Birth Year:Birth Place:

A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   X   Y   Z   
NameBirth DateBirth PlaceDeath DateDeath PlaceDatabase
Charles 2nd Baron Cardigan Cadogan168524 SEP 1776stanwardine
Charles Henry Sloane 2nd Earl Cadogan Cadogan29 NOV 174923 DEC 1832stanwardine
Charles Sloane 1st Earl Cadogan Cadogan29 SEP 17283 APR 1807stanwardine
Charlotte Cadogan11 JUL 17818 JUL 1853Uxbridge House, Old Burlington Street, Englandstanwardine
Emily Maud Cadogan22 DEC 1839stanwardine
George 3rd Earl Cadogan Cadogan5 MAY 178315 SEP 1864stanwardine
Henry Cadogan164213 JAN 1713/1714stanwardine
Louisa CadoganAUG 1843stanwardine
William 1st Earl Cadogan Cadogan1672Liscartan17 JUL 1726stanwardine
Maud Fitzrobert De CaenABT 1117Gloucestershire, England29 JUL 1189Chester, Cheshire, Englandstanwardine
Robert "The King's Son" CaenABT 1090Caen, Calvados, France31 OCT 1147Bristol, Gloucestershire, Engstanwardine
Q Caepiostanwardine
Q Caepiostanwardine
S Caepiostanwardine
A Caesarstanwardine
G Caesar4 AD (poisoned)stanwardine
G Caesar102 B.C.44 B.C.stanwardine
G Caesarstanwardine
G Caesarstanwardine
G Caesar124 BCPisa in 84 BCstanwardine
G CaesarSubura, Italy on July 12, 100/102 BCRome, Italy on March 15, 44 BC (assassinated by a conspiracy of the Senate)stanwardine
G Caesar84 B.C.stanwardine
I Caesarabout 7 BC6 BCstanwardine
J Caesarstanwardine
J Caesar54 BCstanwardine
J Caesarabout 103 BCstanwardine
J Caesar84 B.C.stanwardine
J CaesarJuly 12, 100 B.C.March 15, a.d. 14stanwardine
L Caesarstanwardine
L Caesarstanwardine
L Caesarstanwardine
L Caesar123 BC87 BCstanwardine
L Caesarstanwardine
L Caesar87 B.C.stanwardine
L Caesarstanwardine
S Caesarstanwardine
S Caesarabout 200 BCstanwardine
S Caesarstanwardine
S Caesarstanwardine
S Caesarstanwardine
T Caesar42 BCMarch 16, 0037stanwardine
P CaesarionSyria on June 26, 47 BCAbt 30 BC. killed by Octavian Caesarstanwardine
A Caesonia43 BCstanwardine
J Caesonia29 AD on Tremerus in exile for 20 yearsstanwardine
G Caffinstanwardine
Cainan5167 B.C.4257 B.C.stanwardine
Helen Cairns7 MAY 1862stanwardine
Frederick CalvertBEF 18506 JUN 1891stanwardine
Catherine Cambell10 MAY 18409 MAR 1881Highfields, Schools Hill near Cheadlestanwardine
Edward Cambell18 JUN 1796London, Middlesex, England18 OCT 1882Highfields, Schools Hill near Cheadlestanwardine
Elizabeth Anne CambellOCT 1842Manchester, Lancashire26 JUN 1886stanwardine
Jane Cambell18 FEB 184428 JUL 1881stanwardine
Jessie Louise Cambell13 FEB 18478 MAY 1883stanwardine
C Cambriastanwardine
C Cambriastanwardine
D Cambriastanwardine
G Cambriastanwardine
I Cambriastanwardine
Amy Barlow Cameron22 SEP 1900Punta Arenas, Magallanes y de la Antartica Chilena, ChileMAR 1986Argentinastanwardine
C Cameron1942stanwardine
E Cameronstanwardine
E Cameron1934stanwardine
N Cameron1938stanwardine
N Cameron1943stanwardine
J Cameron-CooperEDINBURGH Midlothian Scotlandstanwardine
Louisa Ellen Camfield1870Scarborough, Yorkshire North Riding, United Kingdomstanwardine
Idoine CAMVILLEABT 1205Brattleby, Lincolnshire, ENG1 JAN 1250/1251stanwardine
R CAMVILLEstanwardine
C Candystanwardine
Trahaearn Ap CaradogABT 1030Arwystli, Montgomeryshire, Wales1081Battle Of Carno, Arwystli, Montgomeryshire, Walesstanwardine
Anne CAREWABT 1519stanwardine
Catherine CarewBEF 1500Mohun's Ottery, Devonstanwardine
Edmond Carew146624 JUN 1513Thorounnestanwardine
Konrad I CarinthiaDECEASEDstanwardine
Ann Jago Carkeet20 NOV 1879Surbiton, Surreystanwardine
CarlomanABT 715Moselle, Austrasia754stanwardine
Agnes Carmichael18791887Died from diphtheriastanwardine
Chalmers Carmichael188615 JUL 1916Delville Wood, The Sommestanwardine
Constance Carmichael18901894Died From poisonous oleander berriesstanwardine
Isabella Minnie (Ella) Carmichael18851939stanwardine
J Carmichaelstanwardine
John Carmichael18821882Died At Birthstanwardine
Joyce Carmichael1882stanwardine
Margaret Carmichael18781911stanwardine
Mary Carmichael18811964stanwardine
W CarmichaelScotandstanwardine
Winnifred Carmichael18851885Died From High Feverstanwardine
Andrew Lambton Carr6 APR 1931Helsinki, Lansi-Suomen Laani, Finland12 JUL 2000Bookers Lee, Alfold, Surrey, Englandstanwardine
Christopher John Lambton Carr28 NOV 1927JUL 1991Pershore, Worcestershire, Englandstanwardine
