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Ancestors of Robert de TIBETOT

Ancestors of Cleopatra  Born: 69 BC in Alexandria, Egypt Search     Ancestors     Map     Descendants     Load Gedcom file

Ancestors of Cleopatra

John Macmillan
 Died: 1674
Betrag Aird
 Died: 1666
 Born: 69 BC in Alexandria, Egypt
 Died: Alexandria, Egypt on August 12, 30 BC(suicide by asp bite)
James Radcliffe
 Born: 23 JUL 1722 Saddleworth
 Died: 2 JAN 1786 Slindon, Sussex
James Radcliffe
 Born: 16 DEC 1750 Saddleworth
 Died: 25 JAN 1820 Stonebreakers
Sarah Lawton
 Born: 1726 Grotton, Yorkshire
 Died: 1763
Alice Mayall
 Born: 4 FEB 1745
 Died: 28 FEB 1837
Katherine Logan
 Died: 1704
Mary Buckley
 Born: 1783
 Died: 1847