Malvern College First World War Casualty

Corporal Leonard Franklin Gale

Photo of Leonard Franklin Gale
House and time at Malvern: No 8, 1898 - 1902.

Regiment: Queen's Own Oxford Hussars.
Died: 26 May 1915 aged 31 in Belgium. Killed in action.
Cemetery: Ypres Menin Gate P 6

Son of J. J. Gale, Benson, Wallingford, Berks. b. 1884.
Lower V —Remove. School Prefect. Head of House. XXII Football; XL Cricket; Ledbury Cap.
Surveyor; A. S. I.
Great War, Corporal Oxfordshire Hussars 1914.

Killed at Zouave Wood, Hooge, Ypres, Belgium

Medal Card: WO 372/7/187228
Unit War Diary: WO 95/1137/2QOOH