Henry Lambton Carr16 NOV 1899Arkhangelsk, Russia19 MAR 1988Godalming, Surrey, Englandstanwardine
Maud Keith Granville Carr27 MAY 1902Lautoka, Fiji1982stanwardine
Dorcas Louisa Carter1753Barbados24 AUG 1817stanwardine
Joan CarterBEF 23 NOV 1750stanwardine
W Carterstanwardine
Georgina Carolina CarteretABT 1706Lansdown, Gloucestershirestanwardine
Katherine Mary Cary1529Hants, England15 JAN 1568/1569Englandstanwardine
Thomas Cary1480BEF 21 JUN 1536stanwardine
William Cary149222 JUN 1528stanwardine
N Cashstanwardine
B Casselsstanwardine
David Cassels1923stanwardine
Robert Catesby15738 NOV 1605Shot at Holbeache House, Staffordshirestanwardine
William Catesby15471598stanwardine
L Catostanwardine
M Cato234 B.C.149 B.C.stanwardine
M Catostanwardine
Ambrose Cave15022 APR 1568stanwardine
Margaret Cave15 AUG 1600stanwardine
H Cavendish1944stanwardine
R Cavendishstanwardine
G CEVAstanwardine
Leugia de CEVAABT 124022 AUG 1291stanwardine
M Chalmersstanwardine
Helen Lehmann ChambersOCT 1899Wooburn, Buckinghamshire, England6 JAN 1985Surrey South-western, Surrey, Englandstanwardine
Alix De ChampagneABT 1100Blois, Loir-Et-Cher, FranceABT 1145stanwardine
Eleonore De ChampagneABT 1102Blois, Loir-Et-Cher, France14 OCT 1141stanwardine
Guillaume De ChampagneABT 1080Blois, Loir-Et-Cher, France1150stanwardine
Humbert De ChampagneABT 1094Blois, Loir-Et-Cher, FranceDied Youngstanwardine
Lithuise Adela De ChampagneABT 1098Blois, Loir-Et-Cher, France1118stanwardine
J Champernownestanwardine
Joan Champernowne151510 SEP 1553stanwardine
Katherine Champernowne1519Modbury, Devonstanwardine
Philip Champernowne1479stanwardine
Alice Violet Champion25 JUN 1880stanwardine
Bertha Marjorie Champion13 JUN 1882stanwardine
Dorothy Mary Champion12 DEC 1877stanwardine
Gladys Barbara Champion13 FEB 1890stanwardine
H Championstanwardine
John Francis Champion12 NOV 1876stanwardine
K Chandler1969Jamaicastanwardine
Isabella Chapman6 MAY 1790Govan, Lanarkshire, Scotland29 MAY 1859Kyneton, Victoriastanwardine
R Chapmanstanwardine
Charlemagne2 APR 742Ingelheim, Rheinhessen, Hesse-Darmstadt28 JAN 813/814Aix-la-Chapelle or Aachen, Rhineland, Prussiastanwardine
Charles77212 DEC 811stanwardine
Irene Corona Charteris31 MAY 1902stanwardine
Charles Hooker Chastain7 JUN 1937Tampa, Hillsborough, Florida, USA10 APR 2007Canadastanwardine
Jeanne de ChateaudunABT 1227stanwardine
M Chaterstanwardine
Henry ChaumontABT 1075Valois, Bretagne, France1130stanwardine
Maud de CHAWORTH2 FEB 1281/1282?; of Kidwelly, Carmarthenshire, WalesAFT 1344stanwardine
Patrick de CHAWORTHABT 1250?; of Kempsford, Gloucestershire, ENGBEF 7 JUL 1283stanwardine
Algernon Edgar Percy Cheesman13 MAR 1886Farnham, Surrey1 MAR 1942120 High Street, St Julians, Malta due to enemy bombingstanwardine
G Chelles757stanwardine
Joan Chenduit Cheney12799 MAY 1327stanwardine
Edward Cherleton13701421stanwardine
J Cherletonstanwardine
Joan de Cherleton1400Powys-Vadoc, Walesstanwardine
Joyce de CherletonABT 1402Worcestershire, England22 SEP 1446stanwardine
Edward Cherlton1371<, Powys, Montgomery, Wales>14 MAR 1419/1420<, Powys, Montgomery, Wales>stanwardine
Joan Cherlton139917 SEP 1425stanwardine
Joyce de Cherlton1403<, Tunbridge, Kent, England>27 JAN 1442/1443stanwardine
Agnes Of ChesterABT 1174Chester, Cheshire, England2 NOV 1247stanwardine
Mabel Of ChesterABT 1172Chester, Cheshire, EnglandBEF 1232Chester, Cheshire, Englandstanwardine
I Childebert496Rheims, Marne, Champagne-Ardenne, France23 DEC 558Paris, Ile de France, Francestanwardine
III Childebert67214 APR 711St. Etienne, Loire, Francestanwardine
I Childeric436Westphalia, Germany26 NOV 481Tournai, Hainault, Wallonia, Belgiumstanwardine
II ChildericABT 656673stanwardine
I Chilperic539Soissons, Picardie, FranceOCT 584Chelles, France (assassinated)stanwardine
A Chilton1955stanwardine
ChiltrudeABT 716Austrasia754stanwardine
Albert I Von ChinyABT 1090stanwardine
Arnold II Count Of ChinyABT 1045Chiny, Luxemburg16 APR 1106stanwardine
Constantius I Chlorus31 MAR 242Dacia25 JUL 306Eboracum (York), Britainstanwardine
I ChlotarABT 497Rheims, Marne, Loire-Atlantique, France23 NOV 561Braines, Loire-Atlantique, Francestanwardine
III Chlotar652670stanwardine
I Chlotarstanwardine
M Cholmondeleystanwardine
Richard Hugh Cholmondeley8 JAN 1901stanwardine
Thomas Richard Cholmondeley18567 FEB 1922stanwardine
