of Blois, Orleanais, France25 NOV 1120At Sea Off, Barfleur, Normandy, Francestanwardine
Philip Of BloisABT 1092Blois, Loir-Et-Cher, FranceDECEASEDstanwardine
Theobald BloisABT 1088Of Blois, Loir-Et-Cher, France10 JAN 1151/1152Marne, Blois, Francestanwardine
Henri II Etienne Blois & MeauxDECEASEDstanwardine
Josiah Blood6 APR 1664Carlisle, Middlesex, MA2 JUL 1731Concord, Middlesex, MAstanwardine
Constance Bloor1892Tunstall, Staffordshire, Englandstanwardine
Marjorie Bloor1895Tunstall, Staffordshire, Englandstanwardine
Mary Bloor1889Tunstall, Staffordshire, Englandstanwardine
Peter Holland Bloor1852Norton-in-the-Moors, StaffordshireAPR 1922stanwardine
Eliza BlountABT 1422stanwardine
E Blountstanwardine
Elizabeth Blount1469Rock, Worcester, EnglandAFT FEB 1513/1514Hounslow, Middlesex, Englandstanwardine
Elizabeth "Bessie" BlountABT 1502Kinlet, Shropshire, EnglandAFT 6 FEB 1539stanwardine
John Blount1450Rock, Worcester, England12 OCT 1485stanwardine
Thomas Blountof Milton Ross1468stanwardine
Walter Blount1420Appletree, Derbyshire, England1 AUG 1474stanwardine
W Blountstanwardine
William Blount1442Rock, Worcester, England14 APR 1471Battle of Barnet, Hertfordshire, Englandstanwardine
Dorothy BoardmanBEF 25 JAN 1747Prestwich14 APR 1819Prestwich, Englandstanwardine
R Boardmanstanwardine
Alice BOHUNABT 1235stanwardine
Humphrey V BOHUNBEF 120824 SEP 1275stanwardine
Humphrey VI BOHUNABT 122027 AUG 1265ENGstanwardine
Isabel BohunABT 1228stanwardine
Mary Boleyn150619 JUL 1543stanwardine
Elizabeth Bolton1847Liverpoolstanwardine
H Boltonstanwardine
Henry Bolton1845Liverpoolstanwardine
Mary Bolton1853Liverpoolstanwardine
Richard Bolton1818Liverpoolstanwardine
Sarah A Bolton1849Liverpoolstanwardine
Thos Bolton1851Liverpoolstanwardine
Wm Bolton1860Liverpoolstanwardine
Marie BonnetMAY 1697Bristol, England11 SEP 1798New Rochelle, New Yorkstanwardine
Petronella De BooleyABT 1216Booley, EnglandABT 1272stanwardine
Charlotte Booth177916 SEP 1842St Marys, Prestwichstanwardine
Elizabeth Booth1748stanwardine
Ann Booth?17201792stanwardine
Margery Boothe1380stanwardine
D Borehamstanwardine
Emma Ann Boreham1862Pinner1939stanwardine
E Borehamstanwardine
George James Boreham1829St. Georges, Bloomsbury, London, England9 AUG 1897Pinnerstanwardine
Gladys Mary Boreham1 JAN 1892Pinner15 JUN 1978Daventrystanwardine
Harold Herbert Boreham9 NOV 1895Pinner17 MAY 1941stanwardine
Harry Pendry Boreham16 APR 1918stanwardine
Harry White Boreham18601 NOV 1930stanwardine
Hilda Celia Elizabeth Boreham1899Pinnerstanwardine
J Borehamstanwardine
James George Boreham1858Pinner1928stanwardine
M Borehamstanwardine
Sarah Jane Boreham1856Bloomsbury1936stanwardine
T Borehamstanwardine
William Herbert Boreham30 APR 1865Pinner1940stanwardine
Godeheut BorellAFT 1077stanwardine
Catherine BorthwickABT 1490Borthwickstanwardine
Mabel Emma Boscawen185526 OCT 1927stanwardine
Margaret BosvilleBEF 1676stanwardine
Thomas BosvilleBEF 1660stanwardine
Sarah Boswell1719stanwardine
Ankaret BOTELERABT 1316Wemme, Shropshire, England8 OCT 1361stanwardine
W Boterelstanwardine
John BotheABT 1353stanwardine
Matilda Le BotillerABT 1192Arklow, Wicklow, Leinster, IrelandDECEASEDstanwardine
Maud Le Botiller1225Lincoln, Lincolnshire, England27 NOV 1283Englandstanwardine
Theobald Fitzwalter Le BotillerABT 1165West Dereham, Downham, Norfolk, IrelandAFT APR 1206Arklow, Wicklow, Leinster, Irelandstanwardine
Theobald Le Botiller1200Arklow, Wicklow, Leinster, Ireland19 JUL 1230Poitou, Francestanwardine
Theobald Le Botiller1223Norfolkshire, England26 DEC 1248Monastery Of Arklow, Wicklow, Irelandstanwardine
Hawise BOTTERELLABT 1210stanwardine
Ida De BouillonABT 1040Bass, Lorraine, France13 AUG 1113stanwardine
Gerberge De BoulogneABT 1023Boulogne-Sur-Mer, Nord-Pas-DE-Calais, France1049stanwardine
M BOULTONstanwardine
Jeanne de Bourbon3 FEB 13386 FEB 1377stanwardine
Mary Helen Bowden2 OCT 1856Southport, Lancashire, England19 MAY 1940Pancras, London, Englandstanwardine
J Bowen1978stanwardine
M Bowen1951stanwardine
M Bowen1975stanwardine
E Bowlerstanwardine
F Bowlesstanwardine
A BOWYERstanwardine
G Bowyerstanwardine
Elizabeth BoydABT 1448Renfrewshire, Scotland21 FEB 1496North Berwick, East Lothian, Scotlandstanwardine
A Boylestanwardine
Alice Boyle20 MAR 160723 MAR 1666stanwardine
J Boylestanwardine
Richard Boyle3 OCT 156615 SEP 1643stanwardine
Hannah Bradbury17931896stanwardine
John Bradbury1793Weakey9 MAR 1842Weakeystanwardine
Margaret Bradbury1703Saddleworth, Yorkshire, Englandstanwardine
Sarah Ann Bradbury18121 SEP 1838Diggle Bridge, Saddleworth, Yorkshire, Englandstanwardine
Andrew Bradish-Ellames1965Bromley, Kent, England13 APR 1971Switzerlandstanwardine
Helen Maureen Bradish-Ellames28 NOV 192229 APR 2016Bridge House, Elstead, Surreystanwardine
J Bradish-Ellamesstanwardine
John Edward Mountague Bradish-Ellames26 DEC 1895Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, England28 MAY 1984Alfold Cranleigh, Surrey, Englandstanwardine
K Bradish-Ellamesstanwardine
Kathleen Agnes Bradish-Ellames1 JUL 1886stanwardine
Nancy Beatrice Bradish-Ellames30 AUG 192420 NOV 2022stanwardine
P Bradish-Ellamesstanwardine
Simon Edward Mountague Bradish-EllamesMAR 1930Wycombe, Oxfordshire5 OCT 2005Alton, Hampshire, Englandstanwardine
W Bradish-Ellamesstanwardine
Elizabeth Ann BrainBEF 16 OCT 1813Leigh, Lancashirestanwardine
Mary BrainBEF 6 DEC 1814Lancashire, Englandstanwardine
Matilda BrainABT 1832stanwardine
M Brainstanwardine
R Brainstanwardine
Thomas Alexander BrainBEF 27 MAY 1821Lancashire, Englandstanwardine
Marguerite BranlundABT 1879stanwardine
*Eva de BRAOSEABT 1222Bramber, Sussex, ENGABT 20 JUL 1255ENGstanwardine
Eleanor de BRAOSEABT 1230Brensh, WalesBEF 1246Gloucester, ENGstanwardine
Isabella De BraoseABT 1228Bramber, Sussex, EnglandDECEASEDstanwardine
Isabelle BraoseABT 1228stanwardine
Maude BRAOSEABT 1226Bramber Castle, Breconshire, WalesBEF 20 MAR 1300/1301stanwardine
Reginald de Braose1228stanwardine
William V de BRAOSEABT 1190Abergavenny, Monmouth, Wales; or Glower, Glamorgan, Wales2 MAY 1230Crokein, Wales; hanged by Llywelyn ab Iorwerth for having an affair with his wifestanwardine
C Brasier-Creagh1946stanwardine
E Brasier-Creagh1940stanwardine
George Edward Brian Brasier-Creagh25 FEB 1908MAY 1993Winchesterstanwardine
G Brasier-Creagh1943stanwardine
K Brasier-Creaghstanwardine
Neville Henry Sherlock Brasier-Creagh18 MAR 1911stanwardine
Rupert Brasier-Creagh12 DEC 1909stanwardine
B Bredinstanwardine
L Breestanwardine
J Breslinstanwardine
Joan de Bretagne8 NOV 1402stanwardine
Emma De BreteullDECEASEDstanwardine
F Brettstanwardine
Adam BridgeABT 1769St James Church, Accrington14 JUN 1849Accrington, Lancashirestanwardine
Alfred Bridge1852ACCRINGTON Lancashire England27 NOV 1924Moleside, Prestwichstanwardine
Alice Bridge12 NOV 1795ACCRINGTON Lancashire Englandstanwardine
Arthur Bridge1856Accrington, Lancashire, England24 APR 1909Rydal Mount, Glebelands Road, Prestwichstanwardine
Arthur Ogden Bridge2 AUG 1916Prestwich, Lancashire, England22 SEP 2008Pershore, Worcestershirestanwardine
C Bridge1993Shrewsburystanwardine
Clement Bridge22 MAR 188223 Great Cheetham Street West, Broughton, Salford, Lancashire, England26 FEB 1940Longmeade, Wilmslowstanwardine
Constance Bridge25 JAN 1885SALFORD Lancashire Englandstanwardine
Cyril Bridge30 APR 1884Prestwich, EnglandDEC 1969Southport, Lancashirestanwardine
D Bridge1987Chalfont-St-Peter, Buckinghamshirestanwardine
David James Bridge6 NOV 1923Prestwich, England25 OCT 2011Ellesmere, Shropshire, Englandstanwardine
E Bridge1996Shrewsburystanwardine
Edwin Bridge1856ACCRINGTON Lancashire England1901stanwardine
E Bridge2003St Mary's Hospital, Paddington, Londonstanwardine
Elizabeth Rendell BridgeAPR 1915Salford, Lancashire Ref:8d/9921 OCT 2007Hale, Altrincham, Cheshirestanwardine
Ellen Bridge22 MAR 1789St James, Accringtonstanwardine
Emily Bridge1860Accrington, Lancashirestanwardine
Emily May Bridge1890Prestwich, Englandstanwardine
Florence Bridge1886Prestwich, Lancashire, Englandstanwardine
Harold Bridge1873Accringtonstanwardine
H Bridge1992Shrewsburystanwardine
Hilda Bridge6 JUL 1889Whitefield, Lancashire, Englandstanwardine
Hubert Whitaker Bridge7 DEC 1883Prestwich, Lancashire, England11 FEB 195559 West Drive, Cleveleys, Lancashirestanwardine
Jacob Bridge28 MAY 1864New Jerusalem Church, Accrington, Lancashire6 OCT 1900Accrington, Lancashirestanwardine
Jacob Bridge18 JUN 18095 APR 1880stanwardine
J Bridge1956Wilmslow, Cheshirestanwardine
Jane Bridge1856Accrington, Lancashire, Englandstanwardine
Jane Elizabeth Bridge7 AUG 194924 JUN 2003stanwardine
Janet BridgeSEP 1916Salford, Lancashire, Ref: 8d / 80stanwardine
Janet Bridge1878Accrington31 OCT 192722 Aughton road, Birkdale, Southportstanwardine
Jessie Catherine Bridge1886Prestwich, Lancashire, Englandstanwardine
John Bridge18 DEC 1857Accrington, LancashireABT 1891N/Australiastanwardine
John Bridge27 DEC 1797stanwardine
J Bridge1945stanwardine
Joseph Bridge1848ACCRINGTON Lancashire England2 NOV 1903Moor-lane, Kersal, Manchesterstanwardine
Joseph Rendell Bridge19 DEC 1917Salford, Lancashire, Ref: 8d 65MAR 1981Trafford, Cheshire. Ref: 39/2009stanwardine
Joseph William Bridge13 DEC 1846Accrington, Lancashire29 JUL 1919stanwardine
J Bridge1947ALTRINCHAM Cheshire Englandstanwardine
J Bridge1955Devonstanwardine
Lang Bridge23 NOV 1835St James Church, Accrington14 JAN 1889stanwardine
Lang Bridge18 MAY 1817ACCRINGTON Lancashire England20 AUG 1884Manchesterstanwardine
Lucy Ellen Bridge7 NOV 1845Accrington, Lancashirestanwardine
M BridgeAccrington, Lancashirestanwardine
Mary Bridge1857ACCRINGTON Lancashire Englandstanwardine
Nanny BridgeBEF 25 DEC 1790Accrington, LancashireBEF 25 JAN 1801stanwardine
O Bridge1984Chalfont-St-Peter, Buckinghamshirestanwardine
P Bridge1955Oswestry, Englandstanwardine
P Bridge1956Llansantffraid, Powys, Walesstanwardine
Peter Lang Bridge2 AUG 1920Salford, Lancashire, 8d 145AUG 1985Colwyn, Clwyd, Walesstanwardine
S Bridge1950stanwardine
S Bridge1947stanwardine
T Bridge1990Chalfont-St-Peter, Buckinghamshirestanwardine
W Bridge1972Shrewsbury, Shropshire, Englandstanwardine
Mary Selina Louisa BridgemanABT 183012 JUL 1889stanwardine
Brook Bridges14 AUG 17669 JUL 1781stanwardine
Brook Bridges2 JAN 164323 DEC 1717stanwardine
Brook 1st Bt. Bridges12 AUG 167916 MAR 1727/1728stanwardine
Brook 2nd Bt. Bridges12 MAR 1708/1709Goodneston, Kent, England23 MAY 1733stanwardine
Brook Edward Bridges177923 APR 1825stanwardine
Brook Henry Bridges1 JUN 176920 SEP 1855stanwardine
Brook William 3rd Bt. Bridges17 SEP 1733Whitehall, London, England4 SEP 1791Portman Square, London, Englandstanwardine
Brook William 4th Bt. Bridges22 JUN 1767Goodneston, Kent, England21 APR 1829Albemarle Street, London, Englandstanwardine
C Bridges1962stanwardine
Elizabeth Bridges17731808stanwardine
F Bridgesstanwardine
J Bridges1964stanwardine
John Henry Dalrymple Bridges20 MAR 1928stanwardine
M Bridgesstanwardine
Blanche BRIENNEABT 1240Courtain, FranceABT 1302Loupeland, Francestanwardine
Jean BRIENNEABT 1218Acre, PalestineABT 1296Francestanwardine
Alice BriggsBEF 6 MAR 1774Whitefield, Prestwich, Lancashire4 JUL 1846Prestwich, Lancashire, Englandstanwardine
Barbara BriggsAPR 1887Wakefield, Yorkshire, England9 AUG 1976Victoria, British Columbia, Canadastanwardine
Dorothy Briggs18781919stanwardine
Edmund Briggs1710Prestwich, England1744Lancashire, Englandstanwardine
Eliza Briggs30 SEP 1836Middleton, Lancashire8 JAN 1871Overton Clark County, Nevada, The "muddy"stanwardine
Emma Briggs8 AUG 1855Stalybridge, Lancashire20 OCT 1869Salt Lake, Utahstanwardine
Isaac Briggs14 OCT 1815Littleborough, Lancashire5 JAN 1910Wakefield, Yorkshire, Englandstanwardine
Isaac Briggs20 JAN 1849Mellorbrook, Lancashire, England5 DEC 1926Beechfield, Sandal, Wakefieldstanwardine
James Thomas Briggs4 JAN 1845Manchester, Lancashire, England15 FEB 1905Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utahstanwardine
John Briggs3 FEB 1813Bowlee Village, Middleton, Lancashire, England3 NOV 1856Devils Gate, Natrona, Wyomingstanwardine
Marjory Ellen Briggs20 JUL 1884stanwardine
Mary Hannah Briggs16 MAY 1849Stalybridge, Lancashire29 NOV 1856Between Big Mountain, over the South Pass, down to Fort Bridgerstanwardine
Maurice Hague Briggs22 JUN 1881Wakefield11 FEB 1901Coblenz, Bautzen, Saxony, Germanystanwardine
Rachel Evelyn Briggs8 APR 1853Staley Bridge, Lancashire, England6 APR 1910Herriman, Salt Lake, Utah, USAstanwardine
Robert Briggs22 AUG 1736Whitefield, Prestwich, Lancashire, England23 JAN 1788Prestwich, Lancashire, Englandstanwardine
Sarah Ann Briggs4 JUL 1851Stalybridge, Lancashire, England14 APR 1923Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, United Statesstanwardine
Thomas Briggs18 FEB 1843Stalybridge, Lancashire11 NOV 1856Near Split Rock, Wyoming (18 miles before Ice Springs (Martin Handcart Company))stanwardine
Thomas Briggs4 AUG 1776Manchester, Lancashire6 NOV 1846Manchester, Lancashirestanwardine
William Briggs6 MAR 1848Wickwar, Gloucestershirestanwardine
William Gerald Briggs22 AUG 1885Wakefield, Yorkshire, England4 JAN 1975Woodlands 8A Park Green Derbystanwardine
H Brintonstanwardine
A Britainstanwardine
A Britainstanwardine
A Britainstanwardine
A Britainstanwardine
A Britainstanwardine
A Britainstanwardine
B Britain861 B.C.stanwardine
B Britainstanwardine
B Britainstanwardine
B Britainstanwardine
B Britainstanwardine
B Britainc. 1120 B.C.c. 1060 B.C.stanwardine
B Britain945 B.C.stanwardine
B Britainstanwardine
C Britainstanwardine
Coel King of Britainc. a.d. 60, Britain170stanwardine
C Britainstanwardine
C Britain794 B.C.stanwardine
C Britaina.d. 17stanwardine
D Britainstanwardine
E Britain957 B.C.stanwardine
E Britainstanwardine
E Britainstanwardine
E Britainstanwardine
E Britainstanwardine
E Britainstanwardine
G Britainstanwardine
G Britainstanwardine
G Britainstanwardine
G Britainstanwardine
G Britainstanwardine
G Britainstanwardine
G Britainstanwardine
G Britainstanwardine
G Britainstanwardine
G Britainstanwardine
G Britain743 B.C.stanwardine
H Britainstanwardine
I Britainstanwardine
I Britainstanwardine
J Britainstanwardine
K Britainstanwardine
K Britainstanwardine
K Britain683 B.C.stanwardine
K Britainstanwardine
L Britain801 B.C.stanwardine
L Britain920 B.C.stanwardine
L Britain62 B.C.stanwardine
L Britain1177 B.C.1056 B.C.stanwardine
M Britain1016 B.C.stanwardine
M Britainstanwardine
M Britainstanwardine
M Britainstanwardine
M Britainstanwardine
M Britainstanwardine
Meurig King of Britain125stanwardine
M Britainstanwardine
M Britain996 B.C.stanwardine
O Britainstanwardine
O Britainstanwardine
R Britainstanwardine
R Britainstanwardine
R Britain761 B.C.stanwardine
R Britain881 B.C.stanwardine
R Britainstanwardine
S Britain723 B.C.stanwardine
S Britainstanwardine
S Britainstanwardine
S Britainstanwardine
T Britainstanwardine
T Britaina.d. 17stanwardine
T Britannicus041055stanwardine
A Britonstanwardine
H Britonstanwardine
K Britonstanwardine
M Britonstanwardine
Ellen BrittonABT 1888stanwardine
Joan de BRIWEREABT 11901233stanwardine
Abraham BroadbentABT 1716From 14 APR 1803 to 1803Saddleworth, Yorkshire, Englandstanwardine
Isaac Broadbent1727Saddleworth, Yorkshire, EnglandABT 1791stanwardine
Jane Broadbent5 JUN 1724St Chad's, Rochdale, Saddleworth, Yorkshire, England1 JUN 1727Saddleworth, Yorkshire, Englandstanwardine
John BroadbentBEF 22 NOV 1800Marslandstanwardine
John Broadbent14 JAN 1721St Chad's, Rochdale, Saddleworth, Yorkshire, Englandstanwardine
M Broadbentstanwardine
William Broadbent1720Castleshaw, England24 APR 1801St Thomas, Friarmere, Saddleworth, Yorkshire, Englandstanwardine
William BroadbentFEB 1682Saddleworth, Yorkshire, England11 SEP 1730Saddleworth, Yorkshire, Englandstanwardine
Alan 1st Viscount Midleton BrodrickAUG 1728stanwardine
G Brolly1964stanwardine
A Bromleystanwardine
E BromleyShrawardine Castlestanwardine
Frances BromleyBEF 173125 MAY 1768stanwardine
H BromleyShrawardine Castlestanwardine
J Broodzykstanwardine
Ellen Adelaide Brook9 MAY 1830Huddersfield, Yorkshire West Riding, EnglandAPR 1867Kendal, Westmorland, Englandstanwardine
F Brookestanwardine
H Brookestanwardine
M Brooksstanwardine
Anna Maria Brougham3 JAN 1836Falmouth, Cornwall, Englandstanwardine
Caroline Frances Brougham9 APR 1828Falmouth, Cornwall, Englandstanwardine
Charlotte Ann Brougham27 SEP 1826Falmouth, Cornwall, England23 OCT 1894Falmouth, Cornwall, Englandstanwardine
E Broughamstanwardine
Eliza Brougham22 MAR 1838Falmouth, Cornwall, Englandstanwardine
John BroughamABT 1700stanwardine
Mary Brougham10 AUG 1832Falmouth, Cornwall, Englandstanwardine
M Broughamstanwardine
Matthew Nixon Brougham6 SEP 1830Falmouth, Cornwall, Englandstanwardine
S Broughamstanwardine
Stephen Brougham17941866stanwardine
Thomas Brougham1648stanwardine
Agnes Brown12 JUN 163215 MAR 1709stanwardine
B M Brown16 JUL 1893stanwardine
Barbara Maeveen Blundell Brown24 JUL 191810 MAR 2014Kelso, Roxburghshirestanwardine
Jean BrownABT 1655Of Bramtrigg, , , Scotlandstanwardine
Jessie Jane Brown5 DEC 1831stanwardine
M Brownstanwardine
A Browne1948stanwardine
William Brownlie183916 JUN 1922stanwardine
Daphne Angela Brownlow31 JAN 191729 JUL 1995Winchester, Hampshirestanwardine
Francis Cecil Brownlow22 NOV 1870Dublin, Ireland21 DEC 1932Lymington, Hampshirestanwardine
John Desmond Cavendish Brownlow29 JUN 191117 SEP 1991stanwardine
Robert I Bruce, King of Scotland11 JUL 1274Writtle, Chelmsford, Essex7 JUN 1329Dunfermlinestanwardine
Margorie Bruce, Princess of Scotland1297Scotlandstanwardine
P Bruce-Jones1939stanwardine
T Bruce-Jonesstanwardine
T Bruce-Jones1941stanwardine
Daphne Helen Anne Brudenell-Bruce28 JAN 1915Belfast, Antrim, Northern Ireland9 DEC 1992Kettering, Northamptonshire, Englandstanwardine
Robert Hanbury Brudenell-Bruce24 OCT 1881London, England12 FEB 1955Winchester, Hampshire, Englandstanwardine
Robert Thomas Brudenell-Bruce25 JAN 1845St Pancras, London15 FEB 1912Hampshire, Englandstanwardine
Isabel BRUSABT 1150?; of Skelton, ENGAFT 1230stanwardine
Alice Muriel Bryant23 OCT 1886Woodlands Parkstanwardine
Arthur Charles Bryant1841stanwardine
Charles Edgar Bryant6 APR 1885Surbiton22 FEB 1950Cirencesterstanwardine
Edith Ellen Bryant1834stanwardine
Elizabeth Annette Bryant1843stanwardine
E Bryantstanwardine
Frederick Carkeet Bryant30 MAR 1843Falmouth, Cornwall16 DEC 1888Woodland Park, Leatherheadstanwardine
Helen Lilian Bryant23 MAR 1884Surbiton17 APR 1920stanwardine
J Bryantstanwardine
Richard Charles Bryant27 JAN 1927Cirencester, Gloucs1994stanwardine
Theodore Henry Bryant1843stanwardine
Wilberforce Bryant1837stanwardine
William Bryant8 MAR 1804Tiverton24 JUL 1874Eastbourne, Sussexstanwardine
Elizabeth Margaret Bucher14 NOV 1927stanwardine
Francis Robert Roy Bucher31 AUG 1895North Leith, Edinburgh5 JAN 1980Normanby, Yorkshirestanwardine
Margaret dau of Eunice Turner & Isaac Buck7 AUG 1687Scituate, Plymouth, MA30 APR 1710Scituate, Plymouth, MAstanwardine
Rohese Of BuckinghamshireABT 1147Buckinghamshire, EnglandDECEASEDstanwardine
Ann Buckley1745BEF 3 NOV 1827stanwardine
Betty Buckley17408 MAY 1797Lower Barn, Saddleworth, Yorkshirestanwardine
M Buckleystanwardine
Mary Buckley17831847stanwardine
Mary Buckley1804Marsden, Yorkshirestanwardine
Philip Buckley20 APR 1740Barn, Delph, Saddleworth, Yorkshire, EnglandBEF 8 JUN 1831Golburnstanwardine
Sarah Buckley1745SaddleworthBEF 9 JUL 1801Dobcross, Lancashirestanwardine
Sarah Anne Buckley1 MAY 1841Saddleworth, Yorkshire14 APR 1935Oldham, Lancashirestanwardine
W Buckleystanwardine
S Budd1958stanwardine
Anne BulkeleyABT 1672stanwardine
Margaret BulkeleyABT 1386stanwardine
Richard Bulkeley22 FEB 1368/136911 NOV 1391stanwardine
Jacqueline Ruth Bull21 OCT 193330 DEC 1975stanwardine
H Bullmanstanwardine
E Bullockstanwardine
H Bullockstanwardine
J Bullockstanwardine
L Bullockstanwardine
S Bullockstanwardine
Honora BurghABT 1672stanwardine
Hubert BurghABT 1178stanwardine
John BURGH129018 JUN 1313stanwardine
William BURGH17 SEP 13126 JUN 1333LeFord, Belfaststanwardine
B BURGHERSH?; of Ewais Lacy, Hereford, ENGstanwardine
Elizabeth de BURGHERSHMAY 134226 JUL 1409stanwardine
Clemence Clementia Of BurgundyABT 1080Bourgogne, France1133stanwardine
Arthur John Burr4 OCT 1859stanwardine
Doris Eileen Burr24 JUN 1895Uphill, Axbridge, Somerset, England1 MAR 1942120 High Street, St Julians, Malta due to enemy bombingstanwardine
Enid Ursula Burr11 MAR 1900stanwardine
Evelyn Noel Burr22 DEC 1892stanwardine
Florence Madeline Burr2 NOV 1890Uphill Rectory, Weston, SomersetJUN 1984Farnham Royal, Hampshirestanwardine
Georgiana Phillis Burr27 NOV 189120 OCT 1935stanwardine
Vera Winifred Burr16 FEB 1897stanwardine
M BURSLEMstanwardine
Joan Burton1568stanwardine
S Burtonstanwardine
Elinor Bushell14 OCT 1915stanwardine
H Bushellstanwardine
Margaret Anne Bushell11 NOV 1912stanwardine
Beatrice ButlerABT 1198Lancashire, EnglandDECEASEDstanwardine
Elizabeth BUTLER1420Ormond, Kerry, Ireland8 SEP 1473Shrewsbury, Shropshire, Englandstanwardine
James BUTLER4 OCT 133110 OCT 1382stanwardine
James BUTLERABT 1392Leicester, England1452stanwardine
James BUTLER4 OCT 13631405stanwardine
James BUTLERABT 13056 JAN 1337/1338stanwardine
James Wandesford Butler15 JUL 177718 MAY 1838stanwardine
John Butler24 AUG 1808Merrion Square, Dublin, Ireland25 SEP 1854Loftus Hall, Wexfordstanwardine
Mary Grace Louisa Butler7 MAR 1846Kilkenny, Ireland17 JAN 1929Malton, Yorkshire North Ridingstanwardine
Petronilla BUTLERABT 1327Ormond, Kerry, Ireland1365stanwardine
Piers ButlerABT 1665stanwardine
Thomas ButlerABT 14303 AUG 1515stanwardine
H Butterworthstanwardine
Ruth Butterworth23 APR 1817Middleton By Oldham, Lancashire, England4 AUG 1860Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, United Statesstanwardine
D Buxtonstanwardine
Helena Byron1416Clayton, Lincolnshire, EnglandBEF 1466stanwardine
John Byron1387Clayton, Lancaster, England1465stanwardine
Charles 2nd Baron Cardigan Cadogan168524 SEP 1776stanwardine
Charles Henry Sloane 2nd Earl Cadogan Cadogan29 NOV 174923 DEC 1832stanwardine
Charles Sloane 1st Earl Cadogan Cadogan29 SEP 17283 APR 1807stanwardine
Charlotte Cadogan11 JUL 17818 JUL 1853Uxbridge House, Old Burlington Street, Englandstanwardine
Emily Maud Cadogan22 DEC 1839stanwardine
George 3rd Earl Cadogan Cadogan5 MAY 178315 SEP 1864stanwardine
Henry Cadogan164213 JAN 1713/1714stanwardine
Louisa CadoganAUG 1843stanwardine
William 1st Earl Cadogan Cadogan1672Liscartan17 JUL 1726stanwardine
Maud Fitzrobert De CaenABT 1117Gloucestershire, England29 JUL 1189Chester, Cheshire, Englandstanwardine
Robert "The King's Son" CaenABT 1090Caen, Calvados, France31 OCT 1147Bristol, Gloucestershire, Engstanwardine
Q Caepiostanwardine
Q Caepiostanwardine
S Caepiostanwardine
A Caesarstanwardine
G Caesar4 AD (poisoned)stanwardine
G Caesar102 B.C.44 B.C.stanwardine
G Caesarstanwardine
G Caesarstanwardine
G Caesar124 BCPisa in 84 BCstanwardine
G CaesarSubura, Italy on July 12, 100/102 BCRome, Italy on March 15, 44 BC (assassinated by a conspiracy of the Senate)stanwardine
G Caesar84 B.C.stanwardine
I Caesarabout 7 BC6 BCstanwardine
J Caesarstanwardine
J Caesar54 BCstanwardine
J Caesarabout 103 BCstanwardine
J Caesar84 B.C.stanwardine
J CaesarJuly 12, 100 B.C.March 15, a.d. 14stanwardine
L Caesarstanwardine
L Caesarstanwardine
L Caesarstanwardine
L Caesar123 BC87 BCstanwardine
L Caesarstanwardine
L Caesar87 B.C.stanwardine
L Caesarstanwardine
S Caesarstanwardine
S Caesarabout 200 BCstanwardine
S Caesarstanwardine
S Caesarstanwardine
S Caesarstanwardine
T Caesar42 BCMarch 16, 0037stanwardine
P CaesarionSyria on June 26, 47 BCAbt 30 BC. killed by Octavian Caesarstanwardine
A Caesonia43 BCstanwardine
J Caesonia29 AD on Tremerus in exile for 20 yearsstanwardine
G Caffinstanwardine
Cainan5167 B.C.4257 B.C.stanwardine
Helen Cairns7 MAY 1862stanwardine
Frederick CalvertBEF 18506 JUN 1891stanwardine
Catherine Cambell10 MAY 18409 MAR 1881Highfields, Schools Hill near Cheadlestanwardine
Edward Cambell18 JUN 1796London, Middlesex, England18 OCT 1882Highfields, Schools Hill near Cheadlestanwardine
Elizabeth Anne CambellOCT 1842Manchester, Lancashire26 JUN 1886stanwardine
Jane Cambell18 FEB 184428 JUL 1881stanwardine
Jessie Louise Cambell13 FEB 18478 MAY 1883stanwardine
C Cambriastanwardine
C Cambriastanwardine
D Cambriastanwardine
G Cambriastanwardine
I Cambriastanwardine
Amy Barlow Cameron22 SEP 1900Punta Arenas, Magallanes y de la Antartica Chilena, ChileMAR 1986Argentinastanwardine
C Cameron1942stanwardine
E Cameronstanwardine
E Cameron1934stanwardine
N Cameron1938stanwardine
N Cameron1943stanwardine
J Cameron-CooperEDINBURGH Midlothian Scotlandstanwardine
Louisa Ellen Camfield1870Scarborough, Yorkshire North Riding, United Kingdomstanwardine
Idoine CAMVILLEABT 1205Brattleby, Lincolnshire, ENG1 JAN 1250/1251stanwardine
R CAMVILLEstanwardine
C Candystanwardine
Trahaearn Ap CaradogABT 1030Arwystli, Montgomeryshire, Wales1081Battle Of Carno, Arwystli, Montgomeryshire, Walesstanwardine
Anne CAREWABT 1519stanwardine
Catherine CarewBEF 1500Mohun's Ottery, Devonstanwardine
Edmond Carew146624 JUN 1513Thorounnestanwardine
Konrad I CarinthiaDECEASEDstanwardine
Ann Jago Carkeet20 NOV 1879Surbiton, Surreystanwardine
CarlomanABT 715Moselle, Austrasia754stanwardine
Agnes Carmichael18791887Died from diphtheriastanwardine
Chalmers Carmichael188615 JUL 1916Delville Wood, The Sommestanwardine
Constance Carmichael18901894Died From poisonous oleander berriesstanwardine
Isabella Minnie (Ella) Carmichael18851939stanwardine
J Carmichaelstanwardine
John Carmichael18821882Died At Birthstanwardine
Joyce Carmichael1882stanwardine
Margaret Carmichael18781911stanwardine
Mary Carmichael18811964stanwardine
W CarmichaelScotandstanwardine
Winnifred Carmichael18851885Died From High Feverstanwardine
Andrew Lambton Carr6 APR 1931Helsinki, Lansi-Suomen Laani, Finland12 JUL 2000Bookers Lee, Alfold, Surrey, Englandstanwardine
Christopher John Lambton Carr28 NOV 1927JUL 1991Pershore, Worcestershire, Englandstanwardine
Henry Lambton Carr16 NOV 1899Arkhangelsk, Russia19 MAR 1988Godalming, Surrey, Englandstanwardine
Maud Keith Granville Carr27 MAY 1902Lautoka, Fiji1982stanwardine
Dorcas Louisa Carter1753Barbados24 AUG 1817stanwardine
Joan CarterBEF 23 NOV 1750stanwardine
W Carterstanwardine
Georgina Carolina CarteretABT 1706Lansdown, Gloucestershirestanwardine
Katherine Mary Cary1529Hants, England15 JAN 1568/1569Englandstanwardine
Thomas Cary1480BEF 21 JUN 1536stanwardine
William Cary149222 JUN 1528stanwardine
N Cashstanwardine
B Casselsstanwardine
David Cassels1923stanwardine
Robert Catesby15738 NOV 1605Shot at Holbeache House, Staffordshirestanwardine
William Catesby15471598stanwardine
L Catostanwardine
M Cato234 B.C.149 B.C.stanwardine
M Catostanwardine
Ambrose Cave15022 APR 1568stanwardine
Margaret Cave15 AUG 1600stanwardine
H Cavendish1944stanwardine
R Cavendishstanwardine
G CEVAstanwardine
Leugia de CEVAABT 124022 AUG 1291stanwardine
M Chalmersstanwardine
Helen Lehmann ChambersOCT 1899Wooburn, Buckinghamshire, England6 JAN 1985Surrey South-western, Surrey, Englandstanwardine
Alix De ChampagneABT 1100Blois, Loir-Et-Cher, FranceABT 1145stanwardine
Eleonore De ChampagneABT 1102Blois, Loir-Et-Cher, France14 OCT 1141stanwardine
Guillaume De ChampagneABT 1080Blois, Loir-Et-Cher, France1150stanwardine
Humbert De ChampagneABT 1094Blois, Loir-Et-Cher, FranceDied Youngstanwardine
Lithuise Adela De ChampagneABT 1098Blois, Loir-Et-Cher, France1118stanwardine
J Champernownestanwardine
Joan Champernowne151510 SEP 1553stanwardine
Katherine Champernowne1519Modbury, Devonstanwardine
Philip Champernowne1479stanwardine
Alice Violet Champion25 JUN 1880stanwardine
Bertha Marjorie Champion13 JUN 1882stanwardine
Dorothy Mary Champion12 DEC 1877stanwardine
Gladys Barbara Champion13 FEB 1890stanwardine
H Championstanwardine
John Francis Champion12 NOV 1876stanwardine
K Chandler1969Jamaicastanwardine
Isabella Chapman6 MAY 1790Govan, Lanarkshire, Scotland29 MAY 1859Kyneton, Victoriastanwardine
R Chapmanstanwardine
Charlemagne2 APR 742Ingelheim, Rheinhessen, Hesse-Darmstadt28 JAN 813/814Aix-la-Chapelle or Aachen, Rhineland, Prussiastanwardine
Charles77212 DEC 811stanwardine
Irene Corona Charteris31 MAY 1902stanwardine
Charles Hooker Chastain7 JUN 1937Tampa, Hillsborough, Florida, USA10 APR 2007Canadastanwardine
Jeanne de ChateaudunABT 1227stanwardine
M Chaterstanwardine
Henry ChaumontABT 1075Valois, Bretagne, France1130stanwardine
Maud de CHAWORTH2 FEB 1281/1282?; of Kidwelly, Carmarthenshire, WalesAFT 1344stanwardine
Patrick de CHAWORTHABT 1250?; of Kempsford, Gloucestershire, ENGBEF 7 JUL 1283stanwardine
Algernon Edgar Percy Cheesman13 MAR 1886Farnham, Surrey1 MAR 1942120 High Street, St Julians, Malta due to enemy bombingstanwardine
G Chelles757stanwardine
Joan Chenduit Cheney12799 MAY 1327stanwardine
Edward Cherleton13701421stanwardine
J Cherletonstanwardine
Joan de Cherleton1400Powys-Vadoc, Walesstanwardine
Joyce de CherletonABT 1402Worcestershire, England22 SEP 1446stanwardine
Edward Cherlton1371<, Powys, Montgomery, Wales>14 MAR 1419/1420<, Powys, Montgomery, Wales>stanwardine
Joan Cherlton139917 SEP 1425stanwardine
Joyce de Cherlton1403<, Tunbridge, Kent, England>27 JAN 1442/1443stanwardine
Agnes Of ChesterABT 1174Chester, Cheshire, England2 NOV 1247stanwardine
Mabel Of ChesterABT 1172Chester, Cheshire, EnglandBEF 1232Chester, Cheshire, Englandstanwardine
I Childebert496Rheims, Marne, Champagne-Ardenne, France23 DEC 558Paris, Ile de France, Francestanwardine
III Childebert67214 APR 711St. Etienne, Loire, Francestanwardine
I Childeric436Westphalia, Germany26 NOV 481Tournai, Hainault, Wallonia, Belgiumstanwardine
II ChildericABT 656673stanwardine
I Chilperic539Soissons, Picardie, FranceOCT 584Chelles, France (assassinated)stanwardine
A Chilton1955stanwardine
ChiltrudeABT 716Austrasia754stanwardine
Albert I Von ChinyABT 1090stanwardine
Arnold II Count Of ChinyABT 1045Chiny, Luxemburg16 APR 1106stanwardine
Constantius I Chlorus31 MAR 242Dacia25 JUL 306Eboracum (York), Britainstanwardine
I ChlotarABT 497Rheims, Marne, Loire-Atlantique, France23 NOV 561Braines, Loire-Atlantique, Francestanwardine
III Chlotar652670stanwardine
I Chlotarstanwardine
M Cholmondeleystanwardine
Richard Hugh Cholmondeley8 JAN 1901stanwardine
Thomas Richard Cholmondeley18567 FEB 1922stanwardine
L Christienstanwardine
ChrotildaABT 507Rheims, Marne, Loire-Atlantique, Francestanwardine
( Churchillstanwardine
(Lord) Ivor Spencer Churchill18981956stanwardine
Adeline Spencer Churchill18601937stanwardine
Agnes Beryl Spencer Churchill18811948stanwardine
Alan Spencer Churchill18251873stanwardine
Alfred Spencer Churchill18241893stanwardine
Almeric Spencer Churchill18471856stanwardine
Anne Churchill28 FEB 1682Marlborough, Wiltshirestanwardine
Anne Spencer Churchill18541928stanwardine
A Churchillstanwardine
Augusta Spencer Churchill1877stanwardine
Augustus Spencer Churchill18581859stanwardine
Charles Churchill16791745stanwardine
Charles Churchill2 FEB 165629 DEC 1714stanwardine
Charles ChurchillABT 17201812stanwardine
Charles Richard John Spencer Churchill18711934stanwardine
Charles Spencer Churchill18561858stanwardine
Clarissa Churchill1920stanwardine
C Churchillstanwardine
Cornelia Spencer Churchill18471927stanwardine
Diana Spencer Churchill19091963stanwardine
Edward Spencer Churchill18761964stanwardine
E Churchillstanwardine
Fanny Spencer Churchill18531904stanwardine
Frances Louisa Spencer Churchill15 SEP 187013 NOV 1954stanwardine
Frederick Spencer Churchill18461850stanwardine
G Churchillstanwardine
G Churchillstanwardine
George Charles Blandford S. Churchill18441892stanwardine
George Spencer Churchill17661840stanwardine
