Birth Year:Birth Place:

A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   X   Y   Z   
NameBirth DateBirth PlaceDeath DateDeath PlaceDatabase
Dru De BaalonABT 1052Ballon, Maine, FranceDECEASEDstanwardine
Mrs. Dru 1052 BaalonDECEASEDstanwardine
Adelise Lucia De BaalunABT 1115EnglandDECEASEDstanwardine
Eunice De Baalun1050Gloucester, Gloucestershire, EnglandDECEASEDEnglandstanwardine
M Balbusstanwardine
M Balbusabout 106 BC48 BCstanwardine
Arthur Windham Baldwin22 MAR 19045 JUL 1976stanwardine
Diana Lucy Baldwin8 APR 18951982stanwardine
Esther Louisa Baldwin16 MAR 19021981stanwardine
Leonora Stanley Baldwin10 JUL 18961989stanwardine
Oliver Ridsdale Baldwin1 MAR 189910 AUG 1958stanwardine
Pamela Margaret Baldwin16 SEP 189714 AUG 1976stanwardine
Stanley Baldwin3 AUG 1867Bewdley, Worcestershire14 DEC 1947Stourport On Severn, Worcestershirestanwardine
Thomas Baldwyn1546OCT 1614Corvedale / Coverdale, Shroppshirestanwardine
William Bale1916stanwardine
Ada BaliolABT 1195Durham, Scotandstanwardine
A Ballstanwardine
A Ballinstanwardine
Ellen BALLIOLABT 12051281stanwardine
Ingram de BALLIOLABT 1178stanwardine
Emma De BallonABT 1070Ballon, Maine, Francestanwardine
M Balsostanwardine
Nancy Bamber1788Heights, Accrington, Lancashire11 MAR 18574, Chapel Street, Accringtonstanwardine
Marianne Augusta Bancroft13 NOV 182229 MAY 1891Beaufort House, Oxford-road, Gunnersbury, Chiswickstanwardine
Alexander Davidson Banks29 SEP 1889Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire, Scotland14 DEC 1962Dundee, Angus, Scotlandstanwardine
A Banks1961Aylesburystanwardine
E Banks1990Dundeestanwardine
Ernest Banks1949Dundee1983stanwardine
Ernest Roiall Banks1926Dundeestanwardine
M Banksstanwardine
P Banks2019Cambodiastanwardine
R Banks1995Dundeestanwardine
R Banks1955Dundeestanwardine
T Banks1960Dundeestanwardine
T Banks1992Dundeestanwardine
Hilary Richard David BannisterMAR 1907Leinthall Starkes, Elton Aston, Shropshire, England2 SEP 1993Great Ayton Middlesbroughstanwardine
J Bannister1944Shrewsbury, Shroppshirestanwardine
P Bannister1944Shrewsbury, Shropshire, Englandstanwardine
Marguerite de Bar MoussonABT 1220of Luxembourg25 NOV 1275stanwardine
Sophie De Bar-Le-DucABT 1019U-Lvvn, France1092stanwardine
M Barbatusstanwardine
M Barbatusstanwardine
Agnes Barber1825Balmaclellan, Kircudbright13 SEP 1863Millburn Lodge, Glencairnstanwardine
Ailsa Barber2 AUG 1902New Brighton, Cheshire9 JUN 1983Parkgate South Wirral Cheshire, Englandstanwardine
Anne McMillan Barber25 JUL 1891Glencairnstanwardine
D Barberstanwardine
David Alan Barber11 NOV 1906New Brighton, Cheshire14 AUG 1971Heswell, Wirral, Cheshire, Englandstanwardine
E Barberstanwardine
F Barberstanwardine
J Barberstanwardine
John Barber1818Balmaclellan, Kircudbright27 JAN 1873stanwardine
John Christian BarberOCT 1892New Brighton, Cheshire16 JUN 1915Hooge, near Ypres, West Flandersstanwardine
Margaret Barber1828Balmaclellan, Kircudbright19 NOV 1917stanwardine
Marie F Barber1897Glencairnstanwardine
Mary Goldie Barber1860Glencairn1 JUL 1909Terrerranstanwardine
N Barberstanwardine
N Barberstanwardine
R Barberstanwardine
Robert Barber1865Glencairn10 MAY 1929Liverpoolstanwardine
William Barber1824Balmaclellan, Kircudbrightstanwardine
William Barber1864Glencairnstanwardine
William BarberABT 179015 JAN 1844stanwardine
William Gleadell Barber29 DEC 1897New Brighton, CheshireJUN 1971Runcorn, Cheshire, Englandstanwardine
Adelaide De Barcelona990Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain1034stanwardine
Godeheut (Godehilde) BarcelonaABT 995Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain1079stanwardine
L Barclaystanwardine
I Bardoulstanwardine
Isabel BardoulABT 1034Broyes, Marne, FranceABT 1058stanwardine
Alexander Bardsley2 AUG 18603 MAY 1923stanwardine
Annie Bardsley1 MAR 1930stanwardine
A Bardsleystanwardine
Brenda Bardsley27 FEB 1895stanwardine
Charlotte Bardsley17 NOV 186229 DEC 1944stanwardine
Geoffrey Bardsley15 MAY 1904stanwardine
Jean Elizabeth Bardsley23 MAY 1927stanwardine
John G Bardsley17 JUN 18411912stanwardine
John James Bardsley16 FEB 1830stanwardine
John Vickers Bardsley22 SEP 1927stanwardine
Kathleen Bardsley1892stanwardine
Margaret Bardsley1927stanwardine
Martha Marion Bardsley27 SEP 188814 OCT 1962stanwardine
Mary Bardsley23 NOV 1864stanwardine
Mary Bardsley25 OCT 1898stanwardine
Mary Elizabeth Bardsley14 MAY 1929stanwardine
P Bardsleystanwardine
R Bardsleystanwardine
Robert Crawford BardsleyNOV 1895stanwardine
Robert Vickers Bardsley28 JUN 1890stanwardine
William Bardsley22 DEC 1887stanwardine
Margaret Baring18681906stanwardine
T Barkerstanwardine
T Barkerstanwardine
X Barker1973Lancashire, Englandstanwardine
S BarlowMacclesfieldstanwardine
Ellen Ann Barnes1851Accrington, Lancashire1911Salford, Lancashirestanwardine
Agnes Craig Barr26 MAR 1919stanwardine
A Barr1937stanwardine
Archibald Craig Barr15 APR 1912stanwardine
C Barr1940stanwardine
Gloria Rosemary Craig Barr26 JAN 1924stanwardine
James Craig Barr21 JUL 1929stanwardine
James Craig Barr20 SEP 1944stanwardine
M Barr1943stanwardine
William Barr27 SEP 1936stanwardine
William Craig Barr19 JAN 192218 JUL 1928stanwardine
W Barrington-Brownestanwardine
Elizabeth Sunter Barritt1838Salford, Lancashire6 JUN 1912stanwardine
David Barry10 MAR 1604/160529 SEP 1642stanwardine
David Barry10 MAR 1604/160529 SEP 1642stanwardine
