Name | Birth Date | Birth Place | Death Date | Death Place | Database |
. Reid | | | | | stanwardine |
= Richard | | | | | stanwardine |
? | 1748 | | 1811 | | stanwardine |
ADAM of Aldithley | ABT 1148 | | | | stanwardine |
Aelfgifu | ABT 922 | Wessex, England | 944 | | stanwardine |
AElflaeda | ABT 878 | Wessex, England | 920 | | stanwardine |
A Agnes | | | | | stanwardine |
A Agnes | | | | | stanwardine |
Albertha | 1847 | | 1932 | | stanwardine |
Aldhun | | | 1018 | | stanwardine |
Aleida of Holland | ABT 1226 | ?; of 'S-Hertogenbosch, Noord Brabant, Neth. | 9 APR 1283 | Valenciennes, Nord, France | stanwardine |
Alfonso de Molina of Castile | | | 1272 | | stanwardine |
ALFONSO IX | 15 AUG 1171 | Zamora, Leon, Spain | 24 SEP 1230 | Villaneuva de Sarria, Lugo, Spain | stanwardine |
Alfonso X of Castile | 23 NOV 1221 | Burgos, Castile, Spain | 4 APR 1284 | Seville, Spain | stanwardine |
A Alice | | | | | stanwardine |
Alice | 1880 | | 1948 | | stanwardine |
A Ann | | | | | stanwardine |
A Anna | | | | | stanwardine |
Æthelflaeda | | | UNKNOWN | | stanwardine |
Beatrix Berengar of Provence | 1234 | | ABT JUL 1267 | Nocera | stanwardine |
Beatrix of Swabia | ABT 1200 | | 1235 | | stanwardine |
B Becs | | | | | stanwardine |
BERENGUELA of Leon | ABT 1199 | Leon, Spain | ABT 1245 | Spain | stanwardine |
BLANCHE d' Artois | ABT 1248 | ?; of Arras, Pas-de-Calais, France | 2 MAY 1302 | Paris, France | stanwardine |
Carlo or Charles II of Naples | 1254 | ?; of Napoli, Napoli, Italy | 5 MAY 1309 | | stanwardine |
C Caroline | | | | | stanwardine |
C Augusta | | | | | stanwardine |
Catherine of Aragón | 16 DEC 1485 | Alcala de Henares, Madrid, Spain | 7 JAN 1536 | Kimbolton Castle, Huntingdonshire, England | stanwardine |
Charles I Stephen of Anjou | ABT MAR 1225/1226 | | 7 JAN 1284/1285 | Foggie | stanwardine |
Charles III of Valois | 12 MAR 1269/1270 | Vincennes, Val-De-Marne, France | 16 DEC 1325 | Nogent-le-Roi, Eure-et-Loire, France | stanwardine |
Charles IV [R49] | 1294 | | 1328 | | stanwardine |
Charlotte | 1818 | | 1850 | | stanwardine |
C Colin | | | | | stanwardine |
Constanza of Castile | 1200 | | 1242 | | stanwardine |
D Daphne | | | | | stanwardine |
Dinah | | | 1769 | Marsden, Yorkshire | stanwardine |
Ealhswith | ABT 852 | Mercia, England | 5 DEC 905 | | stanwardine |
E Ecgthryth | | | | | stanwardine |
Ecqwyn | | | UNKNOWN | | stanwardine |
Edgiva | ABT 896 | Kent, England | 961 | | stanwardine |
E Edla | | | | | stanwardine |
EDMUND Plantagenet | 16 JAN 1244/1245 | London, Middlesex, ENG | 5 JUN 1296 | Bayonne, Pyrennes-Atlanti, France | stanwardine |
Edmund PLANTAGENET of Kent | 5 AUG 1301 | Woodstock, Oxfordshire, ENG | 19 MAR 1329/1330 | Winchester, Hampshire, ENG; beheaded | stanwardine |
Edward | | | 1372 | | stanwardine |
EDWARD I [Sb20] Plantagenet | 17 JUN 1239 | Westminster Palace, ENG | 7 JUL 1307 | Burgh-on-the-Sands (near Carlisle), Cumberland, ENG | stanwardine |
EDWARD II [O11; SB21; Y1] Plantagenet | 28 APR 1284 | Caernarvon Castle, Caernarvonshire, Wales | 21 SEP 1327 | Berkeley Castle, Berkeley, Gloucestershire, ENG; murdered | stanwardine |
ELEANOR (Leonor) [XD25] of Castile | ABT OCT 1241 | Castile, Spain | 28 NOV 1290 | Herdeby, Lincolnshire, ENG | stanwardine |
Eleanor Plantagenet | 4 MAY 1306 | Winchester, ENG | 1311 | Amesbury | stanwardine |
ELEANORE (Leonor) [XD24] of Provence | ABT 1223 | ?; of Aix-en-Provence, Bouches-du-Rhone, France | 24 JUN 1291 | Amesbury, Wiltshire, ENG | stanwardine |
E Elfeda | 965 | | | | stanwardine |
Elfrida | ABT 947 | Devonshire, England | 1000 | | stanwardine |
E Eliza | | | | | stanwardine |
Elizabeth of Kumania | ABT 1241 | | | | stanwardine |
E Ellie | | | | | stanwardine |
E Ameila | | | | | stanwardine |
E Emma | | | | | stanwardine |
E Emma | | | | | stanwardine |
ENRIQUE (Henri) I of Navarre | ABT 1244 | ?; of Troyes, Aube, France | 22 JUL 1274 | Pampeluna, Navarra, Spain | stanwardine |
E Estrid | | | | | stanwardine |
E Eva | | | | | stanwardine |
E Eva | | | | | stanwardine |
FERNANDO III of Castile | 5 AUG 1201 | ?; of Leon, Leon, Spain | 30 MAY 1252 | Sevilla, Sevilla, Spain | stanwardine |
F Flaad | | Dol, Brittany | | | stanwardine |
Frances | 1885 | | 1918 | | stanwardine |
F Francis | | | | | stanwardine |
G Gerbod | | | | | stanwardine |
G Grace | | | | | stanwardine |
Gundred | | | 27 MAY 1085 | Castle Acre, Norfolk, England | stanwardine |
Gwendeline | 1885 | | 1941 | | stanwardine |
Harriet | 1832 | | 1901 | | stanwardine |
H Helloe | | | | | stanwardine |
Henri III of Luxembourg-Maas | ABT 1220 | of Luxembourg | | | stanwardine |
HENRY III [SB19] Plantagenet | 1 OCT 1207 | Winchester, Hampshire, ENG | 16 NOV 1272 | Westminster, Middlesex, ENG | stanwardine |
Isabel de Verdum | 21 MAR 1316/1317 | Amesbury, Wiltshire, ENG | 25 JUL 1349 | Groby, ENG | stanwardine |
Isabel of Gloucester | | | 14 OCT 1217 | | stanwardine |
Isabela of Valois | 1313 | | 26 JUL 1383 | Paris | stanwardine |
I Isabella | | Scotland | | | stanwardine |
ISABELLA of Aragon | ABT 1247 | Montpellier, Herault, France or Aragon, Spain | 28 JAN 1270/1271 | Clermont, Auvergne, Fance or Cosenza, Calabria, Italy | stanwardine |
Isabella TAILLEFER of Angouleme | ABT 1188 | ?; of Anglouleme, Charente, France | 31 MAY 1246 | Fontevrault Abbey, Fontevrault, Maine-et-Loire, France | stanwardine |
ISABELLE (Valois) [XD26] of France | ABT 1291 | ?; of Paris, Seine, France | 22 AUG 1358 | Castle Rising, Norfolk, ENG | stanwardine |
J Jack | | | | | stanwardine |
Jacquetta | ABT 1436 | Chillingham, Northumberland, England | 26 SEP 1469 | | stanwardine |
James FitzJames | 21 AUG 1670 | Moulins, Allier, France | 1734 | Phillippsburg | stanwardine |
JAMES I of Aragon | 1 FEB 1207/1208 | Montpellier, County of Toulouse | 25 JUL 1276 | Valencia, Valencia | stanwardine |
J Jane | | | | | stanwardine |
J Jane | | | | | stanwardine |
Jane | 1798 | | 1844 | | stanwardine |
JOAN or Margaret de Monmouth | ABT 1201 | ?; of Raby with Keverstone, Staindrop, Durham, ENG | AFT NOV 1247 | | stanwardine |
Joanna [XE9] | 1210 | | 1238 | | stanwardine |
John I [O8] PLANTAGENET | 24 DEC 1166 | Kings Manor House, Oxford, Oxfordshire, ENG | 19 OCT 1216 | Newark-on-Kent, Newark Castle, Nottinghamshire, ENG | stanwardine |
JOHN II | | ?; of Hainaut | 1304 | | stanwardine |
J Josceline | | | | | stanwardine |
JUANA (Jeanne) I of Navarre | JAN 1271/1272 | Bar-sur-Seine, Aube, France | 2 APR 1305 | Chateau De Vince, Val-De-Marne, France | stanwardine |
K II | | | | | stanwardine |
Leonor of Castile | 1202 | | 1244 | | stanwardine |
LOUIS IX [R43] | 25 APR 1214 | Poissy, France | 25 AUG 1270 | Tunis, Tunisia, Africa; died of the plague or on a crusade to Tunisia | stanwardine |
L Evreux | | | | | stanwardine |
Louis X [R46] | 1289 | | 1316 | | stanwardine |
Lucy | 1074 | | 1141 | | stanwardine |
MAHAUT or Matilda (Maud) de Brabant | ABT 1224 | | 29 SEP 1288 | | stanwardine |
Malusha | | | 1002 | | stanwardine |
M Margaret | | | | | stanwardine |
Margaret | | | BEF 17 MAR 1591 | | stanwardine |
Margaret [XE11] | 1240 | | 1275 | | stanwardine |
Marguerite de Bourgogne | 1250 | | 1308 | | stanwardine |
MARGUERITE of France | 1279 | France | 14 FEB 1317/1318 | Marlboro Castle, Wiltshire, ENG | stanwardine |
MARGUERITE of Provence | ABT 1221 | St. Maime, Alpes, France | 21 DEC 1295 | Paris, France | stanwardine |
Marguerite of Sicily & Naples | ABT 1274 | ?; of Napoli, Napoli, Italy | 31 DEC 1299 | | stanwardine |
Maria of Hungary | ABT 1258 | ?; of Buda, Pest, Hungary | 25 MAR 1323 | | stanwardine |
MARIE of Brabant | ABT 1245 | | 12 JAN 1321/1322 | | stanwardine |
M Martha | | | | | stanwardine |
Matilda (Maud or Mahaud) of Chatilon | 1293 | ?; of St. Pol | 3 OCT 1358 | | stanwardine |
P Pat | | | | | stanwardine |
P Patricia? | | | | | stanwardine |
PEDRO (Peter) I | ABT 1334 | | ABT 1369 | | stanwardine |
Peter or Pedro III of Aragon | 1239 | | 11 NOV 1285 | Villafranca del Panades, Catalonia | stanwardine |
P Lancaster | | | | | stanwardine |
PHILIPPE III [R44] | 3 APR 1245 | Poissy, Yvelines, France | 5 OCT 1285 | Perpignan, Pyrenees-Orienta, France | stanwardine |
PHILIPPE IV [R45] | 1268 | Fontainebleau, Seine-et-Marne, France | 29 NOV 1314 | Fontainebleau, France | stanwardine |
Philippe V [R48] | 1293 | | 1322 | | stanwardine |
Philippe VI of Valois | ABT 1293 | | 22 AUG 1350 | near Paris, France | stanwardine |
Raine | 1929 | | | | stanwardine |
Redburh | ABT 788 | Wessex, England | UNKNOWN | | stanwardine |
R Cornwall | | | | | stanwardine |
ROBERT I of France | SEP 1216 | Paris, Seine, France | 8 FEB 1249/1250 | Manssurah, Eygpt while on Crusade | stanwardine |
Robert of France | 1256 | | | | stanwardine |
R Ruth | | | | | stanwardine |
S Sally | | | | | stanwardine |
S Sara | | | | | stanwardine |
S Sarah | | | | | stanwardine |
S Sarah | | | | | stanwardine |
S Sarah | | | | | stanwardine |
S Storrada | | | | | stanwardine |
Stephen V | 1239 | | 6 AUG 1272 | | stanwardine |
S Sue | | | | | stanwardine |
S Suthen | | | | | stanwardine |
T Tesselin | | | | | stanwardine |
THEOBALD II de Verdun | 8 SEP 1278 | | 27 JUL 1316 | Alton, ENG | stanwardine |
Theobaldo I of Navarre | ABT 30 MAY 1201 | Troyes, France | 8 JUL 1253 | Pomplona, Navarre (now is Spain) | stanwardine |
Theobaldo II | | | ABT 1270 | | stanwardine |
Thomas PLANTAGENET | 1 JUN 1300 | ?; of Brotherton, Yorkshire, ENG | AUG 1338 | | stanwardine |
T Beaufort | | | | | stanwardine |
Turold | | Normandy | bef Christmas 1085 | | stanwardine |
U UNNAMED | | | | | stanwardine |
U UNNAMED | | | | | stanwardine |
U UNNAMED | | | | | stanwardine |
U UNNAMED | | | | | stanwardine |
U UNNAMED | | | | | stanwardine |
U UNNAMED | | | | | stanwardine |
U UNNAMED | | | | | stanwardine |
U UNNAMED | | | | | stanwardine |
U UNNAMED | | | | | stanwardine |
U UNNAMED | | | | | stanwardine |
U UNNAMED | | | | | stanwardine |
W William | | | | | stanwardine |
WILLIAM I Longespee | ABT 1174 | Woodstock Manor | 7 MAR 1225/1226 | Mansourah, Nile | stanwardine |
C Carrington-Smith | 1938 | | | | stanwardine |
K Carrington-Smith | 1940 | | | | stanwardine |
N Carrington-Smith | | | | | stanwardine |
D Kennedy-Moffat | 1957 | Hastings, Sussex | | | stanwardine |
I Kennedy-Moffat | 1968 | Dunscore | | | stanwardine |
P Kennedy-Moffat | 1934 | Chelsea, London | | | stanwardine |
R Kennedy-Moffat | | | | | stanwardine |
R Kennedy-Moffat | | | | | stanwardine |
T Kennedy-Moffat | | | | | stanwardine |
Janet MacKintosh | 1848 | Scotland | 28 FEB 1906 | London, Middlesex, United Kingdom | stanwardine |
Olive Ina Vera Richardson | 1886 | | 21 APR 1920 | Christchurch, Hampshire | stanwardine |
William II 'Rufus' (King of England 1087-1100) | ABT 1060 | Normandy, France | 2 AUG 1100 | New Forset While Hunting | stanwardine |
( (?) | | | | | stanwardine |
( (?) | | | | | stanwardine |
( (?) | | | | | stanwardine |
( (?) | | | | | stanwardine |
(Alexander) | | | | | stanwardine |
A (Blackley) | | | | | stanwardine |
Beatrice A L (Bridge) | 26 JUN 1884 | | | | stanwardine |
(Carmichael) | 1913 | | | | stanwardine |
T (Castor) | | | | 023AD (probably poisoned by Sejanus and Livilla | stanwardine |
P (Crowe) | | | | | stanwardine |
Clara (Franks) | 1856 | | | | stanwardine |
Elizabeth (Hague) | 2 SEP 1922 | | 6 JUN 2006 | ]ohannesburg | stanwardine |
Elizabeth (Hall) | 1718 | | | | stanwardine |
A (Hardman) | | | | | stanwardine |
A (Hardwick) | | | | | stanwardine |
Eliza (Harthern) | 1835 | Audlem, Cheshire, England | | | stanwardine |
L (Helen) | | | | | stanwardine |
M (Johnson) | | | | | stanwardine |
D (Kenyon) | | | | | stanwardine |
Elizabeth (Lockyer) | ABT 1789 | Old Basing, Hampshire | | | stanwardine |
Mary Ann (Lockyer) | 1842 | Gosport | | | stanwardine |
(Mother) | | | | | stanwardine |
(Mother) | | | | | stanwardine |
(Mother) | | | | | stanwardine |
(Mother) | | | | | stanwardine |
(Mother) | | | | | stanwardine |
Alice (Ogden) | ABT 1760 | | | | stanwardine |
Elizabeth (Ogden) | ABT 1839 | Unsworth, Bury, Lancashire, England | | | stanwardine |
Martha (Percival) | 1804 | | | | stanwardine |
Martha (Percival) | 1779 | | | | stanwardine |
Sarah (Pridmore) | 1791 | Lincolnshire | | | stanwardine |
Catharine (Ramsden) | 1784 | | 13 NOV 1880 | | stanwardine |
L (Reid) | | | | | stanwardine |
S (Rippin) | | | | | stanwardine |
Alice (Rippon) | 1826 | Wansford, Norths | | | stanwardine |
A (Rippon) | | | | | stanwardine |
C (Roberts) | | | | | stanwardine |
Harriet Lilian (Samuels) | 1861 | Wolverton, Warwick | | | stanwardine |
(Surplice) | | | | | stanwardine |
A (Thomas) | | | | | stanwardine |
Lelid (Weinberger) | 1887 | Hungary | | | stanwardine |
M (White) | | | | | stanwardine |
Sarah (White) | 1801 | | | | stanwardine |
A (Young) | | | | | stanwardine |
- | | | | | stanwardine |
- | | | | | stanwardine |
- | | | | | stanwardine |
- - | | | | | stanwardine |
Robert 0de Ferrers | ABT 1062 | of, Derby, England | 1139 | | stanwardine |
Beatrice ? | ABT 1278 | England | | | stanwardine |
CECILY ? | ABT 1352 | | | | stanwardine |
HELENA ? | ABT 1325 | | | | stanwardine |
ISABEL ? | ABT 1322 | | | | stanwardine |
ISABELLA ? | ABT 1295 | | | | stanwardine |
ISOLDA ? | ABT 1325 | | | | stanwardine |
JOAN ? | 1359 | | AFT 1389 | | stanwardine |
JOAN ? | ABT 1333 | | | | stanwardine |
Katherine ? | 1348 | | | | stanwardine |
MARGARET ? | ABT 1380 | England | | England | stanwardine |
MARGERY ? | ABT 1252 | | | | stanwardine |
MARGERY ? | ABT 1300 | | | | stanwardine |
MARGERY ? | 1320 | | | | stanwardine |
MARY ? | | | AFT 1283 | | stanwardine |
THOMASINE ? | ABT 1344 | Raby, Durham, England | 20 JUL 1409 | | stanwardine |
A ?? | | | | | stanwardine |
Adelheid ?? | | | 983 | | stanwardine |
A ?? | | | | | stanwardine |
B ?? | | | | | stanwardine |
E ?? | | | | | stanwardine |
E ?? | | | | | stanwardine |
E ?? | | | | | stanwardine |
H ?? | | | | | stanwardine |
H ?? | | | | | stanwardine |
L ?? | | | | | stanwardine |
Mary ?? | | | AFT 1283 | | stanwardine |
Maud ?? | | | BEF 1168 | | stanwardine |
Melisande ?? | | | BEF 30 MAR 1087/1088 | | stanwardine |
P ?? | | | | | stanwardine |
C Abbott | 1960 | | | | stanwardine |
Abel | | | | | stanwardine |
Abraham (Ibrahim) | ABT 2052 BC | Hebron, Palestine | 1877 BC | Hebron, Palestine | stanwardine |
A Absell | | | | | stanwardine |
M Abyssinia | | | | | stanwardine |
Adah | 1834 BC | | ABT 1734 BC | | stanwardine |
Robert Adair | 24 MAR 1921 | Montreal, Hochelaga, QC, Canada | 5 OCT 1981 | Montreal, Hochelaga, QC, Canada | stanwardine |
Robert Alexander Shearer Adair | 8 AUG 1894 | Montreal, Hochelaga, QC, Canada | 12 AUG 1923 | Montreal, Hochelaga, QC, Canada | stanwardine |
Adam | | Garden of Eden | | | stanwardine |
B Addicoat | | | | | stanwardine |
Adrastus | | | | | stanwardine |
George Adshead | 1784 | Stockport, Cheshire, England | 28 OCT 1859 | Saddleworth | stanwardine |
Aegeoneus | | | | | stanwardine |
Aesaus | | | | | stanwardine |
Agathon | | | | | stanwardine |
R Ager | | | | | stanwardine |
Agilulf of Agilofing | ABT 470 | Agilofing, Bavaria | | | stanwardine |
Son Agilulf | ABT 450 | | | | stanwardine |
Agnes | ABT 1260 | France | 1327 | | stanwardine |
G Ahenobarbus | | | | | stanwardine |
G Ahenobarbus | | | | | stanwardine |
L Ahenobarbus | | | | After 54 B.C. | stanwardine |
L Ahenobarbus | | | | 25 A.D. | stanwardine |
Lylia Sophia Ainslie | 1861 | Ulverston, Lancashire | 25 MAY 1907 | Liverpool | stanwardine |
Nancy Laurie Ainsworth | 16 AUG 1915 | Lahore, India | JUL 2000 | Preston and South Ribble, Lancashire | stanwardine |
Betrag Aird | | | 1666 | | stanwardine |
Iulus Ascanius King of AlbaLonga | | | 1137 | | stanwardine |
A Albany | | | | | stanwardine |
J Alba\Terentia | | | | | stanwardine |
Alberga | | | | | stanwardine |
L Alberga | 2014 | | | | stanwardine |
L Alberga | 2018 | | | | stanwardine |
Matilda De Albini | ABT 1153 | Belvoir Castle, Belvoir, Leicestershire, England | AFT 1210 | Strathearn, Perthshire, Scotland | stanwardine |
Matilda De Albini | ABT 1153 | Belvoir Castle, Leicestershire, England | AFT 1210 | Strathearn, Perthshire, Scotland | stanwardine |
M Albini | | | | | stanwardine |
William "Le Breton" De Albini | 1113 | Belvoir Castle, Belvoir, Leicestershire, England | 1168 | Belvoir Castle, Belvoir, Leicestershire, England | stanwardine |
William De Albini | ABT 1150 | Belvoir Castle, Belvoir, Leicestershire, England | 1 MAY 1236 | Castle, Belvoir, Leicestershire, England | stanwardine |
Alcathous | | | | | stanwardine |
T Alder | | | | | stanwardine |
Mabel De Talvas D' Alencon | 1026 | Alencon, Eure, Normandy, France | 2 DEC 1079 | Bures Castle | stanwardine |
A Alexander | | | | | stanwardine |
A Alexander | | | | young | stanwardine |
Charles William Alexander | 9 DEC 1890 | | | | stanwardine |
J Alexander | | | | | stanwardine |
J Alexander | | | | | stanwardine |
James Duncuft Fettes Alexander | 6 DEC 1930 | Cheltenham, Gloucestershire | BEF 3 SEP 2007 | Spain (on Holiday) | stanwardine |
J Alexander | | | | | stanwardine |
L Alexander | | | | | stanwardine |
L Alexander | | | | | stanwardine |
N Alexander | | | | | stanwardine |
Nora Muriel Alexander | 4 DEC 1927 | Cheltenham, Gloucestershire | | | stanwardine |
P Alexander | | | | | stanwardine |
S Alexander | | | | | stanwardine |
W Alexander | | | | | stanwardine |
Alfidia | | | | | stanwardine |
A Alison | | | | | stanwardine |
E Alison | | | | | stanwardine |
Jean Beckett Allan | 12 FEB 1889 | Ayr | JUN 1950 | London | stanwardine |
D Allen | | | | | stanwardine |
Pamela Jane Allen | 23 APR 1916 | Bury, Lancashire | | | stanwardine |
P Allen | | Taunton, Somerset, England | | | stanwardine |
R Allen | | | | | stanwardine |
E Alleyne | | | | | stanwardine |
Alpais\adelheid | | | | | stanwardine |
H Alport | | | | | stanwardine |
Altheus | | | | | stanwardine |
Amador | | | | | stanwardine |
Elizabeth d' AMORIE | BEF 23 MAY 1318 | ?; of Tutbury Castle, Staffordshire, ENG | AFT 1360 | | stanwardine |
Roger d' AMORIE | ABT 1287 | ?; of Bletchingham, Oxford, ENG | ABT 14 MAR 1321/1322 | ENG | stanwardine |
Elizabeth Amplett | | Four Ashes, Worcester | 1738 | | stanwardine |
AMTHETA | | | | | stanwardine |
Richard D' Amundeville | | | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Anastasia | | | | | stanwardine |
Ancaria | | | | | stanwardine |
A | | | | | stanwardine |
A | | | | | stanwardine |
A | | | | | stanwardine |
A | | | | | stanwardine |
A | | | | | stanwardine |
A | | | | | stanwardine |
A | | | | | stanwardine |
A | | | | | stanwardine |
A Ancharia | | | | | stanwardine |
Anchises | | | | | stanwardine |
A Anderson | | | | | stanwardine |
Augusta Anderson | | | 13 JUL 1933 | | stanwardine |
David Ebenezer Anderson | 1850 | | | | stanwardine |
Dorothy E Anderson | 1883 | | | | stanwardine |
J Anderson | | | | | stanwardine |
Kenneth Arthur Noel Anderson | 25 DEC 1891 | Madras, India | 29 APR 1959 | Gibraltar | stanwardine |
Marjorie Anderson | 1883 | | 8 JUN 1971 | 6 Park Lodge, St Johns Wood, London | stanwardine |
M Anderson | | | | | stanwardine |
Anne Anderton? | 1715 | | | | stanwardine |
E Andrews | | | | | stanwardine |
J Andrews | | | | | stanwardine |
Andromache | | | | | stanwardine |
Anfossi | | | | | stanwardine |
F Anfossi | 1980 | Savona, Italy | | | stanwardine |
L Anfossi | 1980 | | | | stanwardine |
T Anfossi | | | | | stanwardine |
Adelaide Of Angers | ABT 1112 | Normandy, France | | | stanwardine |
Annaly | | | | | stanwardine |
L Anotnius | | | | | stanwardine |
Ansegisel | 602 | | 685 | | stanwardine |
Elizabeth Mildred Louisa Anstruther | 29 APR 1896 | | 11 SEP 1932 | | stanwardine |
Gertrude Mary Anstruther | 9 MAR 1900 | | 10 APR 1975 | | stanwardine |
Magdalen Janet Anstruther | 19 APR 1889 | | 15 FEB 1953 | | stanwardine |
Margaret Christian Anstruther | 16 AUG 1887 | | 8 SEP 1925 | | stanwardine |
Mary Rosamond Anstruther | | | 19 JUL 1958 | | stanwardine |
Ralph Hugo Anstruther | 13 JUN 1921 | | 19 MAY 2002 | | stanwardine |
Ralph William Anstruther | 5 JUL 1858 | | 30 SEP 1934 | | stanwardine |
Robert Edward Anstruther | 4 APR 1890 | | 22 JUL 1921 | | stanwardine |
Sarah Katherine Anstruther | 28 SEP 1894 | | 22 DEC 1952 | | stanwardine |
G Anthony | | | | | stanwardine |
M Anthony | | | | After 97 B.C. | stanwardine |
M Anthony | | 143 B.C. | | 87 b.c. | stanwardine |
M Anthony | | | | 69 B.C. | stanwardine |
Antipas | ABT 100 BC | | | | stanwardine |
Antipater | ABT 0080 BC | | 0043 BC | | stanwardine |
Antiphus | | | | | stanwardine |
Antistia | | | | | stanwardine |
M Antoninus | | | | | stanwardine |
M Antoninus | | | | | stanwardine |
G Antonius | | | | | stanwardine |
M Antonius | | 143 BC | | | stanwardine |
M Antony | | 83 BC | | Alexandria, Egypt in 31 BC (suicide following defeat) | stanwardine |
Antyllus | | | | 31 BC (executed after father's death) | stanwardine |
Llewelyn II ap Iorwerth | 1173 | Dolyddelan, Wales | 11 APR 1240 | Aberconwy, Carnarvonshire, Wales | stanwardine |
F Llewellyn | | | | | stanwardine |
G Llewellyn | | | | | stanwardine |
G Llewellyn | | | | | stanwardine |
I Llewellyn | | | | | stanwardine |
T Llewellyn | | | | | stanwardine |
Aphrodite | | | | | stanwardine |
Charlotte Appleton | 1802 | | 1873 | | stanwardine |
D Appleton | | | | | stanwardine |
Eleanor of Aquitaine | ABT 1122 | | 1 APR 1204 | | stanwardine |
Arcadius | 377 | | 408 | | stanwardine |
Arch | | | | | stanwardine |
Mabel Archbould | DEC 1870 | Burnham Thorpe, Norfolk | JUN 1911 | Ormskirk, Lancashire | stanwardine |
Archemachus | | | | | stanwardine |
Aretus | | | | | stanwardine |
Arisbe | | | | | stanwardine |
Aristobulus | | | | | stanwardine |
Aristodeme | | | | | stanwardine |
Arlette | ABT 1012 | | ABT 1050 | | stanwardine |
Bessie Adela Jeannette Armit | 16 FEB 1852 | Woolwich, Kent | 11 JUN 1912 | Elmhurst, Brookland Avenue, Cambridge | stanwardine |
L Armit | | | | | stanwardine |
M Armitage | | | | | stanwardine |
N Arnold | | | | | stanwardine |
ARPHAXAD | | | | | stanwardine |
Maud D' Arques | ABT 1072 | Arques-La-Bataille, Seine-Inferieure, Normandy, France | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
F Arria | | | | | stanwardine |
Mariamne Arria | 0005 | | | 043 AD | stanwardine |
F Arrianus | | | | | stanwardine |
Avice Daughter Of The Earl Of Arundel | 1176 | Axholme, Lincolnshire, England | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Cecily De Arundel | ABT 1140 | Arundel, Sussex, England | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Matilda De Arundel | ABT 1244 | Besford, Tettenhall, Staffordshire, England | 1309 | | stanwardine |
T Arundell | | | | | stanwardine |
Ascanius | | | | | stanwardine |
Constance Eleanor Ascroft | 27 DEC 1886 | Redfern, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia | 28 AUG 1924 | Marylebone, London, England | stanwardine |
Eleanor Ascroft | APR 1853 | Oldham, Lancashire, England | 7 OCT 1905 | Ormskirk, Lancashire, England | stanwardine |
M Ash | | | | | stanwardine |
Eliza Ashworth | 1824 | | 1900 | | stanwardine |
Assaracus | | | | | stanwardine |
Asterope | | | | | stanwardine |
Astygonus | | | | | stanwardine |
Astyoche | | | | | stanwardine |
Astyoche | | | | | stanwardine |
Atas | | | | | stanwardine |
Attila | | | | | stanwardine |
Attwater | | | | | stanwardine |
G Attwater | | | | | stanwardine |
Agatha D' Aubigny | ABT 1147 | Castl Arundel, Sussex, England | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Agnes (Avice) De Aubigny | 1176 | Axholme, Lincolnshire, England | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Aimee D' Aubigny | ABT 1050 | St Martin D'aubigny, Manche, Normandy, France | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Alice D' Aubigny | 1137 | Casti Arundel, Sussex, England | 11 SEP 1188 | | stanwardine |
Cicely D' Aubigny | ABT 1210 | Arundel, Sussex, England | AFT 1260 | | stanwardine |
G Aubigny | | | | | stanwardine |
Godfrey D' Aubigny | ABT 1143 | Castl Arundel, Sussex, England | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Henry De Aubigny | ABT 1151 | Castl Arundel, Sussex, England | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Hugh De Aubigny | 1215 | Arundel, Sussex, England | 7 MAY 1243 | Sp | stanwardine |
Isabel D' Aubigny | 1190 | Arundel, Sussex, England | AFT 1230 | England | stanwardine |
James De Aubigny | ABT 1152 | Of Herefordshire, England | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Matilda D' Aubigny | ABT 1142 | Arundel, Sussex, England | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Maud D' Aubigny | ABT 1196 | Arundel, Sussex, England | BET 1238 AND 1242 | Sussex, England | stanwardine |
Miss De Aubigny | ABT 1188 | Arundel, Sussex, England | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Miss De Aubigny | ABT 1100 | | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Nele D' Aubigny | ABT 1072 | St. Martin D'aubigny, Manche, Normandy, France | BET 21 AND 26 NOV 1129 | Montbrai Near St Lo, Manche, Normandy | stanwardine |
Nichole D' Aubigny | ABT 1193 | Barrow On Soar, Leicestershire, England | ABT 1240 | Dudley Castle, Staffordshire, England | stanwardine |
Oliva D' Aubigny | ABT 1047 | Aubigny-Sur-Nere, Normandy, France | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Olivia D' Aubigny | ABT 1141 | Castl Arundel, Sussex, England | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Rayner D' Aubigny | ABT 1149 | Castl Arundel, Sussex, England | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Roger D' Aubigny | ABT 1040 | Aubigny, Normandy, France | AFT 1084 | | stanwardine |
Rualoc D' Aubigny | ABT 1072 | St Sauveur, Manche, Normandie, France | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Simon D' Aubigny | 1144 | Arundel, Sussex, England | 1206 | | stanwardine |
William "Strong Hand" D' Aubigny | ABT 1103 | St Sauveur, Manche, Normandie, France | 12 OCT 1176 | Abbey, Waverley, Surrey, England | stanwardine |
William D' Aubigny | ABT 1173 | Arundel, Sussex, England | 1 FEB 1220/1221 | Cainell Near Rome, Latium, Italy | stanwardine |
William De Aubigny | ABT 1010 | Aubigny, Normandy, France | ABT 1066 | | stanwardine |
William De Aubigny | ABT 1000 | Dol, Brittany, France | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
William De Aubigny | ABT 1075 | Aubigny, Calvados, France | 1139 | | stanwardine |
William De Aubigny | 1136 | Arundel, Sussex, England | 24 DEC 1193 | Priory, Wymondham, Norfolk, England | stanwardine |
Colette De Aubigny (Albini) | ABT 1211 | Arundel, Sussex, England | BEF 7 MAY 1243 | Unmarried | stanwardine |
William "Earl Of Arundel" D' Aubigny (Albini) | 1200 | Of Arundel, Sussex, England | 7 AUG 1224 | Sp | stanwardine |
Alice Audley | ABT 1300 | Hadley, Staffordshire, England | 12 JAN 1373 | Greystoke, Cumberland, England | stanwardine |
Hugh AUDLEY | ABT 1267 | Stratton Audley, Oxfordshire, England | BEF MAR 1324/1325 | Wallingford Castle, Berkshire, England | stanwardine |
Hugh AUDLEY | ABT 1293 | ?; of Stratton Audley, Oxfordshire, ENG | 10 NOV 1347 | Tonbridge Priory, ENG; or France | stanwardine |
Nicholas AUDLEY | ABT 1270 | | 28 AUG 1299 | | stanwardine |
James AUDLEY or ALDITHLEY | ABT 1215 | Heleigh, Staffordshire, England | 11 JUN 1276 | Ireland of Broken neck | stanwardine |
Audofleda | ABT 465 | | 30 APR 526 | Ravenna, Italy | stanwardine |
M Auger | | | | | stanwardine |
G Augustus | | September 23, 63 BC | | 0014 | stanwardine |
Aurelia | | | | | stanwardine |
Marcus Aurelius | 26 APR 121 | Rome, Italy | 17 MAR 180 | Bononia on the Danube (possibly of the plague) | stanwardine |
Cassandra Elizabeth Austen | 1773 | | 1845 | | stanwardine |
Charles John Austen | 1779 | | 1852 | | stanwardine |
Francis William Austen | 1774 | | 1865 | | stanwardine |
George Austen | 1731 | | 1805 | | stanwardine |
George Austen | 1766 | | 1838 | | stanwardine |
H Austen | | | | | stanwardine |
Henry Thomas Austen | 1771 | | 1850 | | stanwardine |
James Austen | 1765 | | 1819 | | stanwardine |
Jane Austen | 16 DEC 1775 | | 18 JUL 1817 | | stanwardine |
L Austen | | | | | stanwardine |
Philadelphia Austen | 1730 | | 1792 | | stanwardine |
William Austen | 1701 | | 1737 | | stanwardine |
Jean I d' Avesnes | APR 1218 | Etroent, Luxembourg | 24 DEC 1257 | Valenciennes, Nord, France | stanwardine |
Jean II d' Avesnes | ABT 1247 | Brabant, Brabant, Belgium | 22 AUG 1304 | Valenciennes, Nord, France | stanwardine |
Willem III d' AVESNES | ABT 1280 | ?; of Avesnes, Pas-De-Calais, France | 7 JUN 1337 | Valenciennes, Nord, France | stanwardine |
Albreda D' Avranches | ABT 1048 | Avranches, Normandy, France | DECEASED | Okehampton, Devonshire, England | stanwardine |
Arbella De Loup Avranches | ABT 1055 | Averanches, Normandy, France | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Hugh "Lupus" D' Avranches | ABT 1047 | Normandy, France | 27 JUL 1101 | St Werburg's Abbey, Cheshire, England (As A Monk) | stanwardine |
Judith D' Avranches | ABT 1048 | Avranches, Normandy, France | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Margaret D' Avranches | ABT 1054 | Avranches, Normandy, France | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Maud D' Avranches | ABT 1120 | Okehampton, Devonshire, England | 21 SEP 1173 | | stanwardine |
Richard Le Goz Viscount D' Avranches | ABT 1014 | Avranches, Normandy, France | AFT 1084 | | stanwardine |
Iorwerth ap Awr | ABT 1270 | Wales | | | stanwardine |
Aymer | | | 1280 | | stanwardine |
Dru De Baalon | ABT 1052 | Ballon, Maine, France | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Mrs. Dru 1052 Baalon | | | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Adelise Lucia De Baalun | ABT 1115 | England | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Eunice De Baalun | 1050 | Gloucester, Gloucestershire, England | DECEASED | England | stanwardine |
M Balbus | | | | | stanwardine |
M Balbus | | about 106 BC | | 48 BC | stanwardine |
Arthur Windham Baldwin | 22 MAR 1904 | | 5 JUL 1976 | | stanwardine |
Diana Lucy Baldwin | 8 APR 1895 | | 1982 | | stanwardine |
Esther Louisa Baldwin | 16 MAR 1902 | | 1981 | | stanwardine |
Leonora Stanley Baldwin | 10 JUL 1896 | | 1989 | | stanwardine |
Oliver Ridsdale Baldwin | 1 MAR 1899 | | 10 AUG 1958 | | stanwardine |
Pamela Margaret Baldwin | 16 SEP 1897 | | 14 AUG 1976 | | stanwardine |
Stanley Baldwin | 3 AUG 1867 | Bewdley, Worcestershire | 14 DEC 1947 | Stourport On Severn, Worcestershire | stanwardine |
Thomas Baldwyn | 1546 | | OCT 1614 | Corvedale / Coverdale, Shroppshire | stanwardine |
William Bale | | | 1916 | | stanwardine |
Ada Baliol | ABT 1195 | Durham, Scotand | | | stanwardine |
A Ball | | | | | stanwardine |
A Ballin | | | | | stanwardine |
Ellen BALLIOL | ABT 1205 | | 1281 | | stanwardine |
Ingram de BALLIOL | ABT 1178 | | | | stanwardine |
Emma De Ballon | ABT 1070 | Ballon, Maine, France | | | stanwardine |
M Balso | | | | | stanwardine |
Nancy Bamber | 1788 | Heights, Accrington, Lancashire | 11 MAR 1857 | 4, Chapel Street, Accrington | stanwardine |
Marianne Augusta Bancroft | 13 NOV 1822 | | 29 MAY 1891 | Beaufort House, Oxford-road, Gunnersbury, Chiswick | stanwardine |
Alexander Davidson Banks | 29 SEP 1889 | Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire, Scotland | 14 DEC 1962 | Dundee, Angus, Scotland | stanwardine |
A Banks | 1961 | Aylesbury | | | stanwardine |
E Banks | 1990 | Dundee | | | stanwardine |
Ernest Banks | 1949 | Dundee | 1983 | | stanwardine |
Ernest Roiall Banks | 1926 | Dundee | | | stanwardine |
M Banks | | | | | stanwardine |
P Banks | 2019 | Cambodia | | | stanwardine |
R Banks | 1995 | Dundee | | | stanwardine |
R Banks | 1955 | Dundee | | | stanwardine |
T Banks | 1960 | Dundee | | | stanwardine |
T Banks | 1992 | Dundee | | | stanwardine |
Hilary Richard David Bannister | MAR 1907 | Leinthall Starkes, Elton Aston, Shropshire, England | 2 SEP 1993 | Great Ayton Middlesbrough | stanwardine |
J Bannister | 1944 | Shrewsbury, Shroppshire | | | stanwardine |
P Bannister | 1944 | Shrewsbury, Shropshire, England | | | stanwardine |
Marguerite de Bar Mousson | ABT 1220 | of Luxembourg | 25 NOV 1275 | | stanwardine |
Sophie De Bar-Le-Duc | ABT 1019 | U-Lvvn, France | 1092 | | stanwardine |
M Barbatus | | | | | stanwardine |
M Barbatus | | | | | stanwardine |
Barber | | | | | stanwardine |
Agnes Barber | 1825 | Balmaclellan, Kircudbright | 13 SEP 1863 | Millburn Lodge, Glencairn | stanwardine |
Ailsa Barber | 2 AUG 1902 | New Brighton, Cheshire | 9 JUN 1983 | Parkgate South Wirral Cheshire, England | stanwardine |
Anne McMillan Barber | 25 JUL 1891 | Glencairn | | | stanwardine |
D Barber | | | | | stanwardine |
David Alan Barber | 11 NOV 1906 | New Brighton, Cheshire | 14 AUG 1971 | Heswell, Wirral, Cheshire, England | stanwardine |
E Barber | | | | | stanwardine |
F Barber | | | | | stanwardine |
J Barber | | | | | stanwardine |
John Barber | 1818 | Balmaclellan, Kircudbright | 27 JAN 1873 | | stanwardine |
John Christian Barber | OCT 1892 | New Brighton, Cheshire | 16 JUN 1915 | Hooge, near Ypres, West Flanders | stanwardine |
Margaret Barber | 1828 | Balmaclellan, Kircudbright | 19 NOV 1917 | | stanwardine |
Marie F Barber | 1897 | Glencairn | | | stanwardine |
Mary Goldie Barber | 1860 | Glencairn | 1 JUL 1909 | Terrerran | stanwardine |
N Barber | | | | | stanwardine |
N Barber | | | | | stanwardine |
R Barber | | | | | stanwardine |
Robert Barber | 1865 | Glencairn | 10 MAY 1929 | Liverpool | stanwardine |
William Barber | 1824 | Balmaclellan, Kircudbright | | | stanwardine |
William Barber | 1864 | Glencairn | | | stanwardine |
William Barber | ABT 1790 | | 15 JAN 1844 | | stanwardine |
William Gleadell Barber | 29 DEC 1897 | New Brighton, Cheshire | JUN 1971 | Runcorn, Cheshire, England | stanwardine |
Adelaide De Barcelona | 990 | Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain | 1034 | | stanwardine |
Godeheut (Godehilde) Barcelona | ABT 995 | Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain | 1079 | | stanwardine |
L Barclay | | | | | stanwardine |
I Bardoul | | | | | stanwardine |
Isabel Bardoul | ABT 1034 | Broyes, Marne, France | ABT 1058 | | stanwardine |
Alexander Bardsley | 2 AUG 1860 | | 3 MAY 1923 | | stanwardine |
Annie Bardsley | | | 1 MAR 1930 | | stanwardine |
A Bardsley | | | | | stanwardine |
Brenda Bardsley | 27 FEB 1895 | | | | stanwardine |
Charlotte Bardsley | 17 NOV 1862 | | 29 DEC 1944 | | stanwardine |
Geoffrey Bardsley | 15 MAY 1904 | | | | stanwardine |
Jean Elizabeth Bardsley | 23 MAY 1927 | | | | stanwardine |
John G Bardsley | 17 JUN 1841 | | 1912 | | stanwardine |
John James Bardsley | | | 16 FEB 1830 | | stanwardine |
John Vickers Bardsley | 22 SEP 1927 | | | | stanwardine |
Kathleen Bardsley | 1892 | | | | stanwardine |
Margaret Bardsley | | | 1927 | | stanwardine |
Martha Marion Bardsley | 27 SEP 1888 | | 14 OCT 1962 | | stanwardine |
Mary Bardsley | 23 NOV 1864 | | | | stanwardine |
Mary Bardsley | 25 OCT 1898 | | | | stanwardine |
Mary Elizabeth Bardsley | 14 MAY 1929 | | | | stanwardine |
P Bardsley | | | | | stanwardine |
R Bardsley | | | | | stanwardine |
Robert Crawford Bardsley | NOV 1895 | | | | stanwardine |
Robert Vickers Bardsley | 28 JUN 1890 | | | | stanwardine |
William Bardsley | | | 22 DEC 1887 | | stanwardine |
Margaret Baring | 1868 | | 1906 | | stanwardine |
T Barker | | | | | stanwardine |
T Barker | | | | | stanwardine |
X Barker | 1973 | Lancashire, England | | | stanwardine |
S Barlow | | Macclesfield | | | stanwardine |
Ellen Ann Barnes | 1851 | Accrington, Lancashire | 1911 | Salford, Lancashire | stanwardine |
Agnes Craig Barr | 26 MAR 1919 | | | | stanwardine |
A Barr | 1937 | | | | stanwardine |
Archibald Craig Barr | 15 APR 1912 | | | | stanwardine |
C Barr | 1940 | | | | stanwardine |
Gloria Rosemary Craig Barr | 26 JAN 1924 | | | | stanwardine |
James Craig Barr | 21 JUL 1929 | | | | stanwardine |
James Craig Barr | | | 20 SEP 1944 | | stanwardine |
M Barr | 1943 | | | | stanwardine |
William Barr | | | 27 SEP 1936 | | stanwardine |
William Craig Barr | 19 JAN 1922 | | 18 JUL 1928 | | stanwardine |
W Barrington-Browne | | | | | stanwardine |
Elizabeth Sunter Barritt | 1838 | Salford, Lancashire | 6 JUN 1912 | | stanwardine |
David Barry | 10 MAR 1604/1605 | | 29 SEP 1642 | | stanwardine |
David Barry | 10 MAR 1604/1605 | | 29 SEP 1642 | | stanwardine |
E Barry | | | | | stanwardine |
Ellen Barry | 1631 | | | | stanwardine |
Alice Barsby | BEF 24 JUN 1776 | Thrussington, Leicestershire | | | stanwardine |
Anne Barsby | 1770 | Thrussington, Leicestershire | | | stanwardine |
Elizabeth Barsby | 1762 | Thrussington, Leicestershire | | | stanwardine |
Joyce Barsby | 1778 | Thrussington, Leicestershire | | | stanwardine |
Samuel Barsby | 1772 | Thrussington, Leicestershire | | | stanwardine |
Sarah Barsby | 1774 | Thrussington, Leicestershire | | | stanwardine |
Sarah Barsby | 1765 | Thrussington, Leicestershire | | | stanwardine |
William Barsby | 1735 | Thrussington, Leicestershire | 1813 | Thrussington, Leicestershire | stanwardine |
William Barsby | 1703 | | 1764 | Thrussington, Leicestershire | stanwardine |
William Barsby | 1764 | Thrussington, Leicestershire | | | stanwardine |
Albert Barton | 30 MAY 1890 | Wigan, Lancashire, England | JUN 1978 | Barrow-in-Furness, Cumbria, England | stanwardine |
Alice Hall Barton | 29 NOV 1916 | Ulverston, Lancashire, England | 18 OCT 2013 | Winchester, UK | stanwardine |
Edmund Barton | 30 NOV 1918 | | | | stanwardine |
Jim Barton | 2 MAY 1921 | | 27 DEC 1986 | Ulverston Cumbria | stanwardine |
J Bassa | | | | | stanwardine |
Aline Aliva BASSET | ABT 1220 | ?; of Wooten Basset, Wiltshire, ENG | BEF 11 APR 1281 | | stanwardine |
Elizabeth Basset | 1 AUG 1372 | | | | stanwardine |
Isabel Basset | BEF 1335 | | | | stanwardine |
Jane Basset | ABT 1378 | Glastonbury, Somerset, England | | | stanwardine |
Jane Basset | ABT 1368 | Glastonbury, Wells, Somerset, England | BEF 1394 | | stanwardine |
Ralph Basset | ABT 1329 | Basset, Staffordshire, England | 17 JUL 1378 | Bytham Castle, Lincolnshire, England | stanwardine |
Ralph* VIII Basset | ABT 1305 | Drayton Basset, Staffordshire, England | 1335 | | stanwardine |
E BASSETT | | | | | stanwardine |
Bateia | | | | | stanwardine |
Geoffrey Voltelin Bates | 2 OCT 1921 | Tattenhall, Cheshire, England | 13 FEB 2005 | Llanasa, Holywell, Flintshire, Wales | stanwardine |
Bathilde | ABT 638 | Moselle, Lorraine, France | 30 JAN 685 | Monastere de Chelles, Ile- de -France, France | stanwardine |
L Bathurst | | | | | stanwardine |
L Bathurst | | | | | stanwardine |
L Bathurst | | | | | stanwardine |
L Bathurst | | | | | stanwardine |
Isabelle Wittelsbach of Bavaria | 1369 | | 24 SEP 1435 | | stanwardine |
Swanhilde of Bavaria | ABT 691 | Bavaria, Germany | 741 | | stanwardine |
Miss Bayeux | ABT 1052 | Normandy, France | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Edward Hodson Bayley | 1841 | Accrington, Lancashire | 7 MAR 1938 | Peacehaven, Sussex | stanwardine |
J Bayley | | | | | stanwardine |
Jonathan Bayley | 22 JUL 1810 | Salford, Lancashire | 12 MAY 1886 | | stanwardine |
Maria Bayley | ABT 1844 | Oswaldtwistle, Lancs | | | stanwardine |
John Robert Laurie Emilius Bayley Bayley (Laurie) | 16 MAY 1823 | Bloomsbury, London | 4 DEC 1917 | Maxwelton House, Dumfriesshire | stanwardine |
John Beard | ABT 1717 | | | | stanwardine |
BEATRIX | 1201 | ?; of Savoy, France | BET 1266 AND 1267 | | stanwardine |
BEATRIX | ABT 1200 | ?; of Burgundy, France | | | stanwardine |
C Beattie | | | | | stanwardine |
John Donald Macfarlan Benny Beattie | 15 MAY 1896 | Montreal, Quebec, Canada | 1971 | Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland | stanwardine |
*Maude Beauchamp | ABT 1335 | Warwickshire, ENG | ABT FEB 1402/1403 | Brougham Castle, Westmorland, ENG | stanwardine |
*Philippa de BEAUCHAMP | ABT 1340 | Warwick, Warwickshire, ENG | BEF 6 AUG 1386 | | stanwardine |
*Sarah de Beauchamp | ABT 1255 | Elmley Castle, ENG | AFT JUL 1317 | | stanwardine |
*Thomas BEAUCHAMP | BEF 16 MAR 1338/1339 | Warwichshire, ENG | 8 APR 1401 | Warwick, Warwickshire, ENG | stanwardine |
*William Beauchamp | ABT 1358 | Warwickshire, ENG | 8 MAY 1411 | | stanwardine |
*William II de BEAUCHAMP | 1166 | Salwarpe, ENG | 1197 | Salwarpe, ENG | stanwardine |
*William III de BEAUCHAMP | 1197 | Salwarpe, ENG | BEF 7 JAN 1267/1268 | Elmley Castle, Worcestershire, ENG; date will proved | stanwardine |
Agnes Beauchamp | UNKNOWN | | | | stanwardine |
Alice Beauchamp | UNKNOWN | | 1383 | | stanwardine |
Anne Beauchamp | ABT SEP 1426 | | BEF 20 SEP 1492 | | stanwardine |
Anne Beauchamp | 13 JUL 1429 | Caverslem | BEF 20 SEP 1492 | | stanwardine |
Catherine Beauchamp | UNKNOWN | | | | stanwardine |
Eleanor Beauchamp | ABT 1407 | Eddgeoch, Warwick | 6 MAR 1467/1468 | Baynard's Castle, London | stanwardine |
Elizabeth BEAUCHAMP | 16 SEP 1415 | Hanley Castle, Worcester, ENG | 18 JUN 1448 | | stanwardine |
Elizabeth de Beauchamp | ABT 1417 | | BEF 2 OCT 1480 | | stanwardine |
Guy Beauchamp | UNKNOWN | | 1360 | | stanwardine |
Guy BEAUCHAMP | ABT 1275 | | 10 AUG 1315 | Warwick Castle | stanwardine |
Isabel Beauchamp | ABT 1355 | | 1416 | | stanwardine |
Isabel de BEAUCHAMP | ABT 1256 | ?; of Stoke Bruern, Northampton, ENG or Warwick, Warwickshire, ENG | ABT 30 MAY 1306 | Elmley Castle, Worcestershire, ENG | stanwardine |
Isabel de BEAUCHAMP | 1241 | Elmley Castle, ENG | FEB 1322/1323 | | stanwardine |
James Beauchamp | UNKNOWN | | | | stanwardine |
Joan Beauchamp | UNKNOWN | | | | stanwardine |
Joan Beauchamp | ABT 1248 | ?; of Elmley Castle, ENG | 1280 | | stanwardine |
Joan de Beauchamp | ABT 1338 | Warwick, Warwickshire, England | | | stanwardine |
John Beauchamp | UNKNOWN | | | | stanwardine |
John de Beauchamp | 1245 | ?; of Elmley Castle, ENG | | | stanwardine |
Juliana Beauchamp | UNKNOWN | | | | stanwardine |
Margaret Beauchamp | UNKNOWN | | | | stanwardine |
Margaret Beauchamp | 1404 | Goodrest, Wedgnock Park, Warwickshire, ENG | 1467 | | stanwardine |
Margaret de Beauchamp | 1410 | Bletsoe, Bedfordshire, England | 8 AUG 1482 | Interred Winborne Minster, Dorset, England | stanwardine |
Maud BEAUCHAMP | ABT 1305 | | | | stanwardine |
Reynbrun Beauchamp | UNKNOWN | | | | stanwardine |
Richard BEAUCHAMP | BEF 28 JAN 1381/1382 | Salwarpe, Worcestershire, ENG | 30 APR 1439 | Rouen, Normandy, France | stanwardine |
Richard de Beauchamp | ABT 1397 | Abergavenny, Monmouthshire, ENG | 18 MAR 1421/1422 | Meaux, France | stanwardine |
R Beauchamp | | | | | stanwardine |
Roger Beauchamp | UNKNOWN | | | | stanwardine |
Sibyl Beauchamp | ABT 1251 | ?; of Elmley Castle, ENG | | | stanwardine |
Thomas Beauchamp | ABT 1247 | ?; of Elmley Castle, ENG | | | stanwardine |
Thomas BEAUCHAMP | 14 FEB 1313/1314 | Warwick Castle, Warwickshire, ENG | 16 NOV 1369 | Calais, France; in an outbreak of plague | stanwardine |
Walter de BEAUCHAMP | 1243 | ?; of Elmley Castle, ENG | 16 FEB 1302/1303 | | stanwardine |
William IV de BEAUCHAMP | 1239 | ?; of Elmley Castle, ENG | 9 JUN 1298 | Elmley Castle, ENG | stanwardine |
Henry I Beauclerc (King of England 1100-1135) | SEP 1068 | Selby, Yorkshire, England | 1 DEC 1135 | Lyons-La-Foret, Normandy, France | stanwardine |
Mary Beauclerk | 4 DEC 1743 | | | | stanwardine |
*John Beaufort | ABT 1373 | St. Catherine-by-the-Tower Hospital, ENG | 16 MAR 1409/1410 | Tower of London, ENG | stanwardine |
Eleanor Beaufort | 1431 | | 16 AUG 1501 | | stanwardine |
Henry Beaufort | 1375 | , Château Beaufort, Meurthe-et-Moselle, France | 11 APR 1447 | , Winchester, Hampshire, England | stanwardine |
Henry BEAUFORT | ABT 1376 | Beaufort Castle, France | 1447 | | stanwardine |
Joan BEAUFORT | ABT 1370 | Beaufort Castle, Anjou, France | 13 NOV 1440 | Howden, Yorkshire, ENG | stanwardine |
Joan de Beaufort | ABT 1379 | Chateau de Beaufort, Maine-et-Loire, France | 13 NOV 1440 | Howden, Yorkshire, England | stanwardine |
Joan de Beaufort | 1406 | | 15 JUL 1445 | Dunbar, East Lothian, Scotland | stanwardine |
John Beaufort | ABT 1371 | , Pottersgate, Lincoln, England | 16 MAR 1410 | St. Catherine by the Tower Hospital, London, Middlesex, England | stanwardine |
Thomas Beaufort | ABT JAN 1377 | , Château Beaufort, Meurthe-et-Moselle, France | 31 DEC 1426 | Greenwich Palace, Greenwich, Kent, England | stanwardine |
Thomas Beaufort | ABT 1377 | | 1427 | | stanwardine |
Adeline De Beaumont | ABT 1102 | Leicester, Leicestershire, England | DECEASED | England | stanwardine |
Alice Dau Of Robert De Beaumont | 1105 | Beaumont, Sur-Oise, Normandy, France | 11 JUL 1191 | Rheims, France | stanwardine |
Amicade De Beaumont | ABT 1112 | Leicestershire, England | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Amice De Beaumont | ABT 1147 | Leicestershire, England | 3 SEP 1215 | | stanwardine |
Aubreye De Beaumont | ABT 1099 | Of Beaumont, Normandy, France | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Aubreye De Beaumont | ABT 1050 | Of Beaumont, Normandy, France | 1112 | | stanwardine |
Catherine Beaumont | | | 28 AUG 1435 | | stanwardine |
Daughter De Beaumont | ABT 1104 | Leicestershire, England | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Eleanor De Beaumont | 1100 | Leicester, Leicestershire, England | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Henry De Beaumont | ABT 1046 | Newbourg, Manche, France | 20 JUN 1123 | Newburgh, Warwick, Eng | stanwardine |
Hugh De Beaumont | ABT 1106 | Leicestershire, England | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Isabel (Elizabeth) De Beaumont | ABT 1094 | Leicester, Leicestershire, England | 6 JAN 1147/1148 | Carmarthen, Carmarthenshire, Wales | stanwardine |
Isabel de Beaumont | | | 1361 | Leicester Castle, Leicestershire, England | stanwardine |
Matilda (Maud) Beaumont | | | 3 JUL 1467 | England | stanwardine |
Maud De Beaumont | ABT 1116 | Meulan, Normandy, France | AFT 1189 | England | stanwardine |
Robert Beaumont | ABT 1011 | Beaumont, France | DECEASED | Sp | stanwardine |
Robert "Bossu" "The Just* De Beaumont | 1104 | Beaumont, Normandy | 5 APR 1168 | England | stanwardine |
Robert I De Beaumont | 1046 | Beaumont-Le-Roger, Eure, Normandy, France | 5 JUN 1118 | Abbey Of Preaux, Normandy, France | stanwardine |
Roger De Beaumont | 1015 | Beaumont-Le-Roger, Eure, Normandy, France | 29 NOV 1094 | Preaux, Normandy, France | stanwardine |
Waleran de BEAUMONT | 1104 | Meulan, Ile de France, England | 10 APR 1166 | Abbey, Preaux, Normandy, France | stanwardine |
Waleran Lord De Beaumont | 1104 | Beaumont, Normandy, France | 10 APR 1181 | Abbey, Preaux, Normandy, France | stanwardine |
William De Beaumont | ABT 1047 | Of Neubourg, Manche, France | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Beaw | | | | | stanwardine |
Anne Claudia Beckwith | 31 DEC 1914 | | 1917 | | stanwardine |
Isabel Pamela Ivy Beckwith | 23 APR 1908 | | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Jean Isabel Malebisse Beckwith | 23 APR 1906 | | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
John Malebisse Beckwith | 18 MAR 1905 | | 1969 | | stanwardine |
Veronica Helen Beckwith | 1911 | | 1915 | | stanwardine |
William Malebisse Beckwith | | | 24 DEC 1954 | | stanwardine |
C Bedwell | | | | | stanwardine |
Elizabeth Florence Diana Bedwell | 18 JUN 1907 | 30 Chapel St SW | | | stanwardine |
Florence Eliza Bedwell | | | 14 APR 1900 | | stanwardine |
F Bedwell | | | | | stanwardine |
Gwendoline Emily Faith Bedwell | 27 FEB 1909 | St George Hanover Square, London | MAR 1979 | Taunton, Somerset | stanwardine |
Bedwig | | | | | stanwardine |
B Beers | | | | | stanwardine |
D Beers | 2005 | | | | stanwardine |
E Beers | 2005 | | | | stanwardine |
M Beevor | | | | | stanwardine |
Susan Margaret Beevor | 15 JUL 1927 | | | | stanwardine |
Agnes Eliza Begg | 12 AUG 1868 | Canada | 7 OCT 1913 | Waterville, Douglas, WA | stanwardine |
P Beli | | | | | stanwardine |
Beltsa | | | | | stanwardine |
AudreyJean Bennett | 23 APR 1941 | | 19 APR 2018 | | stanwardine |
Charles Bennett | 7 DEC 1839 | St. George Hanover Square, Middlesex, England | 1909 | | stanwardine |