George Spencer Churchill17931857stanwardine
Georgiana Spencer Churchill18601906stanwardine
H Churchillstanwardine
Henry Winston Churchill1913stanwardine
Jane Spencer Churchill18581940stanwardine
John Churchill1909stanwardine
J Churchillstanwardine
John Churchill26 MAY 165016 JUN 1722stanwardine
John Albert Edward William S. Churchill1897stanwardine
John Spencer Churchill18801947stanwardine
John Winston Spencer Churchill18221883stanwardine
Lilian Spencer Churchill18731951stanwardine
Louisa Spencer Churchill18201882stanwardine
Marigold Spencer Churchill19181921stanwardine
M Churchillstanwardine
Mary Churchill23 FEB 1758stanwardine
Mary Spencer Churchill1922stanwardine
Norah Spencer Churchill18751946stanwardine
Olivia Spencer Churchill18591943stanwardine
Randolph Frederick Edward S. Churchill19111968stanwardine
Randolph Spencer Churchill18491895stanwardine
Sarah Spencer Churchill18651929stanwardine
Sarah Spencer Churchill19141982stanwardine
Violet Spencer Churchill18641941stanwardine
Winston Churchill16201688stanwardine
Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill18741965stanwardine
Catherine Chute1721Newry, County Down, Ireland & Sutton1778Keeas, County Kerry, Ireland & Suttonstanwardine
K Clairs1962stanwardine
Aveline CLAREABT 1160Hereford, ENGBEF JUN 1225ENGstanwardine
Avice De ClareABT 1058Brione, Normandy, FranceDECEASEDstanwardine
Elana De ClareABT 1154Tunbridge Castle, Kent, EnglandDECEASEDstanwardine
Elana De ClareABT 1155Tunbridge Castle, Kent, EnglandDECEASEDstanwardine
Eleanor or Alianore de CLAREOCT 1292Caerphilly Castle, Glammorgan, ENG30 JUN 1337stanwardine
Elizabeth de CLARE16 SEP 1295Tewkesbury, Gloustershire, ENG4 NOV 1360ENGstanwardine
Eveline (Aveline) De Clare1172Clare, Suffolk, EnglandBEF 4 JUN 1225Englandstanwardine
Gilbert de Clare10 MAY 1291near Tewkesbury, ENG24 JUN 1314stanwardine
Gilbert de CLAREABT 1183Hertford, Hertfordshire, ENG25 OCT 1230Penrose, Brittany, Francestanwardine
Gilbert IV de CLARE2 SEP 1243Christchurch, Hampshire, ENG7 DEC 1295Monmouth Castle, Monmouthshire, ENGstanwardine
Henry De Clare1172Clare, Suffolk, EnglandDECEASEDstanwardine
Isabe de Clare10 MAR 1262/1263Elmley, Worcestershire, ENG1333stanwardine
Isabel de Clare2 NOV 1226AFT 1264stanwardine
James De Clare1164Clare, Suffolk, EnglandDECEASEDstanwardine
John De Clare1170Clare, Suffolk, EnglandDECEASEDstanwardine
Mabel De Clare1156Clare, Suffolk, England1203stanwardine
Margaret CLAREABT 1292?; of Tunbridge Castle, Kent, ENG13 APR 1342Francestanwardine
Margaret de CLAREBET 1280 AND 1286?; of Thomond, Connaught, IrelandBET 1333 AND 1335Castle Badlesmere, ENGstanwardine
Maude (Matilda) CLAREBET 1276 AND 1279ENG; of Thomond, Ireland1 FEB 1324/1325ENGstanwardine
Richard de CLARE4 AUG 1222Gloucester, ENG15 JUL 1262Canterbury, Kent, ENG; or Ashenfield, Waltham, ENGstanwardine
Richard De ClareABT 1153Tunbridge Castle, Kent, EnglandAFT 30 OCT 1217Tonbridge, Kent, Engstanwardine
Roesse de CLAREABT 1256Tonebridge, Suffolk, ENGAFT 1315stanwardine
Roger De Clare1116Tunbridge Castle, Kent, England1173Oxfordshire, Englandstanwardine
Roger De Clare1168Middleton, Norfolk, England1241stanwardine
Thomas de CLAREBET 1244 AND 1247Tonbridge, Kent, ENGFEB 1287/1288Thomond, Connaught, County Clare, Irelandstanwardine
L Claridgestanwardine
L Claridgestanwardine
L Claridgestanwardine
L Claridgestanwardine
M Claridgestanwardine
Mary CLARISSAABT 1255AFT 1283stanwardine
A Clarkstanwardine
Charles Thomas Clark25 SEP 1881Bothwell, Lanark, Scotlandstanwardine
F Clarkstanwardine
H Clarkstanwardine
Isabella Mary Clark30 JAN 1874Maryhill, Glasgow, Lanarksstanwardine
Jane Thomas Clark9 DEC 1885Uddingston, Lanarksstanwardine
Jessie Williamina Clark12 AUG 1875St Rollox, Glasgow, Lanarksstanwardine
M Clarkstanwardine
M Clarkstanwardine
Norman Clark4 APR 1883Uddingston, Lanarkshire, Scotland1939Argentinastanwardine
Patricia Hamilton Clark18 JUN 1877Glasgow, Lanarksstanwardine
William Kirkwood Clark26 SEP 1879Uddingston, Lanarksstanwardine
William Norman Clark1841Glasgow29 OCT 1886Glasgowstanwardine
G Clarkestanwardine
G Claudia12 A.D.50 A.D.stanwardine
O Claudiastanwardine
O Claudia059 (divorced and executed by Nero)stanwardine
S Claudiastanwardine
M Claudianusstanwardine
C Claytonstanwardine
Edward Ffarington Clayton24 NOV 1907stanwardine
D Cleggstanwardine
Nancy Clegg17731830stanwardine
V Cleopatra69 BC in Alexandria, EgyptAlexandria, Egypt on August 12, 30 BC(suicide by asp bite)stanwardine
Renauld II Count Of ClermontABT 1085Clermont, Beauvais, Oise, France1162Clermont, Beauvais, Oise, Francestanwardine
Anne of Cleves22 SEP 1515Düsseldorf, Cleves, Germany17 JUL 1557Chelsea Old Palace, Middlesex, Englandstanwardine
Andrew de CliffordAFT 1307stanwardine
Idonea de CLIFFORDABT 1300Clifford, Herefordshire, ENG or Appleby, W., ENG24 AUG 1365stanwardine
Iodine de CliffordABT 1300Castle Appleby, Westmorland, England24 AUG 1365Castle Alnwick, Northumberland, Englandstanwardine
John de CliffordAFT 1306stanwardine
Katherine CliffordABT 1365Ravensworth, ENG23 APR 1413stanwardine
Margaret de CliffordUNKNOWNstanwardine
Robert CLIFFORD1 APR 1274Clifford Castle, Hereford, ENG24 JUN 1314Battle of Bannockburnstanwardine
Robert de Clifford5 NOV 1305?; of Clifford Castle, ENG20 MAY 1344stanwardine
Roger CLIFFORDABT 12051285stanwardine
Roger CLIFFORDABT 1180Clifford Castle, ENG1231Tenbury, ENGstanwardine
Roger CLIFFORD1242?; of Clifford Castle, Clifford, Herefordshire, ENG6 NOV 1282Menai Straits (drowned)stanwardine
Roger de Clifford12991322stanwardine
Geoffrey De ClintonABT 1100St Pierre-DE-Semily, St Lo, Manche, Normandy, FranceDECEASEDstanwardine
Lesceline De ClintonABT 1120St Pierre-DE-Semily, St Lo, Manche, Normandy, FranceAFT 1145stanwardine
Mrs. Geoffrey 1100 De ClintonDECEASEDstanwardine
Osbert De Clinton1122Kenilworth Castle, Warwickshire, EnglandDECEASEDstanwardine
C Clivestanwardine
Charlotte Florentia Clive12 SEP 178727 JUL 1866Mount Lebanon, Twickenham, London, Englandstanwardine
Edward Clive7 MAR 175416 MAY 1839stanwardine
Edward Clive22 MAR 178517 JAN 1848Powis Castlestanwardine
Elizabeth Clive16761676stanwardine
George Clive1640Walford1690stanwardine
G Clivestanwardine
G Clivestanwardine
Henrietta Antonia Clive22 DEC 1835stanwardine
Margaret CliveJUN 1814stanwardine
Mary Clive1679Baschurch, Shropshire, England1679stanwardine
Rebecca CliveDEC 1795stanwardine
Richard CliveFEB 1694Styche1771stanwardine
Robert Clive30 AUG 176928 JUL 1833stanwardine
Robert Clive1675Baschurch, Shropshire, England1675Baschurch, Shropshire, Englandstanwardine
R Clivestanwardine
Robert Clive29 SEP 1725Styche Hall, Market Say, Market Drayton, Shropshire, ENG22 NOV 1774Berkeley Square, Londonstanwardine
Robert Henry Clive15 JAN 179820 JAN 1854stanwardine
T Clivestanwardine
Thomas Clive12 AUG 1673Walford, Baschurch, Shropshire, England10 DEC 1711Baschurch, Shropshire, Englandstanwardine
W Clivestanwardine
Clodomir494Rheims, Marne, Champagne-Ardenne, FranceAFT 524Orleans. Loiret, Francestanwardine
D Clodoreiusstanwardine
ClotildeABT 650stanwardine
II ClovisABT 634Moselle, Lorraine, France657stanwardine
III ClovisABT 673MAR 695stanwardine
Anna Maria Cludde13 MAR 1906stanwardine
Mrs. Robert 1052 CobetDECEASEDstanwardine
E Cobhamstanwardine
Juliane de COGANABT 1215stanwardine
Adeloia Widow Of William De CoimisABT 1035Normandy, FranceDECEASEDstanwardine
Emily ColburnABT 1820Langdon, NHDublin, Cheshire, NHstanwardine
D Colemanstanwardine
I Colemanstanwardine
K Colemanstanwardine
L Colemanstanwardine
Sarah CollamoreABT 1670Scituate, Plymouth, MAstanwardine
A Colleystanwardine
Henry ColleyBEF 17041723stanwardine
Henry ColleyBEF 1674stanwardine
I Colleystanwardine
Nancy Collier1926stanwardine
Betty Collin1855Oldham, Lancashire, Englandstanwardine
Joseph Collin1823Oldham, Lancashire, Englandstanwardine
Mildred Georgina Collins20 JUL 1962stanwardine
Elizabeth Colyear17471832stanwardine
H Colyerstanwardine
Herbert Frederick Colyer25 AUG 1909LiverpoolJUN 1986Birkenheadstanwardine
Thomas Colyer1883Liverpool11 JUL 1916Battle of the Sommestanwardine
D Combe1960stanwardine
J Combe1952stanwardine
John Gabriel Combe2007stanwardine
M Combe1948stanwardine
P Combe1950stanwardine
R Combestanwardine
Marcus Antoninus Pius Commodus31 AUG 161Lanuvium, Italy (Latium)31 DEC 192stanwardine
W Commonstanwardine
W Commonstanwardine
W Commonstanwardine
W Commonstanwardine
Pierre I de Luxembourg, Comte de St. Pol, Brienne, et ConservanABT 139031 AUG 1443stanwardine
Alice COMYNABT 1291Buchan, Scotland1349stanwardine
Elizabeth COMYN1 NOV 1299Wyke, Cornwall, Englandstanwardine
Joan Comyn1290Badenoch, Inverness, ScotlandBEF 24 JUL 1326stanwardine
John III COMYN126920 FEB 1305/1306killed by ROBERT the BRUCEstanwardine
John IV ComynABT 12951314killedstanwardine
Isabe (Gabel)l de CONDEABT 1210Buckingham, ENGstanwardine
L Coningsbystanwardine
L Coningsbystanwardine
J Connorstanwardine
Mabel Constance190518 AUG 198631 Eastville Av, Rhyl, Clwydstanwardine
* Constance of Castile1354Castro Kerez, Spain24 MAR 1393/1394Leicester Castle, ENGstanwardine
F Constantiastanwardine
III ConstantiusBEF 388Dalmatia2 SEP 421Ravenna, Italystanwardine
J Constantiusstanwardine
Emma De ContevilleABT 1029Conteville, Eure, Normandy, FranceDECEASEDFrancestanwardine
Oda De ContevilleABT 994Mellent, Normandy, Francestanwardine
Avice Conway1640Castle Conway, Killorglin, County Kerry, IrelandAPR 1683Castle Conway, Killorglin, County Kerry, Irelandstanwardine
E Conwaystanwardine
Elizabeth Ann Cooke20 FEB 1927stanwardine
Henry Richard Vincent Cooke1904stanwardine
L Cookestanwardine
L Cookestanwardine
Oscar William Hindley Cooke1900Watford, HertfordshireMAR 1966Hillingdon, Greater Londonstanwardine
L Cooksonstanwardine
E Cooper1941Bishop's Stortford, Essexstanwardine
S Cooperstanwardine
Andrew Leslie Coote9 FEB 1869Tynemouth, Northumberland, United Kingdom18 MAR 1965Vancouver, Greater Vancouver Regional District, British Columbia, Canadastanwardine
Arthur CooteMAY 1841Fen Stanton, Huntingdonshire, England22 JUN 1906Kensington Park Gardens, Londonstanwardine
Eileen Blanche Coote18 JUL 1909Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, England30 JAN 2001Uckfield, Sussex, Englandstanwardine
Nina Violet Eyre Coote9 MAY 1904stanwardine
Noëmi Coote19061922stanwardine
Thomas Cameron Coote1879Broomfield Tower, Jesmond, Newcastle upon Tyne16 DEC 1940Edmonton, Middlesex, Englandstanwardine
V Cootestanwardine
Edward CopeABT 153020 JUN 1557stanwardine
Isabel Cope15051655stanwardine
Ursula CopeABT 1554stanwardine
Walter Cope155631 JUL 1614stanwardine
F Copland-Griffithsstanwardine
Alice CorbetABT 1100Alcester, Warwickshire, EnglandBEF 1178stanwardine
Alice CORBET1389Leighton Montgomery, Cheshire, England8 SEP 1458stanwardine
Alice De Corbet1156Wattlesboro, Shropshire, EnglandDECEASEDstanwardine
Andrew CORBET1640stanwardine
Andrew CORBET1639stanwardine
Andrew Corbet1522Moreton Corbet, Shropshire, England16 AUG 1578stanwardine
Anne CORBET1671stanwardine
Arthur Corbet1566StanwardineSpstanwardine
Blanche CorbetABT 1432stanwardine
Dorothy CorbetABT 1495stanwardine
Ebraid CorbetDECEASEDstanwardine
Elizabeth CORBETABT 1643Of, Baschurch, Shropshire, Englandstanwardine
Elizabeth CORBET1663stanwardine
Elizabeth CORBETABT 1610Of, Stanwardine, Shropshire, Englandstanwardine
Everard CorbetABT 1091Caus Castle, Shropshire, EnglandAFT 1155stanwardine
Fulk Corbet25 MAY 1284Moreton Corbet, Wem, Shropshire, England1323stanwardine
Gertrude CORBETABT 1572Of, Stanwardine, Shropshire, England4 APR 1643stanwardine
Henry CORBET16821717(sp)stanwardine
Hugh CorbetABT 1118Wattlesborough, Shropshire, EnglandAFT AUG 1130stanwardine
Hugh CorbetABT 1046Pays-DE-Caux, Seine-Inferieure, Normandy, France1063stanwardine
Hugh CorbetABT 1155Pontesbury, Shropshire, EnglandAFT 1198stanwardine
Hugh Le CorbetABT 1025Pays-DE-Caux, Seine-Inferieure, Normandy, FranceAFT 1080stanwardine
Jane CORBET1677stanwardine
Jane CORBETABT 1574Of, Stanwardine, Shropshire, Englandstanwardine
Joan Corbet1261Moreton, Oswestry, Shropshire, Englandstanwardine
Joan CORBETMoreton Corbet, Shropshire, England1359Englandstanwardine
J Corbetstanwardine
John CORBET1675(sp)stanwardine
John CorbetABT 1286Moreton Corbet, Wem, Shropshire, EnglandBEF 1352stanwardine
John CorbetABT 1240Moreton Corbet, Wem, Shropshire, EnglandAFT 1314stanwardine
John CorbetABT 1309Wattlesborough, Shropshire, EnglandAFT 1367stanwardine
John CORBETABT 1360AFT 1389stanwardine
John CORBET25 MAR 1298BEF 1347stanwardine
John CORBETABT 1324BEF 1383stanwardine
Letitia (Lettice) CORBET1638Of, Baschurch, Shropshire, Englandstanwardine
Lucy CORBET1679stanwardine
Margaret CORBETABT 1646Of, Baschurch, Shropshire, Englandstanwardine
Margaret CORBET1673stanwardine
Margaret CORBETABT 1576Of, Stanwardine, Shropshire, Englandstanwardine
Margaret CORBET1579Of, Moreton Corbet, Shropshire, Englandstanwardine
Margaret Corbet1268Moreton, Oswestry, Shropshire, Englandstanwardine
Margaret CorbetABT 1310Wattlesborough, Shropshire, EnglandAFT 1385stanwardine
Margaret CorbetABT 1525Moreton Corbet, Shropshire, Englandstanwardine
Margery CORBETABT 1513Astley, Cheshire, EnglandBET 1544 AND 1609stanwardine
Martha CORBET1685stanwardine
Mary CORBETABT 1650Of, Baschurch, Shropshire, Englandstanwardine
Mary CORBET1665stanwardine
Mary CORBETABT 1608Of, Stanwardine, Shropshire, Englandstanwardine
Mary CORBETABT 1430AFT 1450stanwardine
Miss CorbetABT 1095Caus Castle, Shropshire, EnglandDECEASEDstanwardine
Miss CorbetABT 1147Pontesbury, Shropshire, EnglandDECEASEDstanwardine
Mr CORBETABT 1648Of, Baschurch, Shropshire, Englandstanwardine
Mrs. Hugh 1025 CorbetDECEASEDstanwardine
Mrs. Roger 1050 CorbetDECEASEDstanwardine
Mrs. Simon 1116 CorbetDECEASEDstanwardine
Mrs. Thomas 1135 CorbetDECEASEDstanwardine
Mrs. William 1080 CorbetDECEASEDstanwardine
Peter CORBETABT 1315Shropshire, Englandstanwardine
Peter CORBETABT 1415Moreton Corbet, Shropshire, EnglandAFT 1483stanwardine
Petronilla CorbetABT 1238Moreton Corbet, Wem, Shropshire, EnglandDECEASEDstanwardine
Phlip CorbetABT 1161Pontesbury, Shropshire, EnglandDECEASEDstanwardine
Reginald CORBETABT 1568Of, Stanwardine, Shropshire, Englandstanwardine
Renaud CorbetABT 1050Pays-DE-Caux, Seine-Inferieure, Normandy, France1124stanwardine
Richard CORBET1672AFT 1686stanwardine
Richard CORBET1564Chesthill Grange, Cheshire10 MAR 1625(sp)stanwardine
Richard CorbetABT 1154Wattlesboro, Shropshire, EnglandAFT 1217stanwardine
Richard CorbetABT 1173Wattlesboro, Shropshire, EnglandBEF 1235Moreton Corbet, Wem, Shropshire, Englandstanwardine
Richard CorbetABT 1200Moreton Corbet, Wem, Shropshire, England1255stanwardine
Richard CorbetABT 1236Moreton Corbet, Wem, Shropshire, England1267stanwardine
Richard CorbetABT 1305Wattlesborough, Shropshire, EnglandABT 1355stanwardine
Robert CORBET1644(sp)stanwardine
Robert CORBET1661AFT 1686(sp)stanwardine
Robert CORBETABT 1606Of, Stanwardine, Shropshire, Englandstanwardine
Robert CORBETABT 1635, Baschurch, Shropshire, England(sp)stanwardine
Robert CorbetABT 1052Pays-DE-Caux, Seine-Inferieure, Normandy, FranceABT 1130Alcester, Warwickshire, Englandstanwardine
Robert Corbet1234Moreton Corbet, Wem, Shropshire, EnglandNOV 1300Wattlesburgh & Moreton Corbet, Shroppshire, Englandstanwardine
Robert CorbetABT 1099Caus Castle, Shropshire, EnglandAFT 1147stanwardine
Robert CorbetABT 1083Alcester, Warwickshire, EnglandAFT 1142stanwardine
Robert CorbetABT 1535Moreton Corbet, Shropshire, England30 JAN 1593/1594Stanwardine Hall, Baschurch, Shropshire, Englandstanwardine
Robert Corbet1501Moreton Corbet, Shropshire, England20 DEC 1538Moreton Corbet, Shropshire, Englandstanwardine
Robert CORBET8 DEC 1383Moreton Corbet, Wem, Shropshire, England12 AUG 1420stanwardine
Robert CORBETABT 1250stanwardine
Robert CORBETABT 1477Moreton Corbet, Wem, Shropshire, England11 APR 1513Moreton Corbet, Wem, Shropshire, Englandstanwardine
Robert CORBETABT 1410Moreton Corbet, Wem, Shropshire, EnglandJAN 1439/1440Shawbury, Wem, Shropshire, Englandstanwardine
Robert CORBETABT 1442Leigh, Shropshire, EnglandLeigh, Shropshire, Englandstanwardine
Robert CORBET25 DEC 1304Wattlesboro, Shropshire, England3 DEC 1375Moreton Corbet, Wem, Shropshire, Englandstanwardine
Robert II Corbet1151Wattlesboro, Shropshire, England1222stanwardine
Roger CORBET1561(sp)stanwardine
R CORBETstanwardine
Roger CorbetABT 1050Pays-DE-Caux, Seine-Inferieure, Normandy, FranceAFT 1122Caus Castle, Shropshire, Englandstanwardine
Roger CorbetABT 1110Wattlesborough, Shropshire, EnglandABT 1165stanwardine
Roger CorbetABT 1097Caus Castle, Shropshire, England1175stanwardine
Roger CorbetABT 1159Wattlesboro, Shropshire, England23 APR 1231Pontesbury, Shropshire, Englandstanwardine
Roger CorbetABT 1283Moreton Corbet, Wem, Shropshire, EnglandAFT 1323stanwardine
Roger CorbetABT 1232Moreton Corbet, Wem, Shropshire, EnglandDECEASEDstanwardine
Roger CorbetABT 1193Wattlesborough, Shropshire, EnglandDECEASEDstanwardine
Roger CorbetABT 1172Wattlesborough, Shropshire, EnglandABT 1204stanwardine
Roger CorbetABT 1414Moreton Corbet, Wem, Shropshire, England5 JUN 1467Englandstanwardine
Roger CORBETABT 1330Moreton Corbet, Shropshire, EnglandJAN 1395/1396Shawbury, Wem, Shropshire, Englandstanwardine
Sibyl (Adela) (Lucy) CORBET1076stanwardine
Simon CorbetABT 1125Pontesbury, Atcham, Shropshire, EnglandBEF 1165stanwardine
Simon CorbetABT 1100Wattlesboro, Shropshire, EnglandAFT 1155Caus, Shropshire, Englandstanwardine
Simon CorbetABT 1093Caus Castle, Shropshire, EnglandAFT 1155stanwardine
Susannah CORBETABT 1570Of, Stanwardine, Shropshire, Englandstanwardine
Sybilla CorbetABT 1070Alcester, Warwickshire, EnglandAFT 1157Englandstanwardine
Thomas CORBET1669BEF 1686(sp)stanwardine
Thomas CORBET1636Of, Baschurch, Shropshire, Englandstanwardine
Thomas CorbetABT 1135Wattlesboro, Shropshire, EnglandDECEASEDstanwardine
Thomas CorbetABT 1307Wattlesborough, Shropshire, EnglandABT 1355stanwardine
Thomas CORBET25 DEC 1281Moreton Corbet, Wem, Shropshire, EnglandBEF 7 MAY 1310Wattlesborough, Shropshire, Englandstanwardine
Thomas CORBETABT 1562Of, Stanwardine, Shropshire, England17 NOV 1615stanwardine
Vincent Corbet1550Moreton Corbet, Shropshire, England8 MAR 1622/1623stanwardine
W Corbetstanwardine
Walter CorbetABT 1114Wattlesborough, Shropshire, EnglandDECEASEDstanwardine
Walter CorbetABT 1157Pontesbury, Shropshire, EnglandAFT 1208stanwardine
William CORBETABT 1667Of, Baschurch, Shropshire, Englandstanwardine
William CorbetABT 1080Caus Castle, Shropshire, EnglandAFT 1136Wattlesboro, Shropshire, Englandstanwardine
William CorbetABT 1112Wattlesborough, Shropshire, EnglandDECEASEDstanwardine
William CorbetABT 1153Pontesbury, Shropshire, EnglandABT 1153stanwardine
Peter CORBICONABT 1244stanwardine
Sybil CORBICONABT 1276Studley, Warwickshire, Englandstanwardine
Elise De CorbielABT 1048Corbeil, Marne, FranceDECEASEDstanwardine
Barbara CorneySEP 1919Halifax, Yorkshirestanwardine
C Corney1976ALTRINCHAM Cheshire Englandstanwardine
E Corney1974ALTRINCHAM Cheshire Englandstanwardine
Gerald Corney27 SEP 1928Halifax, YorkshireDEC 2001Croydon, London, Surrey, Englandstanwardine
Harold Corney8 JUL 1915Halifax, Yorkshire West RidingAPR 1998Rotherham, Derbyshire, Yorkshire, Englandstanwardine
Jack Corney19 MAR 1924Halifax, Yorkshire15 AUG 2003Isle Of Wight, Englandstanwardine
Peter Hugh Corney2 DEC 1956Bowdon, Cheshire, EnglandJAN 2000Aberconwy, Gwynedd, Walesstanwardine
R Corney1951stanwardine
Tom Corney1891Halifax, Yorkshire, EnglandMAR 1972Blackpool, Lancashire, Englandstanwardine
CornieliaRome in about 68 BCstanwardine
Frances Cornillan1865Edinburgh1934stanwardine
A Cornwallstanwardine
A Cornwallstanwardine
A Cornwallstanwardine
B Cornwallstanwardine
D Cornwallstanwardine
H Cornwallstanwardine
P Cornwallstanwardine
Mary CorrieBEF 17791813stanwardine
L Corriganstanwardine
Thomas William Edward Corrigan25 AUG 1961stanwardine
J Corsanestanwardine
M Corsanestanwardine
Cossutia\Fulviaabout 123 BCstanwardine
S Costastanwardine
Mary de COUCYABT 1220Francestanwardine
Margaret Countess of Carrick1250Carrick, Scotlandstanwardine
Philippa d'Avesnes, Countess of Hainault24 JUN 1311Mons, Hainaut, Belgium14 AUG 1369Windsor Castle, Windsor, Berkshire, Englandstanwardine
Joan Plantagenet, Countess of Kent29 SEP 13288 AUG 1385Wallingford Castle, Berkshire, Englandstanwardine
Margaret Beaufort, Countess of Richmond and Derby31 MAY 1443Bletsoe, Bedfordshire, England29 JUN 1509Westminster, London, Greater London, Englandstanwardine
Alice Montacute, Countess of Salisbury1406Salisbury, Wiltshire, England9 DEC 1462Bisham, , Berkshire, Englandstanwardine
Philippa Plantagenet of Clarence, Countess of Ulster16 AUG 13555 JAN 1382stanwardine
Margaret de Stafford, Countess of Westmoreland1364Brancepeth, Durham, England9 JUN 1396Raby, Durham, Englandstanwardine
Agnes CouplandABT 1655Achenleck, Scotlandstanwardine
Isobel CouplandABT 1655Dressetland, Dumfries Scotlandstanwardine
Catherine Courtanay3 JAN 1306/1307stanwardine
Godiva Of CoventryABT 1002Buckinghamshire, EnglandAFT 1086Coventry, Warwickshire, England (Mercia)stanwardine
Mrs-Thorold Of CoventryABT 985Mercia, EnglandDECEASEDstanwardine
Thorold Of CoventryABT 985Coventry, Warwickshire, England (Mercia)DECEASEDstanwardine
A Cowanstanwardine
L Coxstanwardine
Ada Cragg19161999stanwardine
Alice Briggs Crane19 FEB 1870Herriman, Salt Lake, Utah, USA17 MAR 1933Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utahstanwardine
James Crane1 APR 1830Penally, Pembrokeshire, Wales6 JUL 1886Herriman, Salt Lake, Utah, USAstanwardine
A Crawford1989stanwardine
C Crawford1991stanwardine
C Crawford1932stanwardine
C Crawford1956stanwardine
E Crawford1988stanwardine
F Crawfordstanwardine
G Crawford1940stanwardine
H Crawfordstanwardine
I Crawfordstanwardine
J Crawford1987stanwardine
John Anthony Crawford7 MAY 1929stanwardine
L Crawford1977stanwardine
S Crawford1941stanwardine
V Crawford1985stanwardine
Wilfred Hornby Crawford24 AUG 19156 JUN 1993stanwardine
W Crawford1944stanwardine
M Crecitusabout 100 BC71 BCstanwardine
Adelaide De Crecy1040Crecy, France1104stanwardine
Melisende De Crecy1084Crecy, France1147stanwardine
Hugh 'The Great' Crepi1050Vermandois, Normandy, France18 OCT 1101Tarsus, Sicilystanwardine
Son De CrepiABT 1090Crepy, France1152stanwardine
S Cretestanwardine
Turstin Of CreullyABT 1053FranceDECEASEDstanwardine
Hamo Dapifer CrevecouerABT 1032Torigny-Sur-Vire, Manche, Normandy, France1100Kent, England (Sheriff In 1086)stanwardine
Mrs. Hamo CrevecouerDECEASEDstanwardine
Hamo De CrevequerABT 1060Cruelly, Calvados, Normandy, France1119Chatham, Medway, Kent, Englandstanwardine
Joan CREWE1280stanwardine
G Crichtonstanwardine
H Crichtonstanwardine
J Crichtonstanwardine
J Crichtonstanwardine
Margaret Crichton180121 SEP 1859stanwardine
R Crichtonstanwardine
C Cripps1940stanwardine
Hesilia (Elise) CrispinABT 1025Tillieres, Anjou, FranceAFT 1086stanwardine
E TillieresNormandystanwardine
Bruttia Crispina183stanwardine
C Crispinastanwardine
James Crompton5 JAN 1774Lancashire, England10 MAR 1845Prestwich, Lancashirestanwardine
Sally Crompton16 SEP 1806Whitefield (Pilkington), Lancashire, Englandstanwardine
Margaret Crosbie1670Tubrid, Ireland9 FEB 1759Irelandstanwardine
Crosby12 MAR 1867Aldred Place, Salford12 MAR 1867Aldred Place, Salfordstanwardine
William Crosby10 JAN 182621 JAN 1904Aldred Street, The Crescent, Salfordstanwardine
Elizabeth Cross1669City of Cork, Cork Co., Ireland22 MAR 1732stanwardine
Helena of the Cross248330Far Eaststanwardine
Georgiana Marian Frances Crowe1873stanwardine
C Cruddasstanwardine
Florence Cecelia Henrietta Cumberlege1853India27 JUN 191412 Tisbury Rd, Hove, Sussexstanwardine
M Cummingstanwardine
Kunigonda CunegondeABT 835stanwardine
Cybil Harriet Cunliffe7 MAR 1929Victoria Hotel, Sidmouth, Devonstanwardine
Jean CunnighamABT 1575Cunnighamstanwardine
Alexander Cunningham1515stanwardine
Lady Janet CunninghamABT 1515Glencairn, Maxweltonstanwardine
Nora Cunningham8 MAY 1874stanwardine
William CunninghamABT 1545stanwardine
Alexander Cunningham (1st Earl of Glencairn)1426Kilmaursstanwardine
Robert Cunningham (2nd Earl of Glencairn)ABT 1450Glencairn, Scotlandstanwardine
Cuthbert Cunningham (3rd Earl of Glencairn)1470Finlaystone Castle, Scotland1541stanwardine
William Cunningham (4th Earl of Glencairn)ABT 1490Glencairn, Maxweltonstanwardine
Joyce Mary Curzon-Howe16 JUL 1906stanwardine
Vida CuthbertBEF 1915stanwardine
D Cutlarstanwardine
Adelaide d'Anjou1026stanwardine
Ermengarde d'AnjouAFT 982stanwardine
Fulk II Òle BonÓ d'Anjou91011 NOV 958stanwardine
Geoffrey I "Grisgonelle" d'Anjou95021 JUL 987stanwardine
H d'Anjou794Auchen, Rheinland, Prussiastanwardine
Louis I d'AquitaineAUG 778Chasseneuil, France20 JUN 840on an island in the Rhine near Ingelheim, Francestanwardine
Marie Gabrielle d'AudibertABT 1675stanwardine
G D'Aunoustanwardine
Adele d'AustrasieABT 630stanwardine
F d'Austrasiestanwardine
Gometrude d'AustrasieABT 612stanwardine
Childebrand I d'AutunABT 670751stanwardine
S d'Autunstanwardine
Sigimberus d'AuvergneABT 420Westphalia, Germany491stanwardine
Catherine d'Avesnes1320Picardie, Somme, Centre, FranceABT 1375stanwardine
Hugh "Lupus" d'AvranchesABT 1050Normandy27 JUL 1107Abbey of St. Werberg, Chester, Cheshire, Englandstanwardine
J d'Avranchesstanwardine
Maud d'Avranches1050stanwardine
Richard le Goz d'AvranchesABT 1025Avranches, Manche, Basse-Normandie, FranceAFT 1084stanwardine
Robert D'EvereauxABT 964Normandy, FranceABT 1037stanwardine
Agnes d'EvreuxABT 1038stanwardine
Agnes D'EvreuxABT 1030Of, Evreux, Normandy, FranceUNKNOWNstanwardine
Richard d'Evreux1067stanwardine
Chrodobertus\Robert II d'IstrieABT 620NeustriaAFT OCT 678stanwardine
D d'IstrieNeustriastanwardine
Maud DACREABT 1250Dacre, Cumberland, EnglandAFT 1300stanwardine
Ranulph DACREABT 1235Dacre, Cumberland, England3 MAY 1286Lancashire, Englandstanwardine
Agharad verch DafyddABT 1275Walesstanwardine
I Dagobert602Metz, Moselle, Lorraine, France (Austrasia)19 JAN 638stanwardine
III DagobertABT 687France19 JAN 715stanwardine
A DaleDied Aged 85stanwardine
H Dalestanwardine
J Dalestanwardine
J Dalestanwardine
J Dalestanwardine
R DaleBagnall Hall, Staffordshire, Aged 88, Farmerstanwardine
W Dalestanwardine
F Dalmatiusstanwardine
F Dalmatiusstanwardine
E Dalrymplestanwardine
H Daltonstanwardine
M Dalzellstanwardine
D Dalziel1993stanwardine
M Dalziel1964Scotlandstanwardine
M Dalziel1961Scotlandstanwardine
M Dalziel1966stanwardine
P Dalziel1996stanwardine
Ralph Kennedy DalzielABT 1894Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland4 OCT 1958Hallrule, Bonchester Bridge, Roxburghshire, Scotlandstanwardine
R Dalziel1964stanwardine
R Dalziel1991stanwardine
Robert Ralph Kennedy Dalziel13 JAN 192929 APR 2009Perth, Perthshire, Scotlandstanwardine
R Dalziel1997stanwardine
Thomas Kennedy Dalziel12 MAY 1931Scotland8 AUG 2022Jedburgh, Scotlandstanwardine
T Dalziel1959Scotlandstanwardine
V Dalziel1994stanwardine
Jeanne (Joan) of Ponthieu DAMMARTINABT 1216?; of Dammartin, Seine-et-Marne, France15 MAR 1278/1279Abbeville, Somme, Francestanwardine
Simon II DAMMARTINABT 11801239stanwardine
S Danesstanwardine
Myra Weare Darby1886Aston Manor, Warwickshirestanwardine
E DARCYstanwardine
J DARCYstanwardine
A Dardaniastanwardine
E DardaniaC. 1395 B.C.1368 B.C.stanwardine
DardanusC. 1435 B.C.1414 B.C.stanwardine
Elizabeth Kirkwood Darling187729 JUL 1902stanwardine
Grace McIntyre Darling1882stanwardine
Janet Mary Darling1879stanwardine
John Darling19 OCT 1888stanwardine
Rachel Jane Darling1888stanwardine
William Darling18765 MAY 1933stanwardine
Caroline Sarah Darwin18005 JAN 1888stanwardine
CHARLES @ ROBERT DARWIN12 FEB 180919 APR 1882stanwardine
Erasmus Darwin12 DEC 173118 APR 1802stanwardine
Frances Violetta Darwin17831874stanwardine
George Howard Darwin9 JUL 18457 DEC 1912stanwardine
Robert Waring Darwin30 MAY 176613 NOV 1848stanwardine
Charles Dashwood1 SEP 1765Bicknoller, Somerset, England21 SEP 1847stanwardine
Elizabeth Dashwood28 NOV 1749Stogumber, Somerset, England15 OCT 1824Hunsdon, Hertfordshire, Englandstanwardine
Robert Dashwood1729Somerset, England1 DEC 1769Bicknoller, Somerset, Englandstanwardine
R Dashwoodstanwardine
Clemence Dauntsey(?)ABT 1170stanwardine
M Davidstanwardine
Margaret DavidsonJUL 1860St George Hanover Square, London20 JUN 1954Worthing, Sussex, Englandstanwardine
L Daviesstanwardine
J Davisonstanwardine
E Dawesstanwardine
Rosamond Dawker18271888stanwardine
George DawsonBEF 8 SEP 1687Prestwich, Englandstanwardine
George DawsonBEF 27 NOV 1633Prestwichstanwardine
J Dawsonstanwardine
Margaret DawsonBEF 25 JAN 1710Prestwich, Englandstanwardine
C Daystanwardine
C Day2002stanwardine
Elizabeth Day27 APR 1828Traleestanwardine
J Day1997stanwardine
W dÕAlenconstanwardine
William ÒTalvasÓ dÕAlencon1070stanwardine
Bonne dÕArdenne979stanwardine
A dÕAumalestanwardine
Agnes dÕAumaleAFT 1170stanwardine
E dÕAumalestanwardine
I dÕAumalestanwardine
Stephen dÕAumaleABT 1070BEF 1130stanwardine
Ermengarde dÕAuvergne10 MAR 1039/1040stanwardine
Robert dÕAuvergnebet 1022 - 1043stanwardine
William dÕEu2 JAN 1054stanwardine
? dÕEvreuxstanwardine
Robert de Rouen dÕEvreux16 MAR 1037Normandystanwardine
Tocht de AgilofingesABT 475stanwardine
Hugh de ALDITHLEY1255NOV 1325stanwardine
Blanche De ArtoisABT 1248Arras, Pas-de-Calais, France2 MAY 1302Paris, Seine, Francestanwardine
Alice de AUDLEY130411 JAN 1372/1373stanwardine
Henry (Alditheley) De AudleyABT 1247ABT 1274stanwardine
Hugh De AudleyABT 1290Stratton Audley, Oxfordshire, England10 NOV 1347Tunbridge Priory, Kent, Englandstanwardine
Hugh de Audley128910 NOV 1347stanwardine
James De AudleyABT 1297DECEASEDstanwardine
James (Alditheley) De AudleyABT 124511 JUN 1272stanwardine
Joan (Alditheley) De AudleyABT 1251DECEASEDstanwardine
Margaret de AudleyABT 13181349stanwardine
Nicholas (Alditheley) De AudleyABT 1258Heleigh Castle, Audley, Staffordshire, England28 AUG 1299Heleigh Castle, Audley, Staffordshire, Englandstanwardine
William (Alditheley) De AudleyABT 1249ABT 1275stanwardine
Donna Inez de AyalaABT 1338stanwardine
Sancha de AyalaABT 1355Toledo, New Castile, Spain1418Newark, Leicester, Englandstanwardine
Bartholomew de BADLESMERE1275Chilham Castle, Kent, England14 APR 1322Canterbury, Kent, Englandstanwardine
Elizabeth de BADLESMERE1313Badlesmere Castle, Kent, England8 JUN 1356stanwardine
Giles de Badlesmere1338stanwardine
Margaret de Badlesmere1315Leeds, England7 JUN 1338stanwardine
Margery de BADLESMERE1306Castle Badlesmere, Kent, EnglandBEF 22 OCT 1363Helmsley, Yorkshire, Englandstanwardine
Maude de BadlesmereABT 1310Castle, Badlesmere, Kent, EnglandABT 24 MAY 1366Oxford, Oxfordshire, Englandstanwardine
Adela de Bar-sur-Aube1053stanwardine
N Bar-sur-Aubestanwardine
Ermengarde de Bar-sur-SeineAFT 1035stanwardine
R Bar-sur-Seinestanwardine
Margaret de BARDOLFABT 1310Hertfordshire, Englandstanwardine
Ranulph de BayeuxBEF 1046AFT APR 1089stanwardine
Agnes de BeauchampABT 1348stanwardine
Eleanor de BeauchampSEP 14074 MAR 1466/1467stanwardine
Eleanor de Beauchamp1327Hatch, Somersetshire, England13 JUN 1391stanwardine
Guy de BEAUCHAMPABT 127112 AUG 1315stanwardine
Isabella de BEAUCHAMPABT 1252Warwick Castle, Warwickshire, EnglandBEF 30 MAY 1306Elmley Castle, Worcestershire, Englandstanwardine
Isabelle De BeauchampABT 1267Warwick Castle, Warwickshire, England30 MAY 1306Elmley Castlestanwardine
Joan de BEAUCHAMPABT 1396Abergavenny, Monmouthshire, England4 AUG 1430Shene, London, Middlesex, Englandstanwardine
Joan de BeauchampABT 1300of Hachestanwardine
John de Beauchamp4 OCT 1306Hatch, Somersetshire, England19 MAY 1343stanwardine
John de Beauchamp25 JUL 127412 OCT 1336stanwardine
Maud de BeauchampABT 131028 JUL 1369stanwardine