L Christienstanwardine
ChrotildaABT 507Rheims, Marne, Loire-Atlantique, Francestanwardine
( Churchillstanwardine
(Lord) Ivor Spencer Churchill18981956stanwardine
Adeline Spencer Churchill18601937stanwardine
Agnes Beryl Spencer Churchill18811948stanwardine
Alan Spencer Churchill18251873stanwardine
Alfred Spencer Churchill18241893stanwardine
Almeric Spencer Churchill18471856stanwardine
Anne Churchill28 FEB 1682Marlborough, Wiltshirestanwardine
Anne Spencer Churchill18541928stanwardine
A Churchillstanwardine
Augusta Spencer Churchill1877stanwardine
Augustus Spencer Churchill18581859stanwardine
Charles Churchill16791745stanwardine
Charles Churchill2 FEB 165629 DEC 1714stanwardine
Charles ChurchillABT 17201812stanwardine
Charles Richard John Spencer Churchill18711934stanwardine
Charles Spencer Churchill18561858stanwardine
Clarissa Churchill1920stanwardine
C Churchillstanwardine
Cornelia Spencer Churchill18471927stanwardine
Diana Spencer Churchill19091963stanwardine
Edward Spencer Churchill18761964stanwardine
E Churchillstanwardine
Fanny Spencer Churchill18531904stanwardine
Frances Louisa Spencer Churchill15 SEP 187013 NOV 1954stanwardine
Frederick Spencer Churchill18461850stanwardine
G Churchillstanwardine
G Churchillstanwardine
George Charles Blandford S. Churchill18441892stanwardine
George Spencer Churchill17661840stanwardine
George Spencer Churchill17931857stanwardine
Georgiana Spencer Churchill18601906stanwardine
H Churchillstanwardine
Henry Winston Churchill1913stanwardine
Jane Spencer Churchill18581940stanwardine
John Churchill1909stanwardine
J Churchillstanwardine
John Churchill26 MAY 165016 JUN 1722stanwardine
John Albert Edward William S. Churchill1897stanwardine
John Spencer Churchill18801947stanwardine
John Winston Spencer Churchill18221883stanwardine
Lilian Spencer Churchill18731951stanwardine
Louisa Spencer Churchill18201882stanwardine
Marigold Spencer Churchill19181921stanwardine
M Churchillstanwardine
Mary Churchill23 FEB 1758stanwardine
Mary Spencer Churchill1922stanwardine
Norah Spencer Churchill18751946stanwardine
Olivia Spencer Churchill18591943stanwardine
Randolph Frederick Edward S. Churchill19111968stanwardine
Randolph Spencer Churchill18491895stanwardine
Sarah Spencer Churchill18651929stanwardine
Sarah Spencer Churchill19141982stanwardine
Violet Spencer Churchill18641941stanwardine
Winston Churchill16201688stanwardine
Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill18741965stanwardine
Catherine Chute1721Newry, County Down, Ireland & Sutton1778Keeas, County Kerry, Ireland & Suttonstanwardine
K Clairs1962stanwardine
Aveline CLAREABT 1160Hereford, ENGBEF JUN 1225ENGstanwardine
Avice De ClareABT 1058Brione, Normandy, FranceDECEASEDstanwardine
Elana De ClareABT 1154Tunbridge Castle, Kent, EnglandDECEASEDstanwardine
Elana De ClareABT 1155Tunbridge Castle, Kent, EnglandDECEASEDstanwardine
Eleanor or Alianore de CLAREOCT 1292Caerphilly Castle, Glammorgan, ENG30 JUN 1337stanwardine
Elizabeth de CLARE16 SEP 1295Tewkesbury, Gloustershire, ENG4 NOV 1360ENGstanwardine
Eveline (Aveline) De Clare1172Clare, Suffolk, EnglandBEF 4 JUN 1225Englandstanwardine
Gilbert de Clare10 MAY 1291near Tewkesbury, ENG24 JUN 1314stanwardine
Gilbert de CLAREABT 1183Hertford, Hertfordshire, ENG25 OCT 1230Penrose, Brittany, Francestanwardine
Gilbert IV de CLARE2 SEP 1243Christchurch, Hampshire, ENG7 DEC 1295Monmouth Castle, Monmouthshire, ENGstanwardine
Henry De Clare1172Clare, Suffolk, EnglandDECEASEDstanwardine
Isabe de Clare10 MAR 1262/1263Elmley, Worcestershire, ENG1333stanwardine
Isabel de Clare2 NOV 1226AFT 1264stanwardine
James De Clare1164Clare, Suffolk, EnglandDECEASEDstanwardine
John De Clare1170Clare, Suffolk, EnglandDECEASEDstanwardine
Mabel De Clare1156Clare, Suffolk, England1203stanwardine
Margaret CLAREABT 1292?; of Tunbridge Castle, Kent, ENG13 APR 1342Francestanwardine
Margaret de CLAREBET 1280 AND 1286?; of Thomond, Connaught, IrelandBET 1333 AND 1335Castle Badlesmere, ENGstanwardine
Maude (Matilda) CLAREBET 1276 AND 1279ENG; of Thomond, Ireland1 FEB 1324/1325ENGstanwardine
Richard de CLARE4 AUG 1222Gloucester, ENG15 JUL 1262Canterbury, Kent, ENG; or Ashenfield, Waltham, ENGstanwardine
Richard De ClareABT 1153Tunbridge Castle, Kent, EnglandAFT 30 OCT 1217Tonbridge, Kent, Engstanwardine
