Birth Year:Birth Place:

A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   X   Y   Z   
NameBirth DateBirth PlaceDeath DateDeath PlaceDatabase
Alfred Ernest Radcliffe13 FEB 1867Hollylea, Rochdale, Lancashire, England24 AUG 1931Putney, Surrey, Englandstanwardine
Alice Radcliffe13 JUL 1823Lower House, OLDHAM, Lancashire, England18 DEC 1902Leamington Spastanwardine
Alice Mary RadcliffeAPR 1856Oldham, Lancashire31 DEC 1923Cumberlandstanwardine
Ann RadcliffeSEP 18231909stanwardine
Arthur Hugo Radcliffe18911943stanwardine
Arthur Thomas Radcliffe2 APR 1856Oldham28 APR 1937Cheltenhamstanwardine
Beatrice Eliza Radcliffe28 FEB 1882stanwardine
Betty Radcliffe1809stanwardine
Cecil Radcliffe26 MAY 18739 FEB 1875stanwardine
Charles Duncuft Radcliffe15 JUN 1847Ashton under Lyne, Lancashire16 AUG 1898Hardwicke, Herefordshirestanwardine
Claude Charles John Radcliffe11 DEC 1884Oldham15 FEB 1942Dublin, Irelandstanwardine
Cyril John Radcliffe30 MAR 1899Llanychan, Denbighshire, Wales1 APR 1977stanwardine
Edith Marion Radcliffe19 JUL 1870stanwardine
Edmund RadcliffeABT 16001658stanwardine
Eliza Ann Radcliffe18491925stanwardine
Ellis Ralph Radcliffe9 JUL 1905Wymondham, Norfolk11 FEB 1974Westminster, Londonstanwardine
Emmeline Radcliffe18521939stanwardine
Eric Joshua Radcliffe15 JUL 1898Rochdale, Lancashire, England14 SEP 1963Molo, Rift Valley, Kenyastanwardine
Francis Geoffrey Walmsley Radcliffe9 SEP 1896Overstrand, Norfolk30 DEC 1938New Delhi, Indiastanwardine
Frank Vivian Radcliffe8 NOV 1885Werneth Park, Oldham15 JUN 1918Londonstanwardine
Gerald Radcliffe9 FEB 1872Rochdale, Lancashire7 APR 1941Devon, Englandstanwardine
Gwendoline Alice Bertha Radcliffe6 MAY 1888Hevershaw, Westmoreland12 DEC 1973Windermere, Westmorlandstanwardine
Hannah Radcliffe1789stanwardine
Harriet RadcliffeAPR 18061867stanwardine
Henry Miles Radcliffe11 APR 1851Werneth Park, Oldham, Lancashire25 MAR 1908Summerlands Hall, Kendal, Westmorlandstanwardine
Hilda Mary Radcliffe10 MAY 1869Rochdale, Lancashire, England18 MAY 1957Kensington, Londonstanwardine
James Radcliffe18211897stanwardine
James Radcliffe23 JUL 1722Saddleworth2 JAN 1786Slindon, Sussexstanwardine
James Radcliffe16 DEC 1750Saddleworth25 JAN 1820Stonebreakersstanwardine
James Geoffrey Selby Radcliffe27 FEB 1918York, Yorkshire, England9 NOV 1985Victoria, Australiastanwardine
Joan Radcliffe26 FEB 1905Littlethorpe. Ripon, Yorkshire30 OCT 1997Torquay, Devon, Englandstanwardine
John Radcliffe18267 MAR 1876Hunting At Brereton Parkstanwardine
John Radcliffe1620stanwardine
John Radcliffe1737stanwardine
John Radcliffe1655Saddleworth1720stanwardine
John Edward Radcliffe18471911stanwardine
Joshua Radcliffe18111891stanwardine
Joshua Walmsley Radcliffe18435 NOV 1895stanwardine
Josiah Radcliffe25 DEC 1815Werneth Park, Oldham5 DEC 1884Caernarvonshire, Denbighshirestanwardine
Lucy Alice Ruth Radcliffe24 FEB 1877stanwardine
Marianne Radcliffe18461884stanwardine
Maurice Radcliffe18941978stanwardine
M Radcliffestanwardine
Miles Radcliffe18051844stanwardine
Miles Radcliffe17921845stanwardine