Maude de BeauchampABT 1335Warwick, Warwickshire, EnglandABT 1403stanwardine
Philippa de BeauchampABT 1335BEF 6 APR 1386stanwardine
Sarah de BEAUCHAMPABT 1255ABT 1317stanwardine
Thomas de BeauchampBEF 16 MAR 1338/1339Warwick Castle, Warwickshire, England8 APR 1401stanwardine
Thomas de BEAUCHAMP14 FEB 1313/1314Warwick Castle, Warwickshire, England13 NOV 1369Calais, Artois/Pas-de-Calais, France (the plague)stanwardine
W Beauchampstanwardine
William de BEAUCHAMPABT 1358Warwick Castle, Warwickshire, England8 MAY 1411Abergavenny, Monmouthshire, Walesstanwardine
William de BEAUCHAMP1232Elmley Castle, Worcestershire, England1298stanwardine
Joan De BeaufortABT 1368Chateau De Beaufort, Maine-et-Loire, France13 NOV 1440Howden, East Riding, Yorkshire, Englandstanwardine
Louis Rogier de BeaufortABT 1376<, Beaufort, Nord, France>AFT 8 JUN 1464stanwardine
A Beaumontstanwardine
Catherine de BEAUMONTBEF 1360Saunton, Devon, England28 AUG 1435Dunston, Devon, Englandstanwardine
Catherine de Beaumont1310Buchan, Aberdeenshire, Scotland11 NOV 1368Buchan, Aberdeenshire, Scotlandstanwardine
Eleanor de BeaumontABT 1363Falkingham, Lincolnshirestanwardine
Elizabeth de BeaumontAFT 1101AFT 1172stanwardine
Elizabeth de BeaumontABT 1332England27 OCT 1400stanwardine
Hawise de BeaumontABT 1130Englandstanwardine
Henry de BEAUMONT134025 JUN 1369stanwardine
Henry de BeaumontABT 1368stanwardine
Henry de BEAUMONTABT 1285Buchan, Aberdeen, Scotland10 MAR 1339/1340stanwardine
H Beaumontstanwardine
Isabella de BeaumontABT 1315Loughborough, Leicester, England1356Leicester, Englandstanwardine
Joan de BeaumontABT 1312Buchan, Aberdeen, Scotlandstanwardine
Joan de BeaumontABT 1338Devonshire, England3 JUL 1467stanwardine
John de Beaumont13619 SEP 1396stanwardine
John de BEAUMONT1318Bortant, Lincolnshire, England10 MAY 1342stanwardine
Matilda de BeaumontABT 1342Sherrill, Devonshire, England3 JUL 1467stanwardine
Maud de BeaumontAFT 1189stanwardine
Robert de BeaumontABT 1046Beaumont, Normandy5 JUN 1118stanwardine
Robert "Bossu" de Beaumont1104Leicester, Leicestershire, England5 APR 1168Englandstanwardine
Mabel de Belleme2 DEC 1079Castle of Bures-dur-Dives, Nprmandystanwardine
Robert II de Bellemebet 1052 - 1056AFT 8 MAY 1131Wareham Castle, Dorsetshire, Englandstanwardine
Ancitel de BessinABT 987AFT 1031stanwardine
R Bessinstanwardine
Matilda de BIRMINGHAMABT 1295AFT 17 MAR 1326/1327stanwardine
A Bloisstanwardine
Bertha de BloisMAR 1084/1085stanwardine
Eudo I de Blois12 MAR 995/996stanwardine
Eudo II de Blois15 NOV 1037stanwardine
Thibaut III de Blois29 or 30 Sep 1089stanwardine
Alinore de BOHUN13047 OCT 1363stanwardine
Elizabeth de BOHUNABT 1350Huntington Castle, Kington, Herefordshire, England3 APR 1385Arundel Castle, Sussex, Englandstanwardine
Humphrey IX de BohunAFT 13381373stanwardine
Humphrey VIII de BOHUN1276Pleshey Castle, Essex16 MAR 1319/1320Battle of Boroughbridge, Yorkshirestanwardine
Margaret de Bohun3 APR 1311Caldecote, Northamptonshire, England16 DEC 1391Exeter, Devon, Englandstanwardine
Margery (Margaret) De Bohun1252stanwardine
William de BOHUN3 APR 1311Caldecott, Northampton, England16 SEP 1360stanwardine
Margaret de BOSLEYABT 1327England1353stanwardine
Ralph de BOSLEYABT 1300Egerton, Cheshire, Englandstanwardine
Baudouin I de Boulogne9761033stanwardine
Eustache I de BoulogneABT 1004ABT 1049stanwardine
Eustache II de Boulogne1087stanwardine
Lambert I de BoulogneABT 10221054Lille, Francestanwardine
M Boulognestanwardine
Agrippina de BourgogneABT 450Burgundy486stanwardine
Alivia de BraoseABT 1280Gower, Glamorganshire, WalesBEF 20 JUL 1331Gower, Llangennith, Glamorgan, Walesstanwardine
Eleanor de Braose1230, , Breconshire, Wales1246of, Llanthony Inn, Gloucestershire, Englandstanwardine
Eva de Braose1220Sussex, England1255stanwardine
I Braosestanwardine
Maud de Braose122620 MAR 1300stanwardine
Reginald de Braose1182Bramber, Sussex, England1227Brecon, Breconshire, Walesstanwardine
William, 6th Baron of Abergavenny de Braose12042 MAY 1230stanwardine
Alice Elizabeth de BRERETONABT 1415Brereton, Cheshire, Englandstanwardine
Eleanor de BRERETONABT 1402stanwardine
Isabel Johanna de BreretonABT 1418stanwardine
Matilda de BRERETONABT 1302stanwardine
William de BRERETON14 FEB 1346/1347Brereton, Cheshire, England1398stanwardine
William de BRERETON1307Cheshire, Englandstanwardine
William de BRERETONABT 1277AFT 1342stanwardine
William de BRERETONABT 1388stanwardine
William de BRERETON14141456stanwardine
William de BRERETON1370Brereton cum Smethwick, Congleton, Cheshire, England1402stanwardine
Conan I de Bretagne992stanwardine
Judith de BretagneABT 9821017stanwardine
Adele de Breteuil11 SEP 1051stanwardine
Godfrey de Brionne\EuABT 1015stanwardine
Ermengarde de BrioudeAFT 1010stanwardine
Etienne de BrioudeABT 975stanwardine
Ranulph "le Meschin" de Briquessart107017 or 27 Jan 1128/29stanwardine
Garcia de BriwereABT 1186Bramber, England1223stanwardine
I Broyesstanwardine
Adam de Brusof Skelton and Danby, in Cleveland, Yorkshire, England1143stanwardine
Agatha de Brus1142stanwardine
Euphemia de Brusprob abt 1267prob Whittingham, East Lothian, Scotlandstanwardine
Robert de Brusof Brix, Normandy1141stanwardine
R Brusof Brix, Normandystanwardine
Robert de Brusof Annandale, Scotland1141stanwardine
Robert de Brusof Annandale, Scotland; and Hartlepool, Durham, England1189stanwardine
Robert de Brusof Annandale, Scotland; and Hartlepool, Durham, England1245stanwardine
Robert de Brus1210England31 MAR 1295Lochmaben Castle, Lochmaben, Dumfriesshire, Scotlandstanwardine
William de Brusof Annandale, Scotland; and Hartlepool, Durham, England16 JUL 1212stanwardine
M Burghstanwardine
A BurgundyPoitiers, Burgundy, Francestanwardine
Chilperic II de BurgundyABT 445Burgundy, FranceABT 486Amorica, France, killed by brother, Gundobadstanwardine
C Burgundystanwardine
Clothildis de Burgundy475Burgundy, France3 JUN 548Tours, Indre-et-Loire, Francestanwardine
Giolahaire de BurgundyABT 355ABT 413stanwardine
Godegisel de BurgundyABT 452500Genevastanwardine
Gondahar de Burgundy400450stanwardine
Gondomar de BurgundyABT 323stanwardine
Gundicar de Burgundy375Oder Vistula River region, Worms, Germany436Battle with Hunsstanwardine
Gundioc de Burgundy430Worms, Rhine-Hessen, Germany473Bourgogne, Francestanwardine
Gundobad de Burgundy443490stanwardine
T BurgundyBourgogne, Francestanwardine
Warnius\Guerin de Burgundy640Austrasia677stanwardine
Maud de CaenABT 112029 JUL 1189stanwardine
Robert de CaenABT 1090Caen, Normandy31 OCT 1147Bristol, Gloucestershire, Englandstanwardine
Maud de CAMVILLEABT 1283AFT 1342stanwardine
Eleanor de CantelouABT 1295Hempston Cantelupe, Totnes, Devon, EnglandAFT 27 APR 1344stanwardine
John de CantelouABT 1224Snitterfield, Stratford on Avon, Warwickshire, EnglandAFT 1295Hempston Cantelupe, Totnes, Devon, Englandstanwardine
Roger I de CarcassoneAFT APR 1011stanwardine
Drogo de Champagne708stanwardine
D Champagnestanwardine
Matilda de CHAWORTH1282BEF DEC 1322stanwardine
Maud De ChaworthABT 1282DECEASEDstanwardine
Patrick de CHAWORTH1253Castle Kidwelly, Carmarthen, Wales7 JUL 1283Castle Kidwelly, Carmarthen, Walesstanwardine
Patrick VI De ChaworthABT 1250Kempsford, Gloucestershire, EnglandBEF 7 JUL 1283stanwardine
Margery de CHEYNEABT 1345stanwardine
Roger de CHEYNEABT 1320stanwardine
Roger de CHEYNEABT 1295AFT 1328stanwardine
Isabel FitzGilbert de Clare1172Pembroke, Wales1220Pembroke, Walesstanwardine
Isabella de Clare2 NOV 1226EnglandAFT 10 JUL 1264stanwardine
Margaret de CLARE1284Thomond, Connaught, County Clare, Ireland1333Castle Badlesmere, Kent, Englandstanwardine
Margaret de CLAREOCT 1292Caerphilly Castle, Kent, England9 APR 1342Francestanwardine
Maud De ClareABT 1285Bunratty Castle, Thomond, Clare, Ireland1 FEB 1326/1327stanwardine
Maude de CLARE1276Thormond, Connaught, Clare, Irelan1 FEB 1326/1327stanwardine
Richard de Clare1153Englandstanwardine
Richard FitzGilbert de Clarebet 1030 - 1035Bienfaite, NormandyMay 1089 or 1090St. Neots, Cambridgeshire, Englandstanwardine
Gilbert de Clare, 4th Earl of Gloucester1180Englandstanwardine
Euphemia de CLAVERING12671329stanwardine
John De ClaveringABT 1266BEF 23 JAN 1330/1331Aynho Manor, Northamptonshire, Englandstanwardine
Andrew De CliffordABT 1309DECEASEDstanwardine
Ideona De CliffordABT 1300Appleby Castle, Westmorland, England24 AUG 1365stanwardine
Idonea de CLIFFORDABT 130324 AUG 1365stanwardine
John De CliffordABT 1307DECEASEDstanwardine
John De CliffordABT 1307DECEASEDstanwardine
L Cliffordstanwardine
Margaret De CliffordABT 1307DECEASEDstanwardine
Margaret de CliffordABT 1307stanwardine
Robert De Clifford5 NOV 1305Clifford Castle, Herefordshire, EnglandABT 1344Berkeley Castle, Gloucestershire, Englandstanwardine
Robert De Clifford1 APR 1274Clifford Castle, Clifford, Herefordshire, England24 JUN 1314Clifford Castle, Clifford, Herefordshire, Englandstanwardine
Robert de Clifford5 NOV 1305stanwardine
Robert de CLIFFORD1 APR 1274Clifford Castle, Clifford, Herefordshire, England24 JUN 1314Clifford Castle, Clifford, Herefordshire, Englandstanwardine
Elizabeth De CobhamABT 1422Sterborough Castle, Lingfield, Kent, EnglandDECEASEDstanwardine
Blitildis de CologneABT 541Paris, Ile de France, FranceFrancestanwardine
Ermesinde de Comminges1 MAR 1056/1057stanwardine
Emma de ContevilleABT 1029Conteville, Calvados, Basse-Normandie, Francestanwardine
Herluin de ContevilleABT 1001Conteville, NormandyABT 1066stanwardine
R Corbeilstanwardine
Hugh de COTTONABT 1313stanwardine
Hugh de COTTONRudheath, Cheshire, EnglandABT 1360stanwardine
Margery de COTTONABT 1353Rudheath, Cheshire, Englandstanwardine
Edeline de CourtenayAFT 131110 OCT 1335stanwardine
Edward de CourtenayABT 1332Haccombe, Devonshire, EnglandABT 1370stanwardine
Elizabeth de CourtenayAFT 1325stanwardine
Hugh de Courtenay12 JUL 1303Okehampton, Devon, England2 MAY 1377Exeter, Devon, Englandstanwardine
Hugh de Courtenay14 SEP 1273Okehampton, Devon, England23 DEC 1340Exeter, Devon, Englandstanwardine
Isabel de CourtenayABT 1283stanwardine
Margaret de CourtenayAFT 13252 AUG 1385stanwardine
Philip de CourtenayABT 1346Exeter, Devonshire, England29 JUL 1406Exeter, Devonshire, Englandstanwardine
Thomas de CourtenayABT 1311Southpole, Woodhuish, and Dunterten21 AUG 1337stanwardine
Bernardo Roger de CouseransABT 1038stanwardine
H Creilstanwardine
Gunnor de CreponABT 9361031stanwardine
Herbastus de CreponABT 911Normandy, Francestanwardine
Hugh Capet Magnus de Crepy105718 OCT 1101Tarsus, Asia Minorstanwardine
Hamon FitzHamon de Crevequerof Chatham, Kent, Englandby 1119stanwardine
John de DagworthBEF 1327Dagworth, Suffolk, Englandstanwardine
Henry de DAVENPORTABT 1256Chester, Cheshire, EnglandMoreton, Cheshire, Englandstanwardine
Mary de DAVENPORTABT 1287Moreton, Cheshire, Englandstanwardine
Thomas de DavenportABT 1283ABT 1350stanwardine
Thomas de DavenportABT 1250Chester, Cheshire, EnglandABT 1320Davenport, Cheshire, Englandstanwardine
Sigrada de DijonABT 615Soissons, Aisne, France677stanwardine
Warin de Domfront1026stanwardine
John de DOMVILLE1294stanwardine
John de DOMVILLE1322ABT 1395stanwardine
Margery de DOMVILLE1366Oxton And Brunstath, Cheshire, Englandstanwardine
Alice de DRIBYABT 1340Stratfield Mortimer, Berkshire, England12 OCT 1412Stamford, Lincolnshire, Englandstanwardine
John de DRIBYABT 1300Wokefield, Berkshire, EnglandAFT 30 NOV 1357stanwardine
Robert de DRIBYABT 1270Wokefield, Berkshire, England1321Tattershall, Horncastle, Lincolnshire, Englandstanwardine
Hugh de DUTTONABT 1250ABT 1294stanwardine
Katherine de DUTTONABT 1255stanwardine
Margaret de DUTTONABT 1232stanwardine
Thomas de DUTTON12141272stanwardine
David de EGERTONABT 1320AFT 1350stanwardine
David Malpas de EGERTONABT 1297Egerton, Nantwich, Cheshire, EnglandAFT 1344stanwardine
Ellena de EGERTONABT 1353Egerton, Cheshire, Englandstanwardine
Phillip de EGERTON1328Egerton, Nantwich, Cheshire, EnglandABT 1363stanwardine
Giles de ERDINGTONABT 1320Shrewsbury, EnglandAFT 1353stanwardine
Margaret de ERDINGTON1353Shawbury, Wem, Shropshire, England14 NOV 1395stanwardine
Doda de FalaiseABT 980Falaise, Calvados, Basse-Normandie, Francestanwardine
F Falaisestanwardine
F FalaiseFalaise, Calvados, Basse-Normandie, Francestanwardine
Herleve de FalaiseABT 1003Falaise, NormandyABT 1050stanwardine
W Falaisestanwardine
Agatha De FerrersABT 1236Derby, Derbyshire, EnglandBEF JUN 1306stanwardine
Anne de FerrersABT 1264Groby, Leicestershire, EnglandABT 1323stanwardine
Elizabeth de Ferrers1170Wigmore, Herefordshire, England29 APR 1240Englandstanwardine
Henry de FerrersABT 1036Of, Ferrieres, Normandy, France1088of Castle, Tutbury, Stafford, Englandstanwardine
Mary De Ferrers1394Oversley, Warwickshire, England25 JAN 1457/1458stanwardine
William de Ferrers30 JAN 1271/1272Yoxale, Staffordshire, England20 MAR 1324/1325Groby, Leicestershire, Englandstanwardine
William de FerrersABT 1240Groby, Leicestershire, England20 DEC 1287stanwardine
Margaret de FIENNESAFT 1262Wigmore, Herefordshire, England7 FEB 1333/1334stanwardine
Jan I de Flanders1281Gravenhage, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands1299stanwardine
Matilda de Flandre1031Flanders, France3 NOV 1083Caen, Calvados, Francestanwardine
Alice de France8 JAN 1078/1079Messines, Francestanwardine
Beatrix de FranceAFT 987stanwardine
B France704Laon, Aisne, Francestanwardine
Gisele Capet de FranceABT 1000stanwardine
Hawise de FranceAFT 5 JUN 1063stanwardine
Hedwig Capet de FranceAFT 1013stanwardine
Henri I Capet de France15 MAY 1008Rheims, France4 AUG 1060Vitry-en-Brie, Francestanwardine
Hugh Capet de France94124 OCT 996Les Juifs, Chartres, Francestanwardine
Hugh Magnus de FranceABT 895Paris, France16 JUN 956Deurdan, Francestanwardine
Philippe I Capet de FranceBEF 23 MAY 1053Meulan, France29 JUL 1108Meulan, Francestanwardine
Robert II "the Pious" Capet de France27 MAR 972Orleans, France20 JUL 1031Meulan, Francestanwardine
R Franconia605Metz, Moselle, Lorraine, France (Austrasia)stanwardine
Isabella de FULLESHURSTABT 1300Crewe, Nantwich, Cheshire, England1340stanwardine
Catherine de FurnivalABT 12881349stanwardine
Gerard de FURNIVALABT 1225BEF 18 OCT 1261stanwardine
Joan de FurnivalABT 1323Alton, Cheadle, Staffordshire, Englandstanwardine
Matilda de FurnivalBEF 1334Worksop, Nottinghamshire, EnglandAFT 1385Cubley, Uttoxeter, Derbyshire, Englandstanwardine
Thomas de FURNIVALABT 1260Worksop, Nottinghamshire, EnglandBEF 18 APR 1332Sheffield Castle, Yorkshire, Englandstanwardine
Thomas de FURNIVALBEF 1292Worksop, Nottinghamshire, England14 OCT 1339Sheffield, West Riding, Yorkshire, Englandstanwardine
William de FURNIVAL23 AUG 132612 APR 1383stanwardine
Joan de FURNIVALLEABT NOV 1368BEF 1401stanwardine
M Ganelonstanwardine
A Garlandestanwardine
Anseau de Garlandebet 1117 - 1118stanwardine
Amy de GAVESTONAFT 6 JAN 1311/1312Tunbridge Castle, Kent, EnglandAFT 1340stanwardine
Piers de GAVESTONABT 1284Blacklow Hill, Warwickshire, England19 JUN 1312Blacklow Hill, Warwickshire, Englandstanwardine
Joan de GENEVILLE2 FEB 1284/1285Ludlow Castle, Shropshire, EnglandABT 1356Englandstanwardine
Piers de GENEVILLEABT 1258Ludlow Castle, Herefordshire, EnglandABT 8 JUN 1292stanwardine
Margaret de Gernon13041352stanwardine
Ranulph de GernonBEF 1100Gernon Castle, Normandy, France16 DEC 1153stanwardine
Hodierne de Gometz1074stanwardine
Joan de GrelleABT 1280stanwardine
Geoffrey de Gresley1298ABT 1332stanwardine
John de GresleyABT 1325stanwardine
Margaret de Gresley1393Drakelow, Staffordshire, EnglandBEF 1456stanwardine
Nicholas de GresleyABT 1345stanwardine
Thomas de GresleyABT 13671456stanwardine
Elizabeth De GreyABT 1440Pontesbury, Montgomeryshire, Wales1501stanwardine
Katharine Odeyne De Grey26 APR 1928stanwardine
Edith de Greystoke1152stanwardine
Ralph de Greystoke15 AUG 1299Greystoke, Cumberland, Englan14 JUL 1323stanwardine
William De Greystoke6 JAN 1317/1318Kirkby, Ravensworth, Yorkshire, Eng10 JUL 1359Ravensworth, Yorkshire, Englandstanwardine
William FitzRalph de GreystokeAFT 6 JAN 1319/1320Grimthorpe, Lincolnshire, England20 JUL 1359Castle Bracepeth, Northumberland, Englandstanwardine
Angharad de Gwynedd1212UNKNOWNstanwardine
Dafydd de Gwynedd12091246stanwardine
Gruffudd de Gwynedd12071 MAR 1243/1244stanwardine
A Haanstanwardine
A Haan1954stanwardine
A Haan1950stanwardine
F Haan1989stanwardine
H Haan1989stanwardine
H Haan1992stanwardine
J Haan1948stanwardine
L Haan1979stanwardine
T Haan1976stanwardine
V Haan1956stanwardine
J Hastangstanwardine
R Hastangstanwardine
Matilda de HAUGHTONABT 1290Haughton, Stafford, Staffordhire, EnglandAFT MAR 1357/1358Swynnerton, Stone, Staffordshire, Englandstanwardine
Katherine de HedersettABT 1275Mettingham, Suffolk, EnglandBEF 1343stanwardine
Eva de HERDEBURGH1276Wemme, Shropshire, Englandstanwardine
Alpais de Heristal654Heristal, Leige, Belgium705Orplegrande Monastery, Brabant, Vosges, Francestanwardine
Ansegisel de HeristalABT 602France (Austrasie)685Andene Monastery (hunting accident)stanwardine
Pepin II de Heristal635Heristal, Leige, Belgium16 DEC 714Junnile, Meuse, Francestanwardine
L Hesbayestanwardine
Arnulf de Hesdinof Hesdin, Picardybet Oct 1097 - 1098Antioch, Anatoliastanwardine
Avelina de HesdinABT 1122stanwardine
Maud de HesdinABT 1057Toddington, Bedfordshire, EnglandAFT 1133stanwardine
Isabel de HEYTONABT 1315stanwardine
Bridget de HolandABT 1392, Up Holland, Lancashire, Englandstanwardine
Edmund de Holand6 JAN 1381/1382, Brockenhurst, Kent, England15 SEP 1408, Île de Brehat, Côtes-du-Nord, Francestanwardine
Joan de Holand1380<, Up Holland, Lancashire, England>12 APR 1434stanwardine
Margaret de HolandBET 1385 AND 1386<, Up Holland, Lancashire, England>30 DEC 1439St. Savior's Monastary, Bermondsey, Surrey, Englandstanwardine
Margaret de HolandABT 1310West Derby, Lancashire, EnglandBEF 22 AUG 1349Wickwar, Chipping Sodbury, Gloucestershire, Englandstanwardine
Maud de HOLANDABT 1311Foxhall, Staffordshire, Englandstanwardine
Robert de HOLANDABT 1283Upholland, Lancashire, England7 OCT 1328Boreham Wood, Hertfordshire, Englandstanwardine
Thomas de HOLAND1314Broughton, Bucks, England26 DEC 1360Normandy, Francestanwardine
Thomas II de Holand1354, Up Holland, Lancashire, England25 APR 1397stanwardine
Thomas III de HolandABT 1376<, Up Holland, Lancashire, England>8 JAN 1399/1400, Cirencester, Gloucester, Englandstanwardine
Elizabeth De Holland1394Upholand, Lancashire, England4 JAN 1423/1424stanwardine
H Hordstanwardine
Katherine de HOUGHTONABT 1310stanwardine
Richard de HOUGHTONABT 1260ABT 1341stanwardine
Hugh de HULSE1342Cheshire, England1407stanwardine
Hugh de HULSEABT 1361Raby, Cheshire, EnglandJUN 1415Cheshire, Englandstanwardine
William de HulseABT 1355stanwardine
William de HULSEABT 1316Brunstath In Wirral, Cheshire, Englandstanwardine
Pepin I de Italy and LombardyAPR 7738 JAN 809/810stanwardine
Maud De LacyABT 1344Egremont, Cumberland, England18 DEC 1398Castle Prudhoe, Northumberland, Englandstanwardine
Begga de LandenABT 613Leige, Brabant, Belgium698stanwardine
Pepin de LandenABT 591Landen, Leige, Belgiquestanwardine
Bertrada de Laon72012 JUL 783Choisy, Bourgogne, France (Austrasia)stanwardine
Claribert\Heribert II de Laon690Laon, Aisne, France747stanwardine
Martin\Heribert I de LaonABT 637ABT 700stanwardine
Rolande de LaonABT 700stanwardine
Elizabeth de LatimerBEF 13575 NOV 1395stanwardine
Thomas de Laybourne1307stanwardine
Sibilla de LEA12831340stanwardine
? Lensstanwardine
Judith de Lens1054 or 1055AFT 1086stanwardine
Adela de Louvaine961stanwardine
Lambert ÒBaudryÓ de LouvaineABT 991AFT 21 SEP 1062stanwardine
Lambert Òthe BeardedÓ de LouvaineABT 95012 SEP 1015Florennes, Namurstanwardine
M Louvainestanwardine
Joan de LUSIGNANABT 1262Lusignan, Vienne, Poitou, FranceBEF 14 SEP 1323stanwardine
Luitgarde de Luxembourg14 MAY 1005stanwardine
Gerberga de MaineABT 952stanwardine
Agnes de MainwaringABT 1406Over Peover, Cheshire, Englandstanwardine
Cecily de MAINWARINGABT 1401Over-Peover, Cheshire, Englandstanwardine
Elizabeth de Mainwaring1395Over Peover, Cheshire, Englandstanwardine
Ellen de MainwaringABT 1404Over Peover, Cheshire, England25 FEB 1480/1481Gawsworth, Cheshire, Englandstanwardine
Joan de MainwaringABT 1402Over-Peover, Cheshire, Englandstanwardine
John de MainwaringABT 1394Over-Peover, Cheshire, EnglandSEP 1480stanwardine
Margery de MainwaringABT 1396Baddilegh, Cheshire, Englandstanwardine
Randall de MAINWARINGABT 1398Over-Peover, Cheshire, England1474stanwardine
Randall de MAINWARINGABT 1363Over-Peover, Cheshire, England1456stanwardine
Roger de MAINWARINGABT 1263Over Peover, Cheshire, Englandstanwardine
T Mainwaringstanwardine
William de MAINWARING1286Middlewich, Cheshire, EnglandABT 1340stanwardine
William de MAINWARINGABT 1396Over-Peover, Cheshire, England1499stanwardine
William de MAINWARING1316Middlewich, Cheshire, Englandstanwardine
Isabel de MALBANKABT 1358Nantwich, Cheshire, England1445Shipbrook, Northwich, Cheshire, Englandstanwardine
Piers de MALBANKABT 1330Nantwich, Cheshire, Englandstanwardine
M Julianstanwardine
Robert de Mellent de Caen, 1st Earl of Gloucester11 APR 1088Caen, Normandy, Francestanwardine
Arnulf\Arnoul de Metz13 AUG 582nr. Nancy, Heristal, Liege, Belgium16 AUG 640Rimeremont, Francestanwardine
Cloudoule de Metz615Austrasia718Metz, Austrasiastanwardine
Itta de MetzABT 599652stanwardine
Kunza de MetzABT 630stanwardine
M Metzstanwardine
Waleran de Meulan1104Leicester, Leicestershire, England9 or 10 Apr 1166Abbey of Saint Pierre, Preaux, Normandystanwardine
Baldwin FitzGilbert de MeulesNormandy1095stanwardine
Cecily de MOBBERLEY1323Mobberly, Cheshire, Englandstanwardine
William de MODBURLEGH1353Mobberly, Cheshire, Englandstanwardine
Margaret de MohunABT 1255Torre Mohun, Devon, Englandstanwardine
E Mollestanwardine
T Mollestanwardine
Alice of Salisbury de MontaguABT 1408EnglandBET 03 APR 1462 AND 09 DEC 1462stanwardine
John de Montagu1299Salisbury, Wiltshire, Englandstanwardine
J MontanolierNormandystanwardine
Agnes de MontfortABT 1123of Montfort, France15 DEC 1181stanwardine
A Montfortstanwardine
Amaury III de Montfort107018 or 19 Apr 1137stanwardine
Bertrade de Montfort14 FEB 1117Fontevrault Abbey, Anjoustanwardine
Bertrade de Montfort1155of Evreux, Normandy, France1227stanwardine
Elizabeth de MONTFORT1271Beldesert Castle, Warwickshire, EnglandAUG 1354St. Frideswide, Oxford, Englandstanwardine
Isabel de MontfortAFT 1102stanwardine
Simon I de MontfortABT 1030sh aft 1087stanwardine
Simon III de MontfortNormandy, France12 or 13 Mar 1180/81stanwardine
Simon IV de MontfortBEF 18 JUL 1188stanwardine
A Montgomerystanwardine
H Montgomerystanwardine
Matilda de MontgomeryABT 1084stanwardine
R Montgomerystanwardine
Roger de Montgomeryof Saint-Germain-de-Montgomery, Normandy27 JUL 1094Shrewsbury, Shropshire, Englandstanwardine
Sybil de MontgomeryABT 1060ABT 1094stanwardine
Elizabeth de MontlheryBEF 1060stanwardine
Guy I de Montlhery1095Abbey of Longpont, Longpont, Picardystanwardine
Guy II Òle RougeÓ de Montlhery1108stanwardine
M Montlherystanwardine
M Montlherystanwardine
Milo Òle GrandÓ de MontlheryABT 1118stanwardine
Reginald FitzRoy de Mortain1 JUL 1175Chertsey, Surrey, Englandstanwardine
Robert de MortainABT 1031Normandy, France8 DEC 1090stanwardine
A Mortimerstanwardine
Anne de Mortimer27 DEC 1390, New Forest, Hampshire, EnglandSEP 1411stanwardine
Beatrice de MortimerABT 1318Wigmore, Ludlow, Hereford, England16 OCT 1383stanwardine
Catherine de MORTIMERABT 1315Wigmore, Ludlow, Herefordshire, EnglandAFT 1358stanwardine
Edmund de Mortimer1252Wigmore, Herefordshire, England17 JUL 1304Wigmore, Herefordshire, Englandstanwardine
Edmund de MortimerABT 1395, New Forest, Hampshire, England18 JAN 1424/1425, Trim, Meath, Irelandstanwardine
Edmund de MORTIMERABT 1252Wigmore, Herefordshire, England17 JUL 1304stanwardine
Edmund de MORTIMERABT 1306ABT 1331Stanton Lacy, Shropshire, Englandstanwardine
Eleanor de MortimerABT 1389, New Forest, Hampshire, England1418stanwardine
Hawise de Mortimerof Wigmore, Herefordshire, England1189stanwardine
Hugh De MortimerABT 1234Wigmore, Ludlow, Herefordshire, EnglandBEF JUN 1273Chelmarsh, Bridgnorth, Shropshire, Englandstanwardine
Hugh de Mortimer1179Wigmore, Herefordshire, England1180Englandstanwardine
Hugh de Mortimerof Wigmore, Herefordshire, Englandbet 1148 - 1150stanwardine
Isabel de MortimerABT 1195<, Elmley Castle, Worcester, England>1268stanwardine
Isabella de Mortimer124810 AUG 1274stanwardine
Isolde de MORTIMERABT 1285stanwardine
Joan de Mortimer1240stanwardine
Joan de MORTIMERABT 1314Wigmore, Herefordshire, Englandstanwardine
Joan Isabel de Mortimer1194Worcestershire, England1228stanwardine
Juliane de Mortimer1184Wigmore, Herefordshire, Englandstanwardine
M Mortimerstanwardine
Matilda de MORTIMERABT 1286stanwardine
Matilda de MortimerABT 1345stanwardine
M Mortimerstanwardine
Philippa de Mortimer21 NOV 1375Ludlow Castle, Shropshire1400stanwardine
Ralph de Mortimer1190England6 AUG 1246Englandstanwardine
Ralph de MortimerMortemer, NormandyAFT 1104Abbey of Saint-Victor-en-Caux, Normandystanwardine
Roger de Mortimer1221, Cwmaron Castle, Radnorshire, Wales27 OCT 1282, Kingsland, Herefordshire, Englandstanwardine
R Mortimerstanwardine
Roger de Mortimer1158<, Wigmore, Hereford, England>24 JUN 1214, Wigmore, Hereford, Englandstanwardine
Roger de Mortimer24 MAR 1392/1393, Netherwood, Pembroke, WalesABT 1410stanwardine
Roger de MortimerMortemer, Normandybet 1078 - 1086stanwardine
Roger de MORTIMER11 NOV 1328Ludlow, Shropshire, EnglandABT 1359Rouvray, Francestanwardine
Roger de MORTIMER3 MAY 1287Netherwood, Thornbury, Herefordshire, England29 NOV 1330Elms, Tynwood, Warwickshire, England (executed)stanwardine
Roger I de Mortimer11 APR 1374, Usk, Monmouth, Wales20 JUL 1398, Kells, Meath, Irelandstanwardine
Sinead de Mortimer1200<, Wigmore, Hereford, England>stanwardine
William de Mortimer1274ABT 1336stanwardine
B Morvoisstanwardine
G Morvoisstanwardine
Arnould de MoselleABT 562Old Saxony, Germany601Metz, Lorraine, Francestanwardine
Erchenaud de MoselleABT 556stanwardine
Gertrudis de MoselleABT 563615stanwardine
Blanche de Mowbray1409stanwardine
Christina de MowbrayABT 13051365stanwardine
Eleanor de Mowbray25 MAR 1364stanwardine
Eleanor de MowbrayABT 1345Epworth, Isle of Axholme, Lincolnshire, EnglandABT 1387stanwardine
John de Mowbray13401368stanwardine
John de Mowbray29 NOV 1310Hovingham, Yorkshire, England4 OCT 1361York, Englandstanwardine
John de Mowbray4 SEP 1286Norfolk, England23 MAR 1320/1321York, East Riding, Yorkshire, England (hanged)stanwardine
Joan de MULTONABT 1236Moulton, Lincolnshire, England.stanwardine
Alianore de NevilleABT 1360Raby-Keverstone, Staindrop, Durham, EnglandAFT 1441stanwardine
Alice De NevilleABT 1358Raby with Keverstone, Durham, England20 JUN 1433stanwardine
Alice De NevilleABT 1384Raby-Keverstone Castle, Staindrop, Durham, Englandstanwardine
Alice de NevilleABT 136020 JUN 1433stanwardine
Alice de NevilleAFT 22 NOV 1503stanwardine
Alice de Neville1358Castle Raby, Durham Co., England20 JUN 1433Castle Raby, Durham Co., Englandstanwardine
Anastasia De NevilleABT 1395Raby-Keverstone Castle, Staindrop, Durham, Englandstanwardine
Anastasia De NevilleABT 1289DECEASEDstanwardine
Anne De NevilleABT 1394Raby-Keverstone Castle, Staindrop, Durham, Englandstanwardine
Catherine De NevilleABT 1397AFT JAN 1478stanwardine
Cuthbert De NevilleABT 1405CHILDstanwardine
Eleanor De NevilleABT 1360Raby with Keverstone, Durham, EnglandAFT 1441stanwardine
Eleanor de Neville1360RabyAFT 1441stanwardine
Elizabeth de NevilleABT 1389Raby-Keverstone Castle, Staindrop, Durham, EnglandAFT 1389stanwardine
Elizabeth de NevilleABT 1384stanwardine
Elizabeth de Neville1369Castle Raby, Durham Co., Englandstanwardine
Henry De NevilleABT 1402AFT 1402stanwardine
Idoine de NevilleABT 1364stanwardine
Idoine de Neville1362Castle Raby, Durham Co., EnglandBET 1363 AND 1456stanwardine
John De NevilleABT 1331Raby With Keverstone, Durham, England17 OCT 1388Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland, Englandstanwardine
John De NevilleABT 1413AFT 1413stanwardine
John De NevilleABT 1387BEF 20 MAR 1420stanwardine
John de NEVILLE1328Raby With Keverstone, Durham, England17 OCT 1388Newcastle Upon Tyne, Northumberland, Englandstanwardine
Margaret De Neville12 FEB 1340/1341Raby, Staindrop, Durham, England12 MAY 1372Warkworth Castle, Alnwick, Northumberland, Englandstanwardine
Margaret De NevilleABT 1393Raby-Keverstone Castle, Staindrop, Durham, EnglandBET 1463 AND 1464stanwardine
Margaret De NevilleABT 1287DECEASEDstanwardine
Margaret de Neville1372stanwardine
Maud De NevilleABT 1367Raby with Keverstone, Durham, Englandstanwardine
Maud De NevilleABT 1383Raby-Keverstone Castle, Staindrop, Durham, EnglandOCT 1438stanwardine
Maude de NEVILLEABT 13921423stanwardine
Maude de Neville1367stanwardine
Phillippa De NevilleABT 1386Raby-Keverstone Castle, Staindrop, Durham, EnglandBEF 5 JAN 1458<, Dacre, Cumberland, England>stanwardine
Ralph De Neville24 SEP 1301Raby With Keverstone, Durham, England5 AUG 1367Raby With Keverstone, Durham, Englandstanwardine
Ralph De NevilleABT 1392Raby-Keverstone Castle, Staindrop, Durham, England25 FEB 1458stanwardine
Ralph de Neville1364Castle Raby, Raby with Keverstone, Durham, England21 OCT 1425Raby with Keverstone Castle, Staindrop, Durham, Englandstanwardine
Ralph de NEVILLE18 OCT 126218 APR 1331stanwardine
Ralph de NevilleABT 1364Castle Raby, Durham Co., England21 OCT 1425Castle Raby, Durham Co., Englandstanwardine
Ralph de NEVILLE12955 AUG 1367stanwardine
Robert De NevilleABT 1285DECEASEDstanwardine
Robert De NevilleABT 1235Raby, Durham, England6 JUN 1271stanwardine
Thomas De NevilleABT 1290DECEASEDstanwardine
Thomas De Neville1403<, Harringworth, Northampton, England>stanwardine
Thomas de NEVILLEABT 1362Castle Raby, Durham Co., England14 MAR 1405/1406stanwardine
David de NORBURYABT 1300stanwardine
Sibyl de NORBURYABT 1318Norbury, Cheshire, Englandstanwardine
Adele de NormandieABT 917Normandy, France14 OCT 962Francestanwardine
Richard de Normandie933Fecamp, France20 NOV 996Fecamp, Francestanwardine
Richard II de Normandie28 AUG 1026stanwardine
Robert II de NormandieABT 1008Normandy, France22 JUN 1035Nice, Bythyniastanwardine
William I Longsword de Normandie17 DEC 942stanwardine
Catherine de Norwich13041366stanwardine
Margaret de NorwichABT 13003 SEP 1375stanwardine
Walter de Norwich1272Mettingham, Suffolk, EnglandBEF 20 FEB 1327/1328Mettingham, Suffolk, Englandstanwardine
Alice de ORREBYABT 1250Hatherton, Cheshire, Englandstanwardine
Joane De OrrebyABT 1328DECEASEDstanwardine
? de PAPWORTHABT 1375Papworth St Agnes, Caxton, Cambridgeshire, EnglandAFT 1397stanwardine
Charibert I de Paris520Rheims, Marne, France7 MAY 567stanwardine
A Paynelstanwardine
Fulk de Paynelof Dudley, Worcestershire, Englandbet 1130 - 1138stanwardine
G PaynelNormandystanwardine
William de PaynelNormandyBEF 1148stanwardine
Fulke de PEMBRUGGEABT 1291BEF 21 JAN 1325/1326stanwardine
Juliana de PEMBRUGGEABT 1349AFT 1409stanwardine
Robert de PEMBRUGGEABT 1314BEF 1 AUG 1350stanwardine
Alice de PENINTON1212stanwardine
Alan De PercyABT 1360DECEASEDstanwardine
Alianore De PercyABT 1326Alnwick Castle, Northumberland, EnglandBEF 1361Dunmow Priory, Essex, Englandstanwardine
Henry De Percy25 MAR 1273Petworth, Northumberland, England2 OCT 1314Fountains Abbey, Yorkshire, Englandstanwardine
Henry De Percy6 FEB 1299/1300Topcliffe, Yorkshire, England26 FEB 1351/1352Warkworth Castle, Alnwick, Northumberland, Englandstanwardine
Henry De PercyABT 1320Alnwick, Northumberland, England18 MAY 1368Warkworth Castle, Alnwick, Northumberland, Englandstanwardine
Henry De Percy10 NOV 1341Warkworth Castle, Alnwick, Northumberland, England19 FEB 1406/1407stanwardine
