Birth Year:Birth Place:

A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   X   Y   Z   
NameBirth DateBirth PlaceDeath DateDeath PlaceDatabase
C Abbott1960stanwardine
Abraham (Ibrahim)ABT 2052 BCHebron, Palestine1877 BCHebron, Palestinestanwardine
A Absellstanwardine
M Abyssiniastanwardine
Adah1834 BCABT 1734 BCstanwardine
Robert Adair24 MAR 1921Montreal, Hochelaga, QC, Canada5 OCT 1981Montreal, Hochelaga, QC, Canadastanwardine
Robert Alexander Shearer Adair8 AUG 1894Montreal, Hochelaga, QC, Canada12 AUG 1923Montreal, Hochelaga, QC, Canadastanwardine
AdamGarden of Edenstanwardine
B Addicoatstanwardine
George Adshead1784Stockport, Cheshire, England28 OCT 1859Saddleworthstanwardine
R Agerstanwardine
Agilulf of AgilofingABT 470Agilofing, Bavariastanwardine
Son AgilulfABT 450stanwardine
AgnesABT 1260France1327stanwardine
G Ahenobarbusstanwardine
G Ahenobarbusstanwardine
L AhenobarbusAfter 54 B.C.stanwardine
L Ahenobarbus25 A.D.stanwardine
Lylia Sophia Ainslie1861Ulverston, Lancashire25 MAY 1907Liverpoolstanwardine
Nancy Laurie Ainsworth16 AUG 1915Lahore, IndiaJUL 2000Preston and South Ribble, Lancashirestanwardine
Betrag Aird1666stanwardine
Iulus Ascanius King of AlbaLonga1137stanwardine
A Albanystanwardine
J Alba\Terentiastanwardine
L Alberga2014stanwardine
L Alberga2018stanwardine
Matilda De AlbiniABT 1153Belvoir Castle, Belvoir, Leicestershire, EnglandAFT 1210Strathearn, Perthshire, Scotlandstanwardine
Matilda De AlbiniABT 1153Belvoir Castle, Leicestershire, EnglandAFT 1210Strathearn, Perthshire, Scotlandstanwardine
M Albinistanwardine
William "Le Breton" De Albini1113Belvoir Castle, Belvoir, Leicestershire, England1168Belvoir Castle, Belvoir, Leicestershire, Englandstanwardine
William De AlbiniABT 1150Belvoir Castle, Belvoir, Leicestershire, England1 MAY 1236Castle, Belvoir, Leicestershire, Englandstanwardine
T Alderstanwardine
Mabel De Talvas D' Alencon1026Alencon, Eure, Normandy, France2 DEC 1079Bures Castlestanwardine
A Alexanderstanwardine
A Alexanderyoungstanwardine
Charles William Alexander9 DEC 1890stanwardine
J Alexanderstanwardine
J Alexanderstanwardine
James Duncuft Fettes Alexander6 DEC 1930Cheltenham, GloucestershireBEF 3 SEP 2007Spain (on Holiday)stanwardine
J Alexanderstanwardine
L Alexanderstanwardine
L Alexanderstanwardine
N Alexanderstanwardine
Nora Muriel Alexander4 DEC 1927Cheltenham, Gloucestershirestanwardine
P Alexanderstanwardine
S Alexanderstanwardine
W Alexanderstanwardine
A Alisonstanwardine
E Alisonstanwardine
Jean Beckett Allan12 FEB 1889AyrJUN 1950Londonstanwardine
D Allenstanwardine
Pamela Jane Allen23 APR 1916Bury, Lancashirestanwardine
P AllenTaunton, Somerset, Englandstanwardine
R Allenstanwardine
E Alleynestanwardine
H Alportstanwardine
Elizabeth d' AMORIEBEF 23 MAY 1318?; of Tutbury Castle, Staffordshire, ENGAFT 1360stanwardine
Roger d' AMORIEABT 1287?; of Bletchingham, Oxford, ENGABT 14 MAR 1321/1322ENGstanwardine
Elizabeth AmplettFour Ashes, Worcester1738stanwardine
Richard D' AmundevilleDECEASEDstanwardine
A Ancestry.comstanwardine
A Ancestry.comstanwardine
A Ancestry.comstanwardine
A Ancestry.comstanwardine
A Ancestry.comstanwardine
A Ancestry.comstanwardine
A Anchariastanwardine
A Andersonstanwardine
Augusta Anderson13 JUL 1933stanwardine
David Ebenezer Anderson1850stanwardine
Dorothy E Anderson1883stanwardine
J Andersonstanwardine
Kenneth Arthur Noel Anderson25 DEC 1891Madras, India29 APR 1959Gibraltarstanwardine
Marjorie Anderson18838 JUN 19716 Park Lodge, St Johns Wood, Londonstanwardine
M Andersonstanwardine
Anne Anderton?1715stanwardine