Miles Radcliffe13 OCT 1883Werneth Park, Oldham12 DEC 1914Kemmel, Ypres, Belgium, Killed In Actionstanwardine
Miles Claude Radcliffe13 JAN 1914Summerlands, Preston Richard, Westmorland30 JAN 1986Clacton-on-Sea, Essexstanwardine
Phylis Mary Radcliffe10 MAY 1892Kendal, Westmorland3 APR 1982Hamstead Marshall, Newbury, Berkshirestanwardine
Robert Alfred Cuthbert Radcliffe12 MAR 1898London26 OCT 1955Kensington, Londonstanwardine
Samuel Radcliffe1814Oldham21 FEB 1876Oldhamstanwardine
Samuel Radcliffe5 NOV 1780Ashes, Saddleworth23 DEC 1838Lower House, OLDHAM, Lancashirestanwardine
Samuel Radcliffe1 NOV 1854Werneth Park, Oldham1908stanwardine
Samuel Roberts Radcliffe29 MAY 1884Uppermill, Saddleworth, Yorkshire30 APR 1918El Qantarah, Shamal Sina', Egyptstanwardine
Sarah Elizabeth Radcliffe18421897stanwardine
S Ragnarsonstanwardine
A Ragnvaldsdottirstanwardine
I Ragnvaldssonstanwardine
Robert Ragnvaldsson870Norway932stanwardine
T Ragnvaldssonstanwardine
Lucy Violet Raikes22 APR 1935stanwardine
C Raleighstanwardine
Walter Raleigh1593stanwardine
Walter Raleigh1552Hayes Barton, Devon, England29 OCT 1618Beheaded at Whitehallstanwardine
Otto II Chiny De RameruABT 1060Chiny, Luxemburg28 MAR 1125stanwardine
C Ramsay1987stanwardine
Douglas Shaw-Mackenzie Ramsay27 FEB 198926 DEC 2012Siam Reap, Cambodiastanwardine
E Ramsay1992stanwardine
I Ramsay1990stanwardine
R Ramsay1996stanwardine
W Ramsaystanwardine
J Ramsbottomstanwardine
Frederick RamsdenBEF 19 JAN 1794Huddersfield, Yorkshire13 JUN 1859Rome, Italystanwardine
Hugh Ramsden12 APR 1705Ramsden Mill Golcar28 MAY 1790Ramsden Mill Golcar (1802?)stanwardine
Mary RamsdenBEF 13 MAY 1752Golcar, West Yorkshire, England1802stanwardine
Richard Ramsden18577 Brook Street, Holbornstanwardine
William Ramsden1680GolcarOCT 1741Ramsden Millstanwardine
T Ramsey1964stanwardine
J Randallstanwardine
Jessie RankinABT 1855Liverpool, Lancashire, England14 JAN 1922Lancashire, Englandstanwardine
Mary Sybil Rankin13 OCT 1956stanwardine
E Rathbornestanwardine
Walter Rawleigh1521Fardle, Devonstanwardine
Elizabeth RawlingsJUN 1661Scituate, Plymouth, MA7 APR 1700Scituate, Plymouth, MA (in child birth)stanwardine
Alan Rawsthorne2 MAY 1905Deardengate House, Haslingden, Lancashire24 JUL 1971Addenbrooke's Hospital, Cambridgestanwardine
Barbara Rawsthorne14 NOV 1901Haslingden, Lancashirestanwardine
Hubert Rawsthorne28 JUL 18681943stanwardine
Rebekah bint Bethuel1912 BCAFT 1720 BCstanwardine
M Reboulstanwardine
Evelyn Rees1926Pontypridd, Glamorganshire2011Adelaide, South Australiastanwardine
K Reesstanwardine
Alexander Reid22 JUN 189219 JUL 1941stanwardine
Alexander Reid20 APR 1865Old Bishopton23 APR 1925stanwardine
Alexander Reid1826NOV 1853Melbourne, Australia From a Snake Bitestanwardine
Alexander Reid25 FEB 1798Thornhill, Kincardine, Perthshire2 AUG 1873Strone, Dunoon and Kilmun, Argyllshirestanwardine
Alexander Arthur Reid1886stanwardine
A Reid1952stanwardine
Alexander Kirkwood Reid18 JUL 1884Glasgow21 MAR 19485, Huntly Gardens, Glasgowstanwardine
