Malvern College First World War Casualty

Captain Maurice Aldcroft Phillips

Photo of Maurice Aldcroft Phillips
House and time at Malvern: Sch, 1899 - 1903.

Regiment: Royal Field Artillery.
Died: 21 May 1915 aged 30 in France. Killed in action.
Cemetery: Le Touret Memorial II D 15

Born: November 2nd 1885. Son of Charles Aldcroft Phillips and Constance Phillips, Dildawn, Castle Douglas, Scotland.
Army III—I.
R.M.A. Woolwich; R.F.A. 1905; Captain 1914, 31st Bty Royal Field Artillery.
Great War, Despatches.

He was in hospital in Boulogne with stomatitis and was discharged from hospital on 22nd January 1915.

'He had been sent forward to our front trenches, his task being to control the fire of two batteries by telephone during an attack made by the Canadians. In the early morning of May 21, the attack being over, he was sleeping behind a haystack, when a shell burst immediately overhead and killed him instantly. His commanding officer writes: "Not only was he a very great friend of mine, but the most loyal, brave, and energetic of officers." ' (Malvernian, Jun 1915).

Service record:WO 339/6406