Roesse de CLAREABT 1256Tonebridge, Suffolk, ENGAFT 1315stanwardine
Roger De Clare1116Tunbridge Castle, Kent, England1173Oxfordshire, Englandstanwardine
Roger De Clare1168Middleton, Norfolk, England1241stanwardine
Thomas de CLAREBET 1244 AND 1247Tonbridge, Kent, ENGFEB 1287/1288Thomond, Connaught, County Clare, Irelandstanwardine
L Claridgestanwardine
L Claridgestanwardine
L Claridgestanwardine
L Claridgestanwardine
M Claridgestanwardine
Mary CLARISSAABT 1255AFT 1283stanwardine
A Clarkstanwardine
Charles Thomas Clark25 SEP 1881Bothwell, Lanark, Scotlandstanwardine
F Clarkstanwardine
H Clarkstanwardine
Isabella Mary Clark30 JAN 1874Maryhill, Glasgow, Lanarksstanwardine
Jane Thomas Clark9 DEC 1885Uddingston, Lanarksstanwardine
Jessie Williamina Clark12 AUG 1875St Rollox, Glasgow, Lanarksstanwardine
M Clarkstanwardine
M Clarkstanwardine
Norman Clark4 APR 1883Uddingston, Lanarkshire, Scotland1939Argentinastanwardine
Patricia Hamilton Clark18 JUN 1877Glasgow, Lanarksstanwardine
William Kirkwood Clark26 SEP 1879Uddingston, Lanarksstanwardine
William Norman Clark1841Glasgow29 OCT 1886Glasgowstanwardine
G Clarkestanwardine
G Claudia12 A.D.50 A.D.stanwardine
O Claudiastanwardine
O Claudia059 (divorced and executed by Nero)stanwardine
S Claudiastanwardine
M Claudianusstanwardine
C Claytonstanwardine
Edward Ffarington Clayton24 NOV 1907stanwardine
D Cleggstanwardine
Nancy Clegg17731830stanwardine
V Cleopatra69 BC in Alexandria, EgyptAlexandria, Egypt on August 12, 30 BC(suicide by asp bite)stanwardine
Renauld II Count Of ClermontABT 1085Clermont, Beauvais, Oise, France1162Clermont, Beauvais, Oise, Francestanwardine
Anne of Cleves22 SEP 1515Düsseldorf, Cleves, Germany17 JUL 1557Chelsea Old Palace, Middlesex, Englandstanwardine
Andrew de CliffordAFT 1307stanwardine
Idonea de CLIFFORDABT 1300Clifford, Herefordshire, ENG or Appleby, W., ENG24 AUG 1365stanwardine
Iodine de CliffordABT 1300Castle Appleby, Westmorland, England24 AUG 1365Castle Alnwick, Northumberland, Englandstanwardine
John de CliffordAFT 1306stanwardine
Katherine CliffordABT 1365Ravensworth, ENG23 APR 1413stanwardine
Margaret de CliffordUNKNOWNstanwardine
Robert CLIFFORD1 APR 1274Clifford Castle, Hereford, ENG24 JUN 1314Battle of Bannockburnstanwardine
Robert de Clifford5 NOV 1305?; of Clifford Castle, ENG20 MAY 1344stanwardine
Roger CLIFFORDABT 12051285stanwardine
Roger CLIFFORDABT 1180Clifford Castle, ENG1231Tenbury, ENGstanwardine
Roger CLIFFORD1242?; of Clifford Castle, Clifford, Herefordshire, ENG6 NOV 1282Menai Straits (drowned)stanwardine
Roger de Clifford12991322stanwardine
Geoffrey De ClintonABT 1100St Pierre-DE-Semily, St Lo, Manche, Normandy, FranceDECEASEDstanwardine
Lesceline De ClintonABT 1120St Pierre-DE-Semily, St Lo, Manche, Normandy, FranceAFT 1145stanwardine
Mrs. Geoffrey 1100 De ClintonDECEASEDstanwardine
Osbert De Clinton1122Kenilworth Castle, Warwickshire, EnglandDECEASEDstanwardine
C Clivestanwardine
Charlotte Florentia Clive12 SEP 178727 JUL 1866Mount Lebanon, Twickenham, London, Englandstanwardine
Edward Clive7 MAR 175416 MAY 1839stanwardine
Edward Clive22 MAR 178517 JAN 1848Powis Castlestanwardine
Elizabeth Clive16761676stanwardine
George Clive1640Walford1690stanwardine
G Clivestanwardine
G Clivestanwardine
Henrietta Antonia Clive22 DEC 1835stanwardine
Margaret CliveJUN 1814stanwardine
Mary Clive1679Baschurch, Shropshire, England1679stanwardine
Rebecca CliveDEC 1795stanwardine
Richard CliveFEB 1694Styche1771stanwardine
Robert Clive30 AUG 176928 JUL 1833stanwardine
Robert Clive1675Baschurch, Shropshire, England1675Baschurch, Shropshire, Englandstanwardine
R Clivestanwardine
Robert Clive29 SEP 1725Styche Hall, Market Say, Market Drayton, Shropshire, ENG22 NOV 1774Berkeley Square, Londonstanwardine
Robert Henry Clive15 JAN 179820 JAN 1854stanwardine
T Clivestanwardine
Thomas Clive12 AUG 1673Walford, Baschurch, Shropshire, England10 DEC 1711Baschurch, Shropshire, Englandstanwardine
W Clivestanwardine
Clodomir494Rheims, Marne, Champagne-Ardenne, FranceAFT 524Orleans. Loiret, Francestanwardine
D Clodoreiusstanwardine
ClotildeABT 650stanwardine
II ClovisABT 634Moselle, Lorraine, France657stanwardine
III ClovisABT 673MAR 695stanwardine
Anna Maria Cludde13 MAR 1906stanwardine
Mrs. Robert 1052 CobetDECEASEDstanwardine
E Cobhamstanwardine