Alexander Robert Reid20 JUL 186010 JUN 1892Tallahassee, Floridastanwardine
A Reidstanwardine
Alice Jane Reid19 NOV 1869Govan, Glasgow3 JAN 1935Woodlea, Moniaive, Dumfriesshirestanwardine
Alice Patricia Reid28 JUL 18819 MAY 1928stanwardine
A Reid1939stanwardine
Alison Grahame Reid13 JAN 1931Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland14 DEC 201076 Warblington Road, Emsworth, Hampshire, Englandstanwardine
Alison Gray Reid16 NOV 1919stanwardine
A Reidstanwardine
Alister (Alexander) Reid1 FEB 18674 Strawberry Hill, Pendleton15 AUG 1941Brinscall Hall, Chorley, Lancashirestanwardine
A Reid1943stanwardine
Anne Wallace Reid1839Govan, Glasgow2 FEB 1893stanwardine
Annie Catherine Reid14 MAR 187623 JUL 1917stanwardine
A Reidstanwardine
Arthur ReidABT 185616 MAY 1934stanwardine
Arthur Jeffrey Reid15 JUL 1896stanwardine
Arthur Mactin Reid29 MAY 1916stanwardine
B Reidstanwardine
B Reidstanwardine
B Reid1931stanwardine
C Reid1951Curraglass House, Glenflesk, Killarney, Irelandstanwardine
Catharine Thomson Reid1843Govan, Glasgow1903stanwardine
C Reid1950Warren Wood, Bexley Heathstanwardine
Charles Douglas Reid1 JUN 189715 Montgomerie Crescent, Glasgow15 JUL 1916Killed In Action, High Wood, Sommestanwardine
C Reid1954Jordans End, Oxford Road, Gerrards Crossstanwardine
Charles Iain Angus Linnhe Reid23 DEC 1925Nairn, Scotand16 MAR 2018Americastanwardine
Charles James Reid1 DEC 19212 FEB 1961stanwardine
Charles Thomas ReidABT 1854Govan, Glasgowstanwardine
Charles Thomas Reid3 NOV 1861Glasgow14 NOV 1927Seacraig, Nairn, Scotlandstanwardine
D Reidstanwardine
David Reid7 MAY 18627 MAY 1862stanwardine
D Reid1945stanwardine
D Reid1959Robertlandstanwardine
D Reid1961stanwardine
Dora Reid1881stanwardine
D Reidstanwardine
Edith Margaret Reid27 MAY 1899Paisley, Renfrewshire, Scotland4 DEC 1944Bangalore, Indiastanwardine
Elisabeth Reid1913stanwardine
Elisabeth Reid1860Pendletonstanwardine
Eliza Margaret Catherine Reid1 AUG 187414 APR 1930stanwardine
Elizabeth Reid12 SEP 1921stanwardine
Elizabeth Reid1832stanwardine
Elizabeth Reid24 SEP 1872Ibrox Hill1 OCT 1940Bexwell Rectory, Norfolkstanwardine
E Reid1937stanwardine
E Reid1936stanwardine
Elizabeth Kirkwood Reid18848 FEB 1943stanwardine
Elizabeth Kirkwood Reid17 OCT 1874stanwardine
E Reidstanwardine
George ReidABT 1853Aberdeen6 NOV 1925Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, Englandstanwardine
Gordon Cairns Reid1895Partick, Lanarkshirestanwardine
Helen Suzanne Reid25 MAY 1915stanwardine
Hilda Reid1897Partick, Lanarkshirestanwardine
H Reidstanwardine
I Reid1953Jordans End, Oxford Road, Gerrards Crossstanwardine
I Reid1981stanwardine
Isabella Reid20 FEB 186322 OCT 1892stanwardine
James Reid24 MAR 1773Little Dunkeld, Perthshirestanwardine
J Reidof Thochray / Trochry, Little Dunkeld, Perthshirestanwardine
James Reid14 APR 1845Govan, Glasgow30 MAR 1928stanwardine
James Reid25 MAY 1860Paisley, Renfrewshire, Scotlandstanwardine
J ReidPaisleystanwardine
James Reid1 APR 1830Govan, Glasgow3 FEB 1908Paisleystanwardine
J Reid1977stanwardine
J Reidstanwardine