E Barrystanwardine
Ellen Barry1631stanwardine
Alice BarsbyBEF 24 JUN 1776Thrussington, Leicestershirestanwardine
Anne Barsby1770Thrussington, Leicestershirestanwardine
Elizabeth Barsby1762Thrussington, Leicestershirestanwardine
Joyce Barsby1778Thrussington, Leicestershirestanwardine
Samuel Barsby1772Thrussington, Leicestershirestanwardine
Sarah Barsby1774Thrussington, Leicestershirestanwardine
Sarah Barsby1765Thrussington, Leicestershirestanwardine
William Barsby1735Thrussington, Leicestershire1813Thrussington, Leicestershirestanwardine
William Barsby17031764Thrussington, Leicestershirestanwardine
William Barsby1764Thrussington, Leicestershirestanwardine
Albert Barton30 MAY 1890Wigan, Lancashire, EnglandJUN 1978Barrow-in-Furness, Cumbria, Englandstanwardine
Alice Hall Barton29 NOV 1916Ulverston, Lancashire, England18 OCT 2013Winchester, UKstanwardine
Edmund Barton30 NOV 1918stanwardine
Jim Barton2 MAY 192127 DEC 1986Ulverston Cumbriastanwardine
J Bassastanwardine
Aline Aliva BASSETABT 1220?; of Wooten Basset, Wiltshire, ENGBEF 11 APR 1281stanwardine
Elizabeth Basset1 AUG 1372stanwardine
Isabel BassetBEF 1335stanwardine
Jane BassetABT 1378Glastonbury, Somerset, Englandstanwardine
Jane BassetABT 1368Glastonbury, Wells, Somerset, EnglandBEF 1394stanwardine
Ralph BassetABT 1329Basset, Staffordshire, England17 JUL 1378Bytham Castle, Lincolnshire, Englandstanwardine
Ralph* VIII BassetABT 1305Drayton Basset, Staffordshire, England1335stanwardine
E BASSETTstanwardine
Geoffrey Voltelin Bates2 OCT 1921Tattenhall, Cheshire, England13 FEB 2005Llanasa, Holywell, Flintshire, Walesstanwardine
BathildeABT 638Moselle, Lorraine, France30 JAN 685Monastere de Chelles, Ile- de -France, Francestanwardine
L Bathurststanwardine
L Bathurststanwardine
L Bathurststanwardine
L Bathurststanwardine
Isabelle Wittelsbach of Bavaria136924 SEP 1435stanwardine
Swanhilde of BavariaABT 691Bavaria, Germany741stanwardine
Miss BayeuxABT 1052Normandy, FranceDECEASEDstanwardine
Edward Hodson Bayley1841Accrington, Lancashire7 MAR 1938Peacehaven, Sussexstanwardine
J Bayleystanwardine
Jonathan Bayley22 JUL 1810Salford, Lancashire12 MAY 1886stanwardine
Maria BayleyABT 1844Oswaldtwistle, Lancsstanwardine
John Robert Laurie Emilius Bayley Bayley (Laurie)16 MAY 1823Bloomsbury, London4 DEC 1917Maxwelton House, Dumfriesshirestanwardine
John BeardABT 1717stanwardine
BEATRIX1201?; of Savoy, FranceBET 1266 AND 1267stanwardine
BEATRIXABT 1200?; of Burgundy, Francestanwardine
C Beattiestanwardine
John Donald Macfarlan Benny Beattie15 MAY 1896Montreal, Quebec, Canada1971Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotlandstanwardine
*Maude BeauchampABT 1335Warwickshire, ENGABT FEB 1402/1403Brougham Castle, Westmorland, ENGstanwardine
*Philippa de BEAUCHAMPABT 1340Warwick, Warwickshire, ENGBEF 6 AUG 1386stanwardine
*Sarah de BeauchampABT 1255Elmley Castle, ENGAFT JUL 1317stanwardine
*Thomas BEAUCHAMPBEF 16 MAR 1338/1339Warwichshire, ENG8 APR 1401Warwick, Warwickshire, ENGstanwardine
*William BeauchampABT 1358Warwickshire, ENG8 MAY 1411stanwardine
*William II de BEAUCHAMP1166Salwarpe, ENG1197Salwarpe, ENGstanwardine
*William III de BEAUCHAMP1197Salwarpe, ENGBEF 7 JAN 1267/1268Elmley Castle, Worcestershire, ENG; date will provedstanwardine
Agnes BeauchampUNKNOWNstanwardine
Alice BeauchampUNKNOWN1383stanwardine
Anne BeauchampABT SEP 1426BEF 20 SEP 1492stanwardine
Anne Beauchamp13 JUL 1429CaverslemBEF 20 SEP 1492stanwardine
Catherine BeauchampUNKNOWNstanwardine
Eleanor BeauchampABT 1407Eddgeoch, Warwick6 MAR 1467/1468Baynard's Castle, Londonstanwardine
Elizabeth BEAUCHAMP16 SEP 1415Hanley Castle, Worcester, ENG18 JUN 1448stanwardine
Elizabeth de BeauchampABT 1417BEF 2 OCT 1480stanwardine
Guy BeauchampUNKNOWN1360stanwardine
Guy BEAUCHAMPABT 127510 AUG 1315Warwick Castlestanwardine
Isabel BeauchampABT 13551416stanwardine
Isabel de BEAUCHAMPABT 1256?; of Stoke Bruern, Northampton, ENG or Warwick, Warwickshire, ENGABT 30 MAY 1306Elmley Castle, Worcestershire, ENGstanwardine
Isabel de BEAUCHAMP1241Elmley Castle, ENGFEB 1322/1323stanwardine
James BeauchampUNKNOWNstanwardine
Joan BeauchampUNKNOWNstanwardine
Joan BeauchampABT 1248?; of Elmley Castle, ENG1280stanwardine
Joan de BeauchampABT 1338Warwick, Warwickshire, Englandstanwardine
John BeauchampUNKNOWNstanwardine
John de Beauchamp1245?; of Elmley Castle, ENGstanwardine
Juliana BeauchampUNKNOWNstanwardine
Margaret BeauchampUNKNOWNstanwardine
Margaret Beauchamp1404Goodrest, Wedgnock Park, Warwickshire, ENG1467stanwardine
Margaret de Beauchamp1410Bletsoe, Bedfordshire, England8 AUG 1482Interred Winborne Minster, Dorset, Englandstanwardine
Maud BEAUCHAMPABT 1305stanwardine
Reynbrun BeauchampUNKNOWNstanwardine
Richard BEAUCHAMPBEF 28 JAN 1381/1382Salwarpe, Worcestershire, ENG30 APR 1439Rouen, Normandy, Francestanwardine
Richard de BeauchampABT 1397Abergavenny, Monmouthshire, ENG18 MAR 1421/1422Meaux, Francestanwardine
R Beauchampstanwardine
Roger BeauchampUNKNOWNstanwardine
Sibyl BeauchampABT 1251?; of Elmley Castle, ENGstanwardine
Thomas BeauchampABT 1247?; of Elmley Castle, ENGstanwardine
Thomas BEAUCHAMP14 FEB 1313/1314Warwick Castle, Warwickshire, ENG16 NOV 1369Calais, France; in an outbreak of plaguestanwardine
Walter de BEAUCHAMP1243?; of Elmley Castle, ENG16 FEB 1302/1303stanwardine
William IV de BEAUCHAMP1239?; of Elmley Castle, ENG9 JUN 1298Elmley Castle, ENGstanwardine