Juliane de COGANABT 1215stanwardine
Adeloia Widow Of William De CoimisABT 1035Normandy, FranceDECEASEDstanwardine
Emily ColburnABT 1820Langdon, NHDublin, Cheshire, NHstanwardine
D Colemanstanwardine
I Colemanstanwardine
K Colemanstanwardine
L Colemanstanwardine
Sarah CollamoreABT 1670Scituate, Plymouth, MAstanwardine
A Colleystanwardine
Henry ColleyBEF 17041723stanwardine
Henry ColleyBEF 1674stanwardine
I Colleystanwardine
Nancy Collier1926stanwardine
Betty Collin1855Oldham, Lancashire, Englandstanwardine
Joseph Collin1823Oldham, Lancashire, Englandstanwardine
Mildred Georgina Collins20 JUL 1962stanwardine
Elizabeth Colyear17471832stanwardine
H Colyerstanwardine
Herbert Frederick Colyer25 AUG 1909LiverpoolJUN 1986Birkenheadstanwardine
Thomas Colyer1883Liverpool11 JUL 1916Battle of the Sommestanwardine
D Combe1960stanwardine
J Combe1952stanwardine
John Gabriel Combe2007stanwardine
M Combe1948stanwardine
P Combe1950stanwardine
R Combestanwardine
Marcus Antoninus Pius Commodus31 AUG 161Lanuvium, Italy (Latium)31 DEC 192stanwardine
W Commonstanwardine
W Commonstanwardine
W Commonstanwardine
W Commonstanwardine
Pierre I de Luxembourg, Comte de St. Pol, Brienne, et ConservanABT 139031 AUG 1443stanwardine
Alice COMYNABT 1291Buchan, Scotland1349stanwardine
Elizabeth COMYN1 NOV 1299Wyke, Cornwall, Englandstanwardine
Joan Comyn1290Badenoch, Inverness, ScotlandBEF 24 JUL 1326stanwardine
John III COMYN126920 FEB 1305/1306killed by ROBERT the BRUCEstanwardine
John IV ComynABT 12951314killedstanwardine
Isabe (Gabel)l de CONDEABT 1210Buckingham, ENGstanwardine
L Coningsbystanwardine
L Coningsbystanwardine
J Connorstanwardine
Mabel Constance190518 AUG 198631 Eastville Av, Rhyl, Clwydstanwardine
* Constance of Castile1354Castro Kerez, Spain24 MAR 1393/1394Leicester Castle, ENGstanwardine
F Constantiastanwardine
III ConstantiusBEF 388Dalmatia2 SEP 421Ravenna, Italystanwardine
J Constantiusstanwardine
Emma De ContevilleABT 1029Conteville, Eure, Normandy, FranceDECEASEDFrancestanwardine
Oda De ContevilleABT 994Mellent, Normandy, Francestanwardine
Avice Conway1640Castle Conway, Killorglin, County Kerry, IrelandAPR 1683Castle Conway, Killorglin, County Kerry, Irelandstanwardine
E Conwaystanwardine
Elizabeth Ann Cooke20 FEB 1927stanwardine
Henry Richard Vincent Cooke1904stanwardine
L Cookestanwardine
L Cookestanwardine
Oscar William Hindley Cooke1900Watford, HertfordshireMAR 1966Hillingdon, Greater Londonstanwardine
L Cooksonstanwardine
E Cooper1941Bishop's Stortford, Essexstanwardine
S Cooperstanwardine
Andrew Leslie Coote9 FEB 1869Tynemouth, Northumberland, United Kingdom18 MAR 1965Vancouver, Greater Vancouver Regional District, British Columbia, Canadastanwardine
Arthur CooteMAY 1841Fen Stanton, Huntingdonshire, England22 JUN 1906Kensington Park Gardens, Londonstanwardine
Eileen Blanche Coote18 JUL 1909Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, England30 JAN 2001Uckfield, Sussex, Englandstanwardine
Nina Violet Eyre Coote9 MAY 1904stanwardine
Noëmi Coote19061922stanwardine
Thomas Cameron Coote1879Broomfield Tower, Jesmond, Newcastle upon Tyne16 DEC 1940Edmonton, Middlesex, Englandstanwardine
V Cootestanwardine
Edward CopeABT 153020 JUN 1557stanwardine
Isabel Cope15051655stanwardine
Ursula CopeABT 1554stanwardine
Walter Cope155631 JUL 1614stanwardine
F Copland-Griffithsstanwardine
Alice CorbetABT 1100Alcester, Warwickshire, EnglandBEF 1178stanwardine
Alice CORBET1389Leighton Montgomery, Cheshire, England8 SEP 1458stanwardine
Alice De Corbet1156Wattlesboro, Shropshire, EnglandDECEASEDstanwardine
Andrew CORBET1640stanwardine
Andrew CORBET1639stanwardine
Andrew Corbet1522Moreton Corbet, Shropshire, England16 AUG 1578stanwardine
Anne CORBET1671stanwardine
Arthur Corbet1566StanwardineSpstanwardine
Blanche CorbetABT 1432stanwardine
Dorothy CorbetABT 1495stanwardine
Ebraid CorbetDECEASEDstanwardine
Elizabeth CORBETABT 1643Of, Baschurch, Shropshire, Englandstanwardine
Elizabeth CORBET1663stanwardine
Elizabeth CORBETABT 1610Of, Stanwardine, Shropshire, Englandstanwardine
Everard CorbetABT 1091Caus Castle, Shropshire, EnglandAFT 1155stanwardine
Fulk Corbet25 MAY 1284Moreton Corbet, Wem, Shropshire, England1323stanwardine
Gertrude CORBETABT 1572Of, Stanwardine, Shropshire, England4 APR 1643stanwardine