Charles H Bennett | 1874 | | 1913 | | stanwardine |
C Bennett | | | | | stanwardine |
Clifford C Bennett | 22 MAR 1877 | Hornsey Rise | 1913 | | stanwardine |
Constance Bennett | JAN 1872 | Islington, Middlesex, England | 20 JUN 1947 | Peebles, Scotland | stanwardine |
James Carthew Cavendish Bennett | | | 1969 | | stanwardine |
J Bennett | 1944 | | | | stanwardine |
L Bennett | | | | | stanwardine |
L Bennett | | | | | stanwardine |
L Bennett | | | | | stanwardine |
Mary Evelyn Bennett | 1869 | | 1962 | | stanwardine |
S Bennett | | | | | stanwardine |
Benoc | | | | | stanwardine |
K Bensley | | | | | stanwardine |
Antonia Mary Roby Benson | 10 JUN 1903 | Staffordshire | 27 MAY 1982 | Warwick | stanwardine |
E Benson | | | | | stanwardine |
Elsie Benson | 19 DEC 1894 | | | | stanwardine |
C Benton | | | | | stanwardine |
Hugh Gordon Benton | | | 10 FEB 1931 | | stanwardine |
Raimond IV (or VI) BERENGAR | BET 1195 AND 1198 | ?; of Provence, France | 19 AUG 1245 | | stanwardine |
Sanchia BERENGER | ABT 1220 | ?; of Aix-en-Provence, Bouches-du-Rhone, France | 9 NOV 1261 | Berkhampsted, ENG | stanwardine |
BERENGUELA | AUG 1181 | Segovia, Castile, Spain | 8 NOV 1246 | Burgos, Burgos, Spain | stanwardine |
Elizabeth Berkeley | ABT 1386 | | 28 DEC 1422 | | stanwardine |
M Berkeley | | | | | stanwardine |
Ms. de BERKELEY | ABT 1180 | | | | stanwardine |
Mary Alice Berners | 1868 | | | | stanwardine |
Ida (m) Bertram | ABT 1210 | | AFT MAY 1315 | | stanwardine |
Berwyn | | | | | stanwardine |
Ranulph Vicomte Of Bessin | 1017 | Bayeux, Normandy, France | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Eberhard Beteau | ABT 1015 | France | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Mrs. Eberhard Beteau | ABT 1015 | | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
J Bethune | | | | | stanwardine |
I Betrada | 720 | | | | stanwardine |
BETRED | ABT 1177 | ?; of Chester | | | stanwardine |
A Beverley | | | | | stanwardine |
Bias | | | | | stanwardine |
Marjorie Grace Bidlake | 19 JUN 1902 | Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland | AUG 1981 | Upper Dunard, Rhu, Dunbartonshire, Scotland | stanwardine |
Flora Bigelow | 1878 | | 1964 | | stanwardine |
A Biggart | | | | | stanwardine |
Adelaide (Adelidis) (Nmn-Roger) Bigod | | | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Cecily Bigod | ABT 1090 | Belvoir Castle, Belvoir, Leicestershire, England | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Gunnora Bigod | ABT 1096 | Norfolkshire, England | | England | stanwardine |
Hugh Bigod | | | 1266 | | stanwardine |
Hugh Bigod | ABT 1095 | Belvoir Castle, Belvoir, Leicestershire, England | ABT 1177 | Thetford Church, Thetford, Norfolk, England | stanwardine |
Hugh Bigod | ABT 1125 | Belvoir Castle, Belvoir, Leicestershire, England | BEF 6 MAR 1175/1176 | Palestine | stanwardine |
Hugh II BIGOD | BEF 1180 | Thetford, ENG | 11 FEB 1224/1225 | Thetford, ENG | stanwardine |
Isabel le BIGOD | ABT 1200 | Therford, ENG | ABT 1239 | | stanwardine |
Jane Bigod | ABT 1105 | Belvoir Castle, Belvoir, Leicestershire, England | DECEASED | England | stanwardine |
Jane Bigod | ABT 1105 | Belvoir Castle, Belvoir, Leicestershire, England | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Mary BIGOD | ABT 1186 | Menathorp, Yorks, ENG | | | stanwardine |
Maud Bigod | ABT 1088 | Belvoir Castle, Belvoir, Leicestershire, England | BEF 1136 | | stanwardine |
Maud (Mary) Bigod | ABT 1080 | Belvoir Castle, Belvoir, Leicestershire, England | BEF 1136 | England | stanwardine |
Maud (Nmn-Roger) Bigod | | | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Robert Bigod | ABT 1036 | Avranches, Normandy, France | 1071 | Malitot Loges, Chanon, Normandy, France | stanwardine |
Roger Bigod | ABT 1212 | Thetford, ENG | 4 JUL 1270 | Thetford, ENG | stanwardine |
Roger Bigod | ABT 1065 | St. Saveur, Calvados, Normandy, France | 8 SEP 1107 | Evesham, Suffolk, England. | stanwardine |
S Bigod | | | | | stanwardine |
William Bigod | ABT 1062 | Norfolkshire, England | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Ida Billung | ABT 1033 | Saxony, Germany | 31 JUL 1102 | Namur, Belgium | stanwardine |
Lavinia Bingham | | | 1831 | | stanwardine |
Ann Biram | 1805 | | 1825 | | stanwardine |
Ann Biram | 1841 | | | | stanwardine |
Benjamin Biram | 10 FEB 1803 | Wentworth, Yorkshire | 31 JAN 1857 | Wentworth | stanwardine |
Benjamin Biram | 12 JAN 1709 | Longwood, Huddersfield | 27 NOV 1775 | Kirkheaton, West Yorkshire | stanwardine |
B Biram | | | | | stanwardine |
D Biram | | | | | stanwardine |
Eliza Biram | 1808 | | 1808 | | stanwardine |
Elizabeth Biram | 1796 | | 1802 | | stanwardine |
Ernest Frank Stuart Biram | 1865 | Wentworth, West Yorkshire | 4 MAY 1944 | Bournemouth | stanwardine |
Ethel Maud Biram | 1876 | Sheffield | | | stanwardine |
Frances Biram | 1844 | | | | stanwardine |
Helen J Biram | 1864 | | | | stanwardine |
James Biram | 1749 | | 1832 | | stanwardine |
Jane Biram | 1841 | | | | stanwardine |
John Biram | 1809 | | 1826 | | stanwardine |
Joshua Biram | 1831 | Wentworth, West Yorkshire | | | stanwardine |
Joshua Biram | 25 NOV 1759 | Kirkheaton, Huddersfield | 7 JUN 1835 | Wentworth, West Yorkshire | stanwardine |
Marguerite Stuart Biram | OCT 1898 | St Helens, Lancashire | | | stanwardine |
Mary Biram | 1799 | | 1841 | | stanwardine |
Mary Biram | 1830 | | 1902 | | stanwardine |
Sarah Biram | 1801 | | | | stanwardine |
William Biram | 1745 | | | | stanwardine |
Sarah Birch | 27 DEC 1742 | Whitefield, Prestwich, Lancashire | 23 JAN 1788 | Prestwich, Lancashire | stanwardine |
Christian BIRTLES | 1265 | Middlewich, Cheshire, England | 1334 | | stanwardine |
Anne Birtwistle | ABT 1737 | St James Church, Accrington | 3 MAY 1821 | | stanwardine |
Robert de Neville, Bishop of Durham-Sarum | 1404 | Raby Castle, Staindrop, Durham, England | | | stanwardine |
Henry Beaufort, Bishop of Winchester | 1375 | Beaufort Castle, Anjou, Rhône-Alpes, France | 11 APR 1447 | Wolvesey Palace, Winchester, Hampshire, England | stanwardine |
John Livingston Bissell | ABT 1880 | MO | AFT 1953 | Tacoma, WA | stanwardine |
I Bisset | | | | | stanwardine |
R Blackburn | | | | | stanwardine |
J Blackley | | | | | stanwardine |
Ann Blackstock | 5 NOV 1817 | Kirkmichael, Dumfriesshire, Scotland | 18 NOV 1901 | Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland | stanwardine |
Hannah Blakeley | 1777 | Manchester | 21 AUG 1814 | Manchester | stanwardine |
Blanche | | | | | stanwardine |
Blanche | ABT 1339 | | ABT 1365 | Medina Sidonia | stanwardine |
Isabel la Blanche | 1214 | | | | stanwardine |
G Blandus | | | | | stanwardine |
Blascon | | | | | stanwardine |
C Blascon | | | | | stanwardine |
Mary Bleackley | BEF 14 JUN 1818 | Prestwich, Lancashire, England | BEF 26 FEB 1895 | Prestwich, England | stanwardine |
Bleddyn | | | | | stanwardine |
A Blennerhassett | | | | | stanwardine |
Agnes Blennerhassett | 2 MAY 1722 | Ballyseedy, Ballyseedy, Kerry | | Tralee Castle, Annagh, Kerry | stanwardine |
Anne Blennerhassett | 21 JAN 1694 | Castle Conway, Killorglin, County Kerry, Ireland & Sutton | 15 AUG 1765 | County Kerry, Ireland | stanwardine |
Arthur Blennerhassett | 1655 | | | | stanwardine |
E Blennerhassett | | | | | stanwardine |
John Blennerhassett | 1620 | Ballseedy Castle | 4 DEC 1677 | | stanwardine |
John Blennerhassett | 1657 | Ballyseedy, Ballyseedy | 1709 | Ballyseedy Castle | stanwardine |
John Blennerhassett | 1691 | Ballyseedy, Co Kerry | 1775 | Oak Park, Kerry | stanwardine |
John Blennerhassett | 1593 | Castle Conway, Killorglin, Co.Kerry | 1676 | | stanwardine |
John Blennerhassett | 1660 | Castle Conway, Killorglin, Co.Kerry, Ireland | 17 MAR 1737 | Castle Conway, Killorglin, County Kerry, Ireland | stanwardine |
R Blennerhassett | | | | | stanwardine |
Robert Blennerhassett | 1622 | Ballycarty, Tralee, County Kerry, Ireland & Sutton | 1702 | Castle Conway, Killorglin, County Kerry, Ireland & Sutton | stanwardine |
Ruth Blennerhassett | 1660 | Ballyseedy, Ballyseedy | | | stanwardine |
A Blois | | | | | stanwardine |
Emma Of Blois | ABT 1088 | Blois, Loir-Et-Cher, France | 1101 | | stanwardine |
Henri Stephen "Le Sage" Count Of Champagne Blois | 1045 | Blois, Loir-Et-Cher, France | 19 MAY 1102 | By Turks On Crusade Of 1101 | stanwardine |
Henry (Bishop Of Winchester) Blois | ABT 1099 | | | | stanwardine |
M Blois | | | | | stanwardine |
Maud Of Blois | ABT 1097 | Of Blois, Orleanais, France | 25 NOV 1120 | At Sea Off, Barfleur, Normandy, France | stanwardine |
Philip Of Blois | ABT 1092 | Blois, Loir-Et-Cher, France | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Theobald Blois | ABT 1088 | Of Blois, Loir-Et-Cher, France | 10 JAN 1151/1152 | Marne, Blois, France | stanwardine |
Henri II Etienne Blois & Meaux | | | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Josiah Blood | 6 APR 1664 | Carlisle, Middlesex, MA | 2 JUL 1731 | Concord, Middlesex, MA | stanwardine |
Constance Bloor | 1892 | Tunstall, Staffordshire, England | | | stanwardine |
Marjorie Bloor | 1895 | Tunstall, Staffordshire, England | | | stanwardine |
Mary Bloor | 1889 | Tunstall, Staffordshire, England | | | stanwardine |
Peter Holland Bloor | 1852 | Norton-in-the-Moors, Staffordshire | APR 1922 | | stanwardine |
Eliza Blount | ABT 1422 | | | | stanwardine |
E Blount | | | | | stanwardine |
Elizabeth Blount | 1469 | Rock, Worcester, England | AFT FEB 1513/1514 | Hounslow, Middlesex, England | stanwardine |
Elizabeth "Bessie" Blount | ABT 1502 | Kinlet, Shropshire, England | AFT 6 FEB 1539 | | stanwardine |
John Blount | 1450 | Rock, Worcester, England | 12 OCT 1485 | | stanwardine |
Thomas Blount | | of Milton Ross | 1468 | | stanwardine |
Walter Blount | 1420 | Appletree, Derbyshire, England | 1 AUG 1474 | | stanwardine |
W Blount | | | | | stanwardine |
William Blount | 1442 | Rock, Worcester, England | 14 APR 1471 | Battle of Barnet, Hertfordshire, England | stanwardine |
Dorothy Boardman | BEF 25 JAN 1747 | Prestwich | 14 APR 1819 | Prestwich, England | stanwardine |
R Boardman | | | | | stanwardine |
Alice BOHUN | ABT 1235 | | | | stanwardine |
Humphrey V BOHUN | BEF 1208 | | 24 SEP 1275 | | stanwardine |
Humphrey VI BOHUN | ABT 1220 | | 27 AUG 1265 | ENG | stanwardine |
Isabel Bohun | ABT 1228 | | | | stanwardine |
Bold | | | | | stanwardine |
Mary Boleyn | 1506 | | 19 JUL 1543 | | stanwardine |
Elizabeth Bolton | 1847 | Liverpool | | | stanwardine |
H Bolton | | | | | stanwardine |
Henry Bolton | 1845 | Liverpool | | | stanwardine |
Mary Bolton | 1853 | Liverpool | | | stanwardine |
Richard Bolton | 1818 | Liverpool | | | stanwardine |
Sarah A Bolton | 1849 | Liverpool | | | stanwardine |
Thos Bolton | 1851 | Liverpool | | | stanwardine |
Wm Bolton | 1860 | Liverpool | | | stanwardine |
Boltorn | | | | | stanwardine |
Marie Bonnet | MAY 1697 | Bristol, England | 11 SEP 1798 | New Rochelle, New York | stanwardine |
Petronella De Booley | ABT 1216 | Booley, England | ABT 1272 | | stanwardine |
Charlotte Booth | 1779 | | 16 SEP 1842 | St Marys, Prestwich | stanwardine |
Elizabeth Booth | | | 1748 | | stanwardine |
Ann Booth? | 1720 | | 1792 | | stanwardine |
Margery Boothe | 1380 | | | | stanwardine |
D Boreham | | | | | stanwardine |
Emma Ann Boreham | 1862 | Pinner | 1939 | | stanwardine |
E Boreham | | | | | stanwardine |
George James Boreham | 1829 | St. Georges, Bloomsbury, London, England | 9 AUG 1897 | Pinner | stanwardine |
Gladys Mary Boreham | 1 JAN 1892 | Pinner | 15 JUN 1978 | Daventry | stanwardine |
Harold Herbert Boreham | 9 NOV 1895 | Pinner | 17 MAY 1941 | | stanwardine |
Harry Pendry Boreham | 16 APR 1918 | | | | stanwardine |
Harry White Boreham | 1860 | | 1 NOV 1930 | | stanwardine |
Hilda Celia Elizabeth Boreham | 1899 | Pinner | | | stanwardine |
J Boreham | | | | | stanwardine |
James George Boreham | 1858 | Pinner | 1928 | | stanwardine |
M Boreham | | | | | stanwardine |
Sarah Jane Boreham | 1856 | Bloomsbury | 1936 | | stanwardine |
T Boreham | | | | | stanwardine |
William Herbert Boreham | 30 APR 1865 | Pinner | 1940 | | stanwardine |
Godeheut Borell | | | AFT 1077 | | stanwardine |
Catherine Borthwick | ABT 1490 | Borthwick | | | stanwardine |
Mabel Emma Boscawen | 1855 | | 26 OCT 1927 | | stanwardine |
Margaret Bosville | BEF 1676 | | | | stanwardine |
Thomas Bosville | BEF 1660 | | | | stanwardine |
Sarah Boswell | | | 1719 | | stanwardine |
Ankaret BOTELER | ABT 1316 | Wemme, Shropshire, England | 8 OCT 1361 | | stanwardine |
W Boterel | | | | | stanwardine |
John Bothe | ABT 1353 | | | | stanwardine |
Matilda Le Botiller | ABT 1192 | Arklow, Wicklow, Leinster, Ireland | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Maud Le Botiller | 1225 | Lincoln, Lincolnshire, England | 27 NOV 1283 | England | stanwardine |
Theobald Fitzwalter Le Botiller | ABT 1165 | West Dereham, Downham, Norfolk, Ireland | AFT APR 1206 | Arklow, Wicklow, Leinster, Ireland | stanwardine |
Theobald Le Botiller | 1200 | Arklow, Wicklow, Leinster, Ireland | 19 JUL 1230 | Poitou, France | stanwardine |
Theobald Le Botiller | 1223 | Norfolkshire, England | 26 DEC 1248 | Monastery Of Arklow, Wicklow, Ireland | stanwardine |
Hawise BOTTERELL | ABT 1210 | | | | stanwardine |
Ida De Bouillon | ABT 1040 | Bass, Lorraine, France | 13 AUG 1113 | | stanwardine |
Gerberge De Boulogne | ABT 1023 | Boulogne-Sur-Mer, Nord-Pas-DE-Calais, France | 1049 | | stanwardine |
M BOULTON | | | | | stanwardine |
Jeanne de Bourbon | 3 FEB 1338 | | 6 FEB 1377 | | stanwardine |
Mary Helen Bowden | 2 OCT 1856 | Southport, Lancashire, England | 19 MAY 1940 | Pancras, London, England | stanwardine |
J Bowen | 1978 | | | | stanwardine |
M Bowen | 1951 | | | | stanwardine |
M Bowen | 1975 | | | | stanwardine |
E Bowler | | | | | stanwardine |
F Bowles | | | | | stanwardine |
Bowyer | | | | | stanwardine |
A BOWYER | | | | | stanwardine |
G Bowyer | | | | | stanwardine |
Elizabeth Boyd | ABT 1448 | Renfrewshire, Scotland | 21 FEB 1496 | North Berwick, East Lothian, Scotland | stanwardine |
A Boyle | | | | | stanwardine |
Alice Boyle | 20 MAR 1607 | | 23 MAR 1666 | | stanwardine |
J Boyle | | | | | stanwardine |
Richard Boyle | 3 OCT 1566 | | 15 SEP 1643 | | stanwardine |
Hannah Bradbury | 1793 | | 1896 | | stanwardine |
John Bradbury | 1793 | Weakey | 9 MAR 1842 | Weakey | stanwardine |
Margaret Bradbury | | | 1703 | Saddleworth, Yorkshire, England | stanwardine |
Sarah Ann Bradbury | 1812 | | 1 SEP 1838 | Diggle Bridge, Saddleworth, Yorkshire, England | stanwardine |
Andrew Bradish-Ellames | 1965 | Bromley, Kent, England | 13 APR 1971 | Switzerland | stanwardine |
Helen Maureen Bradish-Ellames | 28 NOV 1922 | | 29 APR 2016 | Bridge House, Elstead, Surrey | stanwardine |
J Bradish-Ellames | | | | | stanwardine |
John Edward Mountague Bradish-Ellames | 26 DEC 1895 | Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, England | 28 MAY 1984 | Alfold Cranleigh, Surrey, England | stanwardine |
K Bradish-Ellames | | | | | stanwardine |
Kathleen Agnes Bradish-Ellames | 1 JUL 1886 | | | | stanwardine |
Nancy Beatrice Bradish-Ellames | 30 AUG 1924 | | 20 NOV 2022 | | stanwardine |
P Bradish-Ellames | | | | | stanwardine |
Simon Edward Mountague Bradish-Ellames | MAR 1930 | Wycombe, Oxfordshire | 5 OCT 2005 | Alton, Hampshire, England | stanwardine |
W Bradish-Ellames | | | | | stanwardine |
Elizabeth Ann Brain | BEF 16 OCT 1813 | Leigh, Lancashire | | | stanwardine |
Mary Brain | BEF 6 DEC 1814 | Lancashire, England | | | stanwardine |
Matilda Brain | ABT 1832 | | | | stanwardine |
M Brain | | | | | stanwardine |
R Brain | | | | | stanwardine |
Thomas Alexander Brain | BEF 27 MAY 1821 | Lancashire, England | | | stanwardine |
Brand | 271 | Scandinavia | | | stanwardine |
Marguerite Branlund | ABT 1879 | | | | stanwardine |
*Eva de BRAOSE | ABT 1222 | Bramber, Sussex, ENG | ABT 20 JUL 1255 | ENG | stanwardine |
Eleanor de BRAOSE | ABT 1230 | Brensh, Wales | BEF 1246 | Gloucester, ENG | stanwardine |
Isabella De Braose | ABT 1228 | Bramber, Sussex, England | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Isabelle Braose | ABT 1228 | | | | stanwardine |
Maude BRAOSE | ABT 1226 | Bramber Castle, Breconshire, Wales | BEF 20 MAR 1300/1301 | | stanwardine |
Reginald de Braose | | | 1228 | | stanwardine |
William V de BRAOSE | ABT 1190 | Abergavenny, Monmouth, Wales; or Glower, Glamorgan, Wales | 2 MAY 1230 | Crokein, Wales; hanged by Llywelyn ab Iorwerth for having an affair with his wife | stanwardine |
C Brasier-Creagh | 1946 | | | | stanwardine |
E Brasier-Creagh | 1940 | | | | stanwardine |
George Edward Brian Brasier-Creagh | 25 FEB 1908 | | MAY 1993 | Winchester | stanwardine |
G Brasier-Creagh | 1943 | | | | stanwardine |
K Brasier-Creagh | | | | | stanwardine |
Neville Henry Sherlock Brasier-Creagh | 18 MAR 1911 | | | | stanwardine |
Rupert Brasier-Creagh | 12 DEC 1909 | | | | stanwardine |
B Bredin | | | | | stanwardine |
L Bree | | | | | stanwardine |
J Breslin | | | | | stanwardine |
Joan de Bretagne | | | 8 NOV 1402 | | stanwardine |
Emma De Breteull | | | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
F Brett | | | | | stanwardine |
Bridge | | | | | stanwardine |
Adam Bridge | ABT 1769 | St James Church, Accrington | 14 JUN 1849 | Accrington, Lancashire | stanwardine |
Alfred Bridge | 1852 | ACCRINGTON Lancashire England | 27 NOV 1924 | Moleside, Prestwich | stanwardine |
Alice Bridge | 12 NOV 1795 | ACCRINGTON Lancashire England | | | stanwardine |
Arthur Bridge | 1856 | Accrington, Lancashire, England | 24 APR 1909 | Rydal Mount, Glebelands Road, Prestwich | stanwardine |
Arthur Ogden Bridge | 2 AUG 1916 | Prestwich, Lancashire, England | 22 SEP 2008 | Pershore, Worcestershire | stanwardine |
C Bridge | 1993 | Shrewsbury | | | stanwardine |
Clement Bridge | 22 MAR 1882 | 23 Great Cheetham Street West, Broughton, Salford, Lancashire, England | 26 FEB 1940 | Longmeade, Wilmslow | stanwardine |
Constance Bridge | 25 JAN 1885 | SALFORD Lancashire England | | | stanwardine |
Cyril Bridge | 30 APR 1884 | Prestwich, England | DEC 1969 | Southport, Lancashire | stanwardine |
D Bridge | 1987 | Chalfont-St-Peter, Buckinghamshire | | | stanwardine |
David James Bridge | 6 NOV 1923 | Prestwich, England | 25 OCT 2011 | Ellesmere, Shropshire, England | stanwardine |
E Bridge | 1996 | Shrewsbury | | | stanwardine |
Edwin Bridge | 1856 | ACCRINGTON Lancashire England | 1901 | | stanwardine |
E Bridge | 2003 | St Mary's Hospital, Paddington, London | | | stanwardine |
Elizabeth Rendell Bridge | APR 1915 | Salford, Lancashire Ref:8d/99 | 21 OCT 2007 | Hale, Altrincham, Cheshire | stanwardine |
Ellen Bridge | 22 MAR 1789 | St James, Accrington | | | stanwardine |
Emily Bridge | 1860 | Accrington, Lancashire | | | stanwardine |
Emily May Bridge | 1890 | Prestwich, England | | | stanwardine |
Florence Bridge | 1886 | Prestwich, Lancashire, England | | | stanwardine |
Harold Bridge | 1873 | Accrington | | | stanwardine |
H Bridge | 1992 | Shrewsbury | | | stanwardine |
Hilda Bridge | 6 JUL 1889 | Whitefield, Lancashire, England | | | stanwardine |
Hubert Whitaker Bridge | 7 DEC 1883 | Prestwich, Lancashire, England | 11 FEB 1955 | 59 West Drive, Cleveleys, Lancashire | stanwardine |
Jacob Bridge | 28 MAY 1864 | New Jerusalem Church, Accrington, Lancashire | 6 OCT 1900 | Accrington, Lancashire | stanwardine |
Jacob Bridge | 18 JUN 1809 | | 5 APR 1880 | | stanwardine |
J Bridge | 1956 | Wilmslow, Cheshire | | | stanwardine |
Jane Bridge | 1856 | Accrington, Lancashire, England | | | stanwardine |
Jane Elizabeth Bridge | 7 AUG 1949 | | 24 JUN 2003 | | stanwardine |
Janet Bridge | SEP 1916 | Salford, Lancashire, Ref: 8d / 80 | | | stanwardine |
Janet Bridge | 1878 | Accrington | 31 OCT 1927 | 22 Aughton road, Birkdale, Southport | stanwardine |
Jessie Catherine Bridge | 1886 | Prestwich, Lancashire, England | | | stanwardine |
John Bridge | 18 DEC 1857 | Accrington, Lancashire | ABT 1891 | N/Australia | stanwardine |
John Bridge | 27 DEC 1797 | | | | stanwardine |
J Bridge | 1945 | | | | stanwardine |
Joseph Bridge | 1848 | ACCRINGTON Lancashire England | 2 NOV 1903 | Moor-lane, Kersal, Manchester | stanwardine |
Joseph Rendell Bridge | 19 DEC 1917 | Salford, Lancashire, Ref: 8d 65 | MAR 1981 | Trafford, Cheshire. Ref: 39/2009 | stanwardine |
Joseph William Bridge | 13 DEC 1846 | Accrington, Lancashire | 29 JUL 1919 | | stanwardine |
J Bridge | 1947 | ALTRINCHAM Cheshire England | | | stanwardine |
J Bridge | 1955 | Devon | | | stanwardine |
Lang Bridge | 23 NOV 1835 | St James Church, Accrington | 14 JAN 1889 | | stanwardine |
Lang Bridge | 18 MAY 1817 | ACCRINGTON Lancashire England | 20 AUG 1884 | Manchester | stanwardine |
Lucy Ellen Bridge | 7 NOV 1845 | Accrington, Lancashire | | | stanwardine |
M Bridge | | Accrington, Lancashire | | | stanwardine |
Mary Bridge | 1857 | ACCRINGTON Lancashire England | | | stanwardine |
Nanny Bridge | BEF 25 DEC 1790 | Accrington, Lancashire | BEF 25 JAN 1801 | | stanwardine |
O Bridge | 1984 | Chalfont-St-Peter, Buckinghamshire | | | stanwardine |
P Bridge | 1955 | Oswestry, England | | | stanwardine |
P Bridge | 1956 | Llansantffraid, Powys, Wales | | | stanwardine |
Peter Lang Bridge | 2 AUG 1920 | Salford, Lancashire, 8d 145 | AUG 1985 | Colwyn, Clwyd, Wales | stanwardine |
S Bridge | 1950 | | | | stanwardine |
S Bridge | 1947 | | | | stanwardine |
T Bridge | 1990 | Chalfont-St-Peter, Buckinghamshire | | | stanwardine |
W Bridge | 1972 | Shrewsbury, Shropshire, England | | | stanwardine |
Mary Selina Louisa Bridgeman | ABT 1830 | | 12 JUL 1889 | | stanwardine |
Brook Bridges | 14 AUG 1766 | | 9 JUL 1781 | | stanwardine |
Brook Bridges | 2 JAN 1643 | | 23 DEC 1717 | | stanwardine |
Brook 1st Bt. Bridges | 12 AUG 1679 | | 16 MAR 1727/1728 | | stanwardine |
Brook 2nd Bt. Bridges | 12 MAR 1708/1709 | Goodneston, Kent, England | 23 MAY 1733 | | stanwardine |
Brook Edward Bridges | 1779 | | 23 APR 1825 | | stanwardine |
Brook Henry Bridges | 1 JUN 1769 | | 20 SEP 1855 | | stanwardine |
Brook William 3rd Bt. Bridges | 17 SEP 1733 | Whitehall, London, England | 4 SEP 1791 | Portman Square, London, England | stanwardine |
Brook William 4th Bt. Bridges | 22 JUN 1767 | Goodneston, Kent, England | 21 APR 1829 | Albemarle Street, London, England | stanwardine |
C Bridges | 1962 | | | | stanwardine |
Elizabeth Bridges | 1773 | | 1808 | | stanwardine |
F Bridges | | | | | stanwardine |
J Bridges | 1964 | | | | stanwardine |
John Henry Dalrymple Bridges | 20 MAR 1928 | | | | stanwardine |
M Bridges | | | | | stanwardine |
Blanche BRIENNE | ABT 1240 | Courtain, France | ABT 1302 | Loupeland, France | stanwardine |
Jean BRIENNE | ABT 1218 | Acre, Palestine | ABT 1296 | France | stanwardine |
Alice Briggs | BEF 6 MAR 1774 | Whitefield, Prestwich, Lancashire | 4 JUL 1846 | Prestwich, Lancashire, England | stanwardine |
Barbara Briggs | APR 1887 | Wakefield, Yorkshire, England | 9 AUG 1976 | Victoria, British Columbia, Canada | stanwardine |
Dorothy Briggs | 1878 | | 1919 | | stanwardine |
Edmund Briggs | 1710 | Prestwich, England | 1744 | Lancashire, England | stanwardine |
Eliza Briggs | 30 SEP 1836 | Middleton, Lancashire | 8 JAN 1871 | Overton Clark County, Nevada, The "muddy" | stanwardine |
Emma Briggs | 8 AUG 1855 | Stalybridge, Lancashire | 20 OCT 1869 | Salt Lake, Utah | stanwardine |
Isaac Briggs | 14 OCT 1815 | Littleborough, Lancashire | 5 JAN 1910 | Wakefield, Yorkshire, England | stanwardine |
Isaac Briggs | 20 JAN 1849 | Mellorbrook, Lancashire, England | 5 DEC 1926 | Beechfield, Sandal, Wakefield | stanwardine |
James Thomas Briggs | 4 JAN 1845 | Manchester, Lancashire, England | 15 FEB 1905 | Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah | stanwardine |
John Briggs | 3 FEB 1813 | Bowlee Village, Middleton, Lancashire, England | 3 NOV 1856 | Devils Gate, Natrona, Wyoming | stanwardine |
Marjory Ellen Briggs | 20 JUL 1884 | | | | stanwardine |
Mary Hannah Briggs | 16 MAY 1849 | Stalybridge, Lancashire | 29 NOV 1856 | Between Big Mountain, over the South Pass, down to Fort Bridger | stanwardine |
Maurice Hague Briggs | 22 JUN 1881 | Wakefield | 11 FEB 1901 | Coblenz, Bautzen, Saxony, Germany | stanwardine |
Rachel Evelyn Briggs | 8 APR 1853 | Staley Bridge, Lancashire, England | 6 APR 1910 | Herriman, Salt Lake, Utah, USA | stanwardine |
Robert Briggs | 22 AUG 1736 | Whitefield, Prestwich, Lancashire, England | 23 JAN 1788 | Prestwich, Lancashire, England | stanwardine |
Sarah Ann Briggs | 4 JUL 1851 | Stalybridge, Lancashire, England | 14 APR 1923 | Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, United States | stanwardine |
Thomas Briggs | 18 FEB 1843 | Stalybridge, Lancashire | 11 NOV 1856 | Near Split Rock, Wyoming (18 miles before Ice Springs (Martin Handcart Company)) | stanwardine |
Thomas Briggs | 4 AUG 1776 | Manchester, Lancashire | 6 NOV 1846 | Manchester, Lancashire | stanwardine |
William Briggs | 6 MAR 1848 | Wickwar, Gloucestershire | | | stanwardine |
William Gerald Briggs | 22 AUG 1885 | Wakefield, Yorkshire, England | 4 JAN 1975 | Woodlands 8A Park Green Derby | stanwardine |
H Brinton | | | | | stanwardine |
A Britain | | | | | stanwardine |
A Britain | | | | | stanwardine |
A Britain | | | | | stanwardine |
A Britain | | | | | stanwardine |
A Britain | | | | | stanwardine |
A Britain | | | | | stanwardine |
B Britain | | | | 861 B.C. | stanwardine |
B Britain | | | | | stanwardine |
B Britain | | | | | stanwardine |
B Britain | | | | | stanwardine |
B Britain | | | | | stanwardine |
B Britain | | c. 1120 B.C. | | c. 1060 B.C. | stanwardine |
B Britain | | | | 945 B.C. | stanwardine |
B Britain | | | | | stanwardine |
C Britain | | | | | stanwardine |
Coel King of Britain | | c. a.d. 60, Britain | 170 | | stanwardine |
C Britain | | | | | stanwardine |
C Britain | | | | 794 B.C. | stanwardine |
C Britain | | | | a.d. 17 | stanwardine |
D Britain | | | | | stanwardine |
E Britain | | | | 957 B.C. | stanwardine |
E Britain | | | | | stanwardine |
E Britain | | | | | stanwardine |
E Britain | | | | | stanwardine |
E Britain | | | | | stanwardine |
E Britain | | | | | stanwardine |
G Britain | | | | | stanwardine |
G Britain | | | | | stanwardine |
G Britain | | | | | stanwardine |
G Britain | | | | | stanwardine |
G Britain | | | | | stanwardine |
G Britain | | | | | stanwardine |
G Britain | | | | | stanwardine |
G Britain | | | | | stanwardine |
G Britain | | | | | stanwardine |
G Britain | | | | | stanwardine |
G Britain | | | | 743 B.C. | stanwardine |
H Britain | | | | | stanwardine |
I Britain | | | | | stanwardine |
I Britain | | | | | stanwardine |
J Britain | | | | | stanwardine |
K Britain | | | | | stanwardine |
K Britain | | | | | stanwardine |
K Britain | | | | 683 B.C. | stanwardine |
K Britain | | | | | stanwardine |
L Britain | | | | 801 B.C. | stanwardine |
L Britain | | | | 920 B.C. | stanwardine |
L Britain | | | | 62 B.C. | stanwardine |
L Britain | | 1177 B.C. | | 1056 B.C. | stanwardine |
M Britain | | | | 1016 B.C. | stanwardine |
M Britain | | | | | stanwardine |
M Britain | | | | | stanwardine |
M Britain | | | | | stanwardine |
M Britain | | | | | stanwardine |
M Britain | | | | | stanwardine |
Meurig King of Britain | | | 125 | | stanwardine |
M Britain | | | | | stanwardine |
M Britain | | | | 996 B.C. | stanwardine |
O Britain | | | | | stanwardine |
O Britain | | | | | stanwardine |
R Britain | | | | | stanwardine |
R Britain | | | | | stanwardine |
R Britain | | | | 761 B.C. | stanwardine |
R Britain | | | | 881 B.C. | stanwardine |
R Britain | | | | | stanwardine |
S Britain | | | | 723 B.C. | stanwardine |
S Britain | | | | | stanwardine |
S Britain | | | | | stanwardine |
S Britain | | | | | stanwardine |
T Britain | | | | | stanwardine |
T Britain | | | | a.d. 17 | stanwardine |
Britannicus | | | | | stanwardine |
T Britannicus | | 041 | | 055 | stanwardine |
A Briton | | | | | stanwardine |
H Briton | | | | | stanwardine |
K Briton | | | | | stanwardine |
M Briton | | | | | stanwardine |
Ellen Britton | ABT 1888 | | | | stanwardine |
Joan de BRIWERE | ABT 1190 | | 1233 | | stanwardine |
Abraham Broadbent | ABT 1716 | | From 14 APR 1803 to 1803 | Saddleworth, Yorkshire, England | stanwardine |
Isaac Broadbent | 1727 | Saddleworth, Yorkshire, England | ABT 1791 | | stanwardine |
Jane Broadbent | 5 JUN 1724 | St Chad's, Rochdale, Saddleworth, Yorkshire, England | 1 JUN 1727 | Saddleworth, Yorkshire, England | stanwardine |
John Broadbent | | | BEF 22 NOV 1800 | Marsland | stanwardine |
John Broadbent | 14 JAN 1721 | St Chad's, Rochdale, Saddleworth, Yorkshire, England | | | stanwardine |
M Broadbent | | | | | stanwardine |
William Broadbent | 1720 | Castleshaw, England | 24 APR 1801 | St Thomas, Friarmere, Saddleworth, Yorkshire, England | stanwardine |
William Broadbent | FEB 1682 | Saddleworth, Yorkshire, England | 11 SEP 1730 | Saddleworth, Yorkshire, England | stanwardine |
Alan 1st Viscount Midleton Brodrick | | | AUG 1728 | | stanwardine |
G Brolly | 1964 | | | | stanwardine |
A Bromley | | | | | stanwardine |
E Bromley | | Shrawardine Castle | | | stanwardine |
Frances Bromley | BEF 1731 | | 25 MAY 1768 | | stanwardine |
H Bromley | | Shrawardine Castle | | | stanwardine |
J Broodzyk | | | | | stanwardine |
Ellen Adelaide Brook | 9 MAY 1830 | Huddersfield, Yorkshire West Riding, England | APR 1867 | Kendal, Westmorland, England | stanwardine |
F Brooke | | | | | stanwardine |
H Brooke | | | | | stanwardine |
M Brooks | | | | | stanwardine |
Anna Maria Brougham | 3 JAN 1836 | Falmouth, Cornwall, England | | | stanwardine |
Caroline Frances Brougham | 9 APR 1828 | Falmouth, Cornwall, England | | | stanwardine |
Charlotte Ann Brougham | 27 SEP 1826 | Falmouth, Cornwall, England | 23 OCT 1894 | Falmouth, Cornwall, England | stanwardine |
E Brougham | | | | | stanwardine |
Eliza Brougham | 22 MAR 1838 | Falmouth, Cornwall, England | | | stanwardine |
John Brougham | ABT 1700 | | | | stanwardine |
Mary Brougham | 10 AUG 1832 | Falmouth, Cornwall, England | | | stanwardine |
M Brougham | | | | | stanwardine |
Matthew Nixon Brougham | 6 SEP 1830 | Falmouth, Cornwall, England | | | stanwardine |
S Brougham | | | | | stanwardine |
Stephen Brougham | 1794 | | 1866 | | stanwardine |
Thomas Brougham | | | 1648 | | stanwardine |
Agnes Brown | 12 JUN 1632 | | 15 MAR 1709 | | stanwardine |
B M Brown | 16 JUL 1893 | | | | stanwardine |
Barbara Maeveen Blundell Brown | 24 JUL 1918 | | 10 MAR 2014 | Kelso, Roxburghshire | stanwardine |
Jean Brown | ABT 1655 | Of Bramtrigg, , , Scotland | | | stanwardine |
Jessie Jane Brown | | | 5 DEC 1831 | | stanwardine |
M Brown | | | | | stanwardine |
A Browne | 1948 | | | | stanwardine |
William Brownlie | 1839 | | 16 JUN 1922 | | stanwardine |
Daphne Angela Brownlow | 31 JAN 1917 | | 29 JUL 1995 | Winchester, Hampshire | stanwardine |
Francis Cecil Brownlow | 22 NOV 1870 | Dublin, Ireland | 21 DEC 1932 | Lymington, Hampshire | stanwardine |
John Desmond Cavendish Brownlow | 29 JUN 1911 | | 17 SEP 1991 | | stanwardine |
Robert I Bruce, King of Scotland | 11 JUL 1274 | Writtle, Chelmsford, Essex | 7 JUN 1329 | Dunfermline | stanwardine |
Margorie Bruce, Princess of Scotland | 1297 | Scotland | | | stanwardine |
P Bruce-Jones | 1939 | | | | stanwardine |
T Bruce-Jones | | | | | stanwardine |
T Bruce-Jones | 1941 | | | | stanwardine |
Daphne Helen Anne Brudenell-Bruce | 28 JAN 1915 | Belfast, Antrim, Northern Ireland | 9 DEC 1992 | Kettering, Northamptonshire, England | stanwardine |
Robert Hanbury Brudenell-Bruce | 24 OCT 1881 | London, England | 12 FEB 1955 | Winchester, Hampshire, England | stanwardine |
Robert Thomas Brudenell-Bruce | 25 JAN 1845 | St Pancras, London | 15 FEB 1912 | Hampshire, England | stanwardine |
Isabel BRUS | ABT 1150 | ?; of Skelton, ENG | AFT 1230 | | stanwardine |
Bryant | | | | | stanwardine |
Alice Muriel Bryant | 23 OCT 1886 | Woodlands Park | | | stanwardine |
Arthur Charles Bryant | 1841 | | | | stanwardine |
Charles Edgar Bryant | 6 APR 1885 | Surbiton | 22 FEB 1950 | Cirencester | stanwardine |
Edith Ellen Bryant | 1834 | | | | stanwardine |
Elizabeth Annette Bryant | 1843 | | | | stanwardine |
E Bryant | | | | | stanwardine |
Frederick Carkeet Bryant | 30 MAR 1843 | Falmouth, Cornwall | 16 DEC 1888 | Woodland Park, Leatherhead | stanwardine |
Helen Lilian Bryant | 23 MAR 1884 | Surbiton | 17 APR 1920 | | stanwardine |
J Bryant | | | | | stanwardine |
Richard Charles Bryant | 27 JAN 1927 | Cirencester, Gloucs | 1994 | | stanwardine |
Theodore Henry Bryant | 1843 | | | | stanwardine |
Wilberforce Bryant | 1837 | | | | stanwardine |
William Bryant | 8 MAR 1804 | Tiverton | 24 JUL 1874 | Eastbourne, Sussex | stanwardine |
Brywlais | | | | | stanwardine |
Elizabeth Margaret Bucher | 14 NOV 1927 | | | | stanwardine |
Francis Robert Roy Bucher | 31 AUG 1895 | North Leith, Edinburgh | 5 JAN 1980 | Normanby, Yorkshire | stanwardine |
Margaret dau of Eunice Turner & Isaac Buck | 7 AUG 1687 | Scituate, Plymouth, MA | 30 APR 1710 | Scituate, Plymouth, MA | stanwardine |
Rohese Of Buckinghamshire | ABT 1147 | Buckinghamshire, England | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Ann Buckley | 1745 | | BEF 3 NOV 1827 | | stanwardine |
Betty Buckley | 1740 | | 8 MAY 1797 | Lower Barn, Saddleworth, Yorkshire | stanwardine |
M Buckley | | | | | stanwardine |
Mary Buckley | 1783 | | 1847 | | stanwardine |
Mary Buckley | 1804 | Marsden, Yorkshire | | | stanwardine |
Philip Buckley | 20 APR 1740 | Barn, Delph, Saddleworth, Yorkshire, England | BEF 8 JUN 1831 | Golburn | stanwardine |
Sarah Buckley | 1745 | Saddleworth | BEF 9 JUL 1801 | Dobcross, Lancashire | stanwardine |
Sarah Anne Buckley | 1 MAY 1841 | Saddleworth, Yorkshire | 14 APR 1935 | Oldham, Lancashire | stanwardine |
W Buckley | | | | | stanwardine |
Bucolion | | | | | stanwardine |
S Budd | 1958 | | | | stanwardine |
Anne Bulkeley | ABT 1672 | | | | stanwardine |
Margaret Bulkeley | ABT 1386 | | | | stanwardine |
Richard Bulkeley | 22 FEB 1368/1369 | | 11 NOV 1391 | | stanwardine |
Jacqueline Ruth Bull | 21 OCT 1933 | | 30 DEC 1975 | | stanwardine |
H Bullman | | | | | stanwardine |
Bullock | | | | | stanwardine |
E Bullock | | | | | stanwardine |
H Bullock | | | | | stanwardine |
J Bullock | | | | | stanwardine |
L Bullock | | | | | stanwardine |
S Bullock | | | | | stanwardine |
Burbage | | | | | stanwardine |
Honora Burgh | ABT 1672 | | | | stanwardine |
Hubert Burgh | ABT 1178 | | | | stanwardine |
John BURGH | 1290 | | 18 JUN 1313 | | stanwardine |
William BURGH | 17 SEP 1312 | | 6 JUN 1333 | LeFord, Belfast | stanwardine |
B BURGHERSH | | ?; of Ewais Lacy, Hereford, ENG | | | stanwardine |
Elizabeth de BURGHERSH | MAY 1342 | | 26 JUL 1409 | | stanwardine |
Burghly | | | | | stanwardine |
Clemence Clementia Of Burgundy | ABT 1080 | Bourgogne, France | 1133 | | stanwardine |
Arthur John Burr | 4 OCT 1859 | | | | stanwardine |
Doris Eileen Burr | 24 JUN 1895 | Uphill, Axbridge, Somerset, England | 1 MAR 1942 | 120 High Street, St Julians, Malta due to enemy bombing | stanwardine |
Enid Ursula Burr | 11 MAR 1900 | | | | stanwardine |
Evelyn Noel Burr | 22 DEC 1892 | | | | stanwardine |
Florence Madeline Burr | 2 NOV 1890 | Uphill Rectory, Weston, Somerset | JUN 1984 | Farnham Royal, Hampshire | stanwardine |
Georgiana Phillis Burr | 27 NOV 1891 | | 20 OCT 1935 | | stanwardine |
Vera Winifred Burr | 16 FEB 1897 | | | | stanwardine |
M BURSLEM | | | | | stanwardine |
Joan Burton | 1568 | | | | stanwardine |
S Burton | | | | | stanwardine |
Elinor Bushell | 14 OCT 1915 | | | | stanwardine |
H Bushell | | | | | stanwardine |
Margaret Anne Bushell | 11 NOV 1912 | | | | stanwardine |
Beatrice Butler | ABT 1198 | Lancashire, England | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Elizabeth BUTLER | 1420 | Ormond, Kerry, Ireland | 8 SEP 1473 | Shrewsbury, Shropshire, England | stanwardine |
James BUTLER | 4 OCT 1331 | | 10 OCT 1382 | | stanwardine |
James BUTLER | ABT 1392 | Leicester, England | 1452 | | stanwardine |
James BUTLER | 4 OCT 1363 | | 1405 | | stanwardine |
James BUTLER | ABT 1305 | | 6 JAN 1337/1338 | | stanwardine |
James Wandesford Butler | 15 JUL 1777 | | 18 MAY 1838 | | stanwardine |
John Butler | 24 AUG 1808 | Merrion Square, Dublin, Ireland | 25 SEP 1854 | Loftus Hall, Wexford | stanwardine |
Mary Grace Louisa Butler | 7 MAR 1846 | Kilkenny, Ireland | 17 JAN 1929 | Malton, Yorkshire North Riding | stanwardine |
Petronilla BUTLER | ABT 1327 | Ormond, Kerry, Ireland | 1365 | | stanwardine |
Piers Butler | ABT 1665 | | | | stanwardine |
Thomas Butler | ABT 1430 | | 3 AUG 1515 | | stanwardine |
H Butterworth | | | | | stanwardine |
Ruth Butterworth | 23 APR 1817 | Middleton By Oldham, Lancashire, England | 4 AUG 1860 | Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, United States | stanwardine |
D Buxton | | | | | stanwardine |
Helena Byron | 1416 | Clayton, Lincolnshire, England | BEF 1466 | | stanwardine |
John Byron | 1387 | Clayton, Lancaster, England | 1465 | | stanwardine |
Charles 2nd Baron Cardigan Cadogan | 1685 | | 24 SEP 1776 | | stanwardine |
Charles Henry Sloane 2nd Earl Cadogan Cadogan | 29 NOV 1749 | | 23 DEC 1832 | | stanwardine |
Charles Sloane 1st Earl Cadogan Cadogan | 29 SEP 1728 | | 3 APR 1807 | | stanwardine |
Charlotte Cadogan | 11 JUL 1781 | | 8 JUL 1853 | Uxbridge House, Old Burlington Street, England | stanwardine |
Emily Maud Cadogan | | | 22 DEC 1839 | | stanwardine |
George 3rd Earl Cadogan Cadogan | 5 MAY 1783 | | 15 SEP 1864 | | stanwardine |
Henry Cadogan | 1642 | | 13 JAN 1713/1714 | | stanwardine |
Louisa Cadogan | | | AUG 1843 | | stanwardine |
William 1st Earl Cadogan Cadogan | 1672 | Liscartan | 17 JUL 1726 | | stanwardine |
Cadvan | | | | | stanwardine |
Maud Fitzrobert De Caen | ABT 1117 | Gloucestershire, England | 29 JUL 1189 | Chester, Cheshire, England | stanwardine |
Robert "The King's Son" Caen | ABT 1090 | Caen, Calvados, France | 31 OCT 1147 | Bristol, Gloucestershire, Eng | stanwardine |
Q Caepio | | | | | stanwardine |
Q Caepio | | | | | stanwardine |
S Caepio | | | | | stanwardine |
A Caesar | | | | | stanwardine |
G Caesar | | | | 4 AD (poisoned) | stanwardine |
G Caesar | | 102 B.C. | | 44 B.C. | stanwardine |
G Caesar | | | | | stanwardine |
G Caesar | | | | | stanwardine |
G Caesar | | 124 BC | | Pisa in 84 BC | stanwardine |
G Caesar | | Subura, Italy on July 12, 100/102 BC | | Rome, Italy on March 15, 44 BC (assassinated by a conspiracy of the Senate) | stanwardine |
G Caesar | | | | 84 B.C. | stanwardine |
I Caesar | | about 7 BC | | 6 BC | stanwardine |
J Caesar | | | | | stanwardine |
J Caesar | | | | 54 BC | stanwardine |
J Caesar | | about 103 BC | | | stanwardine |
J Caesar | | | | 84 B.C. | stanwardine |
J Caesar | | July 12, 100 B.C. | | March 15, a.d. 14 | stanwardine |
L Caesar | | | | | stanwardine |
L Caesar | | | | | stanwardine |
L Caesar | | | | | stanwardine |
L Caesar | | 123 BC | | 87 BC | stanwardine |
L Caesar | | | | | stanwardine |
L Caesar | | | | 87 B.C. | stanwardine |
L Caesar | | | | | stanwardine |
S Caesar | | | | | stanwardine |
S Caesar | | about 200 BC | | | stanwardine |
S Caesar | | | | | stanwardine |
S Caesar | | | | | stanwardine |
S Caesar | | | | | stanwardine |
T Caesar | | 42 BC | | March 16, 0037 | stanwardine |
P Caesarion | | Syria on June 26, 47 BC | | Abt 30 BC. killed by Octavian Caesar | stanwardine |
A Caesonia | | | | 43 BC | stanwardine |
J Caesonia | | | | 29 AD on Tremerus in exile for 20 years | stanwardine |
G Caffin | | | | | stanwardine |
Caid | | | | | stanwardine |
Cain | | | | | stanwardine |
Cainan | | 5167 B.C. | | 4257 B.C. | stanwardine |
CAINAN | | | | | stanwardine |
Helen Cairns | | | 7 MAY 1862 | | stanwardine |
Calavia | | | | | stanwardine |
Calchwynydd | | | | | stanwardine |
Callirhoe | | | | | stanwardine |
Frederick Calvert | BEF 1850 | | 6 JUN 1891 | | stanwardine |
Calybe | | | | | stanwardine |
Catherine Cambell | 10 MAY 1840 | | 9 MAR 1881 | Highfields, Schools Hill near Cheadle | stanwardine |
Edward Cambell | 18 JUN 1796 | London, Middlesex, England | 18 OCT 1882 | Highfields, Schools Hill near Cheadle | stanwardine |
Elizabeth Anne Cambell | OCT 1842 | Manchester, Lancashire | 26 JUN 1886 | | stanwardine |
Jane Cambell | 18 FEB 1844 | | 28 JUL 1881 | | stanwardine |
Jessie Louise Cambell | 13 FEB 1847 | | 8 MAY 1883 | | stanwardine |
C Cambria | | | | | stanwardine |
C Cambria | | | | | stanwardine |
D Cambria | | | | | stanwardine |
G Cambria | | | | | stanwardine |
I Cambria | | | | | stanwardine |
Amy Barlow Cameron | 22 SEP 1900 | Punta Arenas, Magallanes y de la Antartica Chilena, Chile | MAR 1986 | Argentina | stanwardine |
C Cameron | 1942 | | | | stanwardine |
E Cameron | | | | | stanwardine |
E Cameron | 1934 | | | | stanwardine |
N Cameron | 1938 | | | | stanwardine |
N Cameron | 1943 | | | | stanwardine |
J Cameron-Cooper | | EDINBURGH Midlothian Scotland | | | stanwardine |
Louisa Ellen Camfield | 1870 | Scarborough, Yorkshire North Riding, United Kingdom | | | stanwardine |
Idoine CAMVILLE | ABT 1205 | Brattleby, Lincolnshire, ENG | 1 JAN 1250/1251 | | stanwardine |
R CAMVILLE | | | | | stanwardine |
C Candy | | | | | stanwardine |
Capys | | | | | stanwardine |
Trahaearn Ap Caradog | ABT 1030 | Arwystli, Montgomeryshire, Wales | 1081 | Battle Of Carno, Arwystli, Montgomeryshire, Wales | stanwardine |
Anne CAREW | ABT 1519 | | | | stanwardine |
Catherine Carew | BEF 1500 | Mohun's Ottery, Devon | | | stanwardine |
Edmond Carew | 1466 | | 24 JUN 1513 | Thorounne | stanwardine |
Konrad I Carinthia | | | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Ann Jago Carkeet | | | 20 NOV 1879 | Surbiton, Surrey | stanwardine |
Carloman | ABT 715 | Moselle, Austrasia | 754 | | stanwardine |
Carloman | 751 | | 771 | | stanwardine |
Agnes Carmichael | 1879 | | 1887 | Died from diphtheria | stanwardine |
Chalmers Carmichael | 1886 | | 15 JUL 1916 | Delville Wood, The Somme | stanwardine |
Constance Carmichael | 1890 | | 1894 | Died From poisonous oleander berries | stanwardine |
Isabella Minnie (Ella) Carmichael | 1885 | | 1939 | | stanwardine |
J Carmichael | | | | | stanwardine |
John Carmichael | 1882 | | 1882 | Died At Birth | stanwardine |
Joyce Carmichael | 1882 | | | | stanwardine |
Margaret Carmichael | 1878 | | 1911 | | stanwardine |
Mary Carmichael | 1881 | | 1964 | | stanwardine |
W Carmichael | | Scotand | | | stanwardine |
Winnifred Carmichael | 1885 | | 1885 | Died From High Fever | stanwardine |
Carr | | | | | stanwardine |
Andrew Lambton Carr | 6 APR 1931 | Helsinki, Lansi-Suomen Laani, Finland | 12 JUL 2000 | Bookers Lee, Alfold, Surrey, England | stanwardine |
Christopher John Lambton Carr | 28 NOV 1927 | | JUL 1991 | Pershore, Worcestershire, England | stanwardine |
Henry Lambton Carr | 16 NOV 1899 | Arkhangelsk, Russia | 19 MAR 1988 | Godalming, Surrey, England | stanwardine |
Maud Keith Granville Carr | 27 MAY 1902 | Lautoka, Fiji | 1982 | | stanwardine |
Dorcas Louisa Carter | 1753 | Barbados | 24 AUG 1817 | | stanwardine |
Joan Carter | | | BEF 23 NOV 1750 | | stanwardine |
W Carter | | | | | stanwardine |
Georgina Carolina Carteret | ABT 1706 | Lansdown, Gloucestershire | | | stanwardine |
Katherine Mary Cary | 1529 | Hants, England | 15 JAN 1568/1569 | England | stanwardine |
Thomas Cary | 1480 | | BEF 21 JUN 1536 | | stanwardine |
William Cary | 1492 | | 22 JUN 1528 | | stanwardine |
Caser | | | | | stanwardine |
N Cash | | | | | stanwardine |
Cassandra | | | | | stanwardine |
B Cassels | | | | | stanwardine |
David Cassels | | | 1923 | | stanwardine |
Robert Catesby | 1573 | | 8 NOV 1605 | Shot at Holbeache House, Staffordshire | stanwardine |
William Catesby | 1547 | | 1598 | | stanwardine |
L Cato | | | | | stanwardine |
M Cato | | 234 B.C. | | 149 B.C. | stanwardine |
M Cato | | | | | stanwardine |
Ambrose Cave | 1502 | | 2 APR 1568 | | stanwardine |
Margaret Cave | | | 15 AUG 1600 | | stanwardine |
H Cavendish | 1944 | | | | stanwardine |
R Cavendish | | | | | stanwardine |
Cebriones | | | | | stanwardine |
Cerwyd | | | | | stanwardine |
G CEVA | | | | | stanwardine |
Leugia de CEVA | ABT 1240 | | 22 AUG 1291 | | stanwardine |
M Chalmers | | | | | stanwardine |
Chalpaida | 654 | | | | stanwardine |
Helen Lehmann Chambers | OCT 1899 | Wooburn, Buckinghamshire, England | 6 JAN 1985 | Surrey South-western, Surrey, England | stanwardine |
Alix De Champagne | ABT 1100 | Blois, Loir-Et-Cher, France | ABT 1145 | | stanwardine |
Eleonore De Champagne | ABT 1102 | Blois, Loir-Et-Cher, France | 14 OCT 1141 | | stanwardine |
Guillaume De Champagne | ABT 1080 | Blois, Loir-Et-Cher, France | 1150 | | stanwardine |
Humbert De Champagne | ABT 1094 | Blois, Loir-Et-Cher, France | | Died Young | stanwardine |
Lithuise Adela De Champagne | ABT 1098 | Blois, Loir-Et-Cher, France | 1118 | | stanwardine |
J Champernowne | | | | | stanwardine |
Joan Champernowne | 1515 | | 10 SEP 1553 | | stanwardine |
Katherine Champernowne | 1519 | Modbury, Devon | | | stanwardine |
Philip Champernowne | 1479 | | | | stanwardine |
Alice Violet Champion | 25 JUN 1880 | | | | stanwardine |
Bertha Marjorie Champion | 13 JUN 1882 | | | | stanwardine |
Dorothy Mary Champion | 12 DEC 1877 | | | | stanwardine |
Gladys Barbara Champion | 13 FEB 1890 | | | | stanwardine |
H Champion | | | | | stanwardine |
John Francis Champion | 12 NOV 1876 | | | | stanwardine |
K Chandler | 1969 | Jamaica | | | stanwardine |
Chapman | | | | | stanwardine |
Isabella Chapman | 6 MAY 1790 | Govan, Lanarkshire, Scotland | 29 MAY 1859 | Kyneton, Victoria | stanwardine |
R Chapman | | | | | stanwardine |
Charlemagne | 2 APR 742 | Ingelheim, Rheinhessen, Hesse-Darmstadt | 28 JAN 813/814 | Aix-la-Chapelle or Aachen, Rhineland, Prussia | stanwardine |
Charles | 772 | | 12 DEC 811 | | stanwardine |
Irene Corona Charteris | 31 MAY 1902 | | | | stanwardine |
Charles Hooker Chastain | 7 JUN 1937 | Tampa, Hillsborough, Florida, USA | 10 APR 2007 | Canada | stanwardine |
Jeanne de Chateaudun | ABT 1227 | | | | stanwardine |
M Chater | | | | | stanwardine |
Henry Chaumont | ABT 1075 | Valois, Bretagne, France | 1130 | | stanwardine |
Maud de CHAWORTH | 2 FEB 1281/1282 | ?; of Kidwelly, Carmarthenshire, Wales | AFT 1344 | | stanwardine |
Patrick de CHAWORTH | ABT 1250 | ?; of Kempsford, Gloucestershire, ENG | BEF 7 JUL 1283 | | stanwardine |
Algernon Edgar Percy Cheesman | 13 MAR 1886 | Farnham, Surrey | 1 MAR 1942 | 120 High Street, St Julians, Malta due to enemy bombing | stanwardine |
G Chelles | 757 | | | | stanwardine |
Joan Chenduit Cheney | 1279 | | 9 MAY 1327 | | stanwardine |
Edward Cherleton | 1370 | | 1421 | | stanwardine |
J Cherleton | | | | | stanwardine |
Joan de Cherleton | 1400 | Powys-Vadoc, Wales | | | stanwardine |
Joyce de Cherleton | ABT 1402 | Worcestershire, England | 22 SEP 1446 | | stanwardine |
Edward Cherlton | 1371 | <, Powys, Montgomery, Wales> | 14 MAR 1419/1420 | <, Powys, Montgomery, Wales> | stanwardine |
Joan Cherlton | 1399 | | 17 SEP 1425 | | stanwardine |
Joyce de Cherlton | 1403 | <, Tunbridge, Kent, England> | 27 JAN 1442/1443 | | stanwardine |
Chersidamas | | | | | stanwardine |
Agnes Of Chester | ABT 1174 | Chester, Cheshire, England | 2 NOV 1247 | | stanwardine |
Mabel Of Chester | ABT 1172 | Chester, Cheshire, England | BEF 1232 | Chester, Cheshire, England | stanwardine |
I Childebert | 496 | Rheims, Marne, Champagne-Ardenne, France | 23 DEC 558 | Paris, Ile de France, France | stanwardine |
III Childebert | 672 | | 14 APR 711 | St. Etienne, Loire, France | stanwardine |
I Childeric | 436 | Westphalia, Germany | 26 NOV 481 | Tournai, Hainault, Wallonia, Belgium | stanwardine |
II Childeric | ABT 656 | | 673 | | stanwardine |
I Chilperic | 539 | Soissons, Picardie, France | OCT 584 | Chelles, France (assassinated) | stanwardine |
A Chilton | 1955 | | | | stanwardine |
Chiltrude | ABT 716 | Austrasia | 754 | | stanwardine |
Albert I Von Chiny | ABT 1090 | | | | stanwardine |
Arnold II Count Of Chiny | ABT 1045 | Chiny, Luxemburg | 16 APR 1106 | | stanwardine |
Chivers | | | | | stanwardine |