Henry I Beauclerc (King of England 1100-1135)SEP 1068Selby, Yorkshire, England1 DEC 1135Lyons-La-Foret, Normandy, Francestanwardine
Mary Beauclerk4 DEC 1743stanwardine
*John BeaufortABT 1373St. Catherine-by-the-Tower Hospital, ENG16 MAR 1409/1410Tower of London, ENGstanwardine
Eleanor Beaufort143116 AUG 1501stanwardine
Henry Beaufort1375, Château Beaufort, Meurthe-et-Moselle, France11 APR 1447, Winchester, Hampshire, Englandstanwardine
Henry BEAUFORTABT 1376Beaufort Castle, France1447stanwardine
Joan BEAUFORTABT 1370Beaufort Castle, Anjou, France13 NOV 1440Howden, Yorkshire, ENGstanwardine
Joan de BeaufortABT 1379Chateau de Beaufort, Maine-et-Loire, France13 NOV 1440Howden, Yorkshire, Englandstanwardine
Joan de Beaufort140615 JUL 1445Dunbar, East Lothian, Scotlandstanwardine
John BeaufortABT 1371, Pottersgate, Lincoln, England16 MAR 1410St. Catherine by the Tower Hospital, London, Middlesex, Englandstanwardine
Thomas BeaufortABT JAN 1377, Château Beaufort, Meurthe-et-Moselle, France31 DEC 1426Greenwich Palace, Greenwich, Kent, Englandstanwardine
Thomas BeaufortABT 13771427stanwardine
Adeline De BeaumontABT 1102Leicester, Leicestershire, EnglandDECEASEDEnglandstanwardine
Alice Dau Of Robert De Beaumont1105Beaumont, Sur-Oise, Normandy, France11 JUL 1191Rheims, Francestanwardine
Amicade De BeaumontABT 1112Leicestershire, EnglandDECEASEDstanwardine
Amice De BeaumontABT 1147Leicestershire, England3 SEP 1215stanwardine
Aubreye De BeaumontABT 1099Of Beaumont, Normandy, FranceDECEASEDstanwardine
Aubreye De BeaumontABT 1050Of Beaumont, Normandy, France1112stanwardine
Catherine Beaumont28 AUG 1435stanwardine
Daughter De BeaumontABT 1104Leicestershire, EnglandDECEASEDstanwardine
Eleanor De Beaumont1100Leicester, Leicestershire, EnglandDECEASEDstanwardine
Henry De BeaumontABT 1046Newbourg, Manche, France20 JUN 1123Newburgh, Warwick, Engstanwardine
Hugh De BeaumontABT 1106Leicestershire, EnglandDECEASEDstanwardine
Isabel (Elizabeth) De BeaumontABT 1094Leicester, Leicestershire, England6 JAN 1147/1148Carmarthen, Carmarthenshire, Walesstanwardine
Isabel de Beaumont1361Leicester Castle, Leicestershire, Englandstanwardine
Matilda (Maud) Beaumont3 JUL 1467Englandstanwardine
Maud De BeaumontABT 1116Meulan, Normandy, FranceAFT 1189Englandstanwardine
Robert BeaumontABT 1011Beaumont, FranceDECEASEDSpstanwardine
Robert "Bossu" "The Just* De Beaumont1104Beaumont, Normandy5 APR 1168Englandstanwardine
Robert I De Beaumont1046Beaumont-Le-Roger, Eure, Normandy, France5 JUN 1118Abbey Of Preaux, Normandy, Francestanwardine
Roger De Beaumont1015Beaumont-Le-Roger, Eure, Normandy, France29 NOV 1094Preaux, Normandy, Francestanwardine
Waleran de BEAUMONT1104Meulan, Ile de France, England10 APR 1166Abbey, Preaux, Normandy, Francestanwardine
Waleran Lord De Beaumont1104Beaumont, Normandy, France10 APR 1181Abbey, Preaux, Normandy, Francestanwardine
William De BeaumontABT 1047Of Neubourg, Manche, FranceDECEASEDstanwardine
Anne Claudia Beckwith31 DEC 19141917stanwardine
Isabel Pamela Ivy Beckwith23 APR 1908DECEASEDstanwardine
Jean Isabel Malebisse Beckwith23 APR 1906DECEASEDstanwardine
John Malebisse Beckwith18 MAR 19051969stanwardine
Veronica Helen Beckwith19111915stanwardine
William Malebisse Beckwith24 DEC 1954stanwardine
C Bedwellstanwardine
Elizabeth Florence Diana Bedwell18 JUN 190730 Chapel St SWstanwardine
Florence Eliza Bedwell14 APR 1900stanwardine
F Bedwellstanwardine
Gwendoline Emily Faith Bedwell27 FEB 1909St George Hanover Square, LondonMAR 1979Taunton, Somersetstanwardine
B Beersstanwardine
D Beers2005stanwardine
E Beers2005stanwardine
M Beevorstanwardine
Susan Margaret Beevor15 JUL 1927stanwardine
Agnes Eliza Begg12 AUG 1868Canada7 OCT 1913Waterville, Douglas, WAstanwardine
P Belistanwardine
AudreyJean Bennett23 APR 194119 APR 2018stanwardine
Charles Bennett7 DEC 1839St. George Hanover Square, Middlesex, England1909stanwardine
Charles H Bennett18741913stanwardine
C Bennettstanwardine
Clifford C Bennett22 MAR 1877Hornsey Rise1913stanwardine
Constance BennettJAN 1872Islington, Middlesex, England20 JUN 1947Peebles, Scotlandstanwardine
James Carthew Cavendish Bennett1969stanwardine
J Bennett1944stanwardine
L Bennettstanwardine
L Bennettstanwardine
L Bennettstanwardine
Mary Evelyn Bennett18691962stanwardine
S Bennettstanwardine
K Bensleystanwardine
Antonia Mary Roby Benson10 JUN 1903Staffordshire27 MAY 1982Warwickstanwardine
E Bensonstanwardine
Elsie Benson19 DEC 1894stanwardine
C Bentonstanwardine
Hugh Gordon Benton10 FEB 1931stanwardine
Raimond IV (or VI) BERENGARBET 1195 AND 1198?; of Provence, France19 AUG 1245stanwardine
Sanchia BERENGERABT 1220?; of Aix-en-Provence, Bouches-du-Rhone, France9 NOV 1261Berkhampsted, ENGstanwardine
BERENGUELAAUG 1181Segovia, Castile, Spain8 NOV 1246Burgos, Burgos, Spainstanwardine
Elizabeth BerkeleyABT 138628 DEC 1422stanwardine
M Berkeleystanwardine
Ms. de BERKELEYABT 1180stanwardine
Mary Alice Berners1868stanwardine
Ida (m) BertramABT 1210AFT MAY 1315stanwardine
Ranulph Vicomte Of Bessin1017Bayeux, Normandy, FranceDECEASEDstanwardine
Eberhard BeteauABT 1015FranceDECEASEDstanwardine
Mrs. Eberhard BeteauABT 1015DECEASEDstanwardine
J Bethunestanwardine
I Betrada720stanwardine
BETREDABT 1177?; of Chesterstanwardine
A Beverleystanwardine
Marjorie Grace Bidlake19 JUN 1902Edinburgh, Midlothian, ScotlandAUG 1981Upper Dunard, Rhu, Dunbartonshire, Scotlandstanwardine