Henry de PercyABT 13221368stanwardine
Henry de PERCYABT 12991352stanwardine
Henry de PERCY25 MAR 1273Petworth, Sussex, England2 OCT 1314Alnwick Castle, Northumberland, Englandstanwardine
Henry " Hotspur" De Percy20 MAY 1364Alnwick, Northumberland, England21 JUL 1403Shrewsbury, Shropshire, Englandstanwardine
Isabel De PercyABT 1326Alnwick Castle, Northumberland, EnglandBEF 25 MAY 1368stanwardine
Isolde De PercyABT 1362Warkworth Castle, Alnwick, Northumberland, EnglandDECEASEDstanwardine
Margaret De PercyABT 1352DECEASEDstanwardine
Mary De PercyABT 1360ABT 1395stanwardine
Maud De PercyABT 1344Warkworth Castle, Alnwick, Northumberland, EnglandBEF 18 FEB 1377/1378stanwardine
Maud De PercyABT 1335Warkworth Castle, Alnwick, Northumberland, England18 FEB 1378/1379stanwardine
Maud de PERCYABT 1335Warkworth Castle, Alnwick, Northumberland, England18 FEB 1378/1379stanwardine
Ralph De PercyABT 13681399stanwardine
Thomas De PercyABT 13441403[executed following the Battle of Shrewsbury]stanwardine
Thomas De PercyABT 1366Alnwick Castle, Northumberland, EnglandAUG 1388Chilham Castle, Kent, Englandstanwardine
T Percystanwardine
P Peronne817stanwardine
Didon de PoitiersBEF 656stanwardine
Adelaide de PoitouABT 94515 JUN 1006stanwardine
A Ponsstanwardine
A Ponthieustanwardine
Enguerrand I de PonthieuABT 9801046stanwardine
Enguerrand II de Ponthieu1053Arques, Francestanwardine
Hugh II de Ponthieu20 NOV 1052stanwardine
Elizabeth de PRAERSABT 1338Barthomley, Cheshire, Englandstanwardine
Richard de PRAERS1270stanwardine
Thomas de PRAERSABT 1300Essex, England1348stanwardine
Constance de ProvenceABT 986Arles, Provence25 JUL 1032Meulan, Francestanwardine
Joan de PYPEABT 1355stanwardine
Margaret de PYPEABT 12901352stanwardine
Robert de PYPEABT 1288ABT 1342stanwardine
Thomas de PYPE1260AFT 1326stanwardine
William de PYPEABT 1316AFT 1358stanwardine
I Reimsstanwardine
Joanna de RIDWAREABT 1320stanwardine
Thomas de RIDWAREABT 1270AFT 1325stanwardine
Walter de RIDWAREBEF 1240AFT 1282stanwardine
? Rochefortstanwardine
Lucienne de RochefortABT 1088AFT 1137stanwardine
E Rosstanwardine
Elizabeth de RosABT 1325AFT 16 MAY 1380stanwardine
Maud de ROSABT 1334stanwardine
Thomas de Ros13 JAN 1335/1336Northamptonshire, England8 JUN 1384stanwardine
William De Ros19 MAY 1329ABT 1352Holy Landstanwardine
William de ROS1290Helmsley, Yorkshire, England3 FEB 1342/1343Priory, Kirkham, Yorkshire, Englandstanwardine
E Roussillonstanwardine
V Rutzenstanwardine
Marie de Saint HilaireABT 1371stanwardine
Maud de Saint Lizof Northamptonshire, Englandbet 1158 - 1163stanwardine
Simon I de Saint Lizof Senlis, Normandyprob 1111 - 1113Priory of La Charite-sur-Loire, La Charite-sur-Loire, Burgundystanwardine
Simon II de Saint LizAFT 1103of Northamptonshire, EnglandAUG 1153stanwardine
Marie Joseph Édith DE SAINT-GENIÈS6 JUL 1865Saint-Jean d'Angély, Charente-Maritime, France16 APR 1938Alassio, Italystanwardine
B Senlisstanwardine
S SenlisBretagne, Normandystanwardine
M Silvastanwardine
M Silvastanwardine
Joanna de SodingtonABT 1274AFT 1331stanwardine
Ralph or William de Sodington1250stanwardine
Emma de STAFFORDABT 1295stanwardine
Isabel de STAFFORDABT 1273stanwardine
John de STAFFORDABT 1302Bramshall, Uttoxeter, Staffordshire, EnglandAUG 1373Amblecote, Stourbridge, Staffordshire, Englandstanwardine
Margaret de StaffordABT 1364Castle, Stafford, Staffordshire, England9 JUN 1396Castle Raby, Raby with Keverstone, Durham, Englandstanwardine
Robert de Toeni de Staffordprob 1088stanwardine
William de STAFFORDABT 12721320stanwardine
Philippa de STANDON1215stanwardine
Margaret de STOCKPORTABT 1315stanwardine
Esther de STOURTONABT 1394Somersetshire, England13 JUN 1441stanwardine
John de STOURTONAFT 1361Stourton with Gasper, Mere, Wiltshire, England1405Preston, Plucknett, Somerset, Englandstanwardine
William de StourtonABT 1378Stourton, Wiltshire, England18 SEP 1413stanwardine
Alice de SULNEYABT 1355stanwardine
John de SWINFENABT 1322AFT 1375stanwardine
John de SWINFENABT 1294AFT 1330stanwardine
Philip de SWINFENABT 1266AFT 1315stanwardine
Robert de SWINFENABT 1350AFT 1409stanwardine
Hugh de SwynfordABT 1350<, , Somme, France>stanwardine
Alice de SwynnertonABT 1325ABT 1350stanwardine
Roger de SWYNNERTONBEF 1284Swynnerton, Stone, Staffordshire, EnglandBEF 3 MAR 1337/1338Swynnerton, Stone, Staffordshire, Englandstanwardine
Thomas de SWYNNERTONABT 1310Swynnerton, Stone, Staffordshire, EnglandDEC 1361Swynnerton, Stone, Staffordshire, Englandstanwardine
Ivo de Tailboys1093stanwardine
Anne de TALBOT144517 MAY 1494stanwardine
George de TalbotABT 1456Shrewsbury, Shropshire, England1538stanwardine
Gilbert de TALBOT18 OCT 1276ABT 1 MAR 1345/1346stanwardine
Gilbert de TALBOT1332Goodrich Castle, Eccleswall, Herefordshire, England24 APR 1387of the plague in Roales, Spainstanwardine
John de TALBOT138417 JUL 1453stanwardine
John de TALBOT12 DEC 1413Shrewsbury, Shropshire, England1 JUL 1460Battle of Northampton, Englandstanwardine
M Talbotstanwardine
Richard de TALBOT1302Wyke, Cornwall, England23 OCT 1356Goodrich Castle, Eccleswalls, Herefordshire, Englandstanwardine
Richard de TALBOT1361Blackmere, Cornwall, England9 SEP 1396stanwardine
Joan de TATESHALABT 1272Tattershall, Horncastle, Lincolnshire, England8 OCT 1329Wokefield, Berkshire, Englandstanwardine
Adelise de Toeni1066stanwardine
Alice de TOENIABT 1283BEF 8 JAN 1324/1325stanwardine
Ralph de TOENIABT 1255BEF 29 JUL 1295Gascony, Francestanwardine
Ralph III de Conches de Toeniprob bet 1025 - 1030Tosny, Normandy24 Mar, prob 1101/02stanwardine
Roger I de Conches de Toeniprob abt 990Normandy1038 or 1039Normandystanwardine
Bernard de ToulouseABT 730ABT 784stanwardine
Ledgarda de ToulouseAFT 997stanwardine
Raymond IV de Toulousebet 978 - 979stanwardine
William III Taillefer de ToulouseAFT 1037stanwardine
William de TracyAFT 1090of Bradninch, Devonshire, EnglandABT 1135stanwardine
Bodilon de TrevesABT 615Burgundy, FranceAFT 643Mans, Francestanwardine
Leutwinus de TrevesABT 665Austrasia713stanwardine
Rotrude de Treves690Moselle, Austrasia724stanwardine
Eudo de TroyesBEF 1 AUG 1107stanwardine
Stephen I de TroyesABT 1015ABT 1047stanwardine
Margaret de TURBERVILLEABT 1302stanwardine
Joan de VALENCEABT 1269Pembroke, Pembrokeshire, Englandstanwardine
Adele de ValoisABT 1080stanwardine
A Valoisstanwardine
P Valoisstanwardine
P Valoisstanwardine
R Valoisstanwardine
Raoul III de Valois1074stanwardine
Beatrice de VascoeiulAFT 1053stanwardine
Alice de VENABLESABT 1299stanwardine
Anyll de VENABLES1374Kinderton cum Hulme, Northwich, Cheshire, Englandstanwardine
Eva de VENABLESABT 1367stanwardine
Hugh de VENABLESABT 1260Shipbrook, Cheshire, England1311stanwardine
Hugh de VENABLESABT 13101368stanwardine
Hugh de VENABLESABT 1330Kinderton, Cheshire, England1383stanwardine
Isabella de VENABLESABT 1321Kinderton, Cheshire, EnglandABT 1370stanwardine
Joan de Venables1345AFT 1397stanwardine
Margery de VENABLES1369Kinderton, Cheshire, England1459stanwardine
Richard de VENABLESABT 13711403stanwardine
Roger de VENABLES12111261stanwardine
Rose de VENABLES1304Kinderton cum Hulme, Norwich, Cheshire, Englandstanwardine
William de VENABLESABT 1232AFT 1292stanwardine
William de VENABLESABT 1250Kinderton, Cheshire, EnglandAFT 1313Bradwell, Cheshire, Englandstanwardine
Joanne de VERDON9 AUG 1303Wootton, Stanton Lacy, Shropshire, England2 OCT 1334Alton, Staffordshire, Englandstanwardine
Margery de VerdonABT 1319ABT 1377stanwardine
Theobald de VERDON8 SEP 127827 JUL 1316Alton, Staffordshire, Englandstanwardine
Elizabeth de VerdunABT 1306Alton Castle, Cheadle, Staffordshire, England1 MAY 1360stanwardine
Joane de VERE1261Hedingham Castle, Essex, England1293stanwardine
Margaret de VereABT 1344Oxford, Oxfordshire, England15 JUN 1398Grey Friars, London, Middlesex, Englandstanwardine
Adalbert I "the Pious" de VermandoisABT 9209 SEP 988stanwardine
Adelaide de VermandoisABT 1062Vermand, Picardybet 28 Sep 1120 - 1124Meulan, Francestanwardine
Agnes de VermandoisAFT 1125stanwardine
Beatrice de Vermandois880931stanwardine
Beatrix de VermandoisAFT 1144stanwardine
Eudes de VermandoisABT 100025 MAY 1045stanwardine
Herbert I de VermandoisABT 850900stanwardine
H Vermandoisstanwardine
Heribert III de VermandoisABT 9541015stanwardine
Heribert IV de VermandoisABT 1032of Vermand, PicardyABT 1080stanwardine
Isabel de Crepy de VermandoisABT 1081Vermandois, Normandy17 FEB 1146/1147St. Nicaise, Meulan, French Vexinstanwardine
M Vermandoisstanwardine
Agatha de VERNONABT 1278Shipbrook, Cheshire, EnglandABT 1350stanwardine
Benedicta de VernonABT 1446Haddon, Bakewell, Derbyshire, Englandstanwardine
Elizabeth de VERNONABT 1477Haddon Hall, Bakewell, Derbyshire, England29 MAR 1563Moreton Corbet, Wem, Shropshire, Englandstanwardine
Henry de VERNON1445Haddon, Bakewell, Derbyshire, England2 APR 1515stanwardine
Humphrey de VernonABT 1463Hodnet, Shropshire, England1542stanwardine
Isabel de VERNONABT 1310Harlaston, Tamworth, Staffordshire, Englandstanwardine
Joan de VERNON1416Shipbrook, Cheshire, EnglandAFT 21 APR 1474stanwardine
Katherine de VERNONABT 1300Rixton, Lancashire, Englandstanwardine
Ralph de VERNONABT 1221Shipbrook, Northwich, Cheshire, England1270stanwardine
Ralph de VERNONABT 1278ABT 1335stanwardine
Ralph de VERNONABT 1241Shipbrook, Northwich, Cheshire, EnglandAFT JUL 1325stanwardine
Richard de VERNON7 JUL 1383Shipbrook, Cheshire, England8 SEP 1419stanwardine
Richard de VERNONABT 1355Shipbrook, Cheshire, England21 JUL 1403stanwardine
Richard de VERNONABT 1315Shipbrook, Davenham, Cheshire, EnglandBEF 1396stanwardine
Richard de VERNONABT 1394Haddon, Bakewell, Derbyshire, England24 AUG 1451stanwardine
Richard de VERNONABT 13671409stanwardine
Richard de VERNONBEF 13461376stanwardine
Richard de VERNONABT 1283BEF 3 FEB 1322/1323stanwardine
Richard de VERNONAFT 1265Shipbrook, Northwich, Cheshire, England1346stanwardine
Roesia de VERNONABT 1289Chester, Cheshire, EnglandAFT 1321stanwardine
William de VERNONABT 1313BEF 1346stanwardine
William de VERNONABT 1421Haddon, Bakewell, Derbyshire, England31 JUL 1467stanwardine
G Vexinstanwardine
Munderic de Vitrey502Vitry-en-Perthois, Westphalz532stanwardine
Ada de Warenne1178stanwardine
Alice de WARENNEABT 1285Warren, Sussex, EnglandBEF 23 MAY 1338stanwardine
Ediva de Warennebet 1076 - 1084stanwardine
Gundred de WarenneAFT 1119AFT 1166stanwardine
Ranulph de WarenneVarenne, NormandyAFT 1074stanwardine
R Warennestanwardine
Reginald de WarenneABT 1179stanwardine
William de WARENNEABT 1256Warren, Sussex, England12 DEC 1285stanwardine
William I de Warenne1034Varenne, Normandy24 JUN 1088Lewes, Sussex, Englandstanwardine
William II de Warenneprob 11 May 1138stanwardine
William III de Warenne111919 JAN 1147/1148Laodicea, Turkeystanwardine
Adam de WELLES22 JUL 1304Faxton, Northampton, Englandstanwardine
Anne de WELLES1369stanwardine
Eudo de Welles1387Welle, Lincolnshire, England26 AUG 1421stanwardine
John de WELLES20 APR 1352Welle, Lincolnshire, England1421stanwardine
John de WELLES23 AUG 1334Bonthorpe, Lincolnshire, Englandstanwardine
Robert De WellesABT 1300DECEASEDstanwardine
Thomas de West1276Swallowcliffe, Wiltshire, Englandstanwardine
John de WhitmoreABT 13581438stanwardine
Catherine de WingfieldABT 1349Wingfield, Suffolk, EnglandBEF 10 OCT 1386stanwardine
Gladys Deacon1885stanwardine
Geofrey Frederick Dearbergh3 JUL 1979stanwardine
A Deheele1991Perpignanstanwardine
Sefton Delmer24 MAY 1904Berlin, Germany4 SEP 1979Lamarsh, Essexstanwardine
A Delvesstanwardine
Agnes Denny30 NOV 1771stanwardine
A Dennystanwardine
A Dennystanwardine
Anthony Denny15001549stanwardine
Anthony Denny1 JUL 1807Tralee, Kerry, Ireland30 DEC 1890stanwardine
Anthony Denny16 JAN 150010 SEP 1559stanwardine
Anthony Coningham de Waltham Denny22 APR 1925stanwardine
Arabella Denny17701848stanwardine
Arabella Elizabeth Denny11 JUN 1914stanwardine
Arabella Jane Denny13 JUN 1908stanwardine
Arthur Denny1584stanwardine
Arthur Denny21 SEP 16291673stanwardine
Arthur Denny1742stanwardine
Arthur Denny1767stanwardine
Arthur Denny21 DEC 1629MAR 1672Tralee Castle, Kerry, Irelandstanwardine
Arthur Denny15744 JUL 1619stanwardine
Arthur MacGillycuddy Denny3 MAR 183830 AUG 1898stanwardine
Barry Denny1744Tralee Castle, Annagh1794stanwardine
Barry DennyABT 1705SEP 1751stanwardine
Barry Denny1768Tralee Castle20 OCT 1794Oak Park, Tralee in a Duel.stanwardine
Barry Francis Lyttelton Denny6 JUN 1928stanwardine
Cecil Edward Denny14 DEC 185024 JUL 1928stanwardine
Charlotte Denny1776stanwardine
Constance Mary Sophia Denny17 MAY 1929stanwardine
De Courcy Daniel Denny24 DEC 184016 DEC 1875stanwardine
Diana Brougham Denny14 DEC 1930stanwardine
Edmond Denny22 DEC 1520stanwardine
Edmund Denny1520stanwardine
Edmund Barry Denny29 NOV 186021 OCT 1945stanwardine
Edward Denny12 FEB 1599stanwardine
Edward Denny16051646stanwardine
Edward Denny10 FEB 16521709stanwardine
Edward DennyABT 16741728stanwardine
Edward DennyFEB 1775stanwardine
Edward Denny2 OCT 1796Tralee, Kerry, Ireland13 JUN 1889stanwardine
Edward Denny1727Tralee Castle, Kerry, Irelandstanwardine
Edward Denny10 FEB 16521712stanwardine
Edward Denny30 JUL 16051 MAY 1646stanwardine
Edward Denny154411 FEB 1599/1600stanwardine
Edward Denny1630stanwardine
Edward Denny1773Tralee Castle, Kerry, Ireland1 AUG 1831stanwardine
Edward Denny Denny17 AUG 183513 FEB 1909stanwardine
Edward Maurice FitzGerald Denny3 OCT 1930stanwardine
E Dennystanwardine
Eileen Denny1883Falmouth, Cornwall27 MAY 1951Bangor, Caernarvonshirestanwardine
Elizabeth Denny17951828stanwardine
Elizabeth Denny25 FEB 1626Tralee Castle, Annagh, Kerry1696Ballyseedystanwardine
Frances Flora Denny19 MAR 1937stanwardine
Geraldine Denny28 FEB 1886Chatham, Kent1979stanwardine
Gertrude Honora Frances Denny3 JUL 1921stanwardine
Henry Denny1 JAN 18379 NOV 1872stanwardine
H Dennystanwardine
Henry Denny20 JUN 180225 SEP 1877stanwardine
Henry Lyttelton Lyster Denny10 SEP 18781 MAY 1953stanwardine
Herbert Champernowne Denny22 FEB 185217 FEB 1900stanwardine
Jane Denny1690stanwardine
Jane Denny28 AUG 1748Oak Park, Killeen, Tralee, County Kerry, Ireland & Sutton30 OCT 1811Tralee Castle, Annagh, County Kerry, Ireland & Suttonstanwardine
Joan Denny1884Chatham, Kent20 APR 1963Worthing, Sussexstanwardine
J Dennystanwardine
John DennyABT 1420stanwardine
J Dennystanwardine
J Denny1932Paddington, Londonstanwardine
L Dennystanwardine
Letitia Denny1780stanwardine
Maynard Denny174927 JUN 1812stanwardine
P Denny1954stanwardine
Richard Denny8 AUG 1848Ballynahaglish, Kerry, Ireland6 JUL 1915Barnstaple, Devonstanwardine
Richard Brougham Denny24 JUN 1889Ridge, Cambridge31 AUG 1967Battle, Sussexstanwardine
R Denny1940stanwardine
Robert Arthur Denny23 JUL 183824 NOV 1921stanwardine
Robert Day Denny21 AUG 180012 JUL 1864stanwardine
Roland John Denny30 SEP 184917 SEP 1913stanwardine
Sofia DennyABT 1778Tralee Castle, Kerry, Ireland1832Traleestanwardine
Sophia Denny17781832stanwardine
S Denny1974stanwardine
Thomas Denny1761stanwardine
Thomas Denny1705Tralee Castle, Annagh, Kerry1794Tralee Castle, Annagh, Kerrystanwardine
T Dennystanwardine
T Denny1956stanwardine
William Denny29 OCT 181127 JAN 1871stanwardine
W Dennystanwardine
Haimo Dentatusof Torigny-sur-Vire, Normandy1047Val-es Dunes, Normandystanwardine
Hugh Òof KeveliocÓ des Meschines1147Kevelioc, Monmouthshire, Wales30 JUN 1181Leek, Staffordshire, Englandstanwardine
Aline DespencerABT 1288Winchester, Hampshire, EnglandDECEASEDstanwardine
Hugh Despencer1 MAR 1260/1261Winchester, Hampshire, England27 OCT 1326Bristol, Gloucestershire, England [hangedstanwardine
Hugh DespencerAFT 1286Winchester, Hampshire, England24 NOV 1326Hereford, Herefordshire, England [Executed]stanwardine
Isabelle DespencerABT 1290Winchester, Hampshire, EnglandAFT 4 DEC 1334stanwardine
Phillip I DespencerABT 1290Stoke, Gloucestershire, England24 SEP 1313stanwardine
*Isabel DespenserABT 1312Gloucestershire, ENG11 JAN 1371/1372Arundel, ENGstanwardine
Anne DespenserABT 1240stanwardine
Edward DESPENSER24 MAR 1335/1336Essendine, Rutland, ENG11 NOV 1375Llanblethian, Glamorgan, Walesstanwardine
Edward DESPENSER?; of Buckland, Bucks, Eyworth, ENG30 SEP 1342Battle of Morlaixstanwardine
Eleanor DESPENSERABT 1255Devonshire, ENG1 OCT 1328London, ENGstanwardine
E Despenserstanwardine
Hugh DESPENSERABT 1222?; of Ryhall, Rutland, ENG4 AUG 1265Eveshamstanwardine
Hugh le DESPENSER1 MAR 1260/1261?; of Gedney, Lincoln, ENG27 OCT 1326Bristol, Gloucestershire, ENG; hangedstanwardine
Hugh le DESPENSERABT 128524 NOV 1326Hereford, ENG; hangedstanwardine
Isabel DESPENSER26 JUL 1400Cardiff, Wales or Elmley, Worcesteshire, ENG27 DEC 1440The Friars Minoresses, London, ENGstanwardine
Isabella le Despenser13121356stanwardine
Joan DESPENSERABT 12591322stanwardine
Margaret le DespenserABT 1361stanwardine
Philip le DESPENSERABT 1282?; of Gedney, ENG24 SEP 1313stanwardine
Thomas DESPENSER22 SEP 137313 JAN 1399/1400?; beheadedstanwardine
Penelope Devereaux15611607stanwardine
Robert Devereaux15561601stanwardine
Walter Devereaux1541Nethwood, Hereford, England1576stanwardine
Dorothy DevereuxBEF 15761619stanwardine
Gwladys DhuABT 1195Gwynedd, Wales1251Windsor, ENGstanwardine
Alasia del Vasto di SALUZZA18 MAY 1269Saluzzo-Cuneo, Piedmont, Italy25 SEP 1292Arundel Castle, Sussex, Englandstanwardine
D Dickinstanwardine
Elizabeth Dickin1890Stanwardine Grange, Cockshutstanwardine
Frank Dickin1928stanwardine
John Dickin15 MAR 1891Stanwardine Grange, Cockshut13 FEB 1959The cottage Cockshutt Ellesmere Shropshirestanwardine
J DickinStanwardine Grange, Cockshuttstanwardine
L Dickinstanwardine
Mary E Dickin1860Stanwardine Grange, Cockshutstanwardine
Richard Dickin1859Stanwardine Grange, Cockshutstanwardine
Richard Dickin1889Stanwardine Grange, Cockshutstanwardine
Sarah A Dickin1853Stanwardine Grange, Cockshutstanwardine
Thomas Dickin1887Stanwardine Grange, Cockshutstanwardine
Thomas Dickin1831Stanwardine Grange, Cockshutstanwardine
Thomas Dickin1790stanwardine
Thomas Dickin1854Stanwardine Grange, Cockshutstanwardine
William Dickin1856Stanwardine Grange, Cockshutstanwardine
A Dickinsonstanwardine
P Dickinson1993stanwardine
J Dickmanstanwardine
J Didsburiestanwardine
Jannet DinwiddieABT 1799stanwardine
Alice Kathleen Mary Dixon8 FEB 1894stanwardine
Bridget Wilbraham Dixon27 APR 1918stanwardine
E Dixonstanwardine
Noel William Dixon24 DEC 1891stanwardine
I Dobbiestanwardine
Sarah Ann Belton Doby22 FEB 1821Camden, Kershaw, South Carolina, United States21 MAY 1893Camden, Kershaw, South Carolina, United Statesstanwardine
John Milton DoddoABT 1901Mabton, Yakima, WA3 DEC 1953Los Altos, CAstanwardine
John Phillip DoddoABT 192230 JAN 1945Italy (pilot in air force during WWII)stanwardine
H Dohenystanwardine
L Dohenystanwardine
L Dohenystanwardine
L Dohenystanwardine
L Dohenystanwardine
L Dohenystanwardine
L Dohenystanwardine
Elizabeth DOKINFIELDABT 1315Shipbrook, Davenham, Cheshire, Englandstanwardine
A Dolstanwardine
Alan Fitzflaald Senescal Of Dol1025Dol, Ille-Et-Vilaine, St Malo, Bretagne, FranceAFT 1080stanwardine
Flaald De DolABT 1005Dol, Ille-Et-Vilaine, St Malo, Bretagne, FranceAFT 1064Dol, Ille-Et-Vilaine, St Malo, Bretagne, Francestanwardine
Flaald Fitzalan Dapifer Of DolABT 1046Dol, Ille-Et-Vilaine, St Malo, Bretagne, FranceAFT 1101stanwardine
Mrs. Alan Dapifer Of DolDECEASEDstanwardine
Mrs. Flaald 1005 De DolDECEASEDstanwardine
Mrs. Flaald Fitzalan 1046 Of DolDECEASEDstanwardine
E Dolleman1972stanwardine
D Donaldson1944stanwardine
J Donaldsonstanwardine
J Donaldson1942stanwardine
Katharine Donaldson1904stanwardine
Mary Faulkner Donaldson1912stanwardine
Norman Fraser Graham Donaldson190619 JAN 1945stanwardine
N Donaldsonstanwardine
P Donaldson1937stanwardine
William Betts Donaldson1918stanwardine
A Douglasstanwardine
C Douglasstanwardine
C Douglasstanwardine
F Douglasstanwardine
Helen DouglasABT 15481578Lag, Dumfries, Scotlandstanwardine
Helen DouglasDrumlanrig, Dumfries, Scotland1578, Dumfries, Scotlandstanwardine
James William Douglas1507Drumlanrig, Dumfries, Scotland27 DEC 1575Drumlanrig, Dumfries, Scotlandstanwardine
Janet Douglas1570Dumfries, Dumfries, Scotlandstanwardine
J DouglasDrumlanrig, Dumfries, Scotlandstanwardine
Janet DouglasDrumlanrig, Dumfries, ScotlandAFT 1611Cessford, Roxburgh, Scotlandstanwardine
J Douglasstanwardine
Janet Agnes Douglas1467Drumlanrig, Dumfries, ScotlandJAN 1518stanwardine
M Douglasstanwardine
M Douglasstanwardine
M Douglasstanwardine
M Douglasstanwardine
Marion DouglasABT 1470Angus Scotlandstanwardine
N Douglasstanwardine
R Douglasstanwardine
William Douglas1481Drumlanrig Castle, Dumfries, Scotland9 SEP 1513Flodden Field, Branxton, Northumberland, Englandstanwardine
William DouglasBEF 1578stanwardine
George Douglas (1st Earl of Angus)1378Tantallon Castle, East Lothian, Scotland1403England from Plaguestanwardine
William Douglas (2nd Earl of Angus)1398Tantallon Castle, East Lothian, Scotlandstanwardine
George Douglas (4th Earl of Angus)1429Angus Scotlandstanwardine
Archibald Douglas, 5th Earl of Angus1453Angus Scotlandstanwardine
J Dowstanwardine
Eleanor Plantagenet of Lancaster, Dowager Baroness Beaumont1311Grosmont Castle, Monmouth, Wales1371Arundel, Sussex, Englandstanwardine
Elizabeth DrakeABT 1626stanwardine
Yolande Dreux121810 OCT 1272stanwardine
William Barré Goldie Drinkwater1910Hunters Hill, Sydney, New South Wales23 SEP 1929Yelgun, New South Wales, Australiastanwardine
William Simpson Percival Drinkwater1871Ryde, New South Wales15 AUG 1940Burwood, New South Wales, Australiastanwardine
Annabel Drummond1350Scotlandstanwardine
Elizabeth DrummondBEF 180021 MAY 1877stanwardine
L Drusastanwardine
L Drusilla44 B.C.a.d. 29stanwardine
L Drusillaabt 50 BC0029stanwardine
G Drususstanwardine
G Drususstanwardine
L Drususstanwardine
L Drususstanwardine
M Drusus91 BCstanwardine
M Drususstanwardine
M Drususstanwardine
M Drususstanwardine
N Drusus38 B.C.9 B.C.stanwardine
A Drysdalestanwardine
A Drysdale1989stanwardine
J Drysdale1956stanwardine
J Drysdale1991stanwardine
M Drysdale1987stanwardine
P Drysdale1944stanwardine
T Drysdale1985stanwardine
Charles Georges Joseph Antoine du Breil18941951stanwardine
J Plooystanwardine
C Duffstanwardine
J Duffstanwardine
Dorothy Kathleen Duffin23 NOV 1891YorkshireMAR 1958Ealing, Middlesexstanwardine
E Duffinstanwardine
Madge Angela Duffin1896stanwardine
Charles John Geast Dugdale24 SEP 188716 JUN 1944stanwardine
D Dugdalestanwardine
Henry Charles Geast Dugdale30 APR 18378 SEP 1911stanwardine
Stephen (Stefan) III, Duke of Bavaria-Ingolstadt13371413stanwardine
Stephen (Stefan) II, Duke of Bavaria-Landshut13131375stanwardine
Jasper Tudor, Duke of Bedford1431DEC 1495stanwardine
John of Lancaster, Duke of Bedford13891435stanwardine
Philippe II "The Bold" Valois, Duke of Burgundy13421404stanwardine
George Plantagenet, Duke of Clarence21 OCT 1449Dublin, Dublin, Leinster, Ireland18 FEB 1478Tower of London, The City, London, Englandstanwardine
Lionel Plantagenet, Duke of Clarence29 NOV 133817 OCT 1368stanwardine
Thomas, Duke of Clarence13891421Battle of Baugé, Angers, Pays de la Loire, Francestanwardine
John Holland, Duke of ExeterABT 13589 JAN 1399Pleshey Castle, Essex, Englandstanwardine
Thomas de Beaufort, Duke of Exeter137727 DEC 1426East Greenwich, Kent, Englandstanwardine
Humphrey Duke Of Gloucester3 OCT 139023 FEB 1447stanwardine
Thomas Plantagenet of Woodstock, Duke of Gloucester7 JAN 1355Woodstock, Oxfordshire, England8 SEP 1397Calais, Aquitaine, Francestanwardine
John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster24 JUN 1340Ghent, Oost-Vlaanderen, Belgium3 FEB 1399Leicester Castle, Leicestershire, Englandstanwardine
Henry Fitzroy, Duke of Richmond and Somerset15 JUN 1519Blackmore, , Essex, England22 JUL 1536St. James Palace, London, Middlesex, Englandstanwardine
Edmund de Beaufort, Duke of SomersetABT 14061455stanwardine
John de Beaufort, Duke of Somerset25 MAR 1404Westminster, London, Greater London, England27 MAY 1444stanwardine
John de la Pole, Duke of Suffolk14421491stanwardine
Edmund Plantagenet, Duke of York5 JUN 1341Kings Langley, Hertfordshire, England1 AUG 1402Kings Langley, Hertfordshire, Englandstanwardine
Edward Plantagenet, Duke of York13731415Battle of Agincourt, , Lorraine, Francestanwardine
Richard Plantagenet, Duke of York21 SEP 141130 DEC 1460Battle of Wakefield, Yorkshire, Englandstanwardine
Richard of Shrewsbury, Duke of York and Norfolk17 AUG 1473Shrewsbury, Shropshire, England1483Tower of London, The City, London, Englandstanwardine
Arthur Bryce Duncan27 AUG 1909Newlands, Kirkmahoe, Dumfriesshire2 NOV 1984Castlehill, Kirkmahoe, Dumfriesshirestanwardine
J Duncanstanwardine
Beryl Mildred Duncuft24 JUL 1896Oldham, LancashireAUG 1987Hillingdon, Middlesexstanwardine
Iris Marjorie Gowin Duncuft18 MAY 1903stanwardine
Isaiah Duncuft1772Oldham17 JUL 1796stanwardine
Isaiah Duncuft182920 JUL 1859stanwardine
Isaiah Gowin Duncuft18591889stanwardine
James Duncuft18311871stanwardine
James Duncuft2 FEB 186117 MAY 1915stanwardine
John Duncuft182423 JUL 1863stanwardine
John Duncuft1796Hathershaw, Oldham, Lancashire1852Cheshirestanwardine
John Duncuft17 JUN 18547 NOV 1888stanwardine
Mary Duncuft1827stanwardine
Nesta Muriel Duncuft9 JUL 1899stanwardine
Sarah Duncuft18161857stanwardine
Adelaide Marion DunlopJAN 1887Birkenhead, Claughton24 JAN 1944Stroud, Gloucestershire, Englandstanwardine
Angela Edith Emily Dunlop19211967stanwardine
Arthur Brook Dunlop1 MAY 1861Manchester, Lancashire, England29 APR 1925Kendal, Westmorland, Englandstanwardine
Carol Peace Dunlop9 NOV 1918stanwardine
Catherine Dunlop1824Huddersfield, Yorkshire, Englandstanwardine
Charles John Lindsay Dunlop19221943Francestanwardine
Colin Bodmer DunlopOCT 1864Altrincham, Cheshire, England1 MAY 1891Calcutta, Bengal, Indiastanwardine
Colin Macmillan Dunlop8 JUN 1888Winchester, Hampshire, England3 FEB 1956Kelownastanwardine
Doris Joan Dunlop27 MAY 1897Hampshire, United Kingdom8 AUG 1986Leamington Spa Warwicksstanwardine
Edward Kent Dunlop19271953stanwardine
Emily Isabel DunlopJUN 1893Cheriton; Winchester, Hampshire, England8 MAY 1933Devizes, Wiltshire, Englandstanwardine
Hilda Macmillan DunlopOCT 1890Applethwaite, Westmorland, England11 JUN 1969Westminster, London, Englandstanwardine
Hugh Carnegie DunlopOCT 1897Winchester, Hampshire, England3 FEB 1956Kelownastanwardine
Ingha Angela Joan Bodmer DunlopJUL 1891Troutbeck, Westmorland, England24 APR 1936Harrogate, North Yorkshire, Englandstanwardine
James Archibald Lyon Dunlop20 SEP 1913stanwardine
John Allan Lyon Dunlop15 SEP 187326 JUL 1926stanwardine
John MacMillan DunlopJAN 1863Sale, Cheshire, England1 NOV 1928Winchester, Hampshire, Englandstanwardine
John MacMillan Dunlop14 JAN 1855Chorlton, Lancashire, EnglandJAN 1855Chorlton, Lancashire, Englandstanwardine
John McMillan Dunlop24 APR 1818Huddersfield, Yorkshire, England24 AUG 1878Kendal, Westmorland, Englandstanwardine
John Sugden Dunlop18841964stanwardine
Launcelot Lindsay Brook DunlopAPR 1889Applethwaite, Westmorland, England3 JUL 1916Francestanwardine
Margaret Dunlop1814Huddersfield, Yorkshire, England3 DEC 1817aged 3 y 7 months. stone in Carsphairn burial groundstanwardine
Margaret Dunlop1821Huddersfield, Yorkshire, England12 NOV 1888Lynwood, Mitford Street, Fallowfield, Chorlton, Lancashirestanwardine
Margaret DunlopMAY 18143 DEC 1817Huddersfield, Yorkshirestanwardine
Mary Macmillan DunlopOCT 1883Stoke By Clare, Suffolk, England31 OCT 1930Godstone, Surrey, Englandstanwardine
Nancy Dunlop1819Huddersfield, York, Englandstanwardine
Rachel Inglis Dunlop3 APR 1916stanwardine
Robert Dunlop17954 MAY 1829Huddersfield, Yorkshire West Ridingstanwardine
Robert MacMillan Dunlop4 APR 1857Manchester, Lancashire, England4 SEP 1911Leeds, West Yorkshire, Englandstanwardine
Robina Dunlop6 JUL 1827Huddersfield, Yorkshire, EnglandOCT 1846Chorlton, Lancashirestanwardine
Ruth Young Dunlop17 NOV 1921stanwardine
Walter Dunlop3 APR 1816Huddersfield, Yorkshire, England18 JUL 1903The Grange, Bingley, Yorkshire, Englandstanwardine
William Brook Dunlop8 JUN 1859Chorlton, Lancashire, EnglandAPR 1860Chorlton, Lancashire, Englandstanwardine
William Eric Brook Dunlop13 DEC 1886Troutbeck, Westmorland, England19 MAY 1917France & Flandersstanwardine
Rainald de DUNSTANVILLEDunstanville, Kent, England1 JUL 1175Chertsey, Surry, Englandstanwardine
David Dupree5 MAR 1930stanwardine
J Dupreestanwardine
J Dupree1933stanwardine
Bertha Mary Dupuis12 APR 1881Sessay, Yorkshire, England21 NOV 1968Weybridge, Surrey, Englandstanwardine
F Durbanstanwardine
? DURVASSALBEF 1325stanwardine
John DURVASSALABT 1272Coughton, Warwickshire, Englandstanwardine
Margery DURVASSALABT 1280stanwardine
Nicholas DURVASSALABT 1303Coughton, Warwickshire, Englandstanwardine
Thomas DURVASSALABT 1249stanwardine
E Duthiestanwardine
Sophia Dyer10 NOV 1806Cape Elizabeth, Cumberland, Maine20 OCT 1880Saint John, Saint John, New Brunswickstanwardine
Ann DysonNOV 1698stanwardine
EabaABT 732Wessex, EnglandUNKNOWNstanwardine
Charles Herbert Harberton Eales18955 MAR 1941Killed On Active Servicestanwardine
Charles Michael Eales14 NOV 19411977stanwardine
M Eales1935stanwardine
Richard "Copped Hat" FitzAlan, Earl of Arundel131324 JAN 1376Arundel Castle, Sussex, Englandstanwardine
Richard FitzAlan, Earl of Arundel1346Arundel, Sussex, England21 SEP 1397Cheapside, London, Englandstanwardine
Richard Plantagenet of Conisburgh, Earl of Cambridge1375Conisbrough, Yorkshire, England5 AUG 1415Southampton Green, Hampshire, Englandstanwardine
Thomas Stanley, Earl of Derby143529 JUL 1504Latham, Englandstanwardine
Edmund de Holand, Earl of Kent6 JAN 1382/1383England15 SEP 1408stanwardine
Thomas de Holland, Earl of Kent13717 JAN 1399stanwardine
Thomas de Holland, Earl of Kent1354Upholland, Lancashire, England25 APR 1397Arundel Castle, Sussex, Englandstanwardine
Thomas de Holland, Earl of Kent25 APR 1397Arundel Castle, Sussex, Englandstanwardine
William de Neville, Earl of Kent1409Raby, Durham, England1463Alnwick, Northumberland, Englandstanwardine
Edmund "the Good" de Mortimer, Earl of March1 FEB 1351Llanigon, , Brecon, Wales27 DEC 1381Dunderrow, Cork, Munster, Irelandstanwardine
Edmund de Mortimer, Earl of March6 NOV 1391New Forest, Hampshire, England19 JAN 1425Castle of Trim, Meath, Leinster, Irelandstanwardine
Roger de Mortimer, Earl of March11 APR 1374Usk, Monmouth, Wales1398stanwardine
Thomas Beaufort, Earl of Perche14051432stanwardine
Edmund Tudor, Earl of Richmond1430Hadham, Befordshire, England1 NOV 1456Carmarthen Castle, Carmarthenshire, Walesstanwardine
Anthony Woodville, Earl of Rivers14421483stanwardine
Richard Woodville, Earl of RiversAFT 14421491stanwardine
Richard Wydeville, Earl of Rivers14051469stanwardine
Edmund, Earl of Rutland14431460stanwardine
Richard de Neville, Earl of Salisbury1397Wakefield, Yorkshire, England31 DEC 1460stanwardine
Thomas de Montacute, Earl of Salisbury1388Salisbury, Wiltshire, England3 NOV 1428stanwardine
Henry Beaufort, Earl of Somerset14011418stanwardine
John de Beaufort, Earl of Somerset1373Beaufort Castle, Anjou, Rhône-Alpes, France21 APR 1410Hospital of St. Katherine-by-the-Tower, The City, London, Englandstanwardine
Ralph de Neville, Earl of Westmoreland1363Raby Castle, Staindrop, Durham, England21 OCT 1425Raby Castle, Staindrop, Durham, Englandstanwardine
Ralph de Neville, Earl of WestmorelandABT 139026 FEB 1457stanwardine
A Easton1954stanwardine
E Easton1958stanwardine
Norman Kidston Easton13 FEB 19181 MAR 1987stanwardine
S Easton1952stanwardine
A Eastwood1955Watford, Hertfordshire (Ref 4b 504)stanwardine
Daniel Eastwood1783Manchesterstanwardine
D Eastwood1985Brent, Greater London (Ref: 11-1407)stanwardine
Emma EastwoodBEF 26 DEC 1803Manchesterstanwardine
J Eastwood1958Watford, Hertfordshire (4b 632)stanwardine