Constantius I Chlorus | 31 MAR 242 | Dacia | 25 JUL 306 | Eboracum (York), Britain | stanwardine |
I Chlotar | ABT 497 | Rheims, Marne, Loire-Atlantique, France | 23 NOV 561 | Braines, Loire-Atlantique, France | stanwardine |
III Chlotar | 652 | | 670 | | stanwardine |
I Chlotar | | | | | stanwardine |
M Cholmondeley | | | | | stanwardine |
Richard Hugh Cholmondeley | 8 JAN 1901 | | | | stanwardine |
Thomas Richard Cholmondeley | 1856 | | 7 FEB 1922 | | stanwardine |
Chotrud | | | | | stanwardine |
L Christien | | | | | stanwardine |
Chromius | | | | | stanwardine |
Chrotilda | ABT 507 | Rheims, Marne, Loire-Atlantique, France | | | stanwardine |
( Churchill | | | | | stanwardine |
(Lord) Ivor Spencer Churchill | 1898 | | 1956 | | stanwardine |
Adeline Spencer Churchill | 1860 | | 1937 | | stanwardine |
Agnes Beryl Spencer Churchill | 1881 | | 1948 | | stanwardine |
Alan Spencer Churchill | 1825 | | 1873 | | stanwardine |
Alfred Spencer Churchill | 1824 | | 1893 | | stanwardine |
Almeric Spencer Churchill | 1847 | | 1856 | | stanwardine |
Anne Churchill | 28 FEB 1682 | Marlborough, Wiltshire | | | stanwardine |
Anne Spencer Churchill | 1854 | | 1928 | | stanwardine |
A Churchill | | | | | stanwardine |
Augusta Spencer Churchill | 1877 | | | | stanwardine |
Augustus Spencer Churchill | 1858 | | 1859 | | stanwardine |
Charles Churchill | 1679 | | 1745 | | stanwardine |
Charles Churchill | 2 FEB 1656 | | 29 DEC 1714 | | stanwardine |
Charles Churchill | ABT 1720 | | 1812 | | stanwardine |
Charles Richard John Spencer Churchill | 1871 | | 1934 | | stanwardine |
Charles Spencer Churchill | 1856 | | 1858 | | stanwardine |
Clarissa Churchill | 1920 | | | | stanwardine |
C Churchill | | | | | stanwardine |
Cornelia Spencer Churchill | 1847 | | 1927 | | stanwardine |
Diana Spencer Churchill | 1909 | | 1963 | | stanwardine |
Edward Spencer Churchill | 1876 | | 1964 | | stanwardine |
E Churchill | | | | | stanwardine |
Fanny Spencer Churchill | 1853 | | 1904 | | stanwardine |
Frances Louisa Spencer Churchill | 15 SEP 1870 | | 13 NOV 1954 | | stanwardine |
Frederick Spencer Churchill | 1846 | | 1850 | | stanwardine |
G Churchill | | | | | stanwardine |
G Churchill | | | | | stanwardine |
George Charles Blandford S. Churchill | 1844 | | 1892 | | stanwardine |
George Spencer Churchill | 1766 | | 1840 | | stanwardine |
George Spencer Churchill | 1793 | | 1857 | | stanwardine |
Georgiana Spencer Churchill | 1860 | | 1906 | | stanwardine |
H Churchill | | | | | stanwardine |
Henry Winston Churchill | 1913 | | | | stanwardine |
Jane Spencer Churchill | 1858 | | 1940 | | stanwardine |
John Churchill | 1909 | | | | stanwardine |
J Churchill | | | | | stanwardine |
John Churchill | 26 MAY 1650 | | 16 JUN 1722 | | stanwardine |
John Albert Edward William S. Churchill | 1897 | | | | stanwardine |
John Spencer Churchill | 1880 | | 1947 | | stanwardine |
John Winston Spencer Churchill | 1822 | | 1883 | | stanwardine |
Lilian Spencer Churchill | 1873 | | 1951 | | stanwardine |
Louisa Spencer Churchill | 1820 | | 1882 | | stanwardine |
Marigold Spencer Churchill | 1918 | | 1921 | | stanwardine |
M Churchill | | | | | stanwardine |
Mary Churchill | 23 FEB 1758 | | | | stanwardine |
Mary Spencer Churchill | 1922 | | | | stanwardine |
Norah Spencer Churchill | 1875 | | 1946 | | stanwardine |
Olivia Spencer Churchill | 1859 | | 1943 | | stanwardine |
Randolph Frederick Edward S. Churchill | 1911 | | 1968 | | stanwardine |
Randolph Spencer Churchill | 1849 | | 1895 | | stanwardine |
Sarah Spencer Churchill | 1865 | | 1929 | | stanwardine |
Sarah Spencer Churchill | 1914 | | 1982 | | stanwardine |
Violet Spencer Churchill | 1864 | | 1941 | | stanwardine |
Winston Churchill | 1620 | | 1688 | | stanwardine |
Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill | 1874 | | 1965 | | stanwardine |
Catherine Chute | 1721 | Newry, County Down, Ireland & Sutton | 1778 | Keeas, County Kerry, Ireland & Sutton | stanwardine |
Cilla | | | | | stanwardine |
K Clairs | 1962 | | | | stanwardine |
Aveline CLARE | ABT 1160 | Hereford, ENG | BEF JUN 1225 | ENG | stanwardine |
Avice De Clare | ABT 1058 | Brione, Normandy, France | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Elana De Clare | ABT 1154 | Tunbridge Castle, Kent, England | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Elana De Clare | ABT 1155 | Tunbridge Castle, Kent, England | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Eleanor or Alianore de CLARE | OCT 1292 | Caerphilly Castle, Glammorgan, ENG | 30 JUN 1337 | | stanwardine |
Elizabeth de CLARE | 16 SEP 1295 | Tewkesbury, Gloustershire, ENG | 4 NOV 1360 | ENG | stanwardine |
Eveline (Aveline) De Clare | 1172 | Clare, Suffolk, England | BEF 4 JUN 1225 | England | stanwardine |
Gilbert de Clare | 10 MAY 1291 | near Tewkesbury, ENG | 24 JUN 1314 | | stanwardine |
Gilbert de CLARE | ABT 1183 | Hertford, Hertfordshire, ENG | 25 OCT 1230 | Penrose, Brittany, France | stanwardine |
Gilbert IV de CLARE | 2 SEP 1243 | Christchurch, Hampshire, ENG | 7 DEC 1295 | Monmouth Castle, Monmouthshire, ENG | stanwardine |
Henry De Clare | 1172 | Clare, Suffolk, England | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Isabe de Clare | 10 MAR 1262/1263 | Elmley, Worcestershire, ENG | 1333 | | stanwardine |
Isabel de Clare | 2 NOV 1226 | | AFT 1264 | | stanwardine |
James De Clare | 1164 | Clare, Suffolk, England | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
John De Clare | 1170 | Clare, Suffolk, England | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Mabel De Clare | 1156 | Clare, Suffolk, England | 1203 | | stanwardine |
Margaret CLARE | ABT 1292 | ?; of Tunbridge Castle, Kent, ENG | 13 APR 1342 | France | stanwardine |
Margaret de CLARE | BET 1280 AND 1286 | ?; of Thomond, Connaught, Ireland | BET 1333 AND 1335 | Castle Badlesmere, ENG | stanwardine |
Maude (Matilda) CLARE | BET 1276 AND 1279 | ENG; of Thomond, Ireland | 1 FEB 1324/1325 | ENG | stanwardine |
Richard de CLARE | 4 AUG 1222 | Gloucester, ENG | 15 JUL 1262 | Canterbury, Kent, ENG; or Ashenfield, Waltham, ENG | stanwardine |
Richard De Clare | ABT 1153 | Tunbridge Castle, Kent, England | AFT 30 OCT 1217 | Tonbridge, Kent, Eng | stanwardine |
Roesse de CLARE | ABT 1256 | Tonebridge, Suffolk, ENG | AFT 1315 | | stanwardine |
Roger De Clare | 1116 | Tunbridge Castle, Kent, England | 1173 | Oxfordshire, England | stanwardine |
Roger De Clare | 1168 | Middleton, Norfolk, England | 1241 | | stanwardine |
Thomas de CLARE | BET 1244 AND 1247 | Tonbridge, Kent, ENG | FEB 1287/1288 | Thomond, Connaught, County Clare, Ireland | stanwardine |
L Claridge | | | | | stanwardine |
L Claridge | | | | | stanwardine |
L Claridge | | | | | stanwardine |
L Claridge | | | | | stanwardine |
M Claridge | | | | | stanwardine |
Mary CLARISSA | ABT 1255 | | AFT 1283 | | stanwardine |
A Clark | | | | | stanwardine |
Charles Thomas Clark | 25 SEP 1881 | Bothwell, Lanark, Scotland | | | stanwardine |
F Clark | | | | | stanwardine |
H Clark | | | | | stanwardine |
Isabella Mary Clark | 30 JAN 1874 | Maryhill, Glasgow, Lanarks | | | stanwardine |
Jane Thomas Clark | 9 DEC 1885 | Uddingston, Lanarks | | | stanwardine |
Jessie Williamina Clark | 12 AUG 1875 | St Rollox, Glasgow, Lanarks | | | stanwardine |
M Clark | | | | | stanwardine |
M Clark | | | | | stanwardine |
Norman Clark | 4 APR 1883 | Uddingston, Lanarkshire, Scotland | 1939 | Argentina | stanwardine |
Patricia Hamilton Clark | 18 JUN 1877 | Glasgow, Lanarks | | | stanwardine |
William Kirkwood Clark | 26 SEP 1879 | Uddingston, Lanarks | | | stanwardine |
William Norman Clark | 1841 | Glasgow | 29 OCT 1886 | Glasgow | stanwardine |
G Clarke | | | | | stanwardine |
G Claudia | | 12 A.D. | | 50 A.D. | stanwardine |
O Claudia | | | | | stanwardine |
O Claudia | | | | 059 (divorced and executed by Nero) | stanwardine |
S Claudia | | | | | stanwardine |
M Claudianus | | | | | stanwardine |
C Clayton | | | | | stanwardine |
Edward Ffarington Clayton | | | 24 NOV 1907 | | stanwardine |
D Clegg | | | | | stanwardine |
Nancy Clegg | 1773 | | 1830 | | stanwardine |
Cleopatra | | | | | stanwardine |
V Cleopatra | | 69 BC in Alexandria, Egypt | | Alexandria, Egypt on August 12, 30 BC(suicide by asp bite) | stanwardine |
Cleopatra-Selene | | | | | stanwardine |
Renauld II Count Of Clermont | ABT 1085 | Clermont, Beauvais, Oise, France | 1162 | Clermont, Beauvais, Oise, France | stanwardine |
Anne of Cleves | 22 SEP 1515 | Düsseldorf, Cleves, Germany | 17 JUL 1557 | Chelsea Old Palace, Middlesex, England | stanwardine |
Andrew de Clifford | AFT 1307 | | | | stanwardine |
Idonea de CLIFFORD | ABT 1300 | Clifford, Herefordshire, ENG or Appleby, W., ENG | 24 AUG 1365 | | stanwardine |
Iodine de Clifford | ABT 1300 | Castle Appleby, Westmorland, England | 24 AUG 1365 | Castle Alnwick, Northumberland, England | stanwardine |
John de Clifford | AFT 1306 | | | | stanwardine |
Katherine Clifford | ABT 1365 | Ravensworth, ENG | 23 APR 1413 | | stanwardine |
Margaret de Clifford | UNKNOWN | | | | stanwardine |
Robert CLIFFORD | 1 APR 1274 | Clifford Castle, Hereford, ENG | 24 JUN 1314 | Battle of Bannockburn | stanwardine |
Robert de Clifford | 5 NOV 1305 | ?; of Clifford Castle, ENG | 20 MAY 1344 | | stanwardine |
Roger CLIFFORD | ABT 1205 | | 1285 | | stanwardine |
Roger CLIFFORD | ABT 1180 | Clifford Castle, ENG | 1231 | Tenbury, ENG | stanwardine |
Roger CLIFFORD | 1242 | ?; of Clifford Castle, Clifford, Herefordshire, ENG | 6 NOV 1282 | Menai Straits (drowned) | stanwardine |
Roger de Clifford | 1299 | | 1322 | | stanwardine |
Geoffrey De Clinton | ABT 1100 | St Pierre-DE-Semily, St Lo, Manche, Normandy, France | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Lesceline De Clinton | ABT 1120 | St Pierre-DE-Semily, St Lo, Manche, Normandy, France | AFT 1145 | | stanwardine |
Mrs. Geoffrey 1100 De Clinton | | | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Osbert De Clinton | 1122 | Kenilworth Castle, Warwickshire, England | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
C Clive | | | | | stanwardine |
Charlotte Florentia Clive | 12 SEP 1787 | | 27 JUL 1866 | Mount Lebanon, Twickenham, London, England | stanwardine |
Edward Clive | 7 MAR 1754 | | 16 MAY 1839 | | stanwardine |
Edward Clive | 22 MAR 1785 | | 17 JAN 1848 | Powis Castle | stanwardine |
Elizabeth Clive | 1676 | | 1676 | | stanwardine |
George Clive | 1640 | Walford | 1690 | | stanwardine |
G Clive | | | | | stanwardine |
G Clive | | | | | stanwardine |
Henrietta Antonia Clive | | | 22 DEC 1835 | | stanwardine |
Margaret Clive | | | JUN 1814 | | stanwardine |
Mary Clive | 1679 | Baschurch, Shropshire, England | 1679 | | stanwardine |
Rebecca Clive | | | DEC 1795 | | stanwardine |
Richard Clive | FEB 1694 | Styche | 1771 | | stanwardine |
Robert Clive | 30 AUG 1769 | | 28 JUL 1833 | | stanwardine |
Robert Clive | 1675 | Baschurch, Shropshire, England | 1675 | Baschurch, Shropshire, England | stanwardine |
R Clive | | | | | stanwardine |
Robert Clive | 29 SEP 1725 | Styche Hall, Market Say, Market Drayton, Shropshire, ENG | 22 NOV 1774 | Berkeley Square, London | stanwardine |
Robert Henry Clive | 15 JAN 1798 | | 20 JAN 1854 | | stanwardine |
T Clive | | | | | stanwardine |
Thomas Clive | 12 AUG 1673 | Walford, Baschurch, Shropshire, England | 10 DEC 1711 | Baschurch, Shropshire, England | stanwardine |
W Clive | | | | | stanwardine |
Clodomir | 494 | Rheims, Marne, Champagne-Ardenne, France | AFT 524 | Orleans. Loiret, France | stanwardine |
Clodoreius | | | | | stanwardine |
D Clodoreius | | | | | stanwardine |
Clonius | | | | | stanwardine |
Clotilde | ABT 650 | | | | stanwardine |
II Clovis | ABT 634 | Moselle, Lorraine, France | 657 | | stanwardine |
III Clovis | ABT 673 | | MAR 695 | | stanwardine |
Anna Maria Cludde | | | 13 MAR 1906 | | stanwardine |
Clymene | | | | | stanwardine |
Clytius | | | | | stanwardine |
Mrs. Robert 1052 Cobet | | | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
E Cobham | | | | | stanwardine |
Juliane de COGAN | ABT 1215 | | | | stanwardine |
Adeloia Widow Of William De Coimis | ABT 1035 | Normandy, France | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Emily Colburn | ABT 1820 | Langdon, NH | | Dublin, Cheshire, NH | stanwardine |
D Coleman | | | | | stanwardine |
I Coleman | | | | | stanwardine |
K Coleman | | | | | stanwardine |
L Coleman | | | | | stanwardine |
Sarah Collamore | ABT 1670 | Scituate, Plymouth, MA | | | stanwardine |
A Colley | | | | | stanwardine |
Henry Colley | BEF 1704 | | 1723 | | stanwardine |
Henry Colley | BEF 1674 | | | | stanwardine |
I Colley | | | | | stanwardine |
Nancy Collier | | | 1926 | | stanwardine |
Betty Collin | 1855 | Oldham, Lancashire, England | | | stanwardine |
Joseph Collin | 1823 | Oldham, Lancashire, England | | | stanwardine |
Mildred Georgina Collins | | | 20 JUL 1962 | | stanwardine |
Elizabeth Colyear | 1747 | | 1832 | | stanwardine |
H Colyer | | | | | stanwardine |
Herbert Frederick Colyer | 25 AUG 1909 | Liverpool | JUN 1986 | Birkenhead | stanwardine |
Thomas Colyer | 1883 | Liverpool | 11 JUL 1916 | Battle of the Somme | stanwardine |
D Combe | 1960 | | | | stanwardine |
J Combe | 1952 | | | | stanwardine |
John Gabriel Combe | | | 2007 | | stanwardine |
M Combe | 1948 | | | | stanwardine |
P Combe | 1950 | | | | stanwardine |
R Combe | | | | | stanwardine |
Marcus Antoninus Pius Commodus | 31 AUG 161 | Lanuvium, Italy (Latium) | 31 DEC 192 | | stanwardine |
W Common | | | | | stanwardine |
W Common | | | | | stanwardine |
W Common | | | | | stanwardine |
W Common | | | | | stanwardine |
Pierre I de Luxembourg, Comte de St. Pol, Brienne, et Conservan | ABT 1390 | | 31 AUG 1443 | | stanwardine |
Alice COMYN | ABT 1291 | Buchan, Scotland | 1349 | | stanwardine |
Elizabeth COMYN | 1 NOV 1299 | Wyke, Cornwall, England | | | stanwardine |
Joan Comyn | 1290 | Badenoch, Inverness, Scotland | BEF 24 JUL 1326 | | stanwardine |
John III COMYN | 1269 | | 20 FEB 1305/1306 | killed by ROBERT the BRUCE | stanwardine |
John IV Comyn | ABT 1295 | | 1314 | killed | stanwardine |
Isabe (Gabel)l de CONDE | ABT 1210 | Buckingham, ENG | | | stanwardine |
L Coningsby | | | | | stanwardine |
L Coningsby | | | | | stanwardine |
J Connor | | | | | stanwardine |
Mabel Constance | 1905 | | 18 AUG 1986 | 31 Eastville Av, Rhyl, Clwyd | stanwardine |
* Constance of Castile | 1354 | Castro Kerez, Spain | 24 MAR 1393/1394 | Leicester Castle, ENG | stanwardine |
F Constantia | | | | | stanwardine |
III Constantius | BEF 388 | Dalmatia | 2 SEP 421 | Ravenna, Italy | stanwardine |
J Constantius | | | | | stanwardine |
Emma De Conteville | ABT 1029 | Conteville, Eure, Normandy, France | DECEASED | France | stanwardine |
Oda De Conteville | ABT 994 | Mellent, Normandy, France | | | stanwardine |
Avice Conway | 1640 | Castle Conway, Killorglin, County Kerry, Ireland | APR 1683 | Castle Conway, Killorglin, County Kerry, Ireland | stanwardine |
E Conway | | | | | stanwardine |
Elizabeth Ann Cooke | 20 FEB 1927 | | | | stanwardine |
Henry Richard Vincent Cooke | 1904 | | | | stanwardine |
L Cooke | | | | | stanwardine |
L Cooke | | | | | stanwardine |
Oscar William Hindley Cooke | 1900 | Watford, Hertfordshire | MAR 1966 | Hillingdon, Greater London | stanwardine |
L Cookson | | | | | stanwardine |
Cooper | | | | | stanwardine |
E Cooper | 1941 | Bishop's Stortford, Essex | | | stanwardine |
S Cooper | | | | | stanwardine |
Andrew Leslie Coote | 9 FEB 1869 | Tynemouth, Northumberland, United Kingdom | 18 MAR 1965 | Vancouver, Greater Vancouver Regional District, British Columbia, Canada | stanwardine |
Arthur Coote | MAY 1841 | Fen Stanton, Huntingdonshire, England | 22 JUN 1906 | Kensington Park Gardens, London | stanwardine |
Eileen Blanche Coote | 18 JUL 1909 | Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, England | 30 JAN 2001 | Uckfield, Sussex, England | stanwardine |
Nina Violet Eyre Coote | 9 MAY 1904 | | | | stanwardine |
Noëmi Coote | 1906 | | 1922 | | stanwardine |
Thomas Cameron Coote | 1879 | Broomfield Tower, Jesmond, Newcastle upon Tyne | 16 DEC 1940 | Edmonton, Middlesex, England | stanwardine |
V Coote | | | | | stanwardine |
Edward Cope | ABT 1530 | | 20 JUN 1557 | | stanwardine |
Isabel Cope | 1505 | | 1655 | | stanwardine |
Ursula Cope | ABT 1554 | | | | stanwardine |
Walter Cope | 1556 | | 31 JUL 1614 | | stanwardine |
F Copland-Griffiths | | | | | stanwardine |
Alice Corbet | ABT 1100 | Alcester, Warwickshire, England | BEF 1178 | | stanwardine |
Alice CORBET | 1389 | Leighton Montgomery, Cheshire, England | 8 SEP 1458 | | stanwardine |
Alice De Corbet | 1156 | Wattlesboro, Shropshire, England | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Andrew CORBET | 1640 | | | | stanwardine |
Andrew CORBET | 1639 | | | | stanwardine |
Andrew Corbet | 1522 | Moreton Corbet, Shropshire, England | 16 AUG 1578 | | stanwardine |
Anne CORBET | 1671 | | | | stanwardine |
Arthur Corbet | 1566 | Stanwardine | | Sp | stanwardine |
Blanche Corbet | ABT 1432 | | | | stanwardine |
Dorothy Corbet | ABT 1495 | | | | stanwardine |
Ebraid Corbet | | | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Elizabeth CORBET | ABT 1643 | Of, Baschurch, Shropshire, England | | | stanwardine |
Elizabeth CORBET | 1663 | | | | stanwardine |
Elizabeth CORBET | ABT 1610 | Of, Stanwardine, Shropshire, England | | | stanwardine |
Everard Corbet | ABT 1091 | Caus Castle, Shropshire, England | AFT 1155 | | stanwardine |
Fulk Corbet | 25 MAY 1284 | Moreton Corbet, Wem, Shropshire, England | 1323 | | stanwardine |
Gertrude CORBET | ABT 1572 | Of, Stanwardine, Shropshire, England | 4 APR 1643 | | stanwardine |
Henry CORBET | 1682 | | 1717 | (sp) | stanwardine |
Hugh Corbet | ABT 1118 | Wattlesborough, Shropshire, England | AFT AUG 1130 | | stanwardine |
Hugh Corbet | ABT 1046 | Pays-DE-Caux, Seine-Inferieure, Normandy, France | 1063 | | stanwardine |
Hugh Corbet | ABT 1155 | Pontesbury, Shropshire, England | AFT 1198 | | stanwardine |
Hugh Le Corbet | ABT 1025 | Pays-DE-Caux, Seine-Inferieure, Normandy, France | AFT 1080 | | stanwardine |
Jane CORBET | 1677 | | | | stanwardine |
Jane CORBET | ABT 1574 | Of, Stanwardine, Shropshire, England | | | stanwardine |
Joan Corbet | 1261 | Moreton, Oswestry, Shropshire, England | | | stanwardine |
Joan CORBET | | Moreton Corbet, Shropshire, England | 1359 | England | stanwardine |
J Corbet | | | | | stanwardine |
John CORBET | 1675 | | | (sp) | stanwardine |
John Corbet | ABT 1286 | Moreton Corbet, Wem, Shropshire, England | BEF 1352 | | stanwardine |
John Corbet | ABT 1240 | Moreton Corbet, Wem, Shropshire, England | AFT 1314 | | stanwardine |
John Corbet | ABT 1309 | Wattlesborough, Shropshire, England | AFT 1367 | | stanwardine |
John CORBET | ABT 1360 | | AFT 1389 | | stanwardine |
John CORBET | 25 MAR 1298 | | BEF 1347 | | stanwardine |
John CORBET | ABT 1324 | | BEF 1383 | | stanwardine |
Letitia (Lettice) CORBET | 1638 | Of, Baschurch, Shropshire, England | | | stanwardine |
Lucy CORBET | 1679 | | | | stanwardine |
Margaret CORBET | ABT 1646 | Of, Baschurch, Shropshire, England | | | stanwardine |
Margaret CORBET | 1673 | | | | stanwardine |
Margaret CORBET | ABT 1576 | Of, Stanwardine, Shropshire, England | | | stanwardine |
Margaret CORBET | 1579 | Of, Moreton Corbet, Shropshire, England | | | stanwardine |
Margaret Corbet | 1268 | Moreton, Oswestry, Shropshire, England | | | stanwardine |
Margaret Corbet | ABT 1310 | Wattlesborough, Shropshire, England | AFT 1385 | | stanwardine |
Margaret Corbet | ABT 1525 | Moreton Corbet, Shropshire, England | | | stanwardine |
Margery CORBET | ABT 1513 | Astley, Cheshire, England | BET 1544 AND 1609 | | stanwardine |
Martha CORBET | 1685 | | | | stanwardine |
Mary CORBET | ABT 1650 | Of, Baschurch, Shropshire, England | | | stanwardine |
Mary CORBET | 1665 | | | | stanwardine |
Mary CORBET | ABT 1608 | Of, Stanwardine, Shropshire, England | | | stanwardine |
Mary CORBET | ABT 1430 | | AFT 1450 | | stanwardine |
Miss Corbet | ABT 1095 | Caus Castle, Shropshire, England | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Miss Corbet | ABT 1147 | Pontesbury, Shropshire, England | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Mr CORBET | ABT 1648 | Of, Baschurch, Shropshire, England | | | stanwardine |
Mrs. Hugh 1025 Corbet | | | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Mrs. Roger 1050 Corbet | | | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Mrs. Simon 1116 Corbet | | | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Mrs. Thomas 1135 Corbet | | | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Mrs. William 1080 Corbet | | | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Peter CORBET | ABT 1315 | Shropshire, England | | | stanwardine |
Peter CORBET | ABT 1415 | Moreton Corbet, Shropshire, England | AFT 1483 | | stanwardine |
Petronilla Corbet | ABT 1238 | Moreton Corbet, Wem, Shropshire, England | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Phlip Corbet | ABT 1161 | Pontesbury, Shropshire, England | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Reginald CORBET | ABT 1568 | Of, Stanwardine, Shropshire, England | | | stanwardine |
Renaud Corbet | ABT 1050 | Pays-DE-Caux, Seine-Inferieure, Normandy, France | 1124 | | stanwardine |
Richard CORBET | 1672 | | AFT 1686 | | stanwardine |
Richard CORBET | 1564 | Chesthill Grange, Cheshire | 10 MAR 1625 | (sp) | stanwardine |
Richard Corbet | ABT 1154 | Wattlesboro, Shropshire, England | AFT 1217 | | stanwardine |
Richard Corbet | ABT 1173 | Wattlesboro, Shropshire, England | BEF 1235 | Moreton Corbet, Wem, Shropshire, England | stanwardine |
Richard Corbet | ABT 1200 | Moreton Corbet, Wem, Shropshire, England | 1255 | | stanwardine |
Richard Corbet | ABT 1236 | Moreton Corbet, Wem, Shropshire, England | 1267 | | stanwardine |
Richard Corbet | ABT 1305 | Wattlesborough, Shropshire, England | ABT 1355 | | stanwardine |
Robert CORBET | 1644 | | | (sp) | stanwardine |
Robert CORBET | 1661 | | AFT 1686 | (sp) | stanwardine |
Robert CORBET | ABT 1606 | Of, Stanwardine, Shropshire, England | | | stanwardine |
Robert CORBET | ABT 1635 | , Baschurch, Shropshire, England | | (sp) | stanwardine |
Robert Corbet | ABT 1052 | Pays-DE-Caux, Seine-Inferieure, Normandy, France | ABT 1130 | Alcester, Warwickshire, England | stanwardine |
Robert Corbet | 1234 | Moreton Corbet, Wem, Shropshire, England | NOV 1300 | Wattlesburgh & Moreton Corbet, Shroppshire, England | stanwardine |
Robert Corbet | ABT 1099 | Caus Castle, Shropshire, England | AFT 1147 | | stanwardine |
Robert Corbet | ABT 1083 | Alcester, Warwickshire, England | AFT 1142 | | stanwardine |
Robert Corbet | ABT 1535 | Moreton Corbet, Shropshire, England | 30 JAN 1593/1594 | Stanwardine Hall, Baschurch, Shropshire, England | stanwardine |
Robert Corbet | 1501 | Moreton Corbet, Shropshire, England | 20 DEC 1538 | Moreton Corbet, Shropshire, England | stanwardine |
Robert CORBET | 8 DEC 1383 | Moreton Corbet, Wem, Shropshire, England | 12 AUG 1420 | | stanwardine |
Robert CORBET | ABT 1250 | | | | stanwardine |
Robert CORBET | ABT 1477 | Moreton Corbet, Wem, Shropshire, England | 11 APR 1513 | Moreton Corbet, Wem, Shropshire, England | stanwardine |
Robert CORBET | ABT 1410 | Moreton Corbet, Wem, Shropshire, England | JAN 1439/1440 | Shawbury, Wem, Shropshire, England | stanwardine |
Robert CORBET | ABT 1442 | Leigh, Shropshire, England | | Leigh, Shropshire, England | stanwardine |
Robert CORBET | 25 DEC 1304 | Wattlesboro, Shropshire, England | 3 DEC 1375 | Moreton Corbet, Wem, Shropshire, England | stanwardine |
Robert II Corbet | 1151 | Wattlesboro, Shropshire, England | 1222 | | stanwardine |
Roger CORBET | 1561 | | | (sp) | stanwardine |
R CORBET | | | | | stanwardine |
Roger Corbet | ABT 1050 | Pays-DE-Caux, Seine-Inferieure, Normandy, France | AFT 1122 | Caus Castle, Shropshire, England | stanwardine |
Roger Corbet | ABT 1110 | Wattlesborough, Shropshire, England | ABT 1165 | | stanwardine |
Roger Corbet | ABT 1097 | Caus Castle, Shropshire, England | 1175 | | stanwardine |
Roger Corbet | ABT 1159 | Wattlesboro, Shropshire, England | 23 APR 1231 | Pontesbury, Shropshire, England | stanwardine |
Roger Corbet | ABT 1283 | Moreton Corbet, Wem, Shropshire, England | AFT 1323 | | stanwardine |
Roger Corbet | ABT 1232 | Moreton Corbet, Wem, Shropshire, England | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Roger Corbet | ABT 1193 | Wattlesborough, Shropshire, England | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Roger Corbet | ABT 1172 | Wattlesborough, Shropshire, England | ABT 1204 | | stanwardine |
Roger Corbet | ABT 1414 | Moreton Corbet, Wem, Shropshire, England | 5 JUN 1467 | England | stanwardine |
Roger CORBET | ABT 1330 | Moreton Corbet, Shropshire, England | JAN 1395/1396 | Shawbury, Wem, Shropshire, England | stanwardine |
Sibyl (Adela) (Lucy) CORBET | 1076 | | | | stanwardine |
Simon Corbet | ABT 1125 | Pontesbury, Atcham, Shropshire, England | BEF 1165 | | stanwardine |
Simon Corbet | ABT 1100 | Wattlesboro, Shropshire, England | AFT 1155 | Caus, Shropshire, England | stanwardine |
Simon Corbet | ABT 1093 | Caus Castle, Shropshire, England | AFT 1155 | | stanwardine |
Susannah CORBET | ABT 1570 | Of, Stanwardine, Shropshire, England | | | stanwardine |
Sybilla Corbet | ABT 1070 | Alcester, Warwickshire, England | AFT 1157 | England | stanwardine |
Thomas CORBET | 1669 | | BEF 1686 | (sp) | stanwardine |
Thomas CORBET | 1636 | Of, Baschurch, Shropshire, England | | | stanwardine |
Thomas Corbet | ABT 1135 | Wattlesboro, Shropshire, England | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Thomas Corbet | ABT 1307 | Wattlesborough, Shropshire, England | ABT 1355 | | stanwardine |
Thomas CORBET | 25 DEC 1281 | Moreton Corbet, Wem, Shropshire, England | BEF 7 MAY 1310 | Wattlesborough, Shropshire, England | stanwardine |
Thomas CORBET | ABT 1562 | Of, Stanwardine, Shropshire, England | 17 NOV 1615 | | stanwardine |
Vincent Corbet | 1550 | Moreton Corbet, Shropshire, England | 8 MAR 1622/1623 | | stanwardine |
W Corbet | | | | | stanwardine |
Walter Corbet | ABT 1114 | Wattlesborough, Shropshire, England | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Walter Corbet | ABT 1157 | Pontesbury, Shropshire, England | AFT 1208 | | stanwardine |
William CORBET | ABT 1667 | Of, Baschurch, Shropshire, England | | | stanwardine |
William Corbet | ABT 1080 | Caus Castle, Shropshire, England | AFT 1136 | Wattlesboro, Shropshire, England | stanwardine |
William Corbet | ABT 1112 | Wattlesborough, Shropshire, England | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
William Corbet | ABT 1153 | Pontesbury, Shropshire, England | ABT 1153 | | stanwardine |
Peter CORBICON | ABT 1244 | | | | stanwardine |
Sybil CORBICON | ABT 1276 | Studley, Warwickshire, England | | | stanwardine |
Elise De Corbiel | ABT 1048 | Corbeil, Marne, France | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Corineus | | | | | stanwardine |
Cornelia | | | | | stanwardine |
Corney | | | | | stanwardine |
Barbara Corney | SEP 1919 | Halifax, Yorkshire | | | stanwardine |
C Corney | 1976 | ALTRINCHAM Cheshire England | | | stanwardine |
E Corney | 1974 | ALTRINCHAM Cheshire England | | | stanwardine |
Gerald Corney | 27 SEP 1928 | Halifax, Yorkshire | DEC 2001 | Croydon, London, Surrey, England | stanwardine |
Harold Corney | 8 JUL 1915 | Halifax, Yorkshire West Riding | APR 1998 | Rotherham, Derbyshire, Yorkshire, England | stanwardine |
Jack Corney | 19 MAR 1924 | Halifax, Yorkshire | 15 AUG 2003 | Isle Of Wight, England | stanwardine |
Peter Hugh Corney | 2 DEC 1956 | Bowdon, Cheshire, England | JAN 2000 | Aberconwy, Gwynedd, Wales | stanwardine |
R Corney | 1951 | | | | stanwardine |
Tom Corney | 1891 | Halifax, Yorkshire, England | MAR 1972 | Blackpool, Lancashire, England | stanwardine |
Cornielia | | Rome in about 68 BC | | | stanwardine |
Cornifica | | | | | stanwardine |
Frances Cornillan | 1865 | Edinburgh | 1934 | | stanwardine |
A Cornwall | | | | | stanwardine |
A Cornwall | | | | | stanwardine |
A Cornwall | | | | | stanwardine |
B Cornwall | | | | | stanwardine |
D Cornwall | | | | | stanwardine |
H Cornwall | | | | | stanwardine |
P Cornwall | | | | | stanwardine |
Mary Corrie | BEF 1779 | | 1813 | | stanwardine |
L Corrigan | | | | | stanwardine |
Thomas William Edward Corrigan | | | 25 AUG 1961 | | stanwardine |
J Corsane | | | | | stanwardine |
M Corsane | | | | | stanwardine |
Cossutia\Fulvia | | about 123 BC | | | stanwardine |
S Costa | | | | | stanwardine |
Cotta | | | | | stanwardine |
Mary de COUCY | ABT 1220 | France | | | stanwardine |
Margaret Countess of Carrick | 1250 | Carrick, Scotland | | | stanwardine |
Philippa d'Avesnes, Countess of Hainault | 24 JUN 1311 | Mons, Hainaut, Belgium | 14 AUG 1369 | Windsor Castle, Windsor, Berkshire, England | stanwardine |
Joan Plantagenet, Countess of Kent | 29 SEP 1328 | | 8 AUG 1385 | Wallingford Castle, Berkshire, England | stanwardine |
Margaret Beaufort, Countess of Richmond and Derby | 31 MAY 1443 | Bletsoe, Bedfordshire, England | 29 JUN 1509 | Westminster, London, Greater London, England | stanwardine |
Alice Montacute, Countess of Salisbury | 1406 | Salisbury, Wiltshire, England | 9 DEC 1462 | Bisham, , Berkshire, England | stanwardine |
Philippa Plantagenet of Clarence, Countess of Ulster | 16 AUG 1355 | | 5 JAN 1382 | | stanwardine |
Margaret de Stafford, Countess of Westmoreland | 1364 | Brancepeth, Durham, England | 9 JUN 1396 | Raby, Durham, England | stanwardine |
Agnes Coupland | ABT 1655 | Achenleck, Scotland | | | stanwardine |
Isobel Coupland | ABT 1655 | Dressetland, Dumfries Scotland | | | stanwardine |
Catherine Courtanay | | | 3 JAN 1306/1307 | | stanwardine |
Godiva Of Coventry | ABT 1002 | Buckinghamshire, England | AFT 1086 | Coventry, Warwickshire, England (Mercia) | stanwardine |
Mrs-Thorold Of Coventry | ABT 985 | Mercia, England | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Thorold Of Coventry | ABT 985 | Coventry, Warwickshire, England (Mercia) | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
A Cowan | | | | | stanwardine |
L Cox | | | | | stanwardine |
Ada Cragg | 1916 | | 1999 | | stanwardine |
Alice Briggs Crane | 19 FEB 1870 | Herriman, Salt Lake, Utah, USA | 17 MAR 1933 | Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah | stanwardine |
James Crane | 1 APR 1830 | Penally, Pembrokeshire, Wales | 6 JUL 1886 | Herriman, Salt Lake, Utah, USA | stanwardine |
Crawford | | | | | stanwardine |
A Crawford | 1989 | | | | stanwardine |
C Crawford | 1991 | | | | stanwardine |
C Crawford | 1932 | | | | stanwardine |
C Crawford | 1956 | | | | stanwardine |
E Crawford | 1988 | | | | stanwardine |
F Crawford | | | | | stanwardine |
G Crawford | 1940 | | | | stanwardine |
H Crawford | | | | | stanwardine |
I Crawford | | | | | stanwardine |
J Crawford | 1987 | | | | stanwardine |
John Anthony Crawford | 7 MAY 1929 | | | | stanwardine |
L Crawford | 1977 | | | | stanwardine |
S Crawford | 1941 | | | | stanwardine |
V Crawford | 1985 | | | | stanwardine |
Wilfred Hornby Crawford | 24 AUG 1915 | | 6 JUN 1993 | | stanwardine |
W Crawford | 1944 | | | | stanwardine |
M Crecitus | | about 100 BC | | 71 BC | stanwardine |
Adelaide De Crecy | 1040 | Crecy, France | 1104 | | stanwardine |
Melisende De Crecy | 1084 | Crecy, France | 1147 | | stanwardine |
Hugh 'The Great' Crepi | 1050 | Vermandois, Normandy, France | 18 OCT 1101 | Tarsus, Sicily | stanwardine |
Son De Crepi | ABT 1090 | Crepy, France | 1152 | | stanwardine |
Crespina | | | | | stanwardine |
S Crete | | | | | stanwardine |
Turstin Of Creully | ABT 1053 | France | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Creusa | | | | | stanwardine |
Hamo Dapifer Crevecouer | ABT 1032 | Torigny-Sur-Vire, Manche, Normandy, France | 1100 | Kent, England (Sheriff In 1086) | stanwardine |
Mrs. Hamo Crevecouer | | | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Hamo De Crevequer | ABT 1060 | Cruelly, Calvados, Normandy, France | 1119 | Chatham, Medway, Kent, England | stanwardine |
Joan CREWE | 1280 | | | | stanwardine |
Crichton | | | | | stanwardine |
G Crichton | | | | | stanwardine |
H Crichton | | | | | stanwardine |
J Crichton | | | | | stanwardine |
J Crichton | | | | | stanwardine |
Margaret Crichton | 1801 | | 21 SEP 1859 | | stanwardine |
R Crichton | | | | | stanwardine |
C Cripps | 1940 | | | | stanwardine |
Hesilia (Elise) Crispin | ABT 1025 | Tillieres, Anjou, France | AFT 1086 | | stanwardine |
E Tillieres | | Normandy | | | stanwardine |
Bruttia Crispina | | | 183 | | stanwardine |
C Crispina | | | | | stanwardine |
Crocket | | | | | stanwardine |
James Crompton | 5 JAN 1774 | Lancashire, England | 10 MAR 1845 | Prestwich, Lancashire | stanwardine |
Sally Crompton | 16 SEP 1806 | Whitefield (Pilkington), Lancashire, England | | | stanwardine |
Margaret Crosbie | 1670 | Tubrid, Ireland | 9 FEB 1759 | Ireland | stanwardine |
Crosby | 12 MAR 1867 | Aldred Place, Salford | 12 MAR 1867 | Aldred Place, Salford | stanwardine |
William Crosby | 10 JAN 1826 | | 21 JAN 1904 | Aldred Street, The Crescent, Salford | stanwardine |
Elizabeth Cross | 1669 | City of Cork, Cork Co., Ireland | 22 MAR 1732 | | stanwardine |
Helena of the Cross | 248 | | 330 | Far East | stanwardine |
Crowe | | | | | stanwardine |
Georgiana Marian Frances Crowe | 1873 | | | | stanwardine |
C Cruddas | | | | | stanwardine |
Crydon | | | | | stanwardine |
Florence Cecelia Henrietta Cumberlege | 1853 | India | 27 JUN 1914 | 12 Tisbury Rd, Hove, Sussex | stanwardine |
M Cumming | | | | | stanwardine |
Kunigonda Cunegonde | | | ABT 835 | | stanwardine |
Cybil Harriet Cunliffe | | | 7 MAR 1929 | Victoria Hotel, Sidmouth, Devon | stanwardine |
Jean Cunnigham | ABT 1575 | Cunnigham | | | stanwardine |
Alexander Cunningham | 1515 | | | | stanwardine |
Lady Janet Cunningham | ABT 1515 | Glencairn, Maxwelton | | | stanwardine |
Nora Cunningham | 8 MAY 1874 | | | | stanwardine |
William Cunningham | ABT 1545 | | | | stanwardine |
Alexander Cunningham (1st Earl of Glencairn) | 1426 | Kilmaurs | | | stanwardine |
Robert Cunningham (2nd Earl of Glencairn) | ABT 1450 | Glencairn, Scotland | | | stanwardine |
Cuthbert Cunningham (3rd Earl of Glencairn) | 1470 | Finlaystone Castle, Scotland | 1541 | | stanwardine |
William Cunningham (4th Earl of Glencairn) | ABT 1490 | Glencairn, Maxwelton | | | stanwardine |
Joyce Mary Curzon-Howe | 16 JUL 1906 | | | | stanwardine |
Vida Cuthbert | BEF 1915 | | | | stanwardine |
D Cutlar | | | | | stanwardine |
Adelaide d'Anjou | | | 1026 | | stanwardine |
Ermengarde d'Anjou | | | AFT 982 | | stanwardine |
Fulk II Òle BonÓ d'Anjou | 910 | | 11 NOV 958 | | stanwardine |
Geoffrey I "Grisgonelle" d'Anjou | 950 | | 21 JUL 987 | | stanwardine |
H d'Anjou | 794 | Auchen, Rheinland, Prussia | | | stanwardine |
Louis I d'Aquitaine | AUG 778 | Chasseneuil, France | 20 JUN 840 | on an island in the Rhine near Ingelheim, France | stanwardine |
Marie Gabrielle d'Audibert | ABT 1675 | | | | stanwardine |
G D'Aunou | | | | | stanwardine |
Adele d'Austrasie | ABT 630 | | | | stanwardine |
F d'Austrasie | | | | | stanwardine |
Gometrude d'Austrasie | ABT 612 | | | | stanwardine |
Childebrand I d'Autun | ABT 670 | | 751 | | stanwardine |
S d'Autun | | | | | stanwardine |
Sigimberus d'Auvergne | ABT 420 | Westphalia, Germany | 491 | | stanwardine |
Catherine d'Avesnes | 1320 | Picardie, Somme, Centre, France | ABT 1375 | | stanwardine |
Hugh "Lupus" d'Avranches | ABT 1050 | Normandy | 27 JUL 1107 | Abbey of St. Werberg, Chester, Cheshire, England | stanwardine |
J d'Avranches | | | | | stanwardine |
Maud d'Avranches | 1050 | | | | stanwardine |
Richard le Goz d'Avranches | ABT 1025 | Avranches, Manche, Basse-Normandie, France | AFT 1084 | | stanwardine |
Robert D'Evereaux | ABT 964 | Normandy, France | ABT 1037 | | stanwardine |
Agnes d'Evreux | ABT 1038 | | | | stanwardine |
Agnes D'Evreux | ABT 1030 | Of, Evreux, Normandy, France | UNKNOWN | | stanwardine |
Richard d'Evreux | | | 1067 | | stanwardine |
Chrodobertus\Robert II d'Istrie | ABT 620 | Neustria | AFT OCT 678 | | stanwardine |
D d'Istrie | | Neustria | | | stanwardine |
Maud DACRE | ABT 1250 | Dacre, Cumberland, England | AFT 1300 | | stanwardine |
Ranulph DACRE | ABT 1235 | Dacre, Cumberland, England | 3 MAY 1286 | Lancashire, England | stanwardine |
Agharad verch Dafydd | ABT 1275 | Wales | | | stanwardine |
I Dagobert | 602 | Metz, Moselle, Lorraine, France (Austrasia) | 19 JAN 638 | | stanwardine |
III Dagobert | ABT 687 | France | 19 JAN 715 | | stanwardine |
A Dale | | | | Died Aged 85 | stanwardine |
H Dale | | | | | stanwardine |
J Dale | | | | | stanwardine |
J Dale | | | | | stanwardine |
J Dale | | | | | stanwardine |
R Dale | | | | Bagnall Hall, Staffordshire, Aged 88, Farmer | stanwardine |
W Dale | | | | | stanwardine |
F Dalmatius | | | | | stanwardine |
F Dalmatius | | | | | stanwardine |
E Dalrymple | | | | | stanwardine |
H Dalton | | | | | stanwardine |
M Dalzell | | | | | stanwardine |
D Dalziel | 1993 | | | | stanwardine |
M Dalziel | 1964 | Scotland | | | stanwardine |
M Dalziel | 1961 | Scotland | | | stanwardine |
M Dalziel | 1966 | | | | stanwardine |
P Dalziel | 1996 | | | | stanwardine |
Ralph Kennedy Dalziel | ABT 1894 | Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland | 4 OCT 1958 | Hallrule, Bonchester Bridge, Roxburghshire, Scotland | stanwardine |
R Dalziel | 1964 | | | | stanwardine |
R Dalziel | 1991 | | | | stanwardine |
Robert Ralph Kennedy Dalziel | 13 JAN 1929 | | 29 APR 2009 | Perth, Perthshire, Scotland | stanwardine |
R Dalziel | 1997 | | | | stanwardine |
Thomas Kennedy Dalziel | 12 MAY 1931 | Scotland | 8 AUG 2022 | Jedburgh, Scotland | stanwardine |
T Dalziel | 1959 | Scotland | | | stanwardine |
V Dalziel | 1994 | | | | stanwardine |
Jeanne (Joan) of Ponthieu DAMMARTIN | ABT 1216 | ?; of Dammartin, Seine-et-Marne, France | 15 MAR 1278/1279 | Abbeville, Somme, France | stanwardine |
Simon II DAMMARTIN | ABT 1180 | | 1239 | | stanwardine |
S Danes | | | | | stanwardine |
Myra Weare Darby | 1886 | Aston Manor, Warwickshire | | | stanwardine |
E DARCY | | | | | stanwardine |
J DARCY | | | | | stanwardine |
A Dardania | | | | | stanwardine |
E Dardania | | C. 1395 B.C. | | 1368 B.C. | stanwardine |
Dardanus | | C. 1435 B.C. | | 1414 B.C. | stanwardine |
Elizabeth Kirkwood Darling | 1877 | | 29 JUL 1902 | | stanwardine |
Grace McIntyre Darling | 1882 | | | | stanwardine |
Janet Mary Darling | 1879 | | | | stanwardine |
John Darling | | | 19 OCT 1888 | | stanwardine |
Rachel Jane Darling | 1888 | | | | stanwardine |
William Darling | 1876 | | 5 MAY 1933 | | stanwardine |
Caroline Sarah Darwin | 1800 | | 5 JAN 1888 | | stanwardine |
CHARLES @ ROBERT DARWIN | 12 FEB 1809 | | 19 APR 1882 | | stanwardine |
Erasmus Darwin | 12 DEC 1731 | | 18 APR 1802 | | stanwardine |
Frances Violetta Darwin | 1783 | | 1874 | | stanwardine |
George Howard Darwin | 9 JUL 1845 | | 7 DEC 1912 | | stanwardine |
Robert Waring Darwin | 30 MAY 1766 | | 13 NOV 1848 | | stanwardine |
Charles Dashwood | 1 SEP 1765 | Bicknoller, Somerset, England | 21 SEP 1847 | | stanwardine |
Elizabeth Dashwood | 28 NOV 1749 | Stogumber, Somerset, England | 15 OCT 1824 | Hunsdon, Hertfordshire, England | stanwardine |
Robert Dashwood | 1729 | Somerset, England | 1 DEC 1769 | Bicknoller, Somerset, England | stanwardine |
R Dashwood | | | | | stanwardine |
Clemence Dauntsey(?) | ABT 1170 | | | | stanwardine |
M David | | | | | stanwardine |
Margaret Davidson | JUL 1860 | St George Hanover Square, London | 20 JUN 1954 | Worthing, Sussex, England | stanwardine |
L Davies | | | | | stanwardine |
Davison | | | | | stanwardine |
Davison | | | | | stanwardine |
J Davison | | | | | stanwardine |
E Dawes | | | | | stanwardine |
Rosamond Dawker | 1827 | | 1888 | | stanwardine |
George Dawson | BEF 8 SEP 1687 | Prestwich, England | | | stanwardine |
George Dawson | BEF 27 NOV 1633 | Prestwich | | | stanwardine |
J Dawson | | | | | stanwardine |
Margaret Dawson | BEF 25 JAN 1710 | Prestwich, England | | | stanwardine |
C Day | | | | | stanwardine |
C Day | 2002 | | | | stanwardine |
Elizabeth Day | | | 27 APR 1828 | Tralee | stanwardine |
J Day | 1997 | | | | stanwardine |
W dÕAlencon | | | | | stanwardine |
William ÒTalvasÓ dÕAlencon | | | 1070 | | stanwardine |
Bonne dÕArdenne | | | 979 | | stanwardine |
A dÕAumale | | | | | stanwardine |
Agnes dÕAumale | | | AFT 1170 | | stanwardine |
E dÕAumale | | | | | stanwardine |
I dÕAumale | | | | | stanwardine |
Stephen dÕAumale | ABT 1070 | | BEF 1130 | | stanwardine |
Ermengarde dÕAuvergne | | | 10 MAR 1039/1040 | | stanwardine |
Robert dÕAuvergne | | | bet 1022 - 1043 | | stanwardine |
William dÕEu | | | 2 JAN 1054 | | stanwardine |
? dÕEvreux | | | | | stanwardine |
Robert de Rouen dÕEvreux | | | 16 MAR 1037 | Normandy | stanwardine |
Tocht de Agilofinges | ABT 475 | | | | stanwardine |
Hugh de ALDITHLEY | 1255 | | NOV 1325 | | stanwardine |
Blanche De Artois | ABT 1248 | Arras, Pas-de-Calais, France | 2 MAY 1302 | Paris, Seine, France | stanwardine |
Alice de AUDLEY | 1304 | | 11 JAN 1372/1373 | | stanwardine |
Henry (Alditheley) De Audley | ABT 1247 | | ABT 1274 | | stanwardine |
Hugh De Audley | ABT 1290 | Stratton Audley, Oxfordshire, England | 10 NOV 1347 | Tunbridge Priory, Kent, England | stanwardine |
Hugh de Audley | 1289 | | 10 NOV 1347 | | stanwardine |
James De Audley | ABT 1297 | | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
James (Alditheley) De Audley | ABT 1245 | | 11 JUN 1272 | | stanwardine |
Joan (Alditheley) De Audley | ABT 1251 | | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Margaret de Audley | ABT 1318 | | 1349 | | stanwardine |
Nicholas (Alditheley) De Audley | ABT 1258 | Heleigh Castle, Audley, Staffordshire, England | 28 AUG 1299 | Heleigh Castle, Audley, Staffordshire, England | stanwardine |
William (Alditheley) De Audley | ABT 1249 | | ABT 1275 | | stanwardine |
Donna Inez de Ayala | ABT 1338 | | | | stanwardine |
Sancha de Ayala | ABT 1355 | Toledo, New Castile, Spain | 1418 | Newark, Leicester, England | stanwardine |
Bartholomew de BADLESMERE | 1275 | Chilham Castle, Kent, England | 14 APR 1322 | Canterbury, Kent, England | stanwardine |
Elizabeth de BADLESMERE | 1313 | Badlesmere Castle, Kent, England | 8 JUN 1356 | | stanwardine |
Giles de Badlesmere | | | 1338 | | stanwardine |
Margaret de Badlesmere | 1315 | Leeds, England | 7 JUN 1338 | | stanwardine |
Margery de BADLESMERE | 1306 | Castle Badlesmere, Kent, England | BEF 22 OCT 1363 | Helmsley, Yorkshire, England | stanwardine |
Maude de Badlesmere | ABT 1310 | Castle, Badlesmere, Kent, England | ABT 24 MAY 1366 | Oxford, Oxfordshire, England | stanwardine |
Adela de Bar-sur-Aube | | | 1053 | | stanwardine |
N Bar-sur-Aube | | | | | stanwardine |
Ermengarde de Bar-sur-Seine | | | AFT 1035 | | stanwardine |
R Bar-sur-Seine | | | | | stanwardine |
Margaret de BARDOLF | ABT 1310 | Hertfordshire, England | | | stanwardine |
Ranulph de Bayeux | BEF 1046 | | AFT APR 1089 | | stanwardine |
Agnes de Beauchamp | ABT 1348 | | | | stanwardine |
Eleanor de Beauchamp | SEP 1407 | | 4 MAR 1466/1467 | | stanwardine |
Eleanor de Beauchamp | 1327 | Hatch, Somersetshire, England | 13 JUN 1391 | | stanwardine |
Guy de BEAUCHAMP | ABT 1271 | | 12 AUG 1315 | | stanwardine |
Isabella de BEAUCHAMP | ABT 1252 | Warwick Castle, Warwickshire, England | BEF 30 MAY 1306 | Elmley Castle, Worcestershire, England | stanwardine |
Isabelle De Beauchamp | ABT 1267 | Warwick Castle, Warwickshire, England | 30 MAY 1306 | Elmley Castle | stanwardine |
Joan de BEAUCHAMP | ABT 1396 | Abergavenny, Monmouthshire, England | 4 AUG 1430 | Shene, London, Middlesex, England | stanwardine |
Joan de Beauchamp | ABT 1300 | of Hache | | | stanwardine |
John de Beauchamp | 4 OCT 1306 | Hatch, Somersetshire, England | 19 MAY 1343 | | stanwardine |
John de Beauchamp | 25 JUL 1274 | | 12 OCT 1336 | | stanwardine |
Maud de Beauchamp | ABT 1310 | | 28 JUL 1369 | | stanwardine |
Maude de Beauchamp | ABT 1335 | Warwick, Warwickshire, England | ABT 1403 | | stanwardine |
Philippa de Beauchamp | ABT 1335 | | BEF 6 APR 1386 | | stanwardine |
Sarah de BEAUCHAMP | ABT 1255 | | ABT 1317 | | stanwardine |
Thomas de Beauchamp | BEF 16 MAR 1338/1339 | Warwick Castle, Warwickshire, England | 8 APR 1401 | | stanwardine |
Thomas de BEAUCHAMP | 14 FEB 1313/1314 | Warwick Castle, Warwickshire, England | 13 NOV 1369 | Calais, Artois/Pas-de-Calais, France (the plague) | stanwardine |
W Beauchamp | | | | | stanwardine |
William de BEAUCHAMP | ABT 1358 | Warwick Castle, Warwickshire, England | 8 MAY 1411 | Abergavenny, Monmouthshire, Wales | stanwardine |
William de BEAUCHAMP | 1232 | Elmley Castle, Worcestershire, England | 1298 | | stanwardine |
Joan De Beaufort | ABT 1368 | Chateau De Beaufort, Maine-et-Loire, France | 13 NOV 1440 | Howden, East Riding, Yorkshire, England | stanwardine |
Louis Rogier de Beaufort | ABT 1376 | <, Beaufort, Nord, France> | AFT 8 JUN 1464 | | stanwardine |
A Beaumont | | | | | stanwardine |
Catherine de BEAUMONT | BEF 1360 | Saunton, Devon, England | 28 AUG 1435 | Dunston, Devon, England | stanwardine |
Catherine de Beaumont | 1310 | Buchan, Aberdeenshire, Scotland | 11 NOV 1368 | Buchan, Aberdeenshire, Scotland | stanwardine |
Eleanor de Beaumont | ABT 1363 | Falkingham, Lincolnshire | | | stanwardine |
Elizabeth de Beaumont | AFT 1101 | | AFT 1172 | | stanwardine |
Elizabeth de Beaumont | ABT 1332 | England | 27 OCT 1400 | | stanwardine |
Hawise de Beaumont | ABT 1130 | England | | | stanwardine |
Henry de BEAUMONT | 1340 | | 25 JUN 1369 | | stanwardine |
Henry de Beaumont | ABT 1368 | | | | stanwardine |
Henry de BEAUMONT | ABT 1285 | Buchan, Aberdeen, Scotland | 10 MAR 1339/1340 | | stanwardine |
H Beaumont | | | | | stanwardine |
Isabella de Beaumont | ABT 1315 | Loughborough, Leicester, England | 1356 | Leicester, England | stanwardine |
Joan de Beaumont | ABT 1312 | Buchan, Aberdeen, Scotland | | | stanwardine |
Joan de Beaumont | ABT 1338 | Devonshire, England | 3 JUL 1467 | | stanwardine |
John de Beaumont | 1361 | | 9 SEP 1396 | | stanwardine |
John de BEAUMONT | 1318 | Bortant, Lincolnshire, England | 10 MAY 1342 | | stanwardine |
Matilda de Beaumont | ABT 1342 | Sherrill, Devonshire, England | 3 JUL 1467 | | stanwardine |
Maud de Beaumont | | | AFT 1189 | | stanwardine |
Robert de Beaumont | ABT 1046 | Beaumont, Normandy | 5 JUN 1118 | | stanwardine |
Robert "Bossu" de Beaumont | 1104 | Leicester, Leicestershire, England | 5 APR 1168 | England | stanwardine |
Mabel de Belleme | | | 2 DEC 1079 | Castle of Bures-dur-Dives, Nprmandy | stanwardine |
Robert II de Belleme | bet 1052 - 1056 | | AFT 8 MAY 1131 | Wareham Castle, Dorsetshire, England | stanwardine |
Ancitel de Bessin | ABT 987 | | AFT 1031 | | stanwardine |
R Bessin | | | | | stanwardine |
Matilda de BIRMINGHAM | ABT 1295 | | AFT 17 MAR 1326/1327 | | stanwardine |
A Blois | | | | | stanwardine |
Bertha de Blois | | | MAR 1084/1085 | | stanwardine |
Eudo I de Blois | | | 12 MAR 995/996 | | stanwardine |
Eudo II de Blois | | | 15 NOV 1037 | | stanwardine |
Thibaut III de Blois | | | 29 or 30 Sep 1089 | | stanwardine |
Alinore de BOHUN | 1304 | | 7 OCT 1363 | | stanwardine |
Elizabeth de BOHUN | ABT 1350 | Huntington Castle, Kington, Herefordshire, England | 3 APR 1385 | Arundel Castle, Sussex, England | stanwardine |
Humphrey IX de Bohun | AFT 1338 | | 1373 | | stanwardine |
Humphrey VIII de BOHUN | 1276 | Pleshey Castle, Essex | 16 MAR 1319/1320 | Battle of Boroughbridge, Yorkshire | stanwardine |
Margaret de Bohun | 3 APR 1311 | Caldecote, Northamptonshire, England | 16 DEC 1391 | Exeter, Devon, England | stanwardine |
Margery (Margaret) De Bohun | 1252 | | | | stanwardine |
William de BOHUN | 3 APR 1311 | Caldecott, Northampton, England | 16 SEP 1360 | | stanwardine |
Margaret de BOSLEY | ABT 1327 | England | 1353 | | stanwardine |
Ralph de BOSLEY | ABT 1300 | Egerton, Cheshire, England | | | stanwardine |
