Russian word usage
How to type in Russian
Pikovaya Dama
Russian language course
A quick start to Russian
Russian Word Usage
Enter a word, or a root of a word, in Russian or English, and see its usage in Pushkin's 'The Queen of Spades', or from any other text you give the web site address for.
Word or root of word:
e.g. игра or superfluous
Choose Text:
Pikovaya Dama - The Queen of Spades - Chapter 1
Pikovaya Dama - The Queen of Spades - Chapter 2
Pikovaya Dama - The Queen of Spades - Chapter 3
Pikovaya Dama - The Queen of Spades - Chapter 4
Pikovaya Dama - The Queen of Spades - Chapter 5
Pikovaya Dama - The Queen of Spades - Chapter 6
Pikovaya Dama - All Chapters
Other text that is located at the address entered below
or enter web address:
A good to place to find other Russian texts is at the
Electronic Library