Name | Birth Date | Birth Place | Death Date | Death Place | Database |
C Abbott | 1960 | | | | stanwardine |
Abel | | | | | stanwardine |
Abraham (Ibrahim) | ABT 2052 BC | Hebron, Palestine | 1877 BC | Hebron, Palestine | stanwardine |
A Absell | | | | | stanwardine |
M Abyssinia | | | | | stanwardine |
Adah | 1834 BC | | ABT 1734 BC | | stanwardine |
Robert Adair | 24 MAR 1921 | Montreal, Hochelaga, QC, Canada | 5 OCT 1981 | Montreal, Hochelaga, QC, Canada | stanwardine |
Robert Alexander Shearer Adair | 8 AUG 1894 | Montreal, Hochelaga, QC, Canada | 12 AUG 1923 | Montreal, Hochelaga, QC, Canada | stanwardine |
Adam | | Garden of Eden | | | stanwardine |
B Addicoat | | | | | stanwardine |
Adrastus | | | | | stanwardine |
George Adshead | 1784 | Stockport, Cheshire, England | 28 OCT 1859 | Saddleworth | stanwardine |
Aegeoneus | | | | | stanwardine |
Aesaus | | | | | stanwardine |
Agathon | | | | | stanwardine |
R Ager | | | | | stanwardine |
Agilulf of Agilofing | ABT 470 | Agilofing, Bavaria | | | stanwardine |
Son Agilulf | ABT 450 | | | | stanwardine |
Agnes | ABT 1260 | France | 1327 | | stanwardine |
G Ahenobarbus | | | | | stanwardine |
G Ahenobarbus | | | | | stanwardine |
L Ahenobarbus | | | | After 54 B.C. | stanwardine |
L Ahenobarbus | | | | 25 A.D. | stanwardine |
Lylia Sophia Ainslie | 1861 | Ulverston, Lancashire | 25 MAY 1907 | Liverpool | stanwardine |
Nancy Laurie Ainsworth | 16 AUG 1915 | Lahore, India | JUL 2000 | Preston and South Ribble, Lancashire | stanwardine |
Betrag Aird | | | 1666 | | stanwardine |
Iulus Ascanius King of AlbaLonga | | | 1137 | | stanwardine |
A Albany | | | | | stanwardine |
J Alba\Terentia | | | | | stanwardine |
Alberga | | | | | stanwardine |
L Alberga | 2014 | | | | stanwardine |
L Alberga | 2018 | | | | stanwardine |
Matilda De Albini | ABT 1153 | Belvoir Castle, Belvoir, Leicestershire, England | AFT 1210 | Strathearn, Perthshire, Scotland | stanwardine |
Matilda De Albini | ABT 1153 | Belvoir Castle, Leicestershire, England | AFT 1210 | Strathearn, Perthshire, Scotland | stanwardine |
M Albini | | | | | stanwardine |
William "Le Breton" De Albini | 1113 | Belvoir Castle, Belvoir, Leicestershire, England | 1168 | Belvoir Castle, Belvoir, Leicestershire, England | stanwardine |
William De Albini | ABT 1150 | Belvoir Castle, Belvoir, Leicestershire, England | 1 MAY 1236 | Castle, Belvoir, Leicestershire, England | stanwardine |
Alcathous | | | | | stanwardine |
T Alder | | | | | stanwardine |
Mabel De Talvas D' Alencon | 1026 | Alencon, Eure, Normandy, France | 2 DEC 1079 | Bures Castle | stanwardine |
A Alexander | | | | | stanwardine |
A Alexander | | | | young | stanwardine |
Charles William Alexander | 9 DEC 1890 | | | | stanwardine |
J Alexander | | | | | stanwardine |
J Alexander | | | | | stanwardine |
James Duncuft Fettes Alexander | 6 DEC 1930 | Cheltenham, Gloucestershire | BEF 3 SEP 2007 | Spain (on Holiday) | stanwardine |
J Alexander | | | | | stanwardine |
L Alexander | | | | | stanwardine |
L Alexander | | | | | stanwardine |
N Alexander | | | | | stanwardine |
Nora Muriel Alexander | 4 DEC 1927 | Cheltenham, Gloucestershire | | | stanwardine |
P Alexander | | | | | stanwardine |
S Alexander | | | | | stanwardine |
W Alexander | | | | | stanwardine |
Alfidia | | | | | stanwardine |
A Alison | | | | | stanwardine |
E Alison | | | | | stanwardine |
Jean Beckett Allan | 12 FEB 1889 | Ayr | JUN 1950 | London | stanwardine |
D Allen | | | | | stanwardine |
Pamela Jane Allen | 23 APR 1916 | Bury, Lancashire | | | stanwardine |
P Allen | | Taunton, Somerset, England | | | stanwardine |
R Allen | | | | | stanwardine |
E Alleyne | | | | | stanwardine |
Alpais\adelheid | | | | | stanwardine |
H Alport | | | | | stanwardine |
Altheus | | | | | stanwardine |
Amador | | | | | stanwardine |