Henry CORBET16821717(sp)stanwardine
Hugh CorbetABT 1118Wattlesborough, Shropshire, EnglandAFT AUG 1130stanwardine
Hugh CorbetABT 1046Pays-DE-Caux, Seine-Inferieure, Normandy, France1063stanwardine
Hugh CorbetABT 1155Pontesbury, Shropshire, EnglandAFT 1198stanwardine
Hugh Le CorbetABT 1025Pays-DE-Caux, Seine-Inferieure, Normandy, FranceAFT 1080stanwardine
Jane CORBET1677stanwardine
Jane CORBETABT 1574Of, Stanwardine, Shropshire, Englandstanwardine
Joan Corbet1261Moreton, Oswestry, Shropshire, Englandstanwardine
Joan CORBETMoreton Corbet, Shropshire, England1359Englandstanwardine
J Corbetstanwardine
John CORBET1675(sp)stanwardine
John CorbetABT 1286Moreton Corbet, Wem, Shropshire, EnglandBEF 1352stanwardine
John CorbetABT 1240Moreton Corbet, Wem, Shropshire, EnglandAFT 1314stanwardine
John CorbetABT 1309Wattlesborough, Shropshire, EnglandAFT 1367stanwardine
John CORBETABT 1360AFT 1389stanwardine
John CORBET25 MAR 1298BEF 1347stanwardine
John CORBETABT 1324BEF 1383stanwardine
Letitia (Lettice) CORBET1638Of, Baschurch, Shropshire, Englandstanwardine
Lucy CORBET1679stanwardine
Margaret CORBETABT 1646Of, Baschurch, Shropshire, Englandstanwardine
Margaret CORBET1673stanwardine
Margaret CORBETABT 1576Of, Stanwardine, Shropshire, Englandstanwardine
Margaret CORBET1579Of, Moreton Corbet, Shropshire, Englandstanwardine
Margaret Corbet1268Moreton, Oswestry, Shropshire, Englandstanwardine
Margaret CorbetABT 1310Wattlesborough, Shropshire, EnglandAFT 1385stanwardine
Margaret CorbetABT 1525Moreton Corbet, Shropshire, Englandstanwardine
Margery CORBETABT 1513Astley, Cheshire, EnglandBET 1544 AND 1609stanwardine
Martha CORBET1685stanwardine
Mary CORBETABT 1650Of, Baschurch, Shropshire, Englandstanwardine
Mary CORBET1665stanwardine
Mary CORBETABT 1608Of, Stanwardine, Shropshire, Englandstanwardine
Mary CORBETABT 1430AFT 1450stanwardine
Miss CorbetABT 1095Caus Castle, Shropshire, EnglandDECEASEDstanwardine
Miss CorbetABT 1147Pontesbury, Shropshire, EnglandDECEASEDstanwardine
Mr CORBETABT 1648Of, Baschurch, Shropshire, Englandstanwardine
Mrs. Hugh 1025 CorbetDECEASEDstanwardine
Mrs. Roger 1050 CorbetDECEASEDstanwardine
Mrs. Simon 1116 CorbetDECEASEDstanwardine
Mrs. Thomas 1135 CorbetDECEASEDstanwardine
Mrs. William 1080 CorbetDECEASEDstanwardine
Peter CORBETABT 1315Shropshire, Englandstanwardine
Peter CORBETABT 1415Moreton Corbet, Shropshire, EnglandAFT 1483stanwardine
Petronilla CorbetABT 1238Moreton Corbet, Wem, Shropshire, EnglandDECEASEDstanwardine
Phlip CorbetABT 1161Pontesbury, Shropshire, EnglandDECEASEDstanwardine
Reginald CORBETABT 1568Of, Stanwardine, Shropshire, Englandstanwardine
Renaud CorbetABT 1050Pays-DE-Caux, Seine-Inferieure, Normandy, France1124stanwardine
Richard CORBET1672AFT 1686stanwardine
Richard CORBET1564Chesthill Grange, Cheshire10 MAR 1625(sp)stanwardine
Richard CorbetABT 1154Wattlesboro, Shropshire, EnglandAFT 1217stanwardine
Richard CorbetABT 1173Wattlesboro, Shropshire, EnglandBEF 1235Moreton Corbet, Wem, Shropshire, Englandstanwardine
Richard CorbetABT 1200Moreton Corbet, Wem, Shropshire, England1255stanwardine
Richard CorbetABT 1236Moreton Corbet, Wem, Shropshire, England1267stanwardine
Richard CorbetABT 1305Wattlesborough, Shropshire, EnglandABT 1355stanwardine
Robert CORBET1644(sp)stanwardine
Robert CORBET1661AFT 1686(sp)stanwardine
Robert CORBETABT 1606Of, Stanwardine, Shropshire, Englandstanwardine
Robert CORBETABT 1635, Baschurch, Shropshire, England(sp)stanwardine
Robert CorbetABT 1052Pays-DE-Caux, Seine-Inferieure, Normandy, FranceABT 1130Alcester, Warwickshire, Englandstanwardine
Robert Corbet1234Moreton Corbet, Wem, Shropshire, EnglandNOV 1300Wattlesburgh & Moreton Corbet, Shroppshire, Englandstanwardine
Robert CorbetABT 1099Caus Castle, Shropshire, EnglandAFT 1147stanwardine
Robert CorbetABT 1083Alcester, Warwickshire, EnglandAFT 1142stanwardine
Robert CorbetABT 1535Moreton Corbet, Shropshire, England30 JAN 1593/1594Stanwardine Hall, Baschurch, Shropshire, Englandstanwardine
Robert Corbet1501Moreton Corbet, Shropshire, England20 DEC 1538Moreton Corbet, Shropshire, Englandstanwardine
Robert CORBET8 DEC 1383Moreton Corbet, Wem, Shropshire, England12 AUG 1420stanwardine
Robert CORBETABT 1250stanwardine
Robert CORBETABT 1477Moreton Corbet, Wem, Shropshire, England11 APR 1513Moreton Corbet, Wem, Shropshire, Englandstanwardine