Peter (John) EastwoodBEF 7 SEP 1806Manchesterstanwardine
R Eastwood1983Brent, Greater London (Ref: 11-1244)stanwardine
Roy W Eastwood1920Wallasey, Cheshire, England2001stanwardine
S Eastwood2013stanwardine
W EastwoodRickmansworthstanwardine
Robert De EatonABT 1145DECEASEDstanwardine
Margaret EchinghamAFT 11 JUL 1482stanwardine
M Edgcumbestanwardine
Margaret Edgcumbe156024 APR 1648stanwardine
Elizabeth Edmonstone1485Strathblane, Stirling, Scotlandstanwardine
Edward14544 MAY 1471Battle Of Tewkesburystanwardine
K Eglestonstanwardine
L Eglestonstanwardine
L Eglestonstanwardine
L Eglestonstanwardine
C Egypt30 BCstanwardine
M Eldridge1943Brentfordstanwardine
ElesaABT 439Ancient Saxony, Northern GermanyUNKNOWNstanwardine
Anker Ellsworth1922stanwardine
Ada Elvidge22 DEC 1887BEF 2 MAY 1920Halifaxstanwardine
Cecilia Muriel Hargreaves Elwes1909stanwardine
Diana Judith Elwes9 MAR 1913stanwardine
E Elwes1941Aldershotstanwardine
F Elwes1966Cheltenham, Gloucestershirestanwardine
George Gervase Philip Elwes28 JUN 1971Cheltenham, Gloucestershire22 DEC 1993Colesbourne, Gloucestershire, (Road Traffic Accident)stanwardine
Gerda Hargreaves Elwes22 APR 191129 MAY 2004stanwardine
G Elwes1938Aldershotstanwardine
Henry Cecil Elwes25 AUG 1874Miserden, Gloucestershire31 JAN 1950Cirencester, Gloucestershirestanwardine
H Elwes1935Billericay, Essexstanwardine
J Elwes2004Cheltenham, Gloucestershirestanwardine
John Hargreaves Elwes11 JAN 190618 MAR 1943Killed In Action, Mareth, Tunisiastanwardine
J Elwes1964Cheltenham, Gloucestershirestanwardine
N Elwes1979Cheltenham, Gloucestershirestanwardine
O Elwes2002Cheltenham, Gloucestershirestanwardine
T Elwes2006stanwardine
T Elwes1982Cheltenham, Gloucestershirestanwardine
W Elwes2007stanwardine
I Embreestanwardine
I Eneferstanwardine
S Eneferstanwardine
M Eneidstanwardine
M Engheinstanwardine
Adela Princess Of EnglandABT 1062Normandy, France8 MAR 1136/1137Marsigny, Charente-Maritim, Francestanwardine
Agatha EnglandABT 1064Normandy, FranceBEF 1080Calvados, Francestanwardine
Alice Princess Of EnglandABT 1099Selby, Yorkshire, England1141Montmorency, Val D'oise, Francestanwardine
Anna EnglandABT 1066Normandy, FranceDECEASEDstanwardine
Ansfride Mrs Henry I EnglandDECEASEDstanwardine
Cecilia EnglandABT 1055Normandy, France13 JUL 1127Caen, Calvados, Francestanwardine
Constance Of England1098EnglandDECEASEDstanwardine
D Englandstanwardine
Elizabeth Princess Of England1095Talby, Yorkshire, EnglandDECEASEDstanwardine
Emme of EnglandABT 1100FranceDECEASEDstanwardine
Euphamia Of EnglandJUL 1101Winchester, Hampshire, EnglandABT 1102Englandstanwardine
G Englandstanwardine
G Englandstanwardine
J Englandstanwardine
Margaret England1059Normandy, FranceBEF 1112stanwardine
Matilda "The Empress" Princess Of EnglandFEB 1102/1103London, Middlesex, England10 SEP 1167Notre Dame, Rouen, Seine-Maritime, Francestanwardine
Maud Princess Of England1086EnglandDECEASEDDrowned In Wreck Of The White Ship Along With Prince Williamstanwardine
Richard EnglandABT 1055Normandy, France1081New Forest, Hampshire, Englandstanwardine
Richard EnglandABT 1105England26 SEP 1119At Sea, Barfleur, Manche, Francestanwardine
Son Prince Of EnglandJUL 1101Englandstanwardine
Stephen I De Blois King Of EnglandABT 1097Blois, Loir-Et-Cher, Orleanais/Centre, France25 OCT 1154Dover, Kent, Englandstanwardine
William "Atheling" EnglandBEF 5 AUG 1103Selby, Yorkshire, England26 NOV 1119Wreck Of White Ship At Seastanwardine
William Constable Of EnglandBEF 1105stanwardine
Enoch4670 B.C.4305 B.C.stanwardine
Enosh5357 B.C.4452 B.C.stanwardine
EoppaABT 706Wessex, EnglandUNKNOWNstanwardine
H Epirus1225 B, Cstanwardine
Christian Erskine20 DEC 1715Edinburgh21 AUG 1755Edinburghstanwardine
Constance Gertrude Erskine21 APR 1921stanwardine
Diana Mildred Erskine12 NOV 1915stanwardine
Harriet Katherine Lucinda Erskine12 MAY 1924stanwardine
L Erskinestanwardine
L Erskinestanwardine
L Erskinestanwardine
L Erskinestanwardine
L Erskinestanwardine
L Erskinestanwardine
L Erskinestanwardine
Mary Ruth Erskine18 AUG 1913stanwardine
Penelope Anne Erskine19 FEB 1920stanwardine
Ralph John Erskine17 SEP 19141 DEC 1937stanwardine
Thomas David Erskine31 JUL 1912stanwardine
Thomas Wilfred Hargreaves John Erskine27 MAY 188029 APR 1944stanwardine
Victoria Margaret Erskine22 FEB 1919stanwardine
Esau1862 BC1736 BCstanwardine
EslaABT 411Ancient Saxony, Northern GermanyUNKNOWNstanwardine
Blanche Adela Espeut5 JUN 1878Jamaica30 MAR 1934London, Englandstanwardine
Claude Vyvian Armit Espeut3 OCT 1875Jamaica21 DEC 1971Bathstanwardine
Ernest Charles Peter Espeut2 MAR 1874Jamaica6 JUN 1874Jamaicastanwardine
Ethel Maude Espeut31 MAR 1880Jamaica26 JUN 1961Londonstanwardine
Louis Arnold Armit Espeut11 JUN 1889Jamaica4 NOV 1940Pernambuco, Brazilstanwardine
Noëmi Marian Espeut18 JAN 1872Jamaica24 NOV 1941Nuttall Hospital, Kingston, Jamaicastanwardine
Peter Alexander Espeut23 AUG 1816Hope Hill, Parish of Metcalfe, Jamaica11 JUN 1868Jamaicastanwardine
Peter Arnold Espeut23 MAY 192222 MAY 1941off Cretestanwardine
Pierre Espeut17494 DEC 1798Jamaicastanwardine
Reginald William Armit Espeut3 JUN 1877Jamaicastanwardine
William Bancroft Espeut21 JUL 1843Jamaica23 OCT 189217 Fopstone Road, London.stanwardine
William Francis Espeut1776Barbados11 JUL 1846Hope Hill, Parish of Metcalfe, Jamaicastanwardine
A Essexstanwardine
B Esyllwgstanwardine
C Esyllwgstanwardine
L Evansstanwardine
M Evans1995Brixton, Londonstanwardine
M Evansstanwardine
Richard EvansABT 1814Ludlow12 NOV 1837Lower Broughton, Died due To fall from horsestanwardine
Sarah Abigail Evans25 OCT 183614 SEP 1916stanwardine
V Evansstanwardine
William Edward Evans5 APR 183524 OCT 1876Bermudastanwardine
S Evans-Frekestanwardine
EveGarden of Edenstanwardine
Winifred Luboff Nicholson Eveleigh9 NOV 1899Batum, Russia17 AUG 1975Tunbridge Wells, Kent, Englandstanwardine
Agnes D' EvereuxABT 1040Evreux, Normandy, FranceDECEASEDstanwardine
Richard Count D' EvereuxABT 986Rouen, Seine-Inferior, France13 DEC 1067Normandy, Francestanwardine
Sibyl EWYASABT 1170Ewyas, ENG1236Ewyas Harold, ENGstanwardine
M Exeterstanwardine
T Exeterstanwardine
Margaret Eychingham1443Eychingham, Sussex, EnglandAFT 1482Middlesex, Englandstanwardine
Thomas EychinghamABT 1396Eychingham, Sussex, England20 JAN 1482/1483Eychingham, Sussex, Englandstanwardine
S Eysteinsdottirstanwardine
Ragnvald EysteinssonABT 830ABT 894stanwardine
S Eysteinssonstanwardine
Eadburth FadburnABT 830Mercia, EnglandUNKNOWNstanwardine
A Fadillastanwardine
A Fadillastanwardine
A Fairfaxstanwardine
Peregrine John Wishart Fairfax8 MAR 192523 FEB 2012stanwardine
Thomas Brian McElvie Fairfax14 MAY 1923stanwardine
M Fairliestanwardine
F Librarystanwardine
F Librarystanwardine
F Librarystanwardine
F Librarystanwardine
F Librarystanwardine
F Librarystanwardine
Nigel Loftus Henry Fane25 JUL 1904stanwardine
E Farddstanwardine
FaustaABT 290stanwardine
A Faustinastanwardine
A Faustinastanwardine
Annia Galeria II FaustinaABT 125Italystanwardine
R Faustinastanwardine
Vere Grace Fawcett1883Turkeystanwardine
Henrietta FawkenerABT 1744stanwardine
Gryffuyd ap Llewellyn Fawr10921244stanwardine
C Fectorstanwardine
J Fectorstanwardine
G Feddwstanwardine
Charles FeildingBEF 17176 FEB 1745/1746stanwardine
C Feildingstanwardine
Elizabeth Feilding19 JAN 1765stanwardine
Hugh FENNEABT 1415?; of Soulton Burdeleys, Norfolk, ENGstanwardine
Margaret FENNE1444Sculton, Burdeleys, Norfolk, ENG28 SEP 1485stanwardine
G Fenterstanwardine
Joan Margaret Fenter22 JUL 1915Wells, Somerset27 OCT 1981stanwardine
Catherine Fenton158216 FEB 1629/1630stanwardine
V Ferantia\Terentiastanwardine
Ferdinand?; of Castilestanwardine
Jean Ferguson29 MAY 1711Dumfries & Gallowaystanwardine
Alexander Fergusson6 SEP 1746Drumlanrig Castle, Dumfries, Scotlandstanwardine
Alexander Fergusson3 NOV 1685Craigdarroch, Glencairn, Dumfries & Galloway Scotlandstanwardine
A Fergussonstanwardine
Charles Fergusson1752BEF 1808stanwardine
Clementina Fergusson1753stanwardine
Elizabeth Fergusson1689Craigdarroch, Glencairn, Dumfriesshire, Scotlandstanwardine
Elizabeth Fergusson14 APR 1714Died Youngstanwardine
Ella Cutlar Fergusson12 OCT 1889stanwardine
Esme Fergusson12 OCT 1889stanwardine
Grissel Fergusson1683Craigdarroch, Glencairnstanwardine
James Fergusson10 JAN 1713Craigdarroch19 DEC 1771Stenhouse, Tynron, Dumfriesstanwardine
John Fergusson1541BEF 1612stanwardine
John Fergusson1657Craigdarroch27 JUL 1689Battle Of Killiecrankiestanwardine
P Fergussonstanwardine
Robert Fergusson1687Craigdarroch, Glencairn, Dumfriesshire, Scotlandstanwardine
Robert FergussonABT 1715stanwardine
Robert Fergusson1625Craigdarrochstanwardine
Robert FergussonABT 1570Craigdarrochstanwardine
Robert FergussonABT 1510Craigdarrochstanwardine
Robert Cutlar Fergusson26 JUL 18551904stanwardine
Robert Cutlar Fergusson176916 NOV 1838stanwardine
Robert Cutlar Fergusson3 DEC 18366 OCT 1859stanwardine
William FergussonABT 1690Craigdarroch, Glencairn, Dumfriesshire, Scotlandstanwardine
William Fergusson1598Craigdarrochstanwardine
Tonantia FerreolaABT 435Rome, Italiastanwardine
Tonantius II FerreolusABT 460525stanwardine
Agatha de FerrersABT 1168?; of Charltey, Staffordshire, ENGstanwardine
Agnes De Ferrers1105Tutbury, Derbyshire, EnglandDECEASEDstanwardine
Amicea De FerrersABT 1068Darley, Derbyshire, EnglandDECEASEDstanwardine
Anne de FERRERS8 AUG 1367stanwardine
Elizabeth FerrersABT 1392Womme, Shropshire, ENGABT 1434York, Yorkshire, ENGstanwardine
Elizabeth de FerrersAFT 1391Chartley, Staffordshire, England1434York, Yorkshire, Englandstanwardine
Elizabeth de FerrersABT 1393ABT 1434York, East Riding, Yorkshire, Englandstanwardine
Emmeline De FerrersABT 1070Darley, Derbyshire, EnglandDECEASEDstanwardine
Engenulf De FerrersABT 1065Ferrieres-St-Hilaire, Eure, Normandy, FranceDECEASEDstanwardine
Eugenulph De FerrersABT 1064Darley, Derbyshire, EnglandDECEASEDstanwardine
Gundred De FerrersABT 1075Ferrers, Derbyshire, EnglandDECEASEDstanwardine
Hawise De Ferrers1108Tutbury, Derbyshire, EnglandDECEASEDstanwardine
Henry Ferrers1388stanwardine
Henry FerrersABT 129425 JUL 1349Groby, ENGstanwardine
Henry De Ferrers1036Ferrieres-St-Hilaire, Eure, Normandy, France1101Castle Tutbury, Staffordshire, Englandstanwardine
Isabel De FerrersABT 1172Oakham, Rutlandshire, England29 APR 1252stanwardine
Isolda De FerrersABT 1118Derbyshire, EnglandDECEASEDstanwardine
Margaret de FERRERSABT 1341Newbold, Verdon, Leicester, ENG22 JAN 1406/1407stanwardine
Mary FerrersABT 139025 JAN 1457/1458stanwardine
Mary de FerrersABT 139425 JAN 1457/1458stanwardine
Maud De FerrersABT 1090Derbyshire, EnglandDECEASEDstanwardine
Milisent Ferrers1086DECEASEDstanwardine
Miss De FerrersWFT Est 1105Derby, Derbyshire, EnglandDECEASEDstanwardine
Robert Ferrers1373?; of WillishamBEF 29 NOV 1396stanwardine
Robert de FerrersABT 1375<, Willisham, Suffolk, England>BEF 29 NOV 1396stanwardine
Robert De Ferrers1100Ferrers, Derbyshire, England1160Merevale, Warwickshire, Englandstanwardine
Robert De Ferrers1062Ferrers, Derbyshire, England1139Charterley, Staffordshire, Englandstanwardine
Sybil FERRERSABT 1190stanwardine
Walcheline De FerrersABT 1092Okeham, Derbyshire, EnglandDECEASEDstanwardine
William de FERRERS28 FEB 1332/1333Newbold Verdon, ENG8 JAN 1370/1371stanwardine
W Ferrersstanwardine
W FERRERS?; of Grobystanwardine
William De FerrersABT 1088Derbyshire, EnglandBEF 1139stanwardine
William De FerrersABT 1066Darley, Derbyshire, Englandstanwardine
Margaret de FIENESABT 1260Wigmore, ENG7 FEB 1333/1334stanwardine
Giles FIENNESABT 1250Wendover Manor, Buckinghamshire, ENG1293ENGstanwardine
Ingleram de FIENNESABT 1200Buckingham, ENGABT 1267ENGstanwardine
Jean De FiennesABT 1025Fiennes, Normandy, FranceDECEASEDstanwardine
Joan FIENNESABT 1265OCT 1309stanwardine
Maude FiennesABT 1245Wendover, ENG6 NOV 1298ENGstanwardine
William FIENNESABT 1245Wendover. Buckinghamshire, ENG11 JUL 1302Courtain, Mynn, France; killed in battlestanwardine
Ingibjorg FinnsdottirBEF 1068stanwardine
E Firmston-Williamsstanwardine
Sarah FirthBEF 17 MAR 1764Butterworthstanwardine
Herbert Fitz PiersABT 1200DECEASEDstanwardine
Henry Fitz-HerbertABT 1111EnglandDECEASEDstanwardine
Mary Fitz-HerbertABT 1172Forest Of Dean, Gloucestershire, EnglandDECEASEDstanwardine
Reginald Fitz-HerbertABT 1174Forest Of Dean, Gloucestershire, EnglandDECEASEDstanwardine
Robert Fitz-HerbertABT 1113EnglandDECEASEDstanwardine
*Edmund FitzALAN1 MAY 1285Marlboro Castle, Sussex, ENG; or May 1, 127317 NOV 1326Herefordshire, ENG; beheadedstanwardine
= FitzAlanstanwardine
Alice FitzAlan135217 MAR 1416stanwardine
Alice FitzAlanABT 1352, Arundel, Sussex, England17 MAR 1415/1416stanwardine
Alice FitzAlan1289Arundel, Sussex, EnglandAFT 12 DEC 1325stanwardine
Alice FitzAlanABT 1378of Arundel, Sussex, EnglandOCT 1415stanwardine
Alice FITZALANABT 1352Arundel, Sussex, England17 MAR 1414/1415stanwardine
Aline FitzalanABT 1310, , Englandstanwardine
Aline FitzAlan1325Arundel, Sussex, England20 JAN 1385/1386Knockin, Oswestry, Shropshire, Englandstanwardine
Christian Fitzalan1150Oswestry Castle, Shropshire, EnglandDECEASEDstanwardine
C Fitzalanstanwardine
C FitzAlanstanwardine
Edmund FITZALAN1327Arundel, Sussex, EnglandAFT 1377stanwardine
Edmund FITZALAN1 MAY 1285Marlborough Castle, Wiltshire, England17 NOV 1326Hereford, Herefordshire, England (beheaded)stanwardine
Eleanor FitzalanABT 1285Arundel, Sussex, EnglandABT 1328stanwardine
Eleanor FitzAlan1275stanwardine
Eleanor FitzALANABT 1286Arundel, ENGJUL 1328stanwardine
Eleanor FITZALAN10 AUG 1282Arundel Castle, Sussex, EnglandAUG 1328Arundel Castle, Sussex, Englandstanwardine
Elizabeth FITZALANBEF 1327stanwardine
Elizabeth FitzAlanABT 13668 JUL 1425stanwardine
Joan FitzAlanABT 13507th April 1419stanwardine
Joan FITZALAN1375Arundel, Sussex, England14 NOV 1435Abergavenny, Monmouthshire, Walesstanwardine
Joan FitzAlan13471419stanwardine
John FitzALANABT 1215BEF NOV 1267stanwardine
John FitzALAN14 SEP 1246Arundel, Sussex, ENG18 MAR 1271/1272stanwardine
John FitzalanABT 1190Clun, Salop, EngMAR 1239/1240Oswestry, Salop, Engstanwardine
John FitzalanMAY 1220Arundel, Essex, EnglandAFT SEP 1267stanwardine
John Fitzalan14 SEP 1246Arundel, Sussex, England18 MAR 1271/1272stanwardine
John FitzAlanABT 1348Betchworth, Surrey, England16 DEC 1379stanwardine
John FitzAlan1394AFT 1397stanwardine
John, 6th Earl of Arundel FitzAlan14 SEP 124618 MAR 1271/1272stanwardine
Katherine FitzAlan13052 MAY 1376stanwardine
Margaret FitzAlanBEF 1292Arundel, Sussex, EnglandBEF 1354stanwardine
Mary FITZALANABT 1323Corfham, Shropshire, England29 AUG 1396stanwardine
M FitzAlanstanwardine
Ranulf FITZALAN1359Arundel, Sussex, EnglandAFT 1385stanwardine
Richard FitzAlan3 FEB 1266/12679 MAR 1301/1302stanwardine
Richard FitzAlanUNKNOWNstanwardine
Richard FitzALAN3 FEB 1266/1267Arundel, ENG9 MAR 1301/1302stanwardine
Richard FITZALAN3 FEB 1266/1267Arundel Castle, Sussex, England9 MAR 1301/1302Arundel Castle, Sussex, Englandstanwardine
Richard FITZALANABT 1306Arundel Castle, Sussex, England24 JAN 1375/1376Arundel Castle, Sussex, Englandstanwardine
Richard FITZALAN25 MAR 1346Arundel Castle, Sussex, England21 SEP 1397Cheapside City, London, Middlesex, Englandstanwardine
S Fitzalanstanwardine
Thomas FitzAlan1353stanwardine
Walter FitzAlan1177stanwardine
Walter FitzalanABT 1106Dol, Ille-Et-Vilaine, St Malo, Bretagne, France1177Paisley, Renfrewshire, Scotlandstanwardine
William FitzAlanof Oswestry, Shropshire, Englandabt Easter, 1160stanwardine
William II Eaton FitzalanABT 1105Oswestry Castle, Shropshire, England1160Oswestry Castle, Shropshire, Englandstanwardine
William III FitzalanABT 1148Oswestry Castle, Shropshire, England1210Oswestry Castle, Shropshire, Englandstanwardine
Maud (Nmn-Robert) FitzaluredDECEASEDstanwardine
Robert Fitzalured1134Warburton, Bucklow, Cheshire, EnglandDECEASEDstanwardine
B FitzAnsculfstanwardine
W FitzAnsculfPicquigny, Picardystanwardine
Maud FitzedithABT 1163Du Sap, Normandy, France1224(Dsp)stanwardine
Alan FitzFlaaldDol, Brittanysh aft 1114stanwardine
Alan FitzflaaldABT 1078Dol, Ille-Et-Vilaine, St Malo, Bretagne, FranceAFT 1122Oswestry Castle, Shropshire, Englandstanwardine
Edith FitzforneABT 1072Greystoke, Cumberland, England1152Granted Barony Of Claydon By Henry Istanwardine
Hawis FitzGeoffreyABT 1212stanwardine
Hawise FitzGeoffreyABT 1212BEF 8 AUG 1247stanwardine
John FitzGEOFFREYABT 1200Shere, Surrey, ENG23 NOV 1258stanwardine
L Fitzgeraldstanwardine
Maurice FitzGERALDABT 1200?; of Offaly, Ireland20 MAY 1257Yougha, Cork, Irelandstanwardine
Haimo ÒDapiferÓ FitzHaimoof Torigny-sur-Vire, NormandyABT 1100stanwardine
Mabel FitzHamonABT 10901157stanwardine
Mabel FitzHamonABT 1090Englandstanwardine
Maud FitzhamonABT 1094Gloucestershire, England1157Bristol, Gloucestershire, Englandstanwardine
Robert FitzHamonABT 1042of Torigny-sur-Vire, NormandyMAR 1106/1107Englandstanwardine
Robert FitzhamonABT 1055Cruelly, Calvados, Normandy, France10 MAR 1106/1107At The Battle Of Falaisestanwardine
Henry FitzhenryABT 1105Of Narberth & Pebidiog, Wales1157Anglesey, Walesstanwardine
Sibylla FitzhenryABT 1104Domfront, Normandy, France12 JUL 1122Island Of The Woman, Loch Tay, Scotlandstanwardine
Alice FitzHerbertABT 1322Somerset, Englandstanwardine
Ellen FITZHERBERTABT 1245stanwardine
Herbert I FitzherbertBEF 1106Blaen Llyfni, Brecknockshire, WalesBEF 1155Winchester, Hampshire, Englandstanwardine
Herbert II FitzherbertABT 1130Blaen Llyfni, Brecknockshire, WalesBEF JUN 1204stanwardine
Isabel FitzherbertABT 1168Forest Of Dean, Gloucestershire, EnglandDECEASEDstanwardine
Matthew FitzherbertABT 1166Forest Of Dean, Gloucestershire, EnglandDECEASEDstanwardine
Petronilla FitzherbertABT 1176DECEASEDstanwardine
Piers (Peter) FitzherbertABT 1163Blewleveny Castle, Blaen Llyfni, Brecknockshire, Wales1 JUN 1235stanwardine
Reginald FitzHerbertBEF 1300of Midsomer Norton, Somerset, Englandstanwardine
Rohese FitzherbertABT 1120Blaen Llyfni, Brecknockshire, WalesAFT 1176Berry Pomeroy, Totnes, Devonshire, Englandstanwardine
FitzHughABT 1471stanwardine
Agnes FitzHughABT 1453Of, Ravensworth, Yorkshire, EnglandBEF 1512stanwardine
Alice FitzHughABT 1448Ravensworth, Yorkshire, England10 JUL 1516stanwardine
Edward FitzHughABT 1464Of, Ravensworth, Yorkshire, EnglandBEF 4 JUN 1472stanwardine
Eleanor FitzHughABT 1416Ravensworth, Yorkshire, EnglandAFT 19 MAY 1468stanwardine
Eleanor FitzHughABT 1394Lonsborough, Yorkshire, England30 SEP 1457stanwardine
Elizabeth FitzHughABT 1445Ravensworth, Yorkshire, England28 FEB 1512/1513Harrowden, Northhamptonshire, Englandstanwardine
Elizabeth FitzHughABT 1409Ravensworth, Yorkshire, England20 MAR 1467/1468Greystoke Manor, Northumberland, Englandstanwardine
Elizabeth FitzHughABT 1408Ravensworth, York, EnglandAFT 1445stanwardine
Geoffrey FitzHughABT 1405Ravensworth, yorkstanwardine
George FitzHugh1463Of, Ravensworth, Yorkshire, England20 NOV 1505stanwardine
Godfrey Fitzhugh1 NOV 1917stanwardine
Godfrey Edmund Fitzhugh20 JAN 1905stanwardine
Helen Mary Fitzhugh2 SEP 1906stanwardine
Henry FitzHugh1363Ravensworth, Yorkshire, England11 JAN 1423/1424stanwardine
H FitzHughstanwardine
Henry FitzHugh1424Ravensworth, Yorkshire, England8 JUN 1472Ravensworth, Yorkshire, Englandstanwardine
Joan FitzHughABT 1441, Ravensworth, Yorkshire, EnglandBEF 1488stanwardine
Joane FitzHughABT 1462Of, Ravensworth, Yorkshire, EnglandBEF 1512stanwardine
John FitzHughABT 1461Of, Ravensworth, Yorkshire, EnglandBEF 4 JUN 1472stanwardine
L Fitzhughstanwardine
Lora FitzHughABT 1400Beverstone, Gloucestershire, Englandstanwardine
Lora FitzHughABT 1422Castle, Ravensworth, Yorkshire, Englandstanwardine
Lucy FitzHughABT 1438Of, Yorkshire, Englandstanwardine
Margery FitzHughABT 1425Yorkshire, Englandstanwardine
Margery FitzHughABT 1453Ravensworth, Yorkshire, EnglandBEF 1512Spstanwardine
Maud FitzHughABT 1415Ravensworth, Yorkshire, EnglandStreatfam, Durham, Englandstanwardine
Maude FitzHughABT 1360Ravensworth, Yorkshire, EnglandBEF 30 MAY 1467stanwardine
Richard FitzHugh1457Of, Ravensworth, Yorkshire, England20 NOV 1487stanwardine
Robert Michael Fitzhugh28 SEP 1910stanwardine
Thomas FitzHughABT 1459Of, Ravensworth, Yorkshire, EnglandBEF 4 JUN 1472stanwardine
William FitzHugh1398Ravensworth, Yorkshire, England22 OCT 1452Yorkshire, Englandstanwardine
Henrietta FitzJames1667St. Square, Westminster, Middlesex, England1730stanwardine
Henry FitzJamesAUG 1673St. Square, Westminster, Middlesex, Englandstanwardine
Ignatia FitzJames1674St. Square, Westminster, Middlesex, Englandstanwardine
Avelina FitzJOHNABT 123020 MAY 1274stanwardine
Isabel (m) FitzJOHNABT 1220ENGstanwardine
Isabelle FitzJOHNABT 1233Shere, ENGstanwardine
Joan FitzJohnABT 124026 MAY 1303stanwardine
Maud FITZJOHNABT 1237Shere, Guildford, Surrey, EnglandABT 17 APR 1301Grey Friars, Worcestershire, Englandstanwardine
Roger FitzJOHNABT 1228Warkworth, Norts, ENG1249Normandy, Francestanwardine
Maud FitzJOHN or FitzGEOFFREYABT 1237Shere, Surrey, ENG16 APR 1301Grey Friars, Worcestershire, ENGstanwardine
Julienne FitzMAURICEABT 1266Dublin, Dublin, IrelandBEF 24 SEP 1300Thomond, Irelandstanwardine
Maurice FitzMAURICEABT 1245Wexford, Ireland1286Ross, Irelandstanwardine
Emma FitzORMABT 1150stanwardine
Hugh FitzosbornABT 1095Richard's Castle, Ludlow, Herefordshire, EnglandBEF 1140stanwardine
Ela FitzPATRICKABT 1191Amesbury, Wiltshire, ENG24 AUG 1261Lacock Abbey, Lacock, Wiltshire, ENGstanwardine
Geoffrey FitzPIERSABT 1160Walden, ENG14 OCT 1213stanwardine
Joan FitzpiersABT 1183Blaen Llyfni, Brecknockshire, WalesDECEASEDstanwardine
Lucy FitzpiersABT 1208Brecknock, Breconshire, WalesAFT 1266stanwardine
Reginald FitzpiersABT 1215Blaen Llyfni, Brecknockshire, Wales5 MAY 1286stanwardine
Mary FitzrandolphABT 1236Middleham, Yorkshire, EnglandABT 1320stanwardine
Mary FitzRANDOLPHABT 1238Middleham, Durham, ENGBEF 11 APR 1320Coverham, ENGstanwardine
Ralph FitzRANULFABT 1215?; of Middleham, Yorkshire, ENG1270stanwardine
Ranulfz FitzRanulfABT 1222BEF 1294stanwardine
Osborn Fitzrichard1055Arwystle, Herefordshire, EnglandAFT 1100Richard's Castle, Ludlow, Herefordshire, Englandstanwardine
Alice FitzRobertABT 1155Englandstanwardine
Hamon FitzrobertABT 1116Of Bristow, Gloucestershire, EnglandToulouse, Haute-Garonne, Francestanwardine
John FitzROBERTABT 1190Clavering, Essex, ENG1240stanwardine
Mabel FitzrobertABT 1118Of Bristow, Gloucestershire, Englandstanwardine
Ranulf FitzROBERTABT 1180BEF 7 DEC 1252stanwardine
Richard FitzrobertABT 1126Of Cruelly, Normandy, France1175stanwardine
Roger FitzrobertABT 1112Of Bristow, Gloucestershire, England9 AUG 1179Tours, Indre-Et-Loire, Touraine/Centre, Francestanwardine
William FitzRobertABT 1110Gloucester, England23 NOV 1183stanwardine
William "Mafonache" Fitzrobert23 NOV 1116Gloucestershire, England23 NOV 1183Cardiff Castle, Glamorganshire, Walesstanwardine
William FitzRobert, 2nd Earl of GloucesterABT 1130Englandstanwardine
Alan FitzrogerABT 1278DECEASEDstanwardine
Alexander FitzrogerABT 1270DECEASEDstanwardine
Alice Fitzroger1164Nether, Whitley, EngDECEASEDstanwardine
Edmund FitzrogerABT 1268DECEASEDstanwardine
Ellen FitzrogerABT 1280DECEASEDstanwardine
Ellen FITZROGER1345Stapleford, Cheshire, England1410stanwardine
Euphemia Clavering FitzROGERABT 1267Clavering, EnglandABT 1329Warkworth, Northumberland, Englandstanwardine
Henry FitzrogerABT 1274DECEASEDstanwardine
Hugh FITZROGERABT 1322Stapleford, Cheshire, EnglandBEF 1365Stapleford, Cheshire, Englandstanwardine
Hugh FITZROGERABT 1300Cheshire, Englandstanwardine
Robert FitzROGERABT 1247Whalton, Northumberland, EnglandABT 1319stanwardine
Robert FitzrogerABT 1272DECEASEDstanwardine
Roger FitzrogerABT 1276DECEASEDstanwardine
Walter FitzrogerABT 1070Gloucester, Gloucestershire, England1129Llanthony Abbey, Gloucester, Englandstanwardine
Reginald FitzroyABT 1100Dunstanville, Kent, England1 JUL 1175Chertsey, Sussex, Englandstanwardine
Richard FitzROYABT 1200stanwardine
Robert FitzRoyof Okehampton, Devonshire, England31 MAY 1172stanwardine
Alditha (Nmn) Fitzsigulf1050Of Greystoke, Cumberland, EnglandDECEASEDstanwardine
Alan FitzWalter1204stanwardine
Alice (Hawise) Fitzwarin1207Of Wittington, Shropshire, England16 MAY 1407stanwardine
Eugenia FitzwarinABT 1215Alveston, Gloucestershire, England16 MAY 1307stanwardine
Fulk III FitzwarinABT 1165Of Wittington, Shropshire, EnglandBEF 1258stanwardine
Fulk IV FitzwarinABT 1210Whittington, Shropshire, England14 MAY 1264Battle Of Lewes, Sussex, Englandstanwardine
A Fitzwilliamstanwardine
Irene Serga Alice Jane Mary Wentworth Fitzwilliam5 FEB 1883Malton, YorkshireMAR 1972Brent, Greater Londonstanwardine
Isabel Elizabeth Mary Wentworth FitzwilliamSEP 1880St Georges, London18 DEC 1955Ryedale, Yorkshire North Ridingstanwardine
Marie Albreda Blanche Wentworth FitzwilliamMAR 1879St Georges, London, England14 APR 1963Ryedale, Yorkshire North Riding, Englandstanwardine
William Fitzwilliam12 OCT 181520 FEB 1902stanwardine
William Fitzwilliam27 JUL 1839stanwardine
William Henry Wentworth Fitzwilliam26 DEC 1840Milton, Northamptonshire10 JUL 1920Malton, Yorkshire North Ridingstanwardine
Aelia Flavia FlacillaAFT 347Spain386stanwardine
I Fleemingstanwardine
Gherbod The FlemingABT 1020Flanders, FranceAFT 1070Chester, Cheshire, Englandstanwardine
Gundred-Gundrada Of FlemingABT 1055Normandy, France27 MAY 1085Castle Acre, Norfolk, Englandstanwardine
M Flemingstanwardine
J Fogwill1956Totnes, Devonshirestanwardine
R FogwillRosneath, Yelverton Devonstanwardine
R Fogwill1954Portsmouth, Hampshirestanwardine
Paul FoleyABT 16551739stanwardine
Penelope Foley17081748stanwardine
Philip FoleyABT 1635stanwardine
E Foreststanwardine
Elizabeth Forrest28 OCT 1576stanwardine
Isabella ForrestBEF 27 JUL 1575Morburn, Huntingdonshire, EnglandNOV 1606stanwardine
Miles Forrest1550stanwardine
M Forreststanwardine
Robert ForrestABT 1525stanwardine
T Forsythstanwardine
T Forsyth2009stanwardine
Mary FosterABT 1825New EnglandNelson, NHstanwardine
R Foundstanwardine
Jeanne FourgeresABT 12241269stanwardine
C Fowlerstanwardine
Edmund FowlerABT 170125 JUL 1751stanwardine
Fanny Fowler5 DEC 174616 MAR 1825stanwardine
David MacMillan Fox7 FEB 193822 SEP 1938stanwardine
J Fox1935stanwardine
J Foxstanwardine
John Fox10 FEB 1891Market Bosworth4 NOV 1953Glencrosh, Glencairnstanwardine
J Foxstanwardine
Emma France1054Of Rheims, Marne, Loire-Atlantique, FranceDECEASEDstanwardine
Henry I Capet King Of France1008Rheims, Marne, France2 AUG 1060Vitry-Aux-Loges, Brie, Francestanwardine
Isabella of FRANCE129222 AUG 1358Hertford Castlestanwardine
Philip I The Fair Capet Of FranceBEF 23 MAY 1052Rheims, Marne, France29 JUL 1108Meulan, Seine-Et-Marne, Francestanwardine
Robert France1055Of Rheims, Marne, Loire-Atlantique, France1060stanwardine
A Frankstanwardine
Fanny Frank1837Islingtonstanwardine
J Franklinstanwardine
M Franklinstanwardine
Amie Beatrice Franks1881stanwardine
Constance Maud Franks1884stanwardine
Ethel Elizabeth Franks1888stanwardine
Henry Cecil Franks1 OCT 189716 FEB 1955Shepton Mallet Cottage Hospitalstanwardine
Henry John Franks1856stanwardine
Agnes Mitchell Fraser18731923stanwardine
A Fraser1984stanwardine
Alexander Andrew Macdonell Fraser2 DEC 19466 FEB 2021stanwardine
Alexander Reid Fraser24 JUN 1871Anderston, Glasgow18 JUN 1933Rhustanwardine
Alison Fraser1923stanwardine
Arthur Archibald Fraser1880stanwardine
Catherine Reid Fraser1877stanwardine
Elizabeth Kirkwood Reid Fraser18751934stanwardine
Helen Cross Reid Fraser1914Hillhead, Glasgowstanwardine
Jean Fraser1913stanwardine
John Fraser18401909stanwardine
John Alexander Fraser6 FEB 1870Anderston, Glasgow1915stanwardine
M Fraserstanwardine
Walter Ian Reid Fraser3 FEB 1911Hillhead, Glasgow17 FEB 1989Car crash on the M90 motorway between Perth and Edinburghstanwardine
William Langlands Fraser18781879stanwardine
A Fraser-Tytlerstanwardine
Freawine327Ancient Saxony, Northern Germanystanwardine
FreawineABT 327Ancient Saxony, Northern GermanyUNKNOWNstanwardine
Mathilde De FrieslandDECEASEDstanwardine
FrithogarABT 299Ancient Saxony, Northern Germanystanwardine
Ruth FryABT 1655stanwardine
Cecilia FULLESHURSTABT 1443Leigh, Shropshire, England24 MAY 1502stanwardine
Elizabeth FulleshurstABT 1454stanwardine
Richard FULLESHURST1305Crewe, Nantwich, Cheshire, Englandstanwardine
Robert FULLESHURSTABT 1335Crewe, Nantwich, Cheshire, England1390stanwardine
Robert FULLESHURSTABT 1416Crewe, Cheshire, EnglandAFT 21 APR 1474stanwardine
Thomas FulleshurstABT 1442stanwardine
Thomas FULLESHURST1365Crewe, Nantwich, Cheshire, Englandstanwardine
Thomas FULLESHURSTABT 1397stanwardine
Thomas FULLESHURST1275Crewe, Nantwich, Cheshire, Englandstanwardine
A Fulvusstanwardine
G Furnivallestanwardine
D Fyffestanwardine
L Galba003 AD69 ADstanwardine
GallaABT 346394childbirthstanwardine
K Gamblestanwardine
K Gardinerstanwardine
C Gardnerstanwardine
Guillaume (William) De GarlandABT 1043Garlende, FranceDECEASEDstanwardine
Mrs. Guillaume 1043 GarlandDECEASEDstanwardine
Agnes De GarlendeABT 1090Garlende, France1181stanwardine
Anselme (Anseau) De GarlendeABT 1069Garlende, France1118Garlende, Francestanwardine
J Garnettstanwardine
D Garrilovic1969Dubrovnik, Serbia and Montenegrostanwardine
Shelagh Madeline Garry3 AUG 1919Dublin, Ireland16 APR 2005Haywards Heath, West Sussex, Englandstanwardine
Elizabeth Gartside18201888stanwardine
Sarah Gartside1781stanwardine
Rebecca Gaskill1694Manchester, Lancashire, England1745stanwardine
Anne Gault16 JUN 1769Kilmarnock, Ayrshire, Scotlandstanwardine
GefionABT 241Hleithrastanwardine
T Gemellus19 AD37/38 AD ( murdered on Caligula's orders)stanwardine
M Gemmelstanwardine
Geoffrey de GENEVILLEABT 1226Dublin, Ireland21 OCT 1314stanwardine
Joan de GENEVILLE2 FEB 1285/1286ENG19 OCT 1356stanwardine
Piers de GENEVILLE1265Dublin, IrelandBEF 8 JUN 1292stanwardine
Geoffrey?; of Lusignanstanwardine
F Georgestanwardine
Thomas Gerard15 JUL 143127 MAR 1490stanwardine
C Germanicus15 BC in Rome0019 in Antioch, Syria (poisoned)stanwardine
D Germanicusstanwardine
D Germanicus38 BC in RomeOct 9, 9 BC in Lugdunum (Lyon), Gaul; fall from horsestanwardine
N Germanicusstanwardine
T GermanicusAugust 1, 10 BC in Lyon (Lugdunum), GaulOctober 13, 0054stanwardine
T Germanicus010ADstanwardine
M Germanystanwardine
Johanna De GernonWFT Est 1143Chester, Cheshire, EnglandDECEASEDstanwardine
Mary GERRARD1642Of, Stourton In West, Wiltshire, EnglandAFT 1700stanwardine
GewisABT 383Ancient Saxony, Northern GermanyUNKNOWNstanwardine
Arthur Creagh Gibson29 OCT 191217 DEC 1970Jedburgh, Roxburghshire, Scotlandstanwardine
J Gibsonstanwardine
Maureen Helen Susan Gibson9 MAR 1909Indore, IndiaDEC 1978Normanby, Yorkshirestanwardine
Eleanor GIFFARD1275Brimsfield, Gloucester, EnglandJAN 1323/1324stanwardine
Margaret Gifford1528DECEASEDstanwardine
P Gilbeystanwardine
L Gillstanwardine
A Gilletstanwardine
L Gillottstanwardine
H Gilman1948Oxfordstanwardine
Maredudd Gethin Of GlascoedABT 1450Glascoed, Llansilin, Caernarvonshire, WalesDECEASEDstanwardine
A Gleadellstanwardine
S Gledhillstanwardine
M Glendoyningstanwardine
Christian Of GloucesterABT 1118Bristol, Gloucestershire, EngDECEASEDstanwardine
Margaret De Gloucester1126Gloucester, Gloucestershire, England1146Englandstanwardine
Robert Castellan Of GloucesterABT 1120Bristol, Gloucestershire, EnglandAFT 1160stanwardine
E Glumrastanwardine
L Glynstanwardine
GodEternity Paststanwardine
Charles GodfreyABT 1644stanwardine
Charlotte GodfreyABT 1670stanwardine
Duke Of Lorraine GodfreyABT 1042Of L-Lrrn, Frnc1076stanwardine
E Godfreystanwardine
E Godson1980stanwardine
J Godson1972stanwardine
M Godsonstanwardine
S Godson1974stanwardine
T Godson1982stanwardine
Elvira Golden14 SEP 1847Miller Co, MO15 JUL 1886Tuscumbia, Miller Co, MOstanwardine