Flora Bigelow18781964stanwardine
A Biggartstanwardine
Adelaide (Adelidis) (Nmn-Roger) BigodDECEASEDstanwardine
Cecily BigodABT 1090Belvoir Castle, Belvoir, Leicestershire, EnglandDECEASEDstanwardine
Gunnora BigodABT 1096Norfolkshire, EnglandEnglandstanwardine
Hugh Bigod1266stanwardine
Hugh BigodABT 1095Belvoir Castle, Belvoir, Leicestershire, EnglandABT 1177Thetford Church, Thetford, Norfolk, Englandstanwardine
Hugh BigodABT 1125Belvoir Castle, Belvoir, Leicestershire, EnglandBEF 6 MAR 1175/1176Palestinestanwardine
Hugh II BIGODBEF 1180Thetford, ENG11 FEB 1224/1225Thetford, ENGstanwardine
Isabel le BIGODABT 1200Therford, ENGABT 1239stanwardine
Jane BigodABT 1105Belvoir Castle, Belvoir, Leicestershire, EnglandDECEASEDEnglandstanwardine
Jane BigodABT 1105Belvoir Castle, Belvoir, Leicestershire, EnglandDECEASEDstanwardine
Mary BIGODABT 1186Menathorp, Yorks, ENGstanwardine
Maud BigodABT 1088Belvoir Castle, Belvoir, Leicestershire, EnglandBEF 1136stanwardine
Maud (Mary) BigodABT 1080Belvoir Castle, Belvoir, Leicestershire, EnglandBEF 1136Englandstanwardine
Maud (Nmn-Roger) BigodDECEASEDstanwardine
Robert BigodABT 1036Avranches, Normandy, France1071Malitot Loges, Chanon, Normandy, Francestanwardine
Roger BigodABT 1212Thetford, ENG4 JUL 1270Thetford, ENGstanwardine
Roger BigodABT 1065St. Saveur, Calvados, Normandy, France8 SEP 1107Evesham, Suffolk, England.stanwardine
S Bigodstanwardine
William BigodABT 1062Norfolkshire, EnglandDECEASEDstanwardine
Ida BillungABT 1033Saxony, Germany31 JUL 1102Namur, Belgiumstanwardine
Lavinia Bingham1831stanwardine
Ann Biram18051825stanwardine
Ann Biram1841stanwardine
Benjamin Biram10 FEB 1803Wentworth, Yorkshire31 JAN 1857Wentworthstanwardine
Benjamin Biram12 JAN 1709Longwood, Huddersfield27 NOV 1775Kirkheaton, West Yorkshirestanwardine
B Biramstanwardine
D Biramstanwardine
Eliza Biram18081808stanwardine
Elizabeth Biram17961802stanwardine
Ernest Frank Stuart Biram1865Wentworth, West Yorkshire4 MAY 1944Bournemouthstanwardine
Ethel Maud Biram1876Sheffieldstanwardine
Frances Biram1844stanwardine
Helen J Biram1864stanwardine
James Biram17491832stanwardine
Jane Biram1841stanwardine
John Biram18091826stanwardine
Joshua Biram1831Wentworth, West Yorkshirestanwardine
Joshua Biram25 NOV 1759Kirkheaton, Huddersfield7 JUN 1835Wentworth, West Yorkshirestanwardine
Marguerite Stuart BiramOCT 1898St Helens, Lancashirestanwardine
Mary Biram17991841stanwardine
Mary Biram18301902stanwardine
Sarah Biram1801stanwardine
William Biram1745stanwardine
Sarah Birch27 DEC 1742Whitefield, Prestwich, Lancashire23 JAN 1788Prestwich, Lancashirestanwardine
Christian BIRTLES1265Middlewich, Cheshire, England1334stanwardine
Anne BirtwistleABT 1737St James Church, Accrington3 MAY 1821stanwardine
Robert de Neville, Bishop of Durham-Sarum1404Raby Castle, Staindrop, Durham, Englandstanwardine
Henry Beaufort, Bishop of Winchester1375Beaufort Castle, Anjou, Rhône-Alpes, France11 APR 1447Wolvesey Palace, Winchester, Hampshire, Englandstanwardine
John Livingston BissellABT 1880MOAFT 1953Tacoma, WAstanwardine
I Bissetstanwardine
R Blackburnstanwardine
J Blackleystanwardine
Ann Blackstock5 NOV 1817Kirkmichael, Dumfriesshire, Scotland18 NOV 1901Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotlandstanwardine
Hannah Blakeley1777Manchester21 AUG 1814Manchesterstanwardine
BlancheABT 1339ABT 1365Medina Sidoniastanwardine
Isabel la Blanche1214stanwardine
G Blandusstanwardine
C Blasconstanwardine
Mary BleackleyBEF 14 JUN 1818Prestwich, Lancashire, EnglandBEF 26 FEB 1895Prestwich, Englandstanwardine
A Blennerhassettstanwardine
Agnes Blennerhassett2 MAY 1722Ballyseedy, Ballyseedy, KerryTralee Castle, Annagh, Kerrystanwardine
Anne Blennerhassett21 JAN 1694Castle Conway, Killorglin, County Kerry, Ireland & Sutton15 AUG 1765County Kerry, Irelandstanwardine
Arthur Blennerhassett1655stanwardine
E Blennerhassettstanwardine
John Blennerhassett1620Ballseedy Castle4 DEC 1677stanwardine
John Blennerhassett1657Ballyseedy, Ballyseedy1709Ballyseedy Castlestanwardine
John Blennerhassett1691Ballyseedy, Co Kerry1775Oak Park, Kerrystanwardine
John Blennerhassett1593Castle Conway, Killorglin, Co.Kerry1676stanwardine
John Blennerhassett1660Castle Conway, Killorglin, Co.Kerry, Ireland17 MAR 1737Castle Conway, Killorglin, County Kerry, Irelandstanwardine
R Blennerhassettstanwardine
Robert Blennerhassett1622Ballycarty, Tralee, County Kerry, Ireland & Sutton1702Castle Conway, Killorglin, County Kerry, Ireland & Suttonstanwardine
Ruth Blennerhassett1660Ballyseedy, Ballyseedystanwardine
A Bloisstanwardine
Emma Of BloisABT 1088Blois, Loir-Et-Cher, France1101stanwardine
Henri Stephen "Le Sage" Count Of Champagne Blois1045Blois, Loir-Et-Cher, France19 MAY 1102By Turks On Crusade Of 1101stanwardine
Henry (Bishop Of Winchester) BloisABT 1099stanwardine
M Bloisstanwardine
Maud Of BloisABT 1097Of Blois, Orleanais, France25 NOV 1120At Sea Off, Barfleur, Normandy, Francestanwardine
Philip Of BloisABT 1092Blois, Loir-Et-Cher, FranceDECEASEDstanwardine
Theobald BloisABT 1088Of Blois, Loir-Et-Cher, France10 JAN 1151/1152Marne, Blois, Francestanwardine
Henri II Etienne Blois & MeauxDECEASEDstanwardine
Josiah Blood6 APR 1664Carlisle, Middlesex, MA2 JUL 1731Concord, Middlesex, MAstanwardine
Constance Bloor1892Tunstall, Staffordshire, Englandstanwardine