Baudouin I de Boulogne | 976 | | 1033 | | stanwardine |
Eustache I de Boulogne | ABT 1004 | | ABT 1049 | | stanwardine |
Eustache II de Boulogne | | | 1087 | | stanwardine |
Lambert I de Boulogne | ABT 1022 | | 1054 | Lille, France | stanwardine |
M Boulogne | | | | | stanwardine |
Agrippina de Bourgogne | ABT 450 | Burgundy | 486 | | stanwardine |
Alivia de Braose | ABT 1280 | Gower, Glamorganshire, Wales | BEF 20 JUL 1331 | Gower, Llangennith, Glamorgan, Wales | stanwardine |
Eleanor de Braose | 1230 | , , Breconshire, Wales | 1246 | of, Llanthony Inn, Gloucestershire, England | stanwardine |
Eva de Braose | 1220 | Sussex, England | 1255 | | stanwardine |
I Braose | | | | | stanwardine |
Maud de Braose | 1226 | | 20 MAR 1300 | | stanwardine |
Reginald de Braose | 1182 | Bramber, Sussex, England | 1227 | Brecon, Breconshire, Wales | stanwardine |
William, 6th Baron of Abergavenny de Braose | 1204 | | 2 MAY 1230 | | stanwardine |
Alice Elizabeth de BRERETON | ABT 1415 | Brereton, Cheshire, England | | | stanwardine |
Eleanor de BRERETON | ABT 1402 | | | | stanwardine |
Isabel Johanna de Brereton | ABT 1418 | | | | stanwardine |
Matilda de BRERETON | ABT 1302 | | | | stanwardine |
William de BRERETON | 14 FEB 1346/1347 | Brereton, Cheshire, England | 1398 | | stanwardine |
William de BRERETON | 1307 | Cheshire, England | | | stanwardine |
William de BRERETON | ABT 1277 | | AFT 1342 | | stanwardine |
William de BRERETON | ABT 1388 | | | | stanwardine |
William de BRERETON | 1414 | | 1456 | | stanwardine |
William de BRERETON | 1370 | Brereton cum Smethwick, Congleton, Cheshire, England | 1402 | | stanwardine |
Conan I de Bretagne | | | 992 | | stanwardine |
Judith de Bretagne | ABT 982 | | 1017 | | stanwardine |
Adele de Breteuil | | | 11 SEP 1051 | | stanwardine |
Godfrey de Brionne\Eu | | | ABT 1015 | | stanwardine |
Ermengarde de Brioude | | | AFT 1010 | | stanwardine |
Etienne de Brioude | | | ABT 975 | | stanwardine |
Ranulph "le Meschin" de Briquessart | 1070 | | 17 or 27 Jan 1128/29 | | stanwardine |
Garcia de Briwere | ABT 1186 | Bramber, England | 1223 | | stanwardine |
I Broyes | | | | | stanwardine |
Adam de Brus | | of Skelton and Danby, in Cleveland, Yorkshire, England | 1143 | | stanwardine |
Agatha de Brus | | | 1142 | | stanwardine |
Euphemia de Brus | | | prob abt 1267 | prob Whittingham, East Lothian, Scotland | stanwardine |
Robert de Brus | | of Brix, Normandy | 1141 | | stanwardine |
R Brus | | of Brix, Normandy | | | stanwardine |
Robert de Brus | | of Annandale, Scotland | 1141 | | stanwardine |
Robert de Brus | | of Annandale, Scotland; and Hartlepool, Durham, England | 1189 | | stanwardine |
Robert de Brus | | of Annandale, Scotland; and Hartlepool, Durham, England | 1245 | | stanwardine |
Robert de Brus | 1210 | England | 31 MAR 1295 | Lochmaben Castle, Lochmaben, Dumfriesshire, Scotland | stanwardine |
William de Brus | | of Annandale, Scotland; and Hartlepool, Durham, England | 16 JUL 1212 | | stanwardine |
M Burgh | | | | | stanwardine |
A Burgundy | | Poitiers, Burgundy, France | | | stanwardine |
Chilperic II de Burgundy | ABT 445 | Burgundy, France | ABT 486 | Amorica, France, killed by brother, Gundobad | stanwardine |
C Burgundy | | | | | stanwardine |
Clothildis de Burgundy | 475 | Burgundy, France | 3 JUN 548 | Tours, Indre-et-Loire, France | stanwardine |
Giolahaire de Burgundy | ABT 355 | | ABT 413 | | stanwardine |
Godegisel de Burgundy | ABT 452 | | 500 | Geneva | stanwardine |
Gondahar de Burgundy | 400 | | 450 | | stanwardine |
Gondomar de Burgundy | ABT 323 | | | | stanwardine |
Gundicar de Burgundy | 375 | Oder Vistula River region, Worms, Germany | 436 | Battle with Huns | stanwardine |
Gundioc de Burgundy | 430 | Worms, Rhine-Hessen, Germany | 473 | Bourgogne, France | stanwardine |
Gundobad de Burgundy | 443 | | 490 | | stanwardine |
T Burgundy | | Bourgogne, France | | | stanwardine |
Warnius\Guerin de Burgundy | 640 | Austrasia | 677 | | stanwardine |
Maud de Caen | ABT 1120 | | 29 JUL 1189 | | stanwardine |
Robert de Caen | ABT 1090 | Caen, Normandy | 31 OCT 1147 | Bristol, Gloucestershire, England | stanwardine |
Maud de CAMVILLE | ABT 1283 | | AFT 1342 | | stanwardine |
Eleanor de Cantelou | ABT 1295 | Hempston Cantelupe, Totnes, Devon, England | AFT 27 APR 1344 | | stanwardine |
John de Cantelou | ABT 1224 | Snitterfield, Stratford on Avon, Warwickshire, England | AFT 1295 | Hempston Cantelupe, Totnes, Devon, England | stanwardine |
Roger I de Carcassone | | | AFT APR 1011 | | stanwardine |
Drogo de Champagne | | | 708 | | stanwardine |
D Champagne | | | | | stanwardine |
Matilda de CHAWORTH | 1282 | | BEF DEC 1322 | | stanwardine |
Maud De Chaworth | ABT 1282 | | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Patrick de CHAWORTH | 1253 | Castle Kidwelly, Carmarthen, Wales | 7 JUL 1283 | Castle Kidwelly, Carmarthen, Wales | stanwardine |
Patrick VI De Chaworth | ABT 1250 | Kempsford, Gloucestershire, England | BEF 7 JUL 1283 | | stanwardine |
Margery de CHEYNE | ABT 1345 | | | | stanwardine |
Roger de CHEYNE | ABT 1320 | | | | stanwardine |
Roger de CHEYNE | ABT 1295 | | AFT 1328 | | stanwardine |
Isabel FitzGilbert de Clare | 1172 | Pembroke, Wales | 1220 | Pembroke, Wales | stanwardine |
Isabella de Clare | 2 NOV 1226 | England | AFT 10 JUL 1264 | | stanwardine |
Margaret de CLARE | 1284 | Thomond, Connaught, County Clare, Ireland | 1333 | Castle Badlesmere, Kent, England | stanwardine |
Margaret de CLARE | OCT 1292 | Caerphilly Castle, Kent, England | 9 APR 1342 | France | stanwardine |
Maud De Clare | ABT 1285 | Bunratty Castle, Thomond, Clare, Ireland | 1 FEB 1326/1327 | | stanwardine |
Maude de CLARE | 1276 | Thormond, Connaught, Clare, Irelan | 1 FEB 1326/1327 | | stanwardine |
Richard de Clare | 1153 | England | | | stanwardine |
Richard FitzGilbert de Clare | bet 1030 - 1035 | Bienfaite, Normandy | May 1089 or 1090 | St. Neots, Cambridgeshire, England | stanwardine |
Gilbert de Clare, 4th Earl of Gloucester | 1180 | England | | | stanwardine |
Euphemia de CLAVERING | 1267 | | 1329 | | stanwardine |
John De Clavering | ABT 1266 | | BEF 23 JAN 1330/1331 | Aynho Manor, Northamptonshire, England | stanwardine |
Andrew De Clifford | ABT 1309 | | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Ideona De Clifford | ABT 1300 | Appleby Castle, Westmorland, England | 24 AUG 1365 | | stanwardine |
Idonea de CLIFFORD | ABT 1303 | | 24 AUG 1365 | | stanwardine |
John De Clifford | ABT 1307 | | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
John De Clifford | ABT 1307 | | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
L Clifford | | | | | stanwardine |
Margaret De Clifford | ABT 1307 | | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Margaret de Clifford | ABT 1307 | | | | stanwardine |
Robert De Clifford | 5 NOV 1305 | Clifford Castle, Herefordshire, England | ABT 1344 | Berkeley Castle, Gloucestershire, England | stanwardine |
Robert De Clifford | 1 APR 1274 | Clifford Castle, Clifford, Herefordshire, England | 24 JUN 1314 | Clifford Castle, Clifford, Herefordshire, England | stanwardine |
Robert de Clifford | 5 NOV 1305 | | | | stanwardine |
Robert de CLIFFORD | 1 APR 1274 | Clifford Castle, Clifford, Herefordshire, England | 24 JUN 1314 | Clifford Castle, Clifford, Herefordshire, England | stanwardine |
Elizabeth De Cobham | ABT 1422 | Sterborough Castle, Lingfield, Kent, England | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Blitildis de Cologne | ABT 541 | Paris, Ile de France, France | | France | stanwardine |
Ermesinde de Comminges | | | 1 MAR 1056/1057 | | stanwardine |
Emma de Conteville | ABT 1029 | Conteville, Calvados, Basse-Normandie, France | | | stanwardine |
Herluin de Conteville | ABT 1001 | Conteville, Normandy | ABT 1066 | | stanwardine |
R Corbeil | | | | | stanwardine |
Hugh de COTTON | ABT 1313 | | | | stanwardine |
Hugh de COTTON | | Rudheath, Cheshire, England | ABT 1360 | | stanwardine |
Margery de COTTON | ABT 1353 | Rudheath, Cheshire, England | | | stanwardine |
Edeline de Courtenay | AFT 1311 | | 10 OCT 1335 | | stanwardine |
Edward de Courtenay | ABT 1332 | Haccombe, Devonshire, England | ABT 1370 | | stanwardine |
Elizabeth de Courtenay | AFT 1325 | | | | stanwardine |
Hugh de Courtenay | 12 JUL 1303 | Okehampton, Devon, England | 2 MAY 1377 | Exeter, Devon, England | stanwardine |
Hugh de Courtenay | 14 SEP 1273 | Okehampton, Devon, England | 23 DEC 1340 | Exeter, Devon, England | stanwardine |
Isabel de Courtenay | ABT 1283 | | | | stanwardine |
Margaret de Courtenay | AFT 1325 | | 2 AUG 1385 | | stanwardine |
Philip de Courtenay | ABT 1346 | Exeter, Devonshire, England | 29 JUL 1406 | Exeter, Devonshire, England | stanwardine |
Thomas de Courtenay | ABT 1311 | Southpole, Woodhuish, and Dunterten | 21 AUG 1337 | | stanwardine |
Bernardo Roger de Couserans | | | ABT 1038 | | stanwardine |
H Creil | | | | | stanwardine |
Gunnor de Crepon | ABT 936 | | 1031 | | stanwardine |
Herbastus de Crepon | ABT 911 | Normandy, France | | | stanwardine |
Hugh Capet Magnus de Crepy | 1057 | | 18 OCT 1101 | Tarsus, Asia Minor | stanwardine |
Hamon FitzHamon de Crevequer | | of Chatham, Kent, England | by 1119 | | stanwardine |
John de Dagworth | BEF 1327 | Dagworth, Suffolk, England | | | stanwardine |
Henry de DAVENPORT | ABT 1256 | Chester, Cheshire, England | | Moreton, Cheshire, England | stanwardine |
Mary de DAVENPORT | ABT 1287 | Moreton, Cheshire, England | | | stanwardine |
Thomas de Davenport | ABT 1283 | | ABT 1350 | | stanwardine |
Thomas de Davenport | ABT 1250 | Chester, Cheshire, England | ABT 1320 | Davenport, Cheshire, England | stanwardine |
Sigrada de Dijon | ABT 615 | Soissons, Aisne, France | 677 | | stanwardine |
Warin de Domfront | | | 1026 | | stanwardine |
John de DOMVILLE | 1294 | | | | stanwardine |
John de DOMVILLE | 1322 | | ABT 1395 | | stanwardine |
Margery de DOMVILLE | 1366 | Oxton And Brunstath, Cheshire, England | | | stanwardine |
Alice de DRIBY | ABT 1340 | Stratfield Mortimer, Berkshire, England | 12 OCT 1412 | Stamford, Lincolnshire, England | stanwardine |
John de DRIBY | ABT 1300 | Wokefield, Berkshire, England | AFT 30 NOV 1357 | | stanwardine |
Robert de DRIBY | ABT 1270 | Wokefield, Berkshire, England | 1321 | Tattershall, Horncastle, Lincolnshire, England | stanwardine |
Hugh de DUTTON | ABT 1250 | | ABT 1294 | | stanwardine |
Katherine de DUTTON | ABT 1255 | | | | stanwardine |
Margaret de DUTTON | ABT 1232 | | | | stanwardine |
Thomas de DUTTON | 1214 | | 1272 | | stanwardine |
David de EGERTON | ABT 1320 | | AFT 1350 | | stanwardine |
David Malpas de EGERTON | ABT 1297 | Egerton, Nantwich, Cheshire, England | AFT 1344 | | stanwardine |
Ellena de EGERTON | ABT 1353 | Egerton, Cheshire, England | | | stanwardine |
Phillip de EGERTON | 1328 | Egerton, Nantwich, Cheshire, England | ABT 1363 | | stanwardine |
Giles de ERDINGTON | ABT 1320 | Shrewsbury, England | AFT 1353 | | stanwardine |
Margaret de ERDINGTON | 1353 | Shawbury, Wem, Shropshire, England | 14 NOV 1395 | | stanwardine |
Doda de Falaise | ABT 980 | Falaise, Calvados, Basse-Normandie, France | | | stanwardine |
F Falaise | | | | | stanwardine |
F Falaise | | Falaise, Calvados, Basse-Normandie, France | | | stanwardine |
Herleve de Falaise | ABT 1003 | Falaise, Normandy | ABT 1050 | | stanwardine |
W Falaise | | | | | stanwardine |
Agatha De Ferrers | ABT 1236 | Derby, Derbyshire, England | BEF JUN 1306 | | stanwardine |
Anne de Ferrers | ABT 1264 | Groby, Leicestershire, England | ABT 1323 | | stanwardine |
Elizabeth de Ferrers | 1170 | Wigmore, Herefordshire, England | 29 APR 1240 | England | stanwardine |
Henry de Ferrers | ABT 1036 | Of, Ferrieres, Normandy, France | 1088 | of Castle, Tutbury, Stafford, England | stanwardine |
Mary De Ferrers | 1394 | Oversley, Warwickshire, England | 25 JAN 1457/1458 | | stanwardine |
William de Ferrers | 30 JAN 1271/1272 | Yoxale, Staffordshire, England | 20 MAR 1324/1325 | Groby, Leicestershire, England | stanwardine |
William de Ferrers | ABT 1240 | Groby, Leicestershire, England | 20 DEC 1287 | | stanwardine |
Margaret de FIENNES | AFT 1262 | Wigmore, Herefordshire, England | 7 FEB 1333/1334 | | stanwardine |
Jan I de Flanders | 1281 | Gravenhage, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands | 1299 | | stanwardine |
Matilda de Flandre | 1031 | Flanders, France | 3 NOV 1083 | Caen, Calvados, France | stanwardine |
Alice de France | | | 8 JAN 1078/1079 | Messines, France | stanwardine |
Beatrix de France | | | AFT 987 | | stanwardine |
B France | 704 | Laon, Aisne, France | | | stanwardine |
Gisele Capet de France | | | ABT 1000 | | stanwardine |
Hawise de France | | | AFT 5 JUN 1063 | | stanwardine |
Hedwig Capet de France | | | AFT 1013 | | stanwardine |
Henri I Capet de France | 15 MAY 1008 | Rheims, France | 4 AUG 1060 | Vitry-en-Brie, France | stanwardine |
Hugh Capet de France | 941 | | 24 OCT 996 | Les Juifs, Chartres, France | stanwardine |
Hugh Magnus de France | ABT 895 | Paris, France | 16 JUN 956 | Deurdan, France | stanwardine |
Philippe I Capet de France | BEF 23 MAY 1053 | Meulan, France | 29 JUL 1108 | Meulan, France | stanwardine |
Robert II "the Pious" Capet de France | 27 MAR 972 | Orleans, France | 20 JUL 1031 | Meulan, France | stanwardine |
R Franconia | 605 | Metz, Moselle, Lorraine, France (Austrasia) | | | stanwardine |
Isabella de FULLESHURST | ABT 1300 | Crewe, Nantwich, Cheshire, England | 1340 | | stanwardine |
Catherine de Furnival | ABT 1288 | | 1349 | | stanwardine |
Gerard de FURNIVAL | ABT 1225 | | BEF 18 OCT 1261 | | stanwardine |
Joan de Furnival | ABT 1323 | Alton, Cheadle, Staffordshire, England | | | stanwardine |
Matilda de Furnival | BEF 1334 | Worksop, Nottinghamshire, England | AFT 1385 | Cubley, Uttoxeter, Derbyshire, England | stanwardine |
Thomas de FURNIVAL | ABT 1260 | Worksop, Nottinghamshire, England | BEF 18 APR 1332 | Sheffield Castle, Yorkshire, England | stanwardine |
Thomas de FURNIVAL | BEF 1292 | Worksop, Nottinghamshire, England | 14 OCT 1339 | Sheffield, West Riding, Yorkshire, England | stanwardine |
William de FURNIVAL | 23 AUG 1326 | | 12 APR 1383 | | stanwardine |
Joan de FURNIVALLE | ABT NOV 1368 | | BEF 1401 | | stanwardine |
M Ganelon | | | | | stanwardine |
A Garlande | | | | | stanwardine |
Anseau de Garlande | | | bet 1117 - 1118 | | stanwardine |
Amy de GAVESTON | AFT 6 JAN 1311/1312 | Tunbridge Castle, Kent, England | AFT 1340 | | stanwardine |
Piers de GAVESTON | ABT 1284 | Blacklow Hill, Warwickshire, England | 19 JUN 1312 | Blacklow Hill, Warwickshire, England | stanwardine |
Joan de GENEVILLE | 2 FEB 1284/1285 | Ludlow Castle, Shropshire, England | ABT 1356 | England | stanwardine |
Piers de GENEVILLE | ABT 1258 | Ludlow Castle, Herefordshire, England | ABT 8 JUN 1292 | | stanwardine |
Margaret de Gernon | 1304 | | 1352 | | stanwardine |
Ranulph de Gernon | BEF 1100 | Gernon Castle, Normandy, France | 16 DEC 1153 | | stanwardine |
Hodierne de Gometz | | | 1074 | | stanwardine |
Joan de Grelle | ABT 1280 | | | | stanwardine |
Geoffrey de Gresley | 1298 | | ABT 1332 | | stanwardine |
John de Gresley | ABT 1325 | | | | stanwardine |
Margaret de Gresley | 1393 | Drakelow, Staffordshire, England | BEF 1456 | | stanwardine |
Nicholas de Gresley | ABT 1345 | | | | stanwardine |
Thomas de Gresley | ABT 1367 | | 1456 | | stanwardine |
Elizabeth De Grey | ABT 1440 | Pontesbury, Montgomeryshire, Wales | 1501 | | stanwardine |
Katharine Odeyne De Grey | 26 APR 1928 | | | | stanwardine |
Edith de Greystoke | | | 1152 | | stanwardine |
Ralph de Greystoke | 15 AUG 1299 | Greystoke, Cumberland, Englan | 14 JUL 1323 | | stanwardine |
William De Greystoke | 6 JAN 1317/1318 | Kirkby, Ravensworth, Yorkshire, Eng | 10 JUL 1359 | Ravensworth, Yorkshire, England | stanwardine |
William FitzRalph de Greystoke | AFT 6 JAN 1319/1320 | Grimthorpe, Lincolnshire, England | 20 JUL 1359 | Castle Bracepeth, Northumberland, England | stanwardine |
Angharad de Gwynedd | 1212 | | UNKNOWN | | stanwardine |
Dafydd de Gwynedd | 1209 | | 1246 | | stanwardine |
Gruffudd de Gwynedd | 1207 | | 1 MAR 1243/1244 | | stanwardine |
A Haan | | | | | stanwardine |
A Haan | 1954 | | | | stanwardine |
A Haan | 1950 | | | | stanwardine |
F Haan | 1989 | | | | stanwardine |
H Haan | 1989 | | | | stanwardine |
H Haan | 1992 | | | | stanwardine |
J Haan | 1948 | | | | stanwardine |
L Haan | 1979 | | | | stanwardine |
T Haan | 1976 | | | | stanwardine |
V Haan | 1956 | | | | stanwardine |
J Hastang | | | | | stanwardine |
R Hastang | | | | | stanwardine |
Matilda de HAUGHTON | ABT 1290 | Haughton, Stafford, Staffordhire, England | AFT MAR 1357/1358 | Swynnerton, Stone, Staffordshire, England | stanwardine |
Katherine de Hedersett | ABT 1275 | Mettingham, Suffolk, England | BEF 1343 | | stanwardine |
Eva de HERDEBURGH | 1276 | Wemme, Shropshire, England | | | stanwardine |
Alpais de Heristal | 654 | Heristal, Leige, Belgium | 705 | Orplegrande Monastery, Brabant, Vosges, France | stanwardine |
Ansegisel de Heristal | ABT 602 | France (Austrasie) | 685 | Andene Monastery (hunting accident) | stanwardine |
Pepin II de Heristal | 635 | Heristal, Leige, Belgium | 16 DEC 714 | Junnile, Meuse, France | stanwardine |
L Hesbaye | | | | | stanwardine |
Arnulf de Hesdin | | of Hesdin, Picardy | bet Oct 1097 - 1098 | Antioch, Anatolia | stanwardine |
Avelina de Hesdin | | | ABT 1122 | | stanwardine |
Maud de Hesdin | ABT 1057 | Toddington, Bedfordshire, England | AFT 1133 | | stanwardine |
Isabel de HEYTON | ABT 1315 | | | | stanwardine |
Bridget de Holand | ABT 1392 | , Up Holland, Lancashire, England | | | stanwardine |
Edmund de Holand | 6 JAN 1381/1382 | , Brockenhurst, Kent, England | 15 SEP 1408 | , Île de Brehat, Côtes-du-Nord, France | stanwardine |
Joan de Holand | 1380 | <, Up Holland, Lancashire, England> | 12 APR 1434 | | stanwardine |
Margaret de Holand | BET 1385 AND 1386 | <, Up Holland, Lancashire, England> | 30 DEC 1439 | St. Savior's Monastary, Bermondsey, Surrey, England | stanwardine |
Margaret de Holand | ABT 1310 | West Derby, Lancashire, England | BEF 22 AUG 1349 | Wickwar, Chipping Sodbury, Gloucestershire, England | stanwardine |
Maud de HOLAND | ABT 1311 | Foxhall, Staffordshire, England | | | stanwardine |
Robert de HOLAND | ABT 1283 | Upholland, Lancashire, England | 7 OCT 1328 | Boreham Wood, Hertfordshire, England | stanwardine |
Thomas de HOLAND | 1314 | Broughton, Bucks, England | 26 DEC 1360 | Normandy, France | stanwardine |
Thomas II de Holand | 1354 | , Up Holland, Lancashire, England | 25 APR 1397 | | stanwardine |
Thomas III de Holand | ABT 1376 | <, Up Holland, Lancashire, England> | 8 JAN 1399/1400 | , Cirencester, Gloucester, England | stanwardine |
Elizabeth De Holland | 1394 | Upholand, Lancashire, England | 4 JAN 1423/1424 | | stanwardine |
H Hord | | | | | stanwardine |
Katherine de HOUGHTON | ABT 1310 | | | | stanwardine |
Richard de HOUGHTON | ABT 1260 | | ABT 1341 | | stanwardine |
Hugh de HULSE | 1342 | Cheshire, England | 1407 | | stanwardine |
Hugh de HULSE | ABT 1361 | Raby, Cheshire, England | JUN 1415 | Cheshire, England | stanwardine |
William de Hulse | ABT 1355 | | | | stanwardine |
William de HULSE | ABT 1316 | Brunstath In Wirral, Cheshire, England | | | stanwardine |
Pepin I de Italy and Lombardy | APR 773 | | 8 JAN 809/810 | | stanwardine |
Maud De Lacy | ABT 1344 | Egremont, Cumberland, England | 18 DEC 1398 | Castle Prudhoe, Northumberland, England | stanwardine |
Begga de Landen | ABT 613 | Leige, Brabant, Belgium | 698 | | stanwardine |
Pepin de Landen | ABT 591 | Landen, Leige, Belgique | | | stanwardine |
Bertrada de Laon | 720 | | 12 JUL 783 | Choisy, Bourgogne, France (Austrasia) | stanwardine |
Claribert\Heribert II de Laon | 690 | Laon, Aisne, France | 747 | | stanwardine |
Martin\Heribert I de Laon | ABT 637 | | ABT 700 | | stanwardine |
Rolande de Laon | ABT 700 | | | | stanwardine |
Elizabeth de Latimer | BEF 1357 | | 5 NOV 1395 | | stanwardine |
Thomas de Laybourne | | | 1307 | | stanwardine |
Sibilla de LEA | 1283 | | 1340 | | stanwardine |
? Lens | | | | | stanwardine |
Judith de Lens | 1054 or 1055 | | AFT 1086 | | stanwardine |
Adela de Louvaine | | | 961 | | stanwardine |
Lambert ÒBaudryÓ de Louvaine | ABT 991 | | AFT 21 SEP 1062 | | stanwardine |
Lambert Òthe BeardedÓ de Louvaine | ABT 950 | | 12 SEP 1015 | Florennes, Namur | stanwardine |
M Louvaine | | | | | stanwardine |
Joan de LUSIGNAN | ABT 1262 | Lusignan, Vienne, Poitou, France | BEF 14 SEP 1323 | | stanwardine |
Luitgarde de Luxembourg | | | 14 MAY 1005 | | stanwardine |
Gerberga de Maine | | | ABT 952 | | stanwardine |
Agnes de Mainwaring | ABT 1406 | Over Peover, Cheshire, England | | | stanwardine |
Cecily de MAINWARING | ABT 1401 | Over-Peover, Cheshire, England | | | stanwardine |
Elizabeth de Mainwaring | 1395 | Over Peover, Cheshire, England | | | stanwardine |
Ellen de Mainwaring | ABT 1404 | Over Peover, Cheshire, England | 25 FEB 1480/1481 | Gawsworth, Cheshire, England | stanwardine |
Joan de Mainwaring | ABT 1402 | Over-Peover, Cheshire, England | | | stanwardine |
John de Mainwaring | ABT 1394 | Over-Peover, Cheshire, England | SEP 1480 | | stanwardine |
Margery de Mainwaring | ABT 1396 | Baddilegh, Cheshire, England | | | stanwardine |
Randall de MAINWARING | ABT 1398 | Over-Peover, Cheshire, England | 1474 | | stanwardine |
Randall de MAINWARING | ABT 1363 | Over-Peover, Cheshire, England | 1456 | | stanwardine |
Roger de MAINWARING | ABT 1263 | Over Peover, Cheshire, England | | | stanwardine |
T Mainwaring | | | | | stanwardine |
William de MAINWARING | 1286 | Middlewich, Cheshire, England | ABT 1340 | | stanwardine |
William de MAINWARING | ABT 1396 | Over-Peover, Cheshire, England | 1499 | | stanwardine |
William de MAINWARING | 1316 | Middlewich, Cheshire, England | | | stanwardine |
Isabel de MALBANK | ABT 1358 | Nantwich, Cheshire, England | 1445 | Shipbrook, Northwich, Cheshire, England | stanwardine |
Piers de MALBANK | ABT 1330 | Nantwich, Cheshire, England | | | stanwardine |
M Julian | | | | | stanwardine |
Robert de Mellent de Caen, 1st Earl of Gloucester | 11 APR 1088 | Caen, Normandy, France | | | stanwardine |
Arnulf\Arnoul de Metz | 13 AUG 582 | nr. Nancy, Heristal, Liege, Belgium | 16 AUG 640 | Rimeremont, France | stanwardine |
Cloudoule de Metz | 615 | Austrasia | 718 | Metz, Austrasia | stanwardine |
Itta de Metz | ABT 599 | | 652 | | stanwardine |
Kunza de Metz | ABT 630 | | | | stanwardine |
M Metz | | | | | stanwardine |
Waleran de Meulan | 1104 | Leicester, Leicestershire, England | 9 or 10 Apr 1166 | Abbey of Saint Pierre, Preaux, Normandy | stanwardine |
Baldwin FitzGilbert de Meules | | Normandy | 1095 | | stanwardine |
Cecily de MOBBERLEY | 1323 | Mobberly, Cheshire, England | | | stanwardine |
William de MODBURLEGH | 1353 | Mobberly, Cheshire, England | | | stanwardine |
Margaret de Mohun | ABT 1255 | Torre Mohun, Devon, England | | | stanwardine |
E Molle | | | | | stanwardine |
T Molle | | | | | stanwardine |
Alice of Salisbury de Montagu | ABT 1408 | England | BET 03 APR 1462 AND 09 DEC 1462 | | stanwardine |
John de Montagu | 1299 | Salisbury, Wiltshire, England | | | stanwardine |
J Montanolier | | Normandy | | | stanwardine |
Agnes de Montfort | ABT 1123 | of Montfort, France | 15 DEC 1181 | | stanwardine |
A Montfort | | | | | stanwardine |
Amaury III de Montfort | 1070 | | 18 or 19 Apr 1137 | | stanwardine |
Bertrade de Montfort | | | 14 FEB 1117 | Fontevrault Abbey, Anjou | stanwardine |
Bertrade de Montfort | 1155 | of Evreux, Normandy, France | 1227 | | stanwardine |
Elizabeth de MONTFORT | 1271 | Beldesert Castle, Warwickshire, England | AUG 1354 | St. Frideswide, Oxford, England | stanwardine |
Isabel de Montfort | | | AFT 1102 | | stanwardine |
Simon I de Montfort | ABT 1030 | | sh aft 1087 | | stanwardine |
Simon III de Montfort | | Normandy, France | 12 or 13 Mar 1180/81 | | stanwardine |
Simon IV de Montfort | | | BEF 18 JUL 1188 | | stanwardine |
A Montgomery | | | | | stanwardine |
H Montgomery | | | | | stanwardine |
Matilda de Montgomery | | | ABT 1084 | | stanwardine |
R Montgomery | | | | | stanwardine |
Roger de Montgomery | | of Saint-Germain-de-Montgomery, Normandy | 27 JUL 1094 | Shrewsbury, Shropshire, England | stanwardine |
Sybil de Montgomery | ABT 1060 | | ABT 1094 | | stanwardine |
Elizabeth de Montlhery | | | BEF 1060 | | stanwardine |
Guy I de Montlhery | | | 1095 | Abbey of Longpont, Longpont, Picardy | stanwardine |
Guy II Òle RougeÓ de Montlhery | | | 1108 | | stanwardine |
M Montlhery | | | | | stanwardine |
M Montlhery | | | | | stanwardine |
Milo Òle GrandÓ de Montlhery | | | ABT 1118 | | stanwardine |
Reginald FitzRoy de Mortain | | | 1 JUL 1175 | Chertsey, Surrey, England | stanwardine |
Robert de Mortain | ABT 1031 | Normandy, France | 8 DEC 1090 | | stanwardine |
A Mortimer | | | | | stanwardine |
Anne de Mortimer | 27 DEC 1390 | , New Forest, Hampshire, England | SEP 1411 | | stanwardine |
Beatrice de Mortimer | ABT 1318 | Wigmore, Ludlow, Hereford, England | 16 OCT 1383 | | stanwardine |
Catherine de MORTIMER | ABT 1315 | Wigmore, Ludlow, Herefordshire, England | AFT 1358 | | stanwardine |
Edmund de Mortimer | 1252 | Wigmore, Herefordshire, England | 17 JUL 1304 | Wigmore, Herefordshire, England | stanwardine |
Edmund de Mortimer | ABT 1395 | , New Forest, Hampshire, England | 18 JAN 1424/1425 | , Trim, Meath, Ireland | stanwardine |
Edmund de MORTIMER | ABT 1252 | Wigmore, Herefordshire, England | 17 JUL 1304 | | stanwardine |
Edmund de MORTIMER | ABT 1306 | | ABT 1331 | Stanton Lacy, Shropshire, England | stanwardine |
Eleanor de Mortimer | ABT 1389 | , New Forest, Hampshire, England | 1418 | | stanwardine |
Hawise de Mortimer | | of Wigmore, Herefordshire, England | 1189 | | stanwardine |
Hugh De Mortimer | ABT 1234 | Wigmore, Ludlow, Herefordshire, England | BEF JUN 1273 | Chelmarsh, Bridgnorth, Shropshire, England | stanwardine |
Hugh de Mortimer | 1179 | Wigmore, Herefordshire, England | 1180 | England | stanwardine |
Hugh de Mortimer | | of Wigmore, Herefordshire, England | bet 1148 - 1150 | | stanwardine |
Isabel de Mortimer | ABT 1195 | <, Elmley Castle, Worcester, England> | 1268 | | stanwardine |
Isabella de Mortimer | 1248 | | 10 AUG 1274 | | stanwardine |
Isolde de MORTIMER | ABT 1285 | | | | stanwardine |
Joan de Mortimer | 1240 | | | | stanwardine |
Joan de MORTIMER | ABT 1314 | Wigmore, Herefordshire, England | | | stanwardine |
Joan Isabel de Mortimer | 1194 | Worcestershire, England | 1228 | | stanwardine |
Juliane de Mortimer | 1184 | Wigmore, Herefordshire, England | | | stanwardine |
M Mortimer | | | | | stanwardine |
Matilda de MORTIMER | ABT 1286 | | | | stanwardine |
Matilda de Mortimer | | | ABT 1345 | | stanwardine |
M Mortimer | | | | | stanwardine |
Philippa de Mortimer | 21 NOV 1375 | Ludlow Castle, Shropshire | 1400 | | stanwardine |
Ralph de Mortimer | 1190 | England | 6 AUG 1246 | England | stanwardine |
Ralph de Mortimer | | Mortemer, Normandy | AFT 1104 | Abbey of Saint-Victor-en-Caux, Normandy | stanwardine |
Roger de Mortimer | 1221 | , Cwmaron Castle, Radnorshire, Wales | 27 OCT 1282 | , Kingsland, Herefordshire, England | stanwardine |
R Mortimer | | | | | stanwardine |
Roger de Mortimer | 1158 | <, Wigmore, Hereford, England> | 24 JUN 1214 | , Wigmore, Hereford, England | stanwardine |
Roger de Mortimer | 24 MAR 1392/1393 | , Netherwood, Pembroke, Wales | ABT 1410 | | stanwardine |
Roger de Mortimer | | Mortemer, Normandy | bet 1078 - 1086 | | stanwardine |
Roger de MORTIMER | 11 NOV 1328 | Ludlow, Shropshire, England | ABT 1359 | Rouvray, France | stanwardine |
Roger de MORTIMER | 3 MAY 1287 | Netherwood, Thornbury, Herefordshire, England | 29 NOV 1330 | Elms, Tynwood, Warwickshire, England (executed) | stanwardine |
Roger I de Mortimer | 11 APR 1374 | , Usk, Monmouth, Wales | 20 JUL 1398 | , Kells, Meath, Ireland | stanwardine |
Sinead de Mortimer | 1200 | <, Wigmore, Hereford, England> | | | stanwardine |
William de Mortimer | 1274 | | ABT 1336 | | stanwardine |
B Morvois | | | | | stanwardine |
G Morvois | | | | | stanwardine |
Arnould de Moselle | ABT 562 | Old Saxony, Germany | 601 | Metz, Lorraine, France | stanwardine |
Erchenaud de Moselle | ABT 556 | | | | stanwardine |
Gertrudis de Moselle | ABT 563 | | 615 | | stanwardine |
Blanche de Mowbray | | | 1409 | | stanwardine |
Christina de Mowbray | ABT 1305 | | 1365 | | stanwardine |
Eleanor de Mowbray | 25 MAR 1364 | | | | stanwardine |
Eleanor de Mowbray | ABT 1345 | Epworth, Isle of Axholme, Lincolnshire, England | ABT 1387 | | stanwardine |
John de Mowbray | 1340 | | 1368 | | stanwardine |
John de Mowbray | 29 NOV 1310 | Hovingham, Yorkshire, England | 4 OCT 1361 | York, England | stanwardine |
John de Mowbray | 4 SEP 1286 | Norfolk, England | 23 MAR 1320/1321 | York, East Riding, Yorkshire, England (hanged) | stanwardine |
Joan de MULTON | ABT 1236 | Moulton, Lincolnshire, England | | . | stanwardine |
Alianore de Neville | ABT 1360 | Raby-Keverstone, Staindrop, Durham, England | AFT 1441 | | stanwardine |
Alice De Neville | ABT 1358 | Raby with Keverstone, Durham, England | 20 JUN 1433 | | stanwardine |
Alice De Neville | ABT 1384 | Raby-Keverstone Castle, Staindrop, Durham, England | | | stanwardine |
Alice de Neville | ABT 1360 | | 20 JUN 1433 | | stanwardine |
Alice de Neville | | | AFT 22 NOV 1503 | | stanwardine |
Alice de Neville | 1358 | Castle Raby, Durham Co., England | 20 JUN 1433 | Castle Raby, Durham Co., England | stanwardine |
Anastasia De Neville | ABT 1395 | Raby-Keverstone Castle, Staindrop, Durham, England | | | stanwardine |
Anastasia De Neville | ABT 1289 | | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Anne De Neville | ABT 1394 | Raby-Keverstone Castle, Staindrop, Durham, England | | | stanwardine |
Catherine De Neville | ABT 1397 | | AFT JAN 1478 | | stanwardine |
Cuthbert De Neville | ABT 1405 | | CHILD | | stanwardine |
Eleanor De Neville | ABT 1360 | Raby with Keverstone, Durham, England | AFT 1441 | | stanwardine |
Eleanor de Neville | 1360 | Raby | AFT 1441 | | stanwardine |
Elizabeth de Neville | ABT 1389 | Raby-Keverstone Castle, Staindrop, Durham, England | AFT 1389 | | stanwardine |
Elizabeth de Neville | ABT 1384 | | | | stanwardine |
Elizabeth de Neville | 1369 | Castle Raby, Durham Co., England | | | stanwardine |
Henry De Neville | ABT 1402 | | AFT 1402 | | stanwardine |
Idoine de Neville | ABT 1364 | | | | stanwardine |
Idoine de Neville | 1362 | Castle Raby, Durham Co., England | BET 1363 AND 1456 | | stanwardine |
John De Neville | ABT 1331 | Raby With Keverstone, Durham, England | 17 OCT 1388 | Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland, England | stanwardine |
John De Neville | ABT 1413 | | AFT 1413 | | stanwardine |
John De Neville | ABT 1387 | | BEF 20 MAR 1420 | | stanwardine |
John de NEVILLE | 1328 | Raby With Keverstone, Durham, England | 17 OCT 1388 | Newcastle Upon Tyne, Northumberland, England | stanwardine |
Margaret De Neville | 12 FEB 1340/1341 | Raby, Staindrop, Durham, England | 12 MAY 1372 | Warkworth Castle, Alnwick, Northumberland, England | stanwardine |
Margaret De Neville | ABT 1393 | Raby-Keverstone Castle, Staindrop, Durham, England | BET 1463 AND 1464 | | stanwardine |
Margaret De Neville | ABT 1287 | | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Margaret de Neville | | | 1372 | | stanwardine |
Maud De Neville | ABT 1367 | Raby with Keverstone, Durham, England | | | stanwardine |
Maud De Neville | ABT 1383 | Raby-Keverstone Castle, Staindrop, Durham, England | OCT 1438 | | stanwardine |
Maude de NEVILLE | ABT 1392 | | 1423 | | stanwardine |
Maude de Neville | 1367 | | | | stanwardine |
Phillippa De Neville | ABT 1386 | Raby-Keverstone Castle, Staindrop, Durham, England | BEF 5 JAN 1458 | <, Dacre, Cumberland, England> | stanwardine |
Ralph De Neville | 24 SEP 1301 | Raby With Keverstone, Durham, England | 5 AUG 1367 | Raby With Keverstone, Durham, England | stanwardine |
Ralph De Neville | ABT 1392 | Raby-Keverstone Castle, Staindrop, Durham, England | 25 FEB 1458 | | stanwardine |
Ralph de Neville | 1364 | Castle Raby, Raby with Keverstone, Durham, England | 21 OCT 1425 | Raby with Keverstone Castle, Staindrop, Durham, England | stanwardine |
Ralph de NEVILLE | 18 OCT 1262 | | 18 APR 1331 | | stanwardine |
Ralph de Neville | ABT 1364 | Castle Raby, Durham Co., England | 21 OCT 1425 | Castle Raby, Durham Co., England | stanwardine |
Ralph de NEVILLE | 1295 | | 5 AUG 1367 | | stanwardine |
Robert De Neville | ABT 1285 | | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Robert De Neville | ABT 1235 | Raby, Durham, England | 6 JUN 1271 | | stanwardine |
Thomas De Neville | ABT 1290 | | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Thomas De Neville | 1403 | <, Harringworth, Northampton, England> | | | stanwardine |
Thomas de NEVILLE | ABT 1362 | Castle Raby, Durham Co., England | 14 MAR 1405/1406 | | stanwardine |
David de NORBURY | ABT 1300 | | | | stanwardine |
Sibyl de NORBURY | ABT 1318 | Norbury, Cheshire, England | | | stanwardine |
Adele de Normandie | ABT 917 | Normandy, France | 14 OCT 962 | France | stanwardine |
Richard de Normandie | 933 | Fecamp, France | 20 NOV 996 | Fecamp, France | stanwardine |
Richard II de Normandie | | | 28 AUG 1026 | | stanwardine |
Robert II de Normandie | ABT 1008 | Normandy, France | 22 JUN 1035 | Nice, Bythynia | stanwardine |
William I Longsword de Normandie | | | 17 DEC 942 | | stanwardine |
Catherine de Norwich | 1304 | | 1366 | | stanwardine |
Margaret de Norwich | ABT 1300 | | 3 SEP 1375 | | stanwardine |
Walter de Norwich | 1272 | Mettingham, Suffolk, England | BEF 20 FEB 1327/1328 | Mettingham, Suffolk, England | stanwardine |
Alice de ORREBY | ABT 1250 | Hatherton, Cheshire, England | | | stanwardine |
Joane De Orreby | ABT 1328 | | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
? de PAPWORTH | ABT 1375 | Papworth St Agnes, Caxton, Cambridgeshire, England | AFT 1397 | | stanwardine |
Charibert I de Paris | 520 | Rheims, Marne, France | 7 MAY 567 | | stanwardine |
A Paynel | | | | | stanwardine |
Fulk de Paynel | | of Dudley, Worcestershire, England | bet 1130 - 1138 | | stanwardine |
G Paynel | | Normandy | | | stanwardine |
William de Paynel | | Normandy | BEF 1148 | | stanwardine |
Fulke de PEMBRUGGE | ABT 1291 | | BEF 21 JAN 1325/1326 | | stanwardine |
Juliana de PEMBRUGGE | ABT 1349 | | AFT 1409 | | stanwardine |
Robert de PEMBRUGGE | ABT 1314 | | BEF 1 AUG 1350 | | stanwardine |
Alice de PENINTON | 1212 | | | | stanwardine |
Alan De Percy | ABT 1360 | | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Alianore De Percy | ABT 1326 | Alnwick Castle, Northumberland, England | BEF 1361 | Dunmow Priory, Essex, England | stanwardine |
Henry De Percy | 25 MAR 1273 | Petworth, Northumberland, England | 2 OCT 1314 | Fountains Abbey, Yorkshire, England | stanwardine |
Henry De Percy | 6 FEB 1299/1300 | Topcliffe, Yorkshire, England | 26 FEB 1351/1352 | Warkworth Castle, Alnwick, Northumberland, England | stanwardine |
Henry De Percy | ABT 1320 | Alnwick, Northumberland, England | 18 MAY 1368 | Warkworth Castle, Alnwick, Northumberland, England | stanwardine |
Henry De Percy | 10 NOV 1341 | Warkworth Castle, Alnwick, Northumberland, England | 19 FEB 1406/1407 | | stanwardine |
Henry de Percy | ABT 1322 | | 1368 | | stanwardine |
Henry de PERCY | ABT 1299 | | 1352 | | stanwardine |
Henry de PERCY | 25 MAR 1273 | Petworth, Sussex, England | 2 OCT 1314 | Alnwick Castle, Northumberland, England | stanwardine |
Henry " Hotspur" De Percy | 20 MAY 1364 | Alnwick, Northumberland, England | 21 JUL 1403 | Shrewsbury, Shropshire, England | stanwardine |
Isabel De Percy | ABT 1326 | Alnwick Castle, Northumberland, England | BEF 25 MAY 1368 | | stanwardine |
Isolde De Percy | ABT 1362 | Warkworth Castle, Alnwick, Northumberland, England | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Margaret De Percy | ABT 1352 | | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Mary De Percy | ABT 1360 | | ABT 1395 | | stanwardine |
Maud De Percy | ABT 1344 | Warkworth Castle, Alnwick, Northumberland, England | BEF 18 FEB 1377/1378 | | stanwardine |
Maud De Percy | ABT 1335 | Warkworth Castle, Alnwick, Northumberland, England | 18 FEB 1378/1379 | | stanwardine |
Maud de PERCY | ABT 1335 | Warkworth Castle, Alnwick, Northumberland, England | 18 FEB 1378/1379 | | stanwardine |
Ralph De Percy | ABT 1368 | | 1399 | | stanwardine |
Thomas De Percy | ABT 1344 | | 1403 | [executed following the Battle of Shrewsbury] | stanwardine |
Thomas De Percy | ABT 1366 | Alnwick Castle, Northumberland, England | AUG 1388 | Chilham Castle, Kent, England | stanwardine |
T Percy | | | | | stanwardine |
P Peronne | 817 | | | | stanwardine |
Didon de Poitiers | BEF 656 | | | | stanwardine |
Adelaide de Poitou | ABT 945 | | 15 JUN 1006 | | stanwardine |
A Pons | | | | | stanwardine |
A Ponthieu | | | | | stanwardine |
Enguerrand I de Ponthieu | ABT 980 | | 1046 | | stanwardine |
Enguerrand II de Ponthieu | | | 1053 | Arques, France | stanwardine |
Hugh II de Ponthieu | | | 20 NOV 1052 | | stanwardine |
Elizabeth de PRAERS | ABT 1338 | Barthomley, Cheshire, England | | | stanwardine |
Richard de PRAERS | 1270 | | | | stanwardine |
Thomas de PRAERS | ABT 1300 | Essex, England | 1348 | | stanwardine |
Constance de Provence | ABT 986 | Arles, Provence | 25 JUL 1032 | Meulan, France | stanwardine |
Joan de PYPE | ABT 1355 | | | | stanwardine |
Margaret de PYPE | ABT 1290 | | 1352 | | stanwardine |
Robert de PYPE | ABT 1288 | | ABT 1342 | | stanwardine |
Thomas de PYPE | 1260 | | AFT 1326 | | stanwardine |
William de PYPE | ABT 1316 | | AFT 1358 | | stanwardine |
I Reims | | | | | stanwardine |
Joanna de RIDWARE | ABT 1320 | | | | stanwardine |
Thomas de RIDWARE | ABT 1270 | | AFT 1325 | | stanwardine |
Walter de RIDWARE | BEF 1240 | | AFT 1282 | | stanwardine |
? Rochefort | | | | | stanwardine |
Lucienne de Rochefort | ABT 1088 | | AFT 1137 | | stanwardine |
E Ros | | | | | stanwardine |
Elizabeth de Ros | ABT 1325 | | AFT 16 MAY 1380 | | stanwardine |
Maud de ROS | ABT 1334 | | | | stanwardine |
Thomas de Ros | 13 JAN 1335/1336 | Northamptonshire, England | 8 JUN 1384 | | stanwardine |
William De Ros | 19 MAY 1329 | | ABT 1352 | Holy Land | stanwardine |
William de ROS | 1290 | Helmsley, Yorkshire, England | 3 FEB 1342/1343 | Priory, Kirkham, Yorkshire, England | stanwardine |
E Roussillon | | | | | stanwardine |
V Rutzen | | | | | stanwardine |
Marie de Saint Hilaire | ABT 1371 | | | | stanwardine |
Maud de Saint Liz | | of Northamptonshire, England | bet 1158 - 1163 | | stanwardine |
Simon I de Saint Liz | | of Senlis, Normandy | prob 1111 - 1113 | Priory of La Charite-sur-Loire, La Charite-sur-Loire, Burgundy | stanwardine |
Simon II de Saint Liz | AFT 1103 | of Northamptonshire, England | AUG 1153 | | stanwardine |
Marie Joseph Édith DE SAINT-GENIÈS | 6 JUL 1865 | Saint-Jean d'Angély, Charente-Maritime, France | 16 APR 1938 | Alassio, Italy | stanwardine |
B Senlis | | | | | stanwardine |
S Senlis | | Bretagne, Normandy | | | stanwardine |
M Silva | | | | | stanwardine |
M Silva | | | | | stanwardine |
Joanna de Sodington | ABT 1274 | | AFT 1331 | | stanwardine |
Ralph or William de Sodington | 1250 | | | | stanwardine |
Emma de STAFFORD | ABT 1295 | | | | stanwardine |
Isabel de STAFFORD | ABT 1273 | | | | stanwardine |
John de STAFFORD | ABT 1302 | Bramshall, Uttoxeter, Staffordshire, England | AUG 1373 | Amblecote, Stourbridge, Staffordshire, England | stanwardine |
Margaret de Stafford | ABT 1364 | Castle, Stafford, Staffordshire, England | 9 JUN 1396 | Castle Raby, Raby with Keverstone, Durham, England | stanwardine |
Robert de Toeni de Stafford | | | prob 1088 | | stanwardine |
William de STAFFORD | ABT 1272 | | 1320 | | stanwardine |
Philippa de STANDON | 1215 | | | | stanwardine |
Margaret de STOCKPORT | ABT 1315 | | | | stanwardine |
Esther de STOURTON | ABT 1394 | Somersetshire, England | 13 JUN 1441 | | stanwardine |
John de STOURTON | AFT 1361 | Stourton with Gasper, Mere, Wiltshire, England | 1405 | Preston, Plucknett, Somerset, England | stanwardine |
William de Stourton | ABT 1378 | Stourton, Wiltshire, England | 18 SEP 1413 | | stanwardine |
Alice de SULNEY | ABT 1355 | | | | stanwardine |
John de SWINFEN | ABT 1322 | | AFT 1375 | | stanwardine |
John de SWINFEN | ABT 1294 | | AFT 1330 | | stanwardine |
Philip de SWINFEN | ABT 1266 | | AFT 1315 | | stanwardine |
Robert de SWINFEN | ABT 1350 | | AFT 1409 | | stanwardine |
Hugh de Swynford | ABT 1350 | <, , Somme, France> | | | stanwardine |
Alice de Swynnerton | ABT 1325 | | ABT 1350 | | stanwardine |
Roger de SWYNNERTON | BEF 1284 | Swynnerton, Stone, Staffordshire, England | BEF 3 MAR 1337/1338 | Swynnerton, Stone, Staffordshire, England | stanwardine |
Thomas de SWYNNERTON | ABT 1310 | Swynnerton, Stone, Staffordshire, England | DEC 1361 | Swynnerton, Stone, Staffordshire, England | stanwardine |
Ivo de Tailboys | | | 1093 | | stanwardine |
Anne de TALBOT | 1445 | | 17 MAY 1494 | | stanwardine |
George de Talbot | ABT 1456 | Shrewsbury, Shropshire, England | 1538 | | stanwardine |
Gilbert de TALBOT | 18 OCT 1276 | | ABT 1 MAR 1345/1346 | | stanwardine |
Gilbert de TALBOT | 1332 | Goodrich Castle, Eccleswall, Herefordshire, England | 24 APR 1387 | of the plague in Roales, Spain | stanwardine |
John de TALBOT | 1384 | | 17 JUL 1453 | | stanwardine |
John de TALBOT | 12 DEC 1413 | Shrewsbury, Shropshire, England | 1 JUL 1460 | Battle of Northampton, England | stanwardine |
M Talbot | | | | | stanwardine |
Richard de TALBOT | 1302 | Wyke, Cornwall, England | 23 OCT 1356 | Goodrich Castle, Eccleswalls, Herefordshire, England | stanwardine |
Richard de TALBOT | 1361 | Blackmere, Cornwall, England | 9 SEP 1396 | | stanwardine |
Joan de TATESHAL | ABT 1272 | Tattershall, Horncastle, Lincolnshire, England | 8 OCT 1329 | Wokefield, Berkshire, England | stanwardine |
Adelise de Toeni | | | 1066 | | stanwardine |
Alice de TOENI | ABT 1283 | | BEF 8 JAN 1324/1325 | | stanwardine |
Ralph de TOENI | ABT 1255 | | BEF 29 JUL 1295 | Gascony, France | stanwardine |
Ralph III de Conches de Toeni | prob bet 1025 - 1030 | Tosny, Normandy | 24 Mar, prob 1101/02 | | stanwardine |
Roger I de Conches de Toeni | prob abt 990 | Normandy | 1038 or 1039 | Normandy | stanwardine |
Bernard de Toulouse | ABT 730 | | ABT 784 | | stanwardine |
Ledgarda de Toulouse | | | AFT 997 | | stanwardine |
Raymond IV de Toulouse | | | bet 978 - 979 | | stanwardine |
William III Taillefer de Toulouse | | | AFT 1037 | | stanwardine |
William de Tracy | AFT 1090 | of Bradninch, Devonshire, England | ABT 1135 | | stanwardine |
Bodilon de Treves | ABT 615 | Burgundy, France | AFT 643 | Mans, France | stanwardine |
Leutwinus de Treves | ABT 665 | Austrasia | 713 | | stanwardine |
Rotrude de Treves | 690 | Moselle, Austrasia | 724 | | stanwardine |
Eudo de Troyes | | | BEF 1 AUG 1107 | | stanwardine |
Stephen I de Troyes | ABT 1015 | | ABT 1047 | | stanwardine |
Margaret de TURBERVILLE | ABT 1302 | | | | stanwardine |
Joan de VALENCE | ABT 1269 | Pembroke, Pembrokeshire, England | | | stanwardine |
Adele de Valois | | | ABT 1080 | | stanwardine |
A Valois | | | | | stanwardine |
P Valois | | | | | stanwardine |
P Valois | | | | | stanwardine |
R Valois | | | | | stanwardine |
Raoul III de Valois | | | 1074 | | stanwardine |
Beatrice de Vascoeiul | | | AFT 1053 | | stanwardine |
Alice de VENABLES | ABT 1299 | | | | stanwardine |
Anyll de VENABLES | 1374 | Kinderton cum Hulme, Northwich, Cheshire, England | | | stanwardine |
Eva de VENABLES | ABT 1367 | | | | stanwardine |
Hugh de VENABLES | ABT 1260 | Shipbrook, Cheshire, England | 1311 | | stanwardine |
Hugh de VENABLES | ABT 1310 | | 1368 | | stanwardine |
Hugh de VENABLES | ABT 1330 | Kinderton, Cheshire, England | 1383 | | stanwardine |
Isabella de VENABLES | ABT 1321 | Kinderton, Cheshire, England | ABT 1370 | | stanwardine |
Joan de Venables | 1345 | | AFT 1397 | | stanwardine |
Margery de VENABLES | 1369 | Kinderton, Cheshire, England | 1459 | | stanwardine |
Richard de VENABLES | ABT 1371 | | 1403 | | stanwardine |
Roger de VENABLES | 1211 | | 1261 | | stanwardine |
Rose de VENABLES | 1304 | Kinderton cum Hulme, Norwich, Cheshire, England | | | stanwardine |
William de VENABLES | ABT 1232 | | AFT 1292 | | stanwardine |
William de VENABLES | ABT 1250 | Kinderton, Cheshire, England | AFT 1313 | Bradwell, Cheshire, England | stanwardine |
Joanne de VERDON | 9 AUG 1303 | Wootton, Stanton Lacy, Shropshire, England | 2 OCT 1334 | Alton, Staffordshire, England | stanwardine |
Margery de Verdon | ABT 1319 | | ABT 1377 | | stanwardine |
Theobald de VERDON | 8 SEP 1278 | | 27 JUL 1316 | Alton, Staffordshire, England | stanwardine |
Elizabeth de Verdun | ABT 1306 | Alton Castle, Cheadle, Staffordshire, England | 1 MAY 1360 | | stanwardine |
Joane de VERE | 1261 | Hedingham Castle, Essex, England | 1293 | | stanwardine |
Margaret de Vere | ABT 1344 | Oxford, Oxfordshire, England | 15 JUN 1398 | Grey Friars, London, Middlesex, England | stanwardine |
Adalbert I "the Pious" de Vermandois | ABT 920 | | 9 SEP 988 | | stanwardine |
Adelaide de Vermandois | ABT 1062 | Vermand, Picardy | bet 28 Sep 1120 - 1124 | Meulan, France | stanwardine |
Agnes de Vermandois | | | AFT 1125 | | stanwardine |
Beatrice de Vermandois | 880 | | 931 | | stanwardine |
Beatrix de Vermandois | | | AFT 1144 | | stanwardine |
Eudes de Vermandois | ABT 1000 | | 25 MAY 1045 | | stanwardine |
Herbert I de Vermandois | ABT 850 | | 900 | | stanwardine |
H Vermandois | | | | | stanwardine |
Heribert III de Vermandois | ABT 954 | | 1015 | | stanwardine |
Heribert IV de Vermandois | ABT 1032 | of Vermand, Picardy | ABT 1080 | | stanwardine |
Isabel de Crepy de Vermandois | ABT 1081 | Vermandois, Normandy | 17 FEB 1146/1147 | St. Nicaise, Meulan, French Vexin | stanwardine |
M Vermandois | | | | | stanwardine |
Agatha de VERNON | ABT 1278 | Shipbrook, Cheshire, England | ABT 1350 | | stanwardine |
Benedicta de Vernon | ABT 1446 | Haddon, Bakewell, Derbyshire, England | | | stanwardine |
Elizabeth de VERNON | ABT 1477 | Haddon Hall, Bakewell, Derbyshire, England | 29 MAR 1563 | Moreton Corbet, Wem, Shropshire, England | stanwardine |
Henry de VERNON | 1445 | Haddon, Bakewell, Derbyshire, England | 2 APR 1515 | | stanwardine |
Humphrey de Vernon | ABT 1463 | Hodnet, Shropshire, England | 1542 | | stanwardine |
Isabel de VERNON | ABT 1310 | Harlaston, Tamworth, Staffordshire, England | | | stanwardine |
Joan de VERNON | 1416 | Shipbrook, Cheshire, England | AFT 21 APR 1474 | | stanwardine |
Katherine de VERNON | ABT 1300 | Rixton, Lancashire, England | | | stanwardine |
Ralph de VERNON | ABT 1221 | Shipbrook, Northwich, Cheshire, England | 1270 | | stanwardine |
Ralph de VERNON | ABT 1278 | | ABT 1335 | | stanwardine |
Ralph de VERNON | ABT 1241 | Shipbrook, Northwich, Cheshire, England | AFT JUL 1325 | | stanwardine |
Richard de VERNON | 7 JUL 1383 | Shipbrook, Cheshire, England | 8 SEP 1419 | | stanwardine |
Richard de VERNON | ABT 1355 | Shipbrook, Cheshire, England | 21 JUL 1403 | | stanwardine |
Richard de VERNON | ABT 1315 | Shipbrook, Davenham, Cheshire, England | BEF 1396 | | stanwardine |
Richard de VERNON | ABT 1394 | Haddon, Bakewell, Derbyshire, England | 24 AUG 1451 | | stanwardine |
Richard de VERNON | ABT 1367 | | 1409 | | stanwardine |
Richard de VERNON | BEF 1346 | | 1376 | | stanwardine |
Richard de VERNON | ABT 1283 | | BEF 3 FEB 1322/1323 | | stanwardine |
Richard de VERNON | AFT 1265 | Shipbrook, Northwich, Cheshire, England | 1346 | | stanwardine |
Roesia de VERNON | ABT 1289 | Chester, Cheshire, England | AFT 1321 | | stanwardine |
William de VERNON | ABT 1313 | | BEF 1346 | | stanwardine |
William de VERNON | ABT 1421 | Haddon, Bakewell, Derbyshire, England | 31 JUL 1467 | | stanwardine |
G Vexin | | | | | stanwardine |
Munderic de Vitrey | 502 | Vitry-en-Perthois, Westphalz | 532 | | stanwardine |