Alexander Goldie18 JUL 1770Tynron, Dumfries, Scotlandstanwardine
Alexander Goldie31 MAR 1801Tynron, Dumfries, Scotlandstanwardine
Alexander Robert Goldie5 JUN 1844Boulogne, Sur Mer Pas De Calais, France17 NOV 19238 Somerset Place, Bath, Somerset, Englandstanwardine
Alice Marion Goldie2 APR 1858Colnbrook, Buckinghamshire, England1 JUL 1928St Ives, 15 Crescent St, Hunter's Hill, New South Wales, Australiastanwardine
Andrew Goldie1592Closeburn, Dunfries, Scotlandstanwardine
Andrew Goldie? Closeburn, Dumfriesshire, ScotlandBEF 1599stanwardine
Ann Goldie18 AUG 1778Tynron, Dumfries, Scotlandstanwardine
Anne Goldie1857Beechworth, Vic1930stanwardine
Anne Goldie1 SEP 1799Tynron, Dumfries, Scotlandstanwardine
Arthur Barré Dashwood GoldieJUN 1856Colnbrook, Buckinghamshire, England23 NOV 19155 Oxford Terrace, Green St, Sunbury-On-Thames, Middlesex, Englandstanwardine
B GoldieScotlandstanwardine
Barré Algernon Highmore Goldie9 MAY 1870Thurleston Grange, Derbyshire, England1949stanwardine
Barré Dudley Forbes GoldieAPR 1899Derby, Derbyshire, England23 JUN 1917Aldershot, Farnham, Surrey, Englandstanwardine
Barré Herbert Goldie27 JAN 1877Madhya Pradesh, India29 APR 1915Ismalia, Egyptstanwardine
Barré John Goldie6 APR 1840Bengal, India17 NOV 1922Steyning, Sussex, Englandstanwardine
Barré William Goldie1849Landourstanwardine
Barre William Goldie28 OCT 1862stanwardine
Barre William Goldie28 OCT 1862stanwardine
Beatrice De Courci GoldieAPR 1867St Ives, Huntingdonshire, England25 JAN 1955Surrey Northern, Surrey, Englandstanwardine
Catherine Maud GoldieOCT 1859Colnbrook, Buckinghamshire, England8 JAN 1882The Vicarage, St Ives, Huntingdon, Englandstanwardine
Charles Dashwood Goldie26 MAR 1825Paris, France11 JAN 1886The Vicarage, St Ives, Huntingdon, Englandstanwardine
Charles Edward Goldie22 AUG 1857St Andrews, Clifton, Glochester, England20 MAY 1877Bath, Somerset, Englandstanwardine
Charles Edward Goldie22 AUG 1857St Andrews, Clifton, Glochester, England20 MAY 1877Bath, Somerset, Englandstanwardine
Charles James Dashwood Goldie27 MAR 1854Colnbrook, Buckinghamshire, England11 NOV 1942Woollahra, New South Wales, Australiastanwardine
Charlotte Bridget Goldie1871Buckland, Vic1947stanwardine
Claude John Dashwood Goldie29 DEC 1876St Ives, Huntingdon, England30 DEC 1956Surrey, Englandstanwardine
Edward GoldieABT 1877Harlton, Chinastanwardine
Edward Goldie1675Craigmuie1711stanwardine
Edward GoldieABT 1644CraigmuieABT 1691stanwardine
Edward Orwell GoldieAPR 1877Thulston, Derbyshire, Englandstanwardine
Elisabeth Goldie17 OCT 1907Bourne End, Buckinghamshire, England7 NOV 1956Marylebone, London, Englandstanwardine
Elizabeth "Leila" Georgina GoldieOCT 1851Horncastle, Lincolnshire, EnglandNOV 1905Ampthill, Bedfordshire, Englandstanwardine
Elizabeth Anne Goldie2 AUG 1850Arcot, Tamil Nadu, India21 JAN 1894Fujian, Chinastanwardine
Elizabeth Anne Goldie2 AUG 1850Arcot, Tamil Nadu, India21 JAN 1894Fujian, Chinastanwardine
Elizabeth Julia Goldie4 MAY 1837Calcutta, India4 MAR 189514 Upper Addison Gardens, Kensington, Londonstanwardine
Elizabeth Sarah Goldie1896Bath, Somerset, Englandstanwardine
Emma Lilias Goldie13 OCT 1852Colnbrook, Buckinghamshire, England23 FEB 1945Drummoyne, New South Wales, Australiastanwardine
Emma Sophia Georgina Goldie24 APR 1854Clifton, Gloucestershire, England30 OCT 19232 Sion-Place, Bathwick Hill, Bath, Somerset, Englandstanwardine
Emma Sophia Georgina Goldie24 APR 1854Clifton, Gloucestershire, England30 OCT 19232 Sion-Place, Bathwick Hill, Bath, Somerset, Englandstanwardine
Ethel Maud Harrison Goldie4 FEB 1887New South Wales, Australia25 NOV 1966Prospect, SouthAustralia, Australiastanwardine
Euphemia Harriet Goldie1850Horncastle, Lincolnshire, England4 MAR 1860Eton, Buckinghamshire, Englandstanwardine
Florence Eugenie Goldie17 SEP 1879Tamil Nadu, IndiaJUL 1965stanwardine
George Henry Goldie1 JUN 1888India14 SEP 1914Battle of Aisne, Mons, Flanders, Belgiumstanwardine
George Robert Goldie15 NOV 1852Andhra Pradesh, India28 NOV 1880Gloucestershire, Somerset, United Kingdomstanwardine
George Robert Goldie15 NOV 1852Andhra Pradesh, India28 NOV 1880Gloucestershire, Somerset, United Kingdomstanwardine
George William Goldie1873Buckland, Vic1950stanwardine
Georgina Anne Goldie5 JAN 1810IndiaJan-mar 1873stanwardine
Georgina Caroline Goldie1848Dhaka, Bihar, IndiaMAR 1917St Albans, Hertfordshire, Englandstanwardine
Grace Estelle GoldieOCT 1878Twickenham, Middlesex, England27 SEP 1925Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, Englandstanwardine
Harriet Anne Goldie8 MAR 1839Berhampore, West Bengal, IndiaJUL 1900Sussex, Englandstanwardine
Henry Montford Goldie1878Elvaston, Derby, England1936stanwardine
Isabella Goldie1856Yackandandah, VicBairnsdale, Vic?stanwardine
James GoldieABT 1642Closeburn, Dumfries, ScotlandAFT 1703stanwardine
James Goldie2 NOV 1788Tynron, Dumfries, Scotlandstanwardine
James GoldieABT 1655AFT 1703stanwardine
James GoldieABT 1679Closeburn, Dumfries, Scotland28 MAR 1762Tynron, Dumfries, Scotlandstanwardine
James Goldie6 FEB 1764Tynron, Dumfries, Scotlandstanwardine
James GoldieABT 1708Dumfries & Galloway17 JUN 1781stanwardine
James Ord Goldie8 MAY 1841Beaumont Street, Portland Place, London7 JUL 191912 Tisbury Rd, Hove, Sussexstanwardine
Janet GoldieABT 1680stanwardine
Jean Goldie8 FEB 1792Tynron, Dumfries, Scotlandstanwardine
Jean Goldie19 OCT 1768Tynron, Dumfries, Scotlandstanwardine
Jessie Margaret Goldie15 DEC 1862Colnbrook, Buckinghamshire, England15 FEB 1939Firwood Cottage, Bricket Wood, St Albans, Hertfordshirestanwardine
John Goldie25 SEP 1797Tynron, Dumfries, ScotlandMAY 1821Islestanwardine
John Goldie1866Buckland, Vic23 DEC 1876Buckland, Vicstanwardine
John Goldie25 SEP 1797Tynron, Dumfries, ScotlandJUN 1881London, Middlesex, United Kingdomstanwardine
John GoldieABT 1677CraigmuieSEP 1709Malplaquetstanwardine
John GoldieABT 171023 JUN 1783Stenhouse, Tynron, Dumfriesstanwardine
J Goldiestanwardine
John GoldieBEF 1592stanwardine
John Goldie4 FEB 1767Tynron, Dumfries, ScotlandMay-jun Qtr 1855Kensington, London, Englandstanwardine
John Archibald GoldieJAN 1901Derby, Derbyshire, England1954stanwardine
John Barré Dupuis Goldie9 NOV 1919Hersham, Surrey, England21 MAR 1991Tollesbury Essex Englandstanwardine
John Harrison Dashwood Goldie11 SEP 1885New South Wales21 SEP 1976Adelaide, South Australia, Australiastanwardine
John Haviland Dashwood Goldie18 MAR 1849Horncastle, Lincolnshire, England12 APR 1896St Leonards On Sea, Hastings, Sussex, Englandstanwardine
John Henry Goldie10 OCT 1817Madras, IndiaBet. Jan–Mar 1894Bath, Somerset, Englandstanwardine
John Henry Goldie1 AUG 1851Chittor Andhra Pradesh21 OCT 1922Leamington Spa, Warwickshire, Englandstanwardine
John Henry Goldie1 AUG 1851Chittor Andhra Pradesh21 OCT 1922Leamington Spa, Warwickshire, Englandstanwardine
John Henry Goldie1 SEP 1820Londonstanwardine
John Henry Goldie10 OCT 1817Madras, IndiaJan- Mar 1894Bath, Somerset, Englandstanwardine
Julia Margaret GoldieABT 1860Roclary, East IndiesMAR 1945Tonbridge, Kent, Englandstanwardine
Julia Margaret GoldieABT 1860Roclary, East IndiesMAR 1945Tonbridge, Kent, Englandstanwardine
Juliette Euphemia Goldie20 MAR 1861Colnbrook, Buckinghamshire, England9 MAY 1928Oakdene, Brackley Road, Beckenham, Kent, Englandstanwardine
Kenneth Oswald Goldie19 SEP 1882Toungoo, Myanmar, Rangoon, Burma14 JAN 1938Willingdon Nursing Home, Madras, Indiastanwardine
Lancelot Lyttelton Goldie1 MAY 1872Elvaston, Derby, England1937stanwardine
Lionel Dashwood GoldieJAN 1875Elvaston, Derby, England1957stanwardine
Louisa Francis Goldie1859Buckland Valley, Vic1940Hawthorn, Vicstanwardine
Mabel Douglas Goldie1 DEC 1864Colnbrook, Buckinghamshire, England22 MAR 1933122 Beaufort St, Chelsea, London, Englandstanwardine
Margaret Goldie16 MAY 1787Tynron, Dumfries, Scotlandstanwardine
Margaret Anna Goldie16 JUL 1861Buckland, Vic30 APR 1954stanwardine
Margaret Julia Goldie5 DEC 1814Oct-dec 1/4 1879Bath, Somerset, Englandstanwardine
Mary Goldie31 MAY 1772Tynron, Dumfries, Scotland21 FEB 1779Stenhouse, Tynron, Dumfriesstanwardine
Mary Goldie4 MAY 1793Stenhouse, Tynron, Dumfries, Scotland6 NOV 1870Upper Kirkudbright, Glencairnstanwardine
Mary Caroline Goldie1816Trichaopoly, India11 SEP 18838 Somerset Place, Bathstanwardine
Maud GoldieABT 1879Harlton, Chinastanwardine
Maude Violet GoldieABT 1888Richmond, Surrey, Englandstanwardine
Miriam Goldie20 NOV 1910Little Marlow, Buckinghamshire, England25 APR 2000Weybridge, Surrey, Englandstanwardine
Muriel Barrè GoldieJUL 1897Derby, Derbyshire, EnglandJUL 1897stanwardine
Robert GoldieABT 1681Craigmuiestanwardine
Robert Goldie15 MAR 1765Tynron, Dumfries, Scotlandstanwardine
Robert Goldie1695Dumfriesshire, Scotlandstanwardine
Robert GoldieABT 1655Achenlek, Scotlandstanwardine
Robert Henry Goldie1 JUN 1861Palamcollah, Madras, India29 MAY 1931Bath, Somerset, Englandstanwardine
Robert Henry GoldieABT 1881stanwardine
Robert Latter GoldieJAN 1901Derby, Derbyshire, England1901stanwardine
Robert Lewis Matthew Goldie1877Bright, Vic1962stanwardine
Sarah Goldie21 MAY 18551856stanwardine
Sarah Margaret Goldie25 JUN 1849Andhra Pradesh, India23 AUG 1936Eastbourne, Sussex, Englandstanwardine
Sarah Margaret Goldie25 JUN 1849Andhra Pradesh, India23 AUG 1936Eastbourne, Sussex, Englandstanwardine
Sarah Mary Goldie26 OCT 1864Buckland, Vic22 JUL 1966Bairnsdale, Vicstanwardine
Thomas Goldie1862Buckland, Vic18 DEC 1862Buckland, Vicstanwardine
Thomas GoldieBEF 1599ABT 1657stanwardine
Thomas Henry Goldie1868Buckland, Vic1888Buckland, Vicstanwardine
Thomas Joseph Goldie10 OCT 1822London1892Wandiligong, Victoriastanwardine
U Goldiestanwardine
Unknown Girl GoldieABT 1646Closeburn, Dumfries, Scotlandstanwardine
Unknown Girl GoldieABT 1647Closeburn, Dumfries, Scotlandstanwardine
Walter Goldie8 JUL 1776Tynron, Dumfries, Scotlandstanwardine
William Goldie14 OCT 1790Tynron, Dumfries, Scotlandstanwardine
Bertrade (Berteis) De GometzABT 1010Gometz, Yvelines, Ile DE France, FranceAFT 1051stanwardine
Bertrade de GOMETZABT 1001Of, Ile De France, Francestanwardine
Diego Gomez1334Toledo, New Castile, Spainstanwardine
Betty Good1790Huish Champflower, Somerset, Englandstanwardine
Mary GoodABT 1785Somerset, Englandstanwardine
W Goodstanwardine
P W C Goodchild5 FEB 1968stanwardine
U Gordiastanwardine
U Gordiastanwardine
Elizabeth Gordon1485Lochinver, Sutherland, Scotlandstanwardine
J Gordonstanwardine
Mary Gordon1681Earlston, Berwick, Scotland1733stanwardine
Mary Emmeline Gordon16 SEP 1908Dixie, Peel, Ontario, Canada15 SEP 1993Bath, Somerset, Englandstanwardine
R Gordonstanwardine
R Gordonstanwardine
Muriel Beatrice Gordon-Lennox3 OCT 1884London, Middlesex, England31 OCT 1968stanwardine
G Goringstanwardine
Sir Forster Gurney Goring19 JUN 1876Lichfield, Staffordshire, England1 MAY 1956Worthing, Sussex, Englandstanwardine
Julia Harriet GoslingABT 181631 AUG 1863Needs Farm, West Grinstead, Sussex, Englandstanwardine
M Gouldstanwardine
Dorothy Patricia Harper Gow26 JUL 1926stanwardine
J Gowstanwardine
Elizabeth Leveson Gower20 JAN 1724stanwardine
Lucy Graham25 SEP 179316 SEP 1875Walcott, Englandstanwardine
Elizabeth Laetitia GrahameABT 1874Toronto, Ontario, Canadastanwardine
Sarah Grant23 SEP 1839stanwardine
Gratian359Sirmium25 AUG 383Lyonsstanwardine
GratianusABT 290stanwardine
Charles Patrick Gray18 OCT 18894 NOV 1972stanwardine
Edward Joseph Gray1886stanwardine
George Henry Gray185222 FEB 1920stanwardine
Hannah McIntosh Gray28 NOV 19035 FEB 1997stanwardine
Henry GrayABT 1431Of, Kyloe, Northumberland, Englandstanwardine
John Meighan Gray8 MAY 1893Omeo, Vic16 MAY 1893Omeo, Vicstanwardine
Margaret Goldie Gray4 FEB 190022 AUG 1980stanwardine
Mary Elizabeth Wallace Gray31 DEC 1908Glasgow, Lanarkshire, ScotlandJAN 2004Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotlandstanwardine
Roseanna Gray189421 SEP 1967stanwardine
Thomas Gray18891966stanwardine
Constantine the Great27 FEB 275Naissus, Moesia Superior (Nish, Serbia)22 MAY 337Nicomedia, Bithyniastanwardine
Agnes Dorothea Brinchille Greaves18 APR 1894stanwardine
Agnes Mary Greaves9 JAN 1863stanwardine
Agnes Mary Greaves26 SEP 1895JAN 1986stanwardine
A Greaves1980stanwardine
Anne Noemi Mary Greaves4 OCT 1929Crossroads, Saint Andrew, Jamaica12 OCT 2006Evanston, Cook, Illinois, USAstanwardine
Arthur Hilton Greaves4 NOV 18661905stanwardine
C Greaves1947stanwardine
Cecilia Margaret Greaves30 APR 186923 OCT 1896stanwardine
Cerdic Philip Franklin Greaves7 MAY 189610 AUG 1896stanwardine
Daniel Greaves1 SEP 182817 NOV 1865Stoneleigh, Dirker House, Oldhamstanwardine
D Greavesstanwardine
Edith Anne Greaves1873stanwardine
Edward Greaves18621863stanwardine
Eleanor Greaves4 SEP 1860stanwardine
Elsie Maude Greaves24 NOV 1891EnglandMAR 1960stanwardine
Ernest Harold Percy Greaves15 JUN 1898Mandeville, Jamaica7 OCT 1980Eastbourne, East Sussex, Englandstanwardine
Francis Margaret Greaves30 JAN 1897stanwardine
G Greaves1978stanwardine
George Greaves8 DEC 1829JUN 1830stanwardine
Hannah Greaves23 SEP 1800Wall Hill, Saddleworth, Lancashire15 APR 1849Irwell Mills, Broughtonstanwardine
Helen Greaves24 MAY 182424 JAN 1826stanwardine
Henry Greaves11 JUN 18656 DEC 1934stanwardine
Herbert Smethurst Greaves31 DEC 1858stanwardine
Hilton Greaves26 JUL 18178 JUL 1818stanwardine
Hilton Greaves22 SEP 1822Moor Bottom, Oldham, Lancashire, England11 FEB 1895Derker, Oldham, Lancashire, Englandstanwardine
Honor Joan Greaves16 FEB 1898stanwardine
James Greaves16 MAR 18271863stanwardine
James Greaves16 JUL 185524 JUL 1932stanwardine
James Greaves22 OCT 17887 JUN 1866Dirker Housestanwardine
James Edward Greaves23 NOV 18192 AUG 1823stanwardine
John Greaves23 JUL 1762Wall Hill, Saddleworth, Yorkshire, England27 SEP 1827Thorps, Saddleworth, Yorkshire, Englandstanwardine
John Greaves1821Oldham, Lancashire30 NOV 1840Oldham, Lancashirestanwardine
John Greaves19 MAY 1816NOV 1878stanwardine
J Greavesstanwardine
John Greaves23 JUL 1762Wall Hill, Saddleworth, Lancashire, England27 SEP 1827New Fields, Saddleworthstanwardine
John Hall Greaves26 DEC 186324 AUG 1897stanwardine
J Greaves1935stanwardine
Joseph Greaves18 OCT 183216 AUG 1834Duck Pond near Homestanwardine
K Greaves1966stanwardine
Lucy Matilda Greaves186019 OCT 1863stanwardine
M Greaves1980stanwardine
Mary Greaves14 APR 1786Wall Hill, Saddleworth, Yorkshire, England26 JUN 1861Greenacres Moor, Oldham, Lancashire, Englandstanwardine
Mary Greaves1 MAR 182113 JUL 1875Mayfield, Higher Derker, Oldhamstanwardine
Mary Ann Greaves12 AUG 18182 JUL 1819stanwardine
Mary Hilton Greaves16 OCT 18566 JUN 1896stanwardine
P Greaves1963stanwardine
Robert GreavesBEF 7 DEC 179421 DEC 1833stanwardine
Robert Thurston Greaves2 JUN 1870Derker Hall, Oldham17 AUG 1897Landikai, North West Frontier Indiastanwardine
Sarah Greaves19 NOV 1825Oldham, Lancashire, England19 MAR 1887Oldham, Lancashirestanwardine
Sarah GreavesBEF 11 MAR 1798Wall Hill, Saddleworth, Yorks28 SEP 1844Oldham, Lancashirestanwardine
William Greaves31 MAY 18311 NOV 1831stanwardine
William Hall Greaves18581859stanwardine
William Harold Greaves14 APR 18651 FEB 1935stanwardine
I Greeksstanwardine
P Greeksstanwardine
D Greenstanwardine
Maud (Matilda) Green1490Northamptonshire, England1 DEC 1531Englandstanwardine
Mildred Deborah Green1888stanwardine
W Greenstanwardine
C Greenwaystanwardine
John Peter Cleveland Greenway3 APR 1925stanwardine
Thomas Cleveland Greenway4 JAN 1895stanwardine
Ethel Maude GregsonJUL 1863Marylebone, LondonOCT 1887Richmond, Surreystanwardine
Adeliza De GrentmesnelleABT 1065Normandy, FranceDECEASEDstanwardine
Dorothy Grenville155230 AUG 1638stanwardine
Richard Grenville28 OCT 15267 NOV 1604stanwardine
Richard Grenville10 SEP 15678 APR 1618stanwardine
Richard De GrenvilleABT 1069Grainville-La-Teinturiere, Seine-Inferieure, Normandy, FranceDECEASEDBideford, Devonshire, Englandstanwardine
Albert De GresletABT 1050Avranches, Normandy, FranceABT 1100Manchester, Lancashire, Englandstanwardine
Antony Gresley29 SEP 190317 MAR 1954stanwardine
Joan Gresley11 JUL 190020 JUL 1901stanwardine
Laurence Gresley3 MAR 1896stanwardine
Nigel Gresley22 APR 189413 JAN 1974stanwardine
Robert Gresley1 FEB 186627 DEC 1936stanwardine
Edward GreyABT 1477Chillingham, England6 DEC 1533stanwardine
E Greystanwardine
Elizabeth GreyABT 1367Marmion, Tanfield, Yorkshire, EnglandBEF 14 DEC 1427Rotherfield, Oxfordshire, Englandstanwardine
Henry Grey141913 JAN 1450stanwardine
Henry GreyABT 1470Of, Chillingham, Northumberland, Englandstanwardine
H GreyWiltonstanwardine
H Greystanwardine
John Grey1384Berwick-upon-Tweed22 MAR 1421Battle of Baugé, Anjoustanwardine
L GreyPirdostanwardine
Miss GreyABT 1466Of, Chillingham, Northumberland, Englandstanwardine
Mr GreyABT 1437Of, Heton, Northumberland, Englandstanwardine
Philip Fitzrobert Lord De GreyABT 1122Wooton Basset & Broadtown, Wiltshire, England1167Englandstanwardine
Ralph GreyABT 1408Heaton, Warke, & Chillingham, Northumberland, England17 MAR 1442/1443Francestanwardine
Ralph GreyABT 1432Chillingham, Northumberland, England15 JUL 1464Doncaster, Yorkshire, Englandstanwardine
R Greystanwardine
Richard GreyAFT 14771483stanwardine
R Greystanwardine
Robert GreyABT 1435Of, Heton, Northumberland, Englandstanwardine
Thomas GreyABT 1446Chillingham, Northumberland, England16 AUG 1498stanwardine
Thomas GreyABT 1430Chillingham, Northumberland, Englandstanwardine
Forne Fitzsigulf 1St Lord Of GreystokeABT 1050Nunburholme, Yorkshire, England1130Greystoke, Cumberland, Englandstanwardine
Ivo Lord Of GreystokeABT 1085Greystoke, Cumberland, England1156stanwardine
Ralph Greystroke15 AUG 1299Greystoke, Cumberland, England14 JUL 1332Gateshead, Durham, England 2 of poisoningstanwardine
William Greystroke6 JAN 1320/1321Grimthorpe, Lincolnshire, ENG20 JUL 1359Castle Bracepeth, Northumberland, ENGstanwardine
James Grier1604Capenoch, Dumfries, Scotland1666, Dumfries, Scotlandstanwardine
A Griersonstanwardine
A Griersonstanwardine
Agnes GriersonBEF 1599Lag, Dumfries, Scotland3 JAN 1664, , Scotlandstanwardine
Alexander GriersonBEF 15991655, , Scotlandstanwardine
Cuthbert GriersonBEF 1498, , Scotland1514, , Scotlandstanwardine
E Griersonstanwardine
Elizabeth Grierson1626Lag, Arran Island, Firth Of Clyde, Scotlandstanwardine
Geillis Grierson1584stanwardine
Gilbert GriersonBEF 1499, , ScotlandBEF 1514stanwardine
Grisel GriersonBEF 1585, , Scotlandstanwardine
H Griersonstanwardine
Helena GriersonBEF 1597Lag, Dumfries, Scotlandstanwardine
I Grierson, Dumfries, Scotlandstanwardine
Janet GriersonBEF 1514, , Scotlandstanwardine
J Griersonstanwardine
John Grierson1500Lag, Dumfries, Scotland1566Dumfries, Dumfries, Scotlandstanwardine
J Griersonstanwardine
John GriersonBEF 1601, Dumfries, Scotland, , Scotlandstanwardine
John Grierson1490, Dumfries, Scotland1566, Dumfries, Scotlandstanwardine
Lancelot GriersonAFT 1604Lag, Dumfries, Scotland, , Scotlandstanwardine
Margaret GriersonBEF 1514, , Scotlandstanwardine
N Griersonstanwardine
R Griersonstanwardine
Robert GriersonBEF 1598Lag, Dumfries, Scotland21 FEB 1654, Dumfries, Scotlandstanwardine
Robert Grierson1580Lagstanwardine
Roger Grierson1532Lag, Dumfries, ScotlandAUG 1593Lag, Dumfries, Scotlandstanwardine
Roger Grierson, Dumfries, ScotlandAUG 1593, , Scotlandstanwardine
Roger GriersonAFT 1474, Dumfries, Scotland9 SEP 1513Flodden Field, Branxton, Northumberland, Englandstanwardine
Ronald Hugh Grierson6 AUG 1921Nuremberg, Germany23 OCT 2014stanwardine
Sara GriersonBEF 1598Lag, Dumfries, Scotland, , Scotlandstanwardine
Sarah Grierson1602Arran Island, Firth Of Clyde, Scotlandstanwardine
Sir William GriersonABT 1570Lagstanwardine
S Griersonstanwardine
T Griersonstanwardine
U Griersonstanwardine
William GriersonABT 1553Lag1629stanwardine
William GriersonBEF 1600, Dumfries, Scotland, , Scotlandstanwardine
William Grierson15299 MAR 1562stanwardine
William Grierson1567/1575, Dumfries, Scotland21 JAN 1629, Dumfries, Scotlandstanwardine
D Griffithsstanwardine
G Griffiths1948Edinburghstanwardine
J Griffiths1938stanwardine
M Griffiths1935stanwardine
S Griffiths1942stanwardine
Mary Grigg17641823stanwardine
Madog "Llwyd" ap , * GruffuddABT 1320Nanheudwy, Denbighshire, Walesstanwardine
Nesta Verch GruffuddABT 1056Rhuddlan, Flintshire, Wales1153stanwardine
Efa verch GRUFFYDDABT 1279stanwardine
Rhys ap GRUFFYDDABT 1300Whichnor, Stafford, England10 MAY 1356Austria-Hungarystanwardine
R GudrodssonAgderstanwardine
Bertie Guest1925stanwardine
Corisande Guest18701943stanwardine
Cornelia Guest1928stanwardine
Cynthia Guest1908stanwardine
Diana Guest1909stanwardine
Elaine Guest1871stanwardine
Frances Guest18691957stanwardine
Frederick Guest18751937stanwardine
Henry Guest18741957stanwardine
Ivor Guest1903stanwardine
Ivor Guest18351914stanwardine
Ivor Guest18731939stanwardine
John Guest1913stanwardine
Lionel Guest18801935stanwardine
L Gueststanwardine
Oscar Guest18881958stanwardine
Patrick Guest1927stanwardine
Raymond Guest1907stanwardine
Rosamond Guest18771947stanwardine
Rosemary Guest1906stanwardine
Winston Guest1906stanwardine
I GuntramABT 535592stanwardine
Agnis GuppyBEF 9 MAR 1605BEF 26 JAN 1622stanwardine
Agnis GuppyBEF 9 MAR 1605BEF 26 JAN 1622stanwardine
Alice Guppy2 DEC 1571stanwardine
Bessie GuppyABT 1859Falmouth, Cornwall, England30 NOV 1891stanwardine
Charlotte GuppyBEF 31 MAR 1860Falmouth, Cornwall, Englandstanwardine
Christopher GuppyBEF 20 JAN 1603Farway, Devon, Englandstanwardine
Christopher GuppyBEF 20 JAN 1603Farway, Devon, Englandstanwardine
Edward GuppyBEF 1802BEF 13 MAR 1802stanwardine
Edward GuppyBEF 24 JAN 180426 JUL 1846Goldeacre House, Farway, Devon, Englandstanwardine
Elizabeth GuppyBEF 30 OCT 1754stanwardine
Elizabeth Stokes GuppyBEF 14 JAN 181715 NOV 1831Somerset, Englandstanwardine
Elizabeth Stokes GuppyBEF 8 DEC 1791Farway, Devon, England16 FEB 1873Bramble-hill, Honiton, Devon, Englandstanwardine
Elizabethe GuppyBEF 14 OCT 1590BEF 2 JUL 1636stanwardine
Elizabethe GuppyBEF 14 OCT 1590BEF 2 JUL 1636stanwardine
Florence GuppyBEF 20 FEB 1595BEF 12 MAY 1664stanwardine
Florence GuppyBEF 20 FEB 1595BEF 12 MAY 1664stanwardine
Grace GuppyBEF 2 APR 1598Farway, Devon, Englandstanwardine
Grace GuppyBEF 1683BET 1729 AND 1732stanwardine
Grace GuppyBEF 2 APR 1598Farway, Devon, Englandstanwardine
Henry Brougham Guppy23 DEC 1854Falmouth, Cornwall, England23 APR 1926Martiniquestanwardine
John GuppyABT 1518stanwardine
John GuppyBEF MAR 1574stanwardine
John GuppyAFT 1679BEF 16 AUG 1765stanwardine
John GuppyBEF 21 MAR 1629stanwardine
Jonas GuppyBEF 3 FEB 1593BEF 1 FEB 1656stanwardine
Jonas GuppyBEF 3 FEB 1593BEF 1 FEB 1656stanwardine
Jonas GuppyBEF 25 MAR 1658BEF 23 JUL 1740stanwardine
Jonas GuppyBEF 15 APR 1723Farway, Devon, England2 SEP 1787stanwardine
Jonas , of Sidbury GuppyBEF 10 OCT 1793BEF 8 MAY 1829stanwardine
Margaret GuppyBEF 17 FEB 1632Farway, Devon, Englandstanwardine
Margret GuppyBEF 1675stanwardine
Mary GuppyBEF 20 DEC 1821Sidbury, Devon, Englandstanwardine
Mary GuppyBEF 15 MAY 1758BEF 1834stanwardine
Mary GuppyBEF 25 JAN 1797Farway, Devon, EnglandBEF 30 SEP 1866Honiton Registration District, Devon, Englandstanwardine
Mary GuppyBEF 20 OCT 1787BEF 13 JUN 1788stanwardine
Mary Guppy1856Falmouth, Cornwall25 NOV 1939Bideford, Devonstanwardine
Peternell GuppyBEF 21 DEC 1599stanwardine
Peternell GuppyBEF 21 DEC 1599stanwardine
Richard GuppyBEF 22 FEB 1601Farway, Devon, Englandstanwardine
Richard GuppyABT 1524Chardstock, Dorset, EnglandBEF 18 APR 1595Farway, Devon, Englandstanwardine
Richard GuppyBEF 1 JUL 1573stanwardine
Richard GuppyBEF 22 FEB 1601Farway, Devon, Englandstanwardine
Robert GuppyABT 1525stanwardine
Robert GuppyABT 1566BEF 19 JUN 1591stanwardine
Sarah GuppyBEF 7 FEB 1752Farway, Devon, Englandstanwardine
Susan Mary GuppyBEF 17 OCT 1820Farway, Devon, England4 JUN 1838Wellington Registration District, Somerset, Englandstanwardine
Susannah GuppyBEF 26 JUN 1786Farway, Devon, EnglandBEF 1834stanwardine
Thomas Stokes Guppy8 MAR 1862Falmouth, Cornwall, England22 SEP 1884Off Tory Island, County Donegal, Irelandstanwardine
Thomas Stokes GuppyBEF 8 OCT 1819Sidbury, Devon, England12 NOV 1893Falmouth, Cornwall, Englandstanwardine
T Guppystanwardine
William GuppyABT FEB 1592Farway, Devon, Englandstanwardine
William GuppyABT 1475ABT 1527stanwardine
William GuppyBEF 6 JUN 1753Farway, Devon, England5 FEB 1837stanwardine
William GuppyABT FEB 1592Farway, Devon, Englandstanwardine
William GuppyABT 1568BEF 7 FEB 1656stanwardine
William Guppy24 DEC 1788Farway, Devon, EnglandBEF 21 OCT 1822stanwardine
William GuppyBEF 16 MAY 1726Farway, Devon, EnglandBEF 20 MAY 1726stanwardine
William GuppyBEF 1700BEF 11 JUL 1766stanwardine
William , of Alston GuppyABT 1516BET 27 SEP AND 12 OCT 1576stanwardine
William Good Guppy23 DEC 1854Falmouth, Cornwall, England17 NOV 1877Erzeroum, Armeniastanwardine
William Good GuppyBEF 23 MAY 1818Sidbury, Devon, EnglandBEF 31 DEC 1866Taunton, Somerset, Englandstanwardine
A Gurveystanwardine
L Gutherstanwardine
Lorna Kathleen Gymer13 AUG 192227 SEP 2018Shrewsbury, Englandstanwardine
Sarah Margaret Hadow1819Tamil Nadu, Madras, India1902stanwardine
Sarah Margaret Hadow1819Tamil Nadu, Madras, India1902stanwardine
Hadrian24 JAN 0076Italica, Baetica (Spain)138stanwardine
Basil Greaves Hague16 OCT 1881stanwardine
Daniel Hague6 MAR 181424 AUG 1852stanwardine
Daniel Hague4 FEB 1852stanwardine
Edward Greaves Hague7 FEB 1893stanwardine
Ellen Hague6 MAR 1848Shaw, Lancashire4 JAN 1907stanwardine
G Haguestanwardine
Gertrude Mary Hague5 FEB 1878stanwardine
John Walker Hague5 DEC 184420 APR 1913stanwardine
Joyce Hague23 FEB 1895stanwardine
Margaret Ethelyn Hague5 AUG 1876stanwardine
Mary Hague22 MAY 184622 FEB 1908stanwardine
Phylis Hague16 APR 1888stanwardine
Richard Edward Masaroon Hague9 APR 1921stanwardine
Sarah Elizabeth Hague18 SEP 1850Ashton Under Lyne, Lancashire, United Kingdom23 MAR 1905Sandal, Metropolitan Borough of Wakefield, West Yorkshire, Englandstanwardine
Wilfred John Hague17 APR 1880stanwardine
Hannah Haigh1838stanwardine
Jane Haigh1830stanwardine
Joseph Haigh1828Lancashire, England19 MAY 18812 Lees St, Oldham, Lancashire, Englandstanwardine
Lawrence Haigh30 MAR 179810 APR 1865stanwardine
Margaret Haigh1833stanwardine
M Haighstanwardine
Mary HaighABT 1776Norlandstanwardine
Mary Ann Haigh1826Lancashire, England25 JAN 1844Lancashire, Englandstanwardine
M Haighstanwardine
William Blacket Haigh1820Saddleworth, Yorkshire, England24 JUL 188338 Smith St, Oldham, Lancashire, Englandstanwardine
E Hainstanwardine
Richilde De Hainault1095Of Hainault, BelgiumAFT 1118stanwardine
Mary HalesBEF 17096 JUL 1724stanwardine
Mary Halkyard29 JUL 1744CloughbottomBEF 10 JUN 1775Bridge House, Dobcrossstanwardine
Abraham HallABT 1718Golcar Hall, West Yorkshirestanwardine
Ada Hall1904Saddleworth, YorkshireDEC 1929Saddleworth, Yorkshire West Riding, Englandstanwardine
Ada Louisa HallABT 1869Saddleworth, Yorkshire, England3 DEC 1941Yorkshire, York, Englandstanwardine
Alfred Greaves Hall28 AUG 18671 (now 17) The Crescent, Salford, Lancashire11 DEC 194113 Alderson road, Harrogatestanwardine
Alice Hall11 JUN 1801Saddleworth, St Chad, Yorkshire, EnglandAUG 1826Glossop, Derbyshire, Englandstanwardine
Alice Hall1846Saddleworth, Yorkshire, England14 MAY 1925Lancashire, Englandstanwardine
Alice Hall17241805stanwardine
Alice Maud Mary Hall4 MAY 1883Diggle, Yorkshire, EnglandJUL 1953Ashton, Lancashire, Englandstanwardine
A Hall1964Oldhamstanwardine
Amelia Brooke Hall21 NOV 1894Mossley, Yorkshire, EnglandOCT 1980Oldham, Greater Manchester, Englandstanwardine
Anne Hall18 NOV 181414 APR 1841stanwardine
Arthur Wellesley HallABT 1852Saddleworth, Yorkshire, EnglandOCT 1901Oldham, Lancashirestanwardine
Beatrice Hall6 SEP 1877Diggle, Yorkshire, Englandstanwardine
Beatrice Lees Hall7 JUN 1898Mossley, Yorkshire, England29 SEP 1965Oldhamstanwardine
Benjamin Hall28 DEC 1721Golcar13 APR 1805Wentworthstanwardine
Benjamin Hall1753stanwardine
Charles Hall1822Saddleworth, Yorkshire West Riding26 JUN 1825Sherbrooke Cottage, Saddleworthstanwardine
C Hallstanwardine
Edith Laura Hall11 AUG 1890Saddleworth, Yorkshire, EnglandAPR 1968Saddleworth, Yorkshire West Riding, Englandstanwardine
Elizabeth HallABT 1867Saddleworth, Yorkshire, Englandstanwardine
Elizabeth Hall14 OCT 178115 JAN 1864stanwardine
Elizabeth Hall6 JUL 18075 FEB 1890stanwardine
Ernest Hall16 MAY 1895Saddleworth, Yorkshire, EnglandMAR 1979Oldham, Greater Manchester, Englandstanwardine
George Harry HallABT 1855Saddleworth, St Chad, Yorkshire, England20 JAN 1870Saddleworth, St Chad, Yorkshire, Englandstanwardine
Hannah Louise Greaves Hall29 NOV 18751 The Crescent, Salford, Lancashire18 JAN 1950Cheltenham, Gloucestershirestanwardine
Henry Platt Hall9 APR 18638 Crescent Parade, Salford, Lancashire15 DEC 1949Pentrehylin Hall, Llanymynechstanwardine
Herbert William HallABT 1849Saddleworth, Yorkshire, England26 DEC 1882Diggle Yorkshire, Englandstanwardine
Horace Hall20 OCT 1899Saddleworth, Yorkshire, EnglandMAR 1972Blackpool, Lancashire, Englandstanwardine
James HallABT 1807Saddleworth, St Chad, Yorkshire, England27 APR 1810Saddleworth, St Chad, Yorkshire, Englandstanwardine
James Hall1837Saddleworth, Yorkshire, England27 SEP 1886Sherbrooke Cottage, Saddleworth, Yorkshire, Englandstanwardine
James HallBEF 21 NOV 1779Saddleworth, St Chad, Yorkshire, England8 DEC 1859Sherbrooke Cottage, Saddleworthstanwardine
James Hall1745Saddleworth, St Chad, Yorkshire, England4 SEP 1812Saddleworth, St Chad, Yorkshire, Englandstanwardine
James HallABT 178726 DEC 1850Golcarstanwardine
James George Hall181524 JAN 1829Sherbrooke Cottage, Saddleworthstanwardine
James Hamilton HallOCT 1847Saddleworth, Yorkshire, EnglandOCT 1862Saddleworth, St Chad, Yorkshire, Englandstanwardine
Jane Hall8 OCT 181619 DEC 1894stanwardine
Jane Hall10 JUL 180915 OCT 1810stanwardine
John HallABT 17771798Age 26stanwardine
John HallABT 23 DEC 1719ABT 20 OCT 1769stanwardine
John Hall5 APR 1803Manchester5 JAN 1861Prestonstanwardine
John HallABT 1635Southowram, Englandstanwardine
John Higginbottom HallABT 1850Saddleworth, Yorkshire, England27 OCT 1876greenbank house diggle yorkshirestanwardine
John Sherbrooke HallJAN 1820Saddleworth, St Chad, Yorkshire, England1 JAN 1884Birkdale, Lancashire, Englandstanwardine
Joseph HallABT 1784stanwardine
Joseph Platt Hall8 SEP 18648 Crescent Parade, Salford, Lancashire10 JUN 1934Hurst, Clunton, Aston-on-Clun, Shropshirestanwardine
Joseph Whitehead Hall1809Saddleworth, St Chad, Yorkshire, England6 MAY 1890St. John, Canadastanwardine
Joseph Whitehead HallABT 1874Saddleworth, Yorkshire, Englandstanwardine
Joshua Hall1750Golcar, West Yorkshire1802Heights, North Crosland, Almondburystanwardine
Joshua Hall20 APR 1652Golcar, West Yorkshire8 DEC 1729Huddersfieldstanwardine
M Hallstanwardine
Margaret Goldie Hall15 DEC 1929Windsor Road, Oldham, Lancashirestanwardine
Marshall Legh Hall1856Diggle, Saddleworth, Yorkshire, EnglandJUL 1911Saddleworth, Yorkshire West Ridingstanwardine
Martha Hall12 SEP 181328 SEP 1813stanwardine
Martha Hall17827 DEC 1822stanwardine
Mary Hall13 JUL 1804Saddleworth, St Chad, Yorkshire, England9 JUL 1807Saddleworth, St Chad, Yorkshire, Englandstanwardine
Mary Hall10 NOV 1811Yorkshire, England19 APR 1836Saddleworth, St Chad, Yorkshire, Englandstanwardine
Mary HallABT 1890Manchester, Lancashire, England1892stanwardine
Mary Hall29 DEC 1876Diggle, Yorkshire, Englandstanwardine
Mary HallABT 172220 OCT 1802stanwardine
Mary HallABT 1783stanwardine
Mary Alice HallABT 1834Yorkshire, England4 APR 1848Ordsall Hill, Salford, Lancashire, Englandstanwardine
Mary Alice Hall12 MAR 1864Saddleworth, Yorkshire, England26 MAR 1944stanwardine
Mary Alice Duncuft HallABT 1888Diggle, Yorkshire, EnglandNOV 1938Saddleworth, Yorkshire West Riding, Englandstanwardine