Robert CORBETABT 1410Moreton Corbet, Wem, Shropshire, EnglandJAN 1439/1440Shawbury, Wem, Shropshire, Englandstanwardine
Robert CORBETABT 1442Leigh, Shropshire, EnglandLeigh, Shropshire, Englandstanwardine
Robert CORBET25 DEC 1304Wattlesboro, Shropshire, England3 DEC 1375Moreton Corbet, Wem, Shropshire, Englandstanwardine
Robert II Corbet1151Wattlesboro, Shropshire, England1222stanwardine
Roger CORBET1561(sp)stanwardine
R CORBETstanwardine
Roger CorbetABT 1050Pays-DE-Caux, Seine-Inferieure, Normandy, FranceAFT 1122Caus Castle, Shropshire, Englandstanwardine
Roger CorbetABT 1110Wattlesborough, Shropshire, EnglandABT 1165stanwardine
Roger CorbetABT 1097Caus Castle, Shropshire, England1175stanwardine
Roger CorbetABT 1159Wattlesboro, Shropshire, England23 APR 1231Pontesbury, Shropshire, Englandstanwardine
Roger CorbetABT 1283Moreton Corbet, Wem, Shropshire, EnglandAFT 1323stanwardine
Roger CorbetABT 1232Moreton Corbet, Wem, Shropshire, EnglandDECEASEDstanwardine
Roger CorbetABT 1193Wattlesborough, Shropshire, EnglandDECEASEDstanwardine
Roger CorbetABT 1172Wattlesborough, Shropshire, EnglandABT 1204stanwardine
Roger CorbetABT 1414Moreton Corbet, Wem, Shropshire, England5 JUN 1467Englandstanwardine
Roger CORBETABT 1330Moreton Corbet, Shropshire, EnglandJAN 1395/1396Shawbury, Wem, Shropshire, Englandstanwardine
Sibyl (Adela) (Lucy) CORBET1076stanwardine
Simon CorbetABT 1125Pontesbury, Atcham, Shropshire, EnglandBEF 1165stanwardine
Simon CorbetABT 1100Wattlesboro, Shropshire, EnglandAFT 1155Caus, Shropshire, Englandstanwardine
Simon CorbetABT 1093Caus Castle, Shropshire, EnglandAFT 1155stanwardine
Susannah CORBETABT 1570Of, Stanwardine, Shropshire, Englandstanwardine
Sybilla CorbetABT 1070Alcester, Warwickshire, EnglandAFT 1157Englandstanwardine
Thomas CORBET1669BEF 1686(sp)stanwardine
Thomas CORBET1636Of, Baschurch, Shropshire, Englandstanwardine
Thomas CorbetABT 1135Wattlesboro, Shropshire, EnglandDECEASEDstanwardine
Thomas CorbetABT 1307Wattlesborough, Shropshire, EnglandABT 1355stanwardine
Thomas CORBET25 DEC 1281Moreton Corbet, Wem, Shropshire, EnglandBEF 7 MAY 1310Wattlesborough, Shropshire, Englandstanwardine
Thomas CORBETABT 1562Of, Stanwardine, Shropshire, England17 NOV 1615stanwardine
Vincent Corbet1550Moreton Corbet, Shropshire, England8 MAR 1622/1623stanwardine
W Corbetstanwardine
Walter CorbetABT 1114Wattlesborough, Shropshire, EnglandDECEASEDstanwardine
Walter CorbetABT 1157Pontesbury, Shropshire, EnglandAFT 1208stanwardine
William CORBETABT 1667Of, Baschurch, Shropshire, Englandstanwardine
William CorbetABT 1080Caus Castle, Shropshire, EnglandAFT 1136Wattlesboro, Shropshire, Englandstanwardine
William CorbetABT 1112Wattlesborough, Shropshire, EnglandDECEASEDstanwardine
William CorbetABT 1153Pontesbury, Shropshire, EnglandABT 1153stanwardine
Peter CORBICONABT 1244stanwardine
Sybil CORBICONABT 1276Studley, Warwickshire, Englandstanwardine
Elise De CorbielABT 1048Corbeil, Marne, FranceDECEASEDstanwardine
Barbara CorneySEP 1919Halifax, Yorkshirestanwardine
C Corney1976ALTRINCHAM Cheshire Englandstanwardine
E Corney1974ALTRINCHAM Cheshire Englandstanwardine
Gerald Corney27 SEP 1928Halifax, YorkshireDEC 2001Croydon, London, Surrey, Englandstanwardine
Harold Corney8 JUL 1915Halifax, Yorkshire West RidingAPR 1998Rotherham, Derbyshire, Yorkshire, Englandstanwardine
Jack Corney19 MAR 1924Halifax, Yorkshire15 AUG 2003Isle Of Wight, Englandstanwardine
Peter Hugh Corney2 DEC 1956Bowdon, Cheshire, EnglandJAN 2000Aberconwy, Gwynedd, Walesstanwardine
R Corney1951stanwardine
Tom Corney1891Halifax, Yorkshire, EnglandMAR 1972Blackpool, Lancashire, Englandstanwardine
CornieliaRome in about 68 BCstanwardine
Frances Cornillan1865Edinburgh1934stanwardine
A Cornwallstanwardine
A Cornwallstanwardine
A Cornwallstanwardine
B Cornwallstanwardine
D Cornwallstanwardine
H Cornwallstanwardine
P Cornwallstanwardine
Mary CorrieBEF 17791813stanwardine
L Corriganstanwardine
Thomas William Edward Corrigan25 AUG 1961stanwardine
J Corsanestanwardine
M Corsanestanwardine
Cossutia\Fulviaabout 123 BCstanwardine
S Costastanwardine
Mary de COUCYABT 1220Francestanwardine
Margaret Countess of Carrick1250Carrick, Scotlandstanwardine
