Malvern College First World War Casualty

Captain Nigel Bernard Whitfeld

Photo of Nigel Bernard Whitfeld
House and time at Malvern: Sch, 1904 - 1906.

Regiment: 62 Sq. R. A. F.
Died: 07 July 1918 aged 27 in United Kingdom. Accidentally killed flying.
Cemetery: Forrest Row Cemetery Sussex 899 C

Son of T . S. Whitfeld, Wych Cross, Forest Row, Sussex, b. 1891.
Lower Shell—Lower Modern II.
Trinity Hall, Cambridge; Stockbroker. Great War, Private North Somerset Yeomanry 1914; Captain Royal North Devon Hussars; R.A.F.

'One of a well-known Sussex family, nephew of one O.M. and cousin of another, Nigel Whitfeld left School too early to make any great mark, but he showed promise in more ways than one.' (Malvernian, Jul 1918)