Marjorie Bloor1895Tunstall, Staffordshire, Englandstanwardine
Mary Bloor1889Tunstall, Staffordshire, Englandstanwardine
Peter Holland Bloor1852Norton-in-the-Moors, StaffordshireAPR 1922stanwardine
Eliza BlountABT 1422stanwardine
E Blountstanwardine
Elizabeth Blount1469Rock, Worcester, EnglandAFT FEB 1513/1514Hounslow, Middlesex, Englandstanwardine
Elizabeth "Bessie" BlountABT 1502Kinlet, Shropshire, EnglandAFT 6 FEB 1539stanwardine
John Blount1450Rock, Worcester, England12 OCT 1485stanwardine
Thomas Blountof Milton Ross1468stanwardine
Walter Blount1420Appletree, Derbyshire, England1 AUG 1474stanwardine
W Blountstanwardine
William Blount1442Rock, Worcester, England14 APR 1471Battle of Barnet, Hertfordshire, Englandstanwardine
Dorothy BoardmanBEF 25 JAN 1747Prestwich14 APR 1819Prestwich, Englandstanwardine
R Boardmanstanwardine
Alice BOHUNABT 1235stanwardine
Humphrey V BOHUNBEF 120824 SEP 1275stanwardine
Humphrey VI BOHUNABT 122027 AUG 1265ENGstanwardine
Isabel BohunABT 1228stanwardine
Mary Boleyn150619 JUL 1543stanwardine
Elizabeth Bolton1847Liverpoolstanwardine
H Boltonstanwardine
Henry Bolton1845Liverpoolstanwardine
Mary Bolton1853Liverpoolstanwardine
Richard Bolton1818Liverpoolstanwardine
Sarah A Bolton1849Liverpoolstanwardine
Thos Bolton1851Liverpoolstanwardine
Wm Bolton1860Liverpoolstanwardine
Marie BonnetMAY 1697Bristol, England11 SEP 1798New Rochelle, New Yorkstanwardine
Petronella De BooleyABT 1216Booley, EnglandABT 1272stanwardine
Charlotte Booth177916 SEP 1842St Marys, Prestwichstanwardine
Elizabeth Booth1748stanwardine
Ann Booth?17201792stanwardine
Margery Boothe1380stanwardine
D Borehamstanwardine
Emma Ann Boreham1862Pinner1939stanwardine
E Borehamstanwardine
George James Boreham1829St. Georges, Bloomsbury, London, England9 AUG 1897Pinnerstanwardine
Gladys Mary Boreham1 JAN 1892Pinner15 JUN 1978Daventrystanwardine
Harold Herbert Boreham9 NOV 1895Pinner17 MAY 1941stanwardine
Harry Pendry Boreham16 APR 1918stanwardine
Harry White Boreham18601 NOV 1930stanwardine
Hilda Celia Elizabeth Boreham1899Pinnerstanwardine
J Borehamstanwardine
James George Boreham1858Pinner1928stanwardine
M Borehamstanwardine
Sarah Jane Boreham1856Bloomsbury1936stanwardine
T Borehamstanwardine
William Herbert Boreham30 APR 1865Pinner1940stanwardine
Godeheut BorellAFT 1077stanwardine
Catherine BorthwickABT 1490Borthwickstanwardine
Mabel Emma Boscawen185526 OCT 1927stanwardine
Margaret BosvilleBEF 1676stanwardine
Thomas BosvilleBEF 1660stanwardine
Sarah Boswell1719stanwardine
Ankaret BOTELERABT 1316Wemme, Shropshire, England8 OCT 1361stanwardine
W Boterelstanwardine
John BotheABT 1353stanwardine
Matilda Le BotillerABT 1192Arklow, Wicklow, Leinster, IrelandDECEASEDstanwardine
Maud Le Botiller1225Lincoln, Lincolnshire, England27 NOV 1283Englandstanwardine
Theobald Fitzwalter Le BotillerABT 1165West Dereham, Downham, Norfolk, IrelandAFT APR 1206Arklow, Wicklow, Leinster, Irelandstanwardine
Theobald Le Botiller1200Arklow, Wicklow, Leinster, Ireland19 JUL 1230Poitou, Francestanwardine
Theobald Le Botiller1223Norfolkshire, England26 DEC 1248Monastery Of Arklow, Wicklow, Irelandstanwardine
Hawise BOTTERELLABT 1210stanwardine
Ida De BouillonABT 1040Bass, Lorraine, France13 AUG 1113stanwardine
Gerberge De BoulogneABT 1023Boulogne-Sur-Mer, Nord-Pas-DE-Calais, France1049stanwardine
M BOULTONstanwardine
Jeanne de Bourbon3 FEB 13386 FEB 1377stanwardine
Mary Helen Bowden2 OCT 1856Southport, Lancashire, England19 MAY 1940Pancras, London, Englandstanwardine
J Bowen1978stanwardine
M Bowen1951stanwardine
M Bowen1975stanwardine
E Bowlerstanwardine
F Bowlesstanwardine
A BOWYERstanwardine
G Bowyerstanwardine
Elizabeth BoydABT 1448Renfrewshire, Scotland21 FEB 1496North Berwick, East Lothian, Scotlandstanwardine
A Boylestanwardine
Alice Boyle20 MAR 160723 MAR 1666stanwardine
J Boylestanwardine
Richard Boyle3 OCT 156615 SEP 1643stanwardine
Hannah Bradbury17931896stanwardine
John Bradbury1793Weakey9 MAR 1842Weakeystanwardine
Margaret Bradbury1703Saddleworth, Yorkshire, Englandstanwardine
Sarah Ann Bradbury18121 SEP 1838Diggle Bridge, Saddleworth, Yorkshire, Englandstanwardine
Andrew Bradish-Ellames1965Bromley, Kent, England13 APR 1971Switzerlandstanwardine
Helen Maureen Bradish-Ellames28 NOV 192229 APR 2016Bridge House, Elstead, Surreystanwardine
J Bradish-Ellamesstanwardine
John Edward Mountague Bradish-Ellames26 DEC 1895Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, England28 MAY 1984Alfold Cranleigh, Surrey, Englandstanwardine
K Bradish-Ellamesstanwardine
Kathleen Agnes Bradish-Ellames1 JUL 1886stanwardine
Nancy Beatrice Bradish-Ellames30 AUG 192420 NOV 2022stanwardine
P Bradish-Ellamesstanwardine
Simon Edward Mountague Bradish-EllamesMAR 1930Wycombe, Oxfordshire5 OCT 2005Alton, Hampshire, Englandstanwardine
W Bradish-Ellamesstanwardine
Elizabeth Ann BrainBEF 16 OCT 1813Leigh, Lancashirestanwardine
Mary BrainBEF 6 DEC 1814Lancashire, Englandstanwardine
Matilda BrainABT 1832stanwardine
M Brainstanwardine
R Brainstanwardine
Thomas Alexander BrainBEF 27 MAY 1821Lancashire, Englandstanwardine
Marguerite BranlundABT 1879stanwardine
*Eva de BRAOSEABT 1222Bramber, Sussex, ENGABT 20 JUL 1255ENGstanwardine
Eleanor de BRAOSEABT 1230Brensh, WalesBEF 1246Gloucester, ENGstanwardine
Isabella De BraoseABT 1228Bramber, Sussex, EnglandDECEASEDstanwardine