Philippa d'Avesnes, Countess of Hainault24 JUN 1311Mons, Hainaut, Belgium14 AUG 1369Windsor Castle, Windsor, Berkshire, Englandstanwardine
Joan Plantagenet, Countess of Kent29 SEP 13288 AUG 1385Wallingford Castle, Berkshire, Englandstanwardine
Margaret Beaufort, Countess of Richmond and Derby31 MAY 1443Bletsoe, Bedfordshire, England29 JUN 1509Westminster, London, Greater London, Englandstanwardine
Alice Montacute, Countess of Salisbury1406Salisbury, Wiltshire, England9 DEC 1462Bisham, , Berkshire, Englandstanwardine
Philippa Plantagenet of Clarence, Countess of Ulster16 AUG 13555 JAN 1382stanwardine
Margaret de Stafford, Countess of Westmoreland1364Brancepeth, Durham, England9 JUN 1396Raby, Durham, Englandstanwardine
Agnes CouplandABT 1655Achenleck, Scotlandstanwardine
Isobel CouplandABT 1655Dressetland, Dumfries Scotlandstanwardine
Catherine Courtanay3 JAN 1306/1307stanwardine
Godiva Of CoventryABT 1002Buckinghamshire, EnglandAFT 1086Coventry, Warwickshire, England (Mercia)stanwardine
Mrs-Thorold Of CoventryABT 985Mercia, EnglandDECEASEDstanwardine
Thorold Of CoventryABT 985Coventry, Warwickshire, England (Mercia)DECEASEDstanwardine
A Cowanstanwardine
L Coxstanwardine
Ada Cragg19161999stanwardine
Alice Briggs Crane19 FEB 1870Herriman, Salt Lake, Utah, USA17 MAR 1933Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utahstanwardine
James Crane1 APR 1830Penally, Pembrokeshire, Wales6 JUL 1886Herriman, Salt Lake, Utah, USAstanwardine
A Crawford1989stanwardine
C Crawford1991stanwardine
C Crawford1932stanwardine
C Crawford1956stanwardine
E Crawford1988stanwardine
F Crawfordstanwardine
G Crawford1940stanwardine
H Crawfordstanwardine
I Crawfordstanwardine
J Crawford1987stanwardine
John Anthony Crawford7 MAY 1929stanwardine
L Crawford1977stanwardine
S Crawford1941stanwardine
V Crawford1985stanwardine
Wilfred Hornby Crawford24 AUG 19156 JUN 1993stanwardine
W Crawford1944stanwardine
M Crecitusabout 100 BC71 BCstanwardine
Adelaide De Crecy1040Crecy, France1104stanwardine
Melisende De Crecy1084Crecy, France1147stanwardine
Hugh 'The Great' Crepi1050Vermandois, Normandy, France18 OCT 1101Tarsus, Sicilystanwardine
Son De CrepiABT 1090Crepy, France1152stanwardine
S Cretestanwardine
Turstin Of CreullyABT 1053FranceDECEASEDstanwardine
Hamo Dapifer CrevecouerABT 1032Torigny-Sur-Vire, Manche, Normandy, France1100Kent, England (Sheriff In 1086)stanwardine
Mrs. Hamo CrevecouerDECEASEDstanwardine
Hamo De CrevequerABT 1060Cruelly, Calvados, Normandy, France1119Chatham, Medway, Kent, Englandstanwardine
Joan CREWE1280stanwardine
G Crichtonstanwardine
H Crichtonstanwardine
J Crichtonstanwardine
J Crichtonstanwardine
Margaret Crichton180121 SEP 1859stanwardine
R Crichtonstanwardine
C Cripps1940stanwardine
Hesilia (Elise) CrispinABT 1025Tillieres, Anjou, FranceAFT 1086stanwardine
E TillieresNormandystanwardine
Bruttia Crispina183stanwardine
C Crispinastanwardine
James Crompton5 JAN 1774Lancashire, England10 MAR 1845Prestwich, Lancashirestanwardine
Sally Crompton16 SEP 1806Whitefield (Pilkington), Lancashire, Englandstanwardine
Margaret Crosbie1670Tubrid, Ireland9 FEB 1759Irelandstanwardine
Crosby12 MAR 1867Aldred Place, Salford12 MAR 1867Aldred Place, Salfordstanwardine
William Crosby10 JAN 182621 JAN 1904Aldred Street, The Crescent, Salfordstanwardine
Elizabeth Cross1669City of Cork, Cork Co., Ireland22 MAR 1732stanwardine
Helena of the Cross248330Far Eaststanwardine
Georgiana Marian Frances Crowe1873stanwardine
C Cruddasstanwardine
Florence Cecelia Henrietta Cumberlege1853India27 JUN 191412 Tisbury Rd, Hove, Sussexstanwardine
M Cummingstanwardine
Kunigonda CunegondeABT 835stanwardine
Cybil Harriet Cunliffe7 MAR 1929Victoria Hotel, Sidmouth, Devonstanwardine
Jean CunnighamABT 1575Cunnighamstanwardine
Alexander Cunningham1515stanwardine
Lady Janet CunninghamABT 1515Glencairn, Maxweltonstanwardine
Nora Cunningham8 MAY 1874stanwardine
William CunninghamABT 1545stanwardine
Alexander Cunningham (1st Earl of Glencairn)1426Kilmaursstanwardine
Robert Cunningham (2nd Earl of Glencairn)ABT 1450Glencairn, Scotlandstanwardine
Cuthbert Cunningham (3rd Earl of Glencairn)1470Finlaystone Castle, Scotland1541stanwardine
William Cunningham (4th Earl of Glencairn)ABT 1490Glencairn, Maxweltonstanwardine
Joyce Mary Curzon-Howe16 JUL 1906stanwardine
Vida CuthbertBEF 1915stanwardine
D Cutlarstanwardine