Elizabeth d' AMORIE | BEF 23 MAY 1318 | ?; of Tutbury Castle, Staffordshire, ENG | AFT 1360 | | stanwardine |
Roger d' AMORIE | ABT 1287 | ?; of Bletchingham, Oxford, ENG | ABT 14 MAR 1321/1322 | ENG | stanwardine |
Elizabeth Amplett | | Four Ashes, Worcester | 1738 | | stanwardine |
AMTHETA | | | | | stanwardine |
Richard D' Amundeville | | | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Anastasia | | | | | stanwardine |
Ancaria | | | | | stanwardine |
A | | | | | stanwardine |
A | | | | | stanwardine |
A | | | | | stanwardine |
A | | | | | stanwardine |
A | | | | | stanwardine |
A | | | | | stanwardine |
A | | | | | stanwardine |
A | | | | | stanwardine |
A Ancharia | | | | | stanwardine |
Anchises | | | | | stanwardine |
A Anderson | | | | | stanwardine |
Augusta Anderson | | | 13 JUL 1933 | | stanwardine |
David Ebenezer Anderson | 1850 | | | | stanwardine |
Dorothy E Anderson | 1883 | | | | stanwardine |
J Anderson | | | | | stanwardine |
Kenneth Arthur Noel Anderson | 25 DEC 1891 | Madras, India | 29 APR 1959 | Gibraltar | stanwardine |
Marjorie Anderson | 1883 | | 8 JUN 1971 | 6 Park Lodge, St Johns Wood, London | stanwardine |
M Anderson | | | | | stanwardine |
Anne Anderton? | 1715 | | | | stanwardine |
E Andrews | | | | | stanwardine |
J Andrews | | | | | stanwardine |
Andromache | | | | | stanwardine |
Anfossi | | | | | stanwardine |
F Anfossi | 1980 | Savona, Italy | | | stanwardine |
L Anfossi | 1980 | | | | stanwardine |
T Anfossi | | | | | stanwardine |
Adelaide Of Angers | ABT 1112 | Normandy, France | | | stanwardine |
Annaly | | | | | stanwardine |
L Anotnius | | | | | stanwardine |
Ansegisel | 602 | | 685 | | stanwardine |
Elizabeth Mildred Louisa Anstruther | 29 APR 1896 | | 11 SEP 1932 | | stanwardine |
Gertrude Mary Anstruther | 9 MAR 1900 | | 10 APR 1975 | | stanwardine |
Magdalen Janet Anstruther | 19 APR 1889 | | 15 FEB 1953 | | stanwardine |
Margaret Christian Anstruther | 16 AUG 1887 | | 8 SEP 1925 | | stanwardine |
Mary Rosamond Anstruther | | | 19 JUL 1958 | | stanwardine |
Ralph Hugo Anstruther | 13 JUN 1921 | | 19 MAY 2002 | | stanwardine |
Ralph William Anstruther | 5 JUL 1858 | | 30 SEP 1934 | | stanwardine |
Robert Edward Anstruther | 4 APR 1890 | | 22 JUL 1921 | | stanwardine |
Sarah Katherine Anstruther | 28 SEP 1894 | | 22 DEC 1952 | | stanwardine |
G Anthony | | | | | stanwardine |
M Anthony | | | | After 97 B.C. | stanwardine |
M Anthony | | 143 B.C. | | 87 b.c. | stanwardine |
M Anthony | | | | 69 B.C. | stanwardine |
Antipas | ABT 100 BC | | | | stanwardine |
Antipater | ABT 0080 BC | | 0043 BC | | stanwardine |
Antiphus | | | | | stanwardine |
Antistia | | | | | stanwardine |
M Antoninus | | | | | stanwardine |
M Antoninus | | | | | stanwardine |
G Antonius | | | | | stanwardine |
M Antonius | | 143 BC | | | stanwardine |
M Antony | | 83 BC | | Alexandria, Egypt in 31 BC (suicide following defeat) | stanwardine |
Antyllus | | | | 31 BC (executed after father's death) | stanwardine |
Llewelyn II ap Iorwerth | 1173 | Dolyddelan, Wales | 11 APR 1240 | Aberconwy, Carnarvonshire, Wales | stanwardine |
F Llewellyn | | | | | stanwardine |
G Llewellyn | | | | | stanwardine |
G Llewellyn | | | | | stanwardine |
I Llewellyn | | | | | stanwardine |
T Llewellyn | | | | | stanwardine |
Aphrodite | | | | | stanwardine |
Charlotte Appleton | 1802 | | 1873 | | stanwardine |
D Appleton | | | | | stanwardine |
Eleanor of Aquitaine | ABT 1122 | | 1 APR 1204 | | stanwardine |
Arcadius | 377 | | 408 | | stanwardine |
Arch | | | | | stanwardine |
Mabel Archbould | DEC 1870 | Burnham Thorpe, Norfolk | JUN 1911 | Ormskirk, Lancashire | stanwardine |
Archemachus | | | | | stanwardine |
Aretus | | | | | stanwardine |
Arisbe | | | | | stanwardine |
Aristobulus | | | | | stanwardine |
Aristodeme | | | | | stanwardine |
Arlette | ABT 1012 | | ABT 1050 | | stanwardine |