E Andrewsstanwardine
J Andrewsstanwardine
F Anfossi1980Savona, Italystanwardine
L Anfossi1980stanwardine
T Anfossistanwardine
Adelaide Of AngersABT 1112Normandy, Francestanwardine
L Anotniusstanwardine
Elizabeth Mildred Louisa Anstruther29 APR 189611 SEP 1932stanwardine
Gertrude Mary Anstruther9 MAR 190010 APR 1975stanwardine
Magdalen Janet Anstruther19 APR 188915 FEB 1953stanwardine
Margaret Christian Anstruther16 AUG 18878 SEP 1925stanwardine
Mary Rosamond Anstruther19 JUL 1958stanwardine
Ralph Hugo Anstruther13 JUN 192119 MAY 2002stanwardine
Ralph William Anstruther5 JUL 185830 SEP 1934stanwardine
Robert Edward Anstruther4 APR 189022 JUL 1921stanwardine
Sarah Katherine Anstruther28 SEP 189422 DEC 1952stanwardine
G Anthonystanwardine
M AnthonyAfter 97 B.C.stanwardine
M Anthony143 B.C.87 b.c.stanwardine
M Anthony69 B.C.stanwardine
AntipasABT 100 BCstanwardine
AntipaterABT 0080 BC0043 BCstanwardine
M Antoninusstanwardine
M Antoninusstanwardine
G Antoniusstanwardine
M Antonius143 BCstanwardine
M Antony83 BCAlexandria, Egypt in 31 BC (suicide following defeat)stanwardine
Antyllus31 BC (executed after father's death)stanwardine
Llewelyn II ap Iorwerth1173Dolyddelan, Wales11 APR 1240Aberconwy, Carnarvonshire, Walesstanwardine
F Llewellynstanwardine
G Llewellynstanwardine
G Llewellynstanwardine
I Llewellynstanwardine
T Llewellynstanwardine
Charlotte Appleton18021873stanwardine
D Appletonstanwardine
Eleanor of AquitaineABT 11221 APR 1204stanwardine
Mabel ArchbouldDEC 1870Burnham Thorpe, NorfolkJUN 1911Ormskirk, Lancashirestanwardine
ArletteABT 1012ABT 1050stanwardine
Bessie Adela Jeannette Armit16 FEB 1852Woolwich, Kent11 JUN 1912Elmhurst, Brookland Avenue, Cambridgestanwardine
L Armitstanwardine
M Armitagestanwardine
N Arnoldstanwardine
Maud D' ArquesABT 1072Arques-La-Bataille, Seine-Inferieure, Normandy, FranceDECEASEDstanwardine
F Arriastanwardine
Mariamne Arria0005043 ADstanwardine
F Arrianusstanwardine
Avice Daughter Of The Earl Of Arundel1176Axholme, Lincolnshire, EnglandDECEASEDstanwardine
Cecily De ArundelABT 1140Arundel, Sussex, EnglandDECEASEDstanwardine
Matilda De ArundelABT 1244Besford, Tettenhall, Staffordshire, England1309stanwardine
T Arundellstanwardine
Constance Eleanor Ascroft27 DEC 1886Redfern, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia28 AUG 1924Marylebone, London, Englandstanwardine
Eleanor AscroftAPR 1853Oldham, Lancashire, England7 OCT 1905Ormskirk, Lancashire, Englandstanwardine
M Ashstanwardine
Eliza Ashworth18241900stanwardine
G Attwaterstanwardine
Agatha D' AubignyABT 1147Castl Arundel, Sussex, EnglandDECEASEDstanwardine
Agnes (Avice) De Aubigny1176Axholme, Lincolnshire, EnglandDECEASEDstanwardine
Aimee D' AubignyABT 1050St Martin D'aubigny, Manche, Normandy, FranceDECEASEDstanwardine
Alice D' Aubigny1137Casti Arundel, Sussex, England11 SEP 1188stanwardine
Cicely D' AubignyABT 1210Arundel, Sussex, EnglandAFT 1260stanwardine
G Aubignystanwardine
Godfrey D' AubignyABT 1143Castl Arundel, Sussex, EnglandDECEASEDstanwardine
Henry De AubignyABT 1151Castl Arundel, Sussex, EnglandDECEASEDstanwardine
Hugh De Aubigny1215Arundel, Sussex, England7 MAY 1243Spstanwardine
Isabel D' Aubigny1190Arundel, Sussex, EnglandAFT 1230Englandstanwardine
James De AubignyABT 1152Of Herefordshire, EnglandDECEASEDstanwardine
Matilda D' AubignyABT 1142Arundel, Sussex, EnglandDECEASEDstanwardine
Maud D' AubignyABT 1196Arundel, Sussex, EnglandBET 1238 AND 1242Sussex, Englandstanwardine
Miss De AubignyABT 1188Arundel, Sussex, EnglandDECEASEDstanwardine
Miss De AubignyABT 1100DECEASEDstanwardine