James Gordon Reid27 SEP 1888stanwardine
Jane Watson Reid23 MAR 188218 JUN 1892stanwardine
Janet Reid9 APR 1800St Ninians22 AUG 1855St Ninian's, Stirlingshirestanwardine
Janet Kirkwood ReidABT 1851Govan, Glasgow29 APR 1892stanwardine
Jean Reid8 JUN 1903Staffordshire, England9 MAY 1988Winchester, Hampshire, Englandstanwardine
Jennifer Edith Reid14 OCT 19512003Lancashire, Englandstanwardine
Joan Reid188217 MAR 1943stanwardine
John Reid17 APR 1768Little Dunkeld, Perthshirestanwardine
John Reid1 JAN 1801St Niniansstanwardine
J Reidstanwardine
John Reid1839stanwardine
John Ellis Watson Reid10 JUL 1899stanwardine
John Stather Reid29 OCT 186820 OCT 1921B.C. Canadastanwardine
John Thomas Reid18621940stanwardine
K Reidstanwardine
K Reid1979stanwardine
Kathleen Margaret Reid4 FEB 191817 AUG 1978stanwardine
Kenneth Clunie Reid12 OCT 1918stanwardine
Kenneth Peter James ReidDEC 19172 FEB 1940stanwardine
Logie Goldie Reid5 FEB 1901Berkswich, Staffordshire, EnglandDEC 1976Chichester, West Sussex, Englandstanwardine
Louise Ethel Reid16 MAR 188319 JUL 1964stanwardine
Madge Reid10 NOV 1921stanwardine
Margaret Reid19 FEB 1898stanwardine
Margaret Reid1910stanwardine
Margaret ReidABT 183729 AUG 1899Crosslie House, Glasgowstanwardine
Margaret Alison Reid9 DEC 1863Rose Villa, Pendleton, Salford, Lancashire, England9 DEC 1937Pentrehylin Hall, Llanymynechstanwardine
Margaret Jeffrey Reid17 JAN 1878stanwardine
Margaret Jeffrey Reid25 JUL 187631 JAN 1954Bathstanwardine
Margery Gillott Reid13 MAR 1893stanwardine
Marigold Jane Grahame Reid18 MAR 19433 APR 1944stanwardine
Mary Reid3 JUL 18344 MAR 1872stanwardine
Mary Ann Reid21 MAY 1906stanwardine
Mary Bardsley Reid18 JAN 18676 DEC 1934Kirkcudbright, Kirkcudbrightshire, Scotlandstanwardine
Mary Elizabeth Reid8 JUL 186429 JUL 1926stanwardine
Mary Ethel Gillott Reid2 FEB 1894DEC 1928stanwardine
M Reidstanwardine
N Reidstanwardine
Nancy Reid12 NOV 1907stanwardine
Noel Gillott Reid3 JAN 1905stanwardine
O Reid2014stanwardine
Patricia Reid26 JUL 1926stanwardine
Peter Reid7 JUN 1770Dalmarnock, Little Dunkeld, Perthshirestanwardine
Peter Reid8 OCT 1829Govan, Glasgow6 DEC 1912Passaic, New Jerseystanwardine
Peter Reid1873stanwardine
Peter Reid1916stanwardine
Peter Reid5 JUL 1825Govan, Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland6 NOV 1889Blackpoolstanwardine
P Reid1985stanwardine
Peter Watson Reid30 JUN 188030 MAR 1917Killed In Actionstanwardine
Rachel Reid10 OCT 1805St Ninian'sstanwardine
Rachel Jane Reid30 MAY 1852Govan, Glasgow24 SEP 1906stanwardine
Ralph Reid13 JUL 1909stanwardine
Richard Hill Reid26 DEC 19411 APR 1944stanwardine
Robert Reid14 OCT 1857Hillock House, Govanstanwardine
R ReidBannockburnstanwardine
Robert ReidABT 1775Thochray, Little Dunkeld, Perthshirestanwardine
R Reid1982stanwardine
Robert Fergus Reid1908stanwardine
S Reid1955stanwardine
Stewart Ellis Reid24 MAR 1927stanwardine
S Reidstanwardine
Thomas Reid25 MAY 1831Govan, Glasgow5 JUL 1900Kilmardinny House, Bearsdenstanwardine
Thomas Joseph Reid18961937stanwardine