Isabelle BraoseABT 1228stanwardine
Maude BRAOSEABT 1226Bramber Castle, Breconshire, WalesBEF 20 MAR 1300/1301stanwardine
Reginald de Braose1228stanwardine
William V de BRAOSEABT 1190Abergavenny, Monmouth, Wales; or Glower, Glamorgan, Wales2 MAY 1230Crokein, Wales; hanged by Llywelyn ab Iorwerth for having an affair with his wifestanwardine
C Brasier-Creagh1946stanwardine
E Brasier-Creagh1940stanwardine
George Edward Brian Brasier-Creagh25 FEB 1908MAY 1993Winchesterstanwardine
G Brasier-Creagh1943stanwardine
K Brasier-Creaghstanwardine
Neville Henry Sherlock Brasier-Creagh18 MAR 1911stanwardine
Rupert Brasier-Creagh12 DEC 1909stanwardine
B Bredinstanwardine
L Breestanwardine
J Breslinstanwardine
Joan de Bretagne8 NOV 1402stanwardine
Emma De BreteullDECEASEDstanwardine
F Brettstanwardine
Adam BridgeABT 1769St James Church, Accrington14 JUN 1849Accrington, Lancashirestanwardine
Alfred Bridge1852ACCRINGTON Lancashire England27 NOV 1924Moleside, Prestwichstanwardine
Alice Bridge12 NOV 1795ACCRINGTON Lancashire Englandstanwardine
Arthur Bridge1856Accrington, Lancashire, England24 APR 1909Rydal Mount, Glebelands Road, Prestwichstanwardine
Arthur Ogden Bridge2 AUG 1916Prestwich, Lancashire, England22 SEP 2008Pershore, Worcestershirestanwardine
C Bridge1993Shrewsburystanwardine
Clement Bridge22 MAR 188223 Great Cheetham Street West, Broughton, Salford, Lancashire, England26 FEB 1940Longmeade, Wilmslowstanwardine
Constance Bridge25 JAN 1885SALFORD Lancashire Englandstanwardine
Cyril Bridge30 APR 1884Prestwich, EnglandDEC 1969Southport, Lancashirestanwardine
D Bridge1987Chalfont-St-Peter, Buckinghamshirestanwardine
David James Bridge6 NOV 1923Prestwich, England25 OCT 2011Ellesmere, Shropshire, Englandstanwardine
E Bridge1996Shrewsburystanwardine
Edwin Bridge1856ACCRINGTON Lancashire England1901stanwardine
E Bridge2003St Mary's Hospital, Paddington, Londonstanwardine
Elizabeth Rendell BridgeAPR 1915Salford, Lancashire Ref:8d/9921 OCT 2007Hale, Altrincham, Cheshirestanwardine
Ellen Bridge22 MAR 1789St James, Accringtonstanwardine
Emily Bridge1860Accrington, Lancashirestanwardine
Emily May Bridge1890Prestwich, Englandstanwardine
Florence Bridge1886Prestwich, Lancashire, Englandstanwardine
Harold Bridge1873Accringtonstanwardine
H Bridge1992Shrewsburystanwardine
Hilda Bridge6 JUL 1889Whitefield, Lancashire, Englandstanwardine
Hubert Whitaker Bridge7 DEC 1883Prestwich, Lancashire, England11 FEB 195559 West Drive, Cleveleys, Lancashirestanwardine
Jacob Bridge28 MAY 1864New Jerusalem Church, Accrington, Lancashire6 OCT 1900Accrington, Lancashirestanwardine
Jacob Bridge18 JUN 18095 APR 1880stanwardine
J Bridge1956Wilmslow, Cheshirestanwardine
Jane Bridge1856Accrington, Lancashire, Englandstanwardine
Jane Elizabeth Bridge7 AUG 194924 JUN 2003stanwardine
Janet BridgeSEP 1916Salford, Lancashire, Ref: 8d / 80stanwardine
Janet Bridge1878Accrington31 OCT 192722 Aughton road, Birkdale, Southportstanwardine
Jessie Catherine Bridge1886Prestwich, Lancashire, Englandstanwardine
John Bridge18 DEC 1857Accrington, LancashireABT 1891N/Australiastanwardine
John Bridge27 DEC 1797stanwardine
J Bridge1945stanwardine
Joseph Bridge1848ACCRINGTON Lancashire England2 NOV 1903Moor-lane, Kersal, Manchesterstanwardine
Joseph Rendell Bridge19 DEC 1917Salford, Lancashire, Ref: 8d 65MAR 1981Trafford, Cheshire. Ref: 39/2009stanwardine
Joseph William Bridge13 DEC 1846Accrington, Lancashire29 JUL 1919stanwardine
J Bridge1947ALTRINCHAM Cheshire Englandstanwardine
J Bridge1955Devonstanwardine
Lang Bridge23 NOV 1835St James Church, Accrington14 JAN 1889stanwardine
Lang Bridge18 MAY 1817ACCRINGTON Lancashire England20 AUG 1884Manchesterstanwardine
Lucy Ellen Bridge7 NOV 1845Accrington, Lancashirestanwardine
M BridgeAccrington, Lancashirestanwardine
Mary Bridge1857ACCRINGTON Lancashire Englandstanwardine
Nanny BridgeBEF 25 DEC 1790Accrington, LancashireBEF 25 JAN 1801stanwardine
O Bridge1984Chalfont-St-Peter, Buckinghamshirestanwardine
P Bridge1955Oswestry, Englandstanwardine
P Bridge1956Llansantffraid, Powys, Walesstanwardine
Peter Lang Bridge2 AUG 1920Salford, Lancashire, 8d 145AUG 1985Colwyn, Clwyd, Walesstanwardine
S Bridge1950stanwardine
S Bridge1947stanwardine
T Bridge1990Chalfont-St-Peter, Buckinghamshirestanwardine
W Bridge1972Shrewsbury, Shropshire, Englandstanwardine
Mary Selina Louisa BridgemanABT 183012 JUL 1889stanwardine
Brook Bridges14 AUG 17669 JUL 1781stanwardine
Brook Bridges2 JAN 164323 DEC 1717stanwardine
Brook 1st Bt. Bridges12 AUG 167916 MAR 1727/1728stanwardine
Brook 2nd Bt. Bridges12 MAR 1708/1709Goodneston, Kent, England23 MAY 1733stanwardine
Brook Edward Bridges177923 APR 1825stanwardine
Brook Henry Bridges1 JUN 176920 SEP 1855stanwardine
Brook William 3rd Bt. Bridges17 SEP 1733Whitehall, London, England4 SEP 1791Portman Square, London, Englandstanwardine
Brook William 4th Bt. Bridges22 JUN 1767Goodneston, Kent, England21 APR 1829Albemarle Street, London, Englandstanwardine
C Bridges1962stanwardine
Elizabeth Bridges17731808stanwardine
F Bridgesstanwardine
J Bridges1964stanwardine
John Henry Dalrymple Bridges20 MAR 1928stanwardine
M Bridgesstanwardine
Blanche BRIENNEABT 1240Courtain, FranceABT 1302Loupeland, Francestanwardine
Jean BRIENNEABT 1218Acre, PalestineABT 1296Francestanwardine
Alice BriggsBEF 6 MAR 1774Whitefield, Prestwich, Lancashire4 JUL 1846Prestwich, Lancashire, Englandstanwardine