Bessie Adela Jeannette Armit | 16 FEB 1852 | Woolwich, Kent | 11 JUN 1912 | Elmhurst, Brookland Avenue, Cambridge | stanwardine |
L Armit | | | | | stanwardine |
M Armitage | | | | | stanwardine |
N Arnold | | | | | stanwardine |
ARPHAXAD | | | | | stanwardine |
Maud D' Arques | ABT 1072 | Arques-La-Bataille, Seine-Inferieure, Normandy, France | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
F Arria | | | | | stanwardine |
Mariamne Arria | 0005 | | | 043 AD | stanwardine |
F Arrianus | | | | | stanwardine |
Avice Daughter Of The Earl Of Arundel | 1176 | Axholme, Lincolnshire, England | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Cecily De Arundel | ABT 1140 | Arundel, Sussex, England | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Matilda De Arundel | ABT 1244 | Besford, Tettenhall, Staffordshire, England | 1309 | | stanwardine |
T Arundell | | | | | stanwardine |
Ascanius | | | | | stanwardine |
Constance Eleanor Ascroft | 27 DEC 1886 | Redfern, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia | 28 AUG 1924 | Marylebone, London, England | stanwardine |
Eleanor Ascroft | APR 1853 | Oldham, Lancashire, England | 7 OCT 1905 | Ormskirk, Lancashire, England | stanwardine |
M Ash | | | | | stanwardine |
Eliza Ashworth | 1824 | | 1900 | | stanwardine |
Assaracus | | | | | stanwardine |
Asterope | | | | | stanwardine |
Astygonus | | | | | stanwardine |
Astyoche | | | | | stanwardine |
Astyoche | | | | | stanwardine |
Atas | | | | | stanwardine |
Attila | | | | | stanwardine |
Attwater | | | | | stanwardine |
G Attwater | | | | | stanwardine |
Agatha D' Aubigny | ABT 1147 | Castl Arundel, Sussex, England | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Agnes (Avice) De Aubigny | 1176 | Axholme, Lincolnshire, England | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Aimee D' Aubigny | ABT 1050 | St Martin D'aubigny, Manche, Normandy, France | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Alice D' Aubigny | 1137 | Casti Arundel, Sussex, England | 11 SEP 1188 | | stanwardine |
Cicely D' Aubigny | ABT 1210 | Arundel, Sussex, England | AFT 1260 | | stanwardine |
G Aubigny | | | | | stanwardine |
Godfrey D' Aubigny | ABT 1143 | Castl Arundel, Sussex, England | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Henry De Aubigny | ABT 1151 | Castl Arundel, Sussex, England | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Hugh De Aubigny | 1215 | Arundel, Sussex, England | 7 MAY 1243 | Sp | stanwardine |
Isabel D' Aubigny | 1190 | Arundel, Sussex, England | AFT 1230 | England | stanwardine |
James De Aubigny | ABT 1152 | Of Herefordshire, England | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Matilda D' Aubigny | ABT 1142 | Arundel, Sussex, England | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Maud D' Aubigny | ABT 1196 | Arundel, Sussex, England | BET 1238 AND 1242 | Sussex, England | stanwardine |
Miss De Aubigny | ABT 1188 | Arundel, Sussex, England | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Miss De Aubigny | ABT 1100 | | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Nele D' Aubigny | ABT 1072 | St. Martin D'aubigny, Manche, Normandy, France | BET 21 AND 26 NOV 1129 | Montbrai Near St Lo, Manche, Normandy | stanwardine |
Nichole D' Aubigny | ABT 1193 | Barrow On Soar, Leicestershire, England | ABT 1240 | Dudley Castle, Staffordshire, England | stanwardine |
Oliva D' Aubigny | ABT 1047 | Aubigny-Sur-Nere, Normandy, France | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Olivia D' Aubigny | ABT 1141 | Castl Arundel, Sussex, England | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Rayner D' Aubigny | ABT 1149 | Castl Arundel, Sussex, England | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Roger D' Aubigny | ABT 1040 | Aubigny, Normandy, France | AFT 1084 | | stanwardine |