Mary Anne Hall2 MAY 1805Huddersfield1 NOV 1892stanwardine
Miss Hall1752stanwardine
Miss Hall1754stanwardine
N Hall1966Oldhamstanwardine
Peter Macmillan Hall28 NOV 1927Pentrehylin Hall, Llanymynech19 JAN 1934Union Street, Oldhamstanwardine
Robert Reid Hall24 FEB 1935Wellington Lodge, Oldham23 MAR 2022Shrewsbury Hospitalstanwardine
Sarah Hall17781838stanwardine
Sarah Hall17 OCT 181125 DEC 1904Broughtonstanwardine
Sarah Ann Barlow HallABT 1862Saddleworth, St Chad, Yorkshire, England20 FEB 1864Saddleworth, St Chad, Yorkshire, Englandstanwardine
Stanley Edward HallABT 1859Saddleworth, Yorkshire, Englandstanwardine
S Hall1962Oldhamstanwardine
Wilfred Hall30 OCT 1886Saddleworth, Yorkshire, EnglandAPR 1959Saddleworth, Yorkshire West Riding, Englandstanwardine
William Hall17 APR 18203 DEC 1891Prestwich Lunatic Asylumstanwardine
William HallABT 1752stanwardine
William Hall24 MAR 1825Derkir, Greenacres Moor, Oldham, Lancashire18 MAR 1887Gorse Bank, Werneth, Oldhamstanwardine
William Hall26 OCT 1779Golcar Old Hall, Huddersfield4 JUL 1854Irwell Mills, Broughtonstanwardine
William Dehown Hall1823Saddleworth, Yorkshire, England2 MAY 1901Diggle, Yorkshire, Englandstanwardine
William Dehown HallJUL 1861Saddleworth, St Chad, Yorkshire, EnglandAUG 1862Saddleworth, St Chad, Yorkshire, Englandstanwardine
William Dehown Hall10 OCT 1878Diggle, Yorkshire, England19 MAR 1951New Brighton, Wallasey, Liverpool, Lancashire, Englandstanwardine
William Henry Sherbrooke Hall2 MAR 1869Saddleworth, Yorkshire, England17 FEB 1942Sherbrooke Farm, Diggle, Saddleworthstanwardine
William Reid Hall10 MAR 1893Oldham, Lancashire, England23 JUL 1968Melyniog, Llansantffraidstanwardine
William Victor Hall1885Diggle, Yorkshire, England27 AUG 1918Croisilles, Francestanwardine
Ham3632 B.C.stanwardine
Mary HamABT 173110 NOV 1801stanwardine
A Hamiltonstanwardine
Caroline Emily Hamilton17 MAR 1858Liverpool, Lancashirestanwardine
Cynthia Elinor Beatrix Hamilton18971972stanwardine
Edward Douglas Malcomson Hamilton28 MAR 1864Liverpool, Lancashirestanwardine
Ethel Maud Hamilton1866stanwardine
H Hamiltonstanwardine
Ida Mary HamiltonOCT 1862Liverpool, Lancashirestanwardine
James Hamilton1475stanwardine
Janet Hamilton1517stanwardine
Kathleen Hamilton6 DEC 1892LiverpoolSEP 1973Petersfield, Hampshirestanwardine
L Hamiltonstanwardine
L Hamiltonstanwardine
L Hamiltonstanwardine
L Hamiltonstanwardine
L Hamiltonstanwardine
Lylie Ethel Hamilton30 APR 1889Liverpoolstanwardine
R Hamiltonstanwardine
Robert Hamilton1827Ipswich, Suffolk28 AUG 1914Portrush, Co Antrimstanwardine
Robert Ainslie Hamilton13 AUG 1894Liverpool28 MAR 1918Killed In Action, Sommestanwardine
Robert Jessop Hamilton26 MAY 1859Liverpool16 SEP 1918Liverpool, Lancashirestanwardine
JOHN @ HAMPDENABT 15951643stanwardine
Maud HampdenABT 1203Hampton, Buckinghamshire, ENGstanwardine
R Hampsonstanwardine
Emma Charlotte Hanbury1849Lambton, Monmouthshire30 MAR 1921Easington, Durhamstanwardine
Elizabeth (Betty) Hancock24 JUL 1763Wiveliscombe, SomersetMAR 1846Wellington, Somersetstanwardine
Helen Handley1803stanwardine
Edward Hanmer1570stanwardine
Ann HardmanBEF 1 MAY 1754Prestwich, Englandstanwardine
J Hardmanstanwardine
Eliza Hardwick1816Lofthouse, Yorkshirestanwardine
John Hardwick15 OCT 1785Lofthouse, Yorkshirestanwardine
R Hardwickstanwardine
Amos S Hardy1826Hollis, Hillsborough, NH3 NOV 1833stanwardine
Cyrus Edmund Hardy29 SEP 1818Hollis, Hillsborough, NH6 FEB 1878stanwardine
Daniel Webster Hardy13 MAY 1831Hollis, Hillsborough, NHstanwardine
Deborah Jane Hardy26 MAR 1824Dublin, Cheshire, NH25 DEC 1883Miller Co, MOstanwardine
Elizabeth Hardy7 JAN 1820Hollis, Hillsborough, NH20 NOV 1877stanwardine
Elizabeth Hardy8 MAY 1814Hollis, Hillsborough, NH27 SEP 1817stanwardine
Evan Michael Pearce Hardy13 NOV 1927stanwardine
Harriet Hardy2 MAY 1815Hollis, Hillsborough, NH20 DEC 1830stanwardine
Lucy Hardy25 NOV 1792Dublin, Cheshire, NH19 JAN 1885Marlborough, Cheshire, NHstanwardine
Lucy Hardy11 JUL 1817Hollis, Hillsborough, NHstanwardine
Moses Hardy26 MAY 1816Hollis, Hillsborough, NHstanwardine
Moses Hardy14 SEP 1786Dublin, Cheshire, NH7 FEB 1854Hollis, Hillsborough, NHstanwardine
Samuel Sargent Hardy7 SEP 1822Hollis, Hillsborough, NHstanwardine
Thomas Hardy22 FEB 18213 MAR 1869stanwardine
B Harestanwardine
Edith Muriel HargreavesOCT 1871Leckhampton, Gloucestershire20 APR 1954Cirencester, Gloucestershirestanwardine
Evelyne Lucy Hargreaves30 MAR 18691 MAR 1919stanwardine
John Hargreaves30 APR 1842Hindley, Lancashire13 APR 1900Leckhampton Court, Leckhamptonstanwardine
T Hargreavesstanwardine
C Harperstanwardine
Elisabeth Harper18301875stanwardine
L Harperstanwardine
T Harperstanwardine
V Harris1953stanwardine
Douglas Goldie Harrison28 AUG 1888Kensington, Middlesex, EnglandMAR 1974St Albans, Hertfordshire, Englandstanwardine
E Harrisonstanwardine
Frederick HarrisonABT 1845Croydon, Surrey, England31 DEC 1914Mesopotamiastanwardine
Jack Vincent Goldie Harrison9 NOV 1892Kensington, Middlesex, England1 AUG 1930St Albans, Hertfordshire, Englandstanwardine
Maud Ellen Sylvester Harrison14 JAN 1862Beckenham, Kent, England30 JUL 1952New South Wales, Australiastanwardine
Ann Harrop20 OCT 1713Mottram In Longdendale, Cheshire, EnglandBEF 3 OCT 1752stanwardine
M Harropstanwardine
Elizabeth Harthern1866Audlem, Cheshirestanwardine
Thomas Harthern1838Shevington, Cheshire, Englandstanwardine
Mary Hastings177023 FEB 1837Barbuie, Dumfriesshirestanwardine
T Hastingsstanwardine
Anne HatchBEF 3 DEC 1626Wye, Ashford, Kent, England1697Marshfield, Plymouth, MAstanwardine
William , Elder Hatch1598Tenterden or Wye, Ashford, Kent, England6 NOV 1651Scituate, Plymouth, MAstanwardine
George Edward Haworth1849Accrington, Lancashire1851Accrington, Lancashirestanwardine
John HaworthABT 1815ACCRINGTON Lancashire Englandstanwardine
Lavinia Haworth1846Accrington, Lancashire1850Accrington, Lancashirestanwardine
Nancy Haworth1851ACCRINGTON Lancashire England1916Bury, Lancashirestanwardine
Susannah Haworth1853Broughton, ACCRINGTON, Lancashire, England20 DEC 1926Rydal Mount, Glebelands road, Prestwich, Lancashire, Englandstanwardine
Margaret Hay1400Angus Scotlandstanwardine
Jane Malet Hayden3 MAY 1901stanwardine
T Haydenstanwardine
Aubreye De La Haye984Pont-Audemer, Eure, Normandy, France20 SEP 1045stanwardine
D Hayes1959stanwardine
P Hayes?; TAG v57no1p31stanwardine
W Hayesstanwardine
L Hayterstanwardine
M Headlam1972Gloucesterstanwardine
A Heald1972stanwardine
A Healdstanwardine
J Heald1968stanwardine
Lionel Heald7 AUG 1897Parrs Wood, Didsbury, Lancashire8 NOV 1981Chilworth Manor, Guildfordstanwardine
S Heald2006Edinburghstanwardine
T Heald2008Edinburghstanwardine
W Heapstanwardine
Mary Heartley1775MAR 1854Accrington, Lancashirestanwardine
Mary Heginbottom31 MAY 1820Saddleworth, St Chad, Yorkshire, England9 JUL 1898Uppermill, Yorkshire, Englandstanwardine
Gruffydd ap HEILINABT 1275stanwardine
Helen of GallowayABT 1208?; of Carrick, Ayrshire, ScotlandAFT 21 NOV 1245ENGstanwardine
M Helliwellstanwardine
C Helviastanwardine
Vera Helyar29 JAN 1918Bournemouth20 MAR 2007Lytham, Lancashirestanwardine
Caroline Henrietta18201895stanwardine
Eills Henrietta GalileeAPR 1881Liverpool, Lancashire, England30 SEP 1965Shrewsbury, Shropshire, Englandstanwardine
HENRYABT 1175?; of Aldithley1246stanwardine
Robert Henry Hepburn-Stuart-Forbes-Trefusis1 JUL 18881 JUL 1958stanwardine
Arthur Frederick Herbert10 DEC 185621 FEB 1907stanwardine
Beatrice Mary Herbert27 AUG 1931stanwardine
Charlotte Elizabeth Herbert182115 MAY 1906stanwardine
Christian Victor Charles Herbert28 MAY 19041988stanwardine
David Mark Herbert2 JAN 1927stanwardine
Dorothy Marguerite Elizabeth HerbertABT 189425 DEC 1956stanwardine
Edward HerbertABT 1717stanwardine
Edward James Herbert5 NOV 18187 MAY 1891London, England, United Kingdomstanwardine
Edward Robert Henry Herbert19 MAY 18891974stanwardine
Edward William Herbert22 MAR 185528 DEC 1924stanwardine
Elizabeth Barbarina Herbert30 APR 1928stanwardine
George Herbert25 NOV 182515 MAR 1894stanwardine
George Charles Herbert24 JUN 1862London, England, United Kingdom9 NOV 1952stanwardine
George William Herbert4 JUN 19251993stanwardine
Graham Cludde Herbert19 NOV 185624 SEP 1917stanwardine
Henrietta Antonia Herbert3 SEP 17583 JUN 1830Walcott, Englandstanwardine
Henry Edward Herbert28 JUN 18618 AUG 1865stanwardine
Henry James Herbert10 MAR 188214 NOV 1911stanwardine
Hermione Gwladys Herbert17 SEP 1900stanwardine
L Herbertstanwardine
L Herbertstanwardine
L Herbertstanwardine
L Herbertstanwardine
L Herbertstanwardine
L Herbertstanwardine
L Herbertstanwardine
Lucy Caroline HerbertABT 18193 MAY 1884stanwardine
Magdalen Lucy Herbert26 JUL 186427 OCT 1957stanwardine
Margaret Augusta Herbert7 JUL 1952stanwardine
Mary Anne Herbert10 JUL 1942stanwardine
Mervyn Horatio Herbert Herbert7 MAY 1904MAR 1943stanwardine
Percy Egerton Herbert15 APR 18227 OCT 1876stanwardine
Percy Mark Herbert24 APR 188522 JAN 1968stanwardine
Percy Robert Herbert2 DEC 189213 OCT 1916stanwardine
Phyllis Hedworth Camilla HerbertABT 1898stanwardine
Robert Charles Herbert24 JUN 182731 OCT 1902stanwardine
William Henry Herbert8 FEB 183429 JAN 1909stanwardine
Winifred Lucy Elizabeth Herbert28 DEC 1948stanwardine
Lucy Of HerefordABT 1142Bwlch Y Dinas, Brecknockshire, WalesAFT 1219Blaen Llyfni, Brecknockshire, Walesstanwardine
HerodABT 0037 BC12 APR 0004 BCstanwardine
N Herysstanwardine
L Hesbayestanwardine
Arnulf (Ernulf) Seigneur De HesdinABT 1038Hesdin, Picardy, FranceAFT 1091Englandstanwardine
Aveline De HesdinABT 1076Hesdin, Pas-DE-Calais, Normandy, France1126stanwardine
Gerard Seigneur De HesdinABT 1015Hesdin, Picardy, FranceDECEASEDstanwardine
Matilda De HesdinABT 1060Toddingham, Bedfordshire, EnglandDECEASEDstanwardine
Mrs. Gerard 1015 De HesdingDECEASEDstanwardine
L Hewlettstanwardine
J Heywoodstanwardine
Sarah HeywoodGateheadBEF 6 JUL 1752stanwardine
Annie Hibbert1848stanwardine
Elija Hibbert1801Lancashire, England1846Lancashire, Englandstanwardine
Henry Hibbert18411913stanwardine
John Tomlinson Hibbert5 JAN 1824Oldham7 NOV 1908Cumbriastanwardine
Percy John HibbertSEP 1850Bowdon, Cheshire29 SEP 1926Grange-over-Sands, Lancashirestanwardine
Thomas J Hibbert1831stanwardine
Gertrude HigginbottomAPR 1866Derby, Derbyshire, England18 SEP 1952Bath, Somerset, Englandstanwardine
Hildegarde777Aachen, Germanystanwardine
A Hillstanwardine
Anne HillBEF 169925 APR 1752stanwardine
Anne Hill23 JUN 174210 SEP 1831Henrietta Street, Covent Garden, Englandstanwardine
B Hillstanwardine
C Hillstanwardine
E Hillstanwardine
Fergus HillABT 1844Essex, Englandstanwardine
J Hillstanwardine
Laura Ellen HillABT 1870Newton Heath, Lancashire, England6 DEC 1937Ashton, Lancashire, Englandstanwardine
Lizzie Hill18784 NOV 1967Lytham St Anne's, Lancashirestanwardine
Michael HillABT 16721699stanwardine
M Hillstanwardine
Trevor 1st Viscount Hillsborough Hill16933 MAY 1742stanwardine
W Hillstanwardine
W Hillstanwardine
Arthur 1st Viscount Dungannon Hill-TrevorBEF 16991771stanwardine
Mary Hilton26 MAY 1793St Mary, Oldham, Lancashire, England27 DEC 1867Oldham, Lancashire, Englandstanwardine
Himiltrude746Aachen, Rhineland, Prussiastanwardine
M Himmers1932stanwardine
H HinchcliffeLeedsstanwardine
Ernest Darby Hinchliffe1904Huddersfield, Yorkshirestanwardine
Ethel Myra Hinchliffe1906Huddersfield, Yorkshirestanwardine
Herbert Hinchliffe1876Holmbridge, Yorkshirestanwardine
Jessie May Hinchliffe29 MAY 1908Huddersfield, Yorkshire1989stanwardine
L Hindestanwardine
L Hindestanwardine
L Hindestanwardine
L Hindestanwardine
S Hindestanwardine
Elizabeth Mary Hinmers21 APR 1924stanwardine
John Reid Hinmers12 JUL 1894Altrincham5 MAY 1937Upper Overton, Bridgnorth, Shropshirestanwardine
J Hinmersstanwardine
John Stewart Hinmers25 NOV 1920Shrewsbury, Shropshire, England18 OCT 1985Codsall, Staffordshirestanwardine
Joseph Hinmers30 JUL 1923stanwardine
Joseph William Hinmers14 FEB 1929stanwardine
J Hinmersstanwardine
Mary Hinmers27 AUG 1926stanwardine
William Hinmers15 MAR 1893stanwardine
William Reid Hinmers24 MAY 1922stanwardine
Ann Lynette Hoare30 SEP 1923stanwardine
A Hoare1953stanwardine
B Hoare1934stanwardine
C Hoare1955stanwardine
Edward Melville Brodie Hoare18 DEC 191822 NOV 2006Ewhurst, Surrey, England, United Kingdomstanwardine
H Hoare1936stanwardine
M Hoare1957stanwardine
Peter Keith Hoare2 JAN 192110 JUL 1943Killed In Actionstanwardine
R Hoarestanwardine
A Hobhouse1991Perth, Perthshirestanwardine
D Hobhouse1957stanwardine
J Hobhouse1994stanwardine
L Hoddlestanwardine
E Hodgestanwardine
Edward Stephen Hodge4 OCT 19461980stanwardine
R Hodgsonstanwardine
W Hodgsonstanwardine
Lydia Cheek HODSON20 MAY 1880stanwardine
Eleanor de HOLANDABT 1407?; of Kenilworth, Warwickshire, ENGstanwardine
Ellen HoldenABT 1716stanwardine
H Holdenstanwardine
L Holdenstanwardine
L Holdenstanwardine
L Holdenstanwardine
L Holdenstanwardine
Mary Holden1718stanwardine
Richard Arthur Shuttleworth Holden25 DEC 1983stanwardine
= Hollandstanwardine
Alianore Holland1372Up Holland, Wigan, Lancashire, England18 OCT 1405, Bisham, Berkshire, Englandstanwardine
Edmund de HOLLAND6 JAN 1382/1383Brockenhurst, Kent, ENG15 SEP 1408Ile De Brehat, Cotes-Du-Nord, France; killedstanwardine
Eleanor Holland1373Upholland, Lancashire, England18 OCT 1405stanwardine
Joan Holland13801434stanwardine
Joan de HOLLANDABT 1380Upholland, ENG12 APR 1434stanwardine
Margaret Holland138131 DEC 1439stanwardine
Robert de HOLLAND1283Upholand, Lancashire, ENG17 OCT 1328Boreham Wood, ENG; illegally beheadedstanwardine
Mary HOLLINS1743Burslemstanwardine
J Hollowoodstanwardine
Annie Holroyd1847Marsden, Yorkshire1927stanwardine
Edith Holroyd1892stanwardine
John W Holroyd1853Marsden, Yorkshirestanwardine
Sarah J Holroyd1850Marsden, Yorkshirestanwardine
William Holroyd1826Marsden, Yorkshirestanwardine
L Holtstanwardine
L Holtstanwardine
Martin Drummond Vesey Holt2 NOV 1956stanwardine
Sarah Holt7 SEP 1866Manchester, Lancashire, EnglandMAR 1952Saddleworth, Yorkshire West Riding, Englandstanwardine
Vesey Martin Edward Holt28 MAR 1927stanwardine
Barbara Home3 JUL 1915stanwardine
B HomeJamaicastanwardine
Roger Home19 JUN 19171936stanwardine
W Hooperstanwardine
John Hoord1378Walford, Baschurch, Shropshire, England30 JUL 1398Irelandstanwardine
J Hoordstanwardine
John , of Stocks & Stanwardine HoordABT 1378Stocks, Ellesmere, Shropshire, EnglandStanwardine, Baschurch, Shropshire, Englandstanwardine
Margred HoordABT 1406Stanwardine, Baschurch, Shropshire, Englandstanwardine
R Hoordstanwardine
R Hoordstanwardine
Roger , of Stocks* HoordABT 1345Stocks, Ellesmere, Shropshire, EnglandAFT 1381stanwardine
Mary Hope4 JUN 1847Maxwelton Housestanwardine
L Hopkinsstanwardine
Gui of HornbachABT 709AFT 772stanwardine
Ethel Lucy Harcourt Hornsby1 SEP 1880Bromsgrove, Worcestershire, England30 OCT 1963Wood Green, Middlesex, Englandstanwardine
L Hothamstanwardine
L Hothamstanwardine
L Hothamstanwardine
Peter Hotham27 APR 1904stanwardine
D Houghtonstanwardine
M Housestanwardine
J Houstonstanwardine
Barbara Houth17 SEP 1902stanwardine
Elizabeth Houth12 JUL 1904stanwardine
Nancy HouthFEB 1899stanwardine
P Houthstanwardine
Sydney S Houth11 JUL 1900stanwardine
Alexander Howard24 NOV 193013 JAN 2014stanwardine
Arthur Jared Palmer Howard30 MAY 189626 APR 1971stanwardine
Catherine HowardABT 152013 FEB 1542Tower of London, The City, London, Englandstanwardine
C Howardstanwardine
J Howard1934stanwardine
Katherine HowardABT 1421?; of Stoke-by-Nayland, ENGAFT 29 JUN 1478stanwardine
Kiloran Margaret Howard21 JUL 1926stanwardine
Mary Howard12 FEB 173930 JUN 1770stanwardine
Robin Jared Stanley Howard17 MAY 19241989stanwardine
Nellie Howarth1896Reddish, Cheshire1980Reddish, Cheshirestanwardine
Florence HowatsonABT 1680Dumfries & Gallowaystanwardine
D Howestanwardine
P Howestanwardine
Margaret Verch HowelABT 1428Glascoed, Llansilin, Caernarvonshire, WalesDECEASEDstanwardine
Edwin Howell18211881stanwardine
Emma HowittBEF 20 NOV 1814Clipsham, Rutland4 AUG 1883stanwardine
J Howittstanwardine
Clementine Hozier18851977stanwardine
R Hrolfsdottirstanwardine
C Huddesfieldstanwardine
Ada De Hugleville1027St Valaery-En-Caux, Normandy, FranceDECEASEDstanwardine
B Huickstanwardine
H Huickstanwardine
Eleanor HULSEABT 1389BEF 21 APR 1474stanwardine
Philippa HULSE1416Brereton, Cheshire, England29 NOV 1463Chester, Cheshire, Englandstanwardine
Thomas HULSEABT 1392Cheshire, Englandstanwardine
Frances HUMFRESTON1556Humfreston, Shropshire, Englandstanwardine
Samuel HumphreyABT 1650BEF 1690stanwardine
Kathleen Humphreys19587 APR 2006Shillingland, Lochurr, Moniaivestanwardine
M Humphreysstanwardine
A Hunterstanwardine
G Hunterstanwardine
H Hunter1953stanwardine
Henry Huntingdon111412 JUN 1152stanwardine
L Huntington-Whiteleystanwardine
Amice HusseyABT 1285Wattlesborough, Shropshire, EnglandDECEASEDMoreton Corbet, Wem, Shropshire, Englandstanwardine
Arthur Herbert Hussey2 JUN 186327 MAY 1923stanwardine
Arthur Watkin Hussey20 JUN 1912stanwardine
Barbara Winifred Hussey3 MAR 1904stanwardine
Catherine Henrietta Hussey21 JUN 1909stanwardine
Christopher Edward Clive Hussey21 OCT 1899stanwardine
Edward Hussey18073 SEP 1894stanwardine
Edward Windsor Hussey5 OCT 185517 OCT 1952stanwardine
E Husseystanwardine
Gertrude Anne Hussey16 APR 1921stanwardine
Henry Percy Hussey17 APR 1865stanwardine
Mildred Harriet Hussey6 JUN 186325 APR 1952stanwardine
Thomas Ethelston Hussey14 FEB 19079 JUN 1944stanwardine
William Clive Hussey185820 JUN 1928stanwardine
I Hutchinsonstanwardine
Jane Hutchinson1616Saddleworth, Yorkshire, England1695Saddleworth, Yorkshire, Englandstanwardine
G Huthstanwardine
M Hynesstanwardine
B Icenia.d. 62stanwardine
V Icenistanwardine
A Idiensstanwardine
Margaret Jean Idiens23 NOV 1927stanwardine
Nancy Annabel Idiens11 MAY 1930stanwardine
N Ieuanstanwardine
Ilius1315 B.C.1279 B.C.stanwardine
J Illingworthstanwardine
Joan INGEABT 1300BEF JAN 1359/1360stanwardine
Maud De Ingelrica1032St Martin's Le Grand, London, Middlesex, EnglandDECEASEDstanwardine
E Inghamstanwardine
Sarah IngleABT 1690Golcar, West Yorkshire, Englandstanwardine
Ingomera493BET 493 AND 494stanwardine
L Ingramsstanwardine
L Ingramsstanwardine
L Ingramsstanwardine
Rupert George Ingrams16 MAR 19391964stanwardine
N iNoatunumstanwardine
Gwen Verch IorwerthABT 1260Celynog in Mochnant, WalesDECEASEDstanwardine
Iorwerth "Fychan" ab IorwerthABT 1295WalesAFT 1332stanwardine
Lleucu verch IorwerthABT 1325Walesstanwardine
Algernon Patrick Ireland7 FEB 1890Saddleworth, Yorkshire, England6 MAY 1954Leicester, Leicestershire, Englandstanwardine
Alice Mary Ireland9 OCT 1882Southport, Lancashire, England1 MAR 1963Prescot, Lancashire, Englandstanwardine
Arthur Greaves Ireland10 JUL 1884Pemberton, Lancashire, EnglandDEC 1938St Pancras, London, Englandstanwardine
Ashton Philip Ireland30 MAR 1889Ormskirk, Lancashire, England20 FEB 1939Littleborough, Lancashire, Englandstanwardine
Beatrice Allwynne Ireland28 JAN 1879Oldham, Lancashire, England11 MAY 1948Amounderness, Lancashire, Englandstanwardine
Cedric Septimus Ireland5 NOV 1888Harper Hill, Derbyshire, England26 MAR 1917Mitau Military Cemetery, Latviastanwardine
Cyril Ernest Ireland10 MAR 1886Pemberton, Lancashire, EnglandSEP 1886Wigan Registration District, Lancashire, Englandstanwardine
Dora Evelyn Millicent Ireland2 DEC 1894Islington, London, England24 APR 1973St Pancras, London, Englandstanwardine
Dorothy Ireland3 MAR 1886New Ferry, Cheshire, England25 JAN 1971Blackpool, Lancashire, Englandstanwardine
Dr. James Aubrey Ireland11 JUL 1877Oldham, Lancashire, England22 DEC 1963Shrewsbury, Shropshire, Englandstanwardine
Dudley Aubrey Ireland1 NOV 1909Shoreham, Kent, England8 MAR 1994Shrewsbury, Shropshire, Englandstanwardine
Duncan Ireland28 JUL 1891Ellough, Suffolk, England10 FEB 1961Chester, Cheshire, Englandstanwardine
Elizabeth Ireland5 OCT 1848Oldham, Lancashire, EnglandMAR 1933Oldham, Lancashire, Englandstanwardine
Eric Greaves Ireland16 APR 1879Oldham, Lancashire, England3 JAN 1957Southport, Lancashire, Englandstanwardine
Francis Ireland21 OCT 1851Oldham, Lancashire, Englandstanwardine
Geoffrey Suthers Ireland2 AUG 1886Oldham, Lancashire, England6 APR 1908Liverpool, Lancashire, Englandstanwardine
Gerald Lionel Ireland9 JUN 1887Pembleton, Lancashire, England2 JAN 1900Islington, Londonstanwardine
Gladys Ireland7 SEP 1887New Ferry, Cheshire, England19 FEB 1955Blackpool, Lancashire, Englandstanwardine
Henry Octavious Ireland1 MAR 1863Oldham, Lancs21 MAR 1864Ormskirk, Lancashire, United Kingdomstanwardine
Henry Reginald Hobert Ireland11 APR 1881Hobart, Tasmania, AustraliaJUN 1955Pancras, London, Englandstanwardine
James Greaves Ireland24 JAN 1850Oldham, Lancashire, EnglandOCT 1908Lancashire, Englandstanwardine
Janet Dorothea Ireland6 MAY 1889Saddleworth, Yorkshire, England17 JAN 1954Leicester, Leicestershire, Englandstanwardine
John Harold Ireland1 APR 1882Southport, Lancashire, England22 FEB 1931Kent & Canterbury Hospitalstanwardine
John Hilton Ireland9 NOV 1856Oldham, Lancashire, England31 AUG 1922St Pancras, London, Englandstanwardine
Leofric Alban Ireland3 SEP 1892Buxton, Derbyshire, England1910stanwardine
Leslie Ireland26 JAN 1890New Ferry, Cheshire, EnglandDEC 1940Rochdale, Lancashire, Englandstanwardine
Marjory Ireland11 NOV 1882Mosely Hill, Oldham, Lancashire, England28 AUG 1950The Laurels, Steeple Claydon, Buckinghamshire, Englandstanwardine
Mildred Hermione Muriel Ireland4 APR 1891Buxton, Derbyshire, EnglandABT 1941St Pancras, London, Englandstanwardine
Nora Patricia Ireland Ireland28 JUN 1916Sydney, New South Wales, Australia9 JAN 2012Basingstoke, Hampshire, Englandstanwardine
Patrick Gordon Lamport Ireland17 MAR 1912Sevenoaks, Kent, England30 AUG 1942El Alamein, Egyptstanwardine
Samuel Ireland14 AUG 1894Ormskirk, Lancashire, England31 JUL 1917France and Flandersstanwardine
Sarah Gwendoline Ireland17 MAY 1884Oldham, Lancashire, England12 MAR 1946Buckinghamshire, Buckingham, Englandstanwardine
Septimus Joseph Ireland10 OCT 1859Oldham, Lancashire, England15 AUG 1909Manchester, Lancashire, Englandstanwardine
Sibyl Jessie Ireland18 FEB 1889Ellough, Suffolk, England11 SEP 1955Wirral, Cheshire, Englandstanwardine
Sydney Herbert Ireland28 APR 1883Pembleton, Lancashire, England28 OCT 1957Bromley, Kent, Englandstanwardine
Thomas Ireland27 JUN 1855Oldham, Lancashire, England4 JUL 1912West Derby, Lancashire, Englandstanwardine
Thomas IrelandJAN 1814Kilham, Yorkshire, England5 JUN 1879Oldham, Lancashire, Englandstanwardine
Thomas Howard Ireland12 DEC 1883New Ferry, Cheshire, England30 JAN 1965Poulton Le Fylde Lancashire, Englandstanwardine
Thomas Raymond Ireland9 OCT 1880Oldham, Lancashire, England5 MAR 1941Geelong, Victoria, Australiastanwardine
Thomasine IrelandABT 1452WalesDECEASEDstanwardine
Wilfred Octavius Ireland17 JAN 1890Buxton, Derbyshire, England10 MAY 1955Hampstead, London, Englandstanwardine
William Allerston Ireland3 JUL 1858Oldham, Lancashire, England7 JUL 1892Liverpool, Lancashire, Englandstanwardine
William Francis Ireland17 MAY 1887West Derby, Lancashire, England27 SEP 1937Thomas Emery Hospital, Moradabad, Indiastanwardine
Susan IRLAM1760stanwardine
Isaac ben Abraham1922 BC1742 BCstanwardine
Elizabeth Isabel de Roet133524 JUL 1368stanwardine
Bernhard of ItalyABT 79717 JAN 817/818stanwardine
Pepin I of ItalyAPR 773Aachen, Rhineland, Prussia8 JUL 810Milan, Italystanwardine
Urracca De Italy964ItalyDECEASEDstanwardine
Iulus31 BC (suicide)stanwardine
Howel Ap Maurice Gethin Of Moel IwrchABT 1420Moel Iwrch & Lloran Ucha, Denbighshire, WalesABT 1481Oswestry, Shropshire, Englandstanwardine
Stephen , Pope Rome IxABT 1010Of L-Lrrn, FrncDECEASEDstanwardine
Margaret Jane Whitaker1811Accrington, Lancashirestanwardine
Japheth3636 B.C.stanwardine
P Jardinestanwardine
Violet Margaret Florence Jardine16 OCT 1975stanwardine
Jared4832 B.C.3870 B.C.stanwardine
Johanna JARPENVILLEABT 1262BEF 1308stanwardine
Robert JeffreyABT 182718 AUG 1902Glasgowstanwardine
C Jelleystanwardine
Sylvia Verch JenkinABT 1310Frankton, Rugby, Warwickshire, EnglandDECEASEDstanwardine
E Jenkinsstanwardine
George Henry Vaughan Jenkins1910stanwardine
Sarah Jennings16601744stanwardine
Jennie Jerome1854Brooklyn, New York1921stanwardine
D Jobstanwardine
T Jobstanwardine
R (Cameron-Cooper)stanwardine
John [SB24] PLANTAGENET24 JUN 1340St. Bavon's Abbey, Ghent, Flanders, Belgium3 FEB 1398/1399Leicester Castle, London, ENGstanwardine
Brian Denny Johnson5 FEB 19237 JUL 2002Shrewsbury, Englandstanwardine
F Johnson1960Harare, Zimbabwestanwardine
George Thomas Johnson14 NOV 1889Peshawar, Bengal, India10 DEC 1972Tavistock, Devonstanwardine
Jacqueline Naomi Johnson1927stanwardine
J Johnsonstanwardine
Michael Denny Johnson17 JUL 19211 APR 2009Tavistock, Devonstanwardine
Millicent JohnsonJUN 1908Stockport, Cheshire, England23 DEC 2003Perth, Western Australia.stanwardine
C Johnstonstanwardine
H Johnstonestanwardine
Simon de JOINVILLEABT 1190Joinville, FranceABT APR 1233stanwardine
John Raymond Jolley29 MAY 1930stanwardine
W Jolleystanwardine
J Jollystanwardine
A Jonesstanwardine
Dilys Siddal JonesJUN 1922Kings Norton, Warwickshire, England6 JUN 2019Shrewsbury, Shropshire, Englandstanwardine
Dorothy Gladys Jones1884stanwardine
H Jonesstanwardine
James JonesBEF 9 APR 1915stanwardine
Lewis Derek Jones31 OCT 1968stanwardine
R Jonesstanwardine
S Jonesstanwardine
Sarah JonesABT 1820New England26 AUG 1863stanwardine
S Jonesstanwardine
M Jongestanwardine
Du Bourg Joséphine Périne Adèle178812 JAN 1820Mount Catherine, St Catherines Parish, Jamaicastanwardine
A Julusstanwardine
Justina325Cibalis, Pannoniastanwardine
( Katiestanwardine
F Kayestanwardine
C Kebbellstanwardine
Mary Kedman17711828stanwardine
Kathleen Mary Kelly10 MAR 1898Bengal, India1 OCT 1984Devonstanwardine
A Kennedystanwardine
Agnes Woodburn KennedyJAN 183124 JAN 1921stanwardine
Alexander Kennedy28 MAR 182628 JUL 1852stanwardine
A Kennedystanwardine
Anthony McMillan Kennedy1 MAR 181714 NOV 1892stanwardine
David Kennedy3 APR 181318 JUL 1902stanwardine
Egidia Kennedy1535Cullian, Ayr, Scotlandstanwardine
E Kennedystanwardine
Elizabeth Kennedy14 JUN 1828JUN 1861stanwardine
James Douglas Kennedy14 DEC 183614 SEP 1857stanwardine
Jane McAdam Kennedy31 AUG 183317 JUL 1844stanwardine
J Kennedystanwardine
Jessie Kennedy1 JAN 1803Kirklands, Dumfriesshire29 MAY 1828stanwardine
John KennedyBEF 1520Cullean, , Scotlandstanwardine
John Doby Kennedy5 JAN 1840Camden, South Carolina, United States14 APR 1896Camden, Kershaw, South Carolina, United Statesstanwardine
John McMillan Kennedy26 FEB 1815Colmonell, Ayrshire, Scotland6 MAY 1899Oak Park, Cook, Illinois, USAstanwardine
Margaret Kerr Kennedy2 DEC 18114 JAN 1901stanwardine
Mary McMillan Kennedy30 JUL 182312 JUL 1854stanwardine
M Kennedystanwardine
P Kennedystanwardine
Robert McMillan Kennedy12 MAY 18211896stanwardine
Sarah Douglas Kennedy30 DEC 18185 SEP 1902stanwardine
Richard Kennedy-Moffat8 AUG 1910Townhead, Moniaive, Dumfriesshire5 MAY 1945Peterculter, Aberdeenshirestanwardine
Thomas William Kennedy-Moffat15 FEB 1907Kirkpatrick Durham, Dumfriesshire15 MAY 1979Royal Infirmary, Dumfriesstanwardine
H Kennworthystanwardine
Dorothy Kenyon31 JUL 1816ACCRINGTON Lancashire England1870Accrington, Lancashirestanwardine
Edward Kenyon1821Accrington, Lancashirestanwardine
Edward Kenyon1779Accrington, Lancashire, England10 AUG 18624 Chapel Street, Accringtonstanwardine
James Kenyon1826Accrington, Lancashirestanwardine
Lawrence Kenyon1743stanwardine
Manny Kenyon1832Accrington, Lancashirestanwardine
Susannah Kenyon1824Accrington, Lancashirestanwardine
Margaret KerrABT 1758Dumfries & Galloway3 JUN 1803Holm, Carsphairnstanwardine
Patricia Maude Cooke Kerr24 OCT 1923stanwardine
Walter Harold Cooke Kerr22 AUG 1921MAR 1947stanwardine
W Kerrstanwardine
James Kershaw179220 MAY 1850Dobcross, Lancashirestanwardine
Samuel Kershaw1748BEF 10 OCT 1798Bottom Of The Moor, Oldhamstanwardine
Anna Agnesa Yaroslavna Of KievABT 1024Kiev, UkraineAFT 1075Francestanwardine
Douglas Maitland King24 MAY 1876Brighton, Sussex, England30 JUL 1948Orchard House, Stanford in the Vale of Faringdon, Berkshire, Englandstanwardine
Henry Maitland King23 DEC 1906Wrexham26 SEP 1932Holbeach Bombing Range, Gedney Drove End, The Wash, Lincolnshirestanwardine
Ronald Douglas King2 JUL 1908Flintshire19 AUG 1970Bradfield Hall, Bradfield, Readingstanwardine
Sylvia Henrietta King8 DEC 1904Farndon, Cheshire29 MAY 1984Llandyrnog, Clwydstanwardine
Thomas King24 FEB 1612/1613Cold Norton, Maldon, Essex, England24 SEP 1691Scituate, Plymouth, MAstanwardine
Payne de Roët, King at ArmsABT 1310Le Rouelx, Hainaut, BelgiumABT 1360stanwardine
Pedro III "the Cruel", King of Castile and León13341369Campo de Montiel, , Castilla-La Mancha, Spainstanwardine
Edward III, King of England13 NOV 1312Windsor Castle, Windsor, Berkshire, England21 JUN 1377Sheen Palace, Surrey, Englandstanwardine
Edward IV, King of England29 APR 1442Rouen, Haute-Normandie, France9 APR 1483Westminster Palace, London, Middlesex, Englandstanwardine
Edward V, King of England4 NOV 1470Sanctuary, Westminster, England1483Tower of London, The City, London, Englandstanwardine
Edward VI, King of England12 OCT 1537Hampton Court Palace, London Borough of Richmond upon Thames, England6 JUL 1553Greenwich Palace, Kent, Englandstanwardine
Henry IV Bolingbroke, King of EnglandAPR 1367Bolingbroke, Lincolnshire, England20 MAR 1414London, Greater London, Englandstanwardine
Henry V, King of England1387Monmouth, Wales31 AUG 1422, , , Francestanwardine
Henry VI, King of England6 DEC 1421Windsor, Berkshire, England21 MAY 1471Tower of London, The City, London, Englandstanwardine
Henry VII Tudor, King of England28 JAN 1457Pembroke Castle, Pembroke, Wales21 APR 1509Richmond, , Surrey, Englandstanwardine
Henry VIII Tudor King of England28 JUN 1491Greenwich Palace, Greenwich, Kent, England28 JAN 1547Whitehall Palace, London, Englandstanwardine
Richard II, King of England6 JAN 1367Bordeaux, Gascony, France6 JAN 1400Pontefract, Yorkshire, Englandstanwardine
Richard III, King of England2 OCT 1452Fotheringhay Castle, Northamptonshire, England22 AUG 1485Battle of Bosworth, , Leicestershire, Englandstanwardine
Charles V "The Wise", King of France21 JAN 1337Vincennes, France16 SEP 1380Vincennes, Francestanwardine
Charles VI de Valois "The Beloved", King of France3 DEC 1368Paris, Ile-de-France, France22 OCT 1422Paris, Ile-de-France, Francestanwardine
Charles VII "The Victorus", King of France22 FEB 1403Paris, Ile-de-France, France21 JUL 1461Bourges, Francestanwardine
John II de Valois "The Good", King of France26 APR 1319Le Mans, Sarthe, Pays de la Loire, France8 APR 1364London, Greater London, Englandstanwardine
Sheelah Florence Lizette King-Tennison15 APR 1900stanwardine
Doreen Kirby1997stanwardine
J Kirkstanwardine
Agnes Kirkpatrick153019 MAY 1572stanwardine
A Kirkpatrickstanwardine
Agnes KirkwoodBEF 22 MAR 1713Paisleystanwardine
Allan KirkwoodBEF 10 MAR 1700Abbey / Paisleystanwardine
Allan Kirkwood1806Renfrewshirestanwardine
Allan KirkwoodBEF 14 JAN 1739Eastwoodstanwardine
Andrew KirkwoodBEF 13 JAN 1706Paisleystanwardine
Andrew KirkwoodBEF 7 SEP 1778Paisleystanwardine
A Kirkwoodstanwardine
Elizabeth KirkwoodABT 1821Houston, Renfrewshirestanwardine
Isabel Kirkwood21 OCT 1761Abbey Paisley, Renfrew, Scotlandstanwardine
Isabella Kirkwood10 JUL 1808Netherfield, Houston, Renfrewshire8 NOV 1878Kinning Park, Lanarksstanwardine
James KirkwoodBEF 21 MAY 1710Paisleystanwardine
Janet Kirkwood5 MAR 1806Netherfield, Houston, Renfrewshirestanwardine
Jean KirkwoodBEF 12 APR 1702Paisleystanwardine
John KirkwoodBEF 9 APR 1704Paisleystanwardine
J Kirkwoodstanwardine