Barbara BriggsAPR 1887Wakefield, Yorkshire, England9 AUG 1976Victoria, British Columbia, Canadastanwardine
Dorothy Briggs18781919stanwardine
Edmund Briggs1710Prestwich, England1744Lancashire, Englandstanwardine
Eliza Briggs30 SEP 1836Middleton, Lancashire8 JAN 1871Overton Clark County, Nevada, The "muddy"stanwardine
Emma Briggs8 AUG 1855Stalybridge, Lancashire20 OCT 1869Salt Lake, Utahstanwardine
Isaac Briggs14 OCT 1815Littleborough, Lancashire5 JAN 1910Wakefield, Yorkshire, Englandstanwardine
Isaac Briggs20 JAN 1849Mellorbrook, Lancashire, England5 DEC 1926Beechfield, Sandal, Wakefieldstanwardine
James Thomas Briggs4 JAN 1845Manchester, Lancashire, England15 FEB 1905Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utahstanwardine
John Briggs3 FEB 1813Bowlee Village, Middleton, Lancashire, England3 NOV 1856Devils Gate, Natrona, Wyomingstanwardine
Marjory Ellen Briggs20 JUL 1884stanwardine
Mary Hannah Briggs16 MAY 1849Stalybridge, Lancashire29 NOV 1856Between Big Mountain, over the South Pass, down to Fort Bridgerstanwardine
Maurice Hague Briggs22 JUN 1881Wakefield11 FEB 1901Coblenz, Bautzen, Saxony, Germanystanwardine
Rachel Evelyn Briggs8 APR 1853Staley Bridge, Lancashire, England6 APR 1910Herriman, Salt Lake, Utah, USAstanwardine
Robert Briggs22 AUG 1736Whitefield, Prestwich, Lancashire, England23 JAN 1788Prestwich, Lancashire, Englandstanwardine
Sarah Ann Briggs4 JUL 1851Stalybridge, Lancashire, England14 APR 1923Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, United Statesstanwardine
Thomas Briggs18 FEB 1843Stalybridge, Lancashire11 NOV 1856Near Split Rock, Wyoming (18 miles before Ice Springs (Martin Handcart Company))stanwardine
Thomas Briggs4 AUG 1776Manchester, Lancashire6 NOV 1846Manchester, Lancashirestanwardine
William Briggs6 MAR 1848Wickwar, Gloucestershirestanwardine
William Gerald Briggs22 AUG 1885Wakefield, Yorkshire, England4 JAN 1975Woodlands 8A Park Green Derbystanwardine
H Brintonstanwardine
A Britainstanwardine
A Britainstanwardine
A Britainstanwardine
A Britainstanwardine
A Britainstanwardine
A Britainstanwardine
B Britain861 B.C.stanwardine
B Britainstanwardine
B Britainstanwardine
B Britainstanwardine
B Britainstanwardine
B Britainc. 1120 B.C.c. 1060 B.C.stanwardine
B Britain945 B.C.stanwardine
B Britainstanwardine
C Britainstanwardine
Coel King of Britainc. a.d. 60, Britain170stanwardine
C Britainstanwardine
C Britain794 B.C.stanwardine
C Britaina.d. 17stanwardine
D Britainstanwardine
E Britain957 B.C.stanwardine
E Britainstanwardine
E Britainstanwardine
E Britainstanwardine
E Britainstanwardine
E Britainstanwardine
G Britainstanwardine
G Britainstanwardine
G Britainstanwardine
G Britainstanwardine
G Britainstanwardine
G Britainstanwardine
G Britainstanwardine
G Britainstanwardine
G Britainstanwardine
G Britainstanwardine
G Britain743 B.C.stanwardine
H Britainstanwardine
I Britainstanwardine
I Britainstanwardine
J Britainstanwardine
K Britainstanwardine
K Britainstanwardine
K Britain683 B.C.stanwardine
K Britainstanwardine
L Britain801 B.C.stanwardine
L Britain920 B.C.stanwardine
L Britain62 B.C.stanwardine
L Britain1177 B.C.1056 B.C.stanwardine
M Britain1016 B.C.stanwardine
M Britainstanwardine
M Britainstanwardine
M Britainstanwardine
M Britainstanwardine
M Britainstanwardine
Meurig King of Britain125stanwardine
M Britainstanwardine
M Britain996 B.C.stanwardine
O Britainstanwardine
O Britainstanwardine
R Britainstanwardine
R Britainstanwardine
R Britain761 B.C.stanwardine
R Britain881 B.C.stanwardine
R Britainstanwardine
S Britain723 B.C.stanwardine
S Britainstanwardine
S Britainstanwardine
S Britainstanwardine
T Britainstanwardine
T Britaina.d. 17stanwardine
T Britannicus041055stanwardine
A Britonstanwardine
H Britonstanwardine
K Britonstanwardine
M Britonstanwardine
Ellen BrittonABT 1888stanwardine
Joan de BRIWEREABT 11901233stanwardine
Abraham BroadbentABT 1716From 14 APR 1803 to 1803Saddleworth, Yorkshire, Englandstanwardine
Isaac Broadbent1727Saddleworth, Yorkshire, EnglandABT 1791stanwardine
Jane Broadbent5 JUN 1724St Chad's, Rochdale, Saddleworth, Yorkshire, England1 JUN 1727Saddleworth, Yorkshire, Englandstanwardine
John BroadbentBEF 22 NOV 1800Marslandstanwardine
John Broadbent14 JAN 1721St Chad's, Rochdale, Saddleworth, Yorkshire, Englandstanwardine
M Broadbentstanwardine
William Broadbent1720Castleshaw, England24 APR 1801St Thomas, Friarmere, Saddleworth, Yorkshire, Englandstanwardine
William BroadbentFEB 1682Saddleworth, Yorkshire, England11 SEP 1730Saddleworth, Yorkshire, Englandstanwardine
Alan 1st Viscount Midleton BrodrickAUG 1728stanwardine
G Brolly1964stanwardine
A Bromleystanwardine
E BromleyShrawardine Castlestanwardine
Frances BromleyBEF 173125 MAY 1768stanwardine
H BromleyShrawardine Castlestanwardine
J Broodzykstanwardine
Ellen Adelaide Brook9 MAY 1830Huddersfield, Yorkshire West Riding, EnglandAPR 1867Kendal, Westmorland, Englandstanwardine
F Brookestanwardine
H Brookestanwardine
M Brooksstanwardine
Anna Maria Brougham3 JAN 1836Falmouth, Cornwall, Englandstanwardine
Caroline Frances Brougham9 APR 1828Falmouth, Cornwall, Englandstanwardine
Charlotte Ann Brougham27 SEP 1826Falmouth, Cornwall, England23 OCT 1894Falmouth, Cornwall, Englandstanwardine
E Broughamstanwardine
Eliza Brougham22 MAR 1838Falmouth, Cornwall, Englandstanwardine
John BroughamABT 1700stanwardine