Ada de Warenne | | | 1178 | | stanwardine |
Alice de WARENNE | ABT 1285 | Warren, Sussex, England | BEF 23 MAY 1338 | | stanwardine |
Ediva de Warenne | bet 1076 - 1084 | | | | stanwardine |
Gundred de Warenne | AFT 1119 | | AFT 1166 | | stanwardine |
Ranulph de Warenne | | Varenne, Normandy | AFT 1074 | | stanwardine |
R Warenne | | | | | stanwardine |
Reginald de Warenne | | | ABT 1179 | | stanwardine |
William de WARENNE | ABT 1256 | Warren, Sussex, England | 12 DEC 1285 | | stanwardine |
William I de Warenne | 1034 | Varenne, Normandy | 24 JUN 1088 | Lewes, Sussex, England | stanwardine |
William II de Warenne | | | prob 11 May 1138 | | stanwardine |
William III de Warenne | 1119 | | 19 JAN 1147/1148 | Laodicea, Turkey | stanwardine |
Adam de WELLES | 22 JUL 1304 | Faxton, Northampton, England | | | stanwardine |
Anne de WELLES | 1369 | | | | stanwardine |
Eudo de Welles | 1387 | Welle, Lincolnshire, England | 26 AUG 1421 | | stanwardine |
John de WELLES | 20 APR 1352 | Welle, Lincolnshire, England | 1421 | | stanwardine |
John de WELLES | 23 AUG 1334 | Bonthorpe, Lincolnshire, England | | | stanwardine |
Robert De Welles | ABT 1300 | | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Thomas de West | 1276 | Swallowcliffe, Wiltshire, England | | | stanwardine |
John de Whitmore | ABT 1358 | | 1438 | | stanwardine |
Catherine de Wingfield | ABT 1349 | Wingfield, Suffolk, England | BEF 10 OCT 1386 | | stanwardine |
Gladys Deacon | 1885 | | | | stanwardine |
Geofrey Frederick Dearbergh | | | 3 JUL 1979 | | stanwardine |
A Deheele | 1991 | Perpignan | | | stanwardine |
Deioptes | | | | | stanwardine |
Deiphobus | | | | | stanwardine |
Sefton Delmer | 24 MAY 1904 | Berlin, Germany | 4 SEP 1979 | Lamarsh, Essex | stanwardine |
A Delves | | | | | stanwardine |
Demeter | | | | | stanwardine |
Democon | | | | | stanwardine |
Agnes Denny | 30 NOV 1771 | | | | stanwardine |
A Denny | | | | | stanwardine |
A Denny | | | | | stanwardine |
Anthony Denny | 1500 | | 1549 | | stanwardine |
Anthony Denny | 1 JUL 1807 | Tralee, Kerry, Ireland | 30 DEC 1890 | | stanwardine |
Anthony Denny | 16 JAN 1500 | | 10 SEP 1559 | | stanwardine |
Anthony Coningham de Waltham Denny | 22 APR 1925 | | | | stanwardine |
Arabella Denny | 1770 | | 1848 | | stanwardine |
Arabella Elizabeth Denny | | | 11 JUN 1914 | | stanwardine |
Arabella Jane Denny | | | 13 JUN 1908 | | stanwardine |
Arthur Denny | 1584 | | | | stanwardine |
Arthur Denny | 21 SEP 1629 | | 1673 | | stanwardine |
Arthur Denny | | | 1742 | | stanwardine |
Arthur Denny | | | 1767 | | stanwardine |
Arthur Denny | 21 DEC 1629 | | MAR 1672 | Tralee Castle, Kerry, Ireland | stanwardine |
Arthur Denny | 1574 | | 4 JUL 1619 | | stanwardine |
Arthur MacGillycuddy Denny | 3 MAR 1838 | | 30 AUG 1898 | | stanwardine |
Barry Denny | 1744 | Tralee Castle, Annagh | 1794 | | stanwardine |
Barry Denny | ABT 1705 | | SEP 1751 | | stanwardine |
Barry Denny | 1768 | Tralee Castle | 20 OCT 1794 | Oak Park, Tralee in a Duel. | stanwardine |
Barry Francis Lyttelton Denny | 6 JUN 1928 | | | | stanwardine |
Cecil Edward Denny | 14 DEC 1850 | | 24 JUL 1928 | | stanwardine |
Charlotte Denny | 1776 | | | | stanwardine |
Constance Mary Sophia Denny | | | 17 MAY 1929 | | stanwardine |
De Courcy Daniel Denny | 24 DEC 1840 | | 16 DEC 1875 | | stanwardine |
Diana Brougham Denny | 14 DEC 1930 | | | | stanwardine |
Edmond Denny | | | 22 DEC 1520 | | stanwardine |
Edmund Denny | | | 1520 | | stanwardine |
Edmund Barry Denny | 29 NOV 1860 | | 21 OCT 1945 | | stanwardine |
Edward Denny | | | 12 FEB 1599 | | stanwardine |
Edward Denny | 1605 | | 1646 | | stanwardine |
Edward Denny | 10 FEB 1652 | | 1709 | | stanwardine |
Edward Denny | ABT 1674 | | 1728 | | stanwardine |
Edward Denny | | | FEB 1775 | | stanwardine |
Edward Denny | 2 OCT 1796 | Tralee, Kerry, Ireland | 13 JUN 1889 | | stanwardine |
Edward Denny | | | 1727 | Tralee Castle, Kerry, Ireland | stanwardine |
Edward Denny | 10 FEB 1652 | | 1712 | | stanwardine |
Edward Denny | 30 JUL 1605 | | 1 MAY 1646 | | stanwardine |
Edward Denny | 1544 | | 11 FEB 1599/1600 | | stanwardine |
Edward Denny | | | 1630 | | stanwardine |
Edward Denny | 1773 | Tralee Castle, Kerry, Ireland | 1 AUG 1831 | | stanwardine |
Edward Denny Denny | 17 AUG 1835 | | 13 FEB 1909 | | stanwardine |
Edward Maurice FitzGerald Denny | 3 OCT 1930 | | | | stanwardine |
E Denny | | | | | stanwardine |
Eileen Denny | 1883 | Falmouth, Cornwall | 27 MAY 1951 | Bangor, Caernarvonshire | stanwardine |
Elizabeth Denny | 1795 | | 1828 | | stanwardine |
Elizabeth Denny | 25 FEB 1626 | Tralee Castle, Annagh, Kerry | 1696 | Ballyseedy | stanwardine |
Frances Flora Denny | | | 19 MAR 1937 | | stanwardine |
Geraldine Denny | 28 FEB 1886 | Chatham, Kent | 1979 | | stanwardine |
Gertrude Honora Frances Denny | | | 3 JUL 1921 | | stanwardine |
Henry Denny | 1 JAN 1837 | | 9 NOV 1872 | | stanwardine |
H Denny | | | | | stanwardine |
Henry Denny | 20 JUN 1802 | | 25 SEP 1877 | | stanwardine |
Henry Lyttelton Lyster Denny | 10 SEP 1878 | | 1 MAY 1953 | | stanwardine |
Herbert Champernowne Denny | 22 FEB 1852 | | 17 FEB 1900 | | stanwardine |
Jane Denny | 1690 | | | | stanwardine |
Jane Denny | 28 AUG 1748 | Oak Park, Killeen, Tralee, County Kerry, Ireland & Sutton | 30 OCT 1811 | Tralee Castle, Annagh, County Kerry, Ireland & Sutton | stanwardine |
Joan Denny | 1884 | Chatham, Kent | 20 APR 1963 | Worthing, Sussex | stanwardine |
J Denny | | | | | stanwardine |
John Denny | | | ABT 1420 | | stanwardine |
J Denny | | | | | stanwardine |
J Denny | 1932 | Paddington, London | | | stanwardine |
L Denny | | | | | stanwardine |
Letitia Denny | 1780 | | | | stanwardine |
Maynard Denny | 1749 | | 27 JUN 1812 | | stanwardine |
P Denny | 1954 | | | | stanwardine |
Richard Denny | 8 AUG 1848 | Ballynahaglish, Kerry, Ireland | 6 JUL 1915 | Barnstaple, Devon | stanwardine |
Richard Brougham Denny | 24 JUN 1889 | Ridge, Cambridge | 31 AUG 1967 | Battle, Sussex | stanwardine |
R Denny | 1940 | | | | stanwardine |
Robert Arthur Denny | 23 JUL 1838 | | 24 NOV 1921 | | stanwardine |
Robert Day Denny | 21 AUG 1800 | | 12 JUL 1864 | | stanwardine |
Roland John Denny | 30 SEP 1849 | | 17 SEP 1913 | | stanwardine |
Sofia Denny | ABT 1778 | Tralee Castle, Kerry, Ireland | 1832 | Tralee | stanwardine |
Sophia Denny | 1778 | | 1832 | | stanwardine |
S Denny | 1974 | | | | stanwardine |
Thomas Denny | | | 1761 | | stanwardine |
Thomas Denny | 1705 | Tralee Castle, Annagh, Kerry | 1794 | Tralee Castle, Annagh, Kerry | stanwardine |
T Denny | | | | | stanwardine |
T Denny | 1956 | | | | stanwardine |
William Denny | 29 OCT 1811 | | 27 JAN 1871 | | stanwardine |
W Denny | | | | | stanwardine |
Haimo Dentatus | | of Torigny-sur-Vire, Normandy | 1047 | Val-es Dunes, Normandy | stanwardine |
Hugh Òof KeveliocÓ des Meschines | 1147 | Kevelioc, Monmouthshire, Wales | 30 JUN 1181 | Leek, Staffordshire, England | stanwardine |
Aline Despencer | ABT 1288 | Winchester, Hampshire, England | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Hugh Despencer | 1 MAR 1260/1261 | Winchester, Hampshire, England | 27 OCT 1326 | Bristol, Gloucestershire, England [hanged | stanwardine |
Hugh Despencer | AFT 1286 | Winchester, Hampshire, England | 24 NOV 1326 | Hereford, Herefordshire, England [Executed] | stanwardine |
Isabelle Despencer | ABT 1290 | Winchester, Hampshire, England | AFT 4 DEC 1334 | | stanwardine |
Phillip I Despencer | ABT 1290 | Stoke, Gloucestershire, England | 24 SEP 1313 | | stanwardine |
*Isabel Despenser | ABT 1312 | Gloucestershire, ENG | 11 JAN 1371/1372 | Arundel, ENG | stanwardine |
Anne Despenser | ABT 1240 | | | | stanwardine |
Edward DESPENSER | 24 MAR 1335/1336 | Essendine, Rutland, ENG | 11 NOV 1375 | Llanblethian, Glamorgan, Wales | stanwardine |
Edward DESPENSER | | ?; of Buckland, Bucks, Eyworth, ENG | 30 SEP 1342 | Battle of Morlaix | stanwardine |
Eleanor DESPENSER | ABT 1255 | Devonshire, ENG | 1 OCT 1328 | London, ENG | stanwardine |
E Despenser | | | | | stanwardine |
Hugh DESPENSER | ABT 1222 | ?; of Ryhall, Rutland, ENG | 4 AUG 1265 | Evesham | stanwardine |
Hugh le DESPENSER | 1 MAR 1260/1261 | ?; of Gedney, Lincoln, ENG | 27 OCT 1326 | Bristol, Gloucestershire, ENG; hanged | stanwardine |
Hugh le DESPENSER | ABT 1285 | | 24 NOV 1326 | Hereford, ENG; hanged | stanwardine |
Isabel DESPENSER | 26 JUL 1400 | Cardiff, Wales or Elmley, Worcesteshire, ENG | 27 DEC 1440 | The Friars Minoresses, London, ENG | stanwardine |
Isabella le Despenser | 1312 | | 1356 | | stanwardine |
Joan DESPENSER | ABT 1259 | | 1322 | | stanwardine |
Margaret le Despenser | ABT 1361 | | | | stanwardine |
Philip le DESPENSER | ABT 1282 | ?; of Gedney, ENG | 24 SEP 1313 | | stanwardine |
Thomas DESPENSER | 22 SEP 1373 | | 13 JAN 1399/1400 | ?; beheaded | stanwardine |
Penelope Devereaux | 1561 | | 1607 | | stanwardine |
Robert Devereaux | 1556 | | 1601 | | stanwardine |
Walter Devereaux | 1541 | Nethwood, Hereford, England | 1576 | | stanwardine |
Dorothy Devereux | BEF 1576 | | 1619 | | stanwardine |
Gwladys Dhu | ABT 1195 | Gwynedd, Wales | 1251 | Windsor, ENG | stanwardine |
Alasia del Vasto di SALUZZA | 18 MAY 1269 | Saluzzo-Cuneo, Piedmont, Italy | 25 SEP 1292 | Arundel Castle, Sussex, England | stanwardine |
D Dickin | | | | | stanwardine |
Elizabeth Dickin | 1890 | Stanwardine Grange, Cockshut | | | stanwardine |
Frank Dickin | 1928 | | | | stanwardine |
John Dickin | 15 MAR 1891 | Stanwardine Grange, Cockshut | 13 FEB 1959 | The cottage Cockshutt Ellesmere Shropshire | stanwardine |
J Dickin | | Stanwardine Grange, Cockshutt | | | stanwardine |
L Dickin | | | | | stanwardine |
Mary E Dickin | 1860 | Stanwardine Grange, Cockshut | | | stanwardine |
Richard Dickin | 1859 | Stanwardine Grange, Cockshut | | | stanwardine |
Richard Dickin | 1889 | Stanwardine Grange, Cockshut | | | stanwardine |
Sarah A Dickin | 1853 | Stanwardine Grange, Cockshut | | | stanwardine |
Thomas Dickin | 1887 | Stanwardine Grange, Cockshut | | | stanwardine |
Thomas Dickin | 1831 | Stanwardine Grange, Cockshut | | | stanwardine |
Thomas Dickin | 1790 | | | | stanwardine |
Thomas Dickin | 1854 | Stanwardine Grange, Cockshut | | | stanwardine |
William Dickin | 1856 | Stanwardine Grange, Cockshut | | | stanwardine |
A Dickinson | | | | | stanwardine |
P Dickinson | 1993 | | | | stanwardine |
J Dickman | | | | | stanwardine |
J Didsburie | | | | | stanwardine |
Dingad | | | | | stanwardine |
Jannet Dinwiddie | ABT 1799 | | | | stanwardine |
Alice Kathleen Mary Dixon | 8 FEB 1894 | | | | stanwardine |
Bridget Wilbraham Dixon | 27 APR 1918 | | | | stanwardine |
E Dixon | | | | | stanwardine |
Noel William Dixon | 24 DEC 1891 | | | | stanwardine |
I Dobbie | | | | | stanwardine |
Sarah Ann Belton Doby | 22 FEB 1821 | Camden, Kershaw, South Carolina, United States | 21 MAY 1893 | Camden, Kershaw, South Carolina, United States | stanwardine |
Doda | | Neustria | | | stanwardine |
Doda | 582 | | | | stanwardine |
John Milton Doddo | ABT 1901 | Mabton, Yakima, WA | 3 DEC 1953 | Los Altos, CA | stanwardine |
John Phillip Doddo | ABT 1922 | | 30 JAN 1945 | Italy (pilot in air force during WWII) | stanwardine |
H Doheny | | | | | stanwardine |
L Doheny | | | | | stanwardine |
L Doheny | | | | | stanwardine |
L Doheny | | | | | stanwardine |
L Doheny | | | | | stanwardine |
L Doheny | | | | | stanwardine |
L Doheny | | | | | stanwardine |
Elizabeth DOKINFIELD | ABT 1315 | Shipbrook, Davenham, Cheshire, England | | | stanwardine |
A Dol | | | | | stanwardine |
Alan Fitzflaald Senescal Of Dol | 1025 | Dol, Ille-Et-Vilaine, St Malo, Bretagne, France | AFT 1080 | | stanwardine |
Flaald De Dol | ABT 1005 | Dol, Ille-Et-Vilaine, St Malo, Bretagne, France | AFT 1064 | Dol, Ille-Et-Vilaine, St Malo, Bretagne, France | stanwardine |
Flaald Fitzalan Dapifer Of Dol | ABT 1046 | Dol, Ille-Et-Vilaine, St Malo, Bretagne, France | AFT 1101 | | stanwardine |
Mrs. Alan Dapifer Of Dol | | | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Mrs. Flaald 1005 De Dol | | | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Mrs. Flaald Fitzalan 1046 Of Dol | | | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
E Dolleman | 1972 | | | | stanwardine |
Domitian | | | | | stanwardine |
D Donaldson | 1944 | | | | stanwardine |
J Donaldson | | | | | stanwardine |
J Donaldson | 1942 | | | | stanwardine |
Katharine Donaldson | 1904 | | | | stanwardine |
Mary Faulkner Donaldson | 1912 | | | | stanwardine |
Norman Fraser Graham Donaldson | 1906 | | 19 JAN 1945 | | stanwardine |
N Donaldson | | | | | stanwardine |
P Donaldson | 1937 | | | | stanwardine |
William Betts Donaldson | 1918 | | | | stanwardine |
Donnan | | | | | stanwardine |
Doryclus | | | | | stanwardine |
A Douglas | | | | | stanwardine |
C Douglas | | | | | stanwardine |
C Douglas | | | | | stanwardine |
F Douglas | | | | | stanwardine |
Helen Douglas | ABT 1548 | | 1578 | Lag, Dumfries, Scotland | stanwardine |
Helen Douglas | | Drumlanrig, Dumfries, Scotland | 1578 | , Dumfries, Scotland | stanwardine |
James William Douglas | 1507 | Drumlanrig, Dumfries, Scotland | 27 DEC 1575 | Drumlanrig, Dumfries, Scotland | stanwardine |
Janet Douglas | 1570 | Dumfries, Dumfries, Scotland | | | stanwardine |
J Douglas | | Drumlanrig, Dumfries, Scotland | | | stanwardine |
Janet Douglas | | Drumlanrig, Dumfries, Scotland | AFT 1611 | Cessford, Roxburgh, Scotland | stanwardine |
J Douglas | | | | | stanwardine |
Janet Agnes Douglas | 1467 | Drumlanrig, Dumfries, Scotland | JAN 1518 | | stanwardine |
M Douglas | | | | | stanwardine |
M Douglas | | | | | stanwardine |
M Douglas | | | | | stanwardine |
M Douglas | | | | | stanwardine |
Marion Douglas | ABT 1470 | Angus Scotland | | | stanwardine |
N Douglas | | | | | stanwardine |
R Douglas | | | | | stanwardine |
William Douglas | 1481 | Drumlanrig Castle, Dumfries, Scotland | 9 SEP 1513 | Flodden Field, Branxton, Northumberland, England | stanwardine |
William Douglas | | | BEF 1578 | | stanwardine |
George Douglas (1st Earl of Angus) | 1378 | Tantallon Castle, East Lothian, Scotland | 1403 | England from Plague | stanwardine |
William Douglas (2nd Earl of Angus) | 1398 | Tantallon Castle, East Lothian, Scotland | | | stanwardine |
George Douglas (4th Earl of Angus) | 1429 | Angus Scotland | | | stanwardine |
Archibald Douglas, 5th Earl of Angus | 1453 | Angus Scotland | | | stanwardine |
J Dow | | | | | stanwardine |
Eleanor Plantagenet of Lancaster, Dowager Baroness Beaumont | 1311 | Grosmont Castle, Monmouth, Wales | 1371 | Arundel, Sussex, England | stanwardine |
Elizabeth Drake | ABT 1626 | | | | stanwardine |
Yolande Dreux | 1218 | | 10 OCT 1272 | | stanwardine |
William Barré Goldie Drinkwater | 1910 | Hunters Hill, Sydney, New South Wales | 23 SEP 1929 | Yelgun, New South Wales, Australia | stanwardine |
William Simpson Percival Drinkwater | 1871 | Ryde, New South Wales | 15 AUG 1940 | Burwood, New South Wales, Australia | stanwardine |
Annabel Drummond | 1350 | Scotland | | | stanwardine |
Elizabeth Drummond | BEF 1800 | | 21 MAY 1877 | | stanwardine |
L Drusa | | | | | stanwardine |
Drusilla | | | | | stanwardine |
L Drusilla | | 44 B.C. | | a.d. 29 | stanwardine |
L Drusilla | | abt 50 BC | | 0029 | stanwardine |
G Drusus | | | | | stanwardine |
G Drusus | | | | | stanwardine |
L Drusus | | | | | stanwardine |
L Drusus | | | | | stanwardine |
M Drusus | | 91 BC | | | stanwardine |
M Drusus | | | | | stanwardine |
M Drusus | | | | | stanwardine |
M Drusus | | | | | stanwardine |
N Drusus | | 38 B.C. | | 9 B.C. | stanwardine |
Dryops | | | | | stanwardine |
A Drysdale | | | | | stanwardine |
A Drysdale | 1989 | | | | stanwardine |
J Drysdale | 1956 | | | | stanwardine |
J Drysdale | 1991 | | | | stanwardine |
M Drysdale | 1987 | | | | stanwardine |
P Drysdale | 1944 | | | | stanwardine |
T Drysdale | 1985 | | | | stanwardine |
Charles Georges Joseph Antoine du Breil | 1894 | | 1951 | | stanwardine |
J Plooy | | | | | stanwardine |
C Duff | | | | | stanwardine |
J Duff | | | | | stanwardine |
Dorothy Kathleen Duffin | 23 NOV 1891 | Yorkshire | MAR 1958 | Ealing, Middlesex | stanwardine |
E Duffin | | | | | stanwardine |
Madge Angela Duffin | 1896 | | | | stanwardine |
Charles John Geast Dugdale | 24 SEP 1887 | | 16 JUN 1944 | | stanwardine |
D Dugdale | | | | | stanwardine |
Henry Charles Geast Dugdale | 30 APR 1837 | | 8 SEP 1911 | | stanwardine |
Stephen (Stefan) III, Duke of Bavaria-Ingolstadt | 1337 | | 1413 | | stanwardine |
Stephen (Stefan) II, Duke of Bavaria-Landshut | 1313 | | 1375 | | stanwardine |
Jasper Tudor, Duke of Bedford | 1431 | | DEC 1495 | | stanwardine |
John of Lancaster, Duke of Bedford | 1389 | | 1435 | | stanwardine |
Philippe II "The Bold" Valois, Duke of Burgundy | 1342 | | 1404 | | stanwardine |
George Plantagenet, Duke of Clarence | 21 OCT 1449 | Dublin, Dublin, Leinster, Ireland | 18 FEB 1478 | Tower of London, The City, London, England | stanwardine |
Lionel Plantagenet, Duke of Clarence | 29 NOV 1338 | | 17 OCT 1368 | | stanwardine |
Thomas, Duke of Clarence | 1389 | | 1421 | Battle of Baugé, Angers, Pays de la Loire, France | stanwardine |
John Holland, Duke of Exeter | ABT 1358 | | 9 JAN 1399 | Pleshey Castle, Essex, England | stanwardine |
Thomas de Beaufort, Duke of Exeter | 1377 | | 27 DEC 1426 | East Greenwich, Kent, England | stanwardine |
Humphrey Duke Of Gloucester | 3 OCT 1390 | | 23 FEB 1447 | | stanwardine |
Thomas Plantagenet of Woodstock, Duke of Gloucester | 7 JAN 1355 | Woodstock, Oxfordshire, England | 8 SEP 1397 | Calais, Aquitaine, France | stanwardine |
John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster | 24 JUN 1340 | Ghent, Oost-Vlaanderen, Belgium | 3 FEB 1399 | Leicester Castle, Leicestershire, England | stanwardine |
Henry Fitzroy, Duke of Richmond and Somerset | 15 JUN 1519 | Blackmore, , Essex, England | 22 JUL 1536 | St. James Palace, London, Middlesex, England | stanwardine |
Edmund de Beaufort, Duke of Somerset | ABT 1406 | | 1455 | | stanwardine |
John de Beaufort, Duke of Somerset | 25 MAR 1404 | Westminster, London, Greater London, England | 27 MAY 1444 | | stanwardine |
John de la Pole, Duke of Suffolk | 1442 | | 1491 | | stanwardine |
Edmund Plantagenet, Duke of York | 5 JUN 1341 | Kings Langley, Hertfordshire, England | 1 AUG 1402 | Kings Langley, Hertfordshire, England | stanwardine |
Edward Plantagenet, Duke of York | 1373 | | 1415 | Battle of Agincourt, , Lorraine, France | stanwardine |
Richard Plantagenet, Duke of York | 21 SEP 1411 | | 30 DEC 1460 | Battle of Wakefield, Yorkshire, England | stanwardine |
Richard of Shrewsbury, Duke of York and Norfolk | 17 AUG 1473 | Shrewsbury, Shropshire, England | 1483 | Tower of London, The City, London, England | stanwardine |
Arthur Bryce Duncan | 27 AUG 1909 | Newlands, Kirkmahoe, Dumfriesshire | 2 NOV 1984 | Castlehill, Kirkmahoe, Dumfriesshire | stanwardine |
J Duncan | | | | | stanwardine |
Beryl Mildred Duncuft | 24 JUL 1896 | Oldham, Lancashire | AUG 1987 | Hillingdon, Middlesex | stanwardine |
Iris Marjorie Gowin Duncuft | 18 MAY 1903 | | | | stanwardine |
Isaiah Duncuft | 1772 | Oldham | 17 JUL 1796 | | stanwardine |
Isaiah Duncuft | 1829 | | 20 JUL 1859 | | stanwardine |
Isaiah Gowin Duncuft | 1859 | | 1889 | | stanwardine |
James Duncuft | 1831 | | 1871 | | stanwardine |
James Duncuft | 2 FEB 1861 | | 17 MAY 1915 | | stanwardine |
John Duncuft | 1824 | | 23 JUL 1863 | | stanwardine |
John Duncuft | 1796 | Hathershaw, Oldham, Lancashire | 1852 | Cheshire | stanwardine |
John Duncuft | 17 JUN 1854 | | 7 NOV 1888 | | stanwardine |
Mary Duncuft | 1827 | | | | stanwardine |
Nesta Muriel Duncuft | 9 JUL 1899 | | | | stanwardine |
Sarah Duncuft | 1816 | | 1857 | | stanwardine |
Adelaide Marion Dunlop | JAN 1887 | Birkenhead, Claughton | 24 JAN 1944 | Stroud, Gloucestershire, England | stanwardine |
Angela Edith Emily Dunlop | 1921 | | 1967 | | stanwardine |
Arthur Brook Dunlop | 1 MAY 1861 | Manchester, Lancashire, England | 29 APR 1925 | Kendal, Westmorland, England | stanwardine |
Carol Peace Dunlop | 9 NOV 1918 | | | | stanwardine |
Catherine Dunlop | 1824 | Huddersfield, Yorkshire, England | | | stanwardine |
Charles John Lindsay Dunlop | 1922 | | 1943 | France | stanwardine |
Colin Bodmer Dunlop | OCT 1864 | Altrincham, Cheshire, England | 1 MAY 1891 | Calcutta, Bengal, India | stanwardine |
Colin Macmillan Dunlop | 8 JUN 1888 | Winchester, Hampshire, England | 3 FEB 1956 | Kelowna | stanwardine |
Doris Joan Dunlop | 27 MAY 1897 | Hampshire, United Kingdom | 8 AUG 1986 | Leamington Spa Warwicks | stanwardine |
Edward Kent Dunlop | 1927 | | 1953 | | stanwardine |
Emily Isabel Dunlop | JUN 1893 | Cheriton; Winchester, Hampshire, England | 8 MAY 1933 | Devizes, Wiltshire, England | stanwardine |
Hilda Macmillan Dunlop | OCT 1890 | Applethwaite, Westmorland, England | 11 JUN 1969 | Westminster, London, England | stanwardine |
Hugh Carnegie Dunlop | OCT 1897 | Winchester, Hampshire, England | 3 FEB 1956 | Kelowna | stanwardine |
Ingha Angela Joan Bodmer Dunlop | JUL 1891 | Troutbeck, Westmorland, England | 24 APR 1936 | Harrogate, North Yorkshire, England | stanwardine |
James Archibald Lyon Dunlop | 20 SEP 1913 | | | | stanwardine |
John Allan Lyon Dunlop | 15 SEP 1873 | | 26 JUL 1926 | | stanwardine |
John MacMillan Dunlop | JAN 1863 | Sale, Cheshire, England | 1 NOV 1928 | Winchester, Hampshire, England | stanwardine |
John MacMillan Dunlop | 14 JAN 1855 | Chorlton, Lancashire, England | JAN 1855 | Chorlton, Lancashire, England | stanwardine |
John McMillan Dunlop | 24 APR 1818 | Huddersfield, Yorkshire, England | 24 AUG 1878 | Kendal, Westmorland, England | stanwardine |
John Sugden Dunlop | 1884 | | 1964 | | stanwardine |
Launcelot Lindsay Brook Dunlop | APR 1889 | Applethwaite, Westmorland, England | 3 JUL 1916 | France | stanwardine |
Margaret Dunlop | 1814 | Huddersfield, Yorkshire, England | 3 DEC 1817 | aged 3 y 7 months. stone in Carsphairn burial ground | stanwardine |
Margaret Dunlop | 1821 | Huddersfield, Yorkshire, England | 12 NOV 1888 | Lynwood, Mitford Street, Fallowfield, Chorlton, Lancashire | stanwardine |
Margaret Dunlop | MAY 1814 | | 3 DEC 1817 | Huddersfield, Yorkshire | stanwardine |
Mary Macmillan Dunlop | OCT 1883 | Stoke By Clare, Suffolk, England | 31 OCT 1930 | Godstone, Surrey, England | stanwardine |
Nancy Dunlop | 1819 | Huddersfield, York, England | | | stanwardine |
Rachel Inglis Dunlop | 3 APR 1916 | | | | stanwardine |
Robert Dunlop | 1795 | | 4 MAY 1829 | Huddersfield, Yorkshire West Riding | stanwardine |
Robert MacMillan Dunlop | 4 APR 1857 | Manchester, Lancashire, England | 4 SEP 1911 | Leeds, West Yorkshire, England | stanwardine |
Robina Dunlop | 6 JUL 1827 | Huddersfield, Yorkshire, England | OCT 1846 | Chorlton, Lancashire | stanwardine |
Ruth Young Dunlop | 17 NOV 1921 | | | | stanwardine |
Walter Dunlop | 3 APR 1816 | Huddersfield, Yorkshire, England | 18 JUL 1903 | The Grange, Bingley, Yorkshire, England | stanwardine |
William Brook Dunlop | 8 JUN 1859 | Chorlton, Lancashire, England | APR 1860 | Chorlton, Lancashire, England | stanwardine |
William Eric Brook Dunlop | 13 DEC 1886 | Troutbeck, Westmorland, England | 19 MAY 1917 | France & Flanders | stanwardine |
Rainald de DUNSTANVILLE | | Dunstanville, Kent, England | 1 JUL 1175 | Chertsey, Surry, England | stanwardine |
David Dupree | 5 MAR 1930 | | | | stanwardine |
J Dupree | | | | | stanwardine |
J Dupree | 1933 | | | | stanwardine |
Bertha Mary Dupuis | 12 APR 1881 | Sessay, Yorkshire, England | 21 NOV 1968 | Weybridge, Surrey, England | stanwardine |
F Durban | | | | | stanwardine |
? DURVASSAL | BEF 1325 | | | | stanwardine |
John DURVASSAL | ABT 1272 | Coughton, Warwickshire, England | | | stanwardine |
Margery DURVASSAL | ABT 1280 | | | | stanwardine |
Nicholas DURVASSAL | ABT 1303 | Coughton, Warwickshire, England | | | stanwardine |
Thomas DURVASSAL | ABT 1249 | | | | stanwardine |
E Duthie | | | | | stanwardine |
Duxia | | | | | stanwardine |
Sophia Dyer | 10 NOV 1806 | Cape Elizabeth, Cumberland, Maine | 20 OCT 1880 | Saint John, Saint John, New Brunswick | stanwardine |
Dyrmas | | | | | stanwardine |
Ann Dyson | | | NOV 1698 | | stanwardine |
Eaba | ABT 732 | Wessex, England | UNKNOWN | | stanwardine |
Charles Herbert Harberton Eales | 1895 | | 5 MAR 1941 | Killed On Active Service | stanwardine |
Charles Michael Eales | 14 NOV 1941 | | 1977 | | stanwardine |
M Eales | 1935 | | | | stanwardine |
Richard "Copped Hat" FitzAlan, Earl of Arundel | 1313 | | 24 JAN 1376 | Arundel Castle, Sussex, England | stanwardine |
Richard FitzAlan, Earl of Arundel | 1346 | Arundel, Sussex, England | 21 SEP 1397 | Cheapside, London, England | stanwardine |
Richard Plantagenet of Conisburgh, Earl of Cambridge | 1375 | Conisbrough, Yorkshire, England | 5 AUG 1415 | Southampton Green, Hampshire, England | stanwardine |
Thomas Stanley, Earl of Derby | 1435 | | 29 JUL 1504 | Latham, England | stanwardine |
Edmund de Holand, Earl of Kent | 6 JAN 1382/1383 | England | 15 SEP 1408 | | stanwardine |
Thomas de Holland, Earl of Kent | 1371 | | 7 JAN 1399 | | stanwardine |
Thomas de Holland, Earl of Kent | 1354 | Upholland, Lancashire, England | 25 APR 1397 | Arundel Castle, Sussex, England | stanwardine |
Thomas de Holland, Earl of Kent | | | 25 APR 1397 | Arundel Castle, Sussex, England | stanwardine |
William de Neville, Earl of Kent | 1409 | Raby, Durham, England | 1463 | Alnwick, Northumberland, England | stanwardine |
Edmund "the Good" de Mortimer, Earl of March | 1 FEB 1351 | Llanigon, , Brecon, Wales | 27 DEC 1381 | Dunderrow, Cork, Munster, Ireland | stanwardine |
Edmund de Mortimer, Earl of March | 6 NOV 1391 | New Forest, Hampshire, England | 19 JAN 1425 | Castle of Trim, Meath, Leinster, Ireland | stanwardine |
Roger de Mortimer, Earl of March | 11 APR 1374 | Usk, Monmouth, Wales | 1398 | | stanwardine |
Thomas Beaufort, Earl of Perche | 1405 | | 1432 | | stanwardine |
Edmund Tudor, Earl of Richmond | 1430 | Hadham, Befordshire, England | 1 NOV 1456 | Carmarthen Castle, Carmarthenshire, Wales | stanwardine |
Anthony Woodville, Earl of Rivers | 1442 | | 1483 | | stanwardine |
Richard Woodville, Earl of Rivers | AFT 1442 | | 1491 | | stanwardine |
Richard Wydeville, Earl of Rivers | 1405 | | 1469 | | stanwardine |
Edmund, Earl of Rutland | 1443 | | 1460 | | stanwardine |
Richard de Neville, Earl of Salisbury | 1397 | Wakefield, Yorkshire, England | 31 DEC 1460 | | stanwardine |
Thomas de Montacute, Earl of Salisbury | 1388 | Salisbury, Wiltshire, England | 3 NOV 1428 | | stanwardine |
Henry Beaufort, Earl of Somerset | 1401 | | 1418 | | stanwardine |
John de Beaufort, Earl of Somerset | 1373 | Beaufort Castle, Anjou, Rhône-Alpes, France | 21 APR 1410 | Hospital of St. Katherine-by-the-Tower, The City, London, England | stanwardine |
Ralph de Neville, Earl of Westmoreland | 1363 | Raby Castle, Staindrop, Durham, England | 21 OCT 1425 | Raby Castle, Staindrop, Durham, England | stanwardine |
Ralph de Neville, Earl of Westmoreland | ABT 1390 | | 26 FEB 1457 | | stanwardine |
A Easton | 1954 | | | | stanwardine |
E Easton | 1958 | | | | stanwardine |
Norman Kidston Easton | 13 FEB 1918 | | 1 MAR 1987 | | stanwardine |
S Easton | 1952 | | | | stanwardine |
A Eastwood | 1955 | Watford, Hertfordshire (Ref 4b 504) | | | stanwardine |
Daniel Eastwood | 1783 | Manchester | | | stanwardine |
D Eastwood | 1985 | Brent, Greater London (Ref: 11-1407) | | | stanwardine |
Emma Eastwood | BEF 26 DEC 1803 | Manchester | | | stanwardine |
J Eastwood | 1958 | Watford, Hertfordshire (4b 632) | | | stanwardine |
Peter (John) Eastwood | BEF 7 SEP 1806 | Manchester | | | stanwardine |
R Eastwood | 1983 | Brent, Greater London (Ref: 11-1244) | | | stanwardine |
Roy W Eastwood | 1920 | Wallasey, Cheshire, England | 2001 | | stanwardine |
S Eastwood | 2013 | | | | stanwardine |
W Eastwood | | | | Rickmansworth | stanwardine |
Robert De Eaton | ABT 1145 | | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
EBER | | | | | stanwardine |
Echemmon | | | | | stanwardine |
Echephron | | | | | stanwardine |
Margaret Echingham | | | AFT 11 JUL 1482 | | stanwardine |
Eden | | | | | stanwardine |
M Edgcumbe | | | | | stanwardine |
Margaret Edgcumbe | 1560 | | 24 APR 1648 | | stanwardine |
Elizabeth Edmonstone | 1485 | Strathblane, Stirling, Scotland | | | stanwardine |
Edward | 1454 | | 4 MAY 1471 | Battle Of Tewkesbury | stanwardine |
K Egleston | | | | | stanwardine |
L Egleston | | | | | stanwardine |
L Egleston | | | | | stanwardine |
L Egleston | | | | | stanwardine |
C Egypt | | | | 30 BC | stanwardine |
Einridi | | | | | stanwardine |
Eldridge | | | | | stanwardine |
Eldridge | | | | | stanwardine |
Eldridge | | | | | stanwardine |
Eldridge | | | | | stanwardine |
M Eldridge | 1943 | Brentford | | | stanwardine |
Elesa | ABT 439 | Ancient Saxony, Northern Germany | UNKNOWN | | stanwardine |
Elishah | | | | | stanwardine |
Anker Ellsworth | | | 1922 | | stanwardine |
Ada Elvidge | 22 DEC 1887 | | BEF 2 MAY 1920 | Halifax | stanwardine |
Cecilia Muriel Hargreaves Elwes | 1909 | | | | stanwardine |
Diana Judith Elwes | 9 MAR 1913 | | | | stanwardine |
E Elwes | 1941 | Aldershot | | | stanwardine |
F Elwes | 1966 | Cheltenham, Gloucestershire | | | stanwardine |
George Gervase Philip Elwes | 28 JUN 1971 | Cheltenham, Gloucestershire | 22 DEC 1993 | Colesbourne, Gloucestershire, (Road Traffic Accident) | stanwardine |
Gerda Hargreaves Elwes | 22 APR 1911 | | 29 MAY 2004 | | stanwardine |
G Elwes | 1938 | Aldershot | | | stanwardine |
Henry Cecil Elwes | 25 AUG 1874 | Miserden, Gloucestershire | 31 JAN 1950 | Cirencester, Gloucestershire | stanwardine |
H Elwes | 1935 | Billericay, Essex | | | stanwardine |
J Elwes | 2004 | Cheltenham, Gloucestershire | | | stanwardine |
John Hargreaves Elwes | 11 JAN 1906 | | 18 MAR 1943 | Killed In Action, Mareth, Tunisia | stanwardine |
J Elwes | 1964 | Cheltenham, Gloucestershire | | | stanwardine |
N Elwes | 1979 | Cheltenham, Gloucestershire | | | stanwardine |
O Elwes | 2002 | Cheltenham, Gloucestershire | | | stanwardine |
T Elwes | 2006 | | | | stanwardine |
T Elwes | 1982 | Cheltenham, Gloucestershire | | | stanwardine |
W Elwes | 2007 | | | | stanwardine |
Emathion | | | | | stanwardine |
I Embree | | | | | stanwardine |
I Enefer | | | | | stanwardine |
S Enefer | | | | | stanwardine |
Eneid | | | | | stanwardine |
M Eneid | | | | | stanwardine |
M Enghein | | | | | stanwardine |
Adela Princess Of England | ABT 1062 | Normandy, France | 8 MAR 1136/1137 | Marsigny, Charente-Maritim, France | stanwardine |
Agatha England | ABT 1064 | Normandy, France | BEF 1080 | Calvados, France | stanwardine |
Alice Princess Of England | ABT 1099 | Selby, Yorkshire, England | 1141 | Montmorency, Val D'oise, France | stanwardine |
Anna England | ABT 1066 | Normandy, France | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Ansfride Mrs Henry I England | | | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Cecilia England | ABT 1055 | Normandy, France | 13 JUL 1127 | Caen, Calvados, France | stanwardine |
Constance Of England | 1098 | England | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
D England | | | | | stanwardine |
Elizabeth Princess Of England | 1095 | Talby, Yorkshire, England | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Emme of England | ABT 1100 | France | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Euphamia Of England | JUL 1101 | Winchester, Hampshire, England | ABT 1102 | England | stanwardine |
G England | | | | | stanwardine |
G England | | | | | stanwardine |
J England | | | | | stanwardine |
Margaret England | 1059 | Normandy, France | BEF 1112 | | stanwardine |
Matilda "The Empress" Princess Of England | FEB 1102/1103 | London, Middlesex, England | 10 SEP 1167 | Notre Dame, Rouen, Seine-Maritime, France | stanwardine |
Maud Princess Of England | 1086 | England | DECEASED | Drowned In Wreck Of The White Ship Along With Prince William | stanwardine |
Richard England | ABT 1055 | Normandy, France | 1081 | New Forest, Hampshire, England | stanwardine |
Richard England | ABT 1105 | England | 26 SEP 1119 | At Sea, Barfleur, Manche, France | stanwardine |
Son Prince Of England | JUL 1101 | England | | | stanwardine |
Stephen I De Blois King Of England | ABT 1097 | Blois, Loir-Et-Cher, Orleanais/Centre, France | 25 OCT 1154 | Dover, Kent, England | stanwardine |
William "Atheling" England | BEF 5 AUG 1103 | Selby, Yorkshire, England | 26 NOV 1119 | Wreck Of White Ship At Sea | stanwardine |
William Constable Of England | BEF 1105 | | | | stanwardine |
Enoch | | 4670 B.C. | | 4305 B.C. | stanwardine |
Enoch | | | | | stanwardine |
Enos | | | | | stanwardine |
Enosh | | 5357 B.C. | | 4452 B.C. | stanwardine |
Eoppa | ABT 706 | Wessex, England | UNKNOWN | | stanwardine |
Eos | | | | | stanwardine |
H Epirus | | 1225 B, C | | | stanwardine |
Christian Erskine | 20 DEC 1715 | Edinburgh | 21 AUG 1755 | Edinburgh | stanwardine |
Constance Gertrude Erskine | 21 APR 1921 | | | | stanwardine |
Diana Mildred Erskine | 12 NOV 1915 | | | | stanwardine |
Harriet Katherine Lucinda Erskine | 12 MAY 1924 | | | | stanwardine |
L Erskine | | | | | stanwardine |
L Erskine | | | | | stanwardine |
L Erskine | | | | | stanwardine |
L Erskine | | | | | stanwardine |
L Erskine | | | | | stanwardine |
L Erskine | | | | | stanwardine |
L Erskine | | | | | stanwardine |
Mary Ruth Erskine | 18 AUG 1913 | | | | stanwardine |
Penelope Anne Erskine | 19 FEB 1920 | | | | stanwardine |
Ralph John Erskine | 17 SEP 1914 | | 1 DEC 1937 | | stanwardine |
Thomas David Erskine | 31 JUL 1912 | | | | stanwardine |
Thomas Wilfred Hargreaves John Erskine | 27 MAY 1880 | | 29 APR 1944 | | stanwardine |
Victoria Margaret Erskine | 22 FEB 1919 | | | | stanwardine |
Esau | 1862 BC | | 1736 BC | | stanwardine |
Esla | ABT 411 | Ancient Saxony, Northern Germany | UNKNOWN | | stanwardine |
Blanche Adela Espeut | 5 JUN 1878 | Jamaica | 30 MAR 1934 | London, England | stanwardine |
Claude Vyvian Armit Espeut | 3 OCT 1875 | Jamaica | 21 DEC 1971 | Bath | stanwardine |
Ernest Charles Peter Espeut | 2 MAR 1874 | Jamaica | 6 JUN 1874 | Jamaica | stanwardine |
Ethel Maude Espeut | 31 MAR 1880 | Jamaica | 26 JUN 1961 | London | stanwardine |
Louis Arnold Armit Espeut | 11 JUN 1889 | Jamaica | 4 NOV 1940 | Pernambuco, Brazil | stanwardine |
Noëmi Marian Espeut | 18 JAN 1872 | Jamaica | 24 NOV 1941 | Nuttall Hospital, Kingston, Jamaica | stanwardine |
Peter Alexander Espeut | 23 AUG 1816 | Hope Hill, Parish of Metcalfe, Jamaica | 11 JUN 1868 | Jamaica | stanwardine |
Peter Arnold Espeut | 23 MAY 1922 | | 22 MAY 1941 | off Crete | stanwardine |
Pierre Espeut | 1749 | | 4 DEC 1798 | Jamaica | stanwardine |
Reginald William Armit Espeut | 3 JUN 1877 | Jamaica | | | stanwardine |
William Bancroft Espeut | 21 JUL 1843 | Jamaica | 23 OCT 1892 | 17 Fopstone Road, London. | stanwardine |
William Francis Espeut | 1776 | Barbados | 11 JUL 1846 | Hope Hill, Parish of Metcalfe, Jamaica | stanwardine |
A Essex | | | | | stanwardine |
Estrildis | | | | | stanwardine |
B Esyllwg | | | | | stanwardine |
C Esyllwg | | | | | stanwardine |
Eurydice | | | | | stanwardine |
Eutropia | | Syria | | | stanwardine |
Eutropius | 214 | | 270 | | stanwardine |
Evagora | | | | | stanwardine |
Evagorus | | | | | stanwardine |
Evander | | | | | stanwardine |
L Evans | | | | | stanwardine |
M Evans | 1995 | Brixton, London | | | stanwardine |
M Evans | | | | | stanwardine |
Richard Evans | ABT 1814 | Ludlow | 12 NOV 1837 | Lower Broughton, Died due To fall from horse | stanwardine |
Sarah Abigail Evans | 25 OCT 1836 | | 14 SEP 1916 | | stanwardine |
V Evans | | | | | stanwardine |
William Edward Evans | 5 APR 1835 | | 24 OCT 1876 | Bermuda | stanwardine |
S Evans-Freke | | | | | stanwardine |
Eve | | Garden of Eden | | | stanwardine |
Winifred Luboff Nicholson Eveleigh | 9 NOV 1899 | Batum, Russia | 17 AUG 1975 | Tunbridge Wells, Kent, England | stanwardine |
Agnes D' Evereux | ABT 1040 | Evreux, Normandy, France | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Richard Count D' Evereux | ABT 986 | Rouen, Seine-Inferior, France | 13 DEC 1067 | Normandy, France | stanwardine |
Sibyl EWYAS | ABT 1170 | Ewyas, ENG | 1236 | Ewyas Harold, ENG | stanwardine |
M Exeter | | | | | stanwardine |
T Exeter | | | | | stanwardine |
Margaret Eychingham | 1443 | Eychingham, Sussex, England | AFT 1482 | Middlesex, England | stanwardine |
Thomas Eychingham | ABT 1396 | Eychingham, Sussex, England | 20 JAN 1482/1483 | Eychingham, Sussex, England | stanwardine |
S Eysteinsdottir | | | | | stanwardine |
Ragnvald Eysteinsson | ABT 830 | | ABT 894 | | stanwardine |
S Eysteinsson | | | | | stanwardine |
Eadburth Fadburn | ABT 830 | Mercia, England | UNKNOWN | | stanwardine |
A Fadilla | | | | | stanwardine |
A Fadilla | | | | | stanwardine |
A Fairfax | | | | | stanwardine |
Peregrine John Wishart Fairfax | 8 MAR 1925 | | 23 FEB 2012 | | stanwardine |
Thomas Brian McElvie Fairfax | 14 MAY 1923 | | | | stanwardine |
M Fairlie | | | | | stanwardine |
F Library | | | | | stanwardine |
F Library | | | | | stanwardine |
F Library | | | | | stanwardine |
F Library | | | | | stanwardine |
F Library | | | | | stanwardine |
F Library | | | | | stanwardine |
Nigel Loftus Henry Fane | 25 JUL 1904 | | | | stanwardine |
E Fardd | | | | | stanwardine |
Farrow | | | | | stanwardine |
Fausta | ABT 290 | | | | stanwardine |
A Faustina | | | | | stanwardine |
A Faustina | | | | | stanwardine |
Annia Galeria II Faustina | ABT 125 | Italy | | | stanwardine |
R Faustina | | | | | stanwardine |
Vere Grace Fawcett | 1883 | Turkey | | | stanwardine |
Henrietta Fawkener | ABT 1744 | | | | stanwardine |
Gryffuyd ap Llewellyn Fawr | 1092 | | 1244 | | stanwardine |
C Fector | | | | | stanwardine |
J Fector | | | | | stanwardine |
G Feddw | | | | | stanwardine |
Charles Feilding | BEF 1717 | | 6 FEB 1745/1746 | | stanwardine |
C Feilding | | | | | stanwardine |
Elizabeth Feilding | | | 19 JAN 1765 | | stanwardine |
Hugh FENNE | ABT 1415 | ?; of Soulton Burdeleys, Norfolk, ENG | | | stanwardine |
Margaret FENNE | 1444 | Sculton, Burdeleys, Norfolk, ENG | 28 SEP 1485 | | stanwardine |
G Fenter | | | | | stanwardine |
Joan Margaret Fenter | 22 JUL 1915 | Wells, Somerset | 27 OCT 1981 | | stanwardine |
Catherine Fenton | 1582 | | 16 FEB 1629/1630 | | stanwardine |
V Ferantia\Terentia | | | | | stanwardine |
Ferdinand | | ?; of Castile | | | stanwardine |
Jean Ferguson | 29 MAY 1711 | Dumfries & Galloway | | | stanwardine |
Alexander Fergusson | 6 SEP 1746 | Drumlanrig Castle, Dumfries, Scotland | | | stanwardine |
Alexander Fergusson | 3 NOV 1685 | Craigdarroch, Glencairn, Dumfries & Galloway Scotland | | | stanwardine |
A Fergusson | | | | | stanwardine |
Charles Fergusson | 1752 | | BEF 1808 | | stanwardine |
Clementina Fergusson | 1753 | | | | stanwardine |
Elizabeth Fergusson | 1689 | Craigdarroch, Glencairn, Dumfriesshire, Scotland | | | stanwardine |
Elizabeth Fergusson | 14 APR 1714 | | | Died Young | stanwardine |
Ella Cutlar Fergusson | 12 OCT 1889 | | | | stanwardine |
Esme Fergusson | 12 OCT 1889 | | | | stanwardine |
Grissel Fergusson | 1683 | Craigdarroch, Glencairn | | | stanwardine |
James Fergusson | 10 JAN 1713 | Craigdarroch | 19 DEC 1771 | Stenhouse, Tynron, Dumfries | stanwardine |
John Fergusson | 1541 | | BEF 1612 | | stanwardine |
John Fergusson | 1657 | Craigdarroch | 27 JUL 1689 | Battle Of Killiecrankie | stanwardine |
P Fergusson | | | | | stanwardine |
Robert Fergusson | 1687 | Craigdarroch, Glencairn, Dumfriesshire, Scotland | | | stanwardine |
Robert Fergusson | ABT 1715 | | | | stanwardine |
Robert Fergusson | 1625 | Craigdarroch | | | stanwardine |
Robert Fergusson | ABT 1570 | Craigdarroch | | | stanwardine |
Robert Fergusson | ABT 1510 | Craigdarroch | | | stanwardine |
Robert Cutlar Fergusson | 26 JUL 1855 | | 1904 | | stanwardine |
Robert Cutlar Fergusson | 1769 | | 16 NOV 1838 | | stanwardine |
Robert Cutlar Fergusson | 3 DEC 1836 | | 6 OCT 1859 | | stanwardine |
William Fergusson | ABT 1690 | Craigdarroch, Glencairn, Dumfriesshire, Scotland | | | stanwardine |
William Fergusson | 1598 | Craigdarroch | | | stanwardine |
Tonantia Ferreola | ABT 435 | Rome, Italia | | | stanwardine |
Tonantius II Ferreolus | ABT 460 | | 525 | | stanwardine |
Agatha de Ferrers | ABT 1168 | ?; of Charltey, Staffordshire, ENG | | | stanwardine |
Agnes De Ferrers | 1105 | Tutbury, Derbyshire, England | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Amicea De Ferrers | ABT 1068 | Darley, Derbyshire, England | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Anne de FERRERS | | | 8 AUG 1367 | | stanwardine |
Elizabeth Ferrers | ABT 1392 | Womme, Shropshire, ENG | ABT 1434 | York, Yorkshire, ENG | stanwardine |
Elizabeth de Ferrers | AFT 1391 | Chartley, Staffordshire, England | 1434 | York, Yorkshire, England | stanwardine |
Elizabeth de Ferrers | ABT 1393 | | ABT 1434 | York, East Riding, Yorkshire, England | stanwardine |
Emmeline De Ferrers | ABT 1070 | Darley, Derbyshire, England | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Engenulf De Ferrers | ABT 1065 | Ferrieres-St-Hilaire, Eure, Normandy, France | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Eugenulph De Ferrers | ABT 1064 | Darley, Derbyshire, England | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Gundred De Ferrers | ABT 1075 | Ferrers, Derbyshire, England | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Hawise De Ferrers | 1108 | Tutbury, Derbyshire, England | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Henry Ferrers | | | 1388 | | stanwardine |
Henry Ferrers | ABT 1294 | | 25 JUL 1349 | Groby, ENG | stanwardine |
Henry De Ferrers | 1036 | Ferrieres-St-Hilaire, Eure, Normandy, France | 1101 | Castle Tutbury, Staffordshire, England | stanwardine |
Isabel De Ferrers | ABT 1172 | Oakham, Rutlandshire, England | 29 APR 1252 | | stanwardine |
Isolda De Ferrers | ABT 1118 | Derbyshire, England | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Margaret de FERRERS | ABT 1341 | Newbold, Verdon, Leicester, ENG | 22 JAN 1406/1407 | | stanwardine |
Mary Ferrers | ABT 1390 | | 25 JAN 1457/1458 | | stanwardine |
Mary de Ferrers | ABT 1394 | | 25 JAN 1457/1458 | | stanwardine |
Maud De Ferrers | ABT 1090 | Derbyshire, England | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Milisent Ferrers | 1086 | | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Miss De Ferrers | WFT Est 1105 | Derby, Derbyshire, England | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Robert Ferrers | 1373 | ?; of Willisham | BEF 29 NOV 1396 | | stanwardine |
Robert de Ferrers | ABT 1375 | <, Willisham, Suffolk, England> | BEF 29 NOV 1396 | | stanwardine |
Robert De Ferrers | 1100 | Ferrers, Derbyshire, England | 1160 | Merevale, Warwickshire, England | stanwardine |
Robert De Ferrers | 1062 | Ferrers, Derbyshire, England | 1139 | Charterley, Staffordshire, England | stanwardine |
Sybil FERRERS | ABT 1190 | | | | stanwardine |
Walcheline De Ferrers | ABT 1092 | Okeham, Derbyshire, England | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
William de FERRERS | 28 FEB 1332/1333 | Newbold Verdon, ENG | 8 JAN 1370/1371 | | stanwardine |
W Ferrers | | | | | stanwardine |
W FERRERS | | ?; of Groby | | | stanwardine |
William De Ferrers | ABT 1088 | Derbyshire, England | BEF 1139 | | stanwardine |
William De Ferrers | ABT 1066 | Darley, Derbyshire, England | | | stanwardine |
Margaret de FIENES | ABT 1260 | Wigmore, ENG | 7 FEB 1333/1334 | | stanwardine |
Giles FIENNES | ABT 1250 | Wendover Manor, Buckinghamshire, ENG | 1293 | ENG | stanwardine |
Ingleram de FIENNES | ABT 1200 | Buckingham, ENG | ABT 1267 | ENG | stanwardine |
Jean De Fiennes | ABT 1025 | Fiennes, Normandy, France | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Joan FIENNES | ABT 1265 | | OCT 1309 | | stanwardine |
Maude Fiennes | ABT 1245 | Wendover, ENG | 6 NOV 1298 | ENG | stanwardine |
William FIENNES | ABT 1245 | Wendover. Buckinghamshire, ENG | 11 JUL 1302 | Courtain, Mynn, France; killed in battle | stanwardine |
Finn | | | | | stanwardine |
Ingibjorg Finnsdottir | | | BEF 1068 | | stanwardine |
E Firmston-Williams | | | | | stanwardine |
Sarah Firth | | | BEF 17 MAR 1764 | Butterworth | stanwardine |
Herbert Fitz Piers | ABT 1200 | | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Henry Fitz-Herbert | ABT 1111 | England | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Mary Fitz-Herbert | ABT 1172 | Forest Of Dean, Gloucestershire, England | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Reginald Fitz-Herbert | ABT 1174 | Forest Of Dean, Gloucestershire, England | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Robert Fitz-Herbert | ABT 1113 | England | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
*Edmund FitzALAN | 1 MAY 1285 | Marlboro Castle, Sussex, ENG; or May 1, 1273 | 17 NOV 1326 | Herefordshire, ENG; beheaded | stanwardine |
= FitzAlan | | | | | stanwardine |
Alice FitzAlan | 1352 | | 17 MAR 1416 | | stanwardine |
Alice FitzAlan | ABT 1352 | , Arundel, Sussex, England | 17 MAR 1415/1416 | | stanwardine |
Alice FitzAlan | 1289 | Arundel, Sussex, England | AFT 12 DEC 1325 | | stanwardine |
Alice FitzAlan | ABT 1378 | of Arundel, Sussex, England | OCT 1415 | | stanwardine |
Alice FITZALAN | ABT 1352 | Arundel, Sussex, England | 17 MAR 1414/1415 | | stanwardine |
Aline Fitzalan | ABT 1310 | , , England | | | stanwardine |
Aline FitzAlan | 1325 | Arundel, Sussex, England | 20 JAN 1385/1386 | Knockin, Oswestry, Shropshire, England | stanwardine |
Christian Fitzalan | 1150 | Oswestry Castle, Shropshire, England | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
C Fitzalan | | | | | stanwardine |
C FitzAlan | | | | | stanwardine |
Edmund FITZALAN | 1327 | Arundel, Sussex, England | AFT 1377 | | stanwardine |
Edmund FITZALAN | 1 MAY 1285 | Marlborough Castle, Wiltshire, England | 17 NOV 1326 | Hereford, Herefordshire, England (beheaded) | stanwardine |
Eleanor Fitzalan | ABT 1285 | Arundel, Sussex, England | ABT 1328 | | stanwardine |
Eleanor FitzAlan | 1275 | | | | stanwardine |
Eleanor FitzALAN | ABT 1286 | Arundel, ENG | JUL 1328 | | stanwardine |
Eleanor FITZALAN | 10 AUG 1282 | Arundel Castle, Sussex, England | AUG 1328 | Arundel Castle, Sussex, England | stanwardine |
Elizabeth FITZALAN | BEF 1327 | | | | stanwardine |
Elizabeth FitzAlan | ABT 1366 | | 8 JUL 1425 | | stanwardine |
Joan FitzAlan | ABT 1350 | | 7th April 1419 | | stanwardine |
Joan FITZALAN | 1375 | Arundel, Sussex, England | 14 NOV 1435 | Abergavenny, Monmouthshire, Wales | stanwardine |
Joan FitzAlan | 1347 | | 1419 | | stanwardine |
John FitzALAN | ABT 1215 | | BEF NOV 1267 | | stanwardine |
John FitzALAN | 14 SEP 1246 | Arundel, Sussex, ENG | 18 MAR 1271/1272 | | stanwardine |
John Fitzalan | ABT 1190 | Clun, Salop, Eng | MAR 1239/1240 | Oswestry, Salop, Eng | stanwardine |
John Fitzalan | MAY 1220 | Arundel, Essex, England | AFT SEP 1267 | | stanwardine |
John Fitzalan | 14 SEP 1246 | Arundel, Sussex, England | 18 MAR 1271/1272 | | stanwardine |
John FitzAlan | ABT 1348 | Betchworth, Surrey, England | 16 DEC 1379 | | stanwardine |
John FitzAlan | 1394 | | AFT 1397 | | stanwardine |
John, 6th Earl of Arundel FitzAlan | 14 SEP 1246 | | 18 MAR 1271/1272 | | stanwardine |
Katherine FitzAlan | 1305 | | 2 MAY 1376 | | stanwardine |
Margaret FitzAlan | BEF 1292 | Arundel, Sussex, England | BEF 1354 | | stanwardine |
Mary FITZALAN | ABT 1323 | Corfham, Shropshire, England | 29 AUG 1396 | | stanwardine |
M FitzAlan | | | | | stanwardine |
Ranulf FITZALAN | 1359 | Arundel, Sussex, England | AFT 1385 | | stanwardine |
Richard FitzAlan | 3 FEB 1266/1267 | | 9 MAR 1301/1302 | | stanwardine |
Richard FitzAlan | UNKNOWN | | | | stanwardine |
Richard FitzALAN | 3 FEB 1266/1267 | Arundel, ENG | 9 MAR 1301/1302 | | stanwardine |
Richard FITZALAN | 3 FEB 1266/1267 | Arundel Castle, Sussex, England | 9 MAR 1301/1302 | Arundel Castle, Sussex, England | stanwardine |
