Malvern College First World War Casualty

Lieutenant Warren Geoffrey Dalton Turner

Photo of Warren Geoffrey Dalton Turner
House and time at Malvern: No 2, 1911 - 1914.

Regiment: Middlesex Regt.
Died: 24 May 1917 aged 22 in France. Killed in action.
Cemetery: Arras Flying Services Memorial

Son of A.. Turner, 124 Chancery Lane, W.C. b. 1895.
Lower Shell—Matriculation Class.
St. John's College, Oxford. Great War, O.T.C. 1914; 2nd Lieutenant Middlesex Regt.; Lieutenant R.F.C.

'He went up to Oxford in October 1914, where he joined the University O.T.C., and soon afterwards obtained a commission in the Middlesex Regiment. After 18 months' service he exchanged into the R.F.C, and gained his wings in July 1916, being appointed an instructor on the day he became a pilot. For many months he acted as an instructor with various squadrons, and last May he went abroad. On May 24th he was returning from a reconnaissance over the enemy lines, when he was attacked by hostile aircraft. He was then reported missing, but is now reported killed. He made his mark as a keen and capable instructor, and his services as such were invaluable, but his high sense of duty called him to the front. The C.O. of the squadron which he left when he went to the front reluctantly parted with him, for as he wrote: "He was extraordinarily popular here, and I feel his loss very much, both as a personal friend and as an officer who had worked hard and well for this squadron."
His squadron commander in France wrote: "He had been with this squadron only a few days, but I had already come to look on him as one of my best officers."' (Malvernian, Nov 1917).