Thomas Laurence Grahame Reid17 AUG 1899Glasgow19 JAN 1969Helensburgh, Dumbartonshire, Scotandstanwardine
Thomas Veitch Reid3 JUN 1872NOV 1881stanwardine
Thomas William Reid11 OCT 186628 AUG 1904Rockhall, Mouswald, Dumfriesstanwardine
Willa Madge Reid4 FEB 1926stanwardine
William Cairns Reid30 AUG 18709 JUL 1919stanwardine
William John Reid22 JUN 1868Govan, Glasgow14 JUL 1926Hawthornden, Midlothian, Scotandstanwardine
William Laurence Grahame Reid30 MAR 193511 Belgrave Crescent, Edinburgh20 OCT 2015Twyford, Hampshirestanwardine
William Richard Grahame Reid17 AUG 1899Glasgow, Lanarks1969stanwardine
Margaret Rendell1883Bradfordstanwardine
A Reschetova1941Almata, Kazakhstanstanwardine
E Reschetovastanwardine
J Reshetovstanwardine
M Reshetovstanwardine
Mikael ReshetovABT 1910Vladimir Oblast1971Moscowstanwardine
Afanasia ReshetovaABT 1898stanwardine
Sonia ReshetovaABT 1939ABT 1962Road Accidentstanwardine
M Rexstanwardine
Q Rexstanwardine
Q Rexstanwardine
( Rhiwallonstanwardine
Jane RhoadsABT 1678stanwardine
Abraham Rhodes1642Saddleworth, Yorkshire, , England7 JUL 1730Deanhead, Saddleworth, Yorkshire, England.stanwardine
Agnes Rhodes1679Yorkshire, England1721Yorkshire, Englandstanwardine
Allice Rhodes25 MAR 1645Featherstone, York, Yorkshire, Englandstanwardine
Francis Rhodes14 JUN 1640Featherstone, York, Yorkshire, EnglandYorkshire, Englandstanwardine
Grace Rhodes1648Otley, Yorkshire, , EnglandFEB 1649Otley, Yorkshire, , Englandstanwardine
Isabel Rhodes1652Otley, Yorkshire, , EnglandNOV 1656Otley, Yorkshire, , Englandstanwardine
James Rhodes1721SunfieldBEF 16 FEB 1772Delph, Saddleworth, Yorkshirestanwardine
James Rhodes1644Saddleworth, Yorkshire, EnglandMAR 1698Saddleworth, Yorkshire, , Englandstanwardine
Jane Rhodes1657Otley, Yorkshire, , England1699Otley, Yorkshire, , Englandstanwardine
Jane RhodesABT 1690Saddleworth, Yorkshire, EnglandMAY 1730Saddleworth, Yorkshire, , Englandstanwardine
John Rhodes3 AUG 1640Lees, Bingley, Yorkshire, Englandstanwardine
Susan Rhodes1642Otley, Yorkshire, , EnglandNOV 1687Otley, Yorkshire, Englandstanwardine
Thomas RhodesABT 1680Saddleworth, Yorkshire, England2 AUG 1723Deanhead Saddleworth, Yorkshire, Englandstanwardine
Thomas Knowels Rhodes13 APR 1652Featherstone, York, Yorkshire, Englandstanwardine
William Rhodes1680Yorkshire, England1682Saddleworth, Yorkshire, Englandstanwardine
William Richard Rhodes1612Harrop Court, Diggle, Saddleworth, Yorkshire, EnglandABT 1665Harrop, Saddleworth, Yorkshire, Englandstanwardine
Joan verch RHYS1370AFT 1412stanwardine
Nesta Verch Rhys1073Deheubarth, WalesBEF 1136stanwardine
Rhy ap RHYSABT 13421380stanwardine
L Ricestanwardine
Frances RichABT 16151672stanwardine
HENRY @ RICH15909 MAR 1648stanwardine
Mary RichABT 16351666stanwardine
Robert Rich15611607stanwardine
ROBERT @ RICHJUN 158719 APR 1658stanwardine
R E Lloyd Richards13 JAN 1905stanwardine
Elizabeth Richardson1860Kennington, LondonABT SEP 1899(Norwich 4b 116)stanwardine
J Richardson1946stanwardine
Anna Maria Riddel17911859stanwardine
Anne Riddel1733Glenriddell, Dumfries & Galloway1771stanwardine