Richard FITZALAN | ABT 1306 | Arundel Castle, Sussex, England | 24 JAN 1375/1376 | Arundel Castle, Sussex, England | stanwardine |
Richard FITZALAN | 25 MAR 1346 | Arundel Castle, Sussex, England | 21 SEP 1397 | Cheapside City, London, Middlesex, England | stanwardine |
S Fitzalan | | | | | stanwardine |
Thomas FitzAlan | 1353 | | | | stanwardine |
Walter FitzAlan | | | 1177 | | stanwardine |
Walter Fitzalan | ABT 1106 | Dol, Ille-Et-Vilaine, St Malo, Bretagne, France | 1177 | Paisley, Renfrewshire, Scotland | stanwardine |
William FitzAlan | | of Oswestry, Shropshire, England | abt Easter, 1160 | | stanwardine |
William II Eaton Fitzalan | ABT 1105 | Oswestry Castle, Shropshire, England | 1160 | Oswestry Castle, Shropshire, England | stanwardine |
William III Fitzalan | ABT 1148 | Oswestry Castle, Shropshire, England | 1210 | Oswestry Castle, Shropshire, England | stanwardine |
Maud (Nmn-Robert) Fitzalured | | | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Robert Fitzalured | 1134 | Warburton, Bucklow, Cheshire, England | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
B FitzAnsculf | | | | | stanwardine |
W FitzAnsculf | | Picquigny, Picardy | | | stanwardine |
Maud Fitzedith | ABT 1163 | Du Sap, Normandy, France | 1224 | (Dsp) | stanwardine |
Alan FitzFlaald | | Dol, Brittany | sh aft 1114 | | stanwardine |
Alan Fitzflaald | ABT 1078 | Dol, Ille-Et-Vilaine, St Malo, Bretagne, France | AFT 1122 | Oswestry Castle, Shropshire, England | stanwardine |
Edith Fitzforne | ABT 1072 | Greystoke, Cumberland, England | 1152 | Granted Barony Of Claydon By Henry I | stanwardine |
Hawis FitzGeoffrey | ABT 1212 | | | | stanwardine |
Hawise FitzGeoffrey | ABT 1212 | | BEF 8 AUG 1247 | | stanwardine |
John FitzGEOFFREY | ABT 1200 | Shere, Surrey, ENG | 23 NOV 1258 | | stanwardine |
L Fitzgerald | | | | | stanwardine |
Maurice FitzGERALD | ABT 1200 | ?; of Offaly, Ireland | 20 MAY 1257 | Yougha, Cork, Ireland | stanwardine |
Haimo ÒDapiferÓ FitzHaimo | | of Torigny-sur-Vire, Normandy | ABT 1100 | | stanwardine |
Mabel FitzHamon | ABT 1090 | | 1157 | | stanwardine |
Mabel FitzHamon | ABT 1090 | England | | | stanwardine |
Maud Fitzhamon | ABT 1094 | Gloucestershire, England | 1157 | Bristol, Gloucestershire, England | stanwardine |
Robert FitzHamon | ABT 1042 | of Torigny-sur-Vire, Normandy | MAR 1106/1107 | England | stanwardine |
Robert Fitzhamon | ABT 1055 | Cruelly, Calvados, Normandy, France | 10 MAR 1106/1107 | At The Battle Of Falaise | stanwardine |
Henry Fitzhenry | ABT 1105 | Of Narberth & Pebidiog, Wales | 1157 | Anglesey, Wales | stanwardine |
Sibylla Fitzhenry | ABT 1104 | Domfront, Normandy, France | 12 JUL 1122 | Island Of The Woman, Loch Tay, Scotland | stanwardine |
Alice FitzHerbert | ABT 1322 | Somerset, England | | | stanwardine |
Ellen FITZHERBERT | ABT 1245 | | | | stanwardine |
Herbert I Fitzherbert | BEF 1106 | Blaen Llyfni, Brecknockshire, Wales | BEF 1155 | Winchester, Hampshire, England | stanwardine |
Herbert II Fitzherbert | ABT 1130 | Blaen Llyfni, Brecknockshire, Wales | BEF JUN 1204 | | stanwardine |
Isabel Fitzherbert | ABT 1168 | Forest Of Dean, Gloucestershire, England | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Matthew Fitzherbert | ABT 1166 | Forest Of Dean, Gloucestershire, England | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Petronilla Fitzherbert | ABT 1176 | | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Piers (Peter) Fitzherbert | ABT 1163 | Blewleveny Castle, Blaen Llyfni, Brecknockshire, Wales | 1 JUN 1235 | | stanwardine |
Reginald FitzHerbert | BEF 1300 | of Midsomer Norton, Somerset, England | | | stanwardine |
Rohese Fitzherbert | ABT 1120 | Blaen Llyfni, Brecknockshire, Wales | AFT 1176 | Berry Pomeroy, Totnes, Devonshire, England | stanwardine |
FitzHugh | ABT 1471 | | | | stanwardine |
Agnes FitzHugh | ABT 1453 | Of, Ravensworth, Yorkshire, England | BEF 1512 | | stanwardine |
Alice FitzHugh | ABT 1448 | Ravensworth, Yorkshire, England | 10 JUL 1516 | | stanwardine |
Edward FitzHugh | ABT 1464 | Of, Ravensworth, Yorkshire, England | BEF 4 JUN 1472 | | stanwardine |
Eleanor FitzHugh | ABT 1416 | Ravensworth, Yorkshire, England | AFT 19 MAY 1468 | | stanwardine |
Eleanor FitzHugh | ABT 1394 | Lonsborough, Yorkshire, England | 30 SEP 1457 | | stanwardine |
Elizabeth FitzHugh | ABT 1445 | Ravensworth, Yorkshire, England | 28 FEB 1512/1513 | Harrowden, Northhamptonshire, England | stanwardine |
Elizabeth FitzHugh | ABT 1409 | Ravensworth, Yorkshire, England | 20 MAR 1467/1468 | Greystoke Manor, Northumberland, England | stanwardine |
Elizabeth FitzHugh | ABT 1408 | Ravensworth, York, England | AFT 1445 | | stanwardine |
Geoffrey FitzHugh | ABT 1405 | Ravensworth, york | | | stanwardine |
George FitzHugh | 1463 | Of, Ravensworth, Yorkshire, England | 20 NOV 1505 | | stanwardine |
Godfrey Fitzhugh | | | 1 NOV 1917 | | stanwardine |
Godfrey Edmund Fitzhugh | 20 JAN 1905 | | | | stanwardine |
Helen Mary Fitzhugh | 2 SEP 1906 | | | | stanwardine |
Henry FitzHugh | 1363 | Ravensworth, Yorkshire, England | 11 JAN 1423/1424 | | stanwardine |
H FitzHugh | | | | | stanwardine |
Henry FitzHugh | 1424 | Ravensworth, Yorkshire, England | 8 JUN 1472 | Ravensworth, Yorkshire, England | stanwardine |
Joan FitzHugh | ABT 1441 | , Ravensworth, Yorkshire, England | BEF 1488 | | stanwardine |
Joane FitzHugh | ABT 1462 | Of, Ravensworth, Yorkshire, England | BEF 1512 | | stanwardine |
John FitzHugh | ABT 1461 | Of, Ravensworth, Yorkshire, England | BEF 4 JUN 1472 | | stanwardine |
L Fitzhugh | | | | | stanwardine |
Lora FitzHugh | ABT 1400 | Beverstone, Gloucestershire, England | | | stanwardine |
Lora FitzHugh | ABT 1422 | Castle, Ravensworth, Yorkshire, England | | | stanwardine |
Lucy FitzHugh | ABT 1438 | Of, Yorkshire, England | | | stanwardine |
Margery FitzHugh | ABT 1425 | Yorkshire, England | | | stanwardine |
Margery FitzHugh | ABT 1453 | Ravensworth, Yorkshire, England | BEF 1512 | Sp | stanwardine |
Maud FitzHugh | ABT 1415 | Ravensworth, Yorkshire, England | | Streatfam, Durham, England | stanwardine |
Maude FitzHugh | ABT 1360 | Ravensworth, Yorkshire, England | BEF 30 MAY 1467 | | stanwardine |
Richard FitzHugh | 1457 | Of, Ravensworth, Yorkshire, England | 20 NOV 1487 | | stanwardine |
Robert Michael Fitzhugh | | | 28 SEP 1910 | | stanwardine |
Thomas FitzHugh | ABT 1459 | Of, Ravensworth, Yorkshire, England | BEF 4 JUN 1472 | | stanwardine |
William FitzHugh | 1398 | Ravensworth, Yorkshire, England | 22 OCT 1452 | Yorkshire, England | stanwardine |
Henrietta FitzJames | 1667 | St. Square, Westminster, Middlesex, England | 1730 | | stanwardine |
Henry FitzJames | AUG 1673 | St. Square, Westminster, Middlesex, England | | | stanwardine |
Ignatia FitzJames | 1674 | St. Square, Westminster, Middlesex, England | | | stanwardine |
Avelina FitzJOHN | ABT 1230 | | 20 MAY 1274 | | stanwardine |
Isabel (m) FitzJOHN | ABT 1220 | ENG | | | stanwardine |
Isabelle FitzJOHN | ABT 1233 | Shere, ENG | | | stanwardine |
Joan FitzJohn | ABT 1240 | | 26 MAY 1303 | | stanwardine |
Maud FITZJOHN | ABT 1237 | Shere, Guildford, Surrey, England | ABT 17 APR 1301 | Grey Friars, Worcestershire, England | stanwardine |
Roger FitzJOHN | ABT 1228 | Warkworth, Norts, ENG | 1249 | Normandy, France | stanwardine |
Maud FitzJOHN or FitzGEOFFREY | ABT 1237 | Shere, Surrey, ENG | 16 APR 1301 | Grey Friars, Worcestershire, ENG | stanwardine |
Julienne FitzMAURICE | ABT 1266 | Dublin, Dublin, Ireland | BEF 24 SEP 1300 | Thomond, Ireland | stanwardine |
Maurice FitzMAURICE | ABT 1245 | Wexford, Ireland | 1286 | Ross, Ireland | stanwardine |
Emma FitzORM | ABT 1150 | | | | stanwardine |
Hugh Fitzosborn | ABT 1095 | Richard's Castle, Ludlow, Herefordshire, England | BEF 1140 | | stanwardine |
Ela FitzPATRICK | ABT 1191 | Amesbury, Wiltshire, ENG | 24 AUG 1261 | Lacock Abbey, Lacock, Wiltshire, ENG | stanwardine |
Geoffrey FitzPIERS | ABT 1160 | Walden, ENG | 14 OCT 1213 | | stanwardine |
Joan Fitzpiers | ABT 1183 | Blaen Llyfni, Brecknockshire, Wales | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Lucy Fitzpiers | ABT 1208 | Brecknock, Breconshire, Wales | AFT 1266 | | stanwardine |
Reginald Fitzpiers | ABT 1215 | Blaen Llyfni, Brecknockshire, Wales | 5 MAY 1286 | | stanwardine |
Mary Fitzrandolph | ABT 1236 | Middleham, Yorkshire, England | ABT 1320 | | stanwardine |
Mary FitzRANDOLPH | ABT 1238 | Middleham, Durham, ENG | BEF 11 APR 1320 | Coverham, ENG | stanwardine |
Ralph FitzRANULF | ABT 1215 | ?; of Middleham, Yorkshire, ENG | 1270 | | stanwardine |
Ranulfz FitzRanulf | ABT 1222 | | BEF 1294 | | stanwardine |
Osborn Fitzrichard | 1055 | Arwystle, Herefordshire, England | AFT 1100 | Richard's Castle, Ludlow, Herefordshire, England | stanwardine |
Alice FitzRobert | ABT 1155 | England | | | stanwardine |
Hamon Fitzrobert | ABT 1116 | Of Bristow, Gloucestershire, England | | Toulouse, Haute-Garonne, France | stanwardine |
John FitzROBERT | ABT 1190 | Clavering, Essex, ENG | 1240 | | stanwardine |
Mabel Fitzrobert | ABT 1118 | Of Bristow, Gloucestershire, England | | | stanwardine |
Ranulf FitzROBERT | ABT 1180 | | BEF 7 DEC 1252 | | stanwardine |
Richard Fitzrobert | ABT 1126 | Of Cruelly, Normandy, France | 1175 | | stanwardine |
Roger Fitzrobert | ABT 1112 | Of Bristow, Gloucestershire, England | 9 AUG 1179 | Tours, Indre-Et-Loire, Touraine/Centre, France | stanwardine |
William FitzRobert | ABT 1110 | Gloucester, England | 23 NOV 1183 | | stanwardine |
William "Mafonache" Fitzrobert | 23 NOV 1116 | Gloucestershire, England | 23 NOV 1183 | Cardiff Castle, Glamorganshire, Wales | stanwardine |
William FitzRobert, 2nd Earl of Gloucester | ABT 1130 | England | | | stanwardine |
Alan Fitzroger | ABT 1278 | | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Alexander Fitzroger | ABT 1270 | | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Alice Fitzroger | 1164 | Nether, Whitley, Eng | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Edmund Fitzroger | ABT 1268 | | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Ellen Fitzroger | ABT 1280 | | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Ellen FITZROGER | 1345 | Stapleford, Cheshire, England | 1410 | | stanwardine |
Euphemia Clavering FitzROGER | ABT 1267 | Clavering, England | ABT 1329 | Warkworth, Northumberland, England | stanwardine |
Henry Fitzroger | ABT 1274 | | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Hugh FITZROGER | ABT 1322 | Stapleford, Cheshire, England | BEF 1365 | Stapleford, Cheshire, England | stanwardine |
Hugh FITZROGER | ABT 1300 | Cheshire, England | | | stanwardine |
Robert FitzROGER | ABT 1247 | Whalton, Northumberland, England | ABT 1319 | | stanwardine |
Robert Fitzroger | ABT 1272 | | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Roger Fitzroger | ABT 1276 | | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Walter Fitzroger | ABT 1070 | Gloucester, Gloucestershire, England | 1129 | Llanthony Abbey, Gloucester, England | stanwardine |
Reginald Fitzroy | ABT 1100 | Dunstanville, Kent, England | 1 JUL 1175 | Chertsey, Sussex, England | stanwardine |
Richard FitzROY | ABT 1200 | | | | stanwardine |
Robert FitzRoy | | of Okehampton, Devonshire, England | 31 MAY 1172 | | stanwardine |
Alditha (Nmn) Fitzsigulf | 1050 | Of Greystoke, Cumberland, England | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Alan FitzWalter | | | 1204 | | stanwardine |
Alice (Hawise) Fitzwarin | 1207 | Of Wittington, Shropshire, England | 16 MAY 1407 | | stanwardine |
Eugenia Fitzwarin | ABT 1215 | Alveston, Gloucestershire, England | 16 MAY 1307 | | stanwardine |
Fulk III Fitzwarin | ABT 1165 | Of Wittington, Shropshire, England | BEF 1258 | | stanwardine |
Fulk IV Fitzwarin | ABT 1210 | Whittington, Shropshire, England | 14 MAY 1264 | Battle Of Lewes, Sussex, England | stanwardine |
A Fitzwilliam | | | | | stanwardine |
Irene Serga Alice Jane Mary Wentworth Fitzwilliam | 5 FEB 1883 | Malton, Yorkshire | MAR 1972 | Brent, Greater London | stanwardine |
Isabel Elizabeth Mary Wentworth Fitzwilliam | SEP 1880 | St Georges, London | 18 DEC 1955 | Ryedale, Yorkshire North Riding | stanwardine |
Marie Albreda Blanche Wentworth Fitzwilliam | MAR 1879 | St Georges, London, England | 14 APR 1963 | Ryedale, Yorkshire North Riding, England | stanwardine |
William Fitzwilliam | 12 OCT 1815 | | 20 FEB 1902 | | stanwardine |
William Fitzwilliam | 27 JUL 1839 | | | | stanwardine |
William Henry Wentworth Fitzwilliam | 26 DEC 1840 | Milton, Northamptonshire | 10 JUL 1920 | Malton, Yorkshire North Riding | stanwardine |
Aelia Flavia Flacilla | AFT 347 | Spain | 386 | | stanwardine |
I Fleeming | | | | | stanwardine |
Gherbod The Fleming | ABT 1020 | Flanders, France | AFT 1070 | Chester, Cheshire, England | stanwardine |
Gundred-Gundrada Of Fleming | ABT 1055 | Normandy, France | 27 MAY 1085 | Castle Acre, Norfolk, England | stanwardine |
M Fleming | | | | | stanwardine |
Fodepald | | | | | stanwardine |
J Fogwill | 1956 | Totnes, Devonshire | | | stanwardine |
R Fogwill | | Rosneath, Yelverton Devon | | | stanwardine |
R Fogwill | 1954 | Portsmouth, Hampshire | | | stanwardine |
Paul Foley | ABT 1655 | | 1739 | | stanwardine |
Penelope Foley | 1708 | | 1748 | | stanwardine |
Philip Foley | ABT 1635 | | | | stanwardine |
E Forest | | | | | stanwardine |
Elizabeth Forrest | 28 OCT 1576 | | | | stanwardine |
Isabella Forrest | BEF 27 JUL 1575 | Morburn, Huntingdonshire, England | NOV 1606 | | stanwardine |
Miles Forrest | 1550 | | | | stanwardine |
M Forrest | | | | | stanwardine |
Robert Forrest | ABT 1525 | | | | stanwardine |
T Forsyth | | | | | stanwardine |
T Forsyth | 2009 | | | | stanwardine |
Mary Foster | ABT 1825 | New England | | Nelson, NH | stanwardine |
R Found | | | | | stanwardine |
Jeanne Fourgeres | ABT 1224 | | 1269 | | stanwardine |
C Fowler | | | | | stanwardine |
Edmund Fowler | ABT 1701 | | 25 JUL 1751 | | stanwardine |
Fanny Fowler | 5 DEC 1746 | | 16 MAR 1825 | | stanwardine |
David MacMillan Fox | 7 FEB 1938 | | 22 SEP 1938 | | stanwardine |
J Fox | 1935 | | | | stanwardine |
J Fox | | | | | stanwardine |
John Fox | 10 FEB 1891 | Market Bosworth | 4 NOV 1953 | Glencrosh, Glencairn | stanwardine |
J Fox | | | | | stanwardine |
Emma France | 1054 | Of Rheims, Marne, Loire-Atlantique, France | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Henry I Capet King Of France | 1008 | Rheims, Marne, France | 2 AUG 1060 | Vitry-Aux-Loges, Brie, France | stanwardine |
Isabella of FRANCE | 1292 | | 22 AUG 1358 | Hertford Castle | stanwardine |
Philip I The Fair Capet Of France | BEF 23 MAY 1052 | Rheims, Marne, France | 29 JUL 1108 | Meulan, Seine-Et-Marne, France | stanwardine |
Robert France | 1055 | Of Rheims, Marne, Loire-Atlantique, France | 1060 | | stanwardine |
A Frank | | | | | stanwardine |
Fanny Frank | 1837 | Islington | | | stanwardine |
J Franklin | | | | | stanwardine |
M Franklin | | | | | stanwardine |
Amie Beatrice Franks | 1881 | | | | stanwardine |
Constance Maud Franks | 1884 | | | | stanwardine |
Ethel Elizabeth Franks | 1888 | | | | stanwardine |
Henry Cecil Franks | 1 OCT 1897 | | 16 FEB 1955 | Shepton Mallet Cottage Hospital | stanwardine |
Henry John Franks | 1856 | | | | stanwardine |
Agnes Mitchell Fraser | 1873 | | 1923 | | stanwardine |
A Fraser | 1984 | | | | stanwardine |
Alexander Andrew Macdonell Fraser | 2 DEC 1946 | | 6 FEB 2021 | | stanwardine |
Alexander Reid Fraser | 24 JUN 1871 | Anderston, Glasgow | 18 JUN 1933 | Rhu | stanwardine |
Alison Fraser | 1923 | | | | stanwardine |
Arthur Archibald Fraser | 1880 | | | | stanwardine |
Catherine Reid Fraser | 1877 | | | | stanwardine |
Elizabeth Kirkwood Reid Fraser | 1875 | | 1934 | | stanwardine |
Helen Cross Reid Fraser | 1914 | Hillhead, Glasgow | | | stanwardine |
Jean Fraser | 1913 | | | | stanwardine |
John Fraser | 1840 | | 1909 | | stanwardine |
John Alexander Fraser | 6 FEB 1870 | Anderston, Glasgow | 1915 | | stanwardine |
M Fraser | | | | | stanwardine |
Walter Ian Reid Fraser | 3 FEB 1911 | Hillhead, Glasgow | 17 FEB 1989 | Car crash on the M90 motorway between Perth and Edinburgh | stanwardine |
William Langlands Fraser | 1878 | | 1879 | | stanwardine |
A Fraser-Tytler | | | | | stanwardine |
Frealaf | | | | | stanwardine |
Freawine | 327 | Ancient Saxony, Northern Germany | | | stanwardine |
Freawine | ABT 327 | Ancient Saxony, Northern Germany | UNKNOWN | | stanwardine |
Freawine | | | | | stanwardine |
Mathilde De Friesland | | | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Frigga | | Fensalir | | | stanwardine |
Frithogar | ABT 299 | Ancient Saxony, Northern Germany | | | stanwardine |
Frithuwald | 470 | Asgard | | | stanwardine |
Frithuwulf | | | | | stanwardine |
Ruth Fry | ABT 1655 | | | | stanwardine |
Fulbert | | | | | stanwardine |
Cecilia FULLESHURST | ABT 1443 | Leigh, Shropshire, England | 24 MAY 1502 | | stanwardine |
Elizabeth Fulleshurst | ABT 1454 | | | | stanwardine |
Richard FULLESHURST | 1305 | Crewe, Nantwich, Cheshire, England | | | stanwardine |
Robert FULLESHURST | ABT 1335 | Crewe, Nantwich, Cheshire, England | 1390 | | stanwardine |
Robert FULLESHURST | ABT 1416 | Crewe, Cheshire, England | AFT 21 APR 1474 | | stanwardine |
Thomas Fulleshurst | ABT 1442 | | | | stanwardine |
Thomas FULLESHURST | 1365 | Crewe, Nantwich, Cheshire, England | | | stanwardine |
Thomas FULLESHURST | ABT 1397 | | | | stanwardine |
Thomas FULLESHURST | 1275 | Crewe, Nantwich, Cheshire, England | | | stanwardine |
Fulvia | | | | | stanwardine |
Fulvia | | | | | stanwardine |
A Fulvus | | | | | stanwardine |
G Furnivalle | | | | | stanwardine |
D Fyffe | | | | | stanwardine |
Gaia | | | | | stanwardine |
L Galba | | 003 AD | | 69 AD | stanwardine |
Galla | ABT 346 | | 394 | childbirth | stanwardine |
Gallienus | | | 268 | | stanwardine |
K Gamble | | | | | stanwardine |
Ganymede | | | | | stanwardine |
K Gardiner | | | | | stanwardine |
C Gardner | | | | | stanwardine |
Guillaume (William) De Garland | ABT 1043 | Garlende, France | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Mrs. Guillaume 1043 Garland | | | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Agnes De Garlende | ABT 1090 | Garlende, France | 1181 | | stanwardine |
Anselme (Anseau) De Garlende | ABT 1069 | Garlende, France | 1118 | Garlende, France | stanwardine |
J Garnett | | | | | stanwardine |
D Garrilovic | 1969 | Dubrovnik, Serbia and Montenegro | | | stanwardine |
Shelagh Madeline Garry | 3 AUG 1919 | Dublin, Ireland | 16 APR 2005 | Haywards Heath, West Sussex, England | stanwardine |
Elizabeth Gartside | 1820 | | 1888 | | stanwardine |
Sarah Gartside | 1781 | | | | stanwardine |
Rebecca Gaskill | 1694 | Manchester, Lancashire, England | 1745 | | stanwardine |
Anne Gault | 16 JUN 1769 | Kilmarnock, Ayrshire, Scotland | | | stanwardine |
Geat | | | | | stanwardine |
Gefion | ABT 241 | Hleithra | | | stanwardine |
T Gemellus | | 19 AD | | 37/38 AD ( murdered on Caligula's orders) | stanwardine |
M Gemmel | | | | | stanwardine |
Geoffrey de GENEVILLE | ABT 1226 | Dublin, Ireland | 21 OCT 1314 | | stanwardine |
Joan de GENEVILLE | 2 FEB 1285/1286 | ENG | 19 OCT 1356 | | stanwardine |
Piers de GENEVILLE | 1265 | Dublin, Ireland | BEF 8 JUN 1292 | | stanwardine |
Geoffrey | | ?; of Lusignan | | | stanwardine |
F George | | | | | stanwardine |
Geraint | | | | | stanwardine |
Thomas Gerard | 15 JUL 1431 | | 27 MAR 1490 | | stanwardine |
Gerletta | | | | | stanwardine |
C Germanicus | | 15 BC in Rome | | 0019 in Antioch, Syria (poisoned) | stanwardine |
D Germanicus | | | | | stanwardine |
D Germanicus | | 38 BC in Rome | | Oct 9, 9 BC in Lugdunum (Lyon), Gaul; fall from horse | stanwardine |
N Germanicus | | | | | stanwardine |
T Germanicus | | August 1, 10 BC in Lyon (Lugdunum), Gaul | | October 13, 0054 | stanwardine |
T Germanicus | | 010AD | | | stanwardine |
M Germany | | | | | stanwardine |
Johanna De Gernon | WFT Est 1143 | Chester, Cheshire, England | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Mary GERRARD | 1642 | Of, Stourton In West, Wiltshire, England | AFT 1700 | | stanwardine |
Gewis | ABT 383 | Ancient Saxony, Northern Germany | UNKNOWN | | stanwardine |
Gibson | | | | | stanwardine |
Gibson | | | | | stanwardine |
Arthur Creagh Gibson | 29 OCT 1912 | | 17 DEC 1970 | Jedburgh, Roxburghshire, Scotland | stanwardine |
J Gibson | | | | | stanwardine |
Maureen Helen Susan Gibson | 9 MAR 1909 | Indore, India | DEC 1978 | Normanby, Yorkshire | stanwardine |
Eleanor GIFFARD | 1275 | Brimsfield, Gloucester, England | JAN 1323/1324 | | stanwardine |
Margaret Gifford | 1528 | | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
P Gilbey | | | | | stanwardine |
L Gill | | | | | stanwardine |
A Gillet | | | | | stanwardine |
L Gillott | | | | | stanwardine |
H Gilman | 1948 | Oxford | | | stanwardine |
Gisele | 781 | | | | stanwardine |
Maredudd Gethin Of Glascoed | ABT 1450 | Glascoed, Llansilin, Caernarvonshire, Wales | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Glaucia | | | | | stanwardine |
Glaucus | | | | | stanwardine |
A Gleadell | | | | | stanwardine |
S Gledhill | | | | | stanwardine |
M Glendoyning | | | | | stanwardine |
Christian Of Gloucester | ABT 1118 | Bristol, Gloucestershire, Eng | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Margaret De Gloucester | 1126 | Gloucester, Gloucestershire, England | 1146 | England | stanwardine |
Robert Castellan Of Gloucester | ABT 1120 | Bristol, Gloucestershire, England | AFT 1160 | | stanwardine |
E Glumra | | | | | stanwardine |
L Glyn | | | | | stanwardine |
God | | Eternity Past | | | stanwardine |
Charles Godfrey | ABT 1644 | | | | stanwardine |
Charlotte Godfrey | ABT 1670 | | | | stanwardine |
Duke Of Lorraine Godfrey | ABT 1042 | Of L-Lrrn, Frnc | 1076 | | stanwardine |
E Godfrey | | | | | stanwardine |
E Godson | 1980 | | | | stanwardine |
J Godson | 1972 | | | | stanwardine |
M Godson | | | | | stanwardine |
S Godson | 1974 | | | | stanwardine |
T Godson | 1982 | | | | stanwardine |
Godwulf | | | | | stanwardine |
Elvira Golden | 14 SEP 1847 | Miller Co, MO | 15 JUL 1886 | Tuscumbia, Miller Co, MO | stanwardine |
Alexander Goldie | 18 JUL 1770 | Tynron, Dumfries, Scotland | | | stanwardine |
Alexander Goldie | 31 MAR 1801 | Tynron, Dumfries, Scotland | | | stanwardine |
Alexander Robert Goldie | 5 JUN 1844 | Boulogne, Sur Mer Pas De Calais, France | 17 NOV 1923 | 8 Somerset Place, Bath, Somerset, England | stanwardine |
Alice Marion Goldie | 2 APR 1858 | Colnbrook, Buckinghamshire, England | 1 JUL 1928 | St Ives, 15 Crescent St, Hunter's Hill, New South Wales, Australia | stanwardine |
Andrew Goldie | 1592 | Closeburn, Dunfries, Scotland | | | stanwardine |
Andrew Goldie | | ? Closeburn, Dumfriesshire, Scotland | BEF 1599 | | stanwardine |
Ann Goldie | | | 18 AUG 1778 | Tynron, Dumfries, Scotland | stanwardine |
Anne Goldie | 1857 | Beechworth, Vic | 1930 | | stanwardine |
Anne Goldie | 1 SEP 1799 | Tynron, Dumfries, Scotland | | | stanwardine |
Arthur Barré Dashwood Goldie | JUN 1856 | Colnbrook, Buckinghamshire, England | 23 NOV 1915 | 5 Oxford Terrace, Green St, Sunbury-On-Thames, Middlesex, England | stanwardine |
B Goldie | | Scotland | | | stanwardine |
Barré Algernon Highmore Goldie | 9 MAY 1870 | Thurleston Grange, Derbyshire, England | 1949 | | stanwardine |
Barré Dudley Forbes Goldie | APR 1899 | Derby, Derbyshire, England | 23 JUN 1917 | Aldershot, Farnham, Surrey, England | stanwardine |
Barré Herbert Goldie | 27 JAN 1877 | Madhya Pradesh, India | 29 APR 1915 | Ismalia, Egypt | stanwardine |
Barré John Goldie | 6 APR 1840 | Bengal, India | 17 NOV 1922 | Steyning, Sussex, England | stanwardine |
Barré William Goldie | | | 1849 | Landour | stanwardine |
Barre William Goldie | 28 OCT 1862 | | | | stanwardine |
Barre William Goldie | 28 OCT 1862 | | | | stanwardine |
Beatrice De Courci Goldie | APR 1867 | St Ives, Huntingdonshire, England | 25 JAN 1955 | Surrey Northern, Surrey, England | stanwardine |
Catherine Maud Goldie | OCT 1859 | Colnbrook, Buckinghamshire, England | 8 JAN 1882 | The Vicarage, St Ives, Huntingdon, England | stanwardine |
Charles Dashwood Goldie | 26 MAR 1825 | Paris, France | 11 JAN 1886 | The Vicarage, St Ives, Huntingdon, England | stanwardine |
Charles Edward Goldie | 22 AUG 1857 | St Andrews, Clifton, Glochester, England | 20 MAY 1877 | Bath, Somerset, England | stanwardine |
Charles Edward Goldie | 22 AUG 1857 | St Andrews, Clifton, Glochester, England | 20 MAY 1877 | Bath, Somerset, England | stanwardine |
Charles James Dashwood Goldie | 27 MAR 1854 | Colnbrook, Buckinghamshire, England | 11 NOV 1942 | Woollahra, New South Wales, Australia | stanwardine |
Charlotte Bridget Goldie | 1871 | Buckland, Vic | 1947 | | stanwardine |
Claude John Dashwood Goldie | 29 DEC 1876 | St Ives, Huntingdon, England | 30 DEC 1956 | Surrey, England | stanwardine |
Edward Goldie | ABT 1877 | Harlton, China | | | stanwardine |
Edward Goldie | 1675 | Craigmuie | 1711 | | stanwardine |
Edward Goldie | ABT 1644 | Craigmuie | ABT 1691 | | stanwardine |
Edward Orwell Goldie | APR 1877 | Thulston, Derbyshire, England | | | stanwardine |
Elisabeth Goldie | 17 OCT 1907 | Bourne End, Buckinghamshire, England | 7 NOV 1956 | Marylebone, London, England | stanwardine |
Elizabeth "Leila" Georgina Goldie | OCT 1851 | Horncastle, Lincolnshire, England | NOV 1905 | Ampthill, Bedfordshire, England | stanwardine |
Elizabeth Anne Goldie | 2 AUG 1850 | Arcot, Tamil Nadu, India | 21 JAN 1894 | Fujian, China | stanwardine |
Elizabeth Anne Goldie | 2 AUG 1850 | Arcot, Tamil Nadu, India | 21 JAN 1894 | Fujian, China | stanwardine |
Elizabeth Julia Goldie | 4 MAY 1837 | Calcutta, India | 4 MAR 1895 | 14 Upper Addison Gardens, Kensington, London | stanwardine |
Elizabeth Sarah Goldie | | | 1896 | Bath, Somerset, England | stanwardine |
Emma Lilias Goldie | 13 OCT 1852 | Colnbrook, Buckinghamshire, England | 23 FEB 1945 | Drummoyne, New South Wales, Australia | stanwardine |
Emma Sophia Georgina Goldie | 24 APR 1854 | Clifton, Gloucestershire, England | 30 OCT 1923 | 2 Sion-Place, Bathwick Hill, Bath, Somerset, England | stanwardine |
Emma Sophia Georgina Goldie | 24 APR 1854 | Clifton, Gloucestershire, England | 30 OCT 1923 | 2 Sion-Place, Bathwick Hill, Bath, Somerset, England | stanwardine |
Ethel Maud Harrison Goldie | 4 FEB 1887 | New South Wales, Australia | 25 NOV 1966 | Prospect, SouthAustralia, Australia | stanwardine |
Euphemia Harriet Goldie | 1850 | Horncastle, Lincolnshire, England | 4 MAR 1860 | Eton, Buckinghamshire, England | stanwardine |
Florence Eugenie Goldie | 17 SEP 1879 | Tamil Nadu, India | JUL 1965 | | stanwardine |
George Henry Goldie | 1 JUN 1888 | India | 14 SEP 1914 | Battle of Aisne, Mons, Flanders, Belgium | stanwardine |
George Robert Goldie | 15 NOV 1852 | Andhra Pradesh, India | 28 NOV 1880 | Gloucestershire, Somerset, United Kingdom | stanwardine |
George Robert Goldie | 15 NOV 1852 | Andhra Pradesh, India | 28 NOV 1880 | Gloucestershire, Somerset, United Kingdom | stanwardine |
George William Goldie | 1873 | Buckland, Vic | 1950 | | stanwardine |
Georgina Anne Goldie | 5 JAN 1810 | India | Jan-mar 1873 | | stanwardine |
Georgina Caroline Goldie | 1848 | Dhaka, Bihar, India | MAR 1917 | St Albans, Hertfordshire, England | stanwardine |
Grace Estelle Goldie | OCT 1878 | Twickenham, Middlesex, England | 27 SEP 1925 | Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, England | stanwardine |
Harriet Anne Goldie | 8 MAR 1839 | Berhampore, West Bengal, India | JUL 1900 | Sussex, England | stanwardine |
Henry Montford Goldie | 1878 | Elvaston, Derby, England | 1936 | | stanwardine |
Isabella Goldie | 1856 | Yackandandah, Vic | | Bairnsdale, Vic? | stanwardine |
James Goldie | ABT 1642 | Closeburn, Dumfries, Scotland | AFT 1703 | | stanwardine |
James Goldie | 2 NOV 1788 | Tynron, Dumfries, Scotland | | | stanwardine |
James Goldie | ABT 1655 | | AFT 1703 | | stanwardine |
James Goldie | ABT 1679 | Closeburn, Dumfries, Scotland | 28 MAR 1762 | Tynron, Dumfries, Scotland | stanwardine |
James Goldie | 6 FEB 1764 | Tynron, Dumfries, Scotland | | | stanwardine |
James Goldie | ABT 1708 | Dumfries & Galloway | 17 JUN 1781 | | stanwardine |
James Ord Goldie | 8 MAY 1841 | Beaumont Street, Portland Place, London | 7 JUL 1919 | 12 Tisbury Rd, Hove, Sussex | stanwardine |
Janet Goldie | ABT 1680 | | | | stanwardine |
Jean Goldie | 8 FEB 1792 | Tynron, Dumfries, Scotland | | | stanwardine |
Jean Goldie | 19 OCT 1768 | Tynron, Dumfries, Scotland | | | stanwardine |
Jessie Margaret Goldie | 15 DEC 1862 | Colnbrook, Buckinghamshire, England | 15 FEB 1939 | Firwood Cottage, Bricket Wood, St Albans, Hertfordshire | stanwardine |
John Goldie | 25 SEP 1797 | Tynron, Dumfries, Scotland | MAY 1821 | Isle | stanwardine |
John Goldie | 1866 | Buckland, Vic | 23 DEC 1876 | Buckland, Vic | stanwardine |
John Goldie | 25 SEP 1797 | Tynron, Dumfries, Scotland | JUN 1881 | London, Middlesex, United Kingdom | stanwardine |
John Goldie | ABT 1677 | Craigmuie | SEP 1709 | Malplaquet | stanwardine |
John Goldie | ABT 1710 | | 23 JUN 1783 | Stenhouse, Tynron, Dumfries | stanwardine |
J Goldie | | | | | stanwardine |
John Goldie | BEF 1592 | | | | stanwardine |
John Goldie | 4 FEB 1767 | Tynron, Dumfries, Scotland | May-jun Qtr 1855 | Kensington, London, England | stanwardine |
John Archibald Goldie | JAN 1901 | Derby, Derbyshire, England | 1954 | | stanwardine |
John Barré Dupuis Goldie | 9 NOV 1919 | Hersham, Surrey, England | 21 MAR 1991 | Tollesbury Essex England | stanwardine |
John Harrison Dashwood Goldie | 11 SEP 1885 | New South Wales | 21 SEP 1976 | Adelaide, South Australia, Australia | stanwardine |
John Haviland Dashwood Goldie | 18 MAR 1849 | Horncastle, Lincolnshire, England | 12 APR 1896 | St Leonards On Sea, Hastings, Sussex, England | stanwardine |
John Henry Goldie | 10 OCT 1817 | Madras, India | Bet. Jan–Mar 1894 | Bath, Somerset, England | stanwardine |
John Henry Goldie | 1 AUG 1851 | Chittor Andhra Pradesh | 21 OCT 1922 | Leamington Spa, Warwickshire, England | stanwardine |
John Henry Goldie | 1 AUG 1851 | Chittor Andhra Pradesh | 21 OCT 1922 | Leamington Spa, Warwickshire, England | stanwardine |
John Henry Goldie | 1 SEP 1820 | London | | | stanwardine |
John Henry Goldie | 10 OCT 1817 | Madras, India | Jan- Mar 1894 | Bath, Somerset, England | stanwardine |
Julia Margaret Goldie | ABT 1860 | Roclary, East Indies | MAR 1945 | Tonbridge, Kent, England | stanwardine |
Julia Margaret Goldie | ABT 1860 | Roclary, East Indies | MAR 1945 | Tonbridge, Kent, England | stanwardine |
Juliette Euphemia Goldie | 20 MAR 1861 | Colnbrook, Buckinghamshire, England | 9 MAY 1928 | Oakdene, Brackley Road, Beckenham, Kent, England | stanwardine |
Kenneth Oswald Goldie | 19 SEP 1882 | Toungoo, Myanmar, Rangoon, Burma | 14 JAN 1938 | Willingdon Nursing Home, Madras, India | stanwardine |
Lancelot Lyttelton Goldie | 1 MAY 1872 | Elvaston, Derby, England | 1937 | | stanwardine |
Lionel Dashwood Goldie | JAN 1875 | Elvaston, Derby, England | 1957 | | stanwardine |
Louisa Francis Goldie | 1859 | Buckland Valley, Vic | 1940 | Hawthorn, Vic | stanwardine |
Mabel Douglas Goldie | 1 DEC 1864 | Colnbrook, Buckinghamshire, England | 22 MAR 1933 | 122 Beaufort St, Chelsea, London, England | stanwardine |
Margaret Goldie | 16 MAY 1787 | Tynron, Dumfries, Scotland | | | stanwardine |
Margaret Anna Goldie | 16 JUL 1861 | Buckland, Vic | 30 APR 1954 | | stanwardine |
Margaret Julia Goldie | 5 DEC 1814 | | Oct-dec 1/4 1879 | Bath, Somerset, England | stanwardine |
Mary Goldie | 31 MAY 1772 | Tynron, Dumfries, Scotland | 21 FEB 1779 | Stenhouse, Tynron, Dumfries | stanwardine |
Mary Goldie | 4 MAY 1793 | Stenhouse, Tynron, Dumfries, Scotland | 6 NOV 1870 | Upper Kirkudbright, Glencairn | stanwardine |
Mary Caroline Goldie | 1816 | Trichaopoly, India | 11 SEP 1883 | 8 Somerset Place, Bath | stanwardine |
Maud Goldie | ABT 1879 | Harlton, China | | | stanwardine |
Maude Violet Goldie | ABT 1888 | Richmond, Surrey, England | | | stanwardine |
Miriam Goldie | 20 NOV 1910 | Little Marlow, Buckinghamshire, England | 25 APR 2000 | Weybridge, Surrey, England | stanwardine |
Muriel Barrè Goldie | JUL 1897 | Derby, Derbyshire, England | JUL 1897 | | stanwardine |
Robert Goldie | ABT 1681 | Craigmuie | | | stanwardine |
Robert Goldie | 15 MAR 1765 | Tynron, Dumfries, Scotland | | | stanwardine |
Robert Goldie | 1695 | Dumfriesshire, Scotland | | | stanwardine |
Robert Goldie | ABT 1655 | Achenlek, Scotland | | | stanwardine |
Robert Henry Goldie | 1 JUN 1861 | Palamcollah, Madras, India | 29 MAY 1931 | Bath, Somerset, England | stanwardine |
Robert Henry Goldie | ABT 1881 | | | | stanwardine |
Robert Latter Goldie | JAN 1901 | Derby, Derbyshire, England | 1901 | | stanwardine |
Robert Lewis Matthew Goldie | 1877 | Bright, Vic | 1962 | | stanwardine |
Sarah Goldie | 21 MAY 1855 | | 1856 | | stanwardine |
Sarah Margaret Goldie | 25 JUN 1849 | Andhra Pradesh, India | 23 AUG 1936 | Eastbourne, Sussex, England | stanwardine |
Sarah Margaret Goldie | 25 JUN 1849 | Andhra Pradesh, India | 23 AUG 1936 | Eastbourne, Sussex, England | stanwardine |
Sarah Mary Goldie | 26 OCT 1864 | Buckland, Vic | 22 JUL 1966 | Bairnsdale, Vic | stanwardine |
Thomas Goldie | 1862 | Buckland, Vic | 18 DEC 1862 | Buckland, Vic | stanwardine |
Thomas Goldie | BEF 1599 | | ABT 1657 | | stanwardine |
Thomas Henry Goldie | 1868 | Buckland, Vic | 1888 | Buckland, Vic | stanwardine |
Thomas Joseph Goldie | 10 OCT 1822 | London | 1892 | Wandiligong, Victoria | stanwardine |
U Goldie | | | | | stanwardine |
Unknown Girl Goldie | ABT 1646 | Closeburn, Dumfries, Scotland | | | stanwardine |
Unknown Girl Goldie | ABT 1647 | Closeburn, Dumfries, Scotland | | | stanwardine |
Walter Goldie | 8 JUL 1776 | Tynron, Dumfries, Scotland | | | stanwardine |
William Goldie | 14 OCT 1790 | Tynron, Dumfries, Scotland | | | stanwardine |
Gomer | | | | | stanwardine |
Bertrade (Berteis) De Gometz | ABT 1010 | Gometz, Yvelines, Ile DE France, France | AFT 1051 | | stanwardine |
Bertrade de GOMETZ | ABT 1001 | Of, Ile De France, France | | | stanwardine |
Diego Gomez | 1334 | Toledo, New Castile, Spain | | | stanwardine |
Betty Good | 1790 | Huish Champflower, Somerset, England | | | stanwardine |
Mary Good | ABT 1785 | Somerset, England | | | stanwardine |
W Good | | | | | stanwardine |
P W C Goodchild | | | 5 FEB 1968 | | stanwardine |
U Gordia | | | | | stanwardine |
U Gordia | | | | | stanwardine |
Elizabeth Gordon | 1485 | Lochinver, Sutherland, Scotland | | | stanwardine |
J Gordon | | | | | stanwardine |
Mary Gordon | 1681 | Earlston, Berwick, Scotland | 1733 | | stanwardine |
Mary Emmeline Gordon | 16 SEP 1908 | Dixie, Peel, Ontario, Canada | 15 SEP 1993 | Bath, Somerset, England | stanwardine |
R Gordon | | | | | stanwardine |
R Gordon | | | | | stanwardine |
Muriel Beatrice Gordon-Lennox | 3 OCT 1884 | London, Middlesex, England | 31 OCT 1968 | | stanwardine |
Gorgythion | | | | | stanwardine |
G Goring | | | | | stanwardine |
Sir Forster Gurney Goring | 19 JUN 1876 | Lichfield, Staffordshire, England | 1 MAY 1956 | Worthing, Sussex, England | stanwardine |
Julia Harriet Gosling | ABT 1816 | | 31 AUG 1863 | Needs Farm, West Grinstead, Sussex, England | stanwardine |
M Gould | | | | | stanwardine |
Dorothy Patricia Harper Gow | 26 JUL 1926 | | | | stanwardine |
J Gow | | | | | stanwardine |
Elizabeth Leveson Gower | 20 JAN 1724 | | | | stanwardine |
Lucy Graham | 25 SEP 1793 | | 16 SEP 1875 | Walcott, England | stanwardine |
Elizabeth Laetitia Grahame | ABT 1874 | Toronto, Ontario, Canada | | | stanwardine |
Sarah Grant | | | 23 SEP 1839 | | stanwardine |
Grata | | | | | stanwardine |
Gratian | 388 | | | | stanwardine |
Gratian | 359 | Sirmium | 25 AUG 383 | Lyons | stanwardine |
Gratianus | ABT 290 | | | | stanwardine |
Gray | | | | | stanwardine |
Charles Patrick Gray | 18 OCT 1889 | | 4 NOV 1972 | | stanwardine |
Edward Joseph Gray | 1886 | | | | stanwardine |
George Henry Gray | 1852 | | 22 FEB 1920 | | stanwardine |
Hannah McIntosh Gray | 28 NOV 1903 | | 5 FEB 1997 | | stanwardine |
Henry Gray | ABT 1431 | Of, Kyloe, Northumberland, England | | | stanwardine |
John Meighan Gray | 8 MAY 1893 | Omeo, Vic | 16 MAY 1893 | Omeo, Vic | stanwardine |
Margaret Goldie Gray | 4 FEB 1900 | | 22 AUG 1980 | | stanwardine |
Mary Elizabeth Wallace Gray | 31 DEC 1908 | Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland | JAN 2004 | Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland | stanwardine |
Roseanna Gray | 1894 | | 21 SEP 1967 | | stanwardine |
Thomas Gray | 1889 | | 1966 | | stanwardine |
Constantine the Great | 27 FEB 275 | Naissus, Moesia Superior (Nish, Serbia) | 22 MAY 337 | Nicomedia, Bithynia | stanwardine |
Agnes Dorothea Brinchille Greaves | 18 APR 1894 | | | | stanwardine |
Agnes Mary Greaves | 9 JAN 1863 | | | | stanwardine |
Agnes Mary Greaves | 26 SEP 1895 | | JAN 1986 | | stanwardine |
A Greaves | 1980 | | | | stanwardine |
Anne Noemi Mary Greaves | 4 OCT 1929 | Crossroads, Saint Andrew, Jamaica | 12 OCT 2006 | Evanston, Cook, Illinois, USA | stanwardine |
Arthur Hilton Greaves | 4 NOV 1866 | | 1905 | | stanwardine |
C Greaves | 1947 | | | | stanwardine |
Cecilia Margaret Greaves | 30 APR 1869 | | 23 OCT 1896 | | stanwardine |
Cerdic Philip Franklin Greaves | 7 MAY 1896 | | 10 AUG 1896 | | stanwardine |
Daniel Greaves | 1 SEP 1828 | | 17 NOV 1865 | Stoneleigh, Dirker House, Oldham | stanwardine |
D Greaves | | | | | stanwardine |
Edith Anne Greaves | 1873 | | | | stanwardine |
Edward Greaves | 1862 | | 1863 | | stanwardine |
Eleanor Greaves | 4 SEP 1860 | | | | stanwardine |
Elsie Maude Greaves | 24 NOV 1891 | England | MAR 1960 | | stanwardine |
Ernest Harold Percy Greaves | 15 JUN 1898 | Mandeville, Jamaica | 7 OCT 1980 | Eastbourne, East Sussex, England | stanwardine |
Francis Margaret Greaves | 30 JAN 1897 | | | | stanwardine |
G Greaves | 1978 | | | | stanwardine |
George Greaves | 8 DEC 1829 | | JUN 1830 | | stanwardine |
Hannah Greaves | 23 SEP 1800 | Wall Hill, Saddleworth, Lancashire | 15 APR 1849 | Irwell Mills, Broughton | stanwardine |
Helen Greaves | 24 MAY 1824 | | 24 JAN 1826 | | stanwardine |
Henry Greaves | 11 JUN 1865 | | 6 DEC 1934 | | stanwardine |
Herbert Smethurst Greaves | 31 DEC 1858 | | | | stanwardine |
Hilton Greaves | 26 JUL 1817 | | 8 JUL 1818 | | stanwardine |
Hilton Greaves | 22 SEP 1822 | Moor Bottom, Oldham, Lancashire, England | 11 FEB 1895 | Derker, Oldham, Lancashire, England | stanwardine |
Honor Joan Greaves | 16 FEB 1898 | | | | stanwardine |
James Greaves | 16 MAR 1827 | | 1863 | | stanwardine |
James Greaves | 16 JUL 1855 | | 24 JUL 1932 | | stanwardine |
James Greaves | 22 OCT 1788 | | 7 JUN 1866 | Dirker House | stanwardine |
James Edward Greaves | 23 NOV 1819 | | 2 AUG 1823 | | stanwardine |
John Greaves | 23 JUL 1762 | Wall Hill, Saddleworth, Yorkshire, England | 27 SEP 1827 | Thorps, Saddleworth, Yorkshire, England | stanwardine |
John Greaves | 1821 | Oldham, Lancashire | 30 NOV 1840 | Oldham, Lancashire | stanwardine |
John Greaves | 19 MAY 1816 | | NOV 1878 | | stanwardine |
J Greaves | | | | | stanwardine |
John Greaves | 23 JUL 1762 | Wall Hill, Saddleworth, Lancashire, England | 27 SEP 1827 | New Fields, Saddleworth | stanwardine |
John Hall Greaves | 26 DEC 1863 | | 24 AUG 1897 | | stanwardine |
J Greaves | 1935 | | | | stanwardine |
Joseph Greaves | 18 OCT 1832 | | 16 AUG 1834 | Duck Pond near Home | stanwardine |
K Greaves | 1966 | | | | stanwardine |
Lucy Matilda Greaves | 1860 | | 19 OCT 1863 | | stanwardine |
M Greaves | 1980 | | | | stanwardine |
Mary Greaves | 14 APR 1786 | Wall Hill, Saddleworth, Yorkshire, England | 26 JUN 1861 | Greenacres Moor, Oldham, Lancashire, England | stanwardine |
Mary Greaves | 1 MAR 1821 | | 13 JUL 1875 | Mayfield, Higher Derker, Oldham | stanwardine |
Mary Ann Greaves | 12 AUG 1818 | | 2 JUL 1819 | | stanwardine |
Mary Hilton Greaves | 16 OCT 1856 | | 6 JUN 1896 | | stanwardine |
P Greaves | 1963 | | | | stanwardine |
Robert Greaves | BEF 7 DEC 1794 | | 21 DEC 1833 | | stanwardine |
Robert Thurston Greaves | 2 JUN 1870 | Derker Hall, Oldham | 17 AUG 1897 | Landikai, North West Frontier India | stanwardine |
Sarah Greaves | 19 NOV 1825 | Oldham, Lancashire, England | 19 MAR 1887 | Oldham, Lancashire | stanwardine |
Sarah Greaves | BEF 11 MAR 1798 | Wall Hill, Saddleworth, Yorks | 28 SEP 1844 | Oldham, Lancashire | stanwardine |
William Greaves | 31 MAY 1831 | | 1 NOV 1831 | | stanwardine |
William Hall Greaves | 1858 | | 1859 | | stanwardine |
William Harold Greaves | 14 APR 1865 | | 1 FEB 1935 | | stanwardine |
I Greeks | | | | | stanwardine |
P Greeks | | | | | stanwardine |
D Green | | | | | stanwardine |
Maud (Matilda) Green | 1490 | Northamptonshire, England | 1 DEC 1531 | England | stanwardine |
Mildred Deborah Green | 1888 | | | | stanwardine |
W Green | | | | | stanwardine |
C Greenway | | | | | stanwardine |
John Peter Cleveland Greenway | 3 APR 1925 | | | | stanwardine |
Thomas Cleveland Greenway | 4 JAN 1895 | | | | stanwardine |
Ethel Maude Gregson | JUL 1863 | Marylebone, London | OCT 1887 | Richmond, Surrey | stanwardine |
Greidiol | | | | | stanwardine |
Adeliza De Grentmesnelle | ABT 1065 | Normandy, France | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Dorothy Grenville | 1552 | | 30 AUG 1638 | | stanwardine |
Richard Grenville | 28 OCT 1526 | | 7 NOV 1604 | | stanwardine |
Richard Grenville | 10 SEP 1567 | | 8 APR 1618 | | stanwardine |
Richard De Grenville | ABT 1069 | Grainville-La-Teinturiere, Seine-Inferieure, Normandy, France | DECEASED | Bideford, Devonshire, England | stanwardine |
Albert De Greslet | ABT 1050 | Avranches, Normandy, France | ABT 1100 | Manchester, Lancashire, England | stanwardine |
Antony Gresley | 29 SEP 1903 | | 17 MAR 1954 | | stanwardine |
Joan Gresley | 11 JUL 1900 | | 20 JUL 1901 | | stanwardine |
Laurence Gresley | 3 MAR 1896 | | | | stanwardine |
Nigel Gresley | 22 APR 1894 | | 13 JAN 1974 | | stanwardine |
Robert Gresley | 1 FEB 1866 | | 27 DEC 1936 | | stanwardine |
Edward Grey | ABT 1477 | Chillingham, England | 6 DEC 1533 | | stanwardine |
E Grey | | | | | stanwardine |
Elizabeth Grey | ABT 1367 | Marmion, Tanfield, Yorkshire, England | BEF 14 DEC 1427 | Rotherfield, Oxfordshire, England | stanwardine |
Henry Grey | 1419 | | 13 JAN 1450 | | stanwardine |
Henry Grey | ABT 1470 | Of, Chillingham, Northumberland, England | | | stanwardine |
H Grey | | Wilton | | | stanwardine |
H Grey | | | | | stanwardine |
John Grey | 1384 | Berwick-upon-Tweed | 22 MAR 1421 | Battle of Baugé, Anjou | stanwardine |
L Grey | | Pirdo | | | stanwardine |
Miss Grey | ABT 1466 | Of, Chillingham, Northumberland, England | | | stanwardine |
Mr Grey | ABT 1437 | Of, Heton, Northumberland, England | | | stanwardine |
Philip Fitzrobert Lord De Grey | ABT 1122 | Wooton Basset & Broadtown, Wiltshire, England | 1167 | England | stanwardine |
Ralph Grey | ABT 1408 | Heaton, Warke, & Chillingham, Northumberland, England | 17 MAR 1442/1443 | France | stanwardine |
Ralph Grey | ABT 1432 | Chillingham, Northumberland, England | 15 JUL 1464 | Doncaster, Yorkshire, England | stanwardine |
R Grey | | | | | stanwardine |
Richard Grey | AFT 1477 | | 1483 | | stanwardine |
R Grey | | | | | stanwardine |
Robert Grey | ABT 1435 | Of, Heton, Northumberland, England | | | stanwardine |
Thomas Grey | ABT 1446 | Chillingham, Northumberland, England | 16 AUG 1498 | | stanwardine |
Thomas Grey | ABT 1430 | Chillingham, Northumberland, England | | | stanwardine |
Forne Fitzsigulf 1St Lord Of Greystoke | ABT 1050 | Nunburholme, Yorkshire, England | 1130 | Greystoke, Cumberland, England | stanwardine |
Ivo Lord Of Greystoke | ABT 1085 | Greystoke, Cumberland, England | 1156 | | stanwardine |
Ralph Greystroke | 15 AUG 1299 | Greystoke, Cumberland, England | 14 JUL 1332 | Gateshead, Durham, England 2 of poisoning | stanwardine |
William Greystroke | 6 JAN 1320/1321 | Grimthorpe, Lincolnshire, ENG | 20 JUL 1359 | Castle Bracepeth, Northumberland, ENG | stanwardine |
James Grier | 1604 | Capenoch, Dumfries, Scotland | 1666 | , Dumfries, Scotland | stanwardine |
A Grierson | | | | | stanwardine |
A Grierson | | | | | stanwardine |
Agnes Grierson | BEF 1599 | Lag, Dumfries, Scotland | 3 JAN 1664 | , , Scotland | stanwardine |
Alexander Grierson | BEF 1599 | | 1655 | , , Scotland | stanwardine |
Cuthbert Grierson | BEF 1498 | , , Scotland | 1514 | , , Scotland | stanwardine |
E Grierson | | | | | stanwardine |
Elizabeth Grierson | 1626 | Lag, Arran Island, Firth Of Clyde, Scotland | | | stanwardine |
Geillis Grierson | | | 1584 | | stanwardine |
Gilbert Grierson | BEF 1499 | , , Scotland | BEF 1514 | | stanwardine |
Grisel Grierson | BEF 1585 | , , Scotland | | | stanwardine |
H Grierson | | | | | stanwardine |
Helena Grierson | BEF 1597 | Lag, Dumfries, Scotland | | | stanwardine |
I Grierson | | , Dumfries, Scotland | | | stanwardine |
Janet Grierson | BEF 1514 | , , Scotland | | | stanwardine |
J Grierson | | | | | stanwardine |
John Grierson | 1500 | Lag, Dumfries, Scotland | 1566 | Dumfries, Dumfries, Scotland | stanwardine |
J Grierson | | | | | stanwardine |
John Grierson | BEF 1601 | , Dumfries, Scotland | | , , Scotland | stanwardine |
John Grierson | 1490 | , Dumfries, Scotland | 1566 | , Dumfries, Scotland | stanwardine |
Lancelot Grierson | AFT 1604 | Lag, Dumfries, Scotland | | , , Scotland | stanwardine |
Margaret Grierson | BEF 1514 | , , Scotland | | | stanwardine |
N Grierson | | | | | stanwardine |
R Grierson | | | | | stanwardine |
Robert Grierson | BEF 1598 | Lag, Dumfries, Scotland | 21 FEB 1654 | , Dumfries, Scotland | stanwardine |
Robert Grierson | 1580 | Lag | | | stanwardine |
Roger Grierson | 1532 | Lag, Dumfries, Scotland | AUG 1593 | Lag, Dumfries, Scotland | stanwardine |
Roger Grierson | | , Dumfries, Scotland | AUG 1593 | , , Scotland | stanwardine |
Roger Grierson | AFT 1474 | , Dumfries, Scotland | 9 SEP 1513 | Flodden Field, Branxton, Northumberland, England | stanwardine |
Ronald Hugh Grierson | 6 AUG 1921 | Nuremberg, Germany | 23 OCT 2014 | | stanwardine |
Sara Grierson | BEF 1598 | Lag, Dumfries, Scotland | | , , Scotland | stanwardine |
Sarah Grierson | 1602 | Arran Island, Firth Of Clyde, Scotland | | | stanwardine |
Sir William Grierson | ABT 1570 | Lag | | | stanwardine |
S Grierson | | | | | stanwardine |
T Grierson | | | | | stanwardine |
U Grierson | | | | | stanwardine |
William Grierson | ABT 1553 | Lag | 1629 | | stanwardine |
William Grierson | BEF 1600 | , Dumfries, Scotland | | , , Scotland | stanwardine |
William Grierson | 1529 | | 9 MAR 1562 | | stanwardine |
William Grierson | 1567/1575 | , Dumfries, Scotland | 21 JAN 1629 | , Dumfries, Scotland | stanwardine |
D Griffiths | | | | | stanwardine |
G Griffiths | 1948 | Edinburgh | | | stanwardine |
J Griffiths | 1938 | | | | stanwardine |
M Griffiths | 1935 | | | | stanwardine |
S Griffiths | 1942 | | | | stanwardine |
Mary Grigg | 1764 | | 1823 | | stanwardine |
Grimoald | | | 214 | | stanwardine |
Madog "Llwyd" ap , * Gruffudd | ABT 1320 | Nanheudwy, Denbighshire, Wales | | | stanwardine |
Nesta Verch Gruffudd | ABT 1056 | Rhuddlan, Flintshire, Wales | 1153 | | stanwardine |
Efa verch GRUFFYDD | ABT 1279 | | | | stanwardine |
Rhys ap GRUFFYDD | ABT 1300 | Whichnor, Stafford, England | 10 MAY 1356 | Austria-Hungary | stanwardine |
R Gudrodsson | | Agder | | | stanwardine |
Bertie Guest | 1925 | | | | stanwardine |
Corisande Guest | 1870 | | 1943 | | stanwardine |
Cornelia Guest | 1928 | | | | stanwardine |
Cynthia Guest | 1908 | | | | stanwardine |
Diana Guest | 1909 | | | | stanwardine |
Elaine Guest | 1871 | | | | stanwardine |
Frances Guest | 1869 | | 1957 | | stanwardine |
Frederick Guest | 1875 | | 1937 | | stanwardine |
Henry Guest | 1874 | | 1957 | | stanwardine |
Ivor Guest | 1903 | | | | stanwardine |
Ivor Guest | 1835 | | 1914 | | stanwardine |
Ivor Guest | 1873 | | 1939 | | stanwardine |
John Guest | 1913 | | | | stanwardine |
Lionel Guest | 1880 | | 1935 | | stanwardine |
