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Henry Cecil Franks, Dorothy Ogden and Arthur Ogden Bridge

Henry Cecil Franks
 Relationship to Sanchia BERENGER
1 OCT 1897
Henry John Franks
Clara (Franks)
Dorothy Ogden
16 FEB 1955 Shepton Mallet Cottage Hospital aged 57
Educated at Manchester Grammar School.

Served in the First World War where he received the Military Cross.

The citation in the London Gazette, 22nd April 1918, pg 4825, is as follows:
T./2nd Lt. Henry Cecil Franks, Lanc. Fus.
For conspicuous gallantry and devotion
to duty. During a raid on the enemy
posts, although wounded in the knee shortly
after leaving the assembly point, he went
forward, displaying a fine soldierly spirit,
and inspiring his men with confidence. Exposed
to heavy shell and machine-gun fire,
he showed an entire disregard for his own
safety throughout the operation, and remained
behind until the entire party had

His military service record is at the National Archives, Kew, Ref WO 374/25562 where the following is taken from:

12.06.1915 - Enrolled in 20 Royal Fusiliers as a Private, aged 19 years.
Next of Kin: Mother, Clara Franks, Hazlewood, Garden Road, Prestwich.
Can Ride: Yes
Medical Category: C1
Former Occupation: Bank Clerk, and also a theology student prior to war.

14.11.1915 - Embarked to France

26.07.1916 - Appointed Lt Corporal

26.09.1916 to 5.10.1916 - Leave to England

23.03.1917 - Transferred to England.

07.06.1917 - Proceed to join No 2 OCB (Officer Cadet Battalion), Pembroke College, Cambridge.

25.09.1917 - Discharged from Royal Fusiliers as received a commission as 2nd Lieutenant in the Lancashire Fusiliers.

Military History Summary on discharge from Royal Fusiliers:
France: 12.06.1915 - 13.11.1915
BE Force: 14.11.1915 - 23.03.1917
Home: 24.03.1917 - 25.09.1917

Medals: 1914-15 Star
BW&V Medal

16.10.1917 - London Gazette - appointed Second Lieutenant, Lancashire Fusiliers.

11.02.1918 - Severely wounded in action, near Ypres.

05.03.1918 - Hospital, Liverpool

Following is a transcript of a handwritten letter:

Savoy Convalescent Hospital, Blackpool.

To the Secretary, War Office, London
2nd Lieut H.C. Franks
18 Bn Lancs Fusiliers.
I beg to make application for a wound gratuity, in respect of severe wound received in action on February 11th 1918, near Ypres and with which I am still incapacitated.
I have the honor to be
your obedient servant
H.C. Franks
2nd Lieut

He was discharged from the army on 11th June 1919.
Regimental No 20th Royal Fusiliers: 7838
Regimental No 18th Lancashire Fusiliers: PS 7873

He subsequently became a vicar and married Dorothy Ogden. They did not have any children.

Military Cross Web Ref:
Henry Cecil Franks with Mary Bridge and Dorothy Franks

Henry Cecil Franks biography including war service record

Database: stanwardine   Bridge Family Tree
Contact: William Bridge