Rualoc D' Aubigny | ABT 1072 | St Sauveur, Manche, Normandie, France | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Simon D' Aubigny | 1144 | Arundel, Sussex, England | 1206 | | stanwardine |
William "Strong Hand" D' Aubigny | ABT 1103 | St Sauveur, Manche, Normandie, France | 12 OCT 1176 | Abbey, Waverley, Surrey, England | stanwardine |
William D' Aubigny | ABT 1173 | Arundel, Sussex, England | 1 FEB 1220/1221 | Cainell Near Rome, Latium, Italy | stanwardine |
William De Aubigny | ABT 1010 | Aubigny, Normandy, France | ABT 1066 | | stanwardine |
William De Aubigny | ABT 1000 | Dol, Brittany, France | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
William De Aubigny | ABT 1075 | Aubigny, Calvados, France | 1139 | | stanwardine |
William De Aubigny | 1136 | Arundel, Sussex, England | 24 DEC 1193 | Priory, Wymondham, Norfolk, England | stanwardine |
Colette De Aubigny (Albini) | ABT 1211 | Arundel, Sussex, England | BEF 7 MAY 1243 | Unmarried | stanwardine |
William "Earl Of Arundel" D' Aubigny (Albini) | 1200 | Of Arundel, Sussex, England | 7 AUG 1224 | Sp | stanwardine |
Alice Audley | ABT 1300 | Hadley, Staffordshire, England | 12 JAN 1373 | Greystoke, Cumberland, England | stanwardine |
Hugh AUDLEY | ABT 1267 | Stratton Audley, Oxfordshire, England | BEF MAR 1324/1325 | Wallingford Castle, Berkshire, England | stanwardine |
Hugh AUDLEY | ABT 1293 | ?; of Stratton Audley, Oxfordshire, ENG | 10 NOV 1347 | Tonbridge Priory, ENG; or France | stanwardine |
Nicholas AUDLEY | ABT 1270 | | 28 AUG 1299 | | stanwardine |
James AUDLEY or ALDITHLEY | ABT 1215 | Heleigh, Staffordshire, England | 11 JUN 1276 | Ireland of Broken neck | stanwardine |
Audofleda | ABT 465 | | 30 APR 526 | Ravenna, Italy | stanwardine |
M Auger | | | | | stanwardine |
G Augustus | | September 23, 63 BC | | 0014 | stanwardine |
Aurelia | | | | | stanwardine |
Marcus Aurelius | 26 APR 121 | Rome, Italy | 17 MAR 180 | Bononia on the Danube (possibly of the plague) | stanwardine |
Cassandra Elizabeth Austen | 1773 | | 1845 | | stanwardine |
Charles John Austen | 1779 | | 1852 | | stanwardine |
Francis William Austen | 1774 | | 1865 | | stanwardine |
George Austen | 1731 | | 1805 | | stanwardine |
George Austen | 1766 | | 1838 | | stanwardine |
H Austen | | | | | stanwardine |
Henry Thomas Austen | 1771 | | 1850 | | stanwardine |
James Austen | 1765 | | 1819 | | stanwardine |
Jane Austen | 16 DEC 1775 | | 18 JUL 1817 | | stanwardine |
L Austen | | | | | stanwardine |
Philadelphia Austen | 1730 | | 1792 | | stanwardine |
William Austen | 1701 | | 1737 | | stanwardine |
Jean I d' Avesnes | APR 1218 | Etroent, Luxembourg | 24 DEC 1257 | Valenciennes, Nord, France | stanwardine |
Jean II d' Avesnes | ABT 1247 | Brabant, Brabant, Belgium | 22 AUG 1304 | Valenciennes, Nord, France | stanwardine |
Willem III d' AVESNES | ABT 1280 | ?; of Avesnes, Pas-De-Calais, France | 7 JUN 1337 | Valenciennes, Nord, France | stanwardine |
Albreda D' Avranches | ABT 1048 | Avranches, Normandy, France | DECEASED | Okehampton, Devonshire, England | stanwardine |
Arbella De Loup Avranches | ABT 1055 | Averanches, Normandy, France | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Hugh "Lupus" D' Avranches | ABT 1047 | Normandy, France | 27 JUL 1101 | St Werburg's Abbey, Cheshire, England (As A Monk) | stanwardine |
Judith D' Avranches | ABT 1048 | Avranches, Normandy, France | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Margaret D' Avranches | ABT 1054 | Avranches, Normandy, France | DECEASED | | stanwardine |
Maud D' Avranches | ABT 1120 | Okehampton, Devonshire, England | 21 SEP 1173 | | stanwardine |
Richard Le Goz Viscount D' Avranches | ABT 1014 | Avranches, Normandy, France | AFT 1084 | | stanwardine |
Iorwerth ap Awr | ABT 1270 | Wales | | | stanwardine |
Aymer | | | 1280 | | stanwardine |