L Guest | | | | | stanwardine |
Oscar Guest | 1888 | | 1958 | | stanwardine |
Patrick Guest | 1927 | | | | stanwardine |
Raymond Guest | 1907 | | | | stanwardine |
Rosamond Guest | 1877 | | 1947 | | stanwardine |
Rosemary Guest | 1906 | | | | stanwardine |
Winston Guest | 1906 | | | | stanwardine |
I Guntram | ABT 535 | | 592 | | stanwardine |
Agnis Guppy | BEF 9 MAR 1605 | | BEF 26 JAN 1622 | | stanwardine |
Agnis Guppy | BEF 9 MAR 1605 | | BEF 26 JAN 1622 | | stanwardine |
Alice Guppy | 2 DEC 1571 | | | | stanwardine |
Bessie Guppy | ABT 1859 | Falmouth, Cornwall, England | 30 NOV 1891 | | stanwardine |
Charlotte Guppy | BEF 31 MAR 1860 | Falmouth, Cornwall, England | | | stanwardine |
Christopher Guppy | BEF 20 JAN 1603 | Farway, Devon, England | | | stanwardine |
Christopher Guppy | BEF 20 JAN 1603 | Farway, Devon, England | | | stanwardine |
Edward Guppy | BEF 1802 | | BEF 13 MAR 1802 | | stanwardine |
Edward Guppy | BEF 24 JAN 1804 | | 26 JUL 1846 | Goldeacre House, Farway, Devon, England | stanwardine |
Elizabeth Guppy | BEF 30 OCT 1754 | | | | stanwardine |
Elizabeth Stokes Guppy | BEF 14 JAN 1817 | | 15 NOV 1831 | Somerset, England | stanwardine |
Elizabeth Stokes Guppy | BEF 8 DEC 1791 | Farway, Devon, England | 16 FEB 1873 | Bramble-hill, Honiton, Devon, England | stanwardine |
Elizabethe Guppy | BEF 14 OCT 1590 | | BEF 2 JUL 1636 | | stanwardine |
Elizabethe Guppy | BEF 14 OCT 1590 | | BEF 2 JUL 1636 | | stanwardine |
Florence Guppy | BEF 20 FEB 1595 | | BEF 12 MAY 1664 | | stanwardine |
Florence Guppy | BEF 20 FEB 1595 | | BEF 12 MAY 1664 | | stanwardine |
Grace Guppy | BEF 2 APR 1598 | Farway, Devon, England | | | stanwardine |
Grace Guppy | BEF 1683 | | BET 1729 AND 1732 | | stanwardine |
Grace Guppy | BEF 2 APR 1598 | Farway, Devon, England | | | stanwardine |
Henry Brougham Guppy | 23 DEC 1854 | Falmouth, Cornwall, England | 23 APR 1926 | Martinique | stanwardine |
John Guppy | ABT 1518 | | | | stanwardine |
John Guppy | BEF MAR 1574 | | | | stanwardine |
John Guppy | AFT 1679 | | BEF 16 AUG 1765 | | stanwardine |
John Guppy | BEF 21 MAR 1629 | | | | stanwardine |
Jonas Guppy | BEF 3 FEB 1593 | | BEF 1 FEB 1656 | | stanwardine |
Jonas Guppy | BEF 3 FEB 1593 | | BEF 1 FEB 1656 | | stanwardine |
Jonas Guppy | BEF 25 MAR 1658 | | BEF 23 JUL 1740 | | stanwardine |
Jonas Guppy | BEF 15 APR 1723 | Farway, Devon, England | 2 SEP 1787 | | stanwardine |
Jonas , of Sidbury Guppy | BEF 10 OCT 1793 | | BEF 8 MAY 1829 | | stanwardine |
Margaret Guppy | BEF 17 FEB 1632 | Farway, Devon, England | | | stanwardine |
Margret Guppy | BEF 1675 | | | | stanwardine |
Mary Guppy | BEF 20 DEC 1821 | Sidbury, Devon, England | | | stanwardine |
Mary Guppy | BEF 15 MAY 1758 | | BEF 1834 | | stanwardine |
Mary Guppy | BEF 25 JAN 1797 | Farway, Devon, England | BEF 30 SEP 1866 | Honiton Registration District, Devon, England | stanwardine |
Mary Guppy | BEF 20 OCT 1787 | | BEF 13 JUN 1788 | | stanwardine |
Mary Guppy | 1856 | Falmouth, Cornwall | 25 NOV 1939 | Bideford, Devon | stanwardine |
Peternell Guppy | BEF 21 DEC 1599 | | | | stanwardine |
Peternell Guppy | BEF 21 DEC 1599 | | | | stanwardine |
Richard Guppy | BEF 22 FEB 1601 | Farway, Devon, England | | | stanwardine |
Richard Guppy | ABT 1524 | Chardstock, Dorset, England | BEF 18 APR 1595 | Farway, Devon, England | stanwardine |
Richard Guppy | BEF 1 JUL 1573 | | | | stanwardine |
Richard Guppy | BEF 22 FEB 1601 | Farway, Devon, England | | | stanwardine |
Robert Guppy | ABT 1525 | | | | stanwardine |
Robert Guppy | ABT 1566 | | BEF 19 JUN 1591 | | stanwardine |
Sarah Guppy | BEF 7 FEB 1752 | Farway, Devon, England | | | stanwardine |
Susan Mary Guppy | BEF 17 OCT 1820 | Farway, Devon, England | 4 JUN 1838 | Wellington Registration District, Somerset, England | stanwardine |
Susannah Guppy | BEF 26 JUN 1786 | Farway, Devon, England | BEF 1834 | | stanwardine |
Thomas Stokes Guppy | 8 MAR 1862 | Falmouth, Cornwall, England | 22 SEP 1884 | Off Tory Island, County Donegal, Ireland | stanwardine |
Thomas Stokes Guppy | BEF 8 OCT 1819 | Sidbury, Devon, England | 12 NOV 1893 | Falmouth, Cornwall, England | stanwardine |
T Guppy | | | | | stanwardine |
William Guppy | ABT FEB 1592 | Farway, Devon, England | | | stanwardine |
William Guppy | ABT 1475 | | ABT 1527 | | stanwardine |
William Guppy | BEF 6 JUN 1753 | Farway, Devon, England | 5 FEB 1837 | | stanwardine |
William Guppy | ABT FEB 1592 | Farway, Devon, England | | | stanwardine |
William Guppy | ABT 1568 | | BEF 7 FEB 1656 | | stanwardine |
William Guppy | 24 DEC 1788 | Farway, Devon, England | BEF 21 OCT 1822 | | stanwardine |
William Guppy | BEF 16 MAY 1726 | Farway, Devon, England | BEF 20 MAY 1726 | | stanwardine |
William Guppy | BEF 1700 | | BEF 11 JUL 1766 | | stanwardine |
William , of Alston Guppy | ABT 1516 | | BET 27 SEP AND 12 OCT 1576 | | stanwardine |
William Good Guppy | 23 DEC 1854 | Falmouth, Cornwall, England | 17 NOV 1877 | Erzeroum, Armenia | stanwardine |
William Good Guppy | BEF 23 MAY 1818 | Sidbury, Devon, England | BEF 31 DEC 1866 | Taunton, Somerset, England | stanwardine |
A Gurvey | | | | | stanwardine |
L Guther | | | | | stanwardine |
Gweirydd | | | | | stanwardine |
Gwendolen | | | | | stanwardine |
Lorna Kathleen Gymer | 13 AUG 1922 | | 27 SEP 2018 | Shrewsbury, England | stanwardine |
Habibai | | | | | stanwardine |
Sarah Margaret Hadow | 1819 | Tamil Nadu, Madras, India | 1902 | | stanwardine |
Sarah Margaret Hadow | 1819 | Tamil Nadu, Madras, India | 1902 | | stanwardine |
Hadrian | 24 JAN 0076 | Italica, Baetica (Spain) | 138 | | stanwardine |
HAGAR | | | | | stanwardine |
Hague | | | | | stanwardine |
Basil Greaves Hague | 16 OCT 1881 | | | | stanwardine |
Daniel Hague | 6 MAR 1814 | | 24 AUG 1852 | | stanwardine |
Daniel Hague | 4 FEB 1852 | | | | stanwardine |
Edward Greaves Hague | 7 FEB 1893 | | | | stanwardine |
Ellen Hague | 6 MAR 1848 | Shaw, Lancashire | 4 JAN 1907 | | stanwardine |
G Hague | | | | | stanwardine |
Gertrude Mary Hague | 5 FEB 1878 | | | | stanwardine |
John Walker Hague | 5 DEC 1844 | | 20 APR 1913 | | stanwardine |
Joyce Hague | 23 FEB 1895 | | | | stanwardine |
Margaret Ethelyn Hague | 5 AUG 1876 | | | | stanwardine |
Mary Hague | 22 MAY 1846 | | 22 FEB 1908 | | stanwardine |
Phylis Hague | 16 APR 1888 | | | | stanwardine |
Richard Edward Masaroon Hague | 9 APR 1921 | | | | stanwardine |
Sarah Elizabeth Hague | 18 SEP 1850 | Ashton Under Lyne, Lancashire, United Kingdom | 23 MAR 1905 | Sandal, Metropolitan Borough of Wakefield, West Yorkshire, England | stanwardine |
Wilfred John Hague | 17 APR 1880 | | | | stanwardine |
Haigh | | | | | stanwardine |
Hannah Haigh | 1838 | | | | stanwardine |
Jane Haigh | 1830 | | | | stanwardine |
Joseph Haigh | 1828 | Lancashire, England | 19 MAY 1881 | 2 Lees St, Oldham, Lancashire, England | stanwardine |
Lawrence Haigh | 30 MAR 1798 | | 10 APR 1865 | | stanwardine |
Margaret Haigh | 1833 | | | | stanwardine |
M Haigh | | | | | stanwardine |
Mary Haigh | ABT 1776 | Norland | | | stanwardine |
Mary Ann Haigh | 1826 | Lancashire, England | 25 JAN 1844 | Lancashire, England | stanwardine |
M Haigh | | | | | stanwardine |
William Blacket Haigh | 1820 | Saddleworth, Yorkshire, England | 24 JUL 1883 | 38 Smith St, Oldham, Lancashire, England | stanwardine |
E Hain | | | | | stanwardine |
Richilde De Hainault | 1095 | Of Hainault, Belgium | AFT 1118 | | stanwardine |
Mary Hales | BEF 1709 | | 6 JUL 1724 | | stanwardine |
Mary Halkyard | 29 JUL 1744 | Cloughbottom | BEF 10 JUN 1775 | Bridge House, Dobcross | stanwardine |
Abraham Hall | ABT 1718 | Golcar Hall, West Yorkshire | | | stanwardine |
Ada Hall | 1904 | Saddleworth, Yorkshire | DEC 1929 | Saddleworth, Yorkshire West Riding, England | stanwardine |
Ada Louisa Hall | ABT 1869 | Saddleworth, Yorkshire, England | 3 DEC 1941 | Yorkshire, York, England | stanwardine |
Alfred Greaves Hall | 28 AUG 1867 | 1 (now 17) The Crescent, Salford, Lancashire | 11 DEC 1941 | 13 Alderson road, Harrogate | stanwardine |
Alice Hall | 11 JUN 1801 | Saddleworth, St Chad, Yorkshire, England | AUG 1826 | Glossop, Derbyshire, England | stanwardine |
Alice Hall | 1846 | Saddleworth, Yorkshire, England | 14 MAY 1925 | Lancashire, England | stanwardine |
Alice Hall | 1724 | | 1805 | | stanwardine |
Alice Maud Mary Hall | 4 MAY 1883 | Diggle, Yorkshire, England | JUL 1953 | Ashton, Lancashire, England | stanwardine |
A Hall | 1964 | Oldham | | | stanwardine |
Amelia Brooke Hall | 21 NOV 1894 | Mossley, Yorkshire, England | OCT 1980 | Oldham, Greater Manchester, England | stanwardine |
Anne Hall | 18 NOV 1814 | | 14 APR 1841 | | stanwardine |
Arthur Wellesley Hall | ABT 1852 | Saddleworth, Yorkshire, England | OCT 1901 | Oldham, Lancashire | stanwardine |
Beatrice Hall | 6 SEP 1877 | Diggle, Yorkshire, England | | | stanwardine |
Beatrice Lees Hall | 7 JUN 1898 | Mossley, Yorkshire, England | 29 SEP 1965 | Oldham | stanwardine |
Benjamin Hall | 28 DEC 1721 | Golcar | 13 APR 1805 | Wentworth | stanwardine |
Benjamin Hall | 1753 | | | | stanwardine |
Charles Hall | 1822 | Saddleworth, Yorkshire West Riding | 26 JUN 1825 | Sherbrooke Cottage, Saddleworth | stanwardine |
C Hall | | | | | stanwardine |
Edith Laura Hall | 11 AUG 1890 | Saddleworth, Yorkshire, England | APR 1968 | Saddleworth, Yorkshire West Riding, England | stanwardine |
Elizabeth Hall | ABT 1867 | Saddleworth, Yorkshire, England | | | stanwardine |
Elizabeth Hall | 14 OCT 1781 | | 15 JAN 1864 | | stanwardine |
Elizabeth Hall | 6 JUL 1807 | | 5 FEB 1890 | | stanwardine |
Ernest Hall | 16 MAY 1895 | Saddleworth, Yorkshire, England | MAR 1979 | Oldham, Greater Manchester, England | stanwardine |
George Harry Hall | ABT 1855 | Saddleworth, St Chad, Yorkshire, England | 20 JAN 1870 | Saddleworth, St Chad, Yorkshire, England | stanwardine |
Hannah Louise Greaves Hall | 29 NOV 1875 | 1 The Crescent, Salford, Lancashire | 18 JAN 1950 | Cheltenham, Gloucestershire | stanwardine |
Henry Platt Hall | 9 APR 1863 | 8 Crescent Parade, Salford, Lancashire | 15 DEC 1949 | Pentrehylin Hall, Llanymynech | stanwardine |
Herbert William Hall | ABT 1849 | Saddleworth, Yorkshire, England | 26 DEC 1882 | Diggle Yorkshire, England | stanwardine |
Horace Hall | 20 OCT 1899 | Saddleworth, Yorkshire, England | MAR 1972 | Blackpool, Lancashire, England | stanwardine |
James Hall | ABT 1807 | Saddleworth, St Chad, Yorkshire, England | 27 APR 1810 | Saddleworth, St Chad, Yorkshire, England | stanwardine |
James Hall | 1837 | Saddleworth, Yorkshire, England | 27 SEP 1886 | Sherbrooke Cottage, Saddleworth, Yorkshire, England | stanwardine |
James Hall | BEF 21 NOV 1779 | Saddleworth, St Chad, Yorkshire, England | 8 DEC 1859 | Sherbrooke Cottage, Saddleworth | stanwardine |
James Hall | 1745 | Saddleworth, St Chad, Yorkshire, England | 4 SEP 1812 | Saddleworth, St Chad, Yorkshire, England | stanwardine |
James Hall | ABT 1787 | | 26 DEC 1850 | Golcar | stanwardine |
James George Hall | 1815 | | 24 JAN 1829 | Sherbrooke Cottage, Saddleworth | stanwardine |
James Hamilton Hall | OCT 1847 | Saddleworth, Yorkshire, England | OCT 1862 | Saddleworth, St Chad, Yorkshire, England | stanwardine |
Jane Hall | 8 OCT 1816 | | 19 DEC 1894 | | stanwardine |
Jane Hall | 10 JUL 1809 | | 15 OCT 1810 | | stanwardine |
John Hall | ABT 1777 | | 1798 | Age 26 | stanwardine |
John Hall | ABT 23 DEC 1719 | | ABT 20 OCT 1769 | | stanwardine |
John Hall | 5 APR 1803 | Manchester | 5 JAN 1861 | Preston | stanwardine |
John Hall | ABT 1635 | Southowram, England | | | stanwardine |
John Higginbottom Hall | ABT 1850 | Saddleworth, Yorkshire, England | 27 OCT 1876 | greenbank house diggle yorkshire | stanwardine |
John Sherbrooke Hall | JAN 1820 | Saddleworth, St Chad, Yorkshire, England | 1 JAN 1884 | Birkdale, Lancashire, England | stanwardine |
Joseph Hall | ABT 1784 | | | | stanwardine |
Joseph Platt Hall | 8 SEP 1864 | 8 Crescent Parade, Salford, Lancashire | 10 JUN 1934 | Hurst, Clunton, Aston-on-Clun, Shropshire | stanwardine |
Joseph Whitehead Hall | 1809 | Saddleworth, St Chad, Yorkshire, England | 6 MAY 1890 | St. John, Canada | stanwardine |
Joseph Whitehead Hall | ABT 1874 | Saddleworth, Yorkshire, England | | | stanwardine |
Joshua Hall | 1750 | Golcar, West Yorkshire | 1802 | Heights, North Crosland, Almondbury | stanwardine |
Joshua Hall | 20 APR 1652 | Golcar, West Yorkshire | 8 DEC 1729 | Huddersfield | stanwardine |
M Hall | | | | | stanwardine |
Margaret Goldie Hall | 15 DEC 1929 | Windsor Road, Oldham, Lancashire | | | stanwardine |
Marshall Legh Hall | 1856 | Diggle, Saddleworth, Yorkshire, England | JUL 1911 | Saddleworth, Yorkshire West Riding | stanwardine |
Martha Hall | 12 SEP 1813 | | 28 SEP 1813 | | stanwardine |
Martha Hall | 1782 | | 7 DEC 1822 | | stanwardine |
Mary Hall | 13 JUL 1804 | Saddleworth, St Chad, Yorkshire, England | 9 JUL 1807 | Saddleworth, St Chad, Yorkshire, England | stanwardine |
Mary Hall | 10 NOV 1811 | Yorkshire, England | 19 APR 1836 | Saddleworth, St Chad, Yorkshire, England | stanwardine |
Mary Hall | ABT 1890 | Manchester, Lancashire, England | 1892 | | stanwardine |
Mary Hall | 29 DEC 1876 | Diggle, Yorkshire, England | | | stanwardine |
Mary Hall | ABT 1722 | | 20 OCT 1802 | | stanwardine |
Mary Hall | ABT 1783 | | | | stanwardine |
Mary Alice Hall | ABT 1834 | Yorkshire, England | 4 APR 1848 | Ordsall Hill, Salford, Lancashire, England | stanwardine |
Mary Alice Hall | 12 MAR 1864 | Saddleworth, Yorkshire, England | 26 MAR 1944 | | stanwardine |
Mary Alice Duncuft Hall | ABT 1888 | Diggle, Yorkshire, England | NOV 1938 | Saddleworth, Yorkshire West Riding, England | stanwardine |
Mary Anne Hall | 2 MAY 1805 | Huddersfield | 1 NOV 1892 | | stanwardine |
Miss Hall | 1752 | | | | stanwardine |
Miss Hall | 1754 | | | | stanwardine |
N Hall | 1966 | Oldham | | | stanwardine |
Peter Macmillan Hall | 28 NOV 1927 | Pentrehylin Hall, Llanymynech | 19 JAN 1934 | Union Street, Oldham | stanwardine |
Robert Reid Hall | 24 FEB 1935 | Wellington Lodge, Oldham | 23 MAR 2022 | Shrewsbury Hospital | stanwardine |
Sarah Hall | 1778 | | 1838 | | stanwardine |
Sarah Hall | 17 OCT 1811 | | 25 DEC 1904 | Broughton | stanwardine |
Sarah Ann Barlow Hall | ABT 1862 | Saddleworth, St Chad, Yorkshire, England | 20 FEB 1864 | Saddleworth, St Chad, Yorkshire, England | stanwardine |
Stanley Edward Hall | ABT 1859 | Saddleworth, Yorkshire, England | | | stanwardine |
S Hall | 1962 | Oldham | | | stanwardine |
Wilfred Hall | 30 OCT 1886 | Saddleworth, Yorkshire, England | APR 1959 | Saddleworth, Yorkshire West Riding, England | stanwardine |
William Hall | 17 APR 1820 | | 3 DEC 1891 | Prestwich Lunatic Asylum | stanwardine |
William Hall | ABT 1752 | | | | stanwardine |
William Hall | 24 MAR 1825 | Derkir, Greenacres Moor, Oldham, Lancashire | 18 MAR 1887 | Gorse Bank, Werneth, Oldham | stanwardine |
William Hall | 26 OCT 1779 | Golcar Old Hall, Huddersfield | 4 JUL 1854 | Irwell Mills, Broughton | stanwardine |
William Dehown Hall | 1823 | Saddleworth, Yorkshire, England | 2 MAY 1901 | Diggle, Yorkshire, England | stanwardine |
William Dehown Hall | JUL 1861 | Saddleworth, St Chad, Yorkshire, England | AUG 1862 | Saddleworth, St Chad, Yorkshire, England | stanwardine |
William Dehown Hall | 10 OCT 1878 | Diggle, Yorkshire, England | 19 MAR 1951 | New Brighton, Wallasey, Liverpool, Lancashire, England | stanwardine |
William Henry Sherbrooke Hall | 2 MAR 1869 | Saddleworth, Yorkshire, England | 17 FEB 1942 | Sherbrooke Farm, Diggle, Saddleworth | stanwardine |
William Reid Hall | 10 MAR 1893 | Oldham, Lancashire, England | 23 JUL 1968 | Melyniog, Llansantffraid | stanwardine |
William Victor Hall | 1885 | Diggle, Yorkshire, England | 27 AUG 1918 | Croisilles, France | stanwardine |
Ham | | 3632 B.C. | | | stanwardine |
HAM | | | | | stanwardine |
Mary Ham | ABT 1731 | | 10 NOV 1801 | | stanwardine |
A Hamilton | | | | | stanwardine |
Caroline Emily Hamilton | 17 MAR 1858 | Liverpool, Lancashire | | | stanwardine |
Cynthia Elinor Beatrix Hamilton | 1897 | | 1972 | | stanwardine |
Edward Douglas Malcomson Hamilton | 28 MAR 1864 | Liverpool, Lancashire | | | stanwardine |
Ethel Maud Hamilton | 1866 | | | | stanwardine |
H Hamilton | | | | | stanwardine |
Ida Mary Hamilton | OCT 1862 | Liverpool, Lancashire | | | stanwardine |
James Hamilton | 1475 | | | | stanwardine |
Janet Hamilton | 1517 | | | | stanwardine |
Kathleen Hamilton | 6 DEC 1892 | Liverpool | SEP 1973 | Petersfield, Hampshire | stanwardine |
L Hamilton | | | | | stanwardine |
L Hamilton | | | | | stanwardine |
L Hamilton | | | | | stanwardine |
L Hamilton | | | | | stanwardine |
L Hamilton | | | | | stanwardine |
Lylie Ethel Hamilton | 30 APR 1889 | Liverpool | | | stanwardine |
R Hamilton | | | | | stanwardine |
Robert Hamilton | 1827 | Ipswich, Suffolk | 28 AUG 1914 | Portrush, Co Antrim | stanwardine |
Robert Ainslie Hamilton | 13 AUG 1894 | Liverpool | 28 MAR 1918 | Killed In Action, Somme | stanwardine |
Robert Jessop Hamilton | 26 MAY 1859 | Liverpool | 16 SEP 1918 | Liverpool, Lancashire | stanwardine |
JOHN @ HAMPDEN | ABT 1595 | | 1643 | | stanwardine |
Maud Hampden | ABT 1203 | Hampton, Buckinghamshire, ENG | | | stanwardine |
R Hampson | | | | | stanwardine |
Emma Charlotte Hanbury | 1849 | Lambton, Monmouthshire | 30 MAR 1921 | Easington, Durham | stanwardine |
Elizabeth (Betty) Hancock | 24 JUL 1763 | Wiveliscombe, Somerset | MAR 1846 | Wellington, Somerset | stanwardine |
Helen Handley | 1803 | | | | stanwardine |
Edward Hanmer | 1570 | | | | stanwardine |
Hannibalianus | | | | | stanwardine |
Ann Hardman | BEF 1 MAY 1754 | Prestwich, England | | | stanwardine |
J Hardman | | | | | stanwardine |
Eliza Hardwick | 1816 | Lofthouse, Yorkshire | | | stanwardine |
John Hardwick | 15 OCT 1785 | Lofthouse, Yorkshire | | | stanwardine |
R Hardwick | | | | | stanwardine |
Amos S Hardy | 1826 | Hollis, Hillsborough, NH | 3 NOV 1833 | | stanwardine |
Cyrus Edmund Hardy | 29 SEP 1818 | Hollis, Hillsborough, NH | 6 FEB 1878 | | stanwardine |
Daniel Webster Hardy | 13 MAY 1831 | Hollis, Hillsborough, NH | | | stanwardine |
Deborah Jane Hardy | 26 MAR 1824 | Dublin, Cheshire, NH | 25 DEC 1883 | Miller Co, MO | stanwardine |
Elizabeth Hardy | 7 JAN 1820 | Hollis, Hillsborough, NH | 20 NOV 1877 | | stanwardine |
Elizabeth Hardy | 8 MAY 1814 | Hollis, Hillsborough, NH | 27 SEP 1817 | | stanwardine |
Evan Michael Pearce Hardy | 13 NOV 1927 | | | | stanwardine |
Harriet Hardy | 2 MAY 1815 | Hollis, Hillsborough, NH | 20 DEC 1830 | | stanwardine |
Lucy Hardy | 25 NOV 1792 | Dublin, Cheshire, NH | 19 JAN 1885 | Marlborough, Cheshire, NH | stanwardine |
Lucy Hardy | 11 JUL 1817 | Hollis, Hillsborough, NH | | | stanwardine |
Moses Hardy | 26 MAY 1816 | Hollis, Hillsborough, NH | | | stanwardine |
Moses Hardy | 14 SEP 1786 | Dublin, Cheshire, NH | 7 FEB 1854 | Hollis, Hillsborough, NH | stanwardine |
Samuel Sargent Hardy | 7 SEP 1822 | Hollis, Hillsborough, NH | | | stanwardine |
Thomas Hardy | 22 FEB 1821 | | 3 MAR 1869 | | stanwardine |
B Hare | | | | | stanwardine |
Edith Muriel Hargreaves | OCT 1871 | Leckhampton, Gloucestershire | 20 APR 1954 | Cirencester, Gloucestershire | stanwardine |
Evelyne Lucy Hargreaves | 30 MAR 1869 | | 1 MAR 1919 | | stanwardine |
John Hargreaves | 30 APR 1842 | Hindley, Lancashire | 13 APR 1900 | Leckhampton Court, Leckhampton | stanwardine |
T Hargreaves | | | | | stanwardine |
C Harper | | | | | stanwardine |
Elisabeth Harper | 1830 | | 1875 | | stanwardine |
L Harper | | | | | stanwardine |
T Harper | | | | | stanwardine |
V Harris | 1953 | | | | stanwardine |
Douglas Goldie Harrison | 28 AUG 1888 | Kensington, Middlesex, England | MAR 1974 | St Albans, Hertfordshire, England | stanwardine |
E Harrison | | | | | stanwardine |
Frederick Harrison | ABT 1845 | Croydon, Surrey, England | 31 DEC 1914 | Mesopotamia | stanwardine |
Jack Vincent Goldie Harrison | 9 NOV 1892 | Kensington, Middlesex, England | 1 AUG 1930 | St Albans, Hertfordshire, England | stanwardine |
Maud Ellen Sylvester Harrison | 14 JAN 1862 | Beckenham, Kent, England | 30 JUL 1952 | New South Wales, Australia | stanwardine |
Ann Harrop | 20 OCT 1713 | Mottram In Longdendale, Cheshire, England | BEF 3 OCT 1752 | | stanwardine |
M Harrop | | | | | stanwardine |
Elizabeth Harthern | 1866 | Audlem, Cheshire | | | stanwardine |
Thomas Harthern | 1838 | Shevington, Cheshire, England | | | stanwardine |
Mary Hastings | 1770 | | 23 FEB 1837 | Barbuie, Dumfriesshire | stanwardine |
T Hastings | | | | | stanwardine |
Anne Hatch | BEF 3 DEC 1626 | Wye, Ashford, Kent, England | 1697 | Marshfield, Plymouth, MA | stanwardine |
William , Elder Hatch | 1598 | Tenterden or Wye, Ashford, Kent, England | 6 NOV 1651 | Scituate, Plymouth, MA | stanwardine |
Hawise | | | 1217 | | stanwardine |
George Edward Haworth | 1849 | Accrington, Lancashire | 1851 | Accrington, Lancashire | stanwardine |
John Haworth | ABT 1815 | ACCRINGTON Lancashire England | | | stanwardine |
Lavinia Haworth | 1846 | Accrington, Lancashire | 1850 | Accrington, Lancashire | stanwardine |
Nancy Haworth | 1851 | ACCRINGTON Lancashire England | 1916 | Bury, Lancashire | stanwardine |
Susannah Haworth | 1853 | Broughton, ACCRINGTON, Lancashire, England | 20 DEC 1926 | Rydal Mount, Glebelands road, Prestwich, Lancashire, England | stanwardine |
Margaret Hay | 1400 | Angus Scotland | | | stanwardine |
Jane Malet Hayden | | | 3 MAY 1901 | | stanwardine |
T Hayden | | | | | stanwardine |
Aubreye De La Haye | 984 | Pont-Audemer, Eure, Normandy, France | 20 SEP 1045 | | stanwardine |
D Hayes | 1959 | | | | stanwardine |
P Hayes | | ?; TAG v57no1p31 | | | stanwardine |
W Hayes | | | | | stanwardine |
L Hayter | | | | | stanwardine |
M Headlam | 1972 | Gloucester | | | stanwardine |
A Heald | 1972 | | | | stanwardine |
A Heald | | | | | stanwardine |
J Heald | 1968 | | | | stanwardine |
Lionel Heald | 7 AUG 1897 | Parrs Wood, Didsbury, Lancashire | 8 NOV 1981 | Chilworth Manor, Guildford | stanwardine |
S Heald | 2006 | Edinburgh | | | stanwardine |
T Heald | 2008 | Edinburgh | | | stanwardine |
W Heap | | | | | stanwardine |
Mary Heartley | 1775 | | MAR 1854 | Accrington, Lancashire | stanwardine |
Hecuba | | | | | stanwardine |
Mary Heginbottom | 31 MAY 1820 | Saddleworth, St Chad, Yorkshire, England | 9 JUL 1898 | Uppermill, Yorkshire, England | stanwardine |
Gruffydd ap HEILIN | ABT 1275 | | | | stanwardine |
Hektor | | | | | stanwardine |
Helen of Galloway | ABT 1208 | ?; of Carrick, Ayrshire, Scotland | AFT 21 NOV 1245 | ENG | stanwardine |
Helicon | | | | | stanwardine |
M Helliwell | | | | | stanwardine |
C Helvia | | | | | stanwardine |
Vera Helyar | 29 JAN 1918 | Bournemouth | 20 MAR 2007 | Lytham, Lancashire | stanwardine |
Caroline Henrietta | 1820 | | 1895 | | stanwardine |
Eills Henrietta Galilee | APR 1881 | Liverpool, Lancashire, England | 30 SEP 1965 | Shrewsbury, Shropshire, England | stanwardine |
HENRY | ABT 1175 | ?; of Aldithley | 1246 | | stanwardine |
Robert Henry Hepburn-Stuart-Forbes-Trefusis | 1 JUL 1888 | | 1 JUL 1958 | | stanwardine |
Arthur Frederick Herbert | 10 DEC 1856 | | 21 FEB 1907 | | stanwardine |
Beatrice Mary Herbert | | | 27 AUG 1931 | | stanwardine |
Charlotte Elizabeth Herbert | 1821 | | 15 MAY 1906 | | stanwardine |
Christian Victor Charles Herbert | 28 MAY 1904 | | 1988 | | stanwardine |
David Mark Herbert | 2 JAN 1927 | | | | stanwardine |
Dorothy Marguerite Elizabeth Herbert | ABT 1894 | | 25 DEC 1956 | | stanwardine |
Edward Herbert | ABT 1717 | | | | stanwardine |
Edward James Herbert | 5 NOV 1818 | | 7 MAY 1891 | London, England, United Kingdom | stanwardine |
Edward Robert Henry Herbert | 19 MAY 1889 | | 1974 | | stanwardine |
Edward William Herbert | 22 MAR 1855 | | 28 DEC 1924 | | stanwardine |
Elizabeth Barbarina Herbert | 30 APR 1928 | | | | stanwardine |
George Herbert | 25 NOV 1825 | | 15 MAR 1894 | | stanwardine |
George Charles Herbert | 24 JUN 1862 | London, England, United Kingdom | 9 NOV 1952 | | stanwardine |
George William Herbert | 4 JUN 1925 | | 1993 | | stanwardine |
Graham Cludde Herbert | 19 NOV 1856 | | 24 SEP 1917 | | stanwardine |
Henrietta Antonia Herbert | 3 SEP 1758 | | 3 JUN 1830 | Walcott, England | stanwardine |
Henry Edward Herbert | 28 JUN 1861 | | 8 AUG 1865 | | stanwardine |
Henry James Herbert | 10 MAR 1882 | | 14 NOV 1911 | | stanwardine |
Hermione Gwladys Herbert | 17 SEP 1900 | | | | stanwardine |
L Herbert | | | | | stanwardine |
L Herbert | | | | | stanwardine |
L Herbert | | | | | stanwardine |
L Herbert | | | | | stanwardine |
L Herbert | | | | | stanwardine |
L Herbert | | | | | stanwardine |
L Herbert | | | | | stanwardine |
Lucy Caroline Herbert | ABT 1819 | | 3 MAY 1884 | | stanwardine |
Magdalen Lucy Herbert | 26 JUL 1864 | | 27 OCT 1957 | | stanwardine |
Margaret Augusta Herbert | | | 7 JUL 1952 | | stanwardine |
Mary Anne Herbert | | | 10 JUL 1942 | | stanwardine |
Mervyn Horatio Herbert Herbert | 7 MAY 1904 | | MAR 1943 | | stanwardine |
Percy Egerton Herbert | 15 APR 1822 | | 7 OCT 1876 | | stanwardine |
Percy Mark Herbert | 24 APR 1885 | | 22 JAN 1968 | | stanwardine |
Percy Robert Herbert | 2 DEC 1892 | | 13 OCT 1916 | | stanwardine |
Phyllis Hedworth Camilla Herbert | ABT 1898 | | | | stanwardine |
Robert Charles Herbert | 24 JUN 1827 | | 31 OCT 1902 | | stanwardine |
William Henry Herbert | 8 FEB 1834 | | 29 JAN 1909 | | stanwardine |
Winifred Lucy Elizabeth Herbert | | | 28 DEC 1948 | | stanwardine |
Lucy Of Hereford | ABT 1142 | Bwlch Y Dinas, Brecknockshire, Wales | AFT 1219 | Blaen Llyfni, Brecknockshire, Wales | stanwardine |
Heremod | | | | | stanwardine |
Herod | ABT 0037 BC | | 12 APR 0004 BC | | stanwardine |
N Herys | | | | | stanwardine |
L Hesbaye | | | | | stanwardine |
Arnulf (Ernulf) Seigneur De Hesdin | ABT 1038 | Hesdin, Picardy, France | AFT 1091 | England | stanwardine |
Aveline De Hesdin | ABT 1076 | Hesdin, Pas-DE-Calais, Normandy, France | 1126 | | stanwardine |
Gerard Seigneur De Hesdin | ABT 1015 | Hesdin, Picardy, France | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Matilda De Hesdin | ABT 1060 | Toddingham, Bedfordshire, England | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Mrs. Gerard 1015 De Hesding | | | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Hesione | | | | | stanwardine |
L Hewlett | | | | | stanwardine |
J Heywood | | | | | stanwardine |
Sarah Heywood | | Gatehead | BEF 6 JUL 1752 | | stanwardine |
Annie Hibbert | 1848 | | | | stanwardine |
Elija Hibbert | 1801 | Lancashire, England | 1846 | Lancashire, England | stanwardine |
Henry Hibbert | 1841 | | 1913 | | stanwardine |
John Tomlinson Hibbert | 5 JAN 1824 | Oldham | 7 NOV 1908 | Cumbria | stanwardine |
Percy John Hibbert | SEP 1850 | Bowdon, Cheshire | 29 SEP 1926 | Grange-over-Sands, Lancashire | stanwardine |
Thomas J Hibbert | 1831 | | | | stanwardine |
Hicetaon | | | | | stanwardine |
Hieromneme | | | | | stanwardine |
Gertrude Higginbottom | APR 1866 | Derby, Derbyshire, England | 18 SEP 1952 | Bath, Somerset, England | stanwardine |
Hildegarde | 777 | Aachen, Germany | | | stanwardine |
A Hill | | | | | stanwardine |
Anne Hill | BEF 1699 | | 25 APR 1752 | | stanwardine |
Anne Hill | 23 JUN 1742 | | 10 SEP 1831 | Henrietta Street, Covent Garden, England | stanwardine |
B Hill | | | | | stanwardine |
C Hill | | | | | stanwardine |
E Hill | | | | | stanwardine |
Fergus Hill | ABT 1844 | | | Essex, England | stanwardine |
J Hill | | | | | stanwardine |
Laura Ellen Hill | ABT 1870 | Newton Heath, Lancashire, England | 6 DEC 1937 | Ashton, Lancashire, England | stanwardine |
Lizzie Hill | 1878 | | 4 NOV 1967 | Lytham St Anne's, Lancashire | stanwardine |
Michael Hill | ABT 1672 | | 1699 | | stanwardine |
M Hill | | | | | stanwardine |
Trevor 1st Viscount Hillsborough Hill | 1693 | | 3 MAY 1742 | | stanwardine |
W Hill | | | | | stanwardine |
W Hill | | | | | stanwardine |
Arthur 1st Viscount Dungannon Hill-Trevor | BEF 1699 | | 1771 | | stanwardine |
Mary Hilton | 26 MAY 1793 | St Mary, Oldham, Lancashire, England | 27 DEC 1867 | Oldham, Lancashire, England | stanwardine |
Himiltrude | 746 | Aachen, Rhineland, Prussia | | | stanwardine |
M Himmers | 1932 | | | | stanwardine |
H Hinchcliffe | | Leeds | | | stanwardine |
Ernest Darby Hinchliffe | 1904 | Huddersfield, Yorkshire | | | stanwardine |
Ethel Myra Hinchliffe | 1906 | Huddersfield, Yorkshire | | | stanwardine |
Herbert Hinchliffe | 1876 | Holmbridge, Yorkshire | | | stanwardine |
Jessie May Hinchliffe | 29 MAY 1908 | Huddersfield, Yorkshire | 1989 | | stanwardine |
L Hinde | | | | | stanwardine |
L Hinde | | | | | stanwardine |
L Hinde | | | | | stanwardine |
L Hinde | | | | | stanwardine |
S Hinde | | | | | stanwardine |
Elizabeth Mary Hinmers | 21 APR 1924 | | | | stanwardine |
John Reid Hinmers | 12 JUL 1894 | Altrincham | 5 MAY 1937 | Upper Overton, Bridgnorth, Shropshire | stanwardine |
J Hinmers | | | | | stanwardine |
John Stewart Hinmers | 25 NOV 1920 | Shrewsbury, Shropshire, England | 18 OCT 1985 | Codsall, Staffordshire | stanwardine |
Joseph Hinmers | | | 30 JUL 1923 | | stanwardine |
Joseph William Hinmers | 14 FEB 1929 | | | | stanwardine |
J Hinmers | | | | | stanwardine |
Mary Hinmers | 27 AUG 1926 | | | | stanwardine |
William Hinmers | 15 MAR 1893 | | | | stanwardine |
William Reid Hinmers | 24 MAY 1922 | | | | stanwardine |
Hippnous | | | | | stanwardine |
Hippodamas | | | | | stanwardine |
Hippodameia | | | | | stanwardine |
Hippothous | | | | | stanwardine |
Hloritha | | | | | stanwardine |
Ann Lynette Hoare | 30 SEP 1923 | | | | stanwardine |
A Hoare | 1953 | | | | stanwardine |
B Hoare | 1934 | | | | stanwardine |
C Hoare | 1955 | | | | stanwardine |
Edward Melville Brodie Hoare | 18 DEC 1918 | | 22 NOV 2006 | Ewhurst, Surrey, England, United Kingdom | stanwardine |
H Hoare | 1936 | | | | stanwardine |
M Hoare | 1957 | | | | stanwardine |
Peter Keith Hoare | 2 JAN 1921 | | 10 JUL 1943 | Killed In Action | stanwardine |
R Hoare | | | | | stanwardine |
A Hobhouse | 1991 | Perth, Perthshire | | | stanwardine |
D Hobhouse | 1957 | | | | stanwardine |
J Hobhouse | 1994 | | | | stanwardine |
L Hoddle | | | | | stanwardine |
E Hodge | | | | | stanwardine |
Edward Stephen Hodge | 4 OCT 1946 | | 1980 | | stanwardine |
R Hodgson | | | | | stanwardine |
W Hodgson | | | | | stanwardine |
Lydia Cheek HODSON | | | 20 MAY 1880 | | stanwardine |
Eleanor de HOLAND | ABT 1407 | ?; of Kenilworth, Warwickshire, ENG | | | stanwardine |
Ellen Holden | ABT 1716 | | | | stanwardine |
H Holden | | | | | stanwardine |
L Holden | | | | | stanwardine |
L Holden | | | | | stanwardine |
L Holden | | | | | stanwardine |
L Holden | | | | | stanwardine |
Mary Holden | 1718 | | | | stanwardine |
Richard Arthur Shuttleworth Holden | | | 25 DEC 1983 | | stanwardine |
= Holland | | | | | stanwardine |
Alianore Holland | 1372 | Up Holland, Wigan, Lancashire, England | 18 OCT 1405 | , Bisham, Berkshire, England | stanwardine |
Edmund de HOLLAND | 6 JAN 1382/1383 | Brockenhurst, Kent, ENG | 15 SEP 1408 | Ile De Brehat, Cotes-Du-Nord, France; killed | stanwardine |
Eleanor Holland | 1373 | Upholland, Lancashire, England | 18 OCT 1405 | | stanwardine |
Joan Holland | 1380 | | 1434 | | stanwardine |
Joan de HOLLAND | ABT 1380 | Upholland, ENG | 12 APR 1434 | | stanwardine |
Margaret Holland | 1381 | | 31 DEC 1439 | | stanwardine |
Robert de HOLLAND | 1283 | Upholand, Lancashire, ENG | 17 OCT 1328 | Boreham Wood, ENG; illegally beheaded | stanwardine |
Mary HOLLINS | | | 1743 | Burslem | stanwardine |
J Hollowood | | | | | stanwardine |
Annie Holroyd | 1847 | Marsden, Yorkshire | 1927 | | stanwardine |
Edith Holroyd | 1892 | | | | stanwardine |
John W Holroyd | 1853 | Marsden, Yorkshire | | | stanwardine |
Sarah J Holroyd | 1850 | Marsden, Yorkshire | | | stanwardine |
William Holroyd | 1826 | Marsden, Yorkshire | | | stanwardine |
L Holt | | | | | stanwardine |
L Holt | | | | | stanwardine |
Martin Drummond Vesey Holt | | | 2 NOV 1956 | | stanwardine |
Sarah Holt | 7 SEP 1866 | Manchester, Lancashire, England | MAR 1952 | Saddleworth, Yorkshire West Riding, England | stanwardine |
Vesey Martin Edward Holt | 28 MAR 1927 | | | | stanwardine |
Barbara Home | 3 JUL 1915 | | | | stanwardine |
B Home | | Jamaica | | | stanwardine |
Roger Home | 19 JUN 1917 | | 1936 | | stanwardine |
Honorius | 380 | | 423 | | stanwardine |
W Hooper | | | | | stanwardine |
John Hoord | 1378 | Walford, Baschurch, Shropshire, England | 30 JUL 1398 | Ireland | stanwardine |
J Hoord | | | | | stanwardine |
John , of Stocks & Stanwardine Hoord | ABT 1378 | Stocks, Ellesmere, Shropshire, England | | Stanwardine, Baschurch, Shropshire, England | stanwardine |
Margred Hoord | ABT 1406 | Stanwardine, Baschurch, Shropshire, England | | | stanwardine |
R Hoord | | | | | stanwardine |
R Hoord | | | | | stanwardine |
Roger , of Stocks* Hoord | ABT 1345 | Stocks, Ellesmere, Shropshire, England | AFT 1381 | | stanwardine |
Mary Hope | | | 4 JUN 1847 | Maxwelton House | stanwardine |
L Hopkins | | | | | stanwardine |
Gui of Hornbach | ABT 709 | | AFT 772 | | stanwardine |
Ethel Lucy Harcourt Hornsby | 1 SEP 1880 | Bromsgrove, Worcestershire, England | 30 OCT 1963 | Wood Green, Middlesex, England | stanwardine |
Hostilia | | | | | stanwardine |
L Hotham | | | | | stanwardine |
L Hotham | | | | | stanwardine |
L Hotham | | | | | stanwardine |
Peter Hotham | 27 APR 1904 | | | | stanwardine |
D Houghton | | | | | stanwardine |
M House | | | | | stanwardine |
J Houston | | | | | stanwardine |
Barbara Houth | 17 SEP 1902 | | | | stanwardine |
Elizabeth Houth | 12 JUL 1904 | | | | stanwardine |
Nancy Houth | FEB 1899 | | | | stanwardine |
P Houth | | | | | stanwardine |
Sydney S Houth | 11 JUL 1900 | | | | stanwardine |
Alexander Howard | 24 NOV 1930 | | 13 JAN 2014 | | stanwardine |
Arthur Jared Palmer Howard | 30 MAY 1896 | | 26 APR 1971 | | stanwardine |
Catherine Howard | ABT 1520 | | 13 FEB 1542 | Tower of London, The City, London, England | stanwardine |
C Howard | | | | | stanwardine |
J Howard | 1934 | | | | stanwardine |
Katherine Howard | ABT 1421 | ?; of Stoke-by-Nayland, ENG | AFT 29 JUN 1478 | | stanwardine |
Kiloran Margaret Howard | 21 JUL 1926 | | | | stanwardine |
Mary Howard | 12 FEB 1739 | | 30 JUN 1770 | | stanwardine |
Robin Jared Stanley Howard | 17 MAY 1924 | | 1989 | | stanwardine |
Nellie Howarth | 1896 | Reddish, Cheshire | 1980 | Reddish, Cheshire | stanwardine |
Florence Howatson | ABT 1680 | Dumfries & Galloway | | | stanwardine |
D Howe | | | | | stanwardine |
P Howe | | | | | stanwardine |
Margaret Verch Howel | ABT 1428 | Glascoed, Llansilin, Caernarvonshire, Wales | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Howell | 1794 | | 1869 | | stanwardine |
Edwin Howell | 1821 | | 1881 | | stanwardine |
Emma Howitt | BEF 20 NOV 1814 | Clipsham, Rutland | 4 AUG 1883 | | stanwardine |
J Howitt | | | | | stanwardine |
Clementine Hozier | 1885 | | 1977 | | stanwardine |
Hrathra | | | | | stanwardine |
R Hrolfsdottir | | | | | stanwardine |
C Huddesfield | | | | | stanwardine |
Ada De Hugleville | 1027 | St Valaery-En-Caux, Normandy, France | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
B Huick | | | | | stanwardine |
H Huick | | | | | stanwardine |
Hulmul | | | | | stanwardine |
Eleanor HULSE | ABT 1389 | | BEF 21 APR 1474 | | stanwardine |
Philippa HULSE | 1416 | Brereton, Cheshire, England | 29 NOV 1463 | Chester, Cheshire, England | stanwardine |
Thomas HULSE | ABT 1392 | Cheshire, England | | | stanwardine |
Frances HUMFRESTON | 1556 | Humfreston, Shropshire, England | | | stanwardine |
Samuel Humphrey | ABT 1650 | | BEF 1690 | | stanwardine |
Kathleen Humphreys | 1958 | | 7 APR 2006 | Shillingland, Lochurr, Moniaive | stanwardine |
M Humphreys | | | | | stanwardine |
Hunter | | | | | stanwardine |
Hunter | | | | | stanwardine |
A Hunter | | | | | stanwardine |
G Hunter | | | | | stanwardine |
H Hunter | 1953 | | | | stanwardine |
Henry Huntingdon | 1114 | | 12 JUN 1152 | | stanwardine |
L Huntington-Whiteley | | | | | stanwardine |
Amice Hussey | ABT 1285 | Wattlesborough, Shropshire, England | DECEASED | Moreton Corbet, Wem, Shropshire, England | stanwardine |
Arthur Herbert Hussey | 2 JUN 1863 | | 27 MAY 1923 | | stanwardine |
Arthur Watkin Hussey | 20 JUN 1912 | | | | stanwardine |
Barbara Winifred Hussey | 3 MAR 1904 | | | | stanwardine |
Catherine Henrietta Hussey | 21 JUN 1909 | | | | stanwardine |
Christopher Edward Clive Hussey | 21 OCT 1899 | | | | stanwardine |
Edward Hussey | 1807 | | 3 SEP 1894 | | stanwardine |
Edward Windsor Hussey | 5 OCT 1855 | | 17 OCT 1952 | | stanwardine |
E Hussey | | | | | stanwardine |
Gertrude Anne Hussey | | | 16 APR 1921 | | stanwardine |
Henry Percy Hussey | 17 APR 1865 | | | | stanwardine |
Mildred Harriet Hussey | 6 JUN 1863 | | 25 APR 1952 | | stanwardine |
Thomas Ethelston Hussey | 14 FEB 1907 | | 9 JUN 1944 | | stanwardine |
William Clive Hussey | 1858 | | 20 JUN 1928 | | stanwardine |
I Hutchinson | | | | | stanwardine |
Jane Hutchinson | 1616 | Saddleworth, Yorkshire, England | 1695 | Saddleworth, Yorkshire, England | stanwardine |
G Huth | | | | | stanwardine |
Hwala | | | | | stanwardine |
M Hynes | | | | | stanwardine |
Hyperion | | | | | stanwardine |
Hypirochus | | | | | stanwardine |
Iasion | | | | | stanwardine |
B Iceni | | | | a.d. 62 | stanwardine |
V Iceni | | | | | stanwardine |
A Idiens | | | | | stanwardine |
Margaret Jean Idiens | 23 NOV 1927 | | | | stanwardine |
Nancy Annabel Idiens | 11 MAY 1930 | | | | stanwardine |
Idomeneus | | | | | stanwardine |
Idwal | | | | | stanwardine |
N Ieuan | | | | | stanwardine |
Ignoge | | | | | stanwardine |
Ilius | | 1315 B.C. | | 1279 B.C. | stanwardine |
J Illingworth | | | | | stanwardine |
Ilus | | | | | stanwardine |
Joan INGE | ABT 1300 | | BEF JAN 1359/1360 | | stanwardine |
Maud De Ingelrica | 1032 | St Martin's Le Grand, London, Middlesex, England | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
E Ingham | | | | | stanwardine |
Sarah Ingle | ABT 1690 | Golcar, West Yorkshire, England | | | stanwardine |
Ingomera | 493 | | BET 493 AND 494 | | stanwardine |
L Ingrams | | | | | stanwardine |
L Ingrams | | | | | stanwardine |
L Ingrams | | | | | stanwardine |
Rupert George Ingrams | 16 MAR 1939 | | 1964 | | stanwardine |
N iNoatunum | | | | | stanwardine |
Gwen Verch Iorwerth | ABT 1260 | Celynog in Mochnant, Wales | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Iorwerth "Fychan" ab Iorwerth | ABT 1295 | Wales | AFT 1332 | | stanwardine |
Lleucu verch Iorwerth | ABT 1325 | Wales | | | stanwardine |
Algernon Patrick Ireland | 7 FEB 1890 | Saddleworth, Yorkshire, England | 6 MAY 1954 | Leicester, Leicestershire, England | stanwardine |
Alice Mary Ireland | 9 OCT 1882 | Southport, Lancashire, England | 1 MAR 1963 | Prescot, Lancashire, England | stanwardine |
Arthur Greaves Ireland | 10 JUL 1884 | Pemberton, Lancashire, England | DEC 1938 | St Pancras, London, England | stanwardine |
Ashton Philip Ireland | 30 MAR 1889 | Ormskirk, Lancashire, England | 20 FEB 1939 | Littleborough, Lancashire, England | stanwardine |
Beatrice Allwynne Ireland | 28 JAN 1879 | Oldham, Lancashire, England | 11 MAY 1948 | Amounderness, Lancashire, England | stanwardine |
Cedric Septimus Ireland | 5 NOV 1888 | Harper Hill, Derbyshire, England | 26 MAR 1917 | Mitau Military Cemetery, Latvia | stanwardine |
Cyril Ernest Ireland | 10 MAR 1886 | Pemberton, Lancashire, England | SEP 1886 | Wigan Registration District, Lancashire, England | stanwardine |
Dora Evelyn Millicent Ireland | 2 DEC 1894 | Islington, London, England | 24 APR 1973 | St Pancras, London, England | stanwardine |
Dorothy Ireland | 3 MAR 1886 | New Ferry, Cheshire, England | 25 JAN 1971 | Blackpool, Lancashire, England | stanwardine |
Dr. James Aubrey Ireland | 11 JUL 1877 | Oldham, Lancashire, England | 22 DEC 1963 | Shrewsbury, Shropshire, England | stanwardine |
Dudley Aubrey Ireland | 1 NOV 1909 | Shoreham, Kent, England | 8 MAR 1994 | Shrewsbury, Shropshire, England | stanwardine |
Duncan Ireland | 28 JUL 1891 | Ellough, Suffolk, England | 10 FEB 1961 | Chester, Cheshire, England | stanwardine |
Elizabeth Ireland | 5 OCT 1848 | Oldham, Lancashire, England | MAR 1933 | Oldham, Lancashire, England | stanwardine |
Eric Greaves Ireland | 16 APR 1879 | Oldham, Lancashire, England | 3 JAN 1957 | Southport, Lancashire, England | stanwardine |
Francis Ireland | 21 OCT 1851 | Oldham, Lancashire, England | | | stanwardine |
Geoffrey Suthers Ireland | 2 AUG 1886 | Oldham, Lancashire, England | 6 APR 1908 | Liverpool, Lancashire, England | stanwardine |
Gerald Lionel Ireland | 9 JUN 1887 | Pembleton, Lancashire, England | 2 JAN 1900 | Islington, London | stanwardine |
Gladys Ireland | 7 SEP 1887 | New Ferry, Cheshire, England | 19 FEB 1955 | Blackpool, Lancashire, England | stanwardine |
Henry Octavious Ireland | 1 MAR 1863 | Oldham, Lancs | 21 MAR 1864 | Ormskirk, Lancashire, United Kingdom | stanwardine |
Henry Reginald Hobert Ireland | 11 APR 1881 | Hobart, Tasmania, Australia | JUN 1955 | Pancras, London, England | stanwardine |
James Greaves Ireland | 24 JAN 1850 | Oldham, Lancashire, England | OCT 1908 | Lancashire, England | stanwardine |
Janet Dorothea Ireland | 6 MAY 1889 | Saddleworth, Yorkshire, England | 17 JAN 1954 | Leicester, Leicestershire, England | stanwardine |
John Harold Ireland | 1 APR 1882 | Southport, Lancashire, England | 22 FEB 1931 | Kent & Canterbury Hospital | stanwardine |
John Hilton Ireland | 9 NOV 1856 | Oldham, Lancashire, England | 31 AUG 1922 | St Pancras, London, England | stanwardine |
Leofric Alban Ireland | 3 SEP 1892 | Buxton, Derbyshire, England | 1910 | | stanwardine |
Leslie Ireland | 26 JAN 1890 | New Ferry, Cheshire, England | DEC 1940 | Rochdale, Lancashire, England | stanwardine |
Marjory Ireland | 11 NOV 1882 | Mosely Hill, Oldham, Lancashire, England | 28 AUG 1950 | The Laurels, Steeple Claydon, Buckinghamshire, England | stanwardine |
Mildred Hermione Muriel Ireland | 4 APR 1891 | Buxton, Derbyshire, England | ABT 1941 | St Pancras, London, England | stanwardine |
Nora Patricia Ireland Ireland | 28 JUN 1916 | Sydney, New South Wales, Australia | 9 JAN 2012 | Basingstoke, Hampshire, England | stanwardine |
Patrick Gordon Lamport Ireland | 17 MAR 1912 | Sevenoaks, Kent, England | 30 AUG 1942 | El Alamein, Egypt | stanwardine |
Samuel Ireland | 14 AUG 1894 | Ormskirk, Lancashire, England | 31 JUL 1917 | France and Flanders | stanwardine |
Sarah Gwendoline Ireland | 17 MAY 1884 | Oldham, Lancashire, England | 12 MAR 1946 | Buckinghamshire, Buckingham, England | stanwardine |
Septimus Joseph Ireland | 10 OCT 1859 | Oldham, Lancashire, England | 15 AUG 1909 | Manchester, Lancashire, England | stanwardine |
Sibyl Jessie Ireland | 18 FEB 1889 | Ellough, Suffolk, England | 11 SEP 1955 | Wirral, Cheshire, England | stanwardine |
Sydney Herbert Ireland | 28 APR 1883 | Pembleton, Lancashire, England | 28 OCT 1957 | Bromley, Kent, England | stanwardine |
Thomas Ireland | 27 JUN 1855 | Oldham, Lancashire, England | 4 JUL 1912 | West Derby, Lancashire, England | stanwardine |
Thomas Ireland | JAN 1814 | Kilham, Yorkshire, England | 5 JUN 1879 | Oldham, Lancashire, England | stanwardine |
Thomas Howard Ireland | 12 DEC 1883 | New Ferry, Cheshire, England | 30 JAN 1965 | Poulton Le Fylde Lancashire, England | stanwardine |
Thomas Raymond Ireland | 9 OCT 1880 | Oldham, Lancashire, England | 5 MAR 1941 | Geelong, Victoria, Australia | stanwardine |
Thomasine Ireland | ABT 1452 | Wales | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Wilfred Octavius Ireland | 17 JAN 1890 | Buxton, Derbyshire, England | 10 MAY 1955 | Hampstead, London, England | stanwardine |
William Allerston Ireland | 3 JUL 1858 | Oldham, Lancashire, England | 7 JUL 1892 | Liverpool, Lancashire, England | stanwardine |
William Francis Ireland | 17 MAY 1887 | West Derby, Lancashire, England | 27 SEP 1937 | Thomas Emery Hospital, Moradabad, India | stanwardine |
Susan IRLAM | | | 1760 | | stanwardine |
Isaac | | | | | stanwardine |
Isaac ben Abraham | 1922 BC | | 1742 BC | | stanwardine |
Elizabeth Isabel de Roet | 1335 | | 24 JUL 1368 | | stanwardine |
Isabelle | | | | | stanwardine |
ISHBAK | | | | | stanwardine |
ISHMAEL | | | | | stanwardine |
Bernhard of Italy | ABT 797 | | 17 JAN 817/818 | | stanwardine |
Pepin I of Italy | APR 773 | Aachen, Rhineland, Prussia | 8 JUL 810 | Milan, Italy | stanwardine |
Urracca De Italy | 964 | Italy | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Itermon | | | | | stanwardine |
Ithel | | | | | stanwardine |
Iulus | | | | 31 BC (suicide) | stanwardine |
Ivar | | | | | stanwardine |
Howel Ap Maurice Gethin Of Moel Iwrch | ABT 1420 | Moel Iwrch & Lloran Ucha, Denbighshire, Wales | ABT 1481 | Oswestry, Shropshire, England | stanwardine |
Stephen , Pope Rome Ix | ABT 1010 | Of L-Lrrn, Frnc | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Jackson | | | | | stanwardine |
Margaret Jane Whitaker | 1811 | Accrington, Lancashire | | | stanwardine |
JAPETH | | | | | stanwardine |
Japheth | | 3636 B.C. | | | stanwardine |
P Jardine | | | | | stanwardine |
Violet Margaret Florence Jardine | | | 16 OCT 1975 | | stanwardine |
Jared | | 4832 B.C. | | 3870 B.C. | stanwardine |
Jared | | | | | stanwardine |
Johanna JARPENVILLE | ABT 1262 | | BEF 1308 | | stanwardine |
Javan | | | | | stanwardine |
Robert Jeffrey | ABT 1827 | | 18 AUG 1902 | Glasgow | stanwardine |
C Jelley | | | | | stanwardine |
Sylvia Verch Jenkin | ABT 1310 | Frankton, Rugby, Warwickshire, England | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
E Jenkins | | | | | stanwardine |
George Henry Vaughan Jenkins | | | 1910 | | stanwardine |
Sarah Jennings | 1660 | | 1744 | | stanwardine |
Jennie Jerome | 1854 | Brooklyn, New York | 1921 | | stanwardine |
D Job | | | | | stanwardine |
T Job | | | | | stanwardine |
R (Cameron-Cooper) | | | | | stanwardine |
John | 394 | | 394 | | stanwardine |
John [SB24] PLANTAGENET | 24 JUN 1340 | St. Bavon's Abbey, Ghent, Flanders, Belgium | 3 FEB 1398/1399 | Leicester Castle, London, ENG | stanwardine |
Brian Denny Johnson | 5 FEB 1923 | | 7 JUL 2002 | Shrewsbury, England | stanwardine |
F Johnson | 1960 | Harare, Zimbabwe | | | stanwardine |
George Thomas Johnson | 14 NOV 1889 | Peshawar, Bengal, India | 10 DEC 1972 | Tavistock, Devon | stanwardine |
Jacqueline Naomi Johnson | 1927 | | | | stanwardine |
J Johnson | | | | | stanwardine |
Michael Denny Johnson | 17 JUL 1921 | | 1 APR 2009 | Tavistock, Devon | stanwardine |
Millicent Johnson | JUN 1908 | Stockport, Cheshire, England | 23 DEC 2003 | Perth, Western Australia. | stanwardine |
Johnston | | | | | stanwardine |
Johnston | | | | | stanwardine |
Johnston | | | | | stanwardine |
C Johnston | | | | | stanwardine |
H Johnstone | | | | | stanwardine |
Simon de JOINVILLE | ABT 1190 | Joinville, France | ABT APR 1233 | | stanwardine |
JOKSHAN | | | | | stanwardine |
John Raymond Jolley | 29 MAY 1930 | | | | stanwardine |
W Jolley | | | | | stanwardine |
J Jolly | | | | | stanwardine |
A Jones | | | | | stanwardine |
Dilys Siddal Jones | JUN 1922 | Kings Norton, Warwickshire, England | 6 JUN 2019 | Shrewsbury, Shropshire, England | stanwardine |
Dorothy Gladys Jones | 1884 | | | | stanwardine |
H Jones | | | | | stanwardine |
James Jones | | | BEF 9 APR 1915 | | stanwardine |
Lewis Derek Jones | | | 31 OCT 1968 | | stanwardine |
R Jones | | | | | stanwardine |
S Jones | | | | | stanwardine |
Sarah Jones | ABT 1820 | New England | 26 AUG 1863 | | stanwardine |
S Jones | | | | | stanwardine |
M Jonge | | | | | stanwardine |
Du Bourg Joséphine Périne Adèle | 1788 | | 12 JAN 1820 | Mount Catherine, St Catherines Parish, Jamaica | stanwardine |
A Julus | | | | | stanwardine |
Junia | | | | | stanwardine |
Justa | | | | | stanwardine |
Justina | 325 | Cibalis, Pannonia | | | stanwardine |
Kathlin | | | | | stanwardine |
( Katie | | | | | stanwardine |
F Kaye | | | | | stanwardine |
C Kebbell | | | | | stanwardine |
Mary Kedman | 1771 | | 1828 | | stanwardine |