Margaret Riddel1738Glenriddell, Roxburghshire, ScotlandAFT 1778stanwardine
Robert Riddel175520 APR 1794Friars Carse, Dumfriesshirestanwardine
Robert Riddel1700Glenriddell, Dumfries & Galloway1771stanwardine
Sophia Riddel17921797stanwardine
Walter Riddel17641802stanwardine
Walter Riddel1718Newhouse1788Newhousestanwardine
Walter Riddel1676Friershaw Glennriddell, Dumfries-shire, Scotland1752Minto, Roxburghshire, Scotlandstanwardine
J Riddellstanwardine
James Edward Riddle16 APR 1953Manchesterstanwardine
Sheila Mary Riddle22 OCT 1921stanwardine
Emmiline de RIDDLESFORDBET 1220 AND 1223?; of Ulster & Salisbury, ENGBET 1275 AND 1276stanwardine
Lucy Ridsdale19 JUN 186917 JUN 1945stanwardine
Diana B Rimington1922stanwardine
Geoffrey Brisco Rimington12 MAR 1891Wimbledon, Surrey6 MAY 1952Nanyuki, Rift Valley, Kenyastanwardine
Geoffrey Philip Rimington6 AUG 1918Tynefield, Penrith, Cumberlandstanwardine
Clovis I "the Riparian"466Tournai, Hainault, Wallonia, Belgium11 NOV 511Paris, Francestanwardine
Dode of the RipariansABT 503stanwardine
Deborah Ripley26 FEB 1701/1702Hingham, Plymouth, MA15 OCT 1784Killingly, Windham, CTstanwardine
Ann RippinBEF 2 JUL 1781Wing, Rutlandstanwardine
Ann RippinBEF 17 MAY 1812Burrough on The Hill, Leicestershirestanwardine
Benjamin RippinBEF 1 AUG 1750Lyndon, Rutlandstanwardine
Elizabeth RippinBEF 1 OCT 1786Wing, Rutlandstanwardine
Elizabeth RippinBEF 21 JUL 1817Burrough on The Hill, Leicestershire30 MAY 1818stanwardine
Henry RippinBEF 28 AUG 1814Burrough on The Hill, Leicestershirestanwardine
James RippinBEF 15 JAN 1779Wing, Rutland6 APR 1864stanwardine
James RippinBEF 3 JUN 1808Burrough on The Hill, Leicestershire6 APR 1864stanwardine
Alice Emma Rippon1886Stamford, Lincolnshire, Englandstanwardine
Allan Rippon22 AUG 1858Stamford, Lincolnshire, England21 MAR 1905Stamford, Lincolnshirestanwardine
Allan William Rippon13 SEP 1882Stamford, Lincolnshire, England17 SEP 1972stanwardine
Allen Rippon2 MAY 1819Burrough on The Hill, Leicestershire7 NOV 1900stanwardine
A Ripponstanwardine
Amelia Rippon1885Stamford, Lincolnshire, Englandstanwardine
A Rippon1941Old Colwyn, Denbighshirestanwardine
Annie Rippon1849Stamford, Lincolnshirestanwardine
A Rippon1933stanwardine
Archibald RipponABT SEP 1887Stamford, Lincolnshire, England (7a-36)18 JAN 1959Isle Of Wightstanwardine
Arthur Henry Rippon1889Stamford, Lincolnshire, Englandstanwardine
B Ripponstanwardine
C Rippon1949Cheadle Hulmestanwardine
E Rippon1978Hammersmithstanwardine
L Ripponstanwardine
M Ripponstanwardine
P Rippon1944Wilmslowstanwardine
Peter Allan Rippon8 NOV 1915Friern Barnet10 NOV 2005Stroud, Gloucestershirestanwardine
S Ripponstanwardine
S Rippon1981Oxfordstanwardine
William Roads1638Saddleworth, Yorkshire, , England,16 FEB 1700stanwardine
Katheryn de Roët Swynford1350Hainault, Picardie, France10 MAY 1403Lincoln, Lincolnshire, Englandstanwardine
RobertABT 12391302stanwardine
Agnes Elizabeth Roberts25 DEC 1909stanwardine
A Roberts2017Wrexhamstanwardine
Bertha RobertsABT 1040Of, Gostenois, Normandy, FranceDarley, Derby, Englandstanwardine