Nele D' AubignyABT 1072St. Martin D'aubigny, Manche, Normandy, FranceBET 21 AND 26 NOV 1129Montbrai Near St Lo, Manche, Normandystanwardine
Nichole D' AubignyABT 1193Barrow On Soar, Leicestershire, EnglandABT 1240Dudley Castle, Staffordshire, Englandstanwardine
Oliva D' AubignyABT 1047Aubigny-Sur-Nere, Normandy, FranceDECEASEDstanwardine
Olivia D' AubignyABT 1141Castl Arundel, Sussex, EnglandDECEASEDstanwardine
Rayner D' AubignyABT 1149Castl Arundel, Sussex, EnglandDECEASEDstanwardine
Roger D' AubignyABT 1040Aubigny, Normandy, FranceAFT 1084stanwardine
Rualoc D' AubignyABT 1072St Sauveur, Manche, Normandie, FranceDECEASEDstanwardine
Simon D' Aubigny1144Arundel, Sussex, England1206stanwardine
William "Strong Hand" D' AubignyABT 1103St Sauveur, Manche, Normandie, France12 OCT 1176Abbey, Waverley, Surrey, Englandstanwardine
William D' AubignyABT 1173Arundel, Sussex, England1 FEB 1220/1221Cainell Near Rome, Latium, Italystanwardine
William De AubignyABT 1010Aubigny, Normandy, FranceABT 1066stanwardine
William De AubignyABT 1000Dol, Brittany, FranceDECEASEDstanwardine
William De AubignyABT 1075Aubigny, Calvados, France1139stanwardine
William De Aubigny1136Arundel, Sussex, England24 DEC 1193Priory, Wymondham, Norfolk, Englandstanwardine
Colette De Aubigny (Albini)ABT 1211Arundel, Sussex, EnglandBEF 7 MAY 1243Unmarriedstanwardine
William "Earl Of Arundel" D' Aubigny (Albini)1200Of Arundel, Sussex, England7 AUG 1224Spstanwardine
Alice AudleyABT 1300Hadley, Staffordshire, England12 JAN 1373Greystoke, Cumberland, Englandstanwardine
Hugh AUDLEYABT 1267Stratton Audley, Oxfordshire, EnglandBEF MAR 1324/1325Wallingford Castle, Berkshire, Englandstanwardine
Hugh AUDLEYABT 1293?; of Stratton Audley, Oxfordshire, ENG10 NOV 1347Tonbridge Priory, ENG; or Francestanwardine
Nicholas AUDLEYABT 127028 AUG 1299stanwardine
James AUDLEY or ALDITHLEYABT 1215Heleigh, Staffordshire, England11 JUN 1276Ireland of Broken neckstanwardine
AudofledaABT 46530 APR 526Ravenna, Italystanwardine
M Augerstanwardine
G AugustusSeptember 23, 63 BC0014stanwardine
Marcus Aurelius26 APR 121Rome, Italy17 MAR 180Bononia on the Danube (possibly of the plague)stanwardine
Cassandra Elizabeth Austen17731845stanwardine
Charles John Austen17791852stanwardine
Francis William Austen17741865stanwardine
George Austen17311805stanwardine
George Austen17661838stanwardine
H Austenstanwardine
Henry Thomas Austen17711850stanwardine
James Austen17651819stanwardine
Jane Austen16 DEC 177518 JUL 1817stanwardine
L Austenstanwardine
Philadelphia Austen17301792stanwardine
William Austen17011737stanwardine
Jean I d' AvesnesAPR 1218Etroent, Luxembourg24 DEC 1257Valenciennes, Nord, Francestanwardine
Jean II d' AvesnesABT 1247Brabant, Brabant, Belgium22 AUG 1304Valenciennes, Nord, Francestanwardine
Willem III d' AVESNESABT 1280?; of Avesnes, Pas-De-Calais, France7 JUN 1337Valenciennes, Nord, Francestanwardine
Albreda D' AvranchesABT 1048Avranches, Normandy, FranceDECEASEDOkehampton, Devonshire, Englandstanwardine
Arbella De Loup AvranchesABT 1055Averanches, Normandy, FranceDECEASEDstanwardine
Hugh "Lupus" D' AvranchesABT 1047Normandy, France27 JUL 1101St Werburg's Abbey, Cheshire, England (As A Monk)stanwardine
Judith D' AvranchesABT 1048Avranches, Normandy, FranceDECEASEDstanwardine
Margaret D' AvranchesABT 1054Avranches, Normandy, FranceDECEASEDstanwardine
Maud D' AvranchesABT 1120Okehampton, Devonshire, England21 SEP 1173stanwardine
Richard Le Goz Viscount D' AvranchesABT 1014Avranches, Normandy, FranceAFT 1084stanwardine
Iorwerth ap AwrABT 1270Walesstanwardine