John Kirkwood29 NOV 17719 JAN 1847Netherfield, Houston, Renfrewshirestanwardine
Katharine KirkwoodBEF 30 JUL 1719Paisleystanwardine
Katharine KirkwoodBEF 9 JAN 1781Paisleystanwardine
Marion KirkwoodBEF 18 DEC 1769Paisleystanwardine
Martha Dunlop Kirkwood4 FEB 1812Beith, Ayrshirestanwardine
Mary Kirkwood1821Renfrewshirestanwardine
Matthew KirkwoodBEF 25 SEP 1715Paisleystanwardine
Matthew Kirkwood KirkwoodBEF 27 JAN 1736Eastwoodstanwardine
Thomas Kirkwood1821Renfrewshirestanwardine
W Kirkwoodstanwardine
William KirkwoodBEF 9 JUN 1776Paisleystanwardine
William Kirkwood18131865stanwardine
P Brownestanwardine
Florence Kitchin1860stanwardine
E Klockhoffstanwardine
Jonas Andreas Klockhoff8 SEP 1846Ytterfors, Byske, Västerbotten, Sweden23 JUN 1897Antwerp, Belgiumstanwardine
Mary Dorothea Knatchbull22 FEB 1838stanwardine
Adela Louisa Cassandra Knight24 DEC 1849Chawton, Hampshire, Englandstanwardine
Adela Mary Margaretta Knight29 MAR 185213 FEB 1912stanwardine
Annabella Christiana Knight183022 SEP 1844stanwardine
Brook John KnightSEP 1808Godmersham, Kent, England10 JAN 1878Westminster, London, Englandstanwardine
Cassandra Jane Knight180614 MAR 1842stanwardine
Cassandra Madeline Knight2 APR 1925stanwardine
Charles Knight18031867stanwardine
Charles Edward Knight13 FEB 1846Chawton, Hampshire27 FEB 1912Alton Castle, Hampshirestanwardine
Charles Ernest Knight13 OCT 18362 OCT 1855Sebastopol, Russiastanwardine
Edward Knight10 MAY 1794Godmersham, Kent, England5 NOV 1879Alton, Hampshire, Englandstanwardine
Edward Austen Knight17671852stanwardine
Edward Brook Knight18431 DEC 1844stanwardine
Edward Lewkenor Knight25 JAN 182719 MAY 1838stanwardine
Elizabeth Knight18001884stanwardine
Elizabeth Adela Knight13 FEB 1841Basingstoke, Hampshire, England21 MAY 1896stanwardine
Ethel Adela KnightABT 1857London, Englandstanwardine
Fanny Catherine Knight179324 DEC 1882Provender, Kent, Englandstanwardine
George Brook Knight10 MAR 1877Chawton, Hampshire1958Etonstanwardine
George Thomas Knight22 NOV 1795Goodnestone Park, Kent, England25 AUG 1867Moorfields, Herefordshire, Englandstanwardine
Georgiana Elizabeth Knight183226 MAY 1864stanwardine
Helen Adela Knight13 DEC 1853stanwardine
Henry Knight1796Rowling, Kent, England31 MAY 1843Kent, Englandstanwardine
Henry John Knight6 MAR 1848Chawton, Hampshire, England27 FEB 1896Grassse, Francestanwardine
Jeanne Brodnax Knight18 MAR 1919Farnborough, Hampshire19 MAR 2014Cosham, Hampshirestanwardine
Louisa Knight180429 JUL 1889stanwardine
Marianne Knight18011896stanwardine
Montagu George Knight26 OCT 1844Chawton House, Chawton, Hampshire, England17 JUL 1914stanwardine
Nathan H KnightABT 1820New Englandstanwardine
Peter Austen Knight28 AUG 1916Chawton House, Chawton, Hampshire, England28 MAY 1940Tournai, Hainault, Belgium, Killed In Actionstanwardine
Philip Henry Knight25 AUG 18354 JAN 1882stanwardine
William Knight17981873stanwardine
William Brodnax Knight3 FEB 1838London, England4 NOV 1896Winchester, Hampshire, Englandstanwardine
Wyndham William Knight5 DEC 182817 FEB 1918stanwardine
C Knollysstanwardine
B Knottstanwardine
D Knottstanwardine
Eliza Knott2 NOV 1828St Mary the Virgin, Prestwich, Lancashire, Englandstanwardine
Elizabeth KnottBEF 23 APR 1848Prestwich, Lancashire, Englandstanwardine
Emma KnottBEF 21 APR 1850Prestwich, Lancashire, England20 MAY 1927Prestwichstanwardine
Fanny KnottBEF 3 AUG 1846Prestwich, Lancashire, EnglandBEF 30 OCT 1873stanwardine
Harry Peter Knott9 DEC 1908Salford, Lancashirestanwardine
Isaac Knott25 MAR 1807stanwardine
James Knott24 JUL 1836Pendleton10 SEP 1900Salfordstanwardine
James KnottBEF 29 OCT 1769Prestwich, England5 OCT 1848Prestwich, Englandstanwardine
James Knott31 OCT 1818Prestwich, Lancashire, EnglandBEF 31 DEC 1903Prestwich, Englandstanwardine
John KnottBEF 24 SEP 1780Prestwich2 FEB 1844stanwardine
John Harry Knott13 SEP 1871Pendleton1931stanwardine
John Victor Knott3 DEC 1918Salford, Lancashirestanwardine
Joseph KnottABT 1720Ashton-under-Lyne?1793stanwardine
Joseph KnottBEF 19 FEB 1749Openshaw / Gorton16 JUL 1825Prestwichstanwardine
Margaret KnottBEF 10 OCT 1858Prestwich, Lancashire, Englandstanwardine
Mary Knott1787Prestwich15 MAR 1788Prestwichstanwardine
Mary Ann KnottBEF 2 AUG 1852Prestwich, Lancashire, EnglandBEF 16 JUN 1866stanwardine
Samuel KnottBEF 8 OCT 1820Prestwich, EnglandBEF 14 SEP 1822Prestwich, Englandstanwardine
Sarah KnottBEF 15 AUG 1822Prestwich, Englandstanwardine
Thomas Knott4 NOV 1816Prestwich, EnglandBEF 21 MAY 1847Prestwich, Englandstanwardine
Ann Knowles (Knollys)ABT 15551608stanwardine
Elizabeth Knowles (Knollys)1579BEF 1621stanwardine
Francis Knowles (Knollys)1514Rotherfield Gray, Oxfordshire, England19 JUL 1596Englandstanwardine
Francis Knowles (Knollys)ABT 1552Reading Abbey, Berkshire, Englandstanwardine
Henry Knowles (Knollys)ABT 1546Kingsbury, Warwick, EnglandBEF 1596stanwardine
Lettice Knowles (Knollys)ABT 1585stanwardine
Lettice Knowles (Knollys)ABT 1547DECEASEDstanwardine
William Knowles (Knollys)ABT 1550Rotherfield, Oxfordshire, England25 MAY 1632Paternoster Row, London, Middlesex, Englandstanwardine
D Koethestanwardine
V KoubekCzech Republicstanwardine
A Kouziaevstanwardine
Roman Kouziaev15 Feb1944Moscow, Russia1999Moscowstanwardine
Sonia Kouziaeva2003stanwardine
Sonia Kouziaeva1971Moscow, Russiastanwardine
C Krabbestanwardine
Ursula Mary Krabbe9 MAR 1910Paddington, London10 FEB 1989Goldilea Nursing Home, Troqueer, Kirkcudbrightshirestanwardine
Elizabeth KyffinABT 1475Glascoed, Llansilin, Caernarvonshire, WalesDECEASEDstanwardine
Francis Kynaston1572Little Ness, Shroppshirestanwardine
Gruffudd KynastonABT 1404Hordley, Ellesmere, Shropshire, EnglandAFT 1443Stocks, Ellesmere, Shropshire, Englandstanwardine
Gruffudd KynastonABT 1255Stocks, Ellesmere, Shropshire, EnglandDECEASEDstanwardine
Humphrey KynastonABT 1474Stanwardine, Baschurch, Shropshire, EnglandABT 1534stanwardine
Jane KYNASTON1536Stanwardine, Baschurch, Shropshire, Englandstanwardine
Jenkin KynastonABT 1330Ellesmere, Shropshire, EnglandDECEASEDstanwardine
John KynastonABT 1382Hordley, Ellesmere, Shropshire, EnglandDECEASEDstanwardine
John Roger Kynaston28 APR 1914stanwardine
Madog KynastonABT 1360Hordley, Ellesmere, Shropshire, EnglandABT 1435stanwardine
Madog KynastonABT 1305Stocks, Ellesmere, Shropshire, EnglandABT 1377stanwardine
Philip KynastonABT 1280Stocks, Ellesmere, Shropshire, EnglandABT 1327stanwardine
Roger KynastonABT 1510stanwardine
Roger KynastonABT 1430Hordley, Ellesmere, Shropshire, EnglandBEF 1496Middle, Shropshire, Englandstanwardine
Thomas Kynaston1513Stanwardine, Baschurch, Shropshire, England1550Walford, Bachurch, Englandstanwardine
T KYNASTONstanwardine
Walter Roger Owen Kynaston187424 SEP 1935stanwardine
? Meschinestanwardine
Adeliza la Meschinebet 1088 - 1094Hertfordshire, Englandstanwardine
Anne de la Pole1375Hull, Yorkshire, EnglandBEF 1410stanwardine
Blanche de la Pole1403stanwardine
Catherine de la PoleABT 13411363stanwardine
Edmund de la Pole1417stanwardine
M Polestanwardine
Michael de la Pole136718 SEP 1415stanwardine
Michael de la PoleABT 1331Hull, Yorkshire, England5 SEP 1389Paris, Francestanwardine
Richard de la PoleABT 1300Kingston-upon-Hull, York, England1345stanwardine
William de la PoleABT 1275Ravenser Odd, Yorkshire, EnglandBEF DEC 1328Ravenser Odd, Yorkshire, Englandstanwardine
William de la Pole130221 JUN 1367stanwardine
Joanna de la WarrABT 1367Offington, Broadwater, Sussex, England24 APR 1404Oakhanger, Selborne, Hampshire, Englandstanwardine
John de la WarreABT 1295Axminster, Devon, EnglandBEF 24 JUN 1331stanwardine
John de la WarreABT 12779 MAY 1347stanwardine
Roger de la Warre30 NOV 1326Axminster, Devon, England27 AUG 1370Gascony, Francestanwardine
Eudo la ZOUCHEABT 129724 APR 1326stanwardine
Joyce la ZoucheAFT 1376stanwardine
Juliana la ZOUCHEABT 1325AFT 1349stanwardine
M Zouchestanwardine
Maud la ZOUCHEABT 1289Ashby de la Zouch, Leicestershire, England31 MAY 1349Brackley, Northamptonshire, Englandstanwardine
William la Zouche25 DEC 132123 APR 1382stanwardine
Sidney Guendolen Lacaita5 JUL 1935stanwardine
Daughter De LacyDECEASEDstanwardine
Gilbert de LACYABT 1200Dublin, Ireland1234Norfolk, ENGstanwardine
Hugh de LacyABT 1218stanwardine
John de LACYABT 1192Lincoln, Lincoln, ENG22 JUL 1240Stanlaw, Chester, ENGstanwardine
Margaret de Lacy1226Ewyas Lacy, Herefordshire, ENGABT 1256stanwardine
Matilda (Maud) de LACY1229Dublin, Ireland11 APR 1304stanwardine
Petronilla LACYABT 11951241stanwardine
Maud de LACY or BURGH4 AUG 1222Lincoln, Lincoln, ENGBEF 10 MAR 1288/1289stanwardine
Isabella Lady of MarABT 1275Scotlandstanwardine
Mary de Ferrers, Lady of Oversley139425 JAN 1457stanwardine
Mary LaingABT 167510 SEP 1786Stenhouse, Tynron, Dumfriesstanwardine
Constant Lambert23 AUG 190521 AUG 1951stanwardine
George Washington Thomas Lambert13 SEP 1873St Petersburg, Russia29 MAY 1930stanwardine
I LambertABT 590Neustriastanwardine
Kit Lambert11 MAY 19357 APR 1981stanwardine
Siegbert I the LameABT 451Cologne509stanwardine
Lamech4318 B.C.3541 B.C.stanwardine
F Lamingstanwardine
Matilda of LancasterABT 1310BEF 5 MAY 1377Campsey Abbet, Suffolkstanwardine
LandradeABT 726stanwardine
Violet Ida Evelyn Lane-Fox1 JUN 186529 APR 1929stanwardine
Agostino Lanfranchi1893BEF 1989stanwardine
James LangABT 1741stanwardine
Jennett LangBEF 20 SEP 1767stanwardine
William Frederick Langdon11 FEB 1898Lambeth, London22 JUL 1976Westminster, Londonstanwardine
A Larcombe2010stanwardine
A Larcombe2001stanwardine
J Larcombe1969stanwardine
M Larcombestanwardine
S Larcombe1973stanwardine
L Largestanwardine
Frederic II De La Haute LarraineABT 995stanwardine
Sophie de la Haute LarraineABT 1020Of U-Lvvn, France1092stanwardine
A Lathamstanwardine
Eleanor Anne Latham14 NOV 1923stanwardine
Francis Felicity Latham9 SEP 1925stanwardine
George Nailor Latham1 JUN 1893stanwardine
Elizabeth Latimer1357Scrampston, Yorkshire, England5 NOV 1395stanwardine
E Latimerstanwardine
Elizabeth LatimerABT 13301395stanwardine
Barré Richard William Latter22 JUL 1777Harley Street, London, England12 SEP 1822Kishengange, Bihar, Indiastanwardine
Elizabeth Georgina Latter1786London23 APR 1849Baker Street, Londonstanwardine
Francis Latter17741801stanwardine
Robert James Latter17 MAY 1783St Marylebone, Middlesex, England25 FEB 1855London, Englandstanwardine
Thomas Latter17531834stanwardine
( Lauriestanwardine
( Lauriestanwardine
( Lauriestanwardine
( Lauriestanwardine
( Lauriestanwardine
( Lauriestanwardine
A Lauriestanwardine
Anne Laurie13 JUN 1769stanwardine
Annie Laurie16 DEC 1682Maxwelton, Dumfries5 MAY 1764Friars Carse, Dumfriesstanwardine
Catherine Laurie15 JUN 1675Maxwelton, Dumfries-shire, Scotland1734Scotlandstanwardine
Janet Laurie1606Maxwelton, Dumfriesstanwardine
Jean Laurie12 JUL 1677stanwardine
John Laurie14 OCT 1685stanwardine
J LaurieKilquhonnediestanwardine
John Minet (Fector) Laurie181324 FEB 1868stanwardine
Marian Laurie31 DEC 1616stanwardine
M Lauriestanwardine
Robert Laurie25 MAY 1764Maxwelton House, Dumfriesshire7 JAN 1848Maxwelton House, Dumfriesshirestanwardine
Robert LaurieBEF 27 JUN 171028 APR 1779Maxweltonstanwardine
Robert LaurieBEF 26 JUL 174510 SEP 1804stanwardine
Robert Laurie21 JUL 1676Maxwelton Dumfriesshire28 FEB 1702(Fell from his horse)stanwardine
Robert Laurie1641Maxwelton1698stanwardine
Stephen Laurie158014 DEC 1637stanwardine
Susanna Laurie15 JUL 1681stanwardine
Violet Laurie30 JUN 1680stanwardine
Walter Laurie3 MAY 168423 NOV 1731stanwardine
Ina Doris Law28 OCT 188422 MAR 1970stanwardine
L Lawsonstanwardine
L Lawtherstanwardine
Joseph Lawton1776Edge EndBEF 10 FEB 1831stanwardine
Sarah Lawton1726Grotton, Yorkshire1763stanwardine
Thomas Lawton22 SEP 1800BEF 30 JUN 1816stanwardine
Robert le BigodABT 1015Avranches, Normandy1071stanwardine
Constance le BlountABT 138023 SEP 1432stanwardine
John le Blount1298Sodington, Worcestershire, England1358stanwardine
Thomas le BlountABT 1378Rock, Worcester, England1456Elvaston, Derby, Englandstanwardine
Walter le Blount12701332stanwardine
Walter le BlountABT 1350Elwaston, Derbyshire, England22 JUN 1403Battle of Shrewsbury, Shropshire, Englandstanwardine
William le Blount12331316stanwardine
Anne le BOTELERABT 12781340stanwardine
Edmund le BOTELERABT 1271Kilkenny Castle, Kilkenny, Ireland13 SEP 1321London, Middlesex, Englandstanwardine
William le BOTELER11 JUN 1274Wemme, Shropshire, England14 SEP 1335stanwardine
William le Boteler8 SEP 1296Wem, Shropshire, EnglandDEC 1361Oversley, Alcester, Warwickshire, Englandstanwardine
Sir Robert le Brus1243Englandstanwardine
Hugh le DESPENSER1 MAR 1260/1261Winchester, Hampshire, England27 OCT 1326Hereford, Herefordshire, England (executed)stanwardine
Hugh le DESPENSERABT 1286Winchester, Hampshire, England28 NOV 1326Hereford, Herefordshire, England (hanged)stanwardine
Isabel le DespenserABT 1290Loughborough, Leicestershire, England4 DEC 1334Grey Friars, Salisbury, Wiltshire, Englandstanwardine
Isabella le DESPENSERAFT 1306Castile, Spain29 AUG 1396stanwardine
Joan le DESPENSERABT 1245Loughborough, Leicestershire, EnglandABT 1322Englandstanwardine
Philip le DespenserABT 1290Stoke, Gloucestershire, England24 SEP 1313stanwardine
Ansfred le GozABT 963NormandyAFT 978stanwardine
Toustien le GozABT 989Normandystanwardine
Maud le GROSVENORABT 1231Great Budworth, Runcorn, Cheshire, EnglandABT 1305stanwardine
William le Meschinof Skipton-in-Craven, Yorkshire, EnglandABT 1130/1135stanwardine
J Rouxstanwardine
M Rouxstanwardine
W Rouxstanwardine
Alianor le StrangeABT 1345Blakemere, Weobley, Herefordshire, England20 APR 1396stanwardine
Ankaret le STRANGE1361Blackmere, Cornwall, England1413stanwardine
Elizabeth le STRANGEABT 1304Blakemere, Weobley, Herefordshire, England1381stanwardine
Fulk le STRANGE1267Longnor, Shropshire, England23 JAN 1323/1324Blackmore, Herefordshire, Englandstanwardine
John le STRANGE25 JAN 1305/1306Black Mere, Shropshire, England21 JUL 1349stanwardine
John le STRANGE13 JAN 1331/1332Whitchurch, Shropshire, England12 MAY 1361stanwardine
Lucy Le StrangeABT 1367AFT 1405stanwardine
Matilda le STRANGEABT 1333Black Mere, Shropshire, Englandstanwardine
Roger Le Strange13 FEB 1300/1301Knockin, Shropshire, England29 JUL 1349Sedgbrook, Lincolnshire, Englandstanwardine
L Leafstanwardine
M LeCainstanwardine
Abraham Lees1 MAY 1737Saddleworth, Yorkshire, England3 JUN 1814Knarr Barn, Saddleworth, Yorkshirestanwardine
Abraham Lees1 MAY 1737Saddleworth, Yorkshire, England3 JUN 1814Knarr Barn, Saddleworth, Yorkshirestanwardine
Abraham Lees16651717stanwardine
Adam Henry Lees18371886stanwardine
Alice LeesABT 1790Austerlands Saddleworth, Yorkshire, England15 AUG 1868Lancashire, Englandstanwardine
Amelia Lees1821Oldham, Lancashirestanwardine
Ann Lees1733Strines, Saddleworth, Yorkshirestanwardine
Ann Lees24 OCT 1815St Leonard, Middleton, Lancashire, Englandstanwardine
Ann of Lower Barn Lees1782Lower Barn, Saddleworth, Yorkshirestanwardine
Anne Lees9 MAY 1765Hill Top, Saddleworth, Yorkshire, England7 AUG 1845Hill, near Oldham, Lancashire, Englandstanwardine
Anne Lees9 MAY 1765Knarbarn, Saddleworth7 AUG 1845stanwardine
Asa Lees18161888stanwardine
Betty Lees1769Knarr Barn, Saddleworth, Yorkshirestanwardine
Betty Lees1769Knarbarn, Saddleworthstanwardine
Betty of Lower Barn LeesABT 1781Saddleworth, Yorkshire, England23 AUG 1854York, Englandstanwardine
Charles Edward LeesSEP 1840Oldham11 AUG 1894Oldhamstanwardine
D Leesstanwardine
Edward Lees1798Stones, Saddleworth, Yorkshire29 APR 1841New Delph, Saddleworth, Yorkshirestanwardine
Eli Lees1814Lancashire, England19 JAN 1892102 Lancaster Gate, Hyde Park, Londonstanwardine
Elizabeth Lees1801stanwardine
E Leesstanwardine
Isaac Lees1738Hill Top, Saddleworth, YorkshireJAN 1740Hill Top, Saddleworth, Yorkshirestanwardine
Isaac Lees1738Hilltop, Saddleworth, Yorkshire1740stanwardine
Isaac Lees16251706stanwardine
James LeesABT 1746Hilltop Delph, Saddleworth, Yorkshire, England27 FEB 1810New Delph, Saddleworth, Yorkshirestanwardine
James Lees1746Hilltop, Saddleworth, Yorkshire1810stanwardine
James Lees1816Oldham, Lancashirestanwardine
James of Barn Lees1775Hill Top, Saddleworth, Yorkshire22 MAR 1796Lower Barn, Saddleworth, Yorkshirestanwardine
James of Delph Lodge Lees1797Manchester, Lancashire18 APR 1871Delph Lodge, Saddleworth, Yorkshirestanwardine
Jane Lees1839stanwardine
Jenny Lees1749Hill Top, Saddleworth, YorkshireABT 1788stanwardine
Jenny Lees1749Hilltop, Saddleworth, Yorkshire1788stanwardine
John Lees1769Barn, Delph, Saddleworth, Yorkshire, England1807Delph, Saddleworth, Yorkshirestanwardine
John Lees1735Hill Top, Saddleworth, Yorkshire28 SEP 1804Lower Barn, Saddleworth, Yorkshirestanwardine
John Lees1788Knarr Barn, Saddleworth, Yorkshire1790Knarr Barn, Saddleworth, Yorkshirestanwardine
John Lees1735Hilltop, Saddleworth, Yorkshire1804stanwardine
John LeesABT 1781Saddleworth, Lancashire, England6 JAN 1850Oldham, Lancashire, Englandstanwardine
Jonathan Lees1769Hilltop Delph, Saddleworth, Yorkshire, England1840Delph, Saddleworth, Yorkshirestanwardine
Jonathan Lees21 JUN 1712Hilltop, Saddleworth, Yorkshire11 NOV 1791Knarr Barn, Saddleworth, Yorkshirestanwardine
Jonathan Lees1748Hill Top, Saddleworth, YorkshireSEP 1748Hill Top, Saddleworth, Yorkshirestanwardine
Jonathan Lees1748Hilltop, Saddleworth, YorkshireSEP 1748stanwardine
Jonathan Lees21 JUN 1712Hilltop, Saddleworth, Yorkshire11 NOV 1791Knarr Barn, Saddleworth, Yorkshirestanwardine
Joseph Lees1774Hill Top, Saddleworth, Yorkshirestanwardine
Linfit Lees17 DEC 1776Saddleworth, Yorkshire, England1842Delph, Saddleworth, Yorkshirestanwardine
Linfit Lees17 DEC 1776Saddleworth, Yorkshire, England1842stanwardine
Linfit of Manchester Lees1777Lower Barn, Saddleworth, YorkshireOCT 1833Richmond Street, Manchester, Lancashirestanwardine
Lucy Lees1847stanwardine
Mally Lees1772Hill Top, Saddleworth, Yorkshirestanwardine
Marjory Lees9 SEP 1878Oldham1970stanwardine
Mary Lees1800Manchester, Lancashire16 OCT 1829Leeds, Yorkshirestanwardine
Mary Lees1767Thurston Clough, Saddleworth, YorkshireFEB 1797Brow, Saddleworth, Yorkshirestanwardine
Mary Lees1742Hill Top, Saddleworth, Yorkshirestanwardine
Mary Lees1742Hilltop, Saddleworth, Yorkshirestanwardine
Mary Lees1767Thurston Clough, Saddleworth, Yorkshire1797stanwardine
Mary Ann Lees1843stanwardine
Samuel Lees17731845stanwardine
Sarah Lees1823Oldham, Lancashirestanwardine
Cassandra Leigh17391827stanwardine
J Leighstanwardine
M LEIGHstanwardine
Mary Leigh1830Ashton Under Lyme, Lancashirestanwardine
Thomas Leigh1821stanwardine
Thomas LeighBEF 17231763stanwardine
James Leigh-Perrot1817stanwardine
A Lepida10 BCstanwardine
D Lepidastanwardine
A Lepidusstanwardine
M Lepidusstanwardine
B Lever1980stanwardine
C Lever1982stanwardine
J Lever1950stanwardine
A Leveson-Gower1966stanwardine
Charles Murrough Leveson-Gower13 APR 193324 NOV 1983Nottinghamstanwardine
H Leveson-Gower1962stanwardine
M Leveson-Gower1961stanwardine
J Lewenstanwardine
M Lewenstanwardine
Elizabeth Lewin17171776stanwardine
E Lewis1932stanwardine
George Henry Lewis4 JAN 19001980stanwardine
Elizabeth LEYCESTERABT 1318stanwardine
M Libostanwardine
Valerius Licinianus LiciniusABT 265325Executed by Constantine Istanwardine
Valerius Licinianus II LiciniusABT 300327stanwardine
J Lightfoot1970OXFORD Oxfordshire Englandstanwardine
N Lilburnstanwardine
Turold Sheriff Of LincolnABT 1015Coventry, Warwickshire, England (Mercia)BEF 1079Buckinghamshire, Englandstanwardine
Christina LindsayABT 1450Scotlandstanwardine
D Lindsaystanwardine
Elizabeth Phyllis Lindsay31 AUG 1924stanwardine
Isabel LINGENABT 13706 DEC 1466stanwardine
Ralph LINGENABT 1340AFT 1382stanwardine
Alta Margaret Linn21 FEB 1912Grand Rapids, Kent, Michigan, USA31 DEC 2002New London, Merrimack, New Hampshire, USAstanwardine
Ann Linthwaite16701717stanwardine
Mary Linthwaite16321697stanwardine
F Littlestanwardine
Frederick William Little18 FEB 183520 NOV 1885St Thomas Hospital, Londonstanwardine
Livilla12 BC031 ADstanwardine
L Llediaithstanwardine
Michael Rowland Godfrey Llewellyn15 JUN 1921stanwardine
Annes Verch LlewelynABT 1334Bryncunallt, WalesDECEASEDstanwardine
Madog ap LlewelynABT 1270Wales1331stanwardine
Anna LloydBEF 184023 JAN 1926stanwardine
Agar Morrison Lockwood20 NOV 1920Hurlingham Buenos AiresMAY 1997Loberia, Buenos Aires, Argentinastanwardine
A Lockwood1965stanwardine
George Lockyer1836Hampshirestanwardine
Jonathan Lockyer1801Hordle, Hampshirestanwardine
Julia Lockyer1829Hampshirestanwardine
Mary Ann Lockyer1865Elson, Gosport, Hampshire, England1 JUL 1961stanwardine
William LockyerABT 1827Hampshirestanwardine
Katherine Logan1704stanwardine
H Longstanwardine
Charles Watson Longbottom1849Wakefield, Yorkshirestanwardine
Eliza Longbottom1852Wakefield, Yorkshirestanwardine
Isaac Longbottom1820Kippax, Yorkshirestanwardine
Mary Ann LongbottomABT 1847Wakefield, Yorkshirestanwardine
Ela LONGESPEEABT 1227Stratton Audley, Oxfordshire, England22 NOV 1299stanwardine
Ela LongespeeABT 12209 FEB 1297/1298stanwardine
Ela LONGESPEEABT 1245Sutton, N. Hampshire, ENGBEF 19 JUL 1276stanwardine
Emmeline LONGESPEEABT 1250?; of Sutton, Ireland & Sutton, Northampshire, ENG1291stanwardine
Idonia (Ida) LONGESPEEABT 1200?; of Salisbury, Wiltshire, ENGAFT 1266stanwardine
Isabel LongespeeABT 1205?; of Salisbury, ENG1248Spainstanwardine
Lora LongespeeABT 1224?; of Salisbury, ENGstanwardine
Nicholas LongespeeABT 1218?; of Salisbury, ENG1297ENGstanwardine
Petronella LongespeeABT 1207?; of Salisbury, ENGstanwardine
Richard LongespeeABT 1214Lacock, ENGstanwardine
Stephen LONGESPEEABT 1210?; of Chitterne, Wiltshire, ENG23 JAN 1274/1275Sutton, Northamptonshire, ENG; or 1260stanwardine
William LONGESPEEABT 1208?; of Salisbury, ENG7 FEB 1249/1250Al-Mansourah, on the Nile, Egyptstanwardine
D Longinastanwardine
L Longuevillestanwardine
O Longuevillestanwardine
Edward de Neville, Lord AbergavennyABT 1412Raby, Durham, England18 OCT 1476stanwardine
John FitzAlan, Lord ArundelBEF 1349Etchingham, Sussex, England1379, , Irish Sea, Irelandstanwardine
Ralph IX*, Lord Basset of DraytonABT 1335Drayton Basset, Staffordshire, England10 MAY 1390Sleaford, Lincolnshire, Englandstanwardine
John, Lord Beauchamp1382Bletneshoe Powyke, Bedfordshire, England1409Stourton, Wiltshire, Englandstanwardine
Henry, Lord Beaumont13401369stanwardine
John, Lord Beaumont13101342stanwardine
Lionel, Lord de Welles140629 MAR 1461Battle of Towton, Tadcaster, Yorkshire, Englandstanwardine
John Perrot, Lord Deputy of IrelandNOV 1528Wales1592Tower of London, The City, London, Englandstanwardine
John Grey, Lord FerrersBEF 143217 FEB 1461Battle of Saint Albans, Hertfordshire, Englandstanwardine
Robert of Wemme, Lord Ferrers of Oversley1373Chartley, Staffordshire, EnglandBEF 29 NOV 1396stanwardine
Thomas de Neville, Lord FurnivalABT 136224 MAR 1407stanwardine
Ralph FitzRobert, Lord Greystoke15 AUG 129914 JUL 1323Gateshead, Durham, Englandstanwardine
William FitzRalph, Lord Greystoke6 JAN 1321Grimesthorpe, Yorkshire, England20 JUL 1359Brancepeth, Durham, Englandstanwardine
George de Neville, Lord LatimerABT 1408Raby Castle, Staindrop, Durham, England1469stanwardine
John, Lord Neville1328Raby Castle, Staindrop, Durham, England17 OCT 1388Newcastle-on-Tyne, Northumberland, Englandstanwardine
Ralph de Neville, Lord Neville1291Raby, Durham, England5 AUG 1367Durham, Englandstanwardine
D Angleseystanwardine
Tudor Fychan ap Goronwy, Lord of Pemmynydd1367stanwardine
Edward Cherleton, Lord of Powys1370Wrockwardine, Shropshire, England14 MAR 1420stanwardine
Thomas ap Llewelyn, Lord of South Wales1343stanwardine
Henry IV, Lord Percy of Alnwick1320Seamer, North Riding, Yorkshire, England17 JUN 1368Warkworth Castle, Alnwick, Northumberland, Englandstanwardine
Henry, Lord Percy of Alnwick6 FEB 1301Castle Alnwick, Northumberland, England27 FEB 1352Warkworth Castle, Alnwick, Northumberland, Englandstanwardine
Beatrix LorraineABT 1029FranceDECEASEDstanwardine
Frederick (Ferry) II Duke Of Haute Lorraine978Upper Lorraine, FranceAFT 1026Bar-Le-Duc, Meuse, Lorraine, Francestanwardine
Friedrich Of LorraineABT 1010Lorraine, France29 MAR 1059Rome, Rome, Italystanwardine
Godfrey II LorraineABT 1107Louvain, Brabant, France1143stanwardine
Godfrey II The Bearded Duke Of LorraineABT 1006Lower Lorraine, France24 DEC 1069stanwardine
Gothelo II Duke LorraineABT 1008Of L-Lrrn, Frnc19 APR 1044stanwardine
Gozelo (Gonzelon) I De Lorraine967Verdun, Meuse, France19 APR 1044stanwardine
Gozelo II The Sluggard Duke Of Lorraine1046stanwardine
Ida Princess Of LorraineABT 1106DECEASEDstanwardine
Oda Of LorraineABT 995Lorraine, France23 OCT 1044stanwardine
Reglinda De LorraineABT 1004Lorraine, France15 NOV 1037stanwardine
Lothar778Casseneuil, Francestanwardine
I Lotharstanwardine
Adele De LouvainABT 1030Louvain, Brabant, Belgium1083stanwardine
Adeliza Adela Of Louvain1103Brabant, Netherlands23 APR 1151Affligham, Flanders, Francestanwardine
Godfrey Count Of LouvainABT 1060Brabant, Lorraine, France25 JAN 1139/1140Jerusalem, Israelstanwardine
Henry II Count Of LouvainABT 1021Louvain, Brabant, Lorraine, FranceBEF 1079stanwardine
Henry III Count Of LouvainABT 1050Louvain, Brabant, Lorraine, France5 FEB 1094/1095stanwardine
Ida De Louvain1063Louvain, Brabant, Lorraine, France1139stanwardine
Josceyln De LouvainABT 1127Egmanton, Nottinghamshire, EnglandBEF 1180Egmanton, Nottinghamshire, Englandstanwardine
Lambert II "Baudry" Count Of LouvainABT 991Louvain, Brabant, BelgiumAFT 21 SEP 1062stanwardine
Henry de LOUVAIN & PERCYABT 1165?; took the name Percy1198stanwardine
William LovelBEF 1102Ivry-La-Bataille, Eure, Normandy, FranceBEF 1170Docking, Norfolk, Englandstanwardine
William De LovelABT 1150Minster Lovel, Oxfordshire, EnglandABT 1213stanwardine
E Loviestanwardine
D Low1949Maltastanwardine
Donald Alexander Low25 JAN 1919Brandram Road, Blackheath, London1 JUN 1990Chobham, Woking, Surreystanwardine
Elizabeth Ida Lowther1 JUL 1875stanwardine
A Lucasstanwardine
L Lucchesi-Pallistanwardine
Roberto Lucchesi-Palli18971979stanwardine
Annia Aurelia Messalina Lucilla147183stanwardine
A Lucillastanwardine
Vibia Sabina\Domitia I Lucilla137stanwardine
T Lucockstanwardine
E Lucystanwardine
Benedicta LUDLOWABT 1396Hodnet, Market Drayton, Shropshire, EnglandAFT 1427stanwardine
Edmund LUDLOW16171692stanwardine
Elizabeth LUDLOWABT 1610Of, Clarington Parke, Wiltshire, Englandstanwardine
Henry LUDLOW1592Maiden Bradley, Wiltshire6 NOV 1660St Andrews, Holbornstanwardine
Henry LUDLOWABT 1585stanwardine
John LUDLOWABT 136020 JUL 1398stanwardine
Margery LUDLOWABT 1390Hodnet, Market Drayton, Shropshire, Englandstanwardine
A Lumsden1961stanwardine
J Lumsden1962stanwardine
P Lumsdenstanwardine
S Lumsden1965stanwardine
Eliza Ellen LundABT 1836Knaresborough, Yorkshire, England26 MAR 1907Saddleworth, St Chad, Yorkshire, Englandstanwardine
Reginald Dekyn Lund24 MAY 1975stanwardine
R Lundstanwardine
Frances Mary Lunn8 OCT 1877Slaithwaite, Yorkshire, England28 SEP 1963The Green, Marsdenstanwardine
Alice LUSIGNANABT 1224?; of Lusignan, Vienne, France9 FEB 1290/1291Warren, Sussex, ENG; or Feb 7, 1255/56stanwardine
Hugh X LUSIGNANABT 1185?; of Lusignan, Vienne, France6 JUL 1246Surrey, ENGstanwardine
Hugh XI LusignanABT 1221?; of Lusignan, France1250Egypt, Battle of Mansurahstanwardine
Hugh XII LusignanABT 12401282stanwardine
Jeanne de LUSIGNANABT 1255FranceSEP 1322stanwardine
William LUSIGNANABT 1220stanwardine
Maude LUSIGNAN or d' EUABT 119524 AUG 1241stanwardine
Isabella Craig Lusk25 JUN 1866Kircudbrightstanwardine
A Luttrellstanwardine
Elizabeth LuttrellABT 1388stanwardine
Hugh Luttrell1364Dunster, Somerset, Englandstanwardine
Bonne of Luxembourg1349stanwardine
Frederic III LuxembourgABT 987Luxembourg, Luxembourg, Belgium18 MAY 1065stanwardine
Frederick II Count Of Luxembourg1006Luxembourg28 AUG 1065stanwardine
Jacquetta de LuxembourgABT 141630 MAY 1472stanwardine
Jutta Countess Of LuxembourgABT 1040DECEASEDstanwardine
Philippina (Philippa) Luxembourg-MaasABT 1252?; of Luxembourg, Luxembourg6 APR 1311Valenciennes, Nord, Francestanwardine
H LybiusKing of Italy, Gaul, and Spainstanwardine
George Lynne1570Southwick Hall, Northamptonshire, England5 NOV 1606Southwick Hall, Northamptonshire, Englandstanwardine
George LynneABT 15475 NOV 1606stanwardine
Martha Lynne1598Southwick Hall, Northamptonshire, England (As A Monk)1679County Kerry, Ireland & Suttonstanwardine
Charles Sturges Lyon22 SEP 1854Woodley, Berkshire4 APR 192928 Bramham Gardens, Earls Court, Londonstanwardine
C Lyonstanwardine
Clarence Lyon Hall27 FEB 1859Belleville, Ontario30 OCT 194414 East Avenue, Camperdown, Jamaicastanwardine
Clarence Espeut Lyon Hall16 FEB 1896Haiti7 JUL 1916Becordel-Becourt, Somme, Francestanwardine
Doris Maude Lyon Hall8 APR 1901Haiti1983stanwardine
Edward Huxley Lyon Hall18 AUG 1899Haitistanwardine
Gladys Noemi Lyon Hall16 OCT 1897Port Au Prince, Haiti1 APR 1972stanwardine
R Hallstanwardine
M Lysterstanwardine
Alexander M'Ghie1635Balmaghie, Kirkcudbrightshire, Scotlandstanwardine
Elizabeth M'Ghie1660Craigdarrochstanwardine
Margaret Jean MacbeanBEF 19244 SEP 1961stanwardine
Agnes Elizabeth Macdonald1913stanwardine
Donald Buchanan Macdonald1908Helensburgh, Scotland1980Fort Pierce, St Lucie, Florida, USAstanwardine
F. S. J. MacDonald30 OCT 1901stanwardine
G Macdonald1938stanwardine
John Macdonald1905stanwardine
John Colin Macdonald1930stanwardine
Katherine Nora Macdonald1902stanwardine
L Macdonald1944stanwardine
W Macdonaldstanwardine
William Flint Andrew Macdonald30 NOV 193626 JUL 2003London, London, Englandstanwardine
I Macdonellstanwardine
Mary Ursula Cynthia Gwendolen Macdonell21 APR 2006Francestanwardine
M MacFarlanestanwardine
M Mackay1953Aylesbury Buckinghamshirestanwardine
R Mackaystanwardine
A Mackenziestanwardine
H Mackenziestanwardine
Hugh Stirling Mackenzie13 JUL 1913OCT 1996stanwardine
J Mackenziestanwardine
B MacLellan1939stanwardine
James Reid MacLellan190629 JAN 1908stanwardine
Margaret Alice MacLellan19047 JUN 1906stanwardine
R MacLellan1945stanwardine
William Walter MacLellanABT 185810 AUG 1925stanwardine
William Walter MacLellan18 OCT 1908stanwardine
Agnes Macmillan1865Barr, Ayrshirestanwardine
Alice Mary Goldie Macmillan13 JAN 1902Moniaive, Dumfries10 FEB 1995Baschurchstanwardine
Angus Leith Macmillan12 MAR 1906Bonar Bridge, Sutherland, Scotand6 JUL 1975Stockport, Cheshire, Englandstanwardine
Ann Macmillan182717 FEB 1889Teberban, Glencairnstanwardine
Anthony Macmillan29 JUL 1759Carsphairn, Dumfries & Galloway1817stanwardine
Anthony MacmillanABT 1790GallowayABT 1808stanwardine
Betraq Isabel Goldie Macmillan12 MAY 1907Moniaive, Dumfries & Galloway1976stanwardine
Catherine Macmillan25 JUL 1860Barr, Ayrshire13 MAR 1960West Vancouver, British Columbiastanwardine
C Macmillanstanwardine
Catherine Broom Macmillan4 JUL 1843Carsphairn, Dumfries & Gallowaystanwardine
Daniel Macmillan1764stanwardine
David Macmillan1867Barr, Ayrshirestanwardine
D Macmillanstanwardine
David Macmillan1762Carsphairn, Dumfries & Gallowaystanwardine
D MacMillanstanwardine
David MacmillanABT 1784GallowayABT 1802stanwardine
David Macmillan1702Gallowaystanwardine
David MacmillanABT 1680GallowayAFT 1734Marbreck.stanwardine
David Macmillan1720Dumfries & GallowayAPR 1773Brochlochstanwardine
David Jackson Macmillan13 JAN 1873Glencairn, Dumfries, Scotland27 SEP 1889Glencrosh, Glencairnstanwardine
D Macmillanstanwardine
Elizabeth Macmillan1768stanwardine
Elizabeth Macmillan1806Viewfield, Kells12 MAR 1858Viewfield, Kellsstanwardine
Elizabeth MacmillanABT 179420 MAR 1843Carsphairnstanwardine
E Macmillanstanwardine
Elizabeth White Thomas Macmillan27 AUG 1899Moniaive, Dumfries & Galloway1979stanwardine
James Macmillan1862Barr, Ayrshirestanwardine
J Macmillanstanwardine
J Macmillanstanwardine