Mary Brougham10 AUG 1832Falmouth, Cornwall, Englandstanwardine
M Broughamstanwardine
Matthew Nixon Brougham6 SEP 1830Falmouth, Cornwall, Englandstanwardine
S Broughamstanwardine
Stephen Brougham17941866stanwardine
Thomas Brougham1648stanwardine
Agnes Brown12 JUN 163215 MAR 1709stanwardine
B M Brown16 JUL 1893stanwardine
Barbara Maeveen Blundell Brown24 JUL 191810 MAR 2014Kelso, Roxburghshirestanwardine
Jean BrownABT 1655Of Bramtrigg, , , Scotlandstanwardine
Jessie Jane Brown5 DEC 1831stanwardine
M Brownstanwardine
A Browne1948stanwardine
William Brownlie183916 JUN 1922stanwardine
Daphne Angela Brownlow31 JAN 191729 JUL 1995Winchester, Hampshirestanwardine
Francis Cecil Brownlow22 NOV 1870Dublin, Ireland21 DEC 1932Lymington, Hampshirestanwardine
John Desmond Cavendish Brownlow29 JUN 191117 SEP 1991stanwardine
Robert I Bruce, King of Scotland11 JUL 1274Writtle, Chelmsford, Essex7 JUN 1329Dunfermlinestanwardine
Margorie Bruce, Princess of Scotland1297Scotlandstanwardine
P Bruce-Jones1939stanwardine
T Bruce-Jonesstanwardine
T Bruce-Jones1941stanwardine
Daphne Helen Anne Brudenell-Bruce28 JAN 1915Belfast, Antrim, Northern Ireland9 DEC 1992Kettering, Northamptonshire, Englandstanwardine
Robert Hanbury Brudenell-Bruce24 OCT 1881London, England12 FEB 1955Winchester, Hampshire, Englandstanwardine
Robert Thomas Brudenell-Bruce25 JAN 1845St Pancras, London15 FEB 1912Hampshire, Englandstanwardine
Isabel BRUSABT 1150?; of Skelton, ENGAFT 1230stanwardine
Alice Muriel Bryant23 OCT 1886Woodlands Parkstanwardine
Arthur Charles Bryant1841stanwardine
Charles Edgar Bryant6 APR 1885Surbiton22 FEB 1950Cirencesterstanwardine
Edith Ellen Bryant1834stanwardine
Elizabeth Annette Bryant1843stanwardine
E Bryantstanwardine
Frederick Carkeet Bryant30 MAR 1843Falmouth, Cornwall16 DEC 1888Woodland Park, Leatherheadstanwardine
Helen Lilian Bryant23 MAR 1884Surbiton17 APR 1920stanwardine
J Bryantstanwardine
Richard Charles Bryant27 JAN 1927Cirencester, Gloucs1994stanwardine
Theodore Henry Bryant1843stanwardine
Wilberforce Bryant1837stanwardine
William Bryant8 MAR 1804Tiverton24 JUL 1874Eastbourne, Sussexstanwardine
Elizabeth Margaret Bucher14 NOV 1927stanwardine
Francis Robert Roy Bucher31 AUG 1895North Leith, Edinburgh5 JAN 1980Normanby, Yorkshirestanwardine
Margaret dau of Eunice Turner & Isaac Buck7 AUG 1687Scituate, Plymouth, MA30 APR 1710Scituate, Plymouth, MAstanwardine
Rohese Of BuckinghamshireABT 1147Buckinghamshire, EnglandDECEASEDstanwardine
Ann Buckley1745BEF 3 NOV 1827stanwardine
Betty Buckley17408 MAY 1797Lower Barn, Saddleworth, Yorkshirestanwardine
M Buckleystanwardine
Mary Buckley17831847stanwardine
Mary Buckley1804Marsden, Yorkshirestanwardine
Philip Buckley20 APR 1740Barn, Delph, Saddleworth, Yorkshire, EnglandBEF 8 JUN 1831Golburnstanwardine
Sarah Buckley1745SaddleworthBEF 9 JUL 1801Dobcross, Lancashirestanwardine
Sarah Anne Buckley1 MAY 1841Saddleworth, Yorkshire14 APR 1935Oldham, Lancashirestanwardine
W Buckleystanwardine
S Budd1958stanwardine
Anne BulkeleyABT 1672stanwardine
Margaret BulkeleyABT 1386stanwardine
Richard Bulkeley22 FEB 1368/136911 NOV 1391stanwardine
Jacqueline Ruth Bull21 OCT 193330 DEC 1975stanwardine
H Bullmanstanwardine
E Bullockstanwardine
H Bullockstanwardine
J Bullockstanwardine
L Bullockstanwardine
S Bullockstanwardine
Honora BurghABT 1672stanwardine
Hubert BurghABT 1178stanwardine
John BURGH129018 JUN 1313stanwardine
William BURGH17 SEP 13126 JUN 1333LeFord, Belfaststanwardine
B BURGHERSH?; of Ewais Lacy, Hereford, ENGstanwardine
Elizabeth de BURGHERSHMAY 134226 JUL 1409stanwardine
Clemence Clementia Of BurgundyABT 1080Bourgogne, France1133stanwardine
Arthur John Burr4 OCT 1859stanwardine
Doris Eileen Burr24 JUN 1895Uphill, Axbridge, Somerset, England1 MAR 1942120 High Street, St Julians, Malta due to enemy bombingstanwardine
Enid Ursula Burr11 MAR 1900stanwardine
Evelyn Noel Burr22 DEC 1892stanwardine
Florence Madeline Burr2 NOV 1890Uphill Rectory, Weston, SomersetJUN 1984Farnham Royal, Hampshirestanwardine
Georgiana Phillis Burr27 NOV 189120 OCT 1935stanwardine
Vera Winifred Burr16 FEB 1897stanwardine
M BURSLEMstanwardine
Joan Burton1568stanwardine
S Burtonstanwardine
Elinor Bushell14 OCT 1915stanwardine
H Bushellstanwardine
Margaret Anne Bushell11 NOV 1912stanwardine
Beatrice ButlerABT 1198Lancashire, EnglandDECEASEDstanwardine
Elizabeth BUTLER1420Ormond, Kerry, Ireland8 SEP 1473Shrewsbury, Shropshire, Englandstanwardine
James BUTLER4 OCT 133110 OCT 1382stanwardine
James BUTLERABT 1392Leicester, England1452stanwardine
James BUTLER4 OCT 13631405stanwardine
James BUTLERABT 13056 JAN 1337/1338stanwardine
James Wandesford Butler15 JUL 177718 MAY 1838stanwardine
John Butler24 AUG 1808Merrion Square, Dublin, Ireland25 SEP 1854Loftus Hall, Wexfordstanwardine
Mary Grace Louisa Butler7 MAR 1846Kilkenny, Ireland17 JAN 1929Malton, Yorkshire North Ridingstanwardine
Petronilla BUTLERABT 1327Ormond, Kerry, Ireland1365stanwardine
Piers ButlerABT 1665stanwardine
Thomas ButlerABT 14303 AUG 1515stanwardine
H Butterworthstanwardine
Ruth Butterworth23 APR 1817Middleton By Oldham, Lancashire, England4 AUG 1860Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, United Statesstanwardine
D Buxtonstanwardine
Helena Byron1416Clayton, Lincolnshire, EnglandBEF 1466stanwardine
John Byron1387Clayton, Lancaster, England1465stanwardine