Kathleen Mary Kelly | 10 MAR 1898 | Bengal, India | 1 OCT 1984 | Devon | stanwardine |
Kennedy | | | | | stanwardine |
A Kennedy | | | | | stanwardine |
Agnes Woodburn Kennedy | JAN 1831 | | 24 JAN 1921 | | stanwardine |
Alexander Kennedy | 28 MAR 1826 | | 28 JUL 1852 | | stanwardine |
A Kennedy | | | | | stanwardine |
Anthony McMillan Kennedy | 1 MAR 1817 | | 14 NOV 1892 | | stanwardine |
David Kennedy | 3 APR 1813 | | 18 JUL 1902 | | stanwardine |
Egidia Kennedy | 1535 | Cullian, Ayr, Scotland | | | stanwardine |
E Kennedy | | | | | stanwardine |
Elizabeth Kennedy | 14 JUN 1828 | | JUN 1861 | | stanwardine |
James Douglas Kennedy | 14 DEC 1836 | | 14 SEP 1857 | | stanwardine |
Jane McAdam Kennedy | 31 AUG 1833 | | 17 JUL 1844 | | stanwardine |
J Kennedy | | | | | stanwardine |
Jessie Kennedy | 1 JAN 1803 | Kirklands, Dumfriesshire | 29 MAY 1828 | | stanwardine |
John Kennedy | BEF 1520 | Cullean, , Scotland | | | stanwardine |
John Doby Kennedy | 5 JAN 1840 | Camden, South Carolina, United States | 14 APR 1896 | Camden, Kershaw, South Carolina, United States | stanwardine |
John McMillan Kennedy | 26 FEB 1815 | Colmonell, Ayrshire, Scotland | 6 MAY 1899 | Oak Park, Cook, Illinois, USA | stanwardine |
Margaret Kerr Kennedy | 2 DEC 1811 | | 4 JAN 1901 | | stanwardine |
Mary McMillan Kennedy | 30 JUL 1823 | | 12 JUL 1854 | | stanwardine |
M Kennedy | | | | | stanwardine |
P Kennedy | | | | | stanwardine |
Robert McMillan Kennedy | 12 MAY 1821 | | 1896 | | stanwardine |
Sarah Douglas Kennedy | 30 DEC 1818 | | 5 SEP 1902 | | stanwardine |
Richard Kennedy-Moffat | 8 AUG 1910 | Townhead, Moniaive, Dumfriesshire | 5 MAY 1945 | Peterculter, Aberdeenshire | stanwardine |
Thomas William Kennedy-Moffat | 15 FEB 1907 | Kirkpatrick Durham, Dumfriesshire | 15 MAY 1979 | Royal Infirmary, Dumfries | stanwardine |
H Kennworthy | | | | | stanwardine |
Dorothy Kenyon | 31 JUL 1816 | ACCRINGTON Lancashire England | 1870 | Accrington, Lancashire | stanwardine |
Edward Kenyon | 1821 | Accrington, Lancashire | | | stanwardine |
Edward Kenyon | 1779 | Accrington, Lancashire, England | 10 AUG 1862 | 4 Chapel Street, Accrington | stanwardine |
James Kenyon | 1826 | Accrington, Lancashire | | | stanwardine |
Lawrence Kenyon | 1743 | | | | stanwardine |
Manny Kenyon | 1832 | Accrington, Lancashire | | | stanwardine |
Susannah Kenyon | 1824 | Accrington, Lancashire | | | stanwardine |
Margaret Kerr | ABT 1758 | Dumfries & Galloway | 3 JUN 1803 | Holm, Carsphairn | stanwardine |
Patricia Maude Cooke Kerr | 24 OCT 1923 | | | | stanwardine |
Walter Harold Cooke Kerr | 22 AUG 1921 | | MAR 1947 | | stanwardine |
W Kerr | | | | | stanwardine |
James Kershaw | 1792 | | 20 MAY 1850 | Dobcross, Lancashire | stanwardine |
Samuel Kershaw | 1748 | | BEF 10 OCT 1798 | Bottom Of The Moor, Oldham | stanwardine |
keturah | | | | | stanwardine |
Anna Agnesa Yaroslavna Of Kiev | ABT 1024 | Kiev, Ukraine | AFT 1075 | France | stanwardine |
King | | | | | stanwardine |
King | | | | | stanwardine |
Douglas Maitland King | 24 MAY 1876 | Brighton, Sussex, England | 30 JUL 1948 | Orchard House, Stanford in the Vale of Faringdon, Berkshire, England | stanwardine |
Henry Maitland King | 23 DEC 1906 | Wrexham | 26 SEP 1932 | Holbeach Bombing Range, Gedney Drove End, The Wash, Lincolnshire | stanwardine |
Ronald Douglas King | 2 JUL 1908 | Flintshire | 19 AUG 1970 | Bradfield Hall, Bradfield, Reading | stanwardine |
Sylvia Henrietta King | 8 DEC 1904 | Farndon, Cheshire | 29 MAY 1984 | Llandyrnog, Clwyd | stanwardine |
Thomas King | 24 FEB 1612/1613 | Cold Norton, Maldon, Essex, England | 24 SEP 1691 | Scituate, Plymouth, MA | stanwardine |
Payne de Roët, King at Arms | ABT 1310 | Le Rouelx, Hainaut, Belgium | ABT 1360 | | stanwardine |
Pedro III "the Cruel", King of Castile and León | 1334 | | 1369 | Campo de Montiel, , Castilla-La Mancha, Spain | stanwardine |
Edward III, King of England | 13 NOV 1312 | Windsor Castle, Windsor, Berkshire, England | 21 JUN 1377 | Sheen Palace, Surrey, England | stanwardine |
Edward IV, King of England | 29 APR 1442 | Rouen, Haute-Normandie, France | 9 APR 1483 | Westminster Palace, London, Middlesex, England | stanwardine |
Edward V, King of England | 4 NOV 1470 | Sanctuary, Westminster, England | 1483 | Tower of London, The City, London, England | stanwardine |
Edward VI, King of England | 12 OCT 1537 | Hampton Court Palace, London Borough of Richmond upon Thames, England | 6 JUL 1553 | Greenwich Palace, Kent, England | stanwardine |
Henry IV Bolingbroke, King of England | APR 1367 | Bolingbroke, Lincolnshire, England | 20 MAR 1414 | London, Greater London, England | stanwardine |
Henry V, King of England | 1387 | Monmouth, Wales | 31 AUG 1422 | , , , France | stanwardine |
Henry VI, King of England | 6 DEC 1421 | Windsor, Berkshire, England | 21 MAY 1471 | Tower of London, The City, London, England | stanwardine |
Henry VII Tudor, King of England | 28 JAN 1457 | Pembroke Castle, Pembroke, Wales | 21 APR 1509 | Richmond, , Surrey, England | stanwardine |
Henry VIII Tudor King of England | 28 JUN 1491 | Greenwich Palace, Greenwich, Kent, England | 28 JAN 1547 | Whitehall Palace, London, England | stanwardine |
Richard II, King of England | 6 JAN 1367 | Bordeaux, Gascony, France | 6 JAN 1400 | Pontefract, Yorkshire, England | stanwardine |
Richard III, King of England | 2 OCT 1452 | Fotheringhay Castle, Northamptonshire, England | 22 AUG 1485 | Battle of Bosworth, , Leicestershire, England | stanwardine |
Charles V "The Wise", King of France | 21 JAN 1337 | Vincennes, France | 16 SEP 1380 | Vincennes, France | stanwardine |
Charles VI de Valois "The Beloved", King of France | 3 DEC 1368 | Paris, Ile-de-France, France | 22 OCT 1422 | Paris, Ile-de-France, France | stanwardine |
Charles VII "The Victorus", King of France | 22 FEB 1403 | Paris, Ile-de-France, France | 21 JUL 1461 | Bourges, France | stanwardine |
John II de Valois "The Good", King of France | 26 APR 1319 | Le Mans, Sarthe, Pays de la Loire, France | 8 APR 1364 | London, Greater London, England | stanwardine |
Sheelah Florence Lizette King-Tennison | 15 APR 1900 | | | | stanwardine |
Doreen Kirby | | | 1997 | | stanwardine |
J Kirk | | | | | stanwardine |
Agnes Kirkpatrick | 1530 | | 19 MAY 1572 | | stanwardine |
A Kirkpatrick | | | | | stanwardine |
Agnes Kirkwood | BEF 22 MAR 1713 | Paisley | | | stanwardine |
Allan Kirkwood | BEF 10 MAR 1700 | Abbey / Paisley | | | stanwardine |
Allan Kirkwood | 1806 | Renfrewshire | | | stanwardine |
Allan Kirkwood | BEF 14 JAN 1739 | Eastwood | | | stanwardine |
Andrew Kirkwood | BEF 13 JAN 1706 | Paisley | | | stanwardine |
Andrew Kirkwood | BEF 7 SEP 1778 | Paisley | | | stanwardine |
A Kirkwood | | | | | stanwardine |
Elizabeth Kirkwood | ABT 1821 | Houston, Renfrewshire | | | stanwardine |
Isabel Kirkwood | 21 OCT 1761 | Abbey Paisley, Renfrew, Scotland | | | stanwardine |
Isabella Kirkwood | 10 JUL 1808 | Netherfield, Houston, Renfrewshire | 8 NOV 1878 | Kinning Park, Lanarks | stanwardine |
James Kirkwood | BEF 21 MAY 1710 | Paisley | | | stanwardine |
Janet Kirkwood | 5 MAR 1806 | Netherfield, Houston, Renfrewshire | | | stanwardine |
Jean Kirkwood | BEF 12 APR 1702 | Paisley | | | stanwardine |
John Kirkwood | BEF 9 APR 1704 | Paisley | | | stanwardine |
J Kirkwood | | | | | stanwardine |
John Kirkwood | 29 NOV 1771 | | 9 JAN 1847 | Netherfield, Houston, Renfrewshire | stanwardine |
Katharine Kirkwood | BEF 30 JUL 1719 | Paisley | | | stanwardine |
Katharine Kirkwood | BEF 9 JAN 1781 | Paisley | | | stanwardine |
Marion Kirkwood | BEF 18 DEC 1769 | Paisley | | | stanwardine |
Martha Dunlop Kirkwood | 4 FEB 1812 | Beith, Ayrshire | | | stanwardine |
Mary Kirkwood | 1821 | Renfrewshire | | | stanwardine |
Matthew Kirkwood | BEF 25 SEP 1715 | Paisley | | | stanwardine |
Matthew Kirkwood Kirkwood | BEF 27 JAN 1736 | Eastwood | | | stanwardine |
Thomas Kirkwood | 1821 | Renfrewshire | | | stanwardine |
W Kirkwood | | | | | stanwardine |
William Kirkwood | BEF 9 JUN 1776 | Paisley | | | stanwardine |
William Kirkwood | 1813 | | 1865 | | stanwardine |
P Browne | | | | | stanwardine |
Florence Kitchin | 1860 | | | | stanwardine |
Kittim | | | | | stanwardine |
E Klockhoff | | | | | stanwardine |
Jonas Andreas Klockhoff | 8 SEP 1846 | Ytterfors, Byske, Västerbotten, Sweden | 23 JUN 1897 | Antwerp, Belgium | stanwardine |
Mary Dorothea Knatchbull | | | 22 FEB 1838 | | stanwardine |
Adela Louisa Cassandra Knight | 24 DEC 1849 | Chawton, Hampshire, England | | | stanwardine |
Adela Mary Margaretta Knight | 29 MAR 1852 | | 13 FEB 1912 | | stanwardine |
Annabella Christiana Knight | 1830 | | 22 SEP 1844 | | stanwardine |
Brook John Knight | SEP 1808 | Godmersham, Kent, England | 10 JAN 1878 | Westminster, London, England | stanwardine |
Cassandra Jane Knight | 1806 | | 14 MAR 1842 | | stanwardine |
Cassandra Madeline Knight | 2 APR 1925 | | | | stanwardine |
Charles Knight | 1803 | | 1867 | | stanwardine |
Charles Edward Knight | 13 FEB 1846 | Chawton, Hampshire | 27 FEB 1912 | Alton Castle, Hampshire | stanwardine |
Charles Ernest Knight | 13 OCT 1836 | | 2 OCT 1855 | Sebastopol, Russia | stanwardine |
Edward Knight | 10 MAY 1794 | Godmersham, Kent, England | 5 NOV 1879 | Alton, Hampshire, England | stanwardine |
Edward Austen Knight | 1767 | | 1852 | | stanwardine |
Edward Brook Knight | 1843 | | 1 DEC 1844 | | stanwardine |
Edward Lewkenor Knight | 25 JAN 1827 | | 19 MAY 1838 | | stanwardine |
Elizabeth Knight | 1800 | | 1884 | | stanwardine |
Elizabeth Adela Knight | 13 FEB 1841 | Basingstoke, Hampshire, England | 21 MAY 1896 | | stanwardine |
Ethel Adela Knight | ABT 1857 | London, England | | | stanwardine |
Fanny Catherine Knight | 1793 | | 24 DEC 1882 | Provender, Kent, England | stanwardine |
George Brook Knight | 10 MAR 1877 | Chawton, Hampshire | 1958 | Eton | stanwardine |
George Thomas Knight | 22 NOV 1795 | Goodnestone Park, Kent, England | 25 AUG 1867 | Moorfields, Herefordshire, England | stanwardine |
Georgiana Elizabeth Knight | 1832 | | 26 MAY 1864 | | stanwardine |
Helen Adela Knight | 13 DEC 1853 | | | | stanwardine |
Henry Knight | 1796 | Rowling, Kent, England | 31 MAY 1843 | Kent, England | stanwardine |
Henry John Knight | 6 MAR 1848 | Chawton, Hampshire, England | 27 FEB 1896 | Grassse, France | stanwardine |
Jeanne Brodnax Knight | 18 MAR 1919 | Farnborough, Hampshire | 19 MAR 2014 | Cosham, Hampshire | stanwardine |
Louisa Knight | 1804 | | 29 JUL 1889 | | stanwardine |
Marianne Knight | 1801 | | 1896 | | stanwardine |
Montagu George Knight | 26 OCT 1844 | Chawton House, Chawton, Hampshire, England | 17 JUL 1914 | | stanwardine |
Nathan H Knight | ABT 1820 | New England | | | stanwardine |
Peter Austen Knight | 28 AUG 1916 | Chawton House, Chawton, Hampshire, England | 28 MAY 1940 | Tournai, Hainault, Belgium, Killed In Action | stanwardine |
Philip Henry Knight | 25 AUG 1835 | | 4 JAN 1882 | | stanwardine |
William Knight | 1798 | | 1873 | | stanwardine |
William Brodnax Knight | 3 FEB 1838 | London, England | 4 NOV 1896 | Winchester, Hampshire, England | stanwardine |
Wyndham William Knight | 5 DEC 1828 | | 17 FEB 1918 | | stanwardine |
C Knollys | | | | | stanwardine |
B Knott | | | | | stanwardine |
D Knott | | | | | stanwardine |
Eliza Knott | 2 NOV 1828 | St Mary the Virgin, Prestwich, Lancashire, England | | | stanwardine |
Elizabeth Knott | BEF 23 APR 1848 | Prestwich, Lancashire, England | | | stanwardine |
Emma Knott | BEF 21 APR 1850 | Prestwich, Lancashire, England | 20 MAY 1927 | Prestwich | stanwardine |
Fanny Knott | BEF 3 AUG 1846 | Prestwich, Lancashire, England | BEF 30 OCT 1873 | | stanwardine |
Harry Peter Knott | 9 DEC 1908 | Salford, Lancashire | | | stanwardine |
Isaac Knott | 25 MAR 1807 | | | | stanwardine |
James Knott | 24 JUL 1836 | Pendleton | 10 SEP 1900 | Salford | stanwardine |
James Knott | BEF 29 OCT 1769 | Prestwich, England | 5 OCT 1848 | Prestwich, England | stanwardine |
James Knott | 31 OCT 1818 | Prestwich, Lancashire, England | BEF 31 DEC 1903 | Prestwich, England | stanwardine |
John Knott | BEF 24 SEP 1780 | Prestwich | 2 FEB 1844 | | stanwardine |
John Harry Knott | 13 SEP 1871 | Pendleton | 1931 | | stanwardine |
John Victor Knott | 3 DEC 1918 | Salford, Lancashire | | | stanwardine |
Joseph Knott | ABT 1720 | Ashton-under-Lyne? | 1793 | | stanwardine |
Joseph Knott | BEF 19 FEB 1749 | Openshaw / Gorton | 16 JUL 1825 | Prestwich | stanwardine |
Margaret Knott | BEF 10 OCT 1858 | Prestwich, Lancashire, England | | | stanwardine |
Mary Knott | 1787 | Prestwich | 15 MAR 1788 | Prestwich | stanwardine |
Mary Ann Knott | BEF 2 AUG 1852 | Prestwich, Lancashire, England | BEF 16 JUN 1866 | | stanwardine |
Samuel Knott | BEF 8 OCT 1820 | Prestwich, England | BEF 14 SEP 1822 | Prestwich, England | stanwardine |
Sarah Knott | BEF 15 AUG 1822 | Prestwich, England | | | stanwardine |
Thomas Knott | 4 NOV 1816 | Prestwich, England | BEF 21 MAY 1847 | Prestwich, England | stanwardine |
Ann Knowles (Knollys) | ABT 1555 | | 1608 | | stanwardine |
Elizabeth Knowles (Knollys) | 1579 | | BEF 1621 | | stanwardine |
Francis Knowles (Knollys) | 1514 | Rotherfield Gray, Oxfordshire, England | 19 JUL 1596 | England | stanwardine |
Francis Knowles (Knollys) | ABT 1552 | Reading Abbey, Berkshire, England | | | stanwardine |
Henry Knowles (Knollys) | ABT 1546 | Kingsbury, Warwick, England | BEF 1596 | | stanwardine |
Lettice Knowles (Knollys) | ABT 1585 | | | | stanwardine |
Lettice Knowles (Knollys) | ABT 1547 | | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
William Knowles (Knollys) | ABT 1550 | Rotherfield, Oxfordshire, England | 25 MAY 1632 | Paternoster Row, London, Middlesex, England | stanwardine |
D Koethe | | | | | stanwardine |
V Koubek | | Czech Republic | | | stanwardine |
Kouziaev | | | | | stanwardine |
A Kouziaev | | | | | stanwardine |
Roman Kouziaev | 15 Feb1944 | Moscow, Russia | 1999 | Moscow | stanwardine |
Sonia Kouziaeva | | | 2003 | | stanwardine |
Sonia Kouziaeva | | | 1971 | Moscow, Russia | stanwardine |
C Krabbe | | | | | stanwardine |
Ursula Mary Krabbe | 9 MAR 1910 | Paddington, London | 10 FEB 1989 | Goldilea Nursing Home, Troqueer, Kirkcudbrightshire | stanwardine |
Elizabeth Kyffin | ABT 1475 | Glascoed, Llansilin, Caernarvonshire, Wales | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Francis Kynaston | 1572 | Little Ness, Shroppshire | | | stanwardine |
Gruffudd Kynaston | ABT 1404 | Hordley, Ellesmere, Shropshire, England | AFT 1443 | Stocks, Ellesmere, Shropshire, England | stanwardine |
Gruffudd Kynaston | ABT 1255 | Stocks, Ellesmere, Shropshire, England | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Humphrey Kynaston | ABT 1474 | Stanwardine, Baschurch, Shropshire, England | ABT 1534 | | stanwardine |
Jane KYNASTON | 1536 | Stanwardine, Baschurch, Shropshire, England | | | stanwardine |
Jenkin Kynaston | ABT 1330 | Ellesmere, Shropshire, England | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
John Kynaston | ABT 1382 | Hordley, Ellesmere, Shropshire, England | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
John Roger Kynaston | 28 APR 1914 | | | | stanwardine |
Madog Kynaston | ABT 1360 | Hordley, Ellesmere, Shropshire, England | ABT 1435 | | stanwardine |
Madog Kynaston | ABT 1305 | Stocks, Ellesmere, Shropshire, England | ABT 1377 | | stanwardine |
Philip Kynaston | ABT 1280 | Stocks, Ellesmere, Shropshire, England | ABT 1327 | | stanwardine |
Roger Kynaston | ABT 1510 | | | | stanwardine |
Roger Kynaston | ABT 1430 | Hordley, Ellesmere, Shropshire, England | BEF 1496 | Middle, Shropshire, England | stanwardine |
Thomas Kynaston | 1513 | Stanwardine, Baschurch, Shropshire, England | 1550 | Walford, Bachurch, England | stanwardine |
T KYNASTON | | | | | stanwardine |
Walter Roger Owen Kynaston | 1874 | | 24 SEP 1935 | | stanwardine |
? Meschine | | | | | stanwardine |
Adeliza la Meschine | bet 1088 - 1094 | Hertfordshire, England | | | stanwardine |
Anne de la Pole | 1375 | Hull, Yorkshire, England | BEF 1410 | | stanwardine |
Blanche de la Pole | | | 1403 | | stanwardine |
Catherine de la Pole | ABT 1341 | | 1363 | | stanwardine |
Edmund de la Pole | | | 1417 | | stanwardine |
M Pole | | | | | stanwardine |
Michael de la Pole | 1367 | | 18 SEP 1415 | | stanwardine |
Michael de la Pole | ABT 1331 | Hull, Yorkshire, England | 5 SEP 1389 | Paris, France | stanwardine |
Richard de la Pole | ABT 1300 | Kingston-upon-Hull, York, England | 1345 | | stanwardine |
William de la Pole | ABT 1275 | Ravenser Odd, Yorkshire, England | BEF DEC 1328 | Ravenser Odd, Yorkshire, England | stanwardine |
William de la Pole | 1302 | | 21 JUN 1367 | | stanwardine |
Joanna de la Warr | ABT 1367 | Offington, Broadwater, Sussex, England | 24 APR 1404 | Oakhanger, Selborne, Hampshire, England | stanwardine |
John de la Warre | ABT 1295 | Axminster, Devon, England | BEF 24 JUN 1331 | | stanwardine |
John de la Warre | ABT 1277 | | 9 MAY 1347 | | stanwardine |
Roger de la Warre | 30 NOV 1326 | Axminster, Devon, England | 27 AUG 1370 | Gascony, France | stanwardine |
Eudo la ZOUCHE | ABT 1297 | | 24 APR 1326 | | stanwardine |
Joyce la Zouche | | | AFT 1376 | | stanwardine |
Juliana la ZOUCHE | ABT 1325 | | AFT 1349 | | stanwardine |
M Zouche | | | | | stanwardine |
Maud la ZOUCHE | ABT 1289 | Ashby de la Zouch, Leicestershire, England | 31 MAY 1349 | Brackley, Northamptonshire, England | stanwardine |
William la Zouche | 25 DEC 1321 | | 23 APR 1382 | | stanwardine |
Sidney Guendolen Lacaita | | | 5 JUL 1935 | | stanwardine |
Daughter De Lacy | | | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Gilbert de LACY | ABT 1200 | Dublin, Ireland | 1234 | Norfolk, ENG | stanwardine |
Hugh de Lacy | ABT 1218 | | | | stanwardine |
John de LACY | ABT 1192 | Lincoln, Lincoln, ENG | 22 JUL 1240 | Stanlaw, Chester, ENG | stanwardine |
Margaret de Lacy | 1226 | Ewyas Lacy, Herefordshire, ENG | ABT 1256 | | stanwardine |
Matilda (Maud) de LACY | 1229 | Dublin, Ireland | 11 APR 1304 | | stanwardine |
Petronilla LACY | ABT 1195 | | 1241 | | stanwardine |
Maud de LACY or BURGH | 4 AUG 1222 | Lincoln, Lincoln, ENG | BEF 10 MAR 1288/1289 | | stanwardine |
Isabella Lady of Mar | ABT 1275 | Scotland | | | stanwardine |
Mary de Ferrers, Lady of Oversley | 1394 | | 25 JAN 1457 | | stanwardine |
Laing | | | | | stanwardine |
Mary Laing | ABT 1675 | | 10 SEP 1786 | Stenhouse, Tynron, Dumfries | stanwardine |
Constant Lambert | 23 AUG 1905 | | 21 AUG 1951 | | stanwardine |
George Washington Thomas Lambert | 13 SEP 1873 | St Petersburg, Russia | 29 MAY 1930 | | stanwardine |
I Lambert | ABT 590 | Neustria | | | stanwardine |
Kit Lambert | 11 MAY 1935 | | 7 APR 1981 | | stanwardine |
Siegbert I the Lame | ABT 451 | Cologne | 509 | | stanwardine |
Lamech | | 4318 B.C. | | 3541 B.C. | stanwardine |
LAMECH | | | | | stanwardine |
Laming | | | | | stanwardine |
F Laming | | | | | stanwardine |
Lampus | | | | | stanwardine |
Matilda of Lancaster | ABT 1310 | | BEF 5 MAY 1377 | Campsey Abbet, Suffolk | stanwardine |
Landrade | ABT 726 | | | | stanwardine |
Violet Ida Evelyn Lane-Fox | 1 JUN 1865 | | 29 APR 1929 | | stanwardine |
Agostino Lanfranchi | 1893 | | BEF 1989 | | stanwardine |
James Lang | ABT 1741 | | | | stanwardine |
Jennett Lang | BEF 20 SEP 1767 | | | | stanwardine |
William Frederick Langdon | 11 FEB 1898 | Lambeth, London | 22 JUL 1976 | Westminster, London | stanwardine |
Laodice | | | | | stanwardine |
Laodocus | | | | | stanwardine |
A Larcombe | 2010 | | | | stanwardine |
A Larcombe | 2001 | | | | stanwardine |
J Larcombe | 1969 | | | | stanwardine |
M Larcombe | | | | | stanwardine |
S Larcombe | 1973 | | | | stanwardine |
L Large | | | | | stanwardine |
Frederic II De La Haute Larraine | ABT 995 | | | | stanwardine |
Sophie de la Haute Larraine | ABT 1020 | Of U-Lvvn, France | 1092 | | stanwardine |
A Latham | | | | | stanwardine |
Eleanor Anne Latham | 14 NOV 1923 | | | | stanwardine |
Francis Felicity Latham | 9 SEP 1925 | | | | stanwardine |
George Nailor Latham | 1 JUN 1893 | | | | stanwardine |
Elizabeth Latimer | 1357 | Scrampston, Yorkshire, England | 5 NOV 1395 | | stanwardine |
E Latimer | | | | | stanwardine |
Elizabeth Latimer | ABT 1330 | | 1395 | | stanwardine |
Barré Richard William Latter | 22 JUL 1777 | Harley Street, London, England | 12 SEP 1822 | Kishengange, Bihar, India | stanwardine |
Elizabeth Georgina Latter | 1786 | London | 23 APR 1849 | Baker Street, London | stanwardine |
Francis Latter | 1774 | | 1801 | | stanwardine |
Robert James Latter | 17 MAY 1783 | St Marylebone, Middlesex, England | 25 FEB 1855 | London, England | stanwardine |
Thomas Latter | 1753 | | 1834 | | stanwardine |
( Laurie | | | | | stanwardine |
( Laurie | | | | | stanwardine |
( Laurie | | | | | stanwardine |
( Laurie | | | | | stanwardine |
( Laurie | | | | | stanwardine |
( Laurie | | | | | stanwardine |
A Laurie | | | | | stanwardine |
Anne Laurie | 13 JUN 1769 | | | | stanwardine |
Annie Laurie | 16 DEC 1682 | Maxwelton, Dumfries | 5 MAY 1764 | Friars Carse, Dumfries | stanwardine |
Catherine Laurie | 15 JUN 1675 | Maxwelton, Dumfries-shire, Scotland | 1734 | Scotland | stanwardine |
Janet Laurie | 1606 | Maxwelton, Dumfries | | | stanwardine |
Jean Laurie | 12 JUL 1677 | | | | stanwardine |
John Laurie | 14 OCT 1685 | | | | stanwardine |
J Laurie | | Kilquhonnedie | | | stanwardine |
John Minet (Fector) Laurie | 1813 | | 24 FEB 1868 | | stanwardine |
Marian Laurie | | | 31 DEC 1616 | | stanwardine |
M Laurie | | | | | stanwardine |
Robert Laurie | 25 MAY 1764 | Maxwelton House, Dumfriesshire | 7 JAN 1848 | Maxwelton House, Dumfriesshire | stanwardine |
Robert Laurie | BEF 27 JUN 1710 | | 28 APR 1779 | Maxwelton | stanwardine |
Robert Laurie | BEF 26 JUL 1745 | | 10 SEP 1804 | | stanwardine |
Robert Laurie | 21 JUL 1676 | Maxwelton Dumfriesshire | 28 FEB 1702 | (Fell from his horse) | stanwardine |
Robert Laurie | 1641 | Maxwelton | 1698 | | stanwardine |
Stephen Laurie | 1580 | | 14 DEC 1637 | | stanwardine |
Susanna Laurie | 15 JUL 1681 | | | | stanwardine |
Violet Laurie | 30 JUN 1680 | | | | stanwardine |
Walter Laurie | 3 MAY 1684 | | 23 NOV 1731 | | stanwardine |
Lavinia | | | | | stanwardine |
Ina Doris Law | 28 OCT 1884 | | 22 MAR 1970 | | stanwardine |
L Lawson | | | | | stanwardine |
L Lawther | | | | | stanwardine |
Joseph Lawton | 1776 | Edge End | BEF 10 FEB 1831 | | stanwardine |
Sarah Lawton | 1726 | Grotton, Yorkshire | 1763 | | stanwardine |
Thomas Lawton | 22 SEP 1800 | | BEF 30 JUN 1816 | | stanwardine |
Robert le Bigod | ABT 1015 | Avranches, Normandy | 1071 | | stanwardine |
Constance le Blount | ABT 1380 | | 23 SEP 1432 | | stanwardine |
John le Blount | 1298 | Sodington, Worcestershire, England | 1358 | | stanwardine |
Thomas le Blount | ABT 1378 | Rock, Worcester, England | 1456 | Elvaston, Derby, England | stanwardine |
Walter le Blount | 1270 | | 1332 | | stanwardine |
Walter le Blount | ABT 1350 | Elwaston, Derbyshire, England | 22 JUN 1403 | Battle of Shrewsbury, Shropshire, England | stanwardine |
William le Blount | 1233 | | 1316 | | stanwardine |
Anne le BOTELER | ABT 1278 | | 1340 | | stanwardine |
Edmund le BOTELER | ABT 1271 | Kilkenny Castle, Kilkenny, Ireland | 13 SEP 1321 | London, Middlesex, England | stanwardine |
William le BOTELER | 11 JUN 1274 | Wemme, Shropshire, England | 14 SEP 1335 | | stanwardine |
William le Boteler | 8 SEP 1296 | Wem, Shropshire, England | DEC 1361 | Oversley, Alcester, Warwickshire, England | stanwardine |
Sir Robert le Brus | 1243 | England | | | stanwardine |
Hugh le DESPENSER | 1 MAR 1260/1261 | Winchester, Hampshire, England | 27 OCT 1326 | Hereford, Herefordshire, England (executed) | stanwardine |
Hugh le DESPENSER | ABT 1286 | Winchester, Hampshire, England | 28 NOV 1326 | Hereford, Herefordshire, England (hanged) | stanwardine |
Isabel le Despenser | ABT 1290 | Loughborough, Leicestershire, England | 4 DEC 1334 | Grey Friars, Salisbury, Wiltshire, England | stanwardine |
Isabella le DESPENSER | AFT 1306 | Castile, Spain | 29 AUG 1396 | | stanwardine |
Joan le DESPENSER | ABT 1245 | Loughborough, Leicestershire, England | ABT 1322 | England | stanwardine |
Philip le Despenser | ABT 1290 | Stoke, Gloucestershire, England | 24 SEP 1313 | | stanwardine |
Ansfred le Goz | ABT 963 | Normandy | AFT 978 | | stanwardine |
Toustien le Goz | ABT 989 | Normandy | | | stanwardine |
Maud le GROSVENOR | ABT 1231 | Great Budworth, Runcorn, Cheshire, England | ABT 1305 | | stanwardine |
William le Meschin | | of Skipton-in-Craven, Yorkshire, England | ABT 1130/1135 | | stanwardine |
J Roux | | | | | stanwardine |
M Roux | | | | | stanwardine |
W Roux | | | | | stanwardine |
Alianor le Strange | ABT 1345 | Blakemere, Weobley, Herefordshire, England | 20 APR 1396 | | stanwardine |
Ankaret le STRANGE | 1361 | Blackmere, Cornwall, England | 1413 | | stanwardine |
Elizabeth le STRANGE | ABT 1304 | Blakemere, Weobley, Herefordshire, England | 1381 | | stanwardine |
Fulk le STRANGE | 1267 | Longnor, Shropshire, England | 23 JAN 1323/1324 | Blackmore, Herefordshire, England | stanwardine |
John le STRANGE | 25 JAN 1305/1306 | Black Mere, Shropshire, England | 21 JUL 1349 | | stanwardine |
John le STRANGE | 13 JAN 1331/1332 | Whitchurch, Shropshire, England | 12 MAY 1361 | | stanwardine |
Lucy Le Strange | ABT 1367 | | AFT 1405 | | stanwardine |
Matilda le STRANGE | ABT 1333 | Black Mere, Shropshire, England | | | stanwardine |
Roger Le Strange | 13 FEB 1300/1301 | Knockin, Shropshire, England | 29 JUL 1349 | Sedgbrook, Lincolnshire, England | stanwardine |
L Leaf | | | | | stanwardine |
M LeCain | | | | | stanwardine |
Lee | | | | | stanwardine |
Lees | | | | | stanwardine |
Abraham Lees | 1 MAY 1737 | Saddleworth, Yorkshire, England | 3 JUN 1814 | Knarr Barn, Saddleworth, Yorkshire | stanwardine |
Abraham Lees | 1 MAY 1737 | Saddleworth, Yorkshire, England | 3 JUN 1814 | Knarr Barn, Saddleworth, Yorkshire | stanwardine |
Abraham Lees | 1665 | | 1717 | | stanwardine |
Adam Henry Lees | 1837 | | 1886 | | stanwardine |
Alice Lees | ABT 1790 | Austerlands Saddleworth, Yorkshire, England | 15 AUG 1868 | Lancashire, England | stanwardine |
Amelia Lees | 1821 | Oldham, Lancashire | | | stanwardine |
Ann Lees | 1733 | Strines, Saddleworth, Yorkshire | | | stanwardine |
Ann Lees | 24 OCT 1815 | St Leonard, Middleton, Lancashire, England | | | stanwardine |
Ann of Lower Barn Lees | 1782 | Lower Barn, Saddleworth, Yorkshire | | | stanwardine |
Anne Lees | 9 MAY 1765 | Hill Top, Saddleworth, Yorkshire, England | 7 AUG 1845 | Hill, near Oldham, Lancashire, England | stanwardine |
Anne Lees | 9 MAY 1765 | Knarbarn, Saddleworth | 7 AUG 1845 | | stanwardine |
Asa Lees | 1816 | | 1888 | | stanwardine |
Betty Lees | 1769 | Knarr Barn, Saddleworth, Yorkshire | | | stanwardine |
Betty Lees | 1769 | Knarbarn, Saddleworth | | | stanwardine |
Betty of Lower Barn Lees | ABT 1781 | Saddleworth, Yorkshire, England | 23 AUG 1854 | York, England | stanwardine |
Charles Edward Lees | SEP 1840 | Oldham | 11 AUG 1894 | Oldham | stanwardine |
D Lees | | | | | stanwardine |
Edward Lees | 1798 | Stones, Saddleworth, Yorkshire | 29 APR 1841 | New Delph, Saddleworth, Yorkshire | stanwardine |
Eli Lees | 1814 | Lancashire, England | 19 JAN 1892 | 102 Lancaster Gate, Hyde Park, London | stanwardine |
Elizabeth Lees | 1801 | | | | stanwardine |
E Lees | | | | | stanwardine |
Isaac Lees | 1738 | Hill Top, Saddleworth, Yorkshire | JAN 1740 | Hill Top, Saddleworth, Yorkshire | stanwardine |
Isaac Lees | 1738 | Hilltop, Saddleworth, Yorkshire | 1740 | | stanwardine |
Isaac Lees | 1625 | | 1706 | | stanwardine |
James Lees | ABT 1746 | Hilltop Delph, Saddleworth, Yorkshire, England | 27 FEB 1810 | New Delph, Saddleworth, Yorkshire | stanwardine |
James Lees | 1746 | Hilltop, Saddleworth, Yorkshire | 1810 | | stanwardine |
James Lees | 1816 | Oldham, Lancashire | | | stanwardine |
James of Barn Lees | 1775 | Hill Top, Saddleworth, Yorkshire | 22 MAR 1796 | Lower Barn, Saddleworth, Yorkshire | stanwardine |
James of Delph Lodge Lees | 1797 | Manchester, Lancashire | 18 APR 1871 | Delph Lodge, Saddleworth, Yorkshire | stanwardine |
Jane Lees | 1839 | | | | stanwardine |
Jenny Lees | 1749 | Hill Top, Saddleworth, Yorkshire | ABT 1788 | | stanwardine |
Jenny Lees | 1749 | Hilltop, Saddleworth, Yorkshire | 1788 | | stanwardine |
John Lees | 1769 | Barn, Delph, Saddleworth, Yorkshire, England | 1807 | Delph, Saddleworth, Yorkshire | stanwardine |
John Lees | 1735 | Hill Top, Saddleworth, Yorkshire | 28 SEP 1804 | Lower Barn, Saddleworth, Yorkshire | stanwardine |
John Lees | 1788 | Knarr Barn, Saddleworth, Yorkshire | 1790 | Knarr Barn, Saddleworth, Yorkshire | stanwardine |
John Lees | 1735 | Hilltop, Saddleworth, Yorkshire | 1804 | | stanwardine |
John Lees | ABT 1781 | Saddleworth, Lancashire, England | 6 JAN 1850 | Oldham, Lancashire, England | stanwardine |
Jonathan Lees | 1769 | Hilltop Delph, Saddleworth, Yorkshire, England | 1840 | Delph, Saddleworth, Yorkshire | stanwardine |
Jonathan Lees | 21 JUN 1712 | Hilltop, Saddleworth, Yorkshire | 11 NOV 1791 | Knarr Barn, Saddleworth, Yorkshire | stanwardine |
Jonathan Lees | 1748 | Hill Top, Saddleworth, Yorkshire | SEP 1748 | Hill Top, Saddleworth, Yorkshire | stanwardine |
Jonathan Lees | 1748 | Hilltop, Saddleworth, Yorkshire | SEP 1748 | | stanwardine |
Jonathan Lees | 21 JUN 1712 | Hilltop, Saddleworth, Yorkshire | 11 NOV 1791 | Knarr Barn, Saddleworth, Yorkshire | stanwardine |
Joseph Lees | 1774 | Hill Top, Saddleworth, Yorkshire | | | stanwardine |
Linfit Lees | 17 DEC 1776 | Saddleworth, Yorkshire, England | 1842 | Delph, Saddleworth, Yorkshire | stanwardine |
Linfit Lees | 17 DEC 1776 | Saddleworth, Yorkshire, England | 1842 | | stanwardine |
Linfit of Manchester Lees | 1777 | Lower Barn, Saddleworth, Yorkshire | OCT 1833 | Richmond Street, Manchester, Lancashire | stanwardine |
Lucy Lees | 1847 | | | | stanwardine |
Mally Lees | 1772 | Hill Top, Saddleworth, Yorkshire | | | stanwardine |
Marjory Lees | 9 SEP 1878 | Oldham | 1970 | | stanwardine |
Mary Lees | 1800 | Manchester, Lancashire | 16 OCT 1829 | Leeds, Yorkshire | stanwardine |
Mary Lees | 1767 | Thurston Clough, Saddleworth, Yorkshire | FEB 1797 | Brow, Saddleworth, Yorkshire | stanwardine |
Mary Lees | 1742 | Hill Top, Saddleworth, Yorkshire | | | stanwardine |
Mary Lees | 1742 | Hilltop, Saddleworth, Yorkshire | | | stanwardine |
Mary Lees | 1767 | Thurston Clough, Saddleworth, Yorkshire | 1797 | | stanwardine |
Mary Ann Lees | 1843 | | | | stanwardine |
Samuel Lees | 1773 | | 1845 | | stanwardine |
Sarah Lees | 1823 | Oldham, Lancashire | | | stanwardine |
Cassandra Leigh | 1739 | | 1827 | | stanwardine |
J Leigh | | | | | stanwardine |
M LEIGH | | | | | stanwardine |
Mary Leigh | 1830 | Ashton Under Lyme, Lancashire | | | stanwardine |
Thomas Leigh | | | 1821 | | stanwardine |
Thomas Leigh | BEF 1723 | | 1763 | | stanwardine |
James Leigh-Perrot | | | 1817 | | stanwardine |
A Lepida | | 10 BC | | | stanwardine |
D Lepida | | | | | stanwardine |
A Lepidus | | | | | stanwardine |
M Lepidus | | | | | stanwardine |
Leucippe | | | | | stanwardine |
B Lever | 1980 | | | | stanwardine |
C Lever | 1982 | | | | stanwardine |
J Lever | 1950 | | | | stanwardine |
A Leveson-Gower | 1966 | | | | stanwardine |
Charles Murrough Leveson-Gower | 13 APR 1933 | | 24 NOV 1983 | Nottingham | stanwardine |
H Leveson-Gower | 1962 | | | | stanwardine |
M Leveson-Gower | 1961 | | | | stanwardine |
J Lewen | | | | | stanwardine |
M Lewen | | | | | stanwardine |
Elizabeth Lewin | 1717 | | 1776 | | stanwardine |
Lewis | | | | | stanwardine |
E Lewis | 1932 | | | | stanwardine |
George Henry Lewis | 4 JAN 1900 | | 1980 | | stanwardine |
Elizabeth LEYCESTER | ABT 1318 | | | | stanwardine |
M Libo | | | | | stanwardine |
Licianus | 300 | Italy | | | stanwardine |
Valerius Licinianus Licinius | ABT 265 | | 325 | Executed by Constantine I | stanwardine |
Valerius Licinianus II Licinius | ABT 300 | | 327 | | stanwardine |
J Lightfoot | 1970 | OXFORD Oxfordshire England | | | stanwardine |
N Lilburn | | | | | stanwardine |
Turold Sheriff Of Lincoln | ABT 1015 | Coventry, Warwickshire, England (Mercia) | BEF 1079 | Buckinghamshire, England | stanwardine |
Christina Lindsay | ABT 1450 | Scotland | | | stanwardine |
D Lindsay | | | | | stanwardine |
Elizabeth Phyllis Lindsay | 31 AUG 1924 | | | | stanwardine |
Isabel LINGEN | ABT 1370 | | 6 DEC 1466 | | stanwardine |
Ralph LINGEN | ABT 1340 | | AFT 1382 | | stanwardine |
Alta Margaret Linn | 21 FEB 1912 | Grand Rapids, Kent, Michigan, USA | 31 DEC 2002 | New London, Merrimack, New Hampshire, USA | stanwardine |
Ann Linthwaite | 1670 | | 1717 | | stanwardine |
Mary Linthwaite | 1632 | | 1697 | | stanwardine |
F Little | | | | | stanwardine |
Frederick William Little | 18 FEB 1835 | | 20 NOV 1885 | St Thomas Hospital, London | stanwardine |
Livilla | | 12 BC | | 031 AD | stanwardine |
Llarian | | | | | stanwardine |
L Llediaith | | | | | stanwardine |
Michael Rowland Godfrey Llewellyn | 15 JUN 1921 | | | | stanwardine |
Annes Verch Llewelyn | ABT 1334 | Bryncunallt, Wales | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Madog ap Llewelyn | ABT 1270 | Wales | 1331 | | stanwardine |
Anna Lloyd | BEF 1840 | | 23 JAN 1926 | | stanwardine |
Llyfeinydd | | | | | stanwardine |
Llywarch | | | | | stanwardine |
Agar Morrison Lockwood | 20 NOV 1920 | Hurlingham Buenos Aires | MAY 1997 | Loberia, Buenos Aires, Argentina | stanwardine |
A Lockwood | 1965 | | | | stanwardine |
Lockyer | 1834 | Hampshire | | | stanwardine |
George Lockyer | 1836 | Hampshire | | | stanwardine |
Jonathan Lockyer | 1801 | Hordle, Hampshire | | | stanwardine |
Julia Lockyer | 1829 | Hampshire | | | stanwardine |
Mary Ann Lockyer | 1865 | Elson, Gosport, Hampshire, England | 1 JUL 1961 | | stanwardine |
William Lockyer | ABT 1827 | Hampshire | | | stanwardine |
Katherine Logan | | | 1704 | | stanwardine |
H Long | | | | | stanwardine |
Charles Watson Longbottom | 1849 | Wakefield, Yorkshire | | | stanwardine |
Eliza Longbottom | 1852 | Wakefield, Yorkshire | | | stanwardine |
Isaac Longbottom | 1820 | Kippax, Yorkshire | | | stanwardine |
Mary Ann Longbottom | ABT 1847 | Wakefield, Yorkshire | | | stanwardine |
Ela LONGESPEE | ABT 1227 | Stratton Audley, Oxfordshire, England | 22 NOV 1299 | | stanwardine |
Ela Longespee | ABT 1220 | | 9 FEB 1297/1298 | | stanwardine |
Ela LONGESPEE | ABT 1245 | Sutton, N. Hampshire, ENG | BEF 19 JUL 1276 | | stanwardine |
Emmeline LONGESPEE | ABT 1250 | ?; of Sutton, Ireland & Sutton, Northampshire, ENG | 1291 | | stanwardine |
Idonia (Ida) LONGESPEE | ABT 1200 | ?; of Salisbury, Wiltshire, ENG | AFT 1266 | | stanwardine |
Isabel Longespee | ABT 1205 | ?; of Salisbury, ENG | 1248 | Spain | stanwardine |
Lora Longespee | ABT 1224 | ?; of Salisbury, ENG | | | stanwardine |
Nicholas Longespee | ABT 1218 | ?; of Salisbury, ENG | 1297 | ENG | stanwardine |
Petronella Longespee | ABT 1207 | ?; of Salisbury, ENG | | | stanwardine |
Richard Longespee | ABT 1214 | | | Lacock, ENG | stanwardine |
Stephen LONGESPEE | ABT 1210 | ?; of Chitterne, Wiltshire, ENG | 23 JAN 1274/1275 | Sutton, Northamptonshire, ENG; or 1260 | stanwardine |
William LONGESPEE | ABT 1208 | ?; of Salisbury, ENG | 7 FEB 1249/1250 | Al-Mansourah, on the Nile, Egypt | stanwardine |
D Longina | | | | | stanwardine |
L Longueville | | | | | stanwardine |
O Longueville | | | | | stanwardine |
Edward de Neville, Lord Abergavenny | ABT 1412 | Raby, Durham, England | 18 OCT 1476 | | stanwardine |
John FitzAlan, Lord Arundel | BEF 1349 | Etchingham, Sussex, England | 1379 | , , Irish Sea, Ireland | stanwardine |
Ralph IX*, Lord Basset of Drayton | ABT 1335 | Drayton Basset, Staffordshire, England | 10 MAY 1390 | Sleaford, Lincolnshire, England | stanwardine |
John, Lord Beauchamp | 1382 | Bletneshoe Powyke, Bedfordshire, England | 1409 | Stourton, Wiltshire, England | stanwardine |
Henry, Lord Beaumont | 1340 | | 1369 | | stanwardine |
John, Lord Beaumont | 1310 | | 1342 | | stanwardine |
Lionel, Lord de Welles | 1406 | | 29 MAR 1461 | Battle of Towton, Tadcaster, Yorkshire, England | stanwardine |
John Perrot, Lord Deputy of Ireland | NOV 1528 | Wales | 1592 | Tower of London, The City, London, England | stanwardine |
John Grey, Lord Ferrers | BEF 1432 | | 17 FEB 1461 | Battle of Saint Albans, Hertfordshire, England | stanwardine |
Robert of Wemme, Lord Ferrers of Oversley | 1373 | Chartley, Staffordshire, England | BEF 29 NOV 1396 | | stanwardine |
Thomas de Neville, Lord Furnival | ABT 1362 | | 24 MAR 1407 | | stanwardine |
Ralph FitzRobert, Lord Greystoke | 15 AUG 1299 | | 14 JUL 1323 | Gateshead, Durham, England | stanwardine |
William FitzRalph, Lord Greystoke | 6 JAN 1321 | Grimesthorpe, Yorkshire, England | 20 JUL 1359 | Brancepeth, Durham, England | stanwardine |
George de Neville, Lord Latimer | ABT 1408 | Raby Castle, Staindrop, Durham, England | 1469 | | stanwardine |
John, Lord Neville | 1328 | Raby Castle, Staindrop, Durham, England | 17 OCT 1388 | Newcastle-on-Tyne, Northumberland, England | stanwardine |
Ralph de Neville, Lord Neville | 1291 | Raby, Durham, England | 5 AUG 1367 | Durham, England | stanwardine |
D Anglesey | | | | | stanwardine |
Tudor Fychan ap Goronwy, Lord of Pemmynydd | | | 1367 | | stanwardine |
Edward Cherleton, Lord of Powys | 1370 | Wrockwardine, Shropshire, England | 14 MAR 1420 | | stanwardine |
Thomas ap Llewelyn, Lord of South Wales | | | 1343 | | stanwardine |
Henry IV, Lord Percy of Alnwick | 1320 | Seamer, North Riding, Yorkshire, England | 17 JUN 1368 | Warkworth Castle, Alnwick, Northumberland, England | stanwardine |
Henry, Lord Percy of Alnwick | 6 FEB 1301 | Castle Alnwick, Northumberland, England | 27 FEB 1352 | Warkworth Castle, Alnwick, Northumberland, England | stanwardine |
Beatrix Lorraine | ABT 1029 | France | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Frederick (Ferry) II Duke Of Haute Lorraine | 978 | Upper Lorraine, France | AFT 1026 | Bar-Le-Duc, Meuse, Lorraine, France | stanwardine |
Friedrich Of Lorraine | ABT 1010 | Lorraine, France | 29 MAR 1059 | Rome, Rome, Italy | stanwardine |
Godfrey II Lorraine | ABT 1107 | Louvain, Brabant, France | 1143 | | stanwardine |
Godfrey II The Bearded Duke Of Lorraine | ABT 1006 | Lower Lorraine, France | 24 DEC 1069 | | stanwardine |
Gothelo II Duke Lorraine | ABT 1008 | Of L-Lrrn, Frnc | 19 APR 1044 | | stanwardine |
Gozelo (Gonzelon) I De Lorraine | 967 | Verdun, Meuse, France | 19 APR 1044 | | stanwardine |
Gozelo II The Sluggard Duke Of Lorraine | | | 1046 | | stanwardine |
Ida Princess Of Lorraine | ABT 1106 | | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Oda Of Lorraine | ABT 995 | Lorraine, France | 23 OCT 1044 | | stanwardine |
Reglinda De Lorraine | ABT 1004 | Lorraine, France | 15 NOV 1037 | | stanwardine |
Lothar | 778 | Casseneuil, France | | | stanwardine |
I Lothar | | | | | stanwardine |
Louis | | | | | stanwardine |
Louis | | | | | stanwardine |
Adele De Louvain | ABT 1030 | Louvain, Brabant, Belgium | 1083 | | stanwardine |
Adeliza Adela Of Louvain | 1103 | Brabant, Netherlands | 23 APR 1151 | Affligham, Flanders, France | stanwardine |
Godfrey Count Of Louvain | ABT 1060 | Brabant, Lorraine, France | 25 JAN 1139/1140 | Jerusalem, Israel | stanwardine |
Henry II Count Of Louvain | ABT 1021 | Louvain, Brabant, Lorraine, France | BEF 1079 | | stanwardine |
Henry III Count Of Louvain | ABT 1050 | Louvain, Brabant, Lorraine, France | 5 FEB 1094/1095 | | stanwardine |
Ida De Louvain | 1063 | Louvain, Brabant, Lorraine, France | 1139 | | stanwardine |
Josceyln De Louvain | ABT 1127 | Egmanton, Nottinghamshire, England | BEF 1180 | Egmanton, Nottinghamshire, England | stanwardine |
Lambert II "Baudry" Count Of Louvain | ABT 991 | Louvain, Brabant, Belgium | AFT 21 SEP 1062 | | stanwardine |
Henry de LOUVAIN & PERCY | ABT 1165 | ?; took the name Percy | 1198 | | stanwardine |
William Lovel | BEF 1102 | Ivry-La-Bataille, Eure, Normandy, France | BEF 1170 | Docking, Norfolk, England | stanwardine |
William De Lovel | ABT 1150 | Minster Lovel, Oxfordshire, England | ABT 1213 | | stanwardine |
E Lovie | | | | | stanwardine |
D Low | 1949 | Malta | | | stanwardine |
Donald Alexander Low | 25 JAN 1919 | Brandram Road, Blackheath, London | 1 JUN 1990 | Chobham, Woking, Surrey | stanwardine |
Elizabeth Ida Lowther | 1 JUL 1875 | | | | stanwardine |
A Lucas | | | | | stanwardine |
L Lucchesi-Palli | | | | | stanwardine |
Roberto Lucchesi-Palli | 1897 | | 1979 | | stanwardine |
Annia Aurelia Messalina Lucilla | 147 | | 183 | | stanwardine |
A Lucilla | | | | | stanwardine |
Vibia Sabina\Domitia I Lucilla | | | 137 | | stanwardine |
T Lucock | | | | | stanwardine |
E Lucy | | | | | stanwardine |
Benedicta LUDLOW | ABT 1396 | Hodnet, Market Drayton, Shropshire, England | AFT 1427 | | stanwardine |
Edmund LUDLOW | 1617 | | 1692 | | stanwardine |
Elizabeth LUDLOW | ABT 1610 | Of, Clarington Parke, Wiltshire, England | | | stanwardine |
Henry LUDLOW | 1592 | Maiden Bradley, Wiltshire | 6 NOV 1660 | St Andrews, Holborn | stanwardine |
Henry LUDLOW | ABT 1585 | | | | stanwardine |
John LUDLOW | ABT 1360 | | 20 JUL 1398 | | stanwardine |
Margery LUDLOW | ABT 1390 | Hodnet, Market Drayton, Shropshire, England | | | stanwardine |
A Lumsden | 1961 | | | | stanwardine |
J Lumsden | 1962 | | | | stanwardine |
P Lumsden | | | | | stanwardine |
S Lumsden | 1965 | | | | stanwardine |
Eliza Ellen Lund | ABT 1836 | Knaresborough, Yorkshire, England | 26 MAR 1907 | Saddleworth, St Chad, Yorkshire, England | stanwardine |
Reginald Dekyn Lund | | | 24 MAY 1975 | | stanwardine |
R Lund | | | | | stanwardine |
Frances Mary Lunn | 8 OCT 1877 | Slaithwaite, Yorkshire, England | 28 SEP 1963 | The Green, Marsden | stanwardine |
Alice LUSIGNAN | ABT 1224 | ?; of Lusignan, Vienne, France | 9 FEB 1290/1291 | Warren, Sussex, ENG; or Feb 7, 1255/56 | stanwardine |
Hugh X LUSIGNAN | ABT 1185 | ?; of Lusignan, Vienne, France | 6 JUL 1246 | Surrey, ENG | stanwardine |
Hugh XI Lusignan | ABT 1221 | ?; of Lusignan, France | 1250 | Egypt, Battle of Mansurah | stanwardine |
Hugh XII Lusignan | ABT 1240 | | 1282 | | stanwardine |
Jeanne de LUSIGNAN | ABT 1255 | France | SEP 1322 | | stanwardine |
William LUSIGNAN | ABT 1220 | | | | stanwardine |
Maude LUSIGNAN or d' EU | ABT 1195 | | 24 AUG 1241 | | stanwardine |
Isabella Craig Lusk | 25 JUN 1866 | Kircudbright | | | stanwardine |
A Luttrell | | | | | stanwardine |
Elizabeth Luttrell | ABT 1388 | | | | stanwardine |
Hugh Luttrell | 1364 | Dunster, Somerset, England | | | stanwardine |
Bonne of Luxembourg | | | 1349 | | stanwardine |
Frederic III Luxembourg | ABT 987 | Luxembourg, Luxembourg, Belgium | 18 MAY 1065 | | stanwardine |
Frederick II Count Of Luxembourg | 1006 | Luxembourg | 28 AUG 1065 | | stanwardine |
Jacquetta de Luxembourg | ABT 1416 | | 30 MAY 1472 | | stanwardine |
Jutta Countess Of Luxembourg | ABT 1040 | | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Philippina (Philippa) Luxembourg-Maas | ABT 1252 | ?; of Luxembourg, Luxembourg | 6 APR 1311 | Valenciennes, Nord, France | stanwardine |
H Lybius | | King of Italy, Gaul, and Spain | | | stanwardine |
Lycaon | | | | | stanwardine |
George Lynne | 1570 | Southwick Hall, Northamptonshire, England | 5 NOV 1606 | Southwick Hall, Northamptonshire, England | stanwardine |
George Lynne | ABT 1547 | | 5 NOV 1606 | | stanwardine |
Martha Lynne | 1598 | Southwick Hall, Northamptonshire, England (As A Monk) | 1679 | County Kerry, Ireland & Sutton | stanwardine |
Charles Sturges Lyon | 22 SEP 1854 | Woodley, Berkshire | 4 APR 1929 | 28 Bramham Gardens, Earls Court, London | stanwardine |
C Lyon | | | | | stanwardine |
Clarence Lyon Hall | 27 FEB 1859 | Belleville, Ontario | 30 OCT 1944 | 14 East Avenue, Camperdown, Jamaica | stanwardine |
Clarence Espeut Lyon Hall | 16 FEB 1896 | Haiti | 7 JUL 1916 | Becordel-Becourt, Somme, France | stanwardine |
Doris Maude Lyon Hall | 8 APR 1901 | Haiti | 1983 | | stanwardine |
Edward Huxley Lyon Hall | 18 AUG 1899 | Haiti | | | stanwardine |
Gladys Noemi Lyon Hall | 16 OCT 1897 | Port Au Prince, Haiti | 1 APR 1972 | | stanwardine |
R Hall | | | | | stanwardine |
Lyrus | | | | | stanwardine |
Lysimache | | | | | stanwardine |
Lysimache | | | | | stanwardine |
Lysithous | | | | | stanwardine |
M Lyster | | | | | stanwardine |
Alexander M'Ghie | 1635 | Balmaghie, Kirkcudbrightshire, Scotland | | | stanwardine |
Elizabeth M'Ghie | 1660 | Craigdarroch | | | stanwardine |
Margaret Jean Macbean | BEF 1924 | | 4 SEP 1961 | | stanwardine |
Agnes Elizabeth Macdonald | 1913 | | | | stanwardine |
Donald Buchanan Macdonald | 1908 | Helensburgh, Scotland | 1980 | Fort Pierce, St Lucie, Florida, USA | stanwardine |
F. S. J. MacDonald | | | 30 OCT 1901 | | stanwardine |
G Macdonald | 1938 | | | | stanwardine |
John Macdonald | 1905 | | | | stanwardine |
John Colin Macdonald | 1930 | | | | stanwardine |
Katherine Nora Macdonald | 1902 | | | | stanwardine |
L Macdonald | 1944 | | | | stanwardine |
W Macdonald | | | | | stanwardine |
William Flint Andrew Macdonald | 30 NOV 1936 | | 26 JUL 2003 | London, London, England | stanwardine |
I Macdonell | | | | | stanwardine |
Mary Ursula Cynthia Gwendolen Macdonell | | | 21 APR 2006 | France | stanwardine |
M MacFarlane | | | | | stanwardine |
M Mackay | 1953 | Aylesbury Buckinghamshire | | | stanwardine |
R Mackay | | | | | stanwardine |
A Mackenzie | | | | | stanwardine |
H Mackenzie | | | | | stanwardine |
Hugh Stirling Mackenzie | 13 JUL 1913 | | OCT 1996 | | stanwardine |
J Mackenzie | | | | | stanwardine |
B MacLellan | 1939 | | | | stanwardine |
James Reid MacLellan | 1906 | | 29 JAN 1908 | | stanwardine |
Margaret Alice MacLellan | 1904 | | 7 JUN 1906 | | stanwardine |
R MacLellan | 1945 | | | | stanwardine |
William Walter MacLellan | ABT 1858 | | 10 AUG 1925 | | stanwardine |
William Walter MacLellan | 18 OCT 1908 | | | | stanwardine |
Agnes Macmillan | 1865 | Barr, Ayrshire | | | stanwardine |
Alice Mary Goldie Macmillan | 13 JAN 1902 | Moniaive, Dumfries | 10 FEB 1995 | Baschurch | stanwardine |
Angus Leith Macmillan | 12 MAR 1906 | Bonar Bridge, Sutherland, Scotand | 6 JUL 1975 | Stockport, Cheshire, England | stanwardine |
Ann Macmillan | 1827 | | 17 FEB 1889 | Teberban, Glencairn | stanwardine |
Anthony Macmillan | 29 JUL 1759 | Carsphairn, Dumfries & Galloway | 1817 | | stanwardine |
Anthony Macmillan | ABT 1790 | Galloway | ABT 1808 | | stanwardine |
Betraq Isabel Goldie Macmillan | 12 MAY 1907 | Moniaive, Dumfries & Galloway | 1976 | | stanwardine |
Catherine Macmillan | 25 JUL 1860 | Barr, Ayrshire | 13 MAR 1960 | West Vancouver, British Columbia | stanwardine |
C Macmillan | | | | | stanwardine |
Catherine Broom Macmillan | 4 JUL 1843 | Carsphairn, Dumfries & Galloway | | | stanwardine |
Daniel Macmillan | 1764 | | | | stanwardine |
David Macmillan | 1867 | Barr, Ayrshire | | | stanwardine |
D Macmillan | | | | | stanwardine |
David Macmillan | 1762 | Carsphairn, Dumfries & Galloway | | | stanwardine |
D MacMillan | | | | | stanwardine |
David Macmillan | ABT 1784 | Galloway | ABT 1802 | | stanwardine |
David Macmillan | 1702 | Galloway | | | stanwardine |
David Macmillan | ABT 1680 | Galloway | AFT 1734 | Marbreck. | stanwardine |
David Macmillan | 1720 | Dumfries & Galloway | APR 1773 | Brochloch | stanwardine |
David Jackson Macmillan | 13 JAN 1873 | Glencairn, Dumfries, Scotland | 27 SEP 1889 | Glencrosh, Glencairn | stanwardine |
D Macmillan | | | | | stanwardine |
Elizabeth Macmillan | 1768 | | | | stanwardine |
Elizabeth Macmillan | 1806 | Viewfield, Kells | 12 MAR 1858 | Viewfield, Kells | stanwardine |
Elizabeth Macmillan | ABT 1794 | | 20 MAR 1843 | Carsphairn | stanwardine |
E Macmillan | | | | | stanwardine |
Elizabeth White Thomas Macmillan | 27 AUG 1899 | Moniaive, Dumfries & Galloway | 1979 | | stanwardine |
James Macmillan | 1862 | Barr, Ayrshire | | | stanwardine |
J Macmillan | | | | | stanwardine |
J Macmillan | | | | | stanwardine |