E Robertsstanwardine
Helen May Roberts22 MAR 186310 DEC 1926stanwardine
Herbert Hodder Roberts1859stanwardine
Hodder Roberts1900Reuny, Ballyhooly, Co. Corkstanwardine
Lucy RobertsBEF 3 FEB 1796stanwardine
M Robertsstanwardine
M Roberts2021Dundeestanwardine
R Roberts1989stanwardine
R Roberts2016Wrexhamstanwardine
Duncan RobertsonBEF 1997stanwardine
L Robertsonstanwardine
L Robertsonstanwardine
L Robertsonstanwardine
Brenda Mary Robins17 MAR 1919Salford, Lancashire3 MAR 2006Taunton, Somerset, Englandstanwardine
C Robins1964stanwardine
John RobinsonBEF 1764stanwardine
Margaret Robinson17668 OCT 1846Delph Lodge, Saddleworth, Yorkshirestanwardine
Margaret Elizabeth Holme Robinson1848Halifax, Nova Scotia3 OCT 19148 Somerset Place, Bath, Somerset, Englandstanwardine
William Gaythwaite Harcourt Robinson9 OCT 1917Egremont, Whitehaven1985Londonstanwardine
F Rochestanwardine
Henry I De La RocheABT 1070La Roche En Arde, Luxembourg, Belgium1126stanwardine
Thomas Rodes1585Cheshire, Englandstanwardine
Janet Rodger1839Straiton, Ayrshirestanwardine
A Rodriguez-Alarcon1968Moscow, Russiastanwardine
R Rodriguez-Alarcon1999Heraklion, Greecestanwardine
Katherine Roet1350<, , Picardie, France>10 MAY 1403, Lincoln, Lincolnshire, Englandstanwardine
Walter Roet1338stanwardine
Philippa Roet (Chaucer)13401386stanwardine
Honor dau of Eunice Stetson & Timothy RogersABT 1685Marshfield, Plymouth, MAstanwardine
C Rome10 B.C.a.d. 54stanwardine
O Rome44 B.C.a.d 29stanwardine
T Rome42 B.C.a.d. 37stanwardine
L Romerostanwardine
Johan RookeBEF 3 OCT 1647stanwardine
R Roperstanwardine
Ruth Roper1607stanwardine
Thomas Roper1665stanwardine
Gilbert De Ros1130Edlington, Doncaster, Yorkshire, EnglandDECEASEDstanwardine
Julian (Nmn-Gilbert) Ros1130EnglandDECEASEDstanwardine
Julian De RosABT 1155Edlington, Doncaster, Yorkshire, EnglandDECEASEDstanwardine
Jean Ross4 OCT 1923stanwardine
J Rossstanwardine
John Murdoch Ross6 SEP 1926stanwardine
Robert Peter Reid Ross6 SEP 1926stanwardine
Elena RotenheringABT 1287Hull, Yorkshire, Englandstanwardine
Katherine de ROUET25 NOV 1340Picardy, Hainault, France10 MAY 1403Lincoln, Lincoln, ENGstanwardine
Payne ROUETABT 1315?; of Hainault, Hainault, Belgiumstanwardine
Phillipa de RouetABT 1338?; of Picardy, Somme, FranceAFT JUN 1387stanwardine
Roger Fitzgerold Seigneur De RoumareABT 1050Roumare, Seine Inferieure, Normandy, FranceBEF 15 JUL 1098Lincoln, Lincolnshire, Englandstanwardine
William De RoumareABT 1096Crowland, Peterborough, Lincolnshire, EnglandBEF 1161Revesby, Horncastle, Lincolnshire, England (As Monk)stanwardine
Octavius RoweABT 1856Liverpool, Lancashire, England12 MAR 1949Bath, Somerset, Englandstanwardine
H Rowlandstanwardine
G Rowley-Conwystanwardine
C Rufusstanwardine
Caroline RussellJAN 1743stanwardine
John Edward Southwell Russell8 JUN 1928stanwardine
Langley Gordon Haslingden Russell19221975stanwardine
Elizabeth Maria Ruthven1742Gretna1806stanwardine
C Rycroftstanwardine
E Rycroftstanwardine
Julian Neil Oscar Rycroft22 FEB 189212 JAN 